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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1877)
r . I i f 3l)c utcrpvjsc. cSc'JN CITY, THURSDAY, NOV. 15, IS77. rj O BKEVITIES. Circuit Court on the 21st inst. The Sheriff is prepared to receive taxes. Wilton's Dramatic Troupe at Popo's Hall Saturday evening. V. IL Dunbar, G. W. C.T., favored us wmi a can last juoiiuay. Union nieetinff at tho Congregational UnureP. Sunday evening. Hon. Henry Warren has been re-elected recorder of McMinnville. - Clackamas county is rapidly progressing toward roaltn and prosperity. Park is inclined to be happy since he scoopeu lue ioss nsnernian. Senator Mitchell has placed us under obligations tor valuable public documents. Considerable real estato has changed hands in this county during the past two mouths. Mr. AlJAti 15. Croasman and Miss Linnio McCully ware make "one" at Salem last week. Miss Viola Ziitinicrs, nee White, and Win. Kppinger were inairied in Portland last Tuesday. Good stage of water on tho upper river, and loats are coming down with heavy loads of graiu. It you owe T. A. IIhcoii for groceries call around and see him. He says a little coin would be in order. The political cauldron Ls beginning to j Jxul, anil canuiuaies lor mo vsnousuiiic are putting an appearance. Messrs. Williams k Fuller, formerly of this city, have disposa l of their interest in l he Umpire bakery at Portland. Allen l'arker, one of the Locks Commis sioners, says ko.IMH) tons of freight have jiosid through the locks during tho past year. Messrs. Harding t Higgers have bought out Mr. J. 1. Strut'le at the I'.arnnin Sa loon, and will hereafter run this favorite result, o Mrs. W. C Dement and family started vi'stcrdav for the Italics, where they pro pose to take up their residence for the winter. li-Iiop Scett iniiniiiar S Iuio! will open In tlx; hotel 1 nihling in Holliday's ad dition to llist l'ortlaiid, on the 1st of Je i':nUr. Til- ferrv rope at Milwaukee, which rave wav a ft". days ago has been reptiir-7-1, and "the lorry is in running order , airuin. The invitation to call and "see us" is t:il in order and we are canity waiting fir the isitor. iMii't forget it. " o A Porlhui;! excliange says: John Monro oi " On'gi-n City, a practiad machinist, is j. ic:). inng to i-et a foundry and machine -h.,';i id th! in i t Invest coiner of Tnird ana Psirec-ts. Most ot" tli" workmen b.ave been dis-1ii:u.-1 iit.liie salmon haU-hery on the liii aiirvVati l tiie Jaliors for tiiis season are ;i com pie ted. Mr. J.ts. P.. Vpton le.T, last Monday for bavton. W.T., where he will act as a'gent li,r llawley, I'oild 'C Co., of Portland. Albright A Jjogus have some of the finest ireakl'at bajii in tho market, ami we u ill vouch for it beMiise they left a sami'le for tho "poor printer." M r. John Ko-k, of Kola, has placed us Miller obligations i'ur a brace of thicks. John etui shoot duck i as well as teach the i : t iz ininils Low to shoot. M l.iugliliii J go No. 5, K. of P., oi" il.i-ei:', i progressing finely, ;nd the r-.!l of ni"ii:ers is rapidly increasing. J I- uu'iar ine; t:!g evtrv Mondav evening ;.t 7 u'eiock. Mr. !.'. . WaMt'ii is attending to the i.i.t's tl-o irtt:i'-iit at the hind ot:ii-e u.iiigtlie si. I :. ess of Mr. Wad", and he i..t a ,: a cr.-dital.le manner, even if he .i in ti iy-iiia 1 1 '! jiiiin. Tie-evening Telegram nuts in an ap ' :.'..otit oaee in tvii wti ks, and if ill it !:!:-.iin-g eli-rk don't io letter our ':!;! Latv-!i't will be used in chopping tho T.-l.-giaui from oar exchange Ii.-t. OA vor.i.g ,ii from Pahnateer's settle ln. i t a .n-.i: -. ! .i; W bit lock's m:it- bue ia-t S ;ti?r!ay. lie indulged too o;"u !i :;i tin-iio,v i i:g IkiwI and was taken in j Jit of i Ik- wet by the watchmen. The ciit'Tl.iiuaient cost 'our frii-nd JO. I: i i "ei! tliat the ). fc C. P. R. in ''. iio: :i; a ; ,-t( n.led north during the 'i':ioi:.: !::!ii-. r. ine Oivgoti traiie i'."..i:ti; J i oportior.s ssnd the i- ; 1 . i . . i i I !;.!.'.. ,i V tli, u ih iii;;kc ever enoeavor " To;jt by it. 'h ! grai n r ports rieli strike in Oj'hir atui s;.yk ad ancing. It's all right, but e ''"'n't intend to invest anv cd'our tliou ii: liar bills in it. Untold masses of ore . -ire said to U- in sight, and Coiisolidat- -i irginin now here. A young lady, with a little shortgun. J jit aj h ir-.i of shot thro uirh a window of Henry ifar.ling's residence last week. No ' He hart, but it woul 1 be we'll for the voting l.i.'.y to look where she is shootimr ' tae iu:ur.. We are informed that it w.s an accident, but aeeidents Of that kind ''-ht hin t soiuchcdy. A llighlanl firmer a short time ago -.uie to t ,-,vn ami got on a "tear," and went c 1 1 1 hoi t!i ,.f "jasv iHir.e" for whiskv at one u" our s.dooiis. A few da vs atro he '1 1 his firm and left for other "parts, last O !i rgoi to nay the little bill, find the s .loon jo. in has lost considerable conlidence in bum an nature. I-ettcr from Ml. Pleasant. Mt., Nov. 14th, ls77 Mi:. lOri roH: Please allow me.through the c. biinns of your paper, to return my most sincere thanks to "Substitute " for nis kindness . in writing for 1110 during in v a 1. c 1 ice. We were notoiware that we had a jwiet m our lOidsc and surely for one who jM.ssesses such a talent for making such beautiful rhymes, it is not only wrong. 