Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1878)
r ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE i : - v- (Kittcrprisc OREGON CITY.'TIlCRSDW. MlRril 7. 178. HUKVITIKS. Read tho new advertisements. Firemen's ball Saturday cveninir. Clackamas Is tho healthiest county in the State. General term of County Court will be hold to-morrow. Klection of a school director on tho first Monday in April. Subscribe for the Kstkrfkisk only $2 50 por annum. The Oregon City Flouring Mills are run ning night ami nay. A.t k virner of tho Portland Standard. called last Mnnuay. Miss Jennie Winston returnod last week from a visit to San t rancisco. Mrs M. M. Charman. who has been sick lor some time past, is convalescinfr. Tha count v assessor started out las Mondir to make his assessment of the oounty-. Moveral candidates make their announce ment this week, and we still have room Ttr more. ' , . E. D. Dement, local editor of the East Portland Land Register, was in town last Sunday. The private school taught by Mi Addie Jennings in the old Phoeuix building clos ed last Friday. The Democratic county convention will beheld in this city on the 30th inst. ; pri maries on the 23d. The hull of the Oneonta has been placed in the dry-dock and is to be converted into a first-class barge. In the case of King and Barnard a Port land last Tuesday the jury disagreed, and tbey will have another trial. Mr. J. E. MeConnell, atjent for the En terprise in Pleasant Hill precinct, called yesterday, and reports everything pros perous in his section. Oswego is beginning to assume a life-like annearance. The iron works will start up shortly, and a largo number of men are at worK gelling out woou. narding fe Riggers, of the Barnum Sa loon, have received an elegant billiard table, and the boys have kept the balls rolling rather lively for the past week. It costs less than a cent a dav to pav for f(9 r I Finr IUri HUM Ptljll llicic uio nun- dretls m tho county who throw away more than that everv day and say they can't atlbrd to take the county paper. llenrv Meld ruin has been awarded the contract for carrvimr the mails from on verton to Clackamas, from Dallas to Al- lanv,froiii Netarts to North Yamhill, and from Astoria 10 jeweu. J. F. Miller has disposed of his lnot and shoe store to T4. F. Harding, and expects to start for Walla Walla shortly, where he will start un in the same line. John is a Brood citizen and we resrret to .seo him leave, but hope ho may meet with success wherever ho may go. The residents in the lower part of town complain that hogs are allowed to run at large and destroy proiK-rty. At the last iiicetimr of tho Council tho marshal was ordered to place the obstreperous swine in the "pound" and the owners will lo compelled to foot the bills. T. 1j. Charman has a fino assortment of the latest style of picture frame moulding, rtc, and nl'xo all kinds of ready-made frame. Kcpairintr and anything in his lino neatlv done. Orders promptly attend ed to at prices to suit the time... Shop in O the rear of J. K. Graham's saddlery. The Telegram savs: "The old question : Resolved, that t lie farmer is the most use ful mcniler ot society,' has broken out in Clackamas county. At a rcce t debate in Oswego it was argued by the negative that farmers as a classare ignorant and ent irely deendeiit nMn the tradesmen and in ventors for their existence. Ss range to say I h (krvnvfitl whm HUMtainRil by the presi dent, who i noted vnmier. Is is poxsib'o that our mrnt fru-mts nr losing their sclt 1 he nreaKlast laiiie is one or the very lest huuiorons papers published in this country. and strongly merits the pheuom inal sniirss it has receivetl. Aside from its quaint and ori inal humorous tlcpart incut it is a first-class fnmilv newsjiiiper in everv respect, Pure in tone and health ful in influence. It is widely quoted, and the 'r'n who has not had a hearty laugh over its witty sketches is behind the times. The paper may lie obtained through any newsdealer, and we presume tho uhlish crs K. 1. Brown A Ci.. Cincinnati. Ohio will cheerfullv send specimen copies toall applicants enclosing stamp for return postage. mmmmmmmmm BfRoi-ARs Around. Liast Frhlav night a burglar visited the residence of Mr.Har ley Stevens, but was scared oil" leforo ho got anything. Tho midnight visitor effect ed an' entrance by raising the kitchen window. It was held down by a stick, i which hi jammed out. After getting in, he unlocked the door and fixed things readv for an escape if the inmates should 1 alarmed. The noise caused by the stick falling from the window woke Mr. Stevens' mother, who kept quiet awaiting further developments. The burglar wait ed nt)ont half an hour to seo if the noise had alarmed anyone, and then started up th stairs with a" lighted candle to enable him t find JIarJev oiamoinis, goni ami diver ware. etc " but Mrs. Stevens. seeing the light, made a noise, and the burglar left without anv further ceremony, in his bnrrv he left a "iimmv." which lie used to raise the window, and the candle was found in the vard. Harley says the owner can get