The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 06, 1879, Image 3

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    -v.- l
J 'f"""f'"-r"J, -s - .u(. -v ,"'"-7" ,-iiSntf'
Ixjo uiu starimi
.Monday Exceeiod..
:. iz:be..i: - - jrB!isiMZ'K.
terms of Subscriptien:
Served by rrner, per week 25 Cent
Seat by mail, tour ioohUi? .. S Oil
Sonthy mail, tnc year - Oil
froe k" Putse to .- bseribers.
tXV AIvcruMeb inserted ly tJ your ai
th raaeai'Sl .i it r.are er xntrntk.
Trieni advcrti-ins. by the day or woek.
Sfty corns iKif s.uiare tr each insertion.
Tint Daily Aflvu:u:-' c7 W. ,en( bu
mtttivt : Co.: a month, iree f wcpc. Remi
jjw what ?nnicmt'dr tumcttce f the
Jnv Thk Astokiaj uMfW ihem. .Daily
w Wkkkly tuWiintrt In any ;m-Jnv. r7h-
tuMumai ''xtunf. iircafv may ho
CMtuffrd i '.'; .i tic-tired. Jeare truer ut
Ote- cmimtAwj rim.
The Honora brought ;i valuable
cargo froii Tillam.ok.
The wife of C. Faranan of Deep
river, will Ixj buried :tt Deep river
settJemont to-day.
Mr. G .lines expects to leave As
toria for the wist by tht outgoing
steamer this week.
G've tlie Royal Havana Lottery
one trial and then curse your luck
for biting at a fraud.
Sixty packages choice Tillamook
'butter ex-schooner Moiiora all sizes
of packages from 20 lbs. to 40 lb kegs
at Larsons.
Mr. Win. Fry, one of the best
boot and shoe makers in the city,
presents his compliments to the pub
lic through our advertising columns to
day. Richard Lemon was badly hurt
by falling into the hold of the S. B.
Allen day before yesterday, but was
around the city again last evening.
--Ehrich& Co., 205 Eighth Ave
nue New York are posseessed of un
limited cheek. Wonder how mairy
publishers in Oregon will bite at their
Fashion Quarterly advertising dodge ? j
Eighty-five lines for fifteen cents!
Astor lodge No. 0, K. of P.,
elected officers Wednesday evening.
Hon. I. W. Case was chosen C. C. ;
Mr. Douglass, V. C. and F. Elberson,
Prelate. The lodge talk of having a
public installation.
Mr. Andrew Johnson, fishing for
theTanzy point cannery was arrested
and had his triai and was acquitted,
on a charge of throwing out his net
before time on Sunday. Our iurfonn
ant says it was a malicious proseccu
tion on the part of the complaining
witness. Mr. Johnson is a very high
ly resnected man.
A letter wsts picked up on the
Oregon Steam Navigation company's
dock, unsealed, which the owner can
have upon application at this office.
He may recognize it from an extract
which we quete: :One thing I have
not seen, and one thing I have not
heard, since I came here. I have not
seen Leinenweber mad (I hear that he
does get mad sometimes); and I have
not heard Jo. Hume speak the truth."
The "Boomerang railroad" grant,
as the defunct Oregon Herald used to
term it, was approved May 4th, IS70.
It was calculated to aid in the con
struction of a railroad "from Portland
to Astoria and McMinnvillc." The
settlement of this county has been
retarded, held in check; for nearly ten
years in consequence of this grant, and
yet there is no road. Now we want
to see congress legislate this grant
back to the public domain, for the
tise of settlers. If the holders of the
graait will not build this sixty-fivM
miles of nd, let the people have the
Jaindj if they want it, for cultivation.
The Ks.Hssnjc LiI:iSc.
Mr. Henry Thompson of upper As
toria, has sent us the back-bone, kip
d thih bones, and bones of the tail,
,!i perfect specimens of the ''missing
link' spoken of by Darwin; or if they
are not the bones of the missing link
what is it? We invite scientists to
take a look at this great curiosity.
Something "Kciv.
