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About Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1943)
<■; r'k'. nnDÄarn*3 Camp Adair Sentry Below Is Correct Thursday, May 13, 1943. There Is But One ’»RAISE THE RIGHT HAND SMARTLY UNTIL THE TIP OP THE FOREFINGER TOUCHES THE LOWER. PART OF THE HEAD DRESS ABOVE AND SLIGHTLY TO THE RIGHT OF THE RIGHT EYE Page Three Correct Way to Salute TURN YOUR. HEAD AND EYES TOWARDS PERSON SALUTED Trumpet She Is; No More Bugle in Army Now Officially Same Thing Gabriel Blew By Pvt. Harry Klimner In this war ,it’s not a bugle any more; it’s a trumpet. The Army official list of G.I. musical instruments includes no bugle. The name of the instrument • NO TRICK was changed to trumpet in 1923, SALUTES when the old cavalry bugle used in PONT COVER YOUR FACS WITH YOUA • FOREARM the last war was discarded because HAND. LEARN TO UPPER.. AT A *5 5ALUTI PROMRLY it was too hard to blow. This was ARAA ANGLE reported in a recent edition of STR AIGM T HAND -4r News Week. WRIST • REHOVe YOUR The magazine also informs its STRAIGHT 5MOKI readers that the new trumpet NEVER SALUTE WITH A CIGAR . Cl 6ARETT« henceforth will be plastic and not OR A FlPfc IN YOUR. brass. AOUTH There will be no attempt to re claim the old metal instruments, but hereafter all “bugles” (which a stubborn Army and public still per sist in calling them) will be made of olive-drab tenite (cellulose ace tate butyrate), an Eastman Kodak product heretofore used for hair pins, door knobs and safety film. • BE AkiR.1 No More ‘Lip-Stick’ • ALWAYS CO/AE TO • SALUTE SIA ART LY ATTENTION TO salute While the new “bugle” is the » PONT TRY TO $ALUTi • WHEN IN DOUBT - DON'T HAVE VDUR, HAND IN YOU A same size as the old one. it WHILE ON THE RUN POCKET - STAND ERECT AND SALUTE SLOW POWN TO A WALK- THIN weighs only half as much and '--vg A. SNAPPY SALUTE SALUTE will save two pounds of brass. About The Cartoon! Unlike the brass trumpet, it needs no warming up and will not The above cartoon by Staff stick to the bugler’s lips in the Artist T 5 Don Lynch, is used cold gray dawn. Tenite is also to grace Post Headquarters exceptionally hard to break, will building, alongside a large mir not dent, and needs no elbow ror which greets you at the en grease to keep it shining. Building Receives The Army has placed an initial trance and invites you to “Stop What is a salute, and what is Contest.’ Fame—But order of 10,000 plastic trumpets as ...!!” and make sure you are in Modern Equipment its origin? trial models. More will be ordered Well Take Chicken uniform. Today, as we know, it is a GI as needed, and there’s also a small all artists, genealo- Attention “ Post Headquarters PX No. 16 form of courteous recognition. But order of {Jastic fifes in the oEtinn- A Wee Bit Cracked through the centuries it has been gists, blots on family escutch- will open for business this Monday Plenty Buglers? changed. Historians, frankly, do eons and GI’s — the Sanitary- at its new location—a few feet News Week contends that finding Kansas City, Mo. (CNS)—Elmer not agree on its origin. However— Company announces a contest from the old spot,” Lt. Frank M. Cummins, an elevator operator and training “buglers” is no prob- Way back in the days of the for a design for a Company Moore, post exchange officer an began to eat his lunch explaining lem, albeit some company com- nounced yesterday. Borgias, according to history, no CresL For further details read that his wife had fixed it hurriedly, manders at Camp Adair might tell He declared that all the latest “ Mosquito Destroyers ’ ’ Column one trusted anyone; for at any time He pulled out a hard boiled egg you other wise. Be that as it may, equipment has been procui-ed and and cracked it on his head. Then he the magazine backs up this state- your best friend might try to knife appearing elsewhere in this is explained that the cafeteria style realized his wife had been in such ment by reporting that— you. So, anyone coming into the sue. w-ill be put into effect in order to A reward: all the Southern a hurry she forgot to boil the egg. j The Army is full of ex-Boy presence of a superior was required serve customers more efficiently. Scouts and swing-band trumpet to raise his hand, palm to the front,' Fried Chicken you can eat and “All credit for the new building players. As an example they give to show there was no dagger con undying fame. Contest will end which was the former delapidated ALBANY PRESBYTERIANS May 23. All are eligible. Pfc. Clarence Zylman who played cealed therein. ALL OUT FOR SOLDIERS framework in which post publica Submit suggestions through Time and custom, the historians Sleeping facilities for 90 men reveille in swingtime so success tions was housed, should go to Message Center, Post Head fully in England that he was sent insist, have modified this precau Capt. Gilbert W’aite, post adjutant,” over any week-end are available on a tour of other camps to show tionary requirement to the present quarters. at the Service Men’s center at declared Lt. Moore. less solid senders how to roll the smart salute. the Presbyterian church at Fifth Was Indeed Problem boys out with a jump-and-jive point in the salute signifies