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About The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 2019)
SIUSLAW NEWS | SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 2019 | 9A Logging from 1A We do the tough stuff,” Dan said. R&R likes to log near the coast during the summer since the fire danger is rela- tively low compared to the Willamette Valley, but the steep terrain along the coast and the cascades means R&R can’t be fully automated like other logging companies. Before Dan and the team go in with the machines, a team of tree cutters went in on foot with power saws and cut the 45 acres of allotted trees by hand over the course of two months. Currently at the site, loggers are towards the bottom of the canyon feeding the cut logs into cables to be pulled up to the landing. The setup on the landing consists of a dark yellow ma- chine called a yarder, and it has a large pole sticking straight up with multiple ca- bles connected to it. These cables are called “guy lines” and they are attached to tree stumps around the site. These stumps anchor the yarder, which connects to the “sky- line” cable that runs from the top of the yarder down into the canyon, disappearing into the forest where it’s connected to a CAT. On this wire, an unmanned red skycar — much like an en- closed sky lift — is powered by an engine that moves back and forth across the cable. The skycar hoists logs from down in the canyon up to the landing for the next machine, the processor, to be trimmed of branches, cut and sorted into varying lengths. The logs, after being loaded onto a logging truck, are tak- en to the mills and made into lumber or other wood prod- ucts. Prepare you own “Grab & Go” bag for use in the event of an emergency This is a small bag that contains a three day supply of food, water, medications, and change of clothing along with personal hygiene items. One critical item is a battery powered FM Radio to tune into 106.9 FM KCST the local emergency broadcast station for our area. Expect to be in a shelter where people must provide for themselves for these items. This message brought to you by the West Lane Emergency Operations Group Jennifer’s parents, Bob and Kay King, own and are still ac- tively involved in the business. But as partners, Dan and Jen- nifer have now taken on the business full-time. R&R operates on N. Fork Road in Florence and has 65- 70 employees. Oregon is the largest wood products pro- ducer in the U.S. according to Oregon Business, with much of the harvested wood bought in Oregon being made into products that are then export- ed around the world. “When I was a kid, I used to elk hunt in this canyon,” Dan said. “I found old railroad tracks in the bottom. There’s old pilings in the tracks. So all this wood, the first time they logged it, went out by train and went into Winchester Bay. This timber was all logged in the early 1900s.” In many ways, logging Ore- gon land connects Dan to past generations of family loggers — even though many things have changed in the logging industry over the last century. For example, R&R King re- cently bought a drone to help them string up cables. “What would’ve taken three hours or four hours for four guys to string cable, we’ll do it in 10 minutes,” Dan said of their new circular drone that’s about five feet in diam- eter. The drone helps string haywire, which is a thin cable fitted with special hooks that helps to connect the heavier cables for the yarder and sky- line. While the logging indus- try is continuing to innovate, there are still prevalent chal- lenges, such as the bidding process. The logging industry works on a process of bidding for jobs that private landown- ers or the state of Oregon present to logging companies. Ideally, the landowners or state will send logging compa- nies a prospectus that consists of detailed information on the land. This helps the logging com- panies determine how much money and time it will cost them to log the land. The log- ging companies are also able to see and walk the land be- fore they determine their cost estimate. “It’s really tricky because you come out and look at a job, and there’s trees. It’s not like you can see. You have the timber crews and you have their map, but that’s still somebody’s opinion,” Jennifer said. “Dan does a lot of walk- ing the sites, but you really can’t see all the time what’s un- der there or if there’s some rot in a certain section that you didn’t plan on. So there’s a lot of experience involved — and a lot of risk.” The logging companies then present their cost esti- mate to the landowner/state and bid for the job. “The other thing that is very chal- lenging for our industry is, because you bid every job, you can’t plan very far ahead. The equipment you’re buying is a multi-year investment be- cause it’s a huge outlay of cap- ital. But with the jobs, we have about four or five months planned until we have to find more work,” Jennifer said. R&R has set itself apart by earning a reputation for being able to log the difficult terrain here on the coast. “They love for us to do the tough terrain, the long distances. That’s kind of our