Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, November 20, 1902, Image 3

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    In 1905 A. b.
Mr. rptodte(to maid) Marie, yon
peel 9ut tb capsules lor Mr.
fpioJate'B dinner. I have received a
marronigram that he will not be home
nntil 10 o'clock, as his santos-dumonto
bile has bad a breakdown. Judge.
Close Competition.
"We are living in a rapid ace," I
'y to my friend as we note the fall'an
Donmvnients ol changing styles.
"Yes," ajrreeg.
"tt'e are making history rapidly," I
further remark.
"True," he mutters, "but not to
rapidly as we are making historical
A Olddy Insect.
"Your mamma," said Tapa Moth to
hie eldt'st son, "is the giddiest insect I
"Why, papa?"
"?he is continually attending cam
phor balls." Detroit Free I'ress.
A few cents a can is all the difference
in price there ib between having a
cheap can of fruits or vegetables and
having the best there is, i. e., Mono
pole. There's a much greater differ
ence than that in the quality, in the
purity and in the contentment that it
brings. II you don't know where to
get Monopole groceries, write ns and
we will te'.l you. If you do know,
don't let him send you any other kind.
We are particularly proud, of Monopole
ipices, coffees and Baking powder.
Try them. Wadhama & Kerr Bros.,
Portland, Oregon.
Man of Expedients.
"Mixem, the chemist, has made his
fortune at last," says the friend.
"But I thought he couldn't find any
lale at all for his cough mixture,"
lowered the other friend.
"He cculdn't, so he labeled it 'genu
ine maple syrup,' and sold every drop
of it the first day. Now he is rushed
with orders for it." Judge.
His Experience was In Mines.
"Did you ever salt Bheep?1' asked the
farmer of the new hired man who came
from Colorado.
"No," replied the new hired hand,
"but I've had considerable experience
in salting mines." Ohio State
An Absent-Minded Confession.
"I suppose," said the pation to the
milkman, "that you view the coming
of winter with feelings of regret."
"Indeed I do," answered the milk
man. "It is reafly very bard," goes on the
patron, "to find suitable pasture in the
cold weather, no doubt?"
"Yes; and then the pump freezes so
often." Judge.
I.ndlna Can Vfmmr 8hon
One ilie smaller after ruing; Allen' Foot-Eaw.
Cure swollen feet, bUatera and callous spotaand
iaaeertain cure lor iuirrowiut; nulls, .treating,
kot, aching feet. At all l)ru(tps. " I nal
pactajre FK EE by mail. Addrcu Allen 6. Olm
lled, LeRoy. N. Y.
Humbugged the Humbugs.
Minister (visiting prison) How can
you say there have been guccesees in
yonr life?
Bunco Pete Why, man, in my time,
I've Aim flammed a phrenologist, a writer
of detective stories, a character reader
and a criminologist. Judge.
He Stays at Home.
Mrs. Gossip I suppose you're care
fal to make your husband tell every
thing that happens to him?
Mrs. Strongmind Better than that.
I'm careful to see that nothing happens
to him. Philadelphia Press.
To Frerent Rheumatism.
'When the navy turned to building Ita
hips of atee It was remarked that un
less some device was adopted for off
setting the effect of heat condensing
on the metal it would be only a matter
of a short time before all our officers
would be suffering from rheumatism.
The introduction of metal chairs, ta
bles and other pieces of furniture fol
lowed a few years ago and now there
I not a single piece of wood of any
!e to be found in an officer's room
on a modern warship. He sleeps in an
iron berth, keeps bis clothes in a steel
ehest, while the floor, celling and walls
of his apartment are of the same
8inee the adoption of the solid ar
nor for the aides-of warships a great
deal of trouble has been experienced In
making habitable the quarters directly
ne" to the outaide covering. The heat
of the room condensed on the cold
metal and In a very short time the oc
upant would be on the hospital list
lth a bad case of rheumatism. This
Is now guarded against by the use of a
beathing of asbestos placed next to
the metal and held In place by a frame
Work. This is found to absorb the
moisture In a satisfactory manuer.
