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About The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1876)
w rsStSrtrCSESMflPRSEFniJvr gft gaiXs Qsteitim. WEDNESDAY. June 7, 1876. jfSr-Mr. Armstrong is taking about' ns nice pictures, at the Astoria Gallery, as any gallery in the State, Give him a call. . . jr-'Miss Crang will commence a private school on Monday next, June 5th, .in the Public School-house. "'"Charges iiliy cents per week for iach scholar. jsStMr. Charles Stevens at the city Rook Store i offering special inducements wj persons in warn oi nmcies in nis line, lie has a splendid stock, which he is closing out t cost, intending to quit the business. Eastern Oregon The Astorian is doing moio for t'oe interests of Eastern Oregon than any other pnper in the State. If you have a iriend or a relative in that section oj ihis country, cend him the pa per on trial. Only one dollar for four months. r5?Put Smith, a noted stock man, who has invested largely in blooded sheep arrived in Orogon again recently and will make arrangements lor distributing here among sheep owners, of a lot of thorough bred merino bucks. HewillairriveatA toiia with several head of young bucks about the first of June. See advertise ment. JWe rei'er our readers to the adver tisement of a farm for sale -on Deep river. This is the best opportunity that we know of lor any man wanting a good place, cheap, suitable for dairying or farming purpo-es. The onry reason for wishing to sell, is that the present owner Mr. C. M. Stark is about to engage in other busi ness. iZKlt is not the polished orator who shapes public opinion, but the quiet editor, whose words go out to the public ear without parade or ceremony. The orator may please the car or tickle the fan cy; but the editor does mere: He satisfies the mind, and carries to every household a fund of knowledge. The orator, by burn ing words and impassioned eloquence, may drive men to aense of duty; but an editor it he be true to his profession, at tracts men by the presentation of his thoughts which appeal to the nobler qual ities of head and heart. The words of the orator drop from the lips and are lost, while the words of the editor drop from the press, and like coined money, pass for what they are worth; if pure gold in the truths conveyed, they pass current every where. For good or evil, the edito wields a powerful influence. He can exalt or debase a community. He can advance public corruption. How important, then, that the editor should be a good man, and that all papers that convey correct senti ment to the public ear&houlu leceive lib eral support. How Advertising Affects Busi ness. The man who advertises his busi ness, if what he offers for sale is honestly what he represents it to be or what it ought to be, is constantly assisted in his business by those who have been attracted to him and tested him. A buyer has read his adveitisement, and gone to his store or work shop, warehouse, whatever it may be, and tried what was recommended. If it has satUHed him he is pleased and i . commends it to his neighbor, who is likely to go to the same place and tell his neigh bor in turn. And thus little rills stai ted by his advertisement flow in upon him from all side, and the current of his busi ness grows stronger and wider and more rapid, and he prospers and grows rich, all because strict attention in business he added judicious advertising. But for this he might have lingered on in the commu nity lor years and his business would scarcely have been heard of. An Editor's Appeal. As the report that we are very wealthy has gone abroad among our subscribers, and has made them awful slow about paying up, think ing, doubtless, we do not want the money, we hasten to &ay the report of our wealth is false in every particular. If ocean steamers were selling at a cent a dozen, we could not make the first payment on a canoe. The lightning of poverty has struck us square, and had it not been for an armful of hay which our devil man aged to steal from a blind mule, our family ouki be without a mouthful to eat at the present moment. Is not this a sad picture, and can you de linquent subscribers look upon it without feeling the coin rattle with indignation in your pockets. We do not like to dun you but we must if you fail to take the hint. "It Pays to Advkrtisk." This is true in every department of, business, and no one ap preciates its truth more fully than S. 11. Thompson. Some time since he received the Agency, for this county, of the Cunningham 'Garden City Clipper I'low," and immediate ly advertised the same in our paper. Green B. Smith, Ksq.. a patron of the Gazette, saw the advertisement and forthwith rushed to Thompson's and purchased four of these cele brated plowfl which at once have sprung into popular favor. 