Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, April 15, 1943, Page 13, Image 13

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    up Adair Sentry
Thursday, April 15, 1943.
Page Thirteen
December, 1942
I Grey ladies make hospital cheerful ... Fed FioRito and company appear at
■d House ... Pearl Harbor anniversary marked in surrounding towns, with speeches
■ camp officers ... Post Adjutant, Major Miller, leaves for new post ... successor
I t. Waite ... Sgt. Leach presented heroism medal by General Cook . .. Nine handball
Irts donated to men by construction engineers . .. Timber W olves open cage season,
|< ating Oregon ( ollege of Education .. . canned bugle sounds streamline soldier's
I ... PX’s equipped with kitchens ... dayroom equipment pours into camp ... post
Indry asks for more help ... Dallas cannons donated in salvage drive .... first
Lip Adair Christmas observed . . . “The First Year” a hit ... 96th broadcasts interpret
L happenings ... Cpl. Sansonia going strong as entertainer on and off the post...
Ison’s greetings showered on cantonment by state governors ... KOIN radio series
Inched ... 96th Officers poem sold by Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt ... mobile laundry
luests privilege of cleaning fatigues, without cost ... SCU Headquarters Co. enter-
Ls ranking officers at Christmas dinner .. . 96th Signal Company wins volleyball
L ... Timber W olf Artillery show goes on road ... gala New Year’s Eve jamboree
Led December 31 at Field House ... ‘‘Carmichael,” grizzly mascot, is executed,
Sing a hectic career.
\op!ine Artists to
\ppear in Big
unday Night Fete
Artists In Sunday Concert
■Appealing In beauty as w
■ voice are the co-eds who will
■pear in next Sunday evening’s
■ .cert at the Field House, begin-
■.g at 8 p. m. Cordially invited
■ attend are the officers and en-
■ted men stationed here, and their
Bests. A special section will be
■served for officers.
■ The program is diversified
lough to appeal to all persons
■io like good music, and all of the
■mbers to be presented are famil-
■r to all.
■ The same program is being pre-
Inted to an audience at the Port-
Ind Art Museum at 3 p. m. Sun-
ly afternoon.
[Aside from this particular con-
Irt, the group is also rehearsing
Lveral operas which they will pre-
Lnt in the near future and which
Margaret Zimmerman, drama­
lay be brought to Camp Adair, if
soprano, is from Eugene and
le desire is great enough.
is a junior at the university.
The artists appearing aspire to
iture musical careers in opera
nd on the concert stage and from
lose who have already heard these
erformers, at previous recitals,
free that the musicale will be one
• long be remembered.
2000 Hear Lectures
On How to Cook, Cut
And Conserve Meats
Two thousand members of Camp
Adair mess personnel, and officers,
including Post Commander, Col.
Gordon II. McCoy, attended lec­
tures for one week on the cooking
and conservation of meat.
Don P. Tyler, a specialist who
represents the National Livestock
and Meat Board was the instruc­
tor. He placed special emphasis on
meat cutting.
As an instructor in the conserva­
tion program, Tyler has traveled
thousands of miles and visited a
score of camps. He says that all
the men who have anything to do
with the purchase, handling or
cooking of meat at this Post are
doing an excellent job.
Prof. Sigurd Nilssen, of the
the Schoo] of Music, will be in
charge of Sunday’s presentation.
The passenger pigeon, great
auk, heath hen, paroquet and
Marie Rogndahl, a sophomore, Labrador duck have been exter-
hails from Portland, and is a
| minated in America.
colorature soprano.
CpI. Ruins Sgt.'s Lunch; CpI. Thinks
FasLBut What Would You Have Done?
. ...■«■------- (------- r i ir r r
Presented by School of Music, University of Oregon
Sunday, April 18, at 8 p. m.
Field House
r ■ i i f
Don Juan, “La Ci Darem La Mano” ............
Nomination—distinguished hero­ distinguished himself by quick
Duet by Miss Rogndahl, Mr. Leonard
Military Police
ism and conspicuous gallantry in thinking and immediate action.
Samson and Delilah, “Amour Viens Aider” ...
......... Bizet
the face of a threatened blowup by
Carmen, “Seguidilla” ...........
Barracks Banter
Sergeant Narramore, who has been
Miss Bentley
Master Sergeant—the one and only accused of many things but never JI
“Vision Fugitive”
[The Military Police Detachment — Gillis Narramore, this award of lack of forthrightness, and faced
Mr. Leonard
lems to have hit the jackpot in goes uncontested to Corporal Irving with the possibility of starting his
“Suicidio” .......
be past week with the announce- Altwarg, registrant of private Army career all over again as a
. Wagner
i Tanhauser, “Dich, theure Halle” ...
lent of new promotions in the ■ automobiles on the post in the yardbird, Corporal Altwarg quick­
Miss Zimmerman
ly volunteered to buy lunch for the
Inks of the company membership. | office of the Provost Marshal.
* Faust, “The Prison Scene” ..............
prgeant John Woodworth was’ The citation reads as follows: sergeant at Service Club No. 1.
