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About The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1876)
tz3 v hMwer2 ""5fT rr--v." " "!STV5 $& ail st03dta& ABT0KtA.',6KEG0Nr l- j. IKELAXD EDITOR FBIDAY.....":..- :....: June 2, 1876. The New York Central" Railroad on Wednesday put fare from Boston to all points iki the West down one dollar,- when the Erie' line and con necting routes went5 below that'. A ride from New York to San Francisco now, in H ist' class style is only $131. Fare from San Francisco remains the same as last month. Senator Conklihg- cannot be ac cused of bidding for votes from the Pacific'coast when helntroduced that petition or memorial, -a few days ago, from tlie New York Transportation Company Association, remonstrating against any further gifts or benefits being conferred upon Pacific rail toads. Tlie jealousy of the East with respect to this part of the country sometimes crops'dtit in a very small Bcale. Ambng the arrivals, last week says a' Philadelphia correspondent, was pub lished that of "Commodore Connor of of San Franciscoi" We wouldn't have known it was the blunt and grizzly old Captain of the John L. Stephens if we hadn't seen him up on Ninth street ordering a Philadelphia land lub ber to heave to and tell him how many knots it was down to Walnut street. He is evidently more "at sea" on the streets- of Philadelphia" than on the bosom of the broad Pacific. Peter Cooper has finally accepted the nomination for President at the hands of the Indianapolis convention, but in d6ing so he expressed as a condition that in case the party which have nominated him may attain its exalted aims of affording needed re lief from the blighting effect of past unwise' legislation relative to finances, through either the Republican or Democratic party, both of them meet ing in national convention at an early day, he shall be permitted to step aside and remain rn that quiet which is most congenial to his nature and time of life. As we write v6 fancy we hear the wheels of loconiotive No. 100, and the cars composing the Jarnet & Palmer train speeding its way from New York to San Francisco in four at days.- They expect to take dinner the Palace Hotel on Sunday.- There are sixteen persons in the company. The fare for the round trip, including one week's board at the Palace Hotel, is 8500: The tickets for the guesls are of beautiful workmanship, in book form,- the cover being solid di ver, and enclosed in white satin cask ets. The cost of each ticket and casket will be $40. The New York Herald, commenting on the mutter says : "It is a commendable evi dence of private enterprise, and is an event which possesses National im portance. What these bold managers do now as a wonderful feat, will be done twenty years from now every daw" A Washington dispatch of the 29th says: "Representative Lane has submitted to the House Pacific railroad committee and is urging the adoption of jm amendment to the pending bill for the extension of the time for tlie completion of the N. P. R. R., pro viding that, as a condition of the ex tension, the company shall construct and equip its road between Kalama W. T., and Portland, Oregon within two years from the f enactulent of the hill." This appeal's to us fo be in ac cordance withihe previously arranged programme of the Portland Board of Trade, . to divert the trade of the Willamette valley to Puget Soundl The people of 'Astoria Seem to be asleep and do not realize what is go 5ng 'on ab.out Washington. Orego aiians may. awaken themselves at the crack of doomsday-. '. ft ' When will the' road leading to the.cemetery groundsbe made pas' sable ? "Who 'is Herbet Spencer, Pap!" asked an inquisitive Brooklyn boy of his father the other morning. "He's a famous English Philosopner my son." "And what's a philosopher?" continued the lad, with the business air of a person who couJd keep right on asking qucstfous until doomsday. ' ' A philosopher, ' ' re turn ed the father-grave1 "is a man who never mar ries. " On Journalism. One of the most frequent and sweeping accusations made by the mns of the public against the journalists is that they have no principles, that they are trimmers, defending one thing to-day and another to-morrow. This accusation is unjust. Taken as a whole,- journalists are much les guided by personal considerations