Care Is also taken, says the Brooklyn
Eagh. to see that the berths are not
built against the outside of the vest,el
but against one of the side walls so
'hat the sleeper will be as far as pos-IbU-
from the metal that comes in coll
ect with the water.
ir wit
ZL'T UlU MDr. I. " to 't'
ikfS """"to. -7 ' ",!! in
(To T. !,.,.. Medicine Co., of Colurtus, O.)
"Pe-ru-na is AiTyou Claim for It."
Congressman D. F. Wiling
The Pemna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio:
.in.. V n -... Uf m inc.au
fllr5cveredfer the use of a
to all wh ifii ( i t, "' i" ? 1 cheertully recommend your medicine
10 an who are afflicted with utarrhni tmuhi. r..u r
Mr. C. F. Given, Sussex, K. P., vice
president of the Pastime boatintr club.
"Whenever the cold weather sets in
I have lor years cast been varv nr tn
catch a severe cold which was hard to
throw off, and which would leaTe after
! i, , 1
effects on my constitution the most of j
the winter.
Last winter I was adrinod In trv
rerunu, and within five days the cold i
was broken np and in five days more I j
was a well man. I recommended it to ,
several of my frionds and all speak tbe
h.Siip!h praise lor u. mere is noth- weeks I was entirely recovered. I am
ing like Peruna for catarrhal affile-; never without it now, and take an oc
tions. It is well n ch infall hie as a : i j i ... T ..
cure, and I gladly endorse it."-C. F.
Given. j u,",u neissieiz.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
A rroailnent Singer Paved From Lou of isfactory results from the uee of Peruna
write at once to Dr. Hartanm, giving a
Mr. Julian WeiBslitz, 175 Seneca full statement of your case and he will
street, Buffalo, N. Y., is corresponding be pleased to give you his valuable ad
secretary of the Bangerlust, of New ; vice gratis.
York; is the leading second bass of the; Address Dr. Hartman, president of
Sangerlust, the largest German singing the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
soiety of New York and also the oldest. Ohio.
Eats Corn Off the Cob.
"I can bite an apple as well as I
could when a child,' and I can eat corn
off the cob as well as any person alive,"
said a lady sixty-eight years old and a
customer of Wise Brothers, the famous
dentists, of Portland, Oregon.
Ehe bad been fitted with full seta of
npper and lower teeth by Wise Broth
ers, and was perfectly astonished to
find that she is now as well supplied
with teeth that she can use as she was
when a litle girl. Wiee Brothers have
revolutionized modern dental methods.
There is no more pain to be feared by
people who have their teeth attended
to, and the cost is very moderate.
They make a great specialty of crown
and bridge work, and evea when it is
necessary to take out all of the old teeth
and put in full new sets, the result is
simply wonderful. The falce teeth, of
course, cannot be told from natural
ones, and the person using them can
do everything be, or (he, could do
with natural teeth. The sets of teeth
are made to fit the gums so perfectly
that there is no slipping, and the
strength of the powible bite is juFt like
that of a natural healthy set of teeth.
The experinece of the lady customer
here related can be yours if your teeth
need attention. No one can afford to
postpone having their teeth nut in or
der. No one need suffer a single day
longer because they have lost the use of
their own teeth. We hope our readers
will carefully watch the advertisements
of Wipe Brothers in this newspaper,
and be persuaded to consult this splen
did dental institution.
Definite Measurement.
"Do you think the world is growing
any better?
"I'm absolute sure of it, anew
ered the monopolist. "Why, only five
vears ago I made only a hundred thous
and a year. Today I am making that
much a month."-Washington Star.
f J I . ever excusable it- is when the body is
I 1 jT tortured by an eating and painful sore.
