Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, January 21, 1943, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page Sût
■ ■ '
i Out of the HQ. Well
Sgt. Paul McCormick, the man
I (in Jew-Irish dialect) made him
famous. "Warrr is Hell.” "I’ll who always has something happen
; Put Two Dollarrrs on that Carril ' to him every Sentry week, is in a
| “Where is Master!uu Sgt. Crow - rut. This reporter (no cracks
ley?” Here’s hoping Tommy, tha’ I please) personally picked up the
! you make many new friends, and body on 1st Street South this Sat­
urday P. M., and delivered it to
especially the “grade.”
Albany. Now please---don’t nobody
I hear say that Pvt. Jack (Blow­ ti ll me that anything can happen
torch) Greenhouse, painter extra­ to anybody in Albany? If it has,
ordinary, has been commended for Oregonians, will again say “It's
his good work on the Co. mess halls Unusual.” We just say, “O nuts.”
by his Union. Did they mention
anything about back dues. Jack?
The other day (when zero was
below) two 87-year-old “school
girls” (native Oregonians) were re­
ported frozen and dying. When in­
terviewed, the "kids” opened their
mouths only half way, before they
were interrupted by the reporter.
“I know,” said he, "This is a very
UNUSUAL weather.
Corporal Arthur Riley returned
from hia furlough a week ago via
Portland. There lie met Pfc. !■ ran
cesco Belluci, who didn't huve
money to get back to camp. His
diner» gave out before his time wn
up. Good-hearted Corporal Riley
loaned him the necessary amount
That's one thing alx>ut the boy in
thia company; thel nil ■tick to
gether in an emergency.
New location—414 Madiaoa
W. Guy Parker
District Mgr.
Phone 1142
215 Monroe St., Corvallis, Ore.
Send Your Valentine
Black Out Blitz
Without elaboration the follow
ing tale is considered to rate among
first ten of those to conn out • f
the siege to date:
During a heavy air blitz on Ixm
don an excited air raid warden
•tuck hia bead Into a dark public
shelter and yelled,
“Ara there any expectant moth
era down there?”
After a pause a cool feminine
Voice replied, “Well after all.
Mister, we've only been down here
a few minutes,”
A Photograph
Of Yourself
Have it made
Your Buddies
455 Madison
On Sale at All Drug Counters
Ball Bldg., Corvallis, Oregon
Office Phone 470
L. T. ChelMs
1520 Jefferson St., Corvallis
Camp Adair on the Air
KOIN-Columbia Broadcasting System
, I
a I
Monday Night- January 25—8:30—Field House
Show Starts at 8:30 — 9:00 to 9:30 on the Air
Sgt. Carl Huge* han been sub­
stituting as Mess Sgt. In the ab-
scuce of S Sgt. Guy Blackmon*,
who has been on furlough in Wyo
»nog for the past two Weeks
Members of our Mmpany .
bivouack every week at pn
On top of that the boy s v ■ ■
bikes every day to get them i.
ditlon In time they will take ever
longer hikes without noticing t
U h > much. Al first many i •
plaints were heard regardiuv I h--
tera «nd «Ore hacks, but the I"
•re gradually becoming ton ' i
through thia training program
not too strong!
7 not too mild!
j it’s just right!
I A» « frfCMl‘0*' Ult
Post Special Services Office Presents
Pvts. George Baltas and John
Jelen have been appointed as pet
manent K P.’s at their own r<
Two of our boys, Pfc Rm Brown
and Joseph Farkas, returned from
the hospital. Still in confinement
are Pvts. Everett Willman and 1
ter Cline. All the boys have high
praise for the work that th. R< I
Croes is doing at the Station IL
pital in order to cheer the boys up
By holder of Federal and
State Repair Contract«.
Complete Service at
332nd Depot Co.
Due back from furloughs during
the coming week art* S Sgt. Wil­
liam Trout; Guy Blackmore; Sgt
Ralph Lee; Corporuls Lute De
frieze; Walter Stellmach; Pvts.
Clarence Porter, and Dewey Ch<-
The 96th
Hula Dancers
Midge Hampton
Penney Jean Read
Vocal Trio
Norma Jean Hibbs
Roselle Lind
Dorothy Walker
1 —---------------------
i by saying that MacArthur “never tory, it is suggested to the pupils
Military Police
wofe a steel helmet, and was al­ that they come to school with their
ways out in front near the outpost dime banks as well as the customar-
Barracks Banter
For ail G.I.’s who have been
lines.” And of Gen. Henri Giraud, little red apples . . . And the pupil­
the new high commissioner of will have to be pretty agile to beat , wondering how this year’s in­
By Pfc. Wallace X. Rawles
North Africa, whom he knows per­ their Masters in the compilation of ' come tax program will affect
members of the armed forces,
Col. Ferch said: "He is figures which will or will not tota
Pfc. Hall's Oil Murals
“ Love is a smoke made with the
YANK, The Army Weekly, is
twenty-one (21).
publishing a two-page, detailed
Win Officers' Praise fume of sighs.”- Shakespeare.