2s o mater how good and valu able an article may be, a merchant or dealer may keep it upon his shelves, or in his store for months, or even years, and but lew will know anything of its good qualities, unless he advertises, tor years Jlr. Thompson carried on business here, and spent but little for advertising. Within the past two years his business has increased nearly double, and he attributes it to judicious advertising. If you want to thrive in business, ADVKBTiSKCor vallis Gazette. Spkctal Notice. We shall not, cannot, in future, answer letters of inguiry written to us by parties desirous of settling iu Oregon, un less such letters of inquiry contain at least the amount of stamps necessary to pay postage on the return letter. For 2-5 cents we will for ward four copies of The Astorian, of separ ate dales, to any address in the United State, postage paid. Buchtel k fetolte, 91 and 8 First street, Fort-4 " "'" cn. vtwaunuuj' IU VfOffUU. iV Mf - -''-it. nwf vosy- Drift and low Heads 1876. Upper Astoria, Clatsop county . Oregon.) April 24, 1870. J At a Special meeting of the Colum bia '.River Fisfaermens Beneficial Aid Society, the following regulations for the, government of all concerned were adopted. That the following drifts and tow heads he established for the fishing season of 1876. First Drift. From Woody Island to Brown's point. Second Drift. From Brown's Point inside of Snag Island to the 12th red buo3r. Third Drift. From the 15th buoy to Tongue Point Fourth Drift. From Tongue Point to a jpoint a little west of Booth's Cannery, at a place to be designated by & spile or some permanent mark. Fifth Drift, From the termina tion of the 4th drift to Smith's Point. Sixth Drift. From-Smith's Point to the Pacific Ocean. Seventh Drift. From the red buoy in the Prairie channel to Tongue Point up or down. Eighth Drift, f he big snag in Chinook shoot will be considered a tow head. The fishermen in Astoria, in coun cil have mutually agreed to bind themselves to be governed by the foregoing drifts, and it is expected from boats outside of the Society that they will also conform to the same. By order of the Society, THOMAS D'EALEY, Sec . Temple Lodge, No. 7, A. F. A. M. Regular Communications first and Q third Saturdays i.i each month, at 7.o0 QT o'clock, p. w at le Hall in Astoria. Members of the Older, in good standing, are invited to attend. By ordei of Uie W. M. Beaver Lodge, No. 35, 1. O. O. F. at Hall. cfi-nnta Acfnrio Mnmlinrc nf flin Order are invited to attend. By order. Astoria Lodge No. 40, 1. O. G. T. Regular Meeting every Saturday Evening at8 o'clock, at Good Templar's Hall, Chena mus Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker's toro. Members of the Order, in good stand ing, are invited to attend. Degree meeting 1st Monday each month. By order W. 0. T. Youngs River Grange, P. of H. Meets on the fourth Sat urdnv of each month at 11 o'clock a. m. Patrons in good standing are invited to attend. By order of V. M. Common Council. Regular meetings first Monday evening in each month, at 7 o'clock iteQ" Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meeting, must present the same to the Recorder, or Mayor on or before tho Friday evening prior to the Monday on which the Council holds its regular meetings. T. W. CASE, Mayor. F. J. Taylor, Recorder. C. R. F. B. A. SOCIETY NOTICE. Anv fishernan on tho Colum bia river, wishing to join the Fishermans Association can an-' plv in person or by letter to tho following officers of tho Associatien: J. B. Nice, Pres ident, Waterford; B. P. Sheppard. Manhatten Fishery,Lodgo Deputy, andrfnos.Dealloy, Sec retary, Astoria Ogn. A cord i pi invitation is hereby tendered to all to avail themselves of this privilege. By order of tho President. Thomas Dealey, Sccrotary. MISCELLANEOUS. Globe HoteL N. KOEFCED Proprietor. Cor. Concomly and Main Sts, ASTORIA OREGON. THIS OLD AND WELL KNOWN STAND is one of tho best and most convenient Hotels for Mechanics, and has excellent facili ties for the accommodation of tho traveling public In connection witk the Hotel is A First Class Restaurant, Whore ratals can be had at all hours. There is also a BILLIARD AND BAR ROOM Attached to the Hotel, where the choicost qualities of Winen, Liquors and Cigars may bo btained. Occident Hotel, Astoria, Oregon. Tho Proprietors are happy to announce that tho above Hotel has been Repainted and Refurnished, Adding greatly to the comfort of its guests AHD IS NOW THE BEST HOTEL NORTH OF SAN FRANCISCO. A. J. MEGLER, C. S. WRIGHT, Proprietors. Bay View mm, w. t., C. H. DEXTER, r PROPRIETOR. Meet every Thursday evening. ySir 8 o'clock, in the Odd Fellow's Jrm car. of Cass nnd Chenanius sS?