J V. J- it js truly discouraging to find alter
. faithful nse of external remedies that the place
tenths of diligent and : ive as ever. Every chronic 8or no
remains as deuanr., ang comes", is an evidence of some previous
matter on what .part ci J and that the dregs of these diseases
constitutional or organic t gome hmen poiaonperiiap
remain in the sj stem or , q itg destructive work
Cancer-has come to .the .so fiu health flesfc
through the circulation '-
& S. S. will
jrmaieu ;nftntbi00d when all
invigorate -r , washed out, lresa ricn diooq is camta 10 me
other hurtful g-eTfo. and the decaying flesh begins to have a
diseased parts, n ew t ssnes lonn
healthy and natural look , the cut g g g bw purifief
veral yea" mo, my wife had a that is guaranteed entirely vege
vfr6.V.or7 a Snob.nefi" table. It builds up the blood and
be.t pbyeieift" but r ecet g fl e up the general 8ystetu 89 HO
Our drn1', fourteen bottle cured otjer medicine does. If you have
r.VS . hM bn ri ;ner1,8tc"' sre of Ay kind write u8 and
' B.MA30LD,22C.n8t.,y rf experienced ,.d
, v for which no charge is made. Book on Blood and Slda
lcilled physicians ln'c irr PKciriC CO.. AUu, Otw
Diseases free. 1
, ... niiKIi
i nave ir ea your remedy and 1 have
few bottles I an, fully convinceS
. f vptiu r, tt iiocr
In 1S99 the Saneerlunt celxhriitMi iU
fiftieth anniversary with a large cele
bration in New York City. The follow
ing is his testimony:
"About two years ago I canght a se
vere celd while traveling and which
settled into catairh of the bronchial
iuuv't oa so anectea mv voice tnat 1
was obliged to cancel mv engagements,
T j;i.t0 T j ... JL ,
chcod a hbb auvirtni io try i eruna.
o,H t ua j . .
medicine before, I sent for a bottle,
"Words but illv describe my surprise
to find that within a few davs I was
greatly relieved, and within thiee
7.. i n- : i . Jeel run aown'
Remedy for Wrinkles.
Managing Editor Well, what's the
trouble? .
Assistant The beauty editor is away
and a woman writes to know what to
do with a wrinkle in her xforebead.
Managing Editor Tell her to putty
it up and forget it. Detroit Free Press.
PITC Fermaneutlr Cum ffo TiU or nerrooanM
lllw after tint 'Ik?' uof lr. Klina'a Great Nanre
aotrar. Send lor FK EE S J.OO trial rmttlemod treat.
iM. D.B.U.tUM.Ll4..iai ArchiU.l'hlUJ.Ipliia.i-
A Bumper Crap.
Subbubs You just ought to see my
crop of corn! It's the most promising
in all tbe Lonesomehuist district." '
Townley You don't say! If you
have more than two messes, don't for
get me, will you?
The well posted druggist advises you
to use Hamlin's Wizard Oil for pain, for
he knows what it has done.
At Last.
Tbe landlady was speaking.
"Mr. Bar new tor me, how do you like
your eggs?"
The tragedian's faoe relaxed into an
expression of joy.
"Hard-boiled!" he oried.
L'ntil that time people had wilfully
mistaken his taste. Baltimore Herald.
Mothers will find Mrs. fVlnslow's Sooth
Ine Syrup tbe best remedy to use lor their
sniioren during itie teething period.
The Fern me View.
Wederly Remarkable thing about
tbe disappearance of (27,000 from a
safety deposit vault belonging to
Mrs. Wederly Yes; and the most
remarkable thing about it is that he
bad it to lof-e.
Wederlv Why so?
Mrs. Wederly Oh, most writeis
! complain that literature don't pay.
I Chicago Netfs.
''Will sour the sweetest disposition and
transform the most even tempered, lov
able nature into a cross-grained and
irritable individual.
if impatience or fault-finding ar
and keep it
purify and
sediment or -
Great Transcontinental Railway Now
Knn tver Thrm.
