Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, January 09, 1902, Image 6

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kODII BOX, PablUhar.
It Is possible now to wire back borne
from the Klondike for funds.
A Congressman Is not necessarily rich
when be bus Ills pocket full of bills.
If King Edward will only give tliem
trial be can get barrels of patent meil
lcines free of charge for a testimonial.
Tbe latest fad in methods of walking
Is called tbe gracile glide. You fade up
the street in a way tbut makes tbe fool'
killer fairly perspire.
If we were to tax the capital stock of
corporations resolutely for a few years
probably that would tend to squeeze
out most of the water.
By long practice the Sultan of Turkey
has learned tbe extreme limit of safety
in standing off the man with the gun
before promising to come down.
Tbe people who contributed a million
dollars to that Boston get-rlcb-quick
firm will find no sympathy among peo
ple who do not seek to get niucb for
An English scientist declares that
frequent bathing of the person thins
the bair. Probably be took the auar-
clst as a starting point and reasoned
To say what sort of clothing a police
man shall wear when off duty Is car
rying tbe idea of government so far
that It would undoubtedly shock Mr.
Jefferson If he were alive.
A Chicago girl declares she got mar
ried without kuowiug It. There are lots
of ladies who would be glad to lind out
that something of the kind had hap
pened to them when they weren't look
ing. Nearly 17.000,000 American children
are attending school. This is almost
one-fourth the population of the repub
lic. There Is a connection between this
fact and the other so generally ac
knowledged, that this Is an enlighten
ed and progressive nation.
When we recall the obstinate resist
ance made to the exposure of the
abuses of hazing at West Point and the
persistent efforts to discredit the al
leged causes of the death of Cadet
Boos, aud finally tbe strong opposition
to drastic measures for the suppression
of the evil, it must be recognized that
to the press of tbe country, which gave
publicity to this evil. Is due tbe great
credit for the Improvement which Col.
Mills reports.
The Boer war has demonstrated that
the notion of military affairs in Eng
land Is wrong and that of warfare
obsolete. If we may trust report the
famed armies of Germany and France
are not ordered on a much better un
derstanding. Tbe old European Idea
of massive formation, of automatic pre
cision in drill, of parade excellence,
still answers tbe ideal. Armies, bow
ever large, made up in this way can
make little impression on tbe loose for
mation, accurate individual marksman
ship and Individual initiative that char
acterizes the Boer army. If one may
call their commandoes by the name of
Tbe experience of Buffalo Is discour
aging to those who are planning similar
undertakings elsewhere. But great ex
hibitions should never be projected with
any Idea of immediate profit. The Cen
tennial did not pay for Itself, j-et it was
one of the very best investments that
rhiladelphians ever made and of incal
culable benefit to the whole nation. No
one can pretend to estimate the univer
sal gain from the great Columbian fair.
If only in tbe aesthetic interest it
awakened, and Chicago has profited
from it largely, although It must have
involved at the time a heavy financial
loss in that community. The value of
an exhibition is not to be measured by
its receipts and expenses, but by its
character and influence.
An evidence of higher civilization In
our universities Is seen in the fact that
Cornell has adopted resolutions against
all petty and indiscriminate rushes.
The single rush which is to take the
place of ita senseless predecessors Is an
organized rush in which two teams of
fifteen men each endeavor to get pos
session of a flag. Tbe struggle Is to
last only for a few minutes, when the
team having the larger number of
hands on the flag Is declared the win
ner. This solution of the rush problem
Is settled in a rational and democratic
way. The students themselves saw the
senselessness aud brutality of tbe old
sport and made their own rules as be
comes citizens of a free government.
On tbe very day when Cornell reached
this decision the authorities of McGlll
University, Montreal, met and decided
that undergraduate rushes must be
given tip. It Is a significant fact that
the spirit of self-government In the Uni
ted States accomplished in a far more
creditable way the end sought to be
gained in Canada by law and external
The Dutch have taken Holland" Is
not so much of a truism as it seems.