his property and some thing more by calling again. Chance for West Point. Tho Secre tary of War has directed R. Williams, M. C, to nominate a candidate for appoint ment as cadet nt West Point, A competi tive examination will be held at Portland on the 10th of April at the custom house for the purpose of selecting a suitable can didate. Candidates must be between 17 and til years of age, must be at least live feet in "height ami well formed, in sound health and without defects or infirmities that may render them unfit for military tier vice, and have a good English educa tion. Circulars giving full particulars can ' be seen at the otlice of the clerk of the U. K. court at Portland. All young men res idents of Oregon who think themselves qualified, and who wish to compete for tue appointment, are invited to appear before to Board on the loth of April, at Portland. Democracy at Eagle Creek. The Democrats at Eagle Creek organ wed a club at Foster's school house on the 23d of Fehniarv. with the following officers John tlfover. president; W.T.Douglas, vice president: J. O. Currm. secretary Phllin Foster, treasurer. The club then adjourned until last Saturday, when the constitution, by-laws and resolutions were adopted. Thev oppose the resumption act, and demand it repeal abolishment of the present banking system; they ap prove the silver bill, but demand further legislation that will make all money, gold, silver and paper. a legal tender: ca'll upon the voters to loin the Democracy and shun the tjreen backers, who would pay the pqblio debt entirely in paper money. RtkAT yn tub Clackamas. The farmers n the Clackamas tn the vicinity of Nor ton" postoflftce will meet next Saturday to discuss the project of placing a small steamboat on that Mream. A small lioat is being built at Canemah which will an swer the purpose if the sirenm is naviira ble. Ihe trouble would l m ascending the river, as the current la very strong. nd there are a great many shoal places. If it can be accomplished tho;!tsv doubt but what it would le a great lenerit to that section ami would be a paving invest uerit. The 'farmers are very confident that it can lie done and are already talking of locating a town at Feltheimier's ferry. Trait ' sfers of Real Estate. -The followi ng are the transfers of real have taken place since our 28, compiled by Mr. W. T. nty couuty clerk: and wi!e to J. R. Trcwavas' No. 60, T 2 S It 2 E. contain nsideratjon Ss.j0. v et als to 1). F. Eouhv. estate which issue of Feb. Whitlock, dei D. F. Leahy part oi claim ing 80 acres: et Eloiso IIarv part of c.aim Z ing 92 v acres; V.C. Johnson claim No. 37, in acres ; considera Ole Siverson t o. w, i z it 'Z i'j, contain- consideration $1. and wit'o to Peter Wilson, T 2 S R 3 E, containing 500 Uon $100. O Jas. Mason, theS H of te N V 4 of the X E H of S R 3 E, containing 120 Ion Si50. the N E and tl section 32, T 1 acres ; uoiusiilerat. N. II. Damalla N Vj of the S W H E i of the SEiii containing 120 acrt nd wife to J.Gartetts, the of section 10 and the N f section 9. T 4 S R 2 E, : consideration So50. -rife to A.Sanders, lots 3 Oregon City; consid- G. A. Haas and and 4 in block 4'J in erst ion $1,230. Win. Arm Driest a part of the donatio!. id wife to H. A. Austin, claim of Wm. Engle, ; consideration $1. A. Austin, part of the n. Kng;le, No. 44, con- '.deration SW. to Seth Austin, part containing 100 acres Alex. Smith toll. donation claim of W taining 8 acres ; cons A. Englo and wife of claim 44, T 4 Sit 2 W. W.Carr to Jon E ; consideration $75. is Itergman, the S H of the N ol the Cyru a V adsworth claim, containing 80 acres ; ctf - nsideration $300 State of Oregon to J K. Wait, the S Vi of ' H of theS W H. of ontainiug 100 acres; m. Norris to Fran l of the N E "4 of the N W V and the N section 21 ,T 1 S R 4 E,c- consideration 5200 M.S. Latttnin and W cis Kelley. the jn t section 19, consideration $108. ntuuung 40 acres ; tetter from Mt. Pleasant. Mt. Pleasan'. Editor Enterprise :- ?, March 4, 173. -As I have seen paper from Mt. I will let you nothing in yonr welcome neasant lor some time, know we are all alive vet. Our farmers are busy p utting in their crops. All will sow an hie reused acreage. The high winds of late are a great incon venience to some fences. A number of families here will "hie mountainward" seekii lg farms as soon as good weather comes. Mr. W has erected a h rge barn on his new farm. Capl. A has opened a spl Mid id road across his field. Mr. W. It. Partlow has post. -xmed-his party until some time in May. Two of our belles left for a sh. li t visit to friends. A dozen or so of youi 't? men are disconsolate. Mr. Barker is the worthy superii. tend ent of our Sunday School which is 111 a nourishing condition. Mrs. Capt. Coe, of tho Dalles, is visi. nf? at Mr. II 's. Judge R still teaches the rising gi 'it eration of this place. We wish you, M r. Editor, with the re: of tho Uity Council, would cast your eagh eyes on the Broughton Hill (a nice, soil place 10 cast them '. Oh for a country where mud is unknown, Where 'taters as bin as a bushel are grown. Where the roads that lead into the ci;y' are dry, And farmers can come in with some com fort to buy. Farmer. City Council. Regular meeting of the City Council was held last Monday and the following mem- lcrs were present: Wm.W hillock, record er; Conns. Church, Paquot, Morton and Dement. Tho following bills were ordered pjiid : F. M. Albright, G. G. Foster and Wm. T. Whitlock, judges of Firemen's election, $4 each; Win. Whitlock, 10; T.J. Biod erick, 1. Paqiu.