An .MP in North Africa writes summary of the tax situation.
Col. Ferch “grew up” with Fort
Thus, not al! the smokescreens
PFC. Carl A. Hall, Regimental in camp are not created by Major Ord, Calif., Camp White at Med­ (Dec. 1) the Editor: “Our theme The article will appear in the
Headquarters Company, 383ril In­ Karl F. Armstrong and the Chem- ford, Ore., and helped organize this song here now ia: 'I’m dreaming January 27 issue of YANK.
of a Whiite Mistress.”
Soldiers everywhere are urged
fantry. 96th Div., has l»een one of ical Warfare Service. We’ve heard post in June, 1942.
to study YANK's tax article, as
the most ambitious in his early
pretty heavy sighing in the
Out of the hospital. Corporal
Along the line of morale. This
army training. In addition to hi I rracks both before and after the is an undictated column. So it Lionel Moses shortly will complete it contains information of vital
duties as a topographical draft-- die I <trik's twelve. But we hasten pleases this unsinkable old Legion­ distribution of American Red importance to all men in uni­
tl . defense of the helpless little naire, who left Washington, I). C., Cross sweaters to the Post Guard form.
man with the Intelligence and Re
lie of fluff back home by af- the year McKinley was assassinat­ company, according to Lieut. Hugh
•onnaissanee platoon, he hat I
loaned him last Nov. 18, we will
knocked off long enough to paint fir ,.ing our belief that at least 75 ed, to be able to write, without fear Tonsfeldt.
take steps that will amaze him.
e. nt of them remain faithful or favor, that he genuinely admires
gome fine murals in the Officer ’ I
and true blue (well, blue anyway), the thorough manner in which Capt.
Club, of his regiment.
Our sympathies go to anyone in We’re going to need that $3 Satur­
These are oil landscapes depict­ many months after the soldier Hale goes to bat for men who play an Army hospital and we were day night in a Game of Chance!
ing various phases of a soldier's i sv e, theart or husband has been ball according to the established ! pleased no end when our hard­
Dear Mama: Please send my
gone to the wars.
rules. Fair play is rewarded at working little chum, PFC Sammy red velvet earmuffs. The Oregon
Pfc. Hall, 21, has plenty of back­
at every turn. One doesn't get to Haber returned to us under his own rain got into the thermometer and
< I George C. Ferch, executive first base on a foul ball in this power a day or so ago.
ground for his painting. Before
has been dripping out the bottom
coming into the army last October. i.ffi, < r of Camp Adair, dropped in game!
M Sgt. Gillis Narramore was end, as icicles.
Rail had his own art studio in I"
Capt. Julius Hale the other
Your unsinkable son,
And the morale of MP Sec SCU visiting in one of the barrack* oc-
Detroit, Michigan, where he “al- '>
a"d to inspect our unit, and
ways painted, ever since I can w ' "rm-red the gallant soldier and 1911 is as high if not higher than ' cupied by the Horrid Hornets, or
' Upon his graduation from East morale?” And he said: “Morale Mount the MP’s present a fine mil- P'ue division.
He heard a private trying to
Detroit High School, Hall received '
I 'hli-lii-il by the hadersbip. itary appearance. They maintain
By Cpl. “Dubby” Duboff
an art scholarship from the Mein Tie good company commander order here and in nearby cities . . . convince a Corpora] that he (the
Headquarters Company,
singer Foundation, the largest fine tudi- his men and their problems And the way these Mothers’ Sons private) was General MacArthur.
"But who told you that you were
• SCU 1911
nn interest in their work. stampede for Katzenmyer's Kitch­
arts school in Detroit. He studied n I
Gen. MacArthur?” inquired the
there for four years before -ettim-
"The King of Spain marched up the
'li. altitude of the men toward noon, and 4:30 P. M., is a sight .' Corporal.
up his own studio.
“God did,” replied the private.
ii work. They can be enthusi- marvelous to behold The attend­
Goes on Forever
"I did not!” came a voice from With fifty thousand men.
: or lurly. In the average out- ance at these tri-dnily gastronomi­
“But no one is ever through I
the next bunk.
The King of Spain then turned
lien a pecial detail is wanted cal events is 1(M) per cent!
studying art. says Hull ami I ■
rood men are in their barracks
Narramore fled!
continued his schooling at tie ht
j t)„, v„|,|bricka are out in the
Pvt. John Flynn, MP checker
And marched them down again.”
working at day.