Miss Zimmerman
plph Cox were promoted to be “In a trying situation brought The Narramore wrath was ap­
Mr. Ghormley, Mr. Leonard
levated to the rank of Staff Serge­ about through the inadvertent de­ peased and peace reigned once
nt; Corporals George Kohler and struction of M/Sgt. Narramore’s again in the Office of the Provost
La Boheme, “Mi Chiamano Mimi” ..........
Irgeants; and privates first class lunch, Corporal Irving Altwarg : Marshal.”
Miss Johnson
lichael Negron, Samuel Haber,
La Boheme, “Waltz Song” .......................
pncent Del Grosso and Boyd Fin- the Military Police Detachment! uled for the coming week with
Miss Fields
“Song of the Evening Star ’
|cum were made corporals.
That is what they are calling you.
Mr. Putnam
In addition, Lt. George Kressaty, Your steed is no flashing-eyed bay I I Camp Adair and in the surround­
von Flotow
M’appari” ....................................
Umpany commander, announced : charger but a wheezing Ford V-8 ing towns. A turnout of 25 men
Mr. Ghormley
le promotion of the following | p jck-up, and your call to action is who signified their intention of try­
Depuis Le Jour” ..........................
rivâtes to the rank of private first no swinging lamp in the belfry of
...... Delibes
Lakoe, “Bell Song” .....................................
lass: John Hanson, Ralph Wilkie, the North Church but a beer bottle of ample strength of manpower.
ood Kimmel, Anthony Arnerich, flying out of a PX door. In spite
New baseball equipment, includ­
nthony De Sarno, Donald Adams, of these disparities, John, you are ing distinctive sweat shirts bear­ fRigoletto, “Quartette” .............................................................. Verdj
Misses Rogndahl, Bentley, Mssrs. Ghormley, Leonard.
bhn McDonough, Clifton Slack, carrying on in a noble American ing the crossed pistols insignia of ■
^Request appearance .................................................. Sigurd Nilssen
iert Trosper and Albert Olund.
tradition and this small item is our the Military Police, have been ob­
* » • *
tained principally through the ini­ X___________________________ —
tribute to your efforts.
tiative of First Sergeant Jack Vin­
• • • *
I We have been accused of over-
played several numbers on the
Eight Ate and
boking the memorable achieve-
piano. Pvt. Barnard and Jones har­
A welcome conribution to the
bents of one Private John Flynn, company fund was the bountiful
Staff Sergeant Joseph Oenning Eight Are Happy
monized using a guitar for accom­
bnner-up in the recent checker check for $669.63 received by the has been largely responsible for
hampionships of Camp Adair and Detachment from the Camp Adair the selection of individual team
A real treat was Mrs. Howard’s "’After the musical entertainment,
ft present operator of the glorified Exchange, Representing the De­ members and has also been instru­ dinner, according to eight soldiers
Cpl. O’Connell gave a talk on
klivery truck known as the “P. M.
tachment’s share in the profitable mental in scheduling games with who came to her home. Those in- “Army Life.” Margaret Howard
ick-up.” The accusation is leveled operation of the various post leading softball teams of the vicin­
vited were Cpls. Jim O’Connell, followed him with a monologue
h’ John Flynn himself so it must exchanges throughout camp, the ity.
entitled: “Husbands.” The progrc’n.
leeds be answered.
Games are scheduled for Wed­ Edwin Cusack, (uncle) George closed with a community sing.
check will afford new benefits to
No one has forgotten your bril­ the men of the company through nesday, Friday and Saturday of Simmons; Pvts. Mahon Tullis, Don
a J
lant achievements in the checker improvement of existing facilities this week with future games in the Barnard, Humphrey Strickland,
oumament, John. You have and through procurement of new offing.
•rought undying fame to the De- athletic equipment. Lt. George
escorted the boys to the Pedee
This Is Al! Bull!
Kressaty, who accepted the check
Enlisted men interested in at­
A few members of the company on behalf of the Detachment, indi­ ...It gives us great pleasure to an- school house. There Miss Margaret tending a spring sorority dance
eel, however, that your greatest cated that it would be expended in nounce the arrival of a new mem­ Howard acted as Program Chair­ next Saturday night, April 17, at
ontribution has not been your a manner to produce the greatest ber in the Birkes household. M/Sgt. man and introduced Orin King, McMinnville, are invited lo contact
bility with the checker board but personal benefits to the company Johnny Birkes’ cow gave birth to a wh<> P’ayed a harmonica number, Miss Caddy at Service Club 1, for
Jahn entertained
ac­ information. The gals are sending
he great service which you render membership.
son—Ferdinand, Jr.
— ------
-------------- on
— the
-— —
very Saturday night with your
---------- - -------------
| over a bus, but those going will
The formation of a Detachment
terling cry: “To arms! To arms! softball team has reached an ad­
A pair of 25-pound wolverines
This was followed by the intro-: have to pay their own transporta­
'here’s a riot in PX Number 3!“ vanced stage wi«.h the announce­ bas been know to get the best of duction of Cpl. Jim O’Connell who , tion. The group will assemble at
John Flynn, the Paul Revere of ment that games have been sched- a 500-pound bear.
(officiated as emcee. Mahon Tullis Club 1 at 7:30 p. m.