-t. ". On motion the recorder was ordered to negotiate a warrnut for 20 40 in silver to pay tax on Steel pnerty. Resignation of CouiK'Wade was read and on motion accepted. Returns of the ju.'ges of election of the lire department was received. On motion it was re'olved that certifi cates be issued to D. T. Rogers, tluly elect ed Chief" Engiiieer.and J urol Madcr, duly elected Assistant Eugineer.on Mieir taking the usual oath of ollice. tin motion C. 1. Church was ap:ointed a coiinniltee of one to act in conjunction Wt'ti .the committee appointed ' bv, LL- Jloai'il Of ocnooi I'ln-clor.s rfTTiu. multer oi the disputcii "Sscssmeiit of the IjaRocque estate. On motion the Council adjourned. Damascus. A correspondent writing to tho L.aiul Register from Damascus says: Damascus is situated in the northern part of Clackamas county, on the north side of the Clackamas river. It is ridge land, very rich and productive of all kinds of grain, vegetables, grass and clover. It is not excelled m fruit m any part of the Willamette valley, or 1 might say, the who'e State of Oregon. To those seeking a home I would suiv, come and see this part before leafing elsewhere. There is no land to le taken up, but thr rc arequite a numlicr of places for sale. We have the best school district in the comity outside of Oregon City ; we return about "130 chil dren of school age; we have a school house 25xf0, two rooms on the same lloor; wo have school from six to nine months during the year. Neil her are we forgetful of the moral and religious training of the youths; we have religious services every Sunday, and sometimes twice during the day. Tho M. E. Chinch, tho Christian Church (or Camptiellite), and the Free Methodists are the leading sects here. Hard scrabble. " Y. X.," writing from llardscrabble, Clackamas county, under date of Feb. 27, gives the following: Dast Friday the voung ladies of this place favored ns witFi an invitation to the house of Mr. Devern, and we accordingly wended our way thither. We were cor- tliallv welcomed, and found a largo num ber of neighbors on hand to enjoy a social evening. The evening passed pleasantly, games of various kinds being introduced, and we were also favored with singing. Pies and cakes were passed around in abundance by the charming hostess, and after partaking of the bounteous supply and indulging in a few more games until the time-piece warned us that midnight was drawing near, we departed tor our resective home, to dream it all over, Firemen's Election. The annual election of Chief and Assist ant Engineers of the Oregon City Fire Department was held last Monday. Con siderable interest was manifested hy can didates, but everything passed otr pleas antjy and the best of feeling prevailed. tue vole stood as loiiows; VORCHIKF BNOlNEER. D T. Rogers. . , J. W. Harding. . , .32 FOR ASSISTANT JvNUINKKR. Jacob Mader D. J. Slovcr . .38 Df.ttf.r List. The following is a list of the letters remaining in the postofrice at Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, March 7th, 1878: Bradley, T. 2 Garlets. Josiah. Beeson, Jas. B. 2 Jones, Miss Maggie Boyer, Clayton W. Dee. Robert. Bowman. M issTracie.Mattson. M.n-t S .T Buckner.MissElizaK.McCarthy.Catherine V uuing. navia. aas, .Mrs. Marv. l-nsey, John. Niseo,Mrs. Martha. isco, .Airs. juarttia. v aterumelder, Rev Gage, T. If called for please say when advertised J. M. BACON, P. M. Satisfied with Civckamas. Mr.II.W Lake, of Eagle Creek, returned last week from an extended tour in Kastern Oregon ana tne vicinity or Walla Walla. He starred out 10 prospect the country awl locate if he found anv land that. uo;n him. hut. he comes back perfectly satisfied that Clackamas rountv is tho" nin him. Farmers who are talking about eo- j" . 107 ooin-n pirns country would no wen 10 interview .Mr. Lake before going. : Took a Rath. A young gentleman" f this city met with a mishap a few nights ago while taking a walk with his "sweet ness" toward Canemah. Ho was very at tentive to the young lady, so much so that he entirely forirot about the basin along side, and while "talking his sweetest" he stepped off tho walk and landed in the water below. Some young men happen ed along about this lime and rendered timely assistance in rescuing him from becoming food for the fishes. " The voung man will tind it -afer to take the Rhoads on a dark night if he will become so inter ested in his love-making as to forget the surroundings. Olpk Folkes' Concerte. Pope's Hall was filled by a large and refined audience last Monday evening, the occasion of the Olde Folkes' Concerte for the lenefit of tho M. E. Church of this