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About Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1944)
'“T.’TS LIBRARY >000 PI WES OVER REICH MOTHERS DAY, S >me 6000 tons of bombs were dropped by 2'M>0 planes over Na'i targets, principally in German . yesterday, it was revealed in an \s-<xiated Press dispatch from London« Send your voice home—the folk- will like to hear front vou Pepsi Cola recorder a* Service Club 1 w ill be open evenings on the week- Vol. 3. No. 2 Camp Adair. Oregon. FtKiav. April 28. 19-11. $1.50 a Year by Mail Jack Benny at Adair May 14 ff First Mascot Trailblazer" No. 4 Out Monday; the Best B'cast Network Show At Field House, 1630 I 32-page Book Versatile, Boasts Many New Features; Viz: Pin-ups I Stars of Famed Radio Troupe In First Adair Big-Timer By Tec3 Bob Ruskauff The clown prince of Waukegan will he at Adair May 14! Which is to say that Jack Benny. Mary Livingstone, Ro chester. Don Wilson. Phil Harris and other principals of thsir (Managing Editor, The Sentry) This is a “book” review. Having previewed the new, fourth volume of the 32- page Trailblazer Magazine which will burgton (strategically) ----------------------------------------------- ♦famous cast are tentatively sched uled to broadcast their General Foods NBC network program at pay-day on news stands of the*------------------------------------------------ 16-30 from a Post theater, accord “ Post Exchanges, it is a delight to ing to arrangement* made yester oblige the request for diagnosis. day by Major Harvey Blythe, 70th It is so because the new Trail Div. SSO, and by Benny’« manager. blazer contains a richer and more You car. mail home a« many ( Then the troupe will adjourn to the compactly-captioned array of pho Trailblazir Magazines as you like Field House for a GI performance, tographs than any past issue and. I —for nothing! thus giving Adair GI* a double dose viewed over-all, is unquestionably This was the . rospect lor Trail- of what bids to be the greatest the best thus far. "What Next,” next VSO show Mazer GIs planning to send the «how of its kind held at this Post, There is a little bit of everything, at Camp Adair, is booked solid at I Corp« Pr**>»<* THIS IS STINKY, pride of the book home to the folks, on the eve ( Benny and his troupe are now on from “Lace” — and we do mean Club 1 for tomorrow night at 1900 I ' of payday, when the magazine will tour in the Northwest, and at pres "Lace”—to life in the rwugh, and and two show*. 1900 and 2031h at Past motor pool and Adair's first ma-erd. Re was purclnisrd for 75 appear on compenj; pay-tables. ent at Vancouver, British Columbia. we do mean GI. Theater a on Monday. Admission cents in Salem hv T/Srt. Milton Major General John E. Dahlquist , Detail* of the show Ing thn* far G. Weinstein. July I. 1912. He's extended the men of the Division 1 There are still a few bugs in it. is free to all GIs. completed indicate that the »ho» still thriving. as the hard-working Trailblazer Featuring a combination of com his special invitation to mail the ' will be presented with either the staff is the first to admit. But the edy. suave reception in magic and book free. 70th Infantry band or the Wil work has, in general, been thor boogie woogie. "What Next." is Jeep Sends Cookies Home The 70th soldier w ho wants to I lamette Iron and Steel Corp, ough, painstaking ard done with a rated high in advance notices, Parsons, h, its. (CNS*—Con- mail a Trailblazer need do just two j hand furnishing the music in lieu polish that would credit not a few j Vaudeville War Horse trary to the usual custom, Mrs. things: (1) write the address on of Phil Harris' regular aggrega magazines that are silling all right I Jack Waldron, emcee, works in Alice Peabody has received a box the wrapper and (2) drop it in tion. on a national basis. I and out of all the acts and stars in cf cookie* from her nephew in the company mail. Postage will The husband of Alice Faye, how “Spring Comes to Oregon” ¡his own sketch to keep the show the Army. He’s attending Cooks’ be taken care of. ever, la here with hi* pianist and If the weather synchronizes ; rolling. A widely known comedian. and Baker«’ School. <Cont’ on Page 3. Col. 3) will do the directing plus the stuff with the cover it will be a happy Waldron, in his 20 years of show which he wrap* around hi* buoyant miracle. Titled "Spring Comes to business, has played at all of the ♦ battle of the : \ ir rages “Hi? a, Jackson.” Oregon." it 'hows a Trailblazer important vaudeville theaters and Dennis Day. Benny'* |y ric ten ♦ SOVIETS REGROl'P FORCES GI. CpI. Benton Speece. banked been headlined at numerous supper or. will not be h»re. and it i* ♦ JAPS IX)SH OX TWO FRONTS I in a profu-ion of blossoms. The i clubs in the larger cities. probable that the staging will be (Cont. on Page 3, Col. 5) I (Continue! on page 3 column 4) furnished by some talented GI ¡New Trailblazer Mag i ¡May Be Mailed Free! New USO Show r The World : Monitored by Tec 4 John Stump from this Post. Walter Bunker is producer of PRE-INVAS1ON TENSION in Germany and Europe reached a the Benny program, one of the high fUUh in the world this week—the .Allies »cored new successes on oldest in radio, in fact, during two war fronts against Japan, and Russian armies regrouped for new much of its 10 turbulent years the It will be full ahead "on all 16” for Camp Adair’s emporium of offensive» to co-ordinate with the Allied blow .... . B< nny show ha* held first place 1-owhng, tomorrow night. Tomorrow, the Post Exchange announced IN STEPPING VP PREPARATIONS for the battle of Europe I in th. Ciosley poll and never gone yesterday, the added eight alleys will be opened and bowlers who have (Continued on Page 2. Columns 1 and 21 Dower than tenth. b en laying down a full barrage on*---------------------------------------------- the eight alleys which opened last Plenty of Tone; Three Tones Fecture USO Show Tomorrow, Monday Wednesday will use full facilities of the up-to-the-minute kegling uso plant. Throughout the past week, bowl CAMP SHOWS ers have put the alleys to fullest T night and nerceforth at the' Use and uncovered a wealth of un I Field House dances, until the » suspected talent. Top score for one jntans come in, it will be per- ¡rsme has already touched 264. and ■ ¡««ibie to wear either Class A it was ewident that the coveted 300, r t lass B uniforms. or perfect game, will be rung up This war the announcement yes soon by somebody. terday by < apt. Russeil G. »•ios i. Whatever, it will he well worth Special Service Officer. Win a<l- while to do it. Announcement was vised that the loosening of tieg made yesterday that Adair howlers wtil not ** loieiateo, « .d that if will receive war bonds for out I >u w< ar A'la»* .A uzlforr.t the standing score*. «ye may not be removed. War Bond for 398 Field ja< keta will net he worn. A $25 War Bond »ill be of- You may wear your field jacket to (Continued on rye 7. column 1J he Field House and cheek it, but t may not be woin inside. It was further emphasized that he start of dance* >• at 2000. promptly when junior hostesses 1 Latest total* of Army casualties arrive from nearby communities, up to March 23. announced by Sec r ■ r their own interest, soldiers are retary of War Stimson at a recent .rged to get there early. This not press conference, are 134.(532. only provides early fiance partners Of these. 23.-322 are rrpor1«l for the lasses but by the old axiom killed. 554*86 wounded, 28.014 miss —"He who gets there fastest ia ing and 28.230 prisoner*. Of those best served” early arrival» should reported pri—er«. 1077 have been | do better in the way of date*. listed as dead Bowling Plant 'Revs 'On All 16' As 8 More Alleys Open Tomorrow L New Uniform Rules For Friday Dances Casualties, 134,632