In the Police court 3'esterday a wo
man by the name of Mary AlcCarty
was placed on trial for drunkenness.
In the face of the fact that she was
broke she was sent below for twenty
four hours. Another old bum of the
male persuasion paid his line.
Cliureh. 3Teetin".
?Ir. S. Gray requests us to state
lihat there will be a meeting of the
Baptist church this evening and a full
;ittendanc is desired,
State Riglits.
It is contended by several of the
rcpnblican leaders in congress that !
the southern people are as much !
. . , . - t
attached to the extreme doctrine
of state rights now as they were,
previous to the war. This is em
phatically denied by southern
members, and yet a few of these,
by their injudicious utterances,
betray that a little of the old lea
ven still lingers in their natures.
Those who admire the teachings!
of J chn C Calhoun, will have to
content themselves with ins theo
ries, which, so long as the union
exists, can never be put into prac
tice. This much was decided by
the results of the war, and has
been fully recognized by l lie Su
preme court of the United States.
In an opinion delivered bv Chief
.Justice Wake, in 1875, that jniint
was definitely settled. 1 he learn
ed jurist said:
The government thus established
and defined is to Home extent a gov
ernment of the states in their politi
cal capacity. It is also for certain
purposes a government of the ieople.
Its powers are limited in number, buti
not in degree. Within the scope of
its powers, as enumerated and de
fined, it is supreme and above the
states, but leyond it has no existence.
It was erected for special purposes and
endowed with all the powers neces
sary for its own preservation and the
accomplishment of the ends its peo
ple had in view. It can neither grant
nor secure to its citizens an' right or
privilege not expressly or by implica
tion placed under its jurisdiction. The
people of the United States resident
within any state are subject to two
governments one state and the other
national; but there need be no con
flict between the two. The power
which one possesses the other does
not. They are established for differ
ent purposes and have different juris
dictions. The fourth ol'.luly.
One of our valued correspondents
thinks that "it would be a reflection
upon Astorians to let the fourth of
July pass without a suitable celebra
tion." Perhaps it would. There are
a great many outsiders who would
come to town no doubt if there was to
be anything like a celebration. We
have always felt that fourth of July
celebrations were m some sort ot way
needful to the development of a proper
spirit among people in a community.
That celebrations should be conducted
upon a bu"s of patriotism, more than
policy; bu'lhisyear. as we have said
before, we made inquiry and found
that both Kttnotism and policy were
opposd t celebrating. If any per
son has d covered things dificrent
lr, ami thiik that we can celebrate;
pop ahead. Now is the time to begin,
if anything is to be done; and by
proper eoim littees making a canvas it
will not taki very long to find out just
how much eople want to celebrate,
basing patriotism upon the sum sub
scribed to hep it along.
Ifceath f 3? va. Stewart.
The many friends of Major Stewart,
of Fort Canbv will be pained to learn
that Mi's. Stewart is dead. She died at
the Occident hotel in this citr yester
day. While 1 1 rimt-e to the post from
California Mr. Stewart was confined
on lxi&ul the oteamship Oregon, and
IV. nvf.i1 ! iiuuitfilf oi'iintl:i(: '
to the bereaved ones.
Tiie Fishermen! "L'nion.
A meelinjf w'H be held on Saturday
evening-. June 7th, 1K7H. at the hall over
the Crystal saloo.i. at efclit o'clock,
sharp- BoBEKr Makhiott.
President .
Kxcitraioza to tnjret 5$itnsl.
A o-rri ivHii.iiiii frnm Port lmirl in
Tickets gooil till July 15th.
Oregon strawlerrefi, the first of
the season, at Larsens.
Tbe "YVaitsburg Times thinks
that Walla Walla and Columbia
counties will be annexed to Ore
gon by the present congress.