city. Tho differ ent ladies and gentlemen who took part in the entertainment acquitted themselves with Credit. Quartettes, duetts, choruses and solos were rendered in an unexcep tional manner, and were highly appre ciated by the delighted audience. Recita tion, "'Iho Miser," was exceedingly well rendered by Mrs. Smith. The gross re ceipts amounted to 93 Testimonial. Tho Board DfJTrustees of the M. E. Church would hereby express their thanks to Rev. J. W. Sellwood and others who took part in tho Olde Folkes Concerte, which was given for the- benefit of said church last Monday evening, Cmas., i ' President of Board. A cquitte d. Parks , who was arrested at Salem last week and taken back to Molalla on a charge of stealing $340 from his em ployer, Mr. Moore, had his examination before a Instleo of the peace and was ac quitted, lie proved where ho got his money, and there is no doubt of his inno cence. So says a correspondent from Molalla. Chance for a Baroain. Mr. Thomas SjHjoner advertises in another column two blocks of land and a lot of household fur niture for sale. Mr. Spoon cr has bought a half interest in a tin store at Tacoma, W. T., and will take his departure for that place in a week or two. Notary Public. Mr. Otto Scholley, of Cascade precinct, has leen appointed a No tary Public by Gov. Chadwick. Otto is well qualiiied for this position, and will always be ready to attend to any one who wants to do a' little swearing " or any t hiug in his line. Firemen's Ball. A grand ltll will be given at Zingsem's Hall next Saturday evening in honor of the new Chief and Assistant Engineers. Good music will be in attendance and a pleasant time may be e x ect cd . State News. There are S0.OO0 acres of land ia cul- t ivatiou in Liun county. The scab disease still troubles the eh el flocks in Umatilla county. L'obert Campbell of East Portland was "ommittted to the insane asylum Tuesi "(ay. Thei "o was an accession last Sunday of 2." jOersons to the Congregational church ."it Halein. James Murphy, who shot at Tihlen in a gamblin g hell at Portland recently, has been u Muitted. C. C. Bei'kman, of Jackson county, is brought tc the front as n Republican candidate for Tovernor. Postmaster Watts has been telling the people of ijafavette what he knows about the "Son I Sleeping." E. L. Bristow, formerly proprietor of the M vcK 11, has embarked in the gro cery business atS;i"ern with J. ( .Wright. A Washington county fanner named Newton lost eigli.1 cows ami .several sheep from tho cL'ects of eating wild parsnips. Adolph Rramer v."as drowned-'" a"! cT. -ucli in Denton cni. ntv on tlir A coroner's jury ret Uined a verdict on accidental death. Cantaii-i Xissou was drowned at Ya- qnina Ray .hist week by the upsetting of a sail boa, uoay Had not been recovered at Jas-t accounts. W. B. Carter, Esq., of the Corvnllis Gazette, is nienti.iued as Republican candidate for State Printer, but he is not soliciting the nomination. Re v.. J, L. Parish, of S-i'em. has the nether stone of the first flouring mill in Oregon. It was erected in iJorih Salem about 20!) yards of the woolen mill site. - James Crol!, of JefTerso.n, a nativo of Scotland, died of apoplexy on Friday last. He was found dead in a flooring mill, where he was doing somo carpen ter work. George and Jim Day nnd E. T.vlor were arrested on the John .Pay river and lodged in tho Pendleton jail while driving oil a band of horses not there property. Democrats of Polk havo elected tho following delegates to their state con vention: Hon. Ben. Ilayden, R. Clowf I. S. Townsend, T. G. Richmond, L. M. Hall and S. T. Burch. The subject of building a narrow gauge railway from Albany to Browns ville in nftrncting considerable atten tion in Linn. The distance is 22 miles, and the route is a level plain. The Albany and Santiam Canal Com pany has been reorganized with a cap ital stock of S3"i,000 divid- d into shares of 100 each. The canal was sold to the new company by John A. Crawford for 834,000. C. E. Wheeler, of St. Helens, was robbed and tied to a tree one day last week. He died from his injuries next day. Two strangers have been arrested on suspicion of being concerned iu the affair. The contract for the brick work on J. II. Foster's new building at Albany has been let. to Clark & Davis. The build ing will have a front of 77 feet, nnd will be 80 feet deep. Its front elevation will bo the most showy of any building south of Portland. The Eocrrni says that Gen. J. W. Nes mitli expects to sow in whoat the com ing season seven hundred acres. The General ha3 been having from three to 6i'x three-horse teams plowing all winter and has from five to six hundred acres ready to be sown. The General says that he has given up politics, and will hereafter devote his time to farming. The Rt'tjialer gives the particulars of the robbery of the jewelry store of J. Zuckerman at Albany on Sunday night. Tho thieves got three gold watches and a number of silver ones which had been left for repairs. The new goods had been placed out of sight, and in their hurry the rascals did not find them. Polk county