They have taken a part of It and intend
to take a great deal more. There is a
project on foot for draining the Zuyder
Zee. The undertaking has been a sub;
Ject of discussion in Holland for more
than half a century, but now it has
taken on a more practical shape and is
to be a political Issue. About fifty
years ago Haarlem lake was drained
and more than lti.OOO people are living
on what was once the bed of tbe lute.
Zuyder Zee. which contains more than
1.30O square miles, was of trifling ex
tent until All Saints' day in 1U47. when
the North Sea swallowed up a large
tract of country. 8o the Netherlander
in shutting out the sea are only re
claiming what rightfully belongs to
them. It Is not yet decided whether
the work will be done by Inclosing
with a dike a large tract now under
water and then pumping this Into tbe
sen or by constructing one great barrier
dike and reclaiming tbe Inclosed area
by installments. The latter plan Is the
more ambitious and more expensive,
but doubtless more economical In the
end. It would require eighteen years
and the cost would be J40.000.0tK). It
is proposed to raise the sum by loan
anil to pay It off. principal and Inter
est. In sixty years. The patience, en
ergy and thrift of the Netherlander
make the big enterprise thoroughly
feasible. In soug and story their mer
its have been recognized, and It was
not without reason that Goethe In his
greatest poem made the Dutch the type
of an industrious, happy people, the
possessors of a free soli gained not by
conquest over a weaker people, but by
an honest wrest from the shallows of
the sea that which was lawfully Its
Man might as well imitate the habit
of the foolish canine aud bay at the
moon as to attempt to prevent hall
storms by the use of explosives or by
any agencies that are uow under his (
control. This Is the substance of the
advice embodied in a recent statement
issued by Prof. Willis L. Moore, acting
Secretary of Agriculture. The state
ment was called out by manifestations
of renewed interest In the subject In
various parts of the world, particularly
In France aud Italy. Attempts have
lately been made to prevent hailstorms
by the use of explosives from especial
ly designed cannon, but all have ended
In failure. Prof. Moore calls attention
to the fact that scientists in both Eu
rope and America have shown the Im
possibility of interfering with the great
processes of nnture that are going on in
the atmosphere. Basing their belief
on such knowledge of the forces of na
ture as science has revealed, they af
firm that no explosive that can ever be
Invented by man will be powerful
enough to prevent hailstorms. The at
tempt to prevent hailstorms In this way
Is as futile as the efforts of the "rain
makers" of a few years ago, who were
seized with the notion that the use of
high explosives would attract clouds
and produce rainfall. Thousands of
dollars were expended In these absurd
experiments only to demonstrate that
Jupiter Pluvius pays no heed to man's
puny but noisy efforts to Interfere with
his plans. The hail shooters. It is ob
served, are using practically the same
methods to dissipate the clouds that
the rainmakers used to attract them or
produce them. Hall prevention and
rain making are beyond the reach of
human skill and daring. They repre
sent processes of such vast and poten
tial sweep as to mock the efforts of
man to control them.
Judge Neely of Chicago Makes De
cision f Importance to chol.
Judge Charles G. Neely, who has de
cided that the Chicago Board of Educa
tion has no right to give free text books
to the children In
any of the grades
of the public
schools, is one of
the most distin
guished jurists in
tbe West. Judge
Neely was born at
Benton, 111., in
1855 and was edu
cated in the State
University at
Champaign. After
his graduation in 1SS0 he at once began
the study of law, and was soon admit
ted to the bar. His maiden case was
tried In Cook County. Judge Neely
has always been an advocate of a judi
ciary free from political considerations
of every kind.
A Man of Metal.