in the matters of public interest thnn any other body of men. Life is not stationery, and they have naturally to alter their opinions now and then, under the influence of changing circumstances. But these changes are sel dom the result of anticipated personal ad vantages. A fne thinker becoming oithodox, a republican becoming a morr archbt or a liberal becoming a conserva tive, arethinss by no means as frequently to be met with among journalists as they aie among people at large. On the con tinent of Europe such a change of princi ples on the part of any newspaper or literary man is utterly impossible without his incurring the penalty of moral death. Mot newspaper articles being signed there, the writers may in the course of time change the shade of their colors, but never the colors themselves. Political and philosophical inconsistency in jour nalism is the product of the anoymous press, and il is in England that it is at its highest. Temple Lodge, No. 7, A. P. A M. Regular Communications first and third Saturdays in each month, at 7.0 o'clock, r. m.. at tho Hall in Astoria. & Members of tho Order, in jrood standing, are invited to attend. By ordei of tho W. M. Beaver Lodge, No. 35, 1. O. O. F. Moot every Thursday evening, atf at S o'clock, in tlie Odd Fellow's Pg Hull, cor. of Cass and Chenamus g: streets, Astoria. Members of tho Order are invited to attend. By ordor, N. G, Astoria Lodge No. 40, 1. O. G. T. Regular Meeting every Saturday Evening at8o' Good Templar's Hall, Chena mus Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker's tore. Members of the Order, in good stand ing, are invited to attend. Decree meeting 1st Monday each month. By order W. C. T. Youngs River Grange, P. of H. Meets on tho fourth Sat urday 6 f each month at 11 o'clock a. m. Patrons in good standing aro invited to attend. By order of W. M. Common Council. Bcgular meetings first Monday ovening in each month, at V o'clock Ur Persons desiring to havo matters acted upon by tho Council, at any regular meeting, nmt present tho same to the Recorder, or Mavor on or before tho Friday ovening prior to the Monday on which tho Council holds its regular meetings. I. W. CASE, Mayor. F. J. Taylok, Recorder. C. R. F. B. A Society Notice. Any fisherman on the Colum bia River, wishing to join tho Fihermans Association can ai- plv in person or by letter to tho following ofGcers of tho Association. J. B. Nice, Pres ident, Waterlord : B. P. Sheppard, Manhat tcn Fishery. Lodge Deputy ; and Thomas Dealey Secretary, Astoria, Oregon. A cor dial invitation is hereby tendered to all to avail themselves of this privilege. By order of the President. THOMAS DEALEY, Secretary. OCCIDENT HOTEL ARRIVALS. ASTORIA, Junr1tl87a. GAV Gilbu-ySF J 17 Gamble Portland J M XeUon t Col USA FR Moore A V Allen Ft Canby. A Obeidor'er SDAd?ir Citv D Utancbrrd HMcndleson " J H Wiiitcomb Oystet- R D Hu .ie " ville GWliumo " JMcKaitby City MARRIED. At tho re-'dence of thobiidc's father, Hon. 1. "W. Jloirison, on Clatop Plains, Juno 1st 387G, by llev. W. J. Eranklin, Cnpt. Chailes "SV. Hamblin, and Mis Hannah M. 'Morrison, all of Clatsop Co. Oregon. NEW TO-DAY. H a d i ! $hc Sftfrcfcljj istotott. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER THREE DOLLARS PER YEAR. The Only Paper Published at the Sea-Port of Oregon SATURDAY. June 3. 1876. LOOK AT THIS.' TWENTY FIVE s rTtoe Copies of tMtekly Isiorian V-ss-mi ! ; T r Til. L rm x. 'CEifTS fiS-WhicFis Just Tho Thing to Uend to your friends abroad '. ' rlEMHV j sassy. . IKEMnBHrBnBaHnHi A NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RANTED. J A girl to do general house work. Wages $25 to 30 per month. None but a good hand ncedapply. Apply at Mrs DAGGETT'S. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOR STREET "WORK.. All tho?e persons to whom contiacts were awarded for the improvement of streets in the Town of Astoria, by the undersigned, Street Commissioner o? said town, on May the 20th, 187G, must call at the office of G. W. Ren. town Attorney, to-morrow, June 2d, 1S76, and give the requiied bonds, and sign written contracts, or said contracts will be awarded to the next lowest responsible bidder. HENRY MILLER. Stieet Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon, June 1st, 1S7G. CHENAMUS STREET IMPROVE MENT. Notice is herebv given that sealed pro posals will, be received by the undersigned for the improvement of that part of Che namtis street lying in front of lot eight (8) block eleven (11), McClure's. Astoria, by grading to conform as near as practicable to the crossings as alrtadj constructed on snid street, and also by the building of a sidewalk according to plans and specifica tions to be seen at the office of Prank J. Taylor, Recorder, until noon of Satur day June 3d, 1870, said iniDrovement to be completed by September 1st, 1876, as provided by ordinance No. 121, passed the Council May lst, 1S76. The right to reject any or all bids is bere by reserved. HENRY MILLER, Street Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon, June 1st, 187G. TIIE PEOPLE'S INDEPENDENT Candidate for Joint Representative from Clatsop and Tillamook counties, Capt. J. 11. 1). Gray, will moot tho of Youngs llivcr Precinct at tho Grangors 11 all at 11 a. m.. May 27th.: Astoria Precinct at 8 p. m.; Westport, Clifton, and Knanpa, if possible, May Uth; Clatsop, at Pres. Cuurch, at 1 p. m., and expects to leavo Astoria for Tillamook with thosteamor Gen. Canby, at 3 a. m., Mav llst. and will speak at llonuarton and Garri baldi while there, returning to Astoria either Thursday or Friday, Juno 1st or 2d, and will address a grand rally of citizens At Spiritual II all. The opposing candidates having been challenged to meet him on tho stump, and giv ing no definite answer, arc ajain publicly in vited to meet Capt. Gray at tho time and pla ces n? above mentioned to discuss tho local and political issues of tho daiy, and tell what ho knows about farming. RAISING REPUBLICAN CxVTTLE AND DEMOCRATIC SHEEP. Tho presence of ladies is specially invited. J. O'UIUEN. N. KOFOED, T. liltAilEL, Ex. Committee. N JOTICE. Stockholders in the Astoria "Milling Company are heieby notified that a meet ing will be held at Astoria, on Satu'day, June 3d, 187G. for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, and tiansact ing such other business as mav come ber fore the meeting. D. REQUETTE. Astoria, Mp.v 22d, 1876. J. N. ARMSTRONG, Photographic Artist, AT THE ASTORIA GALLERY. Having built anew building, specially adap ted to the business, next door to Dr. Kin soy's on tho ltoadway, is now pro pared to tako First Class Pictures, At reasonable prices. Call and cecuro a shadow ero tho substance fades. D. K. Warrkn. C.A. McGuirk. Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus and Cass streets ASTORIA, OREGON. WARREN & McGUIRE, Proprietors, (Successors to Jlob.son tfc Warrtn,) wliolesalo and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT, 'VEGETABLES, ETC. t?r Bmter, Eggs, Choose, etc. constantly on hand. ftSF" Ships supplied at tho lowest rates. Washington Market, Main Street. Astoria Oregon, I. KEJIGMAX RESPECTFULLY CALLS TIIE ATTEN t;on of tho public to tho fact that the above Market will always bo suppliod with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY or FRESH AND CURED MEATS! "Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supply ing ships. PACIFIC MARKET, German Sausage Factory '.NewBuildjns Parker House Clock. Main Street, Astoria. J. S. MAYER, - - Proprietor. TX ADDITION TOTflH MANUFACTURE X e: all son's cr the Cleunortand Lrt mrdo fcauagc from ihe bct iuiliiv of Por.k and Ieo., r,t the :boc stand in dunntiH sutl cient tosuppply tho trade has. just opened, a uuiv muck 01 t t rilESEKVESAKJ) CANNED EKUIT .ui v-x luxs i-vwxj. new sjock ot , .Ami a sooa quality, of Cigars nndlobacco. mrtrc-li luttc-r. Cheese; Es&?.iraih's. 3a-. T,.i?mil. . L ''Xjfe .. conanu suouiaem always on nd. , t ' with n fuy Wojfc 0f chafctflou. ttMmMo j ? l' re?n.i,eer. l'oxKn Glutton. anit.Veceta- nronnredJ tU'fiil ordeV'lud 'ttr'tfanf-OtftRoi t J . i "'!' I" WlUWi..jV.iVli UiU liiti; mvu 1 hi A3 6l11Ttlia1 lr rmA rnll n . 