Democrats have nomi nated the following ticket: Represen tatives. Ira Townsend, J. Grant and N. L. Butler; sheriff, L. Hall; clerk. M. RL Ellis; treasurer, T. G. Rich mond; commissioners, Frank Collins and Henry Brisley; assessor, J. Scares; oounty judge, I. F. M. Bntler. It is stated that N. L. Butler will withdraw from the legislative ticket. REPUBLICANPRfMARIES. ' The Republicans of Clackamas county will meet at their usual place of roting, in their respective precincts, on SATURDAY, MARCH 30TH, 1878, At 1 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of elect ing Delegates to attend the Republican County Convention, to be held in Oregon City, on SATURDAY. THE Mth DAY OF APRIL, 1878, At tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m., for the of nominating a County Ticket and choosing. Delegates to attend the Re publican State Convention, to I held at Salem, on Wednesday, the 17th day of April, 1S7S. The several precincts are entitled to Delegates in the County Convention as follows: Oregon City 12 sipringwater .. . 1 tii ion 2 Ixwer Molalla 3 Cascades 2 Marsufleltl . 2 Milwaukie 3 Tualatin..;............... 2 Soda Springs . 1 Cuttings 1 Bock Creek 4 Upper Molalla 2 Can by 2 Oswego .. 3 Canemah . 3 Eagle Creek...... 3 Vila 1 Pleasant Hill 2 Hardings 1 Martiwams .......... 3 Beaver Creek 'I New Hra... 2 Highland 1 Total number or delegates. ...58 By order of the Commiltee. P. Paquet, Chairman. Tho Indiana delegation in congress voted solid for the Matthews silver res olutions. Let's see; are there not a few republicans in that delegation? Yes, come to think of it Mike White is a re publican. Oh, yes, nine of the thirteen are republicans. How is that demo crats claim all the silver men and call republicans "gold bugs?''--Pafrfof, Leb anon, Iudiana. Idaho papers predict trouble with the RaDnock Indiaus during tho coming summer. All Unprejudiced Democrat, Bro. Wheeler, of the Corvallis Demo crat, notwithstanding he ailTeis with Senator Mitchell politically, is honest aud gives him credit for what he has done for tho State. He says: We notice an article in the Roseburg Wester Star iu which Senator J. II. Mitchell is severely censured for his introduction of a bill into Congress 2"ro posiug to appropriate money for the purpose of constructing a break-water at Capo Foul weather, in this county, and characterizes this movement on the part of Senator Mitchell as an election eering scheme, aud consequently de nounces the entire proposition. As to Senator Mitchell's motives in the mat ter other than a needed improvement for the accommodation of the people, we know not. Such a thing may be that it is only an electioneering dodge 011 the part of the Senator, but we have not tho foresight of the Star to see just what his personal aims are. Lut we do know that Senator Mitchell has done a great deal for Oregon, and from the past we judge tho future. We want it distinctly understood that we are no friend of Senator Mitchell, politically, but when a mau has done a good act givo him credit for it. Had the proposed point for tho break-water been at Port Orford, aa suggested by the Star as a better place for such an improvement, that paper would not have said a single word. Ve hope to see the proposed break-water constructed, and are willing to give credit to Mitchell, or anyone else who successfully carry, or cause the measure to be carried through, and the appropriation obtained. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. I-'or County Clerk. Tho undersigned aniHiuiiecs himself as a candidate for tho oftice of Count' Clerk sub let to the decision of the Republican County Ctii vention. FKAXK HI. AL.IIUIG1IT. For County Treasurer. The undersigned announces himself as a candidate for the ofllec of County Treasurer subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. K. li. FELLOWS. The undersigned announces himself as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. FKAXK S. DEJIEXT. Xcws or the People. l)n. II. F. Adams, formerly president of tho Chicago Medical Institute, will visit Oregon City March lMh, 1S7S, remaining 4 day s. The doctor treats all forms of chronic diseast.s, making a specialty of the eve and ear. l'crsons wishing to consult the doctor wiii please call at the Cliff House on the abovt? date. If Yob visit. ortland and wish to buy a fine suit of clothes at n low vrice, call t. Acirerman Rros., cor:er .First and Washing ton streets. Fxiclaes has a large stock of eiprars on hand, manufactured by white labor, which he will sell at prices that will compare favorably with San Francisco houses. Retail dealers are invited to call and examine stock. o to Filches' and get a pure Havana cigar manufactured In t his city. They are equal to any imported cigar and arc not made by the filthy Chinese, l'atronlze home industry and white labor. "Gennxn Syrup." No other medicine In the world was ever given 6U eh a test of its curative qualities as RoschooVs (iorman Syrup. Iu three years two million four hundred thousand small bottles of this medicine wen-distributed free of chary by