The "Iron Chancellor" has disappear-
sd, says the Westminster Gazette, but
there Is still a Teuton very much alive
who is "a man of iron" in an almost lit
eral sense of the term. This came out
a few days ago when a young German
porter bragged at a public house that
he was a man of iron, since a sports
man had discharged at least ninety
grains of shot Into his back. He would
have nothing to do with surgeons,
wherefore his brother had removed
about half of the "load" by the s'mple
expedient of cutting the shots out with
a knife. The story was presently
brought before the authorities, and the
porter was medically examined, with
tbe result that his story proved abso
lutely true. His back and anus were
"larded" with lead balls, which he car
ried about without any .discomfort
whatever. The reason for his reluc
tance to approach a surgeon seems to
have been that tbe sportsman who bad
thus marked him was a gamekeeper,
and it was while he was on a poaching
expedition that 111 luck thus befell bim.
Diamonds in Kails.
Microscopic diamonds have been
found in worn steel rails of the North
eastern Railway Company In EmHanri
that were being experimented upon to
find out bow much strength the steel
bad lost
The world gets easier every day for
tbe women; they no longer have to get
out of bed at night because they forgot
to set yeast for pancakes. .
:3bS3- fo
rj3 HE Itch for the feel of a shotgun
11 attacks the shooter Just as surely
nnd regularly as hay fever grabs
its victim. Some men get it in August
and start out after plover. Others es
cape till September brings the chicken
season. Still others do not come down
until the approach of winter brings the
ducks and puts Bob White on the eli
gible list. A good many chronics have
it the year round and give a rest to
nothing that wears feathers.
A crowd of up-to-date sportsmen look
more like desperadoes starting out to
hold up a train than respectable mem
bers of society. These tougb-looklug
citizens are clad in canvas, moleskin,
and corduroy that looks like the break
ing up of a hard winter. There is noth
ing disreputable In either of these ma
terials, but no shooter really gets 'at
tached to a suit till it is ready to fall
to pieces. In fact, you can usually tell
just about bow good a shot a man is
by tbe dilapidation of his clothes. This
outfit Is finished off with any old kind
of hat and shoes, a weather-beaten and
scarred gun case, and a disreputable
old leather or canvas bag with as much
shape to it as a potato sack and of
great capacity. Like as not the sports
man leads a shambling old dog by a
chain, and together they make a pair
you would not care to meet on a dark
Yet this same disreputable-looking
cbnp Is likely enough a good citizen, a
loving husband, and a fond father. It
is possible be may have worn a pink
coat on the golf links, and been tbe
admired of all tbe fair sex. But now
he has deserted the ladles as entirely
as he has shed his pink coat; mighty
few petticoats are seen in these out
fits. There are a few women who hunt
with their husbands, buc they are few
and far between. Woman doesn't take
naturally to the joy of the hunting
field, and, besides, when the chicken fe
ver gets into a man's bones, he hasn't
much use for the sex.
Hunting Is a relic of savagery, and
tbe truly masculine man wants to get
off by himself when his fingers itch
for the feel of the shotgun. And yet
queerly enough, though woman does
not care for bunting, she admires the
hunter Immensely. To her he repre
sents the strong man, next to tbe sol
dier, and strength seems always good
In a woman's eyes. The man accepts
her admiration, but white be really en
Joys her company at times on the ten
nis court and golf links, and tolerates
it on a fishing trip, he looks on petti
coats as decidedly out of place when
be starts out for the prairie or the
marsh. Perhaps this is the reason why
be gets himself up in a costume in
which no woman would look at him
Long before minstrels sang tbe glo
ries of the chase, or courtly edict made
bim master of the feast who first
struck the royal game, hunting was a
favorite diversion of our ancestry. Re
searches that unveil pre historic man,
show him pursuing the sport of kings
with rude weapons of stone and flint
From that time to this the deep-mouthed
bay of the hound and the winding
of the horn have been accounted a
sweet music of tbe forest Poets of
all times have caught Its inspiration,
even the staid Jouson lauding It as the
noblest exercise, making one healthy,
active, courageous, self-reliant and free
from the evils that thrive where the
mind and imagination have to supply
the pleasures of life.