1 M. ... muuusH-nnarOk j&amssto x&s&zMSsnusnzsur. rrxm.K HMHMlBrtMMlnnMraiRBnnRftmfflMnnHa A. VANDUSEN MERCHANDISE. Full . Spring Stock ! , . NOW. .OPEN, Thet"Oli Coeneb. A. VAN DUSEN, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GENEJRAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Main and Chenamus Streets, ASTOEIA, OKEGON. GALL, EXAMINE, FBICE'TMIS STOCK, BEFORE PUBCHASING ELSEWBEBE JSrFOB IT CANNOT. BE BEAT. t t' : s j t : : :.' : 1 t m t c Price, tncludmp; Gauge and Handles, six feet, nino Dellars: $t feet 9.75; 7 feet, 10 Hi. Orders promoclv filleu bv A. VAN DUSEN, Sole Ajrnt, for AbtoriHrOregon. inSOELLANEOUS. FISH BARRELS! . h Half Barrels, Ouarter Barrels, AND KITTS, ' . AT LIVING PittGESTiir THE t i -a Knappton Barrel Factory, Knappton, Pacific Co., Vf.. T. W M, EDGAK, Corner Main and Chenamus Streets, AST01IIA OEGUNr DE.VLEII JN TIIKCHOICKST lIRANDji OK Tobacco and Cigars, and" the1 Grenuiiye TVostenKolm, and other English Cutloo. Fairchilds Gold Pfeh's: And all sorts of 'J; '' STATIONERY, ftOriOSS.ETC. OREGON- BAKMf. alladay's "Wharf. Main StreetAstoria', Ogn. Kolladay BREAD, CAKES, PIES, PASTRY, . "WILLBESERA1 of the Oregon Bakery ot'.jyhich C. Binder deceased, tas proprietor, tbe same as usual, by MVs. CHA ltLKS BINDKlf.1 ltl First Class Baker employed, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. 411 ordqr. large.or small, promptly filled on short notice, Pat ronage of tho public L respectfully Aolifcited. . New Store. New Goods. ,Tu5t Opened, IN THE SUMMERS 'BTTIlUHSG, j: C. TRXTLLINGER To Tli rili Abovo Well knot Stand. "u A lAPvGE ND COMPEER TOCIt -' 'BOOTS AND 'SHOES,';, , And jverything'rifinircd' ffr anily use, down' .1 ?nuK yi r iuur or i'otju irom niv iitiji iiiui W.jiybington County, whidh'kwilj lwftldat in v.:iiDingion county, '.tho lowest market rate. 15.1 inyic tho public u ti)IJc! ubliqfroeralJXto'pflH and notice.-for any kindu&Iduiliejv i J. JEM JEh WW 3W?m H to immwrn S r p oulu Kqapecttully Announce) ,,'jiy, tho Citi ens of Astoria .and. .Vicinity, i -nnv lioro. nrl lms .Ononml nf tlin' exanmno, njyoc anu pi ices, iiavis kjcuwu J C. TKULLINGEU. tmtatte ten K22H5HW I. W. CASE 1VIERCHANDISE. t I.:W.CAS'-E'S uartern 1 Cor. ChcnnniHs and C'aH Streets, ASTSRJA, OKK;0. NOW OPENING, A SPLENDID STOCK OF Crockery, Clothing-, Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Provisions, NAILS AND R:OPE! Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Paints, Oils $ Window AND A FULL SUPPLY OF DOORS & WINDOWS, WHICH WILL i:e SOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE. ?As I nm making a speciality in that line of buine., pnitips in want of Doors and Windows will find It to their advantage to call. I. W. CASE. MISCELLANEOUS. OILAS B. SMITH. Attornev-at-Law. ASTORIA, OREGON. Olfieo in "Warren k McGuire'a building, op posite Occident Hotel. Facts Worth Knowing. A. W. Cone, - - Astoria, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. Cannot bo boat in tho Boot and Shoe line. Call and see hira. SIGN OF TIIE GOLDEN SHOE, Main Street, Axtoria. IRA CUTTING WATCHMAKER awl JEJFELEB. ANNOUNCES TO THE PEOPLE OF Astoria and vicinity that he is novr pre pared to do all kinds of WATCHMAKING AND JEWELLING in tho neatest possiblo manner. AIL worh warranted. Krr Asent for tho WALT1I AM and ELGIN Watches. 1UA CUTTING. Chenamus street, Astoria, Oa. "PRED KROSEL, House and Sign Painting, PAPER HANGING, KALSOMINING, ETC., Special attention, paid io Country ivovl;. Shop on Squemoqhu street, ASTORIA, ... OKE;. New Pleasure Yacht. rruiE NEW SLOOP MAY BELL, E. C. SIIIVELY, Master Is nor ready for freight or charter to any point on tho bay. Having fino accommoda tions for pleasure scekors, and a record for fast sailing, offers superior accommodations to oxcurstonfats. For freight or chartor. at reasonable rate-, apply at the restaurant of E. C. lloldon. d, It. C. SHIVELX, Astoria. City Book Stoee! CHARLES STEVENS, DEALER IN All Kinds of BOOKS, , STATIONARY, ETC., 3Iaix Street .Astoria. rrWE LATEST AND LEST EASTERN JL Periodical and Weeklies, and the leading cwf papers of tho day. for sale, KW Coast Charts and Shipping Blanks con stantly on hand. t , Astoria Brewery Saloon, And Bottled Beer E)epot! MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. RUDOLPH BARTH, MICHAEL MYERS, ' Proprietors, The Best Quality Lager Beer, XXI Hi jXji J.O XV UJU.IOO. rS" Tho patronase of the public i Teapect 'fully solicited. Orders for Laser, or Eottled .Jjeer. in anj quantity, promptly tilled. - fir- Eree Lunch dsiy and night. Astoria Sail Xi6ftf l,kpW PvExlDY EOPv BUSINESS. patronize Home Manufactores Keep the'llonq Here i fHIIE. UNDERSIGNED BEGS -J,EAViE X to inform the public in general, and tho w&4 s j x rhoruien particularly that he is luhfiroaf make sails of every dqcription on.shoic otirfe, ana'afrcaionablo rates. - ,l' Address: A.CU. JUILX80N; li. .. Astoria Oregon ,