-eS. -vsatxv N.G, 3g MISCELLANEOUS. F OR SALE. The Engine belonging to k Astoria Fire Company No. 1, ' tor iunner particulars impure, of tho Committee on Public, rroperty. By order of tho Common Council. FRANK J. TAYLOlt.Kecordor. "DLOODED SHEEP. About tho first of June, tho undersigned will visit ' 1'latftep and Tariffs Crantlctf bringing with him from tho famous stock of Peters & Severance, California, several Theraagfcbrcd .Merino Hacks, One year old. which will bo sold cheap. PUT SMITH. Portland, Ogn Eggs for Hatching. WHITEXEGUORN FOWLS, BAILEY'S STOCK, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, Non Sitters, Good Layers. EGGS, $2 00 PER DOZEN. Orders accompanied with cash or approved jawbone promptly attended to. Dan. J. INGALLS. Astoria, Oregon. Farm and Stock on Deep River For Sale. 0 1G6 Acrc, partly Improved, (toed Rnild- lngS Cattle, Sail Hunt, etc.. etc., All r which will lie Sold Cheap Tor Canh. o fiSTFor full particulars inquire at this Ofiice or on tho premises of C, M. STARK. RARE OPPORTUNITY For ProfltableInvestment, IofFcr for sale all my real estate in Clatsop County, consisting of my original Donation claim, on Lewis and Clarke river, consisting of five hundred acres' tide land meadow, ac knowledged to be tho nest stock claim in the county. Also, a largo interest in tho Upper Town of Astoria, a portion of John Adair's do nation claim. Enquire of the subscriber. T. 1'. POWERS. ' Farm for Sale. 320 Acres Partly Under Cultiva tion, about Half of the tract tide land. SITUATED IN PACIFIC COUNTY, NEAR UNITY. Will bo sold cheap for cash, with or without stock. Good house and out buildings and orchard. For full description and further par ticulars apply to or address JOHN HUNTER. Unity, W. T. Eeal Estate for Sale Lots 2, 3, 7, in Block 18 adatTS " 1,2,3, " 19 j fstorVr. Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, in Block 1 shivelu's " 1, in Block 18 J Astoria. Lot 7, in Block 66 S lit T.nfa 7 ."Rlnolr fiO I 0ney's . w ., , .v f .,-. Lot 2, in Block 99 i naLuriu. O . alse: , South East Quarter of Section , Town 8 Range 9 West ; North West Quarter of Section 36, Town 8 Range 9 West. TITLES UNQUESTIONABLE. TERMS EASY. jj"For particulars inquire of A. VanDUSEN. a-KMSEY, ON THE ROADWAY, NEAR HUME & Co's. CANNERY, Astoria, Oregon , DEALER IN k yflfcl -v Building Materials OF EVERY KIND. Nails of All Descriptions. DOORS AND WINDOWS, RUSTIC, FLOORING, BLINDS, MOULDING, SASH, ETC. Wines and Liquors BY THE BOTTLE OR THE GALLON 1 Custom made boots and Shoes. 1 Tobacco of Fine Quality. This stock is in every respect Al, and .will be cold at tho lowest prices for cash, Give me a call at the new storo, on the Koadway. 8. KUWEIT, Astoria, Oregon. CORRECT PRINCIPLES Demand that bills be rendered promptly, and to do it nicely, got your Bill paper an 1 Statements printed at THE ASTORIAN Office. NICE ASSORTMENT OF JEW- elry Watch guarda in various styles at Case's. HJ r "wsfrl ' ' .:!:'. ' ' 'i D R. S. W. DODD. t PHYSICIAN. AND SURGEON, . j i i Astoria. Oregon, opposite Custom House. T Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTOKNEY AT LAW, ASTORIA.. OREGON. F. J. TAYLOR. ATTORNEY AT LA W9 ., , 'Room 2p. j.Jirown's Building. ASTORIA,- ---- -I- 1: OREGON. A VAN DUSEN. . NOTARY PUBLICT- ASTORIA. Agent Wells, Fargo k Co. WM. KNEMEYER, v V Y ' Manufacturer of , - Barrels, Kits, Tanks, ETC., ETC., XEAR KIXEYS ASTORIA FISHERY, Will attend to nil orders in tho above line promptly, and in a satisfactory niannor, at reason ablo prices. 