And the blood of the sportsman runs
as warm now as when some rude chief
tain or half-barbarous Diana led the
course. But It is not to tbe sentiment
or history of bunting that this article
addresses Itself. Neither Is it proposed
to visit the haunts of tbe wild boar re
served for Imperial sacrifice, to follow
the hounds over the range within
which he Is predestined to give brave
men and fair women a holiday, nor to
visit the exclusive preserves that go
with a patent of nobility, where favor
ed sons of fortune find ready at hand
the prey that Is nurtured that they may
revel in its destruction. It has to do
with the game and sportsman of our
own country, where mountain,
meadow, stream and lake are accessi
ble to all who keep within the laws
that are framed to perpetuate their
Among the wild ducks, as a table de
licacy, epicures that are connoisseurs
give the cunvas-back a place of un
questionable supremacy. Conjointly
with the toothsome terrapin It holds
the honor of conferring upon Baltimore
the title of gastronomic capltul of the
nation. Though this idol of the edu
cated palate ranges the Atlantic coast
even to tbe Ice-bound regions of tbe
north, the odds are overwhelming that
If it be shot outside of Chesapeake Bay
or the waters of the Susquehanna as
they open into It, the game will be so
tough and fishy as to be ordered away
wben served. This Is through no pe
culiar virtue of tbe water In tbe bay
or tributary river, nor Is it the result of
climatic Influence. In the shallows
there are found vast beds of wild cel
ery. Feeding upon It gives to the canvas-back,
and also to tbe closely re
lated red-head, the exclusive flavor
which tickles the cultivated taste. As
a rule genuine sportsmen there shoot
from "blinds." which are any sort of
artificial concealment in a boat or on
shore, and use decoys, while the mar
ket gunners carry on their slaughter
with the aid of "sink boats" and night
reflectors. In the wholesale methods
of destruction employed by those who
kill to sell there Is little to attract the
sportsmen: a statement that is true
wherever water fowls are shot.
Belonging to tbe same royal family
with the canvas-back are the mallards
and teal, fqund abundantly in many
States. No other ducks are so widely
and familiarly known as the mallard.
Before the opening of the spring they
Degin their migration from the South,
flying swiftly while they travel, yet
tarrying wherever Inviting conditions
present themselves until Instinct as
sures them tbut their destination in the
far north is comfortably habitable.
Mallards arc frequently found before
departing for the south reveling In corn
fields, grain stubble or wooded places.
The mallard never affords a daintier
dish than when fattened from such
buses of supply. They are shot from
boats, over decoys and from blinds on
shore. Tbe sportsman who can call
them is In luck, nnd he who knows best
the ways of the wary duck will briug
back the most game, for he can find It
in a snow storm, at the ice holes. In
the open water or at some of Its haunts
on land.
The swift-flying Teals, the blue-winged
that comes in the earliest fall, and
tbe hardier green-winged stays until
winter has positively asserted Itself.
They are a luxury on the table, but it
Is an old saying that there Is no use of
sending slow shot after them and only
the keen sportsman brings them In.
There Is the gaily-feathered Wood
duck. Gadwall, Blue Bill, Black Pated
and numerous others that can only be
named In passing. Be sure of your gun,
your shells, your boat your decoys,
your dog and whatever aids to game
getting you may have in your equip
ment. Bagging the prairie chicken in these
days Is a very difficult proposition from
the old-time easy shooting over a dog
on the stubble-fields, and tbe man who
brings home birds has earned them.
The reason of this is that the prairie
chicken has adapted his habits to his
surroundings. No longer does he stay
In the stubble-fields, an easy prey to
man and dog. Nowadays he hides in
the cornfields, and It is no joke to find
chickens In corn six to eight feet high,
or to shoot them when found. The
best chicken dog that ever came to a
point Is practically useless in a corn
field, and when tbe covey gets up 'tis
much like taking a snap shot at a
woodcock In tbe tall brush. 1'ou've got
Just about one second of actual time
11 . . Alt .
to do business In then find tbe covey
again if you can. Tbe only time to
catch the chickens out on the stubble
Is just before dusk, and on the first
alarm they take to the corn.