sub and BrQadalbin streets in Al “He nursed it and watched over Or a Diving Helmet smile. mission. Take whatever theory it while the work was going on; bany, it was announced this Another theory holds that the you like, but don ’ t forget to sa- week. Cost is 50 cents and Sun I that rightfully,” said the post ex- present custom developed from a Troop movements are never lute. * change officer, jokingly, “it should day morning breakfast is served. requirement to remove the head discussed. Service men are lucky that they be known as Capt. Waite’s PX in covering in the presence of su periors. There was some head are not in the Russian army. There stead of No. 16.” “So broken down w-as the edifice,” How It All Started gear that was a little difficult the soldier salutes at all times ex- th whip off in a hurry, like bear ' cept when firing, and even the non- said Lt. Moore, “that it had to be « (T 5 Don Lynch Conceives Origin of Salut^ Sketches It. ( handled with care, and it took ! coms get a salute, too. skin and helmets, so they juft Then Treats With It as Follows:) made like removing it and let it I In Eritain, the soldier salutes seventeen days to move the building a few feet to the new location. ” go at that. Hence, the salute. only when covered and then by A man had to be careful years ago—a friendly chap could take “Thereafter,” the post exchange The Round Table Idea raising the hand, palm outward, to just an awful crack on the noggin for just ignoring one simple basic- If you have a more romantic the forehead in a circular motion. officer reports, “the carpenters and principal: utility men began to remodel and turn of mind, you’ll like this ex Indoors, in China, the soldier rebuild Capt. Waite’s exchange.” That is you can’t trust people—you gotta keep an eye on them, planation better. In days of old doesn’t salute at all but gives ■ or they give you the ole’ spiked club—a devilish kind of abuse that when knights were bold, etc., it was , slight bow. just wears a man down; so something had to be done. Fin Takes Wings, But the custom at jousLs and tourna- | People must prove their good intentions. When a guy gives you ments to have a ceremony of' Not During Crap Game the old sunny puss and a “Hi Ya Benny, wanna step a little closer and crowning the Queen of Love and ; Enemy Guns Pictured see a cute trick,” you just don’t give. Beauty. After the crowning, the In Forthcoming Yank If you do it means the club; so as I was about to say, something Ft. Meade, Md. (CNS)—Pvt. knights all passed in review before had to be done. A little mayhem may be O. but you gotta have rules Joseph O. Manzo of a pigeon com the galmorous damsel and as each New York (CNS)—A collection pany here borrowed five bucks and regulations. A man willing and ready to lay off the homicide drew near he "raised a mailed right of close-up photographs of cap would extend his hand—open—And empty—And both hands. hand to shade his eyes in order— tured enemy guns will be featured from a buddy and then was trans It was a nice, a friendly gesture. A man eouM keep a pompadour. so the lady was supposed to believe in the May 14 issue of Yank, the ferred. That could have ended a That’s how your salute started. It means no club, but just get a —that he would not he so dazzled i Army weekly, on sale May 7 in beautiful GI friendship. But Man little off the beam some time and pass up some unhappy second lieuten zo was smart. He clipped a |5 bill by her beauty as to be unable to Army exchanges and ships’ serv and a note of thanks to the leg- ant, and you'll get.the club. And take it from me boy, that ain’t good! see. ice stores. * of a-pigeon and a couple of hours During Crusades The pictures, one of the most ]Hter received an acknowledgement The custom of Saluting with the revealing collections ever made, from his cre<iitdr. saber also stems from the days will include captured German, Jap of the knights when, during the I and Italian artillery pieces, rifles,' Getting Well Qoickly! Crusades, it was their habit to call mortars and small anns, with in-» Well on the road to recovery is upon God -to witness their assump structions for their use in case of the report on Lt. William Lang tion of the duty imposed by raising a battlefield emergency. häuser, of Post Finance, who un- the sword to the lips and kissing Never before has such a compre- ' the cross formed by the guard and hensive study of enemy equipment derwent an operation at the Station been published. The feature will H os pi tai recently. Lt. Langhäuser body of the weapon. is one - of the more popular SCU take up four or five full pages in — - - . In The First Place Yank. J officers and served on the commit- Originally, the sword was in —f ■ Í IWCA 1 Copies of the May 14 issue will tee i ncharge of the recent SCU verted when kissed; that is the n . guard was up and the point was be available to servicemen at- the Officers dinner-dance two week- <• tenda ago.' down. The dipping of the saber PX for a nickel each. a little dauer sad ’»THUMB AND FINGERS EXTENDED AND JOINED DON’T BENO THE W-RIST OR. HAND WHEN yOU SALUT6 BON A.V/V<BD SPCt/Al (AMP History of Salute Harks to Dark Ages Post Headquarters PX To Open Thfc MoiKtoy