1 ul rank injustice ior him to keep his talent to himself for so long a time. For some time back tho wretched state of the weather has made tho farmers look as it their last trieud was dead buried However, despite the luid weather, not a week has passed for ift-arly two months without a soci.viae Ix'ing given at some tit tho numerous houses 011 the hill. Considerable has lecn said et.neerniii'g the roads leading from Mt. Pleasant to Oregon City, and now please allow me to nut in my oar. 1 rue. the road ait bad in our own district, but until we reach the city limits we find no ditlieult v in drawing heavy loads. Here, however, it is almost impassahle, and thero is no doubt but what, ljefore t lie winter is over it will lo quite impossible for us to get to tin' city with an enity wagon. Many, of yon, Mr. 10 liter, never ventureotf the sidewalks of the nurgh, ami therefore do not know tho wretched state of the 'roads. I would suggest that Mr. Wade and your self, with his honor Mayor Darin as driver, take a hack and drive pist Hroughton's. 11 what is known as the new road. I am sure, if you succeeded in getting through without sending ttr block and tackle to 1'iiU you out of tho mud, vou would, after "ii-ring up most sincere thinks for your s;c.'. 1 v, n turn to Orenon City and order b." t'oauuissioner to lix the road. Mr. li.savs all but ninety-two of the a in -In-d Ylestials are at work. All look forward with pleasure to the oil U tion of the sidewalk to the Came lry. llcport says Raron W n has fallen wir to quite a fortune back in Furope. an ' o '1 iH not orten yVi nrd an Adonis k. n,0N's combined" surel v yon will not h't r 11111 cscaiie. " "t n.,lil,miliar faop fof Will II. was seen I.;,?, rrthe sociables,- quite a treat for l,,n 1 Faumeu. Kiv.vrr Ker..9.. tl. . t ' t, , (t'li'u xiiu private senooi u .rM i; ..?.. . . ! ... M.7 v ,. " inline Lochran in the 1 . 1 v i Vr""s' vv,lt commence the second . ,'. 5 ty. Miss tM:!iron !ias - ;. .' "' v;'o wtl: in r .? are, ''""- '''-"--"!ci n.- n ttaclicr. o Ileal Estate Transfers. The following are the transfers of real estate which have taken place since our issue of ov. S, compiled by Mr. Wm. Whitlock, deputy county clerk : Wm. W. Iliggs and wife to .S. U. Hagev and Mary A. itagey.the N W j, of section 24, T4SIU K, containing PiO acres. . N. W. Randall and wife ta Jos. Walton, the s Vj of the S K ' of the N W '4, and the S of the S W "U of the N U U of sec tion PJ.T i S li 3 K, li-i:ig part 01 the dona tion land claim of Thos. Taylor; consid eration $100. . iierry Duekner to John Tj. Roliorts. pari of section 2,T 4 S It 2 JO, containing 15 acres ; consideration SoO. 1-lam Frost and wife; to John and Mary E. Stevens, tho K of the S W of sec tion 21, T 3 S R 1 K, excepting 40 acres heretofore sold, containing 70 acres; con sideration Sl.OOO. S. W. Moss and wife to S.D. Richardson, part of section 1, T 4 S R 2 R, containing 4) acres; consideration So. !S. 1). Riehardsan to Dorcas Moss, part of section 1, T JS III' JO, containing 40 acres ; consideration SI. United States to Jacob Wortman and wife the S 10 xi 01 the N 10 '4 and the H 10 U of section 17, and lots 1 and '1 of section D, in t li SRI 10, containing 322 .f7 acres. County Court. snxiAi. ti:i:.,i. haxkai.t, jl'i;k. fiordon road It is ordered that toad be established, and that notice bo given to sn-rvisor to open said road. Polsom road subscription Amount of funds as reported is accepted and it is ordered that the same lie paid to the treasurer and the party is released from further liability. Application for apiK-.intment of supervis or in road district No. 31 dismissed. In the case of II. R. Pittock. delinquent tax, the clerk was ordered to make out costs and descriptions of pre,ierty and de liver to sheriff for collection. In regard to transcripts of delinquent tax lists of school" districts, it is ordered that Cue fees of the clerk be paid in ad vance. It is ordered that M. D. Paldwin, super visor of road distt iet No. 23. Ir.x boom le-gs w ith chains in such manner as to protect the Tualatin bridge near the residence of Joseph ! iclds ; also to fix all bridges in his district necessary for public travel. Court adjourned till Saturday, Nov. 17. m,Z A Perilous i'idc. A young man named James ii. Sterling, in the employ of W.Kii chem, created con siderable excitement at Kirchem's Mills la--t Sunday morning, bv pun; over tho mill dam fur a bet. The faM ;s about eight teen feet high and tie water intensely cold. The skiff upset in the Sail and Loth man and skill" were under the water for some time, l,nt both came out without injury. Sliding proposes s: m 11 v to swim over the Kiiii'' dam. He is from San I-' ran cisco and about 2.i years of ago. J'iease keep this in mind", as it may aid you in writing an obituary not ire. WAf.iiM: K::h:tj:m, Kirthem Mills, Nov. 12, 177. !: i. A sorrowful mot her said to me, "Come in and look on our child." I saw an angel at .shut of day. An i it never spoke but smiled. I think of it in theVil v'sst reels, I dream of it when I rest--The violet eyes, ? he waxen hau ls. And tho 0110 white S iiseo.o th breast. T. IS. Ar.Di'.icir. I know she lias gone to the happy land Where ojwil commingles with "Pearl, TiiUi.-it far-oiri.ind where angels dwell And their snowy wings unfurl. Rut oh for the sad and lorn ly hearts Who saw her when she was dead, Tin sunny hair, the palo, pale face, And the iily in bloom by her head. Rov.r-KUY at S'ir.Ki'.iAN. The village of Sheridan experienced an upheaval of ex citement on Wednesday morning of last week, when the startling tinnonncement was ii'ad.c that tluj safe in the store of R. DeRashmutt cfc ,. hud hem or-eriod the evening and plundered of 'c7.i"n in cfish. There are, says the Reporter, sev eral diti'ertnt versions concerning the maii!er in whit h the robbery was accom plished, the most aulhontia of which says that it was dime whil-i tho proprietors were at snpier, at iliis:; o:; Tm sd.ivr -ven-ing. The store was in the hands of Mr. eo. Shepherd, receiver for iohismii h 0; C. t Portland, assigni-es. Ti'.ey are the losers. A numU-r ot dcinisits were in tho safe, not mic of viii'-)i we understand, was "iolct..'