expertise,” Jennifer said. When bidding on a job, R&R look at the distance of the site to the mills, the vol- ume per acre of timber they can log, and how close the site is to their shop. They also look at whether the site is on rock or dirt. If the site is on dirt, then they have to be finished logging the site once it starts raining for the winter or their trucks won’t be able to get in and out of the site because of mud. “There’s just a lot you re- ally have to plan for,” Jennifer said. USA Today has named log- ging as the most dangerous job in America as of 2018. “Our workers comp rates are exorbitant,” Jennifer said. R&R focuses heavily on safety with monthly safety meetings and annual companywide safety meetings where they do CPR training, hearing testing, and recently they were approved for a stokes first aid basket. “If someone gets injured down in the canyon, you usu- ally don’t have much time to handle it. So you’ve got several factors. One: how do you get them to the landing? Do you wait for an ambulance? Do you call in a helicopter? Do you drive them and hope you get them somewhere quick?” Jennifer said. With the stokes basket, an injured worker in the canyon can be transported up the landing quickly, where a helicopter or ambulance can reach then safely. “If somebody gets hurt down there, we can get them out of there in 15 to 20 min- utes by attaching the stokes basket to the cables.” Dan said. Now that R&R is certified for the basket, they created a pro- tocol for using it and train all the loggers on how to use it in the field. Despite all the challeng- es and risks that accompany logging, for the Wagoner’s, it’s their way of life. “It’s all I’ve ever done. It’s a lifestyle,” Dan said. In 2015, R&R earned the Oregon Department of For- estry’s Southern Oregon Area Operator of the Year award for protecting a buffer along Little Paradise Creek where salmon, steelhead and trout swim. Landowners work closely with the Oregon Department of Forestry to ensure they are following regulations for re- planting after timber harvest, and that they are also desig- nating tree buffers to be left to protect fragile ecosystems. “Usually when we come in, we primarily log for people that own the land, so they have all that written out,” Dan said. The logging companies are responsible for leaving two standing trees per acre as per regulations from ODF. “I belive loggers are some of the strongest environmental- ists,” said Jennifer. With the replanting regu- lation, landowners must have 150 trees per acre growing four years after logging takes place. “If you were here in 1920 standing here looking down that canyon, that thing would have been completely neu- tered with train tracks,” Dan said. “There wouldn’t have been a stick left. But time heals. They didn’t know.” With present concerns over climate change, industries are being scrutinized more than ever. The past reputation of the logging industry as large- ly hazardous to the environ- ment hasn’t completely been diminished, but Jennifer said she feels the more people know and understand about the logging industry, the more they can work with the public and governments to continue innovating and protecting the land they love. “There’s a love for what we do. We’re always striving for that new things to do better. So back in the day, it was the best technology we had at the time,” Jennifer said. “It wasn’t like we were choosing to do things poorly or that would be harmful.” R&R says the logging in- dustry is struggling to find steady loggers. “There is a need for young workers. We start at $15 an hour. They only need a high school diploma. If they are driving the log trucks they have to come to us with their CDL license but for the machines, they don’t need any prior training,” Jennifer said. “We teach them everything and we hire at 18 years-old. It’s really a great career.” But the primary crew mem- bers that R&R employs have been with them for decades. “A lot of people that work with us, they have been with us for over 20 years,” Dan said. “The guy that runs the yarder, we bought that yarder 15 years ago and he came with it.” Dan said the connection between the land and his family is why logging contin- ues to be the root of his life. “My great grandpa logged the Gardner Hill area over 12 years between WWII and the ‘50s. I went back and got to log that as well,” In many ways, the land holds their family memories and, every time he returns, he sees the history the land holds for his family — now and in the future. Siuslaw News + 240 HOURS Is your family prepared? If an emergency happens in your community, it may take emergency workers some time to reach you. You should be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for a minimum of 240 hours. Get your emergency kit started with these essentials: 100s of POSITIVE Consumer Reviews! 9 convenient Oregon locations NEWPORT | LINCOLN CITY | WARRENTON | COOS BAY | FLORENCE | ALBANY | LEBANON | CORVALLIS | TILLAMOOK ❑ Pen and paper ❑ Money ❑ Address and phone numbers ❑ Work gloves ❑ Basic tools This message brought to you by the West Lane Emergency Operations Group. IDENTIFY • PREPARE • SURVIVE