A new mail roilte has been
granted from Poraercy to Almota,
and thence to Colfax, but no con-
tract has been let to supply the
offices on the road.
uixm reaching Astoria it became neccs- nal weakness, nervous debility and nar- ' . . . n. .. ,.,,. ! ANTOINE .1AMJ
sarv to rumn? her t tit hotel, which alysis made by the wonderful English J . . ; ! J 5 ? . ?" J r.o-tf Clifton.
was done in just as careful manner ! th.h: n bv a 1 o t S Vemedies com- " "real Intern sM.kmi. :uu ( listen tMjEXIfAirr.
was possible; but alas; she is dead, j tnvlm Whv will vou suffer? Send to ! u tni r' (1 tj,kl :i E"a.-.sot his hue y
mi ' i -i i ; t it r ..i !..., ' ill .linnet- jii i :i-i i . iiitrii in 44 & it. i; i .
Seattle, W. T. and Iwck. will come off J"0! " fw ' PTS?),? P. J. Cnoi Intaii. on Main street. has
June 24. Astorian and all others in lVwTis. V V- T 1 1 ;.- r;,V;,V i" nveived the latest ami r.mst fash
this vicinity who UU to join this party, i;11 ?.". ,V"?I,S H?;1: ! iS-rn, ,!,. ' liable stle of gent and ladies boots,
will meet them at Kaklama at il T'L.f ." 1 li!t "T ,! S shoes, etc.
nVifknfiliMt ilav ami take tJie Xor!-' f n11 noted Briln-h and American an- .
era I pt-?!k- ailrmd t liii for New Ta-! tlHrs fr"m arlit-M times to the prevent. .""M. C. Crosby is proved to do al
coeia luei. kinds of jobbing in t be plumbing and
wsi, tl"'-' writings. tints beimra eon- steam fitting line; also. ba:h tubs. ai
V-n'nd of t productions of ! water liacks r;r str.vis and ranges fur-
A gntnu uh'iioii .it eMrj nai win , hitelhi-i. It is miblished in nisheu on shortest notice,
greet the party in the evening. This is ! "V ,. I . " . , . ' . r I 1 JEfi,, 1..... .' .- .. r n .. im.:-.-
Tviii-r V l, i S evw'Twwi S lrlr,R low 's '1 reftllir asto11- liouse.whomeverylHMly knowsasapnpu
our imhiT(- lw itilX i.i?-Us e-m ' t mst lock liiivt-i-s, vie.: ill im- ir caterer, has fixed his hotel up in
vlsVewrV nace on thi sJSJid Th? ' lH"r- 'wpl'tt-. .52 00: JltiUi, S 00: half splendeil stvle. It Wall newly ,infrd
evci.riimiIi.T.r iL VnSt s of the i "'"riH-eo. S4 7.V, half moi-occo. the four i ami furnished, and is one or the most
M Y nwhtaSSSliiull ,v 1 volume edition, V; 75. From these low j attractive places on Main street. Call
Kev. lsaa"ri)fllom TieketS fSmi kI cljount of 10 Igit. is al- around; eveiT luxury of the season at
lama to Seattle and return. ml v S 50. , i'1 Hll1? "r,,milP 5 JS i innV the CUlra mtSi'-
rM.t i,i.... .. i ,1,,.. i..,i ,.,.;,. land a further di.scuntof 20 per cent. AJ f ti..orf tnni mwi mnrh'e
viiiiiiiv;ii uiiiu 1 mini-. nun iiiv.i
The Ittver of Deatfc.
Original. .
s deVni wide" " '
of the trembling of the soul when tliey
- i. m
reach al
The dark and rolling tide. " -
And I have read of the boatman grim,
Who draws near with iiiuftlqd;oar
To bear the shrinking spiritaway,
To that distant unknown shore.
1 have heard it called a trackljfss sea,
Of w aters deep and dark ;
Where the tide and billows oyer beat
Around our fragile bark.
It mav 1h so to the .soul without hope,
In the cleansing of Jesus1 bloud :
It mav Ik' that they in their onward way
Can see naught but a seething flood.
But I have oft in my visions and dreams
Stood hy the ripling tide.
Ami found it but a narrow stream,
And its waters smoothly glide".
Ami 1 have stepied down to its very
Yea. have crossed almost o'er.
Till I saw the throng and heard the shout
Of the blessed on the other shore.
And as 1 teppcd into its sintering wave
And supposed that I should have sank.