.l. I oe sale) was one fit Use est in lho country, as we are informe-a y M r. J. II. Mori is, who puf-.-iiasod it a .'w ye.-tis n.z-y at a -ot of i7."si. It was not oti'ii.';en open, but. was unlocked, ai- though the proprict .or nad regular key in his possv " DuiKii.Ans. For the past week or two almost evcr.v night some house has re ceived a visit from the light-lingered gen try. Kxcepting two or three occasions th'ev isav alarmeti the occupants before thev made an entrance. On Tnursday night of last week the residences oi ( . . It'ioads and Jas. Dolan were visited, anil ct the first they secured a gob! watch and at the latter a dress pattern. Several per sons are suspected oi navmg a nana m me matter, ami they are sjx'Ued. At most of the maces visitettthc l-.truuers naveiua;e coiisiilorable noise, and the occupants gen erally strike a light, civing t he'intruders warning and an opportunity tiimake tlie:r escupi'. 1 lie oesi way 10 git-ei iin-e lioet- ni.ght visitors woultl ia ti sainto thf in with a tlose of lead r.s soon as they are heart I at the windows, without giving them a chancre to run. Moth Kits' Rots. Capt. W. II. Small wood, of Vancouver, delivered a lecture at the Congregational Church last Monday evening, ufo!i "Mother's Roys." Owing to the inclemency of the weather tho au dience was not as large as it would other wise have l-coii, but those who attended were highly pleased and s-ctk in the highest terms of praise of the discourse. The speaker had the happy faculty of making his lecture interesting to all. It was novel in itscharacter, abounding with mirth and sound reasoning, and was lis tened to with marked attention and inter est throughout. As he truly said, mothers' boys tlo not run the streets at night, fre quenting the saloons, smoking cigars and using profane language, and wo Wonder how many mothers' boys could be found in our city. The singing was excellent, and attracted much attention. Fir.E Ai.ahm. A chimney burning out at the Pha'tdx Hotel brought out the fire department Monday evening. If we mis take not, the City Council passed an ordi nance stunt time ago forbidding anv alarm on such occasion', and it would be well tor f the itTsons who sounded the alarm last Monday evening to leave the bells alone hereafter, or thev will get into trouble. l iromen who" have to travel tit toon or twenty blocks do not appreciate the tun ot running that distance and only finding a burning chimney when thev arrive. Don't. do it any more. R vsn Ceeaued. Mr W. W. Strieklin living near Norton s postomee, has had a large gang of Chinamen clearing land during the past season. nr.d thev will have cleared over lou acres by the last of this month. Air. Su ickl in will have acres in cultivation next season, which will yield a good many bushels of grain, and if the price keep up is well as it has the past year, he will bo able to liquidate the expense of clearing, and have something for a rainy day. The cost of clearing and preparing the" 100 acres for the plow will cost Mr. S. about lu ier acre. Prof. Pr-i'MMER. Prof Plummer's en tertainment last Monday evening Vas a ,-..,r eni.M-ilJn nft'itr fold Tr,"- n. I.'imp and attentivo audience. Plumnier has .. , 1 - 1 1 visited our citv on several occasions, and ; ,)!ls al,vavs jriven an iuteresting entertain- ! merit. The most of our readers arc ac- , J qnai'Urd with .'tis en!n':-:!"li-s :s ar. cb-cu- ' ; x) ; nd iiis v o:e.te;-i';d p,,wrs p.r mUu- ; ' iirv. ami Li in-. d. no c..-ti:niv!i'.:a:iy:. i - t Letter Rist. Tho following is a list oi the letters remaining in the postoflice at Oregon Cit-, Clackainas county, Oregon, November loth, 1877: Adam, Colvas. Kabb, Amos. Chase, Mis. Carrie. Davidson, Tj. l'inley, Mrs. James. I'allert. Therese. Herving, Mrs. J. II. Harris, Mr. Holden, Chas. Kinney, Miss Ada. Rainev, A. M. 2 Reynolds. Mrs. Klla. liuifner, Edward C. Studeman, Carl (J leason, John. ietr, II. 10. Haudley i Co., Ceo If called for please say when advertised J. M. IIACON, P. M. To Maxufactuuers. Mr. A. M. Cor nelius has invented arid obtained a patent on a washing machine tho best we have ever seen, and is about to negotiate a sale of the right to manufacture it in Ore gon, west of the Cascade mountains, to parties in Portland. Would it not le a wise investment for some of our money loaners to purchase the right and manu facture them here? A great many thou sand of these machines could lie sold be fore the patent expires. Seventeen years is a long time to have exclusive control of any meritorious machine. Wake up! A Tj:st Cask. A few days ago one David Plack.charged with embezzlement, w as arrested in Portland on a requisition from tho Governor of California. In the red tape attending the proceedings Gov. Chadwick signed the warrant of arrest. Now the embezzler's attorney, H. Y. Thompson, praj-s for a writ of habeas corpus on the ground that S. F. Chadwick is not Governor of Oregon, but only acting Governor. The case was argued before Judge Shattuck on Saturday last, who took tho case under advisement. EvinKNCES op Pn'osPEUiTY. The fact that our county Is fast progressing in poi ularity, wealth ami improvement can be settled in the mind of every one who w ill take a trip out in the county in anv direc tion. Within a few miles of this'eity, in the vicinity of Mr. Ijatourette's farm, a great change has taken place within the past year. Several hundred acres of brush land has been placed in condition for cnl tivatiou,and a large numberof immigrants have bought land and are making pleasant homes and thrifty farms. Tut: Finn Tho P.ishop Scott Grammar School, of Portland, one of the be:-t educational institutions in the State, was destroyed by lire last Thursday night. It was so far from any cistern that only onc-.engino was able to throw wafr, and then short 0110 section of hose. Most of the furniture and hooks were saved. Ross !