The early explorers and pioneers of
the western part of the United States
made the paths that are now the great
railway highways of eomnimv. The
old trails of the p'tiin. deserts ami
mountains and the routes of the prvs-
eut transtMntinental railways are close
ly asH-intcd. as In the greater num
lnr of cases the big Western railroads
followwl the eoure of the wagon
tracks of fifty years ago. When the
American colonies were declaring their
independence of Un-at ltrltalu the "old
Spanish trail" was being laid out by a
party under the comma ud of Francisco
Silvester Yeles Ksenlante. In the inter
est of the Spanish missions In Califor
This expedition left Santa Fe In July,
lud, and after traveling over what Is
now known as the San Juan country,
reached a spot where tlrand Junction,
Colo., an important present-day rail
way center is located. From there the
party -trailed" to Salt Lake, and from
there to Los Angeles. CaL The new
"Denver and Northwestern Bnllroad
and the Salt Lake and 1ah Angeles
line will closely follow much of this
old Spanish trail.
The Union Taclfic Railroad runs over
the old riatte-Overland route from
Omaha to ,Ogden, and the Atchison.
Topeka and Santa Fe follows for many
hundreds of miles the old Santa Fe
trail, while In Arizona the same road
touches at many points the southern
overland tralL The Santa Fe trail
runs through the Raton Mountains
(southern spurs of the Koeky Moun
tains in New Mexico), and the engi
neers who built the Santa Fe Railroad
found many problems solved In the
way of mountain railway construction
by simply following the trail of the
Spaniards of many years ago.
There are still to be seen along this
trail Spanish bouses that were built In
the time wljen that part of the country
was within Mexican territory, while
there are also many roadhouses that
fifty years ago dispensed cheer and
comfort to the weary travelers who
crossed the plains and mountains for
the precious yellow metal.
The Klo Grande system follows the
trails made by Gunnison In l.S.")3-ri4.
'Ihe Colorado Southern, from Fort Col
lins to Trluldad, Colo., runs along the
trail between Fort Laramie and Fort
Union, and the Oregon Short line Is
built along the Oregon trail from Salt
Lake to Columbia. The Central Pa
cific, now owned by the Southern I'a- j
clfic, runs from Ogdcn to San Frun
clsco by a route that many years ago
was traveled by Spaniards and Indi
ans, across the northern end of the
Great American desert and through
the beautiful Sierra Nevada Moun
tains. From the snow-capped summit of the
Sierra Nevada Mountains to the green
fields around San Francisco Is a ques
tion of eight hours by the fast overland
limited on tbe Southern Pacific, and
along the route may still be seen the
path or trail that years ago required
many days of work and danger suc
cessfully to traverse. From Denver
to Salt Lake City the Denver and Rio
Grande Railroad follows old trails and
the Grand River, along which the wan
dering Mormons plodded on their way
to the hoped-for haven of rest Both
the Rock Island and Union raciflc,
says the New York Tribune, follow
ancient trails, and the big Rock Island
bridge at Omaha crosses the Missouri
River from Council Bluffs at a iolut
where the wealth seekers from the
East, with their families, live stock
and prairie schooners, used to ford the
muddy stream.
Air of Wt Point Had a Peculiar Odor
One Morninic.
At West Point, among so many
young men full of health and animal
spirits. It Is Inevitable that there should
be plenty of Jokes afoot, even to the
extent of pranks constituting breach
of discipline. A favorite form of mis
chief consists In tampering with tire
gun. Once at least, according to II.
Irving Hancock, the reveille gun was
loaded with a peculiar kind of am
munition. When the sentry comes In from
guard duty at night, he finds coffee and
sandwiches In the tent whieb serves as
cadet guard house. As It Is not easy
to gage his appetite, there Is generally
a liberal supply of the sandwiches.