I found 1 btepiK'ri forward with perfect
And my sandals were scarcely damp.
And as I gazed on the limped stream
To know why the waters were mocked,
I saw lMMieath its trlistning sheen
A bridge hewn of solid rock.
And 1 looked again with longing eyes
On that bright and joous shore.
And I recognized, mid the Shining
Many loved ones gone before.
And they seemed to beekon me away
To that bright and gladsome clime;
But mv mission on earth was not yet
And 1 must return, for a time.
But I longed to cross the crystal stream.
I fear no billows wave.
For Jesus I know will be with me there
Ready to aid and save.
And those who come down to the waters
'Long the straight and narrow way,
Shall find Jesus' love as a bridge to the
And his smile shall light the. way.
Mr. E. J. CUfvrd, Portland, Oregon.
Ir. 52 in tic's Xejilirctlcmn A Coiuncniml
Extract of ilnchii.
Dr. Mintie's Xephretietim works won
ders. In all eases of Dropsy. Blight's
Disease. Kiduej. Bladder anil Urinary
Complaints, or detention of Urine, these
troubles are entirely cured by the Ne
phreticuni. Female "Weakness, Gravel.
DialK'tes, pain in the back, side and loin
are cured, when all other medicines
have failed.
See what the druggists of Portland
and San Francisco say about Dr. Min-
ties Aephreticuin and Lnglish Dande
lion Pills.
"We have sold a large anipunt of Dr.
Mintie's medicines; the English Dan
delion Pills; also the Nephreticum. and
in all cases they are highly spoken of
and give entire satisfaction.
John A.Childs, druggist, Second street,
C. II. Woodward &Co., druggists, cor
ner First and Alder streets. Portland.
Abrams fc Carroll, wholesale drug
gists, : and o Front street, San- Francis
co, say:
"We regard Nephreticum as the best
kidney aiid bladder remedy before the
For all derangements of the liver, use
Dr. .Mintie's English Dandelion Pills.
For Billiousness and Dyspepsia, use Dr.
Mintie's Dandelion Pills. For Fever
and Ague, use Dr. Mintie's English
Dandelion Pills.
Every family should keep the Eng Ihindelion Pills on hand.
Dr. Mintie's remedies will not "cure
all complaints," but if taken according
to directions, give immediate relief and
perfect a cure in all troubles for which
thev are recommended. For sale by
j It F. Caufield. druggist, Astoria, Oregon.
A. E. Miniie. M.l).."No. 11 Kearny street,
San I'mneisco.
Price, $ per
quantity, 310.
four times the
Try a
A Croat Literary lVork.
. A work that every lover of jrood litera
ture wants at constant command, le
cause. while it is superlatively attractive
ami interestimr in itself, it is also a key
and index to rll other good English lit
eratiire. enihluuj one to see ana juuije
! I"r J"UlseiI Wliat r.llimrs ami uooks ,r
' i when ordered in clubs of five or more
lit is lutt sold b dealers or agnnls, but
I only to buyers direut. by the publishers.
the American Book Exchange. 55 Beek-
mM street, New York, who win seiut
specimen pages, etc., free on request.
Most of the marble used on
this coast is from Vermont quar
ries. Marble is found in Califor-
1 ma, urn. experience inu wiucii
' that it is not sodurable as the Very
mont or Italian marble. There is
j said to be a species of marble on
j Snake river, but its value has
j never been tested by e.xteriment.
i i m-je mie iK-en mine uiu ui .;nm- tn ,!,.,,,,, ,,r j,,., m ., Verv lowest rates, will make tnem costs to nav lor it.
I. C. Johnson may be found at the
Occident in Atoria " every Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday evening, ready
to attend to messenger "duty in Portland
or to points along the river in a satisfac
otry manner.
Owing to making a change in her
j business. Mrs. Steers offers her stock of
millinery, notions, and ladies and cluld
rens ready made clothing, underwear,
jewelry, 'musical instruments, books
and stationery, at the lowest figures. Call
at the Bee Hive and see for yourself.