-'") .000, insurance 10.000. The lire is sup posed to be the work of an incendiary, and S"l,ihX is olfered lor tho apprehension of the culprit. P.i.ACKP.EnniEs. The Portland jxipers are bragging of blacklierries being ripe in that region, so Mr. G. W. McCarvor, not wishing to see oar cit- cast in the .shade, has left at our otiiee a limti of a Rawton black lei-ry bush, growing on his place, which is well lillod with berries, buth lipe and green, and also blossoms. Tiiek o: the Tuck. A tree fell off the Huff last Friday night 011 tho railroad track near the basin saw mill and mashed things up generally. Fortunately no extra trains wore out that night, or we might have lieen called upon to chronicle a seri ous casualty. The tree was removed and damages repaired next morning before the regular trains passed. Conteht and Recti7 uk. Rev.C. V. An thony, 1 aster of the Taylor Street M. R. Church, l'ortland, will deliver a lecture at Pope's Hall, Tuesday evening, Nov. 20, for tin Ixaieiit of t!u M. 10. Church of this city. Subject "A Trip to Hawaii with Notes by the Way." Good music in con nection with it. Staltf News. f'orvallia firemen trip the light fan tastic to-morrow evening. Rev. A. J. Huasaker, for many years located at Albany, has removed to Mc Minnville. IIo-,varJ Xorthun, a well known cit izen of of Portland, died last week from an attack of quinsy. Four persons in the Jolly family, in Washington county, died with tho Iiph theviu Ll.I week. Joseph KontLerland, a well known sporting character of Portland died last week at Walla Walla. Hoy. II. W. Stvatlou, of Albany, has been appointed General Missionary for tho Presbyterian Church on the north west coast. During the month of October 21 vess sels left the Columbia river, carrying cargoes the total valuo of which was ?l,o(2,y93 rw. Ilillsboro will have another Alden fruit drver next summer. If it don't pay better than ours, the stockholders' pockets will go dry. The graders on tho Taqnina Railroad have beeu Jischarged and work sus pended. The Bentou Democrat wonders why it is thusly. The Alden dryer at Albany works twenty out of every twenty-fonr hours. If Albany can make it pay, why can't Oregon City. Adolph ninngk, an old and esteem ed citizen of Aurora, for many years connected with the German colouy of that place, died on the 5th inst. Charles Collins has gone to to the penitentiary for two years from Lane county for an assult to commit rape on a little girl. Dr." Ij. Ii. Rowland, Superintendent of Public Instruction, has gone on an official visit to the counties east of the Cascade mountains, and will be absent about six weeks. Delashmut's store at Sheridan was robbed of $7,310, on the 7th. The firm had been placed in bankruptcy and the money had been collected by an agent- of th wholesale houses of Portland. At tho meeting of tho Board of Trus tees of East Portland, last week, Hon. W. W. Thayer, was elected City Attor ney; Sim Stafford, Chief of the Fire Department, and J. Campbell, City Survoyor. The Jfcrcay says that owing to the increased number of " tramps " and thieves thrown into our State by hard times in other localities and the cheap fare from San Francisco to Portland, the State Prison is filling up at a rate unusual ia the history of Oregon. There are now confined in that institution 120 convicts, which we believe is two more than ever before credited to that insti tution at any one time. La Grande Gazette: Ten teams lef t here thi3 week for Columbia river, to commence work on thJ3. M. C. II. R. E., not for the purpose of grading only a few miles, but of continuing the work until the road is completed to this vallej. This is the first real work that has ever been done looking toward opening up and developing that por tion of I astern Oron eat of Urva t i31.i (';?- Thai ;.:::-. "trijl nt(c-:;.I the 1 Xews for the People. Miss ltosa Fuchs has just received an elegant slock of fall goods for the ladies. Miss Fuchs has had considerable exper ience in the millinery line, and only keens the most fashionable goods. You only need to set? the handsome, display on the shelves to ho convinced of her excellent taste iu selecting, and you can rest assur ed of getting suited as well as you could at Portland.' The ladies of Oregon t'ily are respectfully invited to tail and .sec tor themselves. If Yon visit Portlan-i anil wish to buy a fine suit of clothes Jit, a low .riee, call" at Acliornnm l'rt-s., corner First a:nl Wiis!iinn'. ton. streets. Kail Opfuing Kiitl Wltiier (.i.ids at I. Selliiijg'a. Latest Styles and Xovelt ies in Press Goods, with trimmings to match. In Gents' ami l.o.vs' goods the hest inthe market and at tin lowest prices, (."all and ser f,,r yourself, I will sell you good Clootln :t I'ort "laiul prices, till early nnil secure tjarrains at J. .S.lling".s-j!ie ptact to get the valu of your i.ioiipy. jTn , , , ,., mmmm v. (kgon Pioneer Association. The Board of Directors of the Oregon Pioneer Association . met in the jun ior of the Cheuiekela hotel at Salem no Thursday evening and was called to or der by the President, "VY. J. Herron. On motion, all the persons present were invited to participate-. Judge Wm. Strong, of Portland, was unanimously chosen to deliver the an imal address at the re-union on the 15th of June, 1878. Gen. Joel Palmer was chosen altern ate to Judge Strong. On motion, the president w;.i empow ered to select a Kuihude person to deliv er the occasional address fur 1878. Iwev. Il.C.irill, of Albany, was chosen chaplain for tho next re-union. Hon. Medonim Crawford, of Dayton, was chosen chief marshal. air. YV. H. l;-?es re- igned from the printing committee, a 'id Mr. It.P.iJoise was elected to fill the vacancy; tho com mitter was re-elected and consists of E. N. Cooke, 8. P. Chadwick, John Minto, li. P. Poise and J. Henry Brown. 