Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1877)
Satan in New Hampshire. HOW HE MADE A CONTRACT WITH A AVOMAX FOR HEB SOTJI,, AND HOW HE WAS CIR CUMVENTED BY THE MINISTERS, DEA CONS AND ELDERS. The "Waterville (Me.) Mail is publish ing extracts from the diary of the late Rev. Asa Redington, of "Waterville, who was a Revolutionary soldier. The strange incident recorded, below hap pened in New Salisbury, N. H., in 1784, while he was working for a Mr. Gree ley: "An elderly lady by the name of Bai ley, and of whom it was said she was a lover of toddy, happened to be at the barn one day, when there came on a heavy shower of rain and thunder, dur ing which period the prince of darkness appeared unto her. In consequence of some valuable promises made to her, she entered into a contract with him, agreeing to give herself up. both soul -and body, to his infernal majesty, at a certain hour on a certain day, and in about six days after this interview. When the storm was over the good lady returned to the house and gave them a history of what had taken place, adding that she had signed and sealed the con tract with her own blood, showing the wound on her finger from whence the blood was drawn! Her friends were ex ceedingly alarmed at the dreadful story, and the news spread like wildfire both far and near, and oh, what could be done to save her? Notice was immedi ately given to Mr. Searl, the then set tled minister of the town, and, like a good shepherd, he determined to defeat the evil one if possible. Accordingly, on the Sabbath following he mentioned the appalling circumstances to the con gregation, and with tears in his eyes told them (I being one of his headers) that the prince of darkness had appear ed in bodily shape to one of his parish ioners, and on a certain day was again to make his appearance, according to the contract, and take off with him a member of his church to the regions 6i despair, and on the day mentioned for the exhibition he should, by consent of the church then present, appoint a meeting, and wished that if any one present had any objections he would make it known." A pause then ensued and not even a whisper was heard. The minister then said he should, and ac cordingly did, appoint the meeting. On that important day a multitude of per sons of all ages assembled in Mr. Vet- tingill's orchard on an elevated piece of ground, measures having been previ ously taken to have ten or twelve mm isters from the neighboring towns to at tend the meeting, and they accordingly appeared on the ground in due season for the exercise. The good old lady was then introduced and placed in the center of the multitude, the ministers forming in a circle around her, then another circle composed of deacons, elders and members of churches pres ent, and then in the rear of those the multitude formed in close column Everything then being prepared for action, and at least one hour before the time appointed for his satanio majesty to make liis appearance, the exercises began oy singing, praying and snppli cations, all in favor of the good old lady and against the tempter, which con tinued until 5 r. m. It being several hours after the time appointed for the i i i i explosion, auti no smeii oi Drimsiono or appearance of danger, the multitude be gan to disperse, and the lady was de livered over to her friends, and by sun set the ground was cleared. Mr. Gree ley, early in the day, geared up his old steed with saddle and pillion, went a number of times, taking the females of his family on to the ground in season, and returning home in the same way, which was not accomplished till nearly dark. I did not attend at these scenes of folly, but the meeting took place in sight of where I was hoeing corn in Mr. Greeley's field, and I couJd plainly see the gathering multitude at the place of action. The particulars of what took place at the meeting I had from several persons present. My brother, Thomas Redington, then resided near Mr. Gree ley's, and had a knowledge of the trans action, and now recollects it." The Silver Report. A "Washington correspondent says that Senator Jones, Chairman of the Silver Commission, h-s practically compiled his report, and will be ready to subinit it to Congress immediately upon its assembling in Oc tober. The report is an extremely long document. It attempts to cover the whole question of silver as a circulating medium from the earliest time. It is very forcible in favor of the remonetiza tion of silver. The report argues that silver has always been an important factor in the monetary transactions of all nations, and has always borne the same relative value as gold, and that the pass age of the act of 1873 demonetizing sil ver was characterized by extraordinary lack of information as to the effect that such an act would produce. In connec tion with the consideration of the silver question tho report discusses the obli gations of the Government in the pay ment of United States bonds. The posi tion assumed by the Commission in their report is that the act of 1870 is a contract under which all subsequent loans have been issued. In order, how ever, that there should be no doubt as to