The Siuslaw news. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1960-current, September 23, 2017, Page 6B, Image 16

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Swallowing Tips
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a re-
tired engineer, and engineers like
solving problems. I fi nd that people
have diffi culty swallowing medica-
tions because swallowing a gulp
of water is an unnatural act when
compared with everyday unnoticed
swallowing, and that people are tak-
ing too small a sip of water, so they
feel the pills, which can trigger a
gag refl ex.
The solution is to swallow a large
sip of water without pills to prepare
the mind and body for the relatively
rare swallowing process that will
follow. Then, take a large sip of wa-
ter and swallow with pills. -- R.E.
ANSWER: As someone who has
studied physics, if not engineering,
the small sip of water lubricates the
esophagus, so pills are less likely to
be stuck.
I have always recommended a
small sip followed by a large gulp,
ARIES (March 21 to April 19)
Someone has some suggestions to of-
fer regarding your new project. You
might fi nd them helpful. Remember
to avoid speculation and to stick with
just the facts, Lamb.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20)
An old friend suddenly reappears.
Whether this proves to be a boon or
a bane in the Bovine’s life depends on
the reason for this surprising reap-
pearance. Be cautious.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Vital
information fi nally emerges, allowing
you to make that important personal
decision. You can now move your fo-
cus to an upcoming professional de-
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You
might not like seeing so many on-the-
for a different reason from yours.
As far as specifi c positions, some
people seem to do better with chin
up, others with chin down. Taking
a pill with some food or applesauce
(or something of similar texture)
helps many people. Practicing with
something (a breath mint or M&M)
can help you fi nd what works best
for you. Tepid or even warm water
helps some.
friend has been diagnosed with spi-
nal stenosis. She’s 85. She tried a
cortisone shot, with very short-lived
relief, and physical therapy, to no
avail. She’s been prescribed pain
pills, which cause her to sleep more
than you’d expect for her age. Her
doctor seems to be out of options.
I read about laser treatment for this
area. Do you think this might help,
or do you have other ideas? -- M.R.
ANSWER: “Spinal stenosis” is
the term we use to describe compres-
sion of the spinal cord or nerve roots
by bony structures in the spine. This
may be a result of arthritis, skeletal
disease and many other conditions.
One common fi nding is diffi culty
after walking, causing someone to
want to sit or lie down. I often see
people with spinal stenosis who lean
over while walking, as though they
are walking into a stiff wind. Many
sufferers can walk for prolonged pe-
riods with a shopping cart, because
the leaning-over position relieves
the pressure on the nerves.
Surgery for spinal stenosis can be
challenging, and in an 85-year-old,
the risk of complications is higher.
However, given her symptoms and
lack of response to nonsurgical
therapy, consulting with a surgeon
may be appropriate. There may still
be additional medical therapies she
hasn’t tried before doing so.
I am not a surgeon, and only a sur-
geon can appropriately choose the
tools for a given surgery. However,
having looked over the research in
this area, there is no evidence that
laser offers any advantage over tra-
ditional surgery.
READERS: Back pain is the No.
2 reason for doctor visits in the U.S.
To learn more about the back and
spine, order the booklet Back Prob-
lems by writing: Dr. Roach -- No.
303W, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando,
FL 32803. Enclose a check or mon-
ey order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6
Canada with the recipient’s printed
name and address. Please allow four
weeks for delivery.
job changes. But some of them could
open new opportunities for the Moon
Child’s talents to shine to your best
LEO (July 23 to August 22) An
apparently solid-gold opportunity
beckons the Lion. But check to see if
all that dazzle isn’t just a sprinkling
of surface glitter. Check it out before
making a commitment.
VIRGO (August 23 to September
22) A close friend could off er advice
on how to handle a diffi cult family
matter. But in the end, the decision
has to be made based on what is best
for you and those you love.
LIBRA (September 23 to October
22) Family problems are best worked
out with all those concerned contrib-
uting suggestions that will ease ten-
sions. Stay with it until a workable
solution is found.
SCORPIO (October 23 to Novem-
ber 21) Expect to hear more about an
off er that has piqued your interest.
You earn respect for insisting on solid
facts, not just a fancy talk about po-
tential opportunities.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to
December 21) What seemed to be a
reasonable workplace request might
need to be defended. Don’t fret. You
have both the facts and a surprise ally
on your side.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to
January 19) A bit of capriciousness
might be just what you need. Plan to
kick up your heels in a round of fun
and games with family and friends
this weekend.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to Febru-
ary 18) Although some of your plans
might have to be put on hold, things
do begin to take a turn for the better
by midweek. Your fi nancial crunch
also eases.
PISCES (February 19 to March
20) Your fi nancial picture begins to
brighten by week’s end. Th ere also are
favorable changes in your personal
life. Someone you care for has good
news to report.
Siuslaw N ews
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