51 r. Kees moved that the names of the member. bo pablishe;! in the annual transactions. The secretary o tiered the following, which was adopted: j7c.---oi t:?, That the Secretary of State is earticsl ly re.j nested to assigti a room n the Slate Houso for the use of tiie Oregon Pioneer Association, for the purpose of transacting business; safe keeping of archives, books, and other valuables that they now have or may become posseted of. The lo.ird adjourned until the last Thursday in March, 1S7H. W. J. HKlirtON, Pre-:dent. J. IIenuv Ihiow:.-, Socio' r.ry. Ur; anp a sc p. I bv tele:rajh to S. Sharon of, asking him to come on and (jccujiy his seat, lfjmany Se-n.itorA ntIect their jmblie duty as Senutor Sharon dots there would be a loud demand for a provision to declare a seat vacant which is so seldom really lJid. Says the fitl i'ilcn; : It was reported that liev. W. Jolly's d t s-ghb-r, Mrs. Ireland, and her husband, v. ho eloped and married about two years ago. wmt down on theill-faied Pacific, but, it lias been known for some time that they weio living in Sonoma county, Cal. " Iorilajid rilai-U: t. I.erd taii' r.i !i !u in;r, r-7 seliin.r. Flour F.Ntr . S'J 75; vu; i ti.-ii-, to .ji. Wlieet 1') cen;a!. Oat s .V.ii7e. l bushel, barley SI r.'l c-ntah l.acoa S,iues 1-.. -. h iin., U-,lt; shouM'TS, S:.i.f. LarJ In k'jt:, 1:!..: hi lell.tia?, tlo. ; Ihtti.-r-Ki s!i roll, ';. I- nil's 1 ire tl a; pi - a i'i sacUs, 4?vC. : !;?, 3; piuui.o, pilless, J. ; j.".tc i'-.-, J !.. ; pro lies, 17e. K'C'S- .';oe. Cli-ieken- Full prown, $2 ).$.? .".) 1 tlivcn. Hill's Ir., 17''.; saifed. Co.; culls, ' o!f. Tallow li. y it.. Woo! -Slllr. Fee.l r.r ir., ?1.52. y ton; shorts. !?2T?-i-) ; oil cake, ?! I iH). Hay Cahal. ?m?l2 y ton : loos , -J '.ft. Potatoes I Hill at ! V. y htiMit-1. Onions P. jCvlM y !'. Mutton Sln-ep 0. Oregon tiy ?Iar!i.;'l. Wheat ?l ", y hnsno:. Oat..? foetl, sacked, 17j'"2!j y Ijushel ; mill l;ijr, sacked, a-v. y bushel. Barley Choice brewing, S'te y burdiel ; feed, T5c. I'ota'o-s .l,)c. y hus'ivl. Pull sale. 0:ii'-n: I V"''t-. y !!.. Flour- 5i;ti'7 i) y bid. I'ried Fruits Api les.l'j,'). y IV..; phnns, 11 ". r.nttfr ?5fl;rtiV. y tv,. Chickens tirowa, 22 1)0 y do:;en ; Pjirlnr, ?2' of. y doz. i':ir:3-"ic. y tlozen. IVu'oii-Sides, lit, y IV,; 11c. r.;ird 1 "(. 1 1' p Hi. II - IV $H:u. 12 y ton. Woo! 2'.LMe. y n,. Hides Dry, ll'.t,!."c y IV.: preer,, t i"c. T.f ill food ::r;t.ii, j-l.v.iO y ton ; siiorls, ?27?v 30 ton. Fresh meats Deof.dressed.SVsc y 1V ; on foot l?iC; itross"il hoits, (ie ; mutton sheen. ?1 75. -'-. Apples Spitzer. bi:rir, 1 in Id win, Nor! hern Spy, ( to., from viijion, j'.c V busiiel ; in boxes reatly for shipping. 45 .'( ; long keep ers, from wagon, 4')c, packed l yi'iOc. Variuiu t'ais! advaacinu; years, care sickness, disappoint meiit. and hereditarj' dis-KUion-n'd operate to turn th: hair frray, ani either of them inclines to shod premii turelv . Avkk's ll.viii Vioon wilt restore laded or pray, liirht and ri.l li.i ir to a rich or deep bliu-k, as imiy be desired. It softens and Cleans'-s the seal)), pivhTjr it ; haahv action, and removes ami cures dantire.'r and" humor.-. J.y its u" fallinp iiair i.s checketl, and a new pro-.vth will be produced in a'.l cases where tho follicles are m.t, tlestrovetl or Kla-iiii decayed Its effects an beautilVdlv on bra'shv, weak, or sioklv liair, to which :t few applica tions will rod uc the plossitnd freshness tf youth. Harmless and sure i,, jjs operation it is incomparable ns a tir.-f,sin!r, and is es pecially valued for t he soft lustre mid riehn-ss of tone it, imparts. It cont'd un neither oil nor dye, andwi'i not soil tr color white cambric yet it. lasts Ion-on the halrand keens it fresh and vigorous. How is it that everybody is talking so much about lionnelly's yeast powder? It is the topic of conversation at everv breakfast, table. U is Ijeeauso it iraki s such lifiit and tieiiirht tut biscuits people can"t help talking r.botit it. You Hitte o i:.Tf list. Have you Tiny excuse for snffcrJns with lvsi'psia or lavr c'om olai nt ? ' tlicwnny reason why yon should ro on from rtav todav comj.btinl.'ip with Sour Stomaeli, Sick Hed .icbe. Habitual t ostiveness, patpitatioit of tho Heart, Heart-burn, Water-brash, Gnawinp and burning yains at tho pit of the Stomach, 1 ellow Skin, Coated Tongue and tlis.ipreeabl taste in the mou'h, ("omin; nr. of food alter "at inp, IiO-spirits, ac. Xo! It i posif.ively your owi fault if you do. tio to Ward A Han.hng and pet a bott'e of (launN's Arorsr I- I.oy.-Ktt tor 75 cats and vour c-ur-?. is certain, nt it doubt this. : a Samol lftlo for 10 cents and try it. Two doses will roleive vou. A CATMX To all v'nn nro sufTering from th" errors and indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, ic, 1 will send a recipe that will care you, IIIFK OF CHAH i E. This irreat remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a se!t-addressfd envelope to the Ufa'. T. Joseph Inman, Station I). JW.i Home, JVcw York nov!7-ly. GHB1S. ZAUHER, Oti;i;i' th" Ual'rofid D'rot, W. ia City. ' Jivo u call. j-jO-'i. p.rTTPT?SY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY. fart? kill I i'-'iitf f"0jE? ' Uu 11 tllliLilaUIiuli 1 U J J i" . ! JCST KKOEIVNO A NKYV AND CHOICE- I s.