No game bird Is dearer to the heart
of the true sportsman than what is
popularly known as the quail. Let the
savants of natural history dispute
whether he be quail or partridge. His
"Bob Vhite" can be heard from one
end of the land to the other. One hard
winter with deep-crusted snow works
greater devastation among the quail
coveys than can all the men with dogs
and guns that take to the field. The
farmer boy who pots the quail when
they go to the stacks and barnyards
to feed is another enemy of the quail,
but be is among the evils against which
the law has Intervened and the sturdy
little bird must be killed in legitimate
sport or not at all. You can scarcely
go amiss In pursuit of quail in case
you know their ways. If the weather
be fair the birds will be on their feed
ing ground at sunrise, among the stub
ble or in the rag-weed patches. About
10 they have satisfied their appetites
and seek the sunny side or some covert
by the nearest stream where they can
. ,x
find drink ana enjoy tne pleasure or
repletion. Here tbey are hard for tbe
dog to find, and tbe shrewd sportsman
will he content to wait until 2 or 8
o'clock. After a rain, oo your hunting
on tbe uplands. If the weather has
been dry, seek your game in the vicini
ty of water that drains the lowlands.
The proper management of dogs and
guns means the bagging of plenty of
quail, and you 'can look for them on
almost any countryside, for the "Bob
White" thrives with civilization, and
promises to always be the game bird
of tbe country. To shoot him requires
quick action, a steady nerve and, espe
cially on a cross shot an appreciation
of the fact that he flies witn wonderful
The finest dark-n;eated bird that files
Is the woodcock, the little russet-coated
fowl that bus no song and seeks no
companionship, and yet is as eagerly
sought for by tbe keen sportsman as Is
the trout, tbe grayling, and the small
mouthed bass by the angler. Woodcock
Is at a great premium for the table
with the epicure and the bon vlvant,
but it has an Instinctive way of foiling
' the ambitious hunter. It Is not at home
to the casual wanderer through fields'
I and woods, and must be sought for In
: the deepest and most tangled swamps,
where it bides at the approach of dan
! ger and can only be induced to take
wing by the nearest approach. Then
i It whirls away in the lines of a cork
screw and no bungler Is going to bring
It down. The surest place to get Mr.
Woodcock, who runs all family affairs,
when you can find him there, is in the
alder paths and other less-Impeded low
grounds where he industriously bores
for the worms that are his almost ex
clusive diet. In tramping for wood
cock in a country like this, where game
Is plenty, you ore almost sure to rout
out some partridge nnd are thus given
sport by two of the most "difficult"
birds that attract the hunter.
Though the snipe is very nearly re
lated to the woodcock and, like It, is
regarded as one of the daintiest mor
sels that can be set before a lover of
good living, there Is a wide difference
In their appearance as well as their
haunts. The snipe Is essentially a bird
of the open and Is very rarely found In
cover. If it can locate a fresn meadow
where the soil Is rich and the crop of
worms prolific, It Is sure to make this
a feeding ground while the attraction
remains. You can detect one of these
haunts by the Inspection of paths or
other bare spots, for tne snipe leave
their trail In the tiny holes bored by
their long bills in the search for food.
They also frequent the vicinity of
springs and such portion of murshes
as are not overgrown with rushes. They
are not easy to shoot for they rise in
a zigzag flight, twist, angle, dip and
ascend till they are away In a head
long course before any but the experr
enced sportsman knows Just what he
should do. Were It not that the wood
cock nnd snipe were fated to disap
pear as the encroachment of civiliza
tion robs them of their restricted feed
ing grounds, they would divide honors
uu tne quail In the
esteem of the
Perfectly Formed Face.
A perfectly formed face Is one-third
forehead, one-third nose, and one-third
upper and lower chin.
A man doesn't mind being a fool as
long as he doesn't know it
I I II It It'll .. 'M CTI tS. . I ' I