druggists in this country to those afflicted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and other diseases of the Throat and l,ungs, giving the American peo ple undeniable proof that (iorman Syrup will cure them. The result has been that druggists in every town nnd village in the United Suites are recom mending it to their customers. to to Ward & Harding and ask what they kno" about, it. Sample bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. Three doses will relieve any case. m (tuinlne and Arsenic form the basis of many of the Ajme remedies In the market, and are the last resort of physicians and peo ple who know no better medicine to employ for t his distressing complaint. TheefTeets of either of these drugs are destructive to the system, producing headache, intestinal dis orders, vertigo, dizziness,- ringing of t he ears, and depression of the constiutional health. Aykr's AQUEt'CRK is a vegetable discovery, containing neither quinine, arsenic, nor any deliterious ingredient, and is an infallible and rapid cure for every form of Fever and Ague. Its elfects are permanent and certain, and no injury can result from its use. Re sides being a posilive cure for Fever and Ague in all its forms, it is also n superior remedy for Liver Complaints. It is an ex cellent tonic and preventive, as well as cure, of all complaints peculiar to malarious, marshy and miasmatic districts. It acts dircctlv on the 1-iver and biliary apparatus, thus stimulating the system to a vigorous, healthy condition. For sale by all dealers. To All v-'no are sunVring from the errors and weakness. Indiscretion or youth, nervous earlv decay, loss of manhood, Ac, a recipe that will cure you, I ClIAlUiE. This great remedy was hr n. rrvision.- rv in South Anrerici 1 will send nKK OF discovered a. Send a . T. Jomkpd A'tw 1'ork. self-ddressed envelope to t he Rf.V. Inman, Station D. Jlibl. Jiowtc, . novl-ly. yThe National Gold Medal was awarded o Rradlev & Rulofson for the best Photographs In the" United States, and the Vienna .Mt da for th best in the world. 429 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, fHE NORTHWEST GRANGER Washing Machine. See tHis Msicliiue Before Purchasing Elsewhere. l-i; t He attention is . "d to this splendid Mai hi '10. It is an Or 1 invention, and took lb e First! Premium ; , nt the LAST OREGON STATE FAIR. It will ! MAXIFACTIREU AT HOME, V,y a responsible firm. It contain fotu cor rugated Rollers, equal to four wash-Aioards working in unison ; will not injure or clothes, and is the most useful and perfect machine ever offered to the public. Patented October 16, 1877. Being manufactured here, in case any of its parts are broken. Such part can be replaced at a low figure without buy ing the entire machine ; and such parts will be supplied free where there was a defect in the machine sold. County and State rights for sale. Address A. 91. COKA'KLIUK, Patentee, dec.l3,77-tf. Oregon it gn. JOHN S CH R A Eft Main St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF 2fA Saddle, HnrnrM, ru,v nuitiurry-iiara. wan, etc.. vte. AY 7'IIICII HE OFFERS AS CHEAP A8 can ue nau in iuc iMate, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. "1 warrant my goods as represented. JOHN SC11RAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 1, l75-tf. MOORE & PARKER'S Celebrated TURBINE WATER WHEEL! M. WALLACE. Agent for Clackamas County, And the State In general. This Is one of the best wheels in use 011 the iTicific Coast, and gives KTf ct satisfaction In every instanee. Any one purchasing a wheel which does not come up to the guarantiee, if proierly put In, the money will be refunded and all damages paid. For further information apply to V. t. Wallace, nt Cutting's Mill, uear Viola, Clackamas '.. or at this ollice. Sept. 13, 1877-tiiuos. LAND FOR SALIi. rE HAVE THE FOL,IXWINJ REAL, I Estate for sale. No. 2. IOO Acres, good house, and barn full of hay; 8 acres in cultivation, orchard,' gxxl writer: I.) miles from Oregon City. Price $."iK. half down. No. 1. :JAI acres, 2 miles from (Jrnham's ferry on the Willamette river, 80 acres in cultiva tion, 12 acres in an orchard of choice varie ties of fruit, aeres in whpat, loll acres under fence, good house, barn and run ning water, 12 miles from Oregon City. Price ?1,2.", part down luiliinwon time. So. 5. :i-2i neri-s ; To improved, a large, new, well finished frame dwelling, plum and apple orchards, living water, 18 aeies of fall wheat, fi miles from Oregon City, on Molalla road, church nnd school house adjoining; can Im- had for 1,2.j0, one-third down, balance on time. No. ti. 2U acres in miles east of Oregon City, 14 miles from Viola grist and saw mill and xstorlio ; 3.) acres in cultivation, ItiO fier.-s under fence, good Trame house l:l.-:4 "1." lHx'22, 3 acres in fruit trees. Price f l.liOO, h;ilf down. No. 7. 