-hctioa of the Latest .sty ! -s fcr ! he iiliicA hiAiJi.: 1 Will op .i on Friday, tie!. ;;.;h, t ! ; V'iO K. ...r-.. ; yc ' is ;u.;o age'it fol ";:.i::r. 1) Cad and sec. n n .Jiz rv : " " r 1 Or :roi City, Ojt. is, -;TV-1.-. P7"-" c?M r53 T'! r s yxxr j. ' , i ii Rjo t v tJaU U tJ'-iL ' i y r5" On Main Straet, tpios;t AfUeriiian tore. uet is-a. J. I. WAitn. o. no ijg e jV . i: a jj ni n o. WAED L EAEDINGr, RTJ'iiTf 'ivn itrm ;. r-.fivij r n it pi t r-r- k::f co n.stan rr.v ox i;..Nii a oi::: i ial as.iortiut nt of Oi-urit:-; and CliemicMl.--, r,-i-ricry, ;oji.j: t'oi-jbs au.I iru-!'t'i,, T i-iis-', 'S tii;.i.i:'sx , nJii'til.ivi-liiiisoa i it nvv ::. I r.l..-i Ai-llt-U:, AJ.SO Ivvrnxcnn !i;j, i p f -;.!i:iitr j-k, (il-tit, i'lttlj-, Ijitiilv, Oils, .li jiiihej ;nid IJye N lull's, rniE Wl.NES AM) LLUoToS FCS IEDH'!X.!I. ruiipyscs. PATI'XT 3IEPICIXE3, mv., ETC rvfliyslciTis Fr. scri j.t e-ns carefully com pounded, and ail order-; correct iy a lev, creti. ' ii nt all l.d'ii s o! t he idght . i'.Ai! .lecounts muf b. j -rid ..ior.l.!y. novJ.l-)75a WAICUfi HAUiiiNG. Qi':V1 Mil 9 ii. jo:;ks iiAsiior ins saw riu.i, tit in running order on Cedar Crock, IJ i. iil".s lro'ii Orej,-o.i City, and is : r ; ar d to furnish Of any kind, undressed, to all who may favor liila v.-it h a e.i II. Ail. Ires-;, .1. II. Jones, Uitipo's I'idid, CUirlu; mas t 'onni y, t .r-'goii Ajrii lj, ift77-t;m 3 f-1 C tri vi i L-j; , shun Sf., (in-zozi jinivxiiinti am" iriroiirr.ij of -fl ;:lil--r-, i:.-jrr:e:.r;. r - (ip.V Kii.l'tlfiym-i!. r(Vr..;- i-.'-1-'" tv.-irc, -!-., -tc. v'- "- "yiti;!! i;k offers am chkai as ? 7 can be had in tiie Stale, nt iV.;nj rpt) t r.rri': warrant, my j.:o-.',s ;-s rcj-.reientr.-t. .!oi;: .- ' i I IJ A .NT , "".'add! e ,',!id ;I.irne;.- Maker. Orep-.ii C"i! y, t ;-(.;(:. , Nov. 1, IS'.'-tf. "?rtuT:.: jr:Ft)K:.r ti;k citi.:-:ns f t I Ore-.o:i t ;:y s.t.d .ViiWtv l hat he U to furnish . K." ? t f-'.t T1' (- Z - v 5 ! : i"-. " " Of every d-seri;i!ori, at lo-.v rates. A -..- , li fy' I'l :o ti 'i (i'iii.i-r, j;:1I, Sjivin--, (for slielv ir-.r), 3.:lSi-e, I'iilvi is i!ti! K 'iii-i'-i 'iwt, C edar, 'oust talt ! on. l. tthit . Sireef and Sid-wahc lumber furriished (; the shortest notie . at as lo-.v rates ns it caa t,e purchased in theSJa'.e. dve I!)!' a ca II ? t h" ( .'..OA' CITV SA h mi .r.s. -Or-gon Uty, June in, 1:s7-j :tf . tgwhosIlST;may mmm 1 Kixn i:i-:sj:t'k -ot' '.soc-dN'o a i ) no-v rule of b::s hies I would request t hi, -so indebted to mo to come and P&y Up !m mcdsatoly, nd save iiieonve;ii..;ico and xpens, ns li iv-1 1 1 ;. ri! lined to collect what is cue ine. ! ha-. i;-iii:e -d t be prices on r-. ail and a n assure all ( hat I can give SSaiVL'airss to Cach Guver?- Co:ue ;;ru5 see for v uif own satisfaction. A . Ij i: V V . i.-i V .i;?j! 1-iCO. it - lix j i.rtijlij A7sS:i f-i EVS- AT - L A W . ') !) Seveiitli Sir.H, Vn3iingt.;ii, D, i rji "midi i ti vcnJoi". We's'dire T.ktterf iATr;xT3:on"' Inven tions. N'o r.irtirnoy fees In advance in":app! I eatlons for Patents-in the United States. So charges miles-.- the piteat is pranted. ." addit man I 1 'e.; for ol: aining aad conduct inp a rehearing. Special attention given to Fn terferenc ' Cases before the Patent onic. Ex terisi his b fore Congress, Ipfriiipoment Suits in di'T'i-eiit .States, and all litigAtion apfier taining to Inventions or Patents. We-als pro car.) Patents in Canada .and other roreign countlies. Send Stamp for I'amphh't giving full instruction atid terms. I", W. (iiurjuaml I??';;;riitiits. Claims prosecuted in t lie So; remo Court of the United s:,at s. Court of Claims , atid all classes of .war claims beftire tho Kxccutivo llepartments. Ancirj of Fay and Bnunly. Ofiicers, Soldiers ana Sailors of the late war, or their,; heirs, are in many cases en titled to money from the Uovernment, of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount of pay and bounty received. Enclose stump, and a full reply after examination, will be given you with'ont charge. Perisiofts. AlUOffieers, Soldiers and Sailors, at present disabled, however slight'y, from wounds, ruptnre or fit her injuries, or diseases received or contracted in tho line of duty in the lato war can obtain a pension. Many now draw ing pensions are entitled to increase. .V. S.j.Gciieral L.aitlOllIci'. ' Contested Land Cases, Private Ivnd Claims, Mininp jf-'re-empt itin, and'Honiesiead Caws preseiiled Lbeiore the General Land OXHcc and Department of the Interior. jjuiifl h'nrrnnts. Yv pay cash for Hounly Land Warrants, and Atiditional Homestead Scrip. Wo invite correspondence with all parties having any for sale, and give full and explicit instruc tions where assignments are imperfect. Wo conduct our buisness in scperatp Pureaus, having therein the assistance of obb and experienced lawyers and clerks, and give our closest personal supervision to cv. ry important paj-.-r prepared in each ense. Promptes' attention thus secured to ad business intrusted to us. Liberal arrangements maito with attorneys in all classes ti business. Address R. S. k A. T. LATEY. Attorarys, V." We pre fern to Hon. M. Cr. Km ory. Presi dent 2d National' Pank, Washington, I. C. : C K Prentiss, F.S'i., Cashier tiiruian Am. National Lank, Wnshingtor-.. I. C. ; Hon. C. 1. ... . , i ... i ' . . 