An officer aud a member of the board
of visitors were walking one morning
before reveille. Tbe officer was dila
ting upon the wonderful air at West
Point Suddenly the reveille gun was
fired, and both gentlemen began to
"Marvelous air?" said the visitor. "I
should call it peculiar."
"It does seem strange," admitted the
"It smells like like like fried ham!"
"Precisely. But who is cooking it';"
It was too early for breakfast In any
of tbe bouses at the officer's quarters,
aud besldiw, the odor seemed to come
from the plaid.
"This must be looked Into!" muttered
the officer. "Suppose we take a walk
over the plain."
A fragment of scorched bam was
found In the grass, then a piece of bad
ly made toast, then more ham and
more toast.
A trail of fried bam and toast extend
ed for an eighth of a mile. Some cadet
had loaded tbe gun with candwlcbea,
rammed them down under newspaper
wadding, and awaited the event No
one ever discovered who that frolic
some cadet was.
One touch of nature keeps fbe whole
world on the lookout for new enia-
Gray ?
"My hair vis falling out and
turning gray very fist. But your
Hair igor stopped the falling and
restored the natural color." Mrs.
E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. Y.
It's impossible for you
not to lock old, with the
color of seventy years in
your hair I Perhaps you
are seventy, and you like
your gray hair! If not,
use Ayer's Hair Vigor.
In less than a month your
gray hair will have all the
dark, rich color of youth.
II. N MIX. All irafttws.
If yonr drnpctK cannot np-lT you,
tvnd ut on dlUr and will eipt
you ft hott). 1 ur-? tun) the ittu
ml jour near-wit esnrf-M otlTc. AddioM,
J. C. AVKR CX., Lowell, Wm.
TOWER 5 armnt and
hats era made of the best
material in black or yellow
for cJI kinds of wet work.
tup iru rf. rut. pkm . -
IIU. tftNNI lllb IWII, ' 6;
hortland, Uranon. Kounilwl UM
I Home School for Boyi
Military and Manual Tralaln;.
Writ for Illustrated cmnlonus.
ARTHUR C. NliW ILL, Principal
Foot ol MoniKn Street.
Ctrl rive you the beit bmritalni In Tloller
and Fnfrinea, Wliirlmlll. -u m and lietie
ral Marhliiery. VHd Hawlnir Maehiueg a
iwclaltr. M ui Iwfuru huylnir.
For Others to Enjoy.
Brown You should do Bomethlng to
contribute to othr people's enjoyment.
Jones I do; I'm always making s
fool of myself. New York Press.
I do not twlleva Pian'a Curs fur Con.
mniption ha an equal fur coupli ami
rolda, John F. iiuTKi, Trinity bprlnga,
hid., Feb. 15. 11X10.
A Hard Pillow.
Weary Willie Modern improve
ments may be fine, but 'they have their
Tired Traddles For instance;?
Weary Willie When fellow sneaks
into s stable to sleep nowadays he finds
nothing in it but baled buy. Judge.
v-.x,z7;,:....T:i;.,r- ,7.;.-,ir.i.
AVefelaljle Preparalionfor As
similating tlteFoodanrlRctfula
ling die Stoioacte and Dowels of
Promolcs Digcalion-Clieerrul-ness
and Rt'sl .Contains neillur
Opium. Morplutie iior Muu-'ral.
fimp tfOUn-SWlTLPtTCtOH
f- '- --U
Aperfecl Remedy forConslirvi
Hon. Sour Stonvwh, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions ,e ven sh
ness and Loss OF SLEEF.
Facsimile Signature of
w N make Hem Uy and
V 1 01M. It itrengthonj
My youD ehlctfas
CilaVMCl MCUir of JO
(rots dylnf and I bar
Best Catuvta bjrup. TaUM Uoud. UN TJ
It lima fktlfl h r1 aMwarlaf a Krl
liLnLiJ flllLnt. tVLL LLOL I l"i M mV AB1
Nomina so oooo fan chicmwn m rut
tnd Khii Uim
I itrangthani young chick,
enicKana wmntncM
oe vour riiuiMiiAji
bars aonstantlr kDt
It aaiuatbvatUBMUdu ratilos poultrr. O. S. HIOUIN, Laiaa, Waia. SJSi'.rUi7
f OUTLAMU SKKU CO. Ifvrtlaad. Or., Ceaat Agaats.