4( aeres at Milwaukie ; part beaver dam. Price, fl.iK.NJL No. 8. ;VM acres ten miles east of Oregon City, 7 miles from Marshflcld station ; 75 acres In cultivat ion, 31)0 acres of level bottom land, good box house and frame barn, good run ning water for stock, good stock ranch, 7K) bearing fruit trees. Price l,2lu. Will sell stock and crops to purchaser if he desires. No. 9. KiO acres i miles east of Oregon City ; M aeres in cultivation, 5 acres in orchard, good house and barn, remaining land easily cleared. Price $2,500, half down. No. 10. 150 acres, more or less, 11 miles from Oregon City, miles to Portland. 20 acres in cultivation, 100 more casily clearoil, all under fence, good house, good land and plenty of water, schoo'house and church 1 mile away, i month hool in year. Terms easy, f 1,250. No. 11. 100 or KiO acres otT oft lit north of the Fram's claim, 4 miles from Oregon City, )en brush land, all easily cleared, living water, god mill power, at $10 per acre ; terms easy. No. 12. Jacob Johnson's homestead, near Oregon City : 120 acres. No. 13. The former residence of V. W. Buck and six lots: $2,500. No. H. Wiley May's block, ad in cultivation, w ith house and barn ; fSlO. No. 15. J. P. Allison's farm, 220 acres, 75 fn cultivation, .1 in orchard, good farm house, barn and out buildings ; illtoo, half down. No. 100 acres, flat meadow land, 9 miles from Oregon City, 80 acres in cultivation, good house and barn, orchard, running water, price ffiiKio. No. 17. 171 acres, 8 miles S of Oregon City, -40 acres in cultivation, 4 acres orchard, 10 tons old hay, log house, 2 barns, good wa ter, team, wagon and harness, cow and calf, all farming implements, household furniture ; price SlliOO, l.'PKJ down. No. 18. 2K) acres, all under fence, 12 miles miles from Oregon City, 40 in cult ivat ion, 3 in orchard, good house and barn; price $20jO. No. lil. Orin Cutting farm, 300 acres, 120 In cultivation. 50 nore ready to plow, good house and barn, 10 acres in orchard ; price $0000. Also it5 acres, 25 in cultivation, no house or barn ,50 acres easily cleared ; JliXiO. Other desirable bargains in Clackamas, the best county in the State. Any one having money to lend can have our services, free of chame, in managing the same and select ing securit ies. Persons wanting to lorrow money can get favorable terms by calling on us. JOHNSON !k flic C 'OWN, nl JOHNSON, MffOH'S MA(HOI. Offices In Oregon City and Portland. Nov. 12. 1875 :tf C""B" Oroatchanee to make money. mJl 1 ' If you can't get gold vou can get greenbacks. We need a erson in every town to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapest, and lest Illustrated family publica tion in the world. Any one can become a suc cessful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscrilrs. The price is so low that almost everylxnly subscribes. One agent reports making over fl-M) in a week. A Jadv agent reports taking over 400 subscribers in en days. All w ho engage make monev fast. iou can devote all your time to the business or only your spare lime. Vou need not be away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full particulars, directions and terms free. Elegant and expensive Out fit free. If you want profltalc work send us your address at once. t costs not hlng to try the business. No one M-ho engnges fails to great pay. Address "The People's Journal" Portland, Maine. ' AGENTS. The following named gentlemen will receive subscription and advertisements for the Enterprise j Portland . Astoria. .... New Era Norton . Boone Ferry Molalla ... Pleasant Hill . Oswego Damascus... Eagle Creek Viola Sandy J. R. C.oldsmlth W. E. lament llr .T Casto Capt. Z. t' Phnc Norton Vilson - J. E. MeConnell i. V. Prosser J. T. Chit wood H. IV r-ake B. C. Twis S. B. Hatch Established! 1855.. . WILLAMETTE : CTXr&E&rav G. 7. V7ALLIHG & SON, PnOFRIETOim, Oswego, Clacksiiiasis Co., Oregon AGENTS: 1m j B A O OV .. .. TV HOWARD MICK 11VMS1SY, JIl MI orders left wittv tHo promptly filled. SEXD FOR A CATALOGUE. Fruit and Orsanrental Trees, Evergreens, Grape Tines Small v"iiits. Shrubs and Roses cultivated and for sale at this Nursery. G. . WALLING & SON. SIMON. SPRINGER & CO, - Manufacturers and Deaiera in ' .Jl i . ; Importers-Jobbers of German, French and English Window Class, X.ISR WEIGHTS, E0RD& ANB PULLEYS, V-, 41 FRONT STREET, - : POtttLANO, OQ. decl3T7-ly. 7"Crdera from the Country promptly Ailed m NEW FIRrVi FELLOWS & HARDING, At The LINCOLN BAKERY I )E A I.KltS IX FIRST CUSS GROCERIES k PROVISIONS, PKODITE TAKE.V FROM FARMERS IN exchange lor Uroccrics. SELECT TEAS, CQFFEF AND SPICES. A splendid assortment of Fresh Crackers and Cheese. FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Fill ITS. And a full variety of poods usually kept ! a ttrst-class Grocery Store. We invite the citizens of Oregon CityrCno mah and vicinity to Kive us a eill, and if KU don't prlve you as many and as (rood a oualily of pofHls for your money as you eau obtain elsewhere, he will leave town. " deliver ood to all parts of tho Ciy and Canemah lre rf charge. Oregon City, March 1, 1877-tf. W. A. PHILLIPS, (Successor to T. A. Bacon) lealer in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. SELECTED TEAS. COFFEE AND AT.T. articles used tor Culinary purposes. High est market price iiid for Country Produce. Ooods delivered