1 ( - i . i -; , . . Lawfetiij v.a.t. T ULiv' Stabl on Fifth street, Or-gor Oty. Oregon, keeps const antly on hand Bug-ffifsC.-irriajge-i and I!;itk. Saddle jn;l liufxny Horses. Prices 1 1 e a o ix f i b 1 c r. "J r ? T ' . . i v . , i l-T-wev, i rest. ji; ."'". ..v..., i, ... , Hon. Ii. Will-iron, V. Pre st. 1st Natl. Pan';, Hdlsi-.bile, Mich.; J. It. llnn., Ls-j., Ca-.p.i r City Natl. Ca'nk, D over, Col, : J. i). Knox, Ksq., Pan tor, ToK'ka, Kansas. I 1 ft IJ . 1 mSSXNQ i WrJL&tK .mJ SRAHD PRIZE 1 c AS THE BEST FAMILY SET7ING MACHINE. Its competitors receiving only jm avard for soma epeclal foaturo cf their luachlncs. . Tiie forlrawJ Msoa SIctlla SswiJi Mine Has Cnlindted Capacity to do all kinds of Family SevIng and Kanufacturlng, ITS PATENT jUJTOlLmC "CUT OFF" on tiie hand vIied prevents tlio ma cliiue from ruuniug backwurii.s, aud obviates tho necessity of tailing tiie -work from tlio uiaciuuc to tvind thread on the Joll)iiis, v-. i;mst be done with all other ScTrhi Jlaciiiucs, to the great annoyance of the operator, especially in tucking1, hemi;:ing' and ruSIins1. It does one-third nioro ork in a given length of time than any other Sewing machine. WITH EVERY 3I0TI0X of the FOOT the TIACIIIXE MAKES SIX STITCHES. ?hre3 Wilson IMiscs will io a nuch work ia c&3 day as four oiisr Safes. It requires no .special instructions to use it j an Illustrated Direction Book in furnished YFilh each machine. IT CAUN0T GET OUT OF ORDER, AND THE ADJD3TMEJJTS ARE ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. A properly executed Certificate is furnished with each machine, guaranteeing to keep it in repair, free of charge, for tive years. Machines sold on easy terms of payment, and delivered, free of charge, at any Railroad Depot in tho United States where wo have no Agents. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. - Agents Wanted. For full particulars address - WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 827 Broadway, UEW TOEZ; NEW OBLEAKTS, LA.j CHICAGO, ILL-; or SAN FEANCISCO, CAL. ii R A Till t't J. i. Zii wj ' ' "' ' Kill J. lilUDi: Li A . r r : . -V O y i" li'-vi; rnr: i.'Li.ovJXvi r.r..i.; V i .-it ii.r s.-ii... No i : - ..--. ; nod 1. .-ins-. :ir 1 bar:- :"i.K )I !:-:y : h lit., s in c:i il i -::. ort ; . i : . jI'kI 1. iai!.,'.s Srusti Oregon ' l'li'.-i ' ii::i; (.'own. Ni. 1. '''-' ".fr.'s, - mi'i s l'r.m t irr.lif-i.'K ;'. ny :i .lie Wiii.tiin it" riv(-.r,.s.i:icri'- i:i cuiiiva tii.n, iz :s(-r-s in sin t.reliftru .i' ciifif vnri -tii's oi !rt;it, at-r .-s in lii.-i!, l'fur s mull r line", tr; id hous , run niiijr Witt.-r, i- mil -s ir ::i t.'r -.;.! it y. I'rif jtrt down l.a!aiic n lim.'. J-.'ti. o. ,-icn s; , imi ti, it larr., iit'v,-, well fmi?iivl irann! ilv.-t U.ivr, luia ;.nU ai ji: owi::ir.lf, i:i;" v.-.-u -r, IS acits'tif fa!! wheat. tiiilt-s fr.t;i t rr ;:-in 'My, 0:1 il.i ilfi road, clmrc-ii ami .'--.'lo-.l i:otis--utlj'iinlTi: :.:: i h:ul nr c !,-.. tmo-ihlrJ tiown, haia iii'i'ini ( ini". No. i". . ; iicri's tniit-s t -as-t cT Or ron C'Hy. lhs iiiil' - from ".o!a. i-ist jifiti f-av.' m'il ! :''.':) s ; '',' :i.-r s in ti; i v;:t ion, l::. a.-ri's .ii:.:.T J-.'.'K"1, P' h! Irani! luni.s-.-"1." S:,iT'.-s i:i I'm it trevs. iVieo tl,tk, half i'). n. No. 7. :.(! s at Mil v::i 'uc ; iiart itavi'T tiaij. Frio.', t f " No. 8. ;tvi ai.T- s l. nill.--sinst of ir :: O'iiy, 7 :ii:i- s i':'..;-:i .'j'i.hli"!i si a-' ':: : 7" acrts in ci! li ivai ioa, ; ) ai-n-s of l.' 1 l.otii :n '. f ritl, gtvnl L-i.v lio-.isi- a ml I'riii.:!' i. -urn, p nai-nin-X v:it'r Io stock, -soot! slock raiicii, ".! bfariim r::i!. Ir.-i-s. I'rice S I,Jm). Wiil .fil pttiric am! crt)j.. to jiurciias-T if lie ii-sir.-s. Nt). a. i'i) :ii-r.s t milts f.'ist of ri-pii Lily ; ti t acres 1:1 cultivation, .i acres in orchard1, p.oii hoa-.' a ml ijitrn, r-'inaiii'tix lariti carily fit'.-.r-'il. l'ric $-,r'.', half, Xo. lt. li-i fi'.rt's, uiojv tir less, II milos from On tror. City, l:;'., miler; t: IVnllaTid, l ) iHT'S in t ;i It ;vat ion, itnl more t-asily c'earetl, all v.iiJ'.-r i 'lie-', m.oJ, j'ood l.iml am! Ii:.!j of water, .si'l.ow'hoii.W iiiul church 1 mi'.e .av.-ay, it i:itr.t!i ii.-jol in year. Terms efisy, ti.200. No." 11. lot or 10 J acres off 01" tli north of the Pram's claim, 4 miles from Oregon i.'ity, oni'Ti Virush Ir. ml, nil easily ciure', living water, -root I lit if. lower, at ?!J per acre ; tt'vms t-siy. Xo. J-J. Ji;' ' Johv.son's Iiom., near Or- vrmi t'iiy : Ijaaeres. No. 1'5. il:e n sitler.t" of V. W. Iluck a in I six lots : oJ,"'''). Xo. 11. Wily May's l ioc-, :ti! in cultivation, with house ami barn ; .;.,-i". Xo. lo. J. I Allison's farm, -11 ncrs, 75 in cultivation, 3 in orchard, jr'"! farm house, barn and out I uildinjis: JUr'i'l, Italf down. Xo. hi. acr.'S, thit me;:iow land. !t milt s fr.-fi ir. ;r.!' t'ify, 8') fres in cultivation, froo.'. hous- nt l,ar:i, t-rchard, running . ; t it, jrio" .SV '!(). No. 17. i ri acr-'s, S mill s S of On-jron City, 4!) Hcrcit in ci 1; ix .-il ion, 4 ;;cr. s oreiiar.l, 11 tons o'ei hay, l-rx house, l ham:;, jr.iotl wa ter, t-vim, w.-!.:.:i ami liana ss, tov and ca!'.', ;-i iarmiu.r i ia i '.em -nt s, I'.ousei,!,! llirni! ::r'. ; )-riee ci1.!!';, I.":;.! tlo , 11. Xo. iS. i'.'-i-.-s, all until r lence, 12 miies roiies fri.iri Or pm "i'y, I'i in cult i vat ion, 0 in orchard, iro . hous" ami l.-arti ; price .f.M.-..'-.). Xo. If. Orin Cuii'insr. fnr:n, "') acr s, 1:0 in cuI!iv;itio:. S i nifir" r -;:i!y to p:ow, piod hous. ami burn, la -s in" rc'.;:rd ; price S'rY.vK A'sf. j e acres, tlo in cultivation, no hous" or,.7) a. re. easily c'earetl ; $inki. O! lu-r tle.siral.ilc lai ;ra i r.s in Cl tckamas, the Ur-Fl county in tli- .An.v ,ni liiivine; money to loud can have our R- rviees, free of cliarp", i'i mi'.nn.'jTiii;" tiie S.itti aiifl select in si-ciirii ies. I'r."oi.s want:tijjc tt ljor--oe' iincy can got fiivor.iM'. t.