2oui o TTO DUFNER. PRACTICAL JEWELER, Main stroet, Astoria Oregon. " WATCHES and CLOCKS cleaned and re paired in the best manner. pHARLES S. WRIGHT. Corner of Main and Ch,cnainus street. Goods received on consignment and sold to the high est bidder. pETER H. FOX. MERCHANT TAILOR. Now Shop, Main Street, Astoria. Clothing of all kinds cut and made to order. Cleaning and repairing. TpSTABLISHED 1846. HEMLOCK TfflEfiY, C. Leinknwkber and H. Brown, Props., i Manufacture all kinds of Leather. f BAIN A, FERGUSON, Contractors and Builders, ARE PREPARED TO furnish mate rial and erect buildlings of every description ; execute any and all krad-3 of Carpen ters' and Joiners' work. in the most approved styles, with N eatness and Dispatch, Plaris and Specifications, AND-7-BILLS OF MATERIAL Furnished op Short .Notice. . .j Charges Reasonable. Seasoned Lumber Always on Hand. EST Orders left at I. W. CASE'S STORE will bo promptly attended to. ALTONA CHOP HOUSE.. MAIN STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON. T. BRAMEL Proprietor. THIS NEW PLACEOF BTJSI-05 v ness i now prepared to servo fc VSJl FRESH OYSTERS, Xgir , In Every Style, to Order. The Propriotdr will, as in times past, strive to merit a share of the public patronage and will WARRANT SATISFACTION TO ANY WHO MAY FAVOR HIM WITH A CALL. Meals at all Hours! POSITIVELY NO CHINAMEN IN MY EMPLOY. W. E. DEMENT, g DRUGGIST, g CHENAVlTg STBEET, ASTORIA. NEXT DOOR TO 1. W. CASE'S D EALER IN PAINTS, OILS, VAR- mshes, .Brushes, ORUGrS PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES. Wines and Liquors Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. TpiFTY THOUSAND i OAK HOOPS, BARRELS and HALF BARRELS, for sale by C J. HOGUE, At Chehalif. Lewis conty,W. T.,on the Northern Pacific Railroad. April , BUSINESS CARDS?- uTHDHnBU ,SHIPJN GADVERTISEMENTS. i?ryH'',MrTt "? Notio FROM AND AFTER THlS'BATE charges nnd advances on freight land ed at tho 0. S. S. Co.'s Wharf, Astoria, must be paid befuro tho freight loaves the ware house. wm J. G. HUSTLER, 1" ' 'Awnt. COLUMBIA RIVER PILOTS. Office ntthe OCCIDENT HOTEL, Astoria, Uregon. P JOHISSON M.M.GILM4LN, H. A. SNOW, G.REED. P. E. k ERCHkN. RICH A RD HOYT. C. S. WRIGHT, Agent. For Freight or Charter. THE Al NEW SLOOP, Geo. Flavel, FRED WASS Htwtcr. Is now in readiness for busrab?s. and offers superior accommodation to tourists on the bay. ij&y Will carry freight or passengers to any point at reasonable rates. Apply on board. Astoria and Knappton. "DEGULAR DAILY MAIL BOAT. Sloop -KATIE," J. A. RICHARDSON - - - Master. Will leave Astoria, FOR KNAPPTON AND RETURN DAILY. tT For freight or passage, at living rates, apply on board, or at I. W. Case's store. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. Unity and OysteMle Stap ! Loom is fc Carruthers - - Proprietor STAGES IN THE ABOVE LINE . will leavo Unity Tuesdays and Satur dayson tbo arrival of tbe ILWACO STEAM Iff, COMPANY'S STEAMER From Astoria, and will leave Oysterville Men das's and Fridays, connecting with tbe llwaco Steam Navigation Company's steamer for Astoria. ttir Passengers Ticketed through; also, thro bills of ladinir given for freight. TLWAC0 STEAM NAVIGATION 1 COMPANY, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The steam ors Gen. CANBY, AND VARUNA," WILL BE IN READINESS TO DO all kinds of towing at reasonablo rates. Either tho Canby or Yaruna will make trips evory MONDAY, TUESDAY, "FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FOR ILWACO (Unity), $8r CALLING AT WAY PORTS,-SS AndTeturn tho some day. Leaving at tho usual hour, 8 o'clock, A. M. BSIP" The reputation of theso steamers guar aotees safe and speedy transit to any point! desired. K For charter, freight, passago, or tow ago, apply on board, or at the office of the Company in Caso's Building. Astoria, or tt J. II. D. &RAY, Agent. Bv order of L. . LOOMIS. President MISCELLANEOUS. N. F. MUDGE, Contractor and Builder. ASTOltIA, OREGON. all kinds 0f carpenter work and contracting promptly attends d to. j&? Special attention given to wharf and mill construction. Address: N. P. MUDGE, Contractor. Astoria, Oregon. V. W. BOUTON, Boat Builder, hiFSr OYSTERVILLE, PACIFIC COUNTY, W.T. tsr All kinds of work done to order In the best style. PETER RUNEY, ASTORIA, OREGON, BRICK LAYER, And Plain and ORNAHENTAL PLASTERER, t- Orders left at the Occident Hotel Promptly Attended to. REFERENCES: J. B. Knapp, Knappton ; Capt. J. West, West port; II. B. Parker, S. If. Arrigoni, Hobson fc Warren, J. Badollet tfc Co. Astoria; J. W.& V. Cook, Clifton ; Jos. Uuvie, Eureka; R. Watson 6z Co. Manhattan; J. L. Hep'Airn, Glen Ella; J. 0. Megler & Co. Brookfield, and numerous othersor whom 1 have Built Furnaces, set Ranges, and Kettles, and "Spread the Mort!" During my 12 years Residence in Oregon, LIME, SAND, BRICK, PLASTER, Lath, Cement, mid all materials in my line, furnished to order. 49 Special attention paid to Furnace work and Ranges. Cistern work wamated good, or no pay. JMETJEK MUXfiXf Astoria. Oregon. FOR THE BEST AND THE LATEST stylef of spring Rata go to Van Duten's who hai just received a fine assortment, fetf byfl2 I ...&