Goto the Little Bee Hive, branch
of the old Bee Hive, for books, music,
musical instruments, blank books, sta
tionery, and notions generally, where
for a short time you can get bargains,
llemember the Little Bee 1 live, next to
Deinent's drug store, and look at the
nice goods offered very cheap bv Mi:s.
Bergman & Berry have two new
boats for sale very cheap, JU foot keel.
Notions, candies and fruits of the
the best quality, at C. A. Mas.
Freh California fruit can be had
atC. A. May's on the arrhal of every
A full assortment of counter and
grocers scales can be found at M. C.
Croby"s. at IhhIoiu prices.
Magnus C. Croshj is sole agent for
the Medallion Bange in the Astoria
market, which is unquestionably the
best range on the Pacific kme. Call
and examine.
The x. a. of Beaver Lodge No. -".
i. o. o. f. instructs us. by order of the
bodge, to keep it before members that
next Lodge night election of officers
will take place. June ."ith. and a full at
tendance is required.
The lioss knight of the shining
Sheffield blade and a first-class hair
cutter, can be found at the Parker
House. Prices, '.") cents each for hair
cutting, shaving, dyeing, shampooing,
ami bath.
Persons wishing to prepare for
fishing on the Sound, or for small fish
will find a quantity of suitable twine at
J. II. D.Gray's. It is just the thing for
trout and herring nets.
Judging from the number of Chro
mos being carried around town the
Dollar More is doing a good business.
Fishermen can get a square meal
at any time, at Pike's restaurant. Unity,
for fish. Beferences: Fishermen who
have eaten there.
J.S.Mayer has opened Budolph
Barths beer hall near the Fishermen's
cannery. Call in when you are passing
and refresh yourself with the best in
the market.
The "California Dollar Store"
still continues the chief atti action of the
town, and "lucky ones" carry away their
finest chromes at One DoZ'reach. their
plated ware anil cutlery is of the finest
quality take a walk around and try
your luck.
Mr. G. Hansen watchmaker and
jeweler of long experience, has perma
nently established himself in business
in Caufield's drug store, Chenamus
street. Astoria. Watches and Jewelry
cleaned and repaired. (Jems re-set. En
graving a specialty. All work guaran
teed. Give him a trial and be. your own
judge of his workmanship. He will
soon add to his stock a well selected in
voice of Watches. Jewelry. Silver and
plated ware, which he will be able to
sell at verj low prices.
lee cream, and fresh fruits of all
kinds at Schmeers, opposite the bell
tower. Also iresh oysters, in every
A new lot of full bound blank, and
receipt books, specially for use in can
neries, at the City Book store.
There is no use talking Max Wag
ner of the Great Eastern saloon is the
only man to please his customers well.
IlekeejKs the finest San Francisco beer
in the city, it sparkles like champaigne.
; Fresh fruits and vegetables at
Booms to let. bv the da v. week, or
month, at Mrs. W. II Twilight's.
Ovsters served in everv style at
the Walla Walla Bestaurant
Now that building is reviving in
Astoria, bear in mind the fact that Peter
tuiiey is well supplied with all kinds of
milding" materials which he is prepared
j buu ' laneiseo beei.
Get vour baskets tilled for a little
money at I5ai ley's.
White Darlinjc potatoes at Berg
man & Berry's.
-Now is the time for eleanirg" up
our houses, and ornamenting tlu-ni.
lor this purjMs' you can lind noChinjj
that will add to tHe appearance of your
jiarlors so much as a mv of those ieau
tiful ehnmios at the Cjty HKk store,
sold fr nearly one-half the usual cost id
i sm.j, piftuivs.
Call and see for your-
cutter of Astoria will sua ran tee sati
faction to all ordering work of him. and
will do a lettei job for les money than
anv outside workman. His work in the
cefneterv here should be sufficient recom
mendation. Before you let your con
tracts for work of this kind it would he
well to call upon Mr. Stewart.
p H. GAJTi fc CO.,
Doors. Windows, Hl'ntls. Tran-
homs. X.t3iuber, Kte.
Steam Mili, Near Yeston Hotel,
Cor. Genevive and Astor streets.