-'-rn-.s ly ca!Iii;g on us. .rOIIXSn?; Ti OTVX. am! JO!TN'Stl. :;f(HV.s' t MACPf."!. Ofiie.-.s ir OiVKon City and IV.rtlfind. Xcv. 1. ib7:;ti tT!(li Great chance to make money. I -v r ut s ti .urn can 1 1 1 .'10 on gi t gr-'en backs. Wo tie. ..j a j.i rson in rt ery town to take' subscriptions for the In rest, cheapest and ?.. Illustrated family ptil-liea-tion in tho vor!. Any one can beeom" a suo C"ssftil agent, l iie mw I ele;r;tnt works of art piven fr. e to s-.iiserii- rs. The pric is so lo'.v that a'iriicijf every bo-Iy Ft;b.cribes. On-1 agent r 'Il(i"t5 Ifial-.itlg ivir fl-"l in I' week. A lady a trout r.'i orts 'taking over in uubserlbcrs in -a tlavs. All v. l.o i-uga -x ma ke iao;i-v last. You cr n d-vote al! vtmrtiiat foll.o loismss. or onlv vour s-are time. You need not be aw a v iroin Inini'c over night. Vou can b it ns well sts r-t hers. Full 1 art iou! irs directions , tortiis fro". K;-ga!i end ixiisivi' Out tit free. If vou V.-.111I prontaf. e '.vnrk s-nd us our address a; one'. Hco ;-t.s no: Ii. ng to try , th" b;is;r."S!. No on- who r ngarr -s ...ins to i greaf pay. Ao-.ln-ss "Jin- reopie . jiihiuh,, Portland, Main-'. EXFIT :s ,()Tin:. iTF.r.r.r.Y givf ynwr. of my tontlon to .iT-ply to tl.a Hon. t 'ount y t lai'h'.'iiuiK 'on' t v. Si :.t " of (.Jri.rnii, 'cial t rm tiler of to bo held at the IX "o!i;t at : 'ourt i:.tii to ! til" ron fitv, w .-on. on tli of Xovom . - it 1 ru ; I F--': - . ..11 '-.'.y "r. A. I. to allow '.it K ' , rs o - - L . . .... ...... 'I v' V' '" ' f"-C ' t"- '''. ",) ts. nv tl-i iaiiufiu-l.Kic. tiu etr V.- V ; A -jmz- W''-'Cc-81 i f I -t-5!"0 t.H-uia:o line ls rmfuirt :. V-' '';'' ft? s . j- -X Vi b- ,1 i. .,..,tT:i! fi: :sKictlf. -- t V-V ' 'l 5 " f -T J K( ..-). f'. V tlion 1 V ;.!a;liTT:MVSs, n-rc'pt of ; .-. V- . ."'. V j. , " -. . i'v - I A A V -?- i t. m.v -irt cf tho t'nuutrv. or It will I A X-vsiSj .- -. ifiS ''7 r V-iU J v- it -..!. when tlio rummicr i!c-:r l CONOMIZE ! ;EHTEHH!AL EXPOSITION ;itY- 1 Tatrj in tho Mirl:et for Tr-li-.r7 'I : ti iu uini-r nu't:iiK.s-i ci.h.1-y iv- M.-!:ib'.in'j- t.i.l t :.:lt V.w btt-l Jii.!r-rs 1.:".. - i.t toccioct tl odJiT--::'-, ex-t by a c. t-ii. :.l to-r. It 13 I': V N-."t 5;!iHli:mo f rp l-.l k-. v. -i. A KiatAN j:oii. !.N .. -..: i'am'Iojs ualavk. la' -1 .ti i.i. v i n..: v r; o:: i.::- t.INET. VSi KliiM-.NG t A?V, cr.J 1- .I..J. i-i n: t .-.-'T-at..'.' l.. V,' GOtl VATC.i Tri.T v.: :,5 COSTS i. O v. 1 C i Z J t -v . rcr. .y, l..r i--ri t'-n t.. 5. m. nii.l 1: v.- V ; -, .:.t. s r..u. t ii. ;i y iV.ia. Kt'i if our iurgo tj.i... uro .nl.ltx: u rr-f":.rc ri i r.f X' -1 12 CZlC't v. iiii r.n cltnnt Ch.-.ln at'.rxf.- ill MSz- wt'ish a twin t Fiftv Penny wot'at . r.:il ;"Me same patroni in pure wt i:i 1 ot flOCK p1I thffl Trtaina at f2ear!i. w, bo!I the Watrh a?ni Chain fr $1. Mm bv Mittl In a Re-r' Wo Si.-ll the Wacli without the Chain for SIO. u CO., Clinton riacc. fis Ko. IX Eiglita Street, K.T -A 0 "v! A c? H fl p r.i? f. u 1E&S KKinKST!) INFORM TIIKCITIZKXS Oh t)f"Pn City ami of tho Wilhimotto V.;i. lo.i.ifi. he is s::ii on hand and doing I I nelson tin-old nn.Uo, that A Jiwitic su J'mccui licit erVum a Stow ShWtno I have just retnrnpil from Pau FranciFC. when i purchased one of the LARGEST AfiS EtST SELECTED S 2' OCJC OK GOODS ever hefore offered in this ify ; and consist-o-. p.ii'i , as lollows : Iloots and "--hoes, C!oihii;;r, I;-y (.Jtiotls, Hats and Cans, Hosiery of Every Inscription, Hartlwaro, Groceries, Oils, Paints and Sash and Doors,", QuocnBwarr., Stoneware, Crockery, ri.itedv.aio. Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And .Style.--, Clocks and Walehos, Ladies and Gents' furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Ptope, Farming tior.s of Everj Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Taper, etc. Of Cm; above list, I can eny my stock is iho MOST COMPLETE over offered In this market, and was selett-tl wit h especial care for the Oregon City tradcAll of which I now offer for sale at tho Lowsot fsTarkct Raies. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of piing to Portland to buy piods for I :iiii fittcrinintd to Sell Cheap and not to allow myself lo be nSIIRSflLB IN THE STATE OF ORECCX. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Experience In Cregon City er.ablos nio to know the re rjuiremt'nts of the trade. Come one and all and sou tor yourselves that the old stand of Til OH AS eanne.f. bo beaten in quality or price. It would bo useless tor me to tell you all theadvantat-f s I can oireryou in the sale of goods ns evrv r(..r,.ii...t ...ivi.rt... .1..., . 1. ..v ? rvrv' ...... ...... o v..,. iniu, jiuu protfiiiiv you have been uis.ipi-oii,tod. All I wish ti say is f o;r.c, r:!;d Scr, and ExamLie for Tonrsclrcs, for I.Io not wish to make any mistakes. Mv object, is to tell all my old friends now that I ?rc ,''Vr " !!1 d0?lrM tr PKKiS Cheap, torca -i., rupon such terms as agroetl upon. lorT'wc'd!05" h ,ib,,ral Iia,r"lae lie-KU: TIIOS. CIIARMAX, . Main .Street, Oregon City. liO-al Tenders aad County Scrip taken at mark-f rates. TIIOS. CIIARMAX. i-J-.,(! !ijS w,Ki wantci i.v no.-. I. '7 vtf TTIO'. CIIARMAX. AGEXXS. The foIlow'Ti-r named gentlemen will reclve' lbsr-nptions and advertisements for the K;r;-::r.::: griSS IMor.-'s P. -rry Chits. ,Vilson io-a!Ia Mf.xweliUanisbvTr '"M" J'-' J-K. McCWncll ' "'' -: W. Pross-r i! .--; . J. T. f lif-. (.r,, : " ' i.k r. C.l 3--Wyyl