Thus, the gisgl men have to champion, won the SCU No. 1911
Hq. Co. can take it. Led by our
At the time he entered the armi ,,
(|iteh. lind
up eiguret complement championship, defeat­
energetic Lt. Pete A. Lafka, the
You may get fat,
he was completing a government |„
'1 |H. spoils morale. BUT, ing among others, Pfc. Robert Rus-
entire Company (oh, many hundred
You used to wasn’t;
mural for a Kentucky post office, a ... „ the goldbricks are rounded kauff, the crafty and deliberate
strong?) double timed it, gas mask,
The reason is
overshoes and all, to the dispersal
landscape acene at which he spe
You daily doesn't.
• ; < they always are eventually, California champion. Flynn now
area. The boys returned from this
—Cpl. Bob MeKiddy.
n d arc put to work with the other is playing in the Camp Adair tour­
gas attack drill, cheerful and happy
A soldier since October 31, 1942, old it i . then the morale goes buck nament.
he has received one promotion and to u high level."
Could a femme be behind Sgt. —that it was all over . . . Smile,
hopes for another soon. His work
Paragraph in an airmail letter Charles U. Paxton’s rapid ascent soldier, these drills may one day
as typographical draftsman is very
The Colonel, who was a Captain from Private John Grego to a New to being the snappiest dressed non­ save your life. As for the gas mask,
much to his liking—and he's .--till :■ I r
,,i il Douglas MacArthur Jersey relative: "Please send $20. com. MP in the company? The think of the muscle it will develop
surprised that such things exist in in II. Argonne during World War I urn no longer Blackjack Champion tailer has done a marvelous job on your NOS?!.
the army. Naturally, tho, he wants I also mid: ’‘There are NO nat­ of Camp Aduir. The crown went on Charley's pants, and his coats
The other night a Private fell
to get back to his studio t<> ful! ural 8-ballH in the Army. This to a smoothie from Frisco named have been modeled to his hips by
aimin'-1 reverts to leadership. If Doran.”
someone with all the dexterity of a headlong into our Waterless and
time painting.
Fishless Fish Pond. He didn't get
bride in a feather bed.
"But first,” says Pfc. Hull. "we th. leader hip is good, the fellow
feet wet, but came up with a
have a job to do."
Sgt. Henry Beckett of Governor’.« Lump on his Bump. Will somebody
i riiek oldier. Someone said that with the information that "Devil’s
a flock of 8 balls had gone to Eu- Piano” is Army slang for machine Island. N. Y., telegraphs the Editor J please straighten him out. Diving
g, . e. Oregon, during the New gun. Lieut. George Kressaty has as follows: “In your obituary of is done at your own risk, and G. I.
Y ii . i
Hood. This was libelous. been teaching the MP’s to play a me on the front page of the Camp bathing suits will not be issued this
Adair Sentry you said I was 54 season. . . .
Tin ■ mvii had splendid leadership lot of symphonies!
Corporals Arthur Roberts anil years old. That is correct. I’m
and spent 24 hours a day evacuat-
We mourn our loss. . . Comedian,
n civilian to high ground. There Carl W. Brandt were school teach­ nut 27 years old any longer. I'm
after-dinner-speaker, and lovable
Was no grumbling. These men ers in civilian life and remain in­ just TWICE AS GOOD!”
Tluit's what we feel, too, Henry. Pfc. Tommy Ryan has been trans­
wei. ■ nod oldiers assigned to do tellectually pure during their so­
By Pvt. Harry K Hanner
ferred to Y. M. . . . Loyally he re­
journ here by extra-curricular pur­
a joli, ami they did it with a will.”
If that ungrateful little lacawp turns every noon hour, and 6 P. M.,
suit of Higher and Higher Mathe­
The 332nd Quartermaster Depot
Col. I\i eh recalls his Rainbow matics. When tbti professors re­ over in Med Sec. 1911 doesn’t show to jibber-jabber in his inimitable
Co. welcomes Commanding Olfii i r Dr>. ci da', with Gen. MacArthur assemble their classes after Vic- up within 48 hours with the $3 we fashion. The following remarks
Lt. Donald Burnett, who returned
from a two week leave on .Monday.
Regimental Club Is
Decorated by Rookie
Laiup Auair ¿Sentíy
lìmi Jay, January 21, IV ¡3.
Norma Hedberg
Victory Quartet
Sgt. Higgins
CpI. Rondell
CpI. Bloor
Pvt. Dalton
Wizard of the Banjo
Pvt. Forsland
Accordion Trio
CpI. Herauf
Pvt. Franchino
Pvt. Ziemet
96th Div. Infantry Band
Direction W. O. Krog
Scat Trio
Pvt. Norum
Pvt. Miffin
CpI. King (at Base Fiddle)
Return Engagement
Carol Worth
(Miss Oregon)
Talent Under Direction of Lt. Robert J. Borrett
FIELD HOUSE Monday Eve, 8:30 - Jan. 25