Mltoholl Wagtuu
1 ''AV ".aWV
Best on Earth
ftmua tt nm.ls f lh Ht niniOTi! prjthl
lo btn . lb niniMtu.'imrr i:'.mitrt fw ifc
lo U f f'tlt itoiitv lh m'ttktn pro- uMm4
run t sworn tmtr f r ti ir 1 ! .' -u
ins: vtr n,t Kiimitm? off lit rrf,t n tit
Afut'n ftinrk, htm ) tw .. I rvr 1 it t-wi
rr making huh ui-mn- in iiiuun
Att Mfsrk o Brunt on intliion .t.tllftrH.
MUX HKU, Wictxx r virp
onitlliv. iirviHtrttoii, tiiiiti. tinsuur. it4 lU'
V i v-n.H ir t hm (t:- Ml U lirT.l.
mkoHmll, Lmwim A lrM- Qwm
S)lUftsMk rruUtx. tKnkn . uostv
4cum Kvr) fAurrtv
V. u i)uiilas tihofs Bit- thti stan
dard of the world. This In the rtumm
W. J, Doiitflns ninkes nnd st-lls mure
nitui's r.l.oo and f:i.r0 shtit's thitn any
otht'r two mmmlartiirers.
II.I0S.SJ0 1 SKSSL. .i.3 10.000
flf Imoortt anil American Irnthtr,, Htyl I
Patint Calf, tnamtl, Colt, Calf, Vlcl Corona
Colt, Mat. Kanaaroo. t aut ( oltir t"..vOrl umiI.
ClUllon I Th nulne hT W. U IXUOLAV
" niinp unit price atnuped on tMittuiu.
A'Vvj by wviW, :'.V. rj(rn. lllut, i il,ilv -.e.
n iltH'iur Ik mllvtl
KTfHl bli'nliH h I'Urm
Pmii wlUtniu niNr
turn ilmi Hre if (vi it up
Hhm wiutrlui Ch
iifiw IistIib, rtMttN, tiuila.
hnrkn iul vf,'tttit
thut r rnitrfiy uu
kiMiwn lei iitfillml aol
run In thm roumry. Thmuitli t utl thi
lnaTinl"' rt-nitNliPii thin fMiiHu iltn'ior kt
iha (wtlun of uvtr Vmi iliffHrrm n-mlifi, w lit oh
lit ftui-i-fHNful ly unt-n in difTtrfiil Uihiumm. kit
(tmranit' lit ctir isvtitrih. Mtbiiiii, hiii-f,
Ihroni, rhvuinailiiiii, iiitvimihiim, HtonisUiLi.
IKr, kliln-, ic. ; Ima liuiKlrntU tiT tcmiiuuii
talk hi rut! HiMitTHi. ( nil aihI nt liiiu,
i'Milrnm ui of lh city wrlii fr blfcnki uti
rlrfiilHrn. tttd 4 cvutii In niHiiip. CUMst IV
U2t Third St., HtriUnti, OrHn
jtf"MnUoii MtLHir.
Appijr u KaihaK liMKroan,
AnoasaT, Vi iaumuru. li. c.
N, No. 43- !.
lirUEM wrtt'as to 4Ttln plaa I
I II an.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
L.yini. it cure Roup. Choltra ard All
and miaM thwn (row. Prlc 25c and 50c.
ajina, ana artr iilid' four dosen I pur-
ruuuKi ruuii. wnica .ioiilmtu m.tn
It an hajkd .T.r .Inca I dab rvcuiuruaad