free to all parts of the city or Canemah. Orders promptly tilled. Oregon City, Feb. 1 1, ISTjAt. L. JACCARS, Dealer i? FLOUR, MY, STRAW, OATS, POTATOES, WOOL, ETC., GRAIN SACKS AND TWINE ?The highest market paid in cash for all kinds of produce . One door south f Postoftlce. Oregon City, Sept. 13, 1877-if. NEW GOODS AX. nmiii Bros. Will remove to Dement's Buildin;, ( forurH occupied by L. Helling) sbont the fir' r February, and will open out tvitb e finest stock of goods In this city, ACKERMAN BROS. WM. KNIGHT. QKO. KNIGHT. KNIGHT BROS., CAN BY, OHEGON. Dralerm is MIIIXGLKS, CEDAR POSTS, GROCER. US, ll-OTIll.Mi, HOOTS. SHOES, HAKDWA HK, And every tJilnf asaally kept In m csbb- try store. We Invite the public to call and examlno onr stock before goinR to Oregon City or Port land, as we are fteuing as cneup as any house in the State. Come and get our prices. Those indebted to the firm will please call ana seine immediately, ana pare costs. nov8-tf KNIGHT BHOS. GEORGE BROUGHTON, IITOULD INFORM THE CITIZENS OF T f Oregon City and vicinity that he is pre- pareu iu turuisa Fir & Cedar Lumber, Of very description, at low rates. Ann APPLE BOXES. AIJSO, Dry Flooring, Celling, ItuMir, jSpnice, (for shelving), Lnttlre. Pickets, and Fe nee-Posts, C-edar, Constantly on hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as it can be purchased In the State. Give me a eall at the OKKOS CITY ,SA W MILLS. Oregon City, June 10, 1S75 At LUMBER M.UMBER! OlifiJ-. O 3 ti M in "lroULI INFORM THE PUBLIC 7 JAT It he has purchastul Bisby k Cuttir saw mill, eight m iles east of Oregon ilhat h is prepared to furnish FIR AND CEDAR LUMBER, of every description at low rates. Cedar Ceiling, Rustic, Water Pipe, Fence Posts, etc. t"John Myers, agent. In Oregon City, will keep a supply of Lumtx-r, of all kinds, always on hand. Oct. 25. 77-tf CHRIS. ZAUNER, DEPOT SALOON, Opposite the Railroad Depot, KEEPSTIIE HEST ISEKH AND CIGARS in the City, (iive him a call. Jy-Vtf. oHEoojf icmv .HOWARD'S Ttrrej., MOI.AI.TJU above - named persons lb AND PRICE HOT I THOMAS CHARM At. ESTABLISHED 183 DESrRES T KFOUM THE CITIZENS or Ore iron City and f the Willamette Vm ley, that, he is still a hand, and doing I miU ness on the old motta, thai I haw lasi returned tram n Franeisc- wtaere I jareliaseoae of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED ' T O C'A' OF GOODS eve? befove oi& rcd in tbJs city -r ajidcoMlsla St !l, AS lonowt: Boots and Srraes, Clthing, Dry Goods, lUtts and Ca jn, Hosiery of Every DnseriptKm, Hardware, Groceries. Oils, Paints cad 9ash md Doors, ChlMware, Qeeware, Stoneware, frackrrj, Plsktedwmre, Glassware Jewelry of VarVin QulUle And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ijdies and ' Gts' Furnishing Patent Merflclnes, Oeods, Fancy No- Rope, Farming tlons of Every ImptcMeniscs - Deseriptton All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Papery et. Of the above list, I can say my stock f ta MOST COMPLETE ever offered In this market, and wirs seA wit li esjK'clal care for the Oregon City trade Jin of which I now offer for sale at the Lowest Mar Let Rates. c Hunk of going to Portland to buy goods for I : m Drtrrminal to Sell Cheap and not t allow lnysel. to be ...--- IXDERSGLD W TffE STJTE All I ask is ti fair chanc and quick "pay ments, believing as I do that . r " Twenty ars Experience' In Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the oM stand of THOMAS CHARMAN can ootlo beaten incjnaBt j or price. .It would be useless for me to tell you all the advantage I can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disappointed. All I wish to Cmc, and See, ami Emmiae ttt TonnclTes, for Ido not wish to make any .mistakes. My object Is to tell all my old friends now that I ntm still alive, and desiroun to sell (roods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for tbo liberal patronage heraCo tofo bestowed, THOS. CHARM AX. Mam Street, Oregon City.' Legal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. THOS. CHARStAIC. 3-50.000 lbs wool wanted by nov. 1. "75-tf THOS. CHARMAN - LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STAIJLE. THE nSDERSIGSED PTtOPrtlKTOR OF the Livery Stable on Fifth street, Oregon City. Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Dumfries, Carriages and lUekt. Saddle and Bajrjry Horses I'i'ice: T?enrson;it)le E. B. CLEMENTS, Oregon City, Nov. 5, 1875. Proprietor. ' CUFF HOUSE. OREGON C ITT, OR EG ON. T. W. RHODES, Pi'oprietor. Trnimlrnt Hoard, Single Meal. Hoard per IVpfk 91 to 92 per Daj . 50 eenta. Hoard and iMUglnfg, pr Wf ek.-6 OO The Table will be supplied with the best the market affords. Ball SnptMTs forntahed on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Nov. 19. 1875 if HEY LIME OF STEAMSHJPS BETWEEN PORTLAND & SAN FRANCISCO. THE P. C. S. S. CO. WILL HEREAFTER RUN A LINK Of steamers every live days between SAN FRANCISCO AND PORT LAND. PasseiBTrT ifTfnnmodatians rnsarpasMif. Tickets for sale at J. M. Bacon's bookstore. Oregon City. For furt her particulars apply to , J. SffCHlfKEVArO., Aareata. Tortland, Oct.ll,lS77-. o O O