the siecinc coin in which these bonds were to be paid the act stipulates that they must be paid in com of the United States of the standard value at that time; so that whatever legislation might subsequently be had which would de preciate the value of gold or silver, it would be the duty of the Government to pay in gold or silver coin at tho stand ard value of 1870, even if obliged to strike coin of the standard value of that date in order to meet its obligations for tne redemption of these bonds. After Many Days. The other day a woman walked into a bank in Chemnitz and said that many years ago she had drawn some money from it, and on reaching home found she had received two ducats too much. Being in press ing need at the time she had kept the money, and until now had been afraid to return it. She was told by the bank officers that she might keep the ducats, whereupon she became highly excited and insisted upon returning them with compound interest, which, together with the principal, amounted to over forty marks, which sum was therefore handed over to a poor family. Sixteen years was a long time to suffer for her fraud, but in the end the cause of it went to relieve suffering which, had the crime not been Committed , would never have been reached by its good effects so inscrutable, says the rustic moralist, are the ways of Providence. - r m Among the happiest exoerience of the young is the fact that they do not feel mey snaii ever grow old. Donn Piatt in a 13 all-Room. We never attended the graduating ex excises of West Point, but we did years ago run down to a ball at Annapolis. We happened, on the cars, to sit by a stout old party possessed of a ruddy, motherly countenance. She was quite communicative, and soon told us that she was on her way to Annapolis to see her son "grad-i-ate," to use her own ex pression. We took charge of that old lady she was so good, kind, sensible and motherly. We were present at the meeting between the mother and boy a handsome manly youth, one any moth er could be proud of. After supper we asked the old lady if she intended visiting the ball, and she said she would like to look in, but her son said it was quite "impossible," as all the "tickuts" were gone. We vol unteered procuring the magic paste board, and in due time we made a grand entree, creating some sensation, ior tne old lady had gotten herself up regard less of expense or appearances. The son was revolving with a beautiful girl one of our "Washington belles ana in one of the pauses of the dance we saw his fair partner looking at us and laugh ing. The eyes of the young man sought the object of her evident merriment. and when he saw us the expression of his face was that of, first dismay and then wrath. The dear old lady asked us to get her a glass of water. As we returned we passed the son and saw two red spots on his r-iippks and his brow corrugated m wrath. Our aged friend, stout as she was, appeared ready to sink, and asked to be taken to the hotel. We at once hastened to comply, although assured that she Mas not ill. Rut while waiting for the one available hack of Annapolis we saw two huge tears well out from her dear old eyes and course their way down her then rather pale face, and noting our anxious look she said: "Don't mind me; I'm a foolish old i woman and ought to have stayed at home, for my son is ashamed of his old mother." We are justly proud of our navy. Her gallant sons have swung the eagles of the republic too often in triumph through the smoke of battle not to have endeared them to the patriotic heart of the nation. But would it not be well to correct that one defect? It is not well to begin life in that way. Wash ington Capital. Ax Awkward Predicament. We have heard the history of man who was for many hours watched by a bear with out his being able to remove from the spot where he was sitting; here is a more terrible one of a man and a lion. A man returning from a visit to his friends at Bethany, South Africa, took a circuit ous course in hopes to kill au antelope to carry home to his family. Seeing no game when he reached the spot, he laid his gun down on a low. shelving rock, and went down to a pool to drink, after which he returned to the rock, smooked his pipe, and fell asleep. In a short time the heat reflected from the rock awoko him, and he saw a large lion crouching before him, with his eyes darincr in his face, and within little more than a yard from his feet. He sat motionless for some time, till he had re covered his presence of mind, then, eye ing his gun, he moved his hand toward it. The lion, seeing thi3, raised his head and crave a tremendous roar. He made, another, aud another, and anoth er attempt, but the gun being far beyond his reach, he gave it up, as tne Jion seemed well aware of his object, ana was enraged whenever he attempted to move his hand. The rock on which he sat became so hot that he could hard ly bear his naked feet to touch it, and he kept moving them, alternately piac ing o.'e above the other. The day pass ed, and the night also, bat the lion never moved from the spot. The sun again rose, and soon rendered his feet beyond feeling. At noon the lion rose