Ill's M Variety Tkatre,
Containing six
The Decorations of the Now Theatre were
executed by Mr. F. Holt.
Tainted by Mr. "Win. "W'ost Architect antl
Jhiihlcr Mr. Kenible.
On and after this date will be given a
First Glass Entertainment,
Which for Refinement and Novelty cannot
be ciiialed on this coast. Our Per
formance ( 'ouinii noes with our
First Part of PaEe anil Female
Consisting of
Singing, Dancing, Acrobatic Feats,
Negro Sketches, Trapeze Performers,
Paniomimists end Juggleis.
To e" our Refined and Unequalled enter
tainment. New Acts. New Song's and com-
piete change of Programme twice a week.-
;e:. 13 SIX. Proprietor.
Entrance to Hoxes and Circle on Clicua
nuis Street. Performance to commence
at eight o'clock
JUNE 7. 1S79.
TTTANTKn. A situation hy a French cookr
IT in a Hotel, Restaurant. Chop !Ioiue.
Steamboat or Hoarding House of anv kind.
At O'llnen Hotel.
May i!Sth. in the breakers on the bar, a
fishing boat and net. which the owner or
owners can have upon proof of oweiship and
paying charges. Apply at the Cdoueester
louse. Astoria.
TVTCT FOl'Xa.-I have found a net
ll marked ROBERT WATSON, on
the buoy and W B on the corks. The
owner can have it bj paying charges.
Hamtai'oi's Tom Indian.
Ray t enter, T., May 21, 1S79. 2S-tf
LOST OK STOIiRX. On the night of
the 29th of May, about 80 fathom gill net.
branded on corks and leads PRp Co.
AVill pay a liberal reward for the net, or will
pay S1C0 for the arrest and conviction of the
party who stole it.
Tiller Rock, May 30, 1S79. 28-tf
"1VTKT TiOST. Lost on Friday night. May
JLi Both, in 31 id-bay right opposite the towiir
about 17.ri fathoms of web. American 10-nlv
I thread, to meshes deep ; marked on the
corks K 34. and K. " the leads. Th
finder will be rwaided by returning the
same to the ASTORIA FISHERY.
Astoria. May si. 1879. 28-tf
pol'SI).- About 20) fathom gill net web.
A No. a Harbours twine. -15 mesh, in two
pieces. Owner can have the same by prov
ing propertv and paying charges.
" A. ISOUTII it C.
Upper Astoria. May "0, JK7i. 27-tf
"JVOTK'K. All persons kuowingtheinselves
Is? indebted to the undersigned are re
quested to call and settle the same as soon as
possible, as under the circim stances funds
are necessary. We may be found at the
office of arren & MclJtiire for the invent
'I UENrilAJJb & UPallUR.
Astoria. May li. lsiy.
miM ELY NOTICE. (Seorge Nicholas has
X been lined in jail by falsehood of a
boat-puller tor laying out his net Saturday
mirlit I tiiii'(- 1ti.Hi.vo it unil tutu' .iftt.i-f?
o'clock Saturday night, until Sunday nfeht.
I if I find any boat at tow head laying out L
Oregon w
Gcciiient Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon
Slot, '!. SB:voi
Steam and Hu!;!::ir
3rSjecial attention given to ladies' and"
chiltrirs hair cutting.
Piivxie Eiitronce for Indies.
Astoria Liquor Store,
A. DANilLSC2 - -
Keeps constantly on hand the finest as
sortment of
Wines, Liquers and Cigars,
Call and vc for yourself, on the roadway,
near the Oregon Steam Naxigarion Coiii-panjs-
Main stiect. opposite the Parker Ilouae.-
C. CAKOW, rnoruiicroR
Of the aliove named New Bakery,
lispcct fully invites ashan of the pulttic
patronage, confident of his ability to pleats
his putron.s.
lix'ooius, IJruslies and Wooilen-wiire,
Tobacco, Cigars and Stationery,
Gent's Fairnishisig: Goods, .Etc
.Near the Corner
Slain and Coucomly Sts., Asloria