and walked to the water, only a few yards distant, but looked behind as he walked, lest the man should move; and seeing him stretch out his hand to take his gun, turned in a rage and seemed about springing on him. The animal went to the water, drank, and returning, lay down again at the edge of the rock. Another night passed; the man in de scribing it said he knew not whether he slept, but, if he did, it mast have been with his eyes open, as he always saw the lion before him. Next day the ani mal went again to the water, and while there ho listened to some noise, appar ently from an opposite quarter and dis appeared in the bushes. The man made another effort and seized his gun, but his ankles were without power and he could not walk. He crept down to the water, gun in hand, expecting the return of the lion, which however, never came back. The unfortunate man remained a cripple ever after. A Plague of Bats. The St. Louis Journal says that "when Samuel Davis introduced a bill into the legislature last winter providing for the destruc tion of rats, the press of the State was incliued to indulge in a great deal of badinage at Sam's expense. If all re ports be true, however, the people, and especially the farmers of central Mis souri, have this summer began to realize the benefits of Sam Davis' effort in their behalf. The counties of Saline, Coojj er and Pettis are literally overrun by rats and the crops are receiving incal culable damage thereby. In many lo calities whole fields of corn have Lbeen uprooted and destroyed by rats, neces sitating replanting or abandonment for the season. The rats burrow in the ground close to the fences, in the hedges and ravines, breed large litters three times a year, and devour everything they come upon . They are the old-fashion wharf rats, such as abound in every city. It is feared they will ultimatelv become a greater scourge than the grass hoppers have been, although there is now a wholesale movement against them in the counties named. One farm er in Saline county has within the past three months killed over -1,000 of the pests, for the scalps of which he receiv ed 00, iu accordance with the provis ions of Sam Davis' bill." Violet Fane poetically exclaims: "Oh! for some new coired name by which to call him!" We are not very talented in coining names, but Violet might call him, " My Sweetestsweetest niaplesugaroffski," and see how he lik ed it for a change. The liussian sound lurking in the rear end of the name might strike his fancy in n soft place. A proud and devoted wife, whose husband had got a job on a cellar excav ation, explained hia absence bv saving he had gone to Wheeling. Do not expect to make a great effort every day. or to achieve transcendent excellence at all hours. The Channels of Exit From the human system bear the same relation to it as sewers do to a city. They carry off the waste, the refuse which it is essential to remove in order to prevent disease. One of the most salutary effects of Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters is to renew activity of the bowels when these organs are derelict in their duty. The bilious and dyspeptic symptoms which accom pany constipation are also remedied by this ster ling alterative. Its gently cathartic action has the effect of removing impurities which would otherwise poison the system and its tonic influ ence is exhibited in an increase in vital power. It renews appetite, soothes and invigorates the nerves, prevents and remedies malarial fever, and is a lirst-rato remedy for despondency. D AMI ANA BITTERS. KI.I ll F.XTKACT OF DA.MIANA AND DAM I AX A HF.Itlt. A prejudice uxdoubtedly exists in many minds against what are termed Patent Medicines, and in view of the numerous nostrums placed before the public by means of incessant and unscrupu lous advertitsimr, this view of the case appears not only natural but just, as in many case these so called " remedies " are not only powerless to effect tho cures they profess but are positively injurious to the system from the ingredients of which they are composed. Hut it is unjust t j stigmatize all patent medi cines 83 hurtful localise many- have been found so. Furthermore, it should be borne in mind that there is a violent opposition on part of the medical profession to the use of such medicines ; more especially of those found to be useful, as their employment evidently tends to obviate the necessity of the physician's interference and scriKes a viow ai ins proicssionai trains. Having premised these general re-marks, we refer to tne tonic and medicine lorming tne head of .this article the celebrated BAJA CAL1FOBSIA DAMIANA BITTEliS. These Bitters, although a new discovery and in the market but three months, are an exception to almost all that have been presented to the public. It is a Vital Restorative, an Appetizer and isioou rnriner, a ionic aud .Laxative, gen tle, but effective, in its operations ; is purely veg etable aud ecvual to the choicest wine as a bever atrc. The priueipa.1 ingredient in it is the J)ami ana, a shrub found in Lower California, and which lias for many years been a remedy known to the Spaniards for sexual weaknesses, disease of the bladder and kidney, etc. This plant is peculiar to Lower California and grows in a small section from San Lucas to San Kafael and lias not been discovered in any other part of the world. The herb is irom two to three feet r.isrh much branched, tho stem being woody and suf- fruticose, and the branches form a curved base, cylindrical, with a smooth, reddish brown bark the branches all being downy towards the apex The leaves are alternately arranged cn the stem and arc hairy on both sides. It belongs to a class of plants named 'l'nrteracec, but little known and of which Jtimuma is one. Mr. Lewis Hess, tho proprietor and manufac turer of these Hitters, makes no secret of its composition. It was discovered aud lirst manu factured by Drs. Winder fc Shearer of San Di ego. He has the Damiana in bales in thcsales room. It is put up in small packages for those who prefer tho tea. He also manufactures the .Fluid Extract of Damiana for druggists' use It is a very pleasant bitter to take, so much so that tho saloons are all getting to have it on hand, and already between them and the dru gists tho sales are very large. Tho manufactory and depot is No. 12 Mont gomery Avenue. The salesroom is 30x50 and contains a large stock of tho Bitters boxed ready for trade, lie has United Mates patents for the Uilters, trade mark and the name "J'.aja Call tornia Uamiana liitters. An infusion or tea of the herb was lirst inado and drank by tho Mexicans as a tonic for tho stomach and bowels, which virtue it possessei to a wonden ni degree. We wish Mr. Hess great success, and that he must have, for where the article is introduced it is always called for again. We would advise vis itors to the 3Ieehanies' Fair to sample the Bit ters on exhibition there. S. F. t.'omiwrrial. Peruvian Syrup. Brooks, Me., Sept. 7, 1870. Dear Sir From early youth I was iu feeble health, troubled with humor in my blood, weak ness and debility of the system generally ; was unaoie to labor much, and only at some ligh business, and then only with great caution oeven years ago, tne past spring, l had a se vere attack of Diphtheria which left my limbs paralyzed and useless, so I was unable to walk or even sit up. Noticing the advertisement of l"EurviA.v Ssykit, 1 concluded to giTe it a trial and to my great joy soon found my health inv proving, i continue d the use ol the bvia'l tin til three bottles had used, and was restored to complete health, and have remained so to this day. 1 attribute mv present health en tirely to the use- of IVehcvian Syrcp, and hold it in high estimation. I cannot sieak too highly iu its praise. I have in several cases recom mended it in cases very similar to my own with ttio same good results. Yours truly, t' E. Pkakcy from Thatcher, M. oi' Mention 'ew York. "WlSTARS I.ALSAM OF WILD CHEHRY C1VC! universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a cougl by loosening and cleansing the lungs, and allay ing irritation, thus removing the cause, instead of drying up the cough and leaving the cause behind. 1 consider the Balsam the btst cong medicine with which I am acquainted." Sold by all druggists. lllicnmnt ism tuiokl.v Cured. " Durang'B Rheumatic Remedy," the great Inter- nnl Medicine, will positively cure any case of rheu niatism on tne rare or the earth. Price 1 a bottl six bottles. S5. Sold by all Irugs;ists. Send for circular to Helphenstine fc Beutley, Prueeists Washington. 1. C. Sold wholesale bv H. C. Kirk & Co., Sacramento, Cal. PIERCE'S PATENT Mki.xktk: i: i. a stic TIU.'.s.S. 1 Ills ereat inven tion is bei.ifj adopted hy the lend ing Physicians and Surircons all over the land. rWe would respectfully caution (lie Public against certain fraudulent and worthless imitations which are now in the market. Jirwarr. nf them. Uj,Send for Illustrated Hook and Price List MAG.TI7 ELASTIC Til I THS CO. tfr'EUftOa ricrniento St.. L'p -Stairs. Man Francisco, REVOLVER FREE Seven-shot revolver, with box cartridues Address J. Buvvu & Suu, Pittsburg. Pa. 136 and 138 Wood Street, FOR SALE OR LEASE. t R5fsnV HOUSE AND FURNITURE, CAR V son City, Nev. Tills First-class Hotel will be sold at a great bargain or leased fr a term of years. Apply on the premises to GEO. D. FRY ER, or in san Francisco to LLOYD TEVIS. BUY A LAMB KNITTING MACHINE, And matte $3 to M a day. Send for Circulars to J. J. PF'ISTEK & CO.. fJene rai Agents, 1KO Sitttkr Strkkt, Hootii 4li Sati Francisco. BAIARD'S ?! BUSINESS COLLEGE. Nn t tor St. HAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 0VKF;R.S the best facilities for a lirst class Busi ness Fjducation. You may attend two days free of charge to see how vou like it. No more students are admitted than Professor Uaruard can personaHy instruct. Each student receives personal instruc tion. Over one hundred references to graduates in San Francisco. SPECIALTY REMOVAL. X1T J- PAUOII. 51. T !-. has removed to 21 Clay Ktreet. Dis eases of the Kyk and Ear receive especial attention. Me.iiieal ami fhtrfjical treatt mentgivenin all diseases. Much experience In Throat and Lung diseases. FJectro Magnetism meierititeallv ap- tlled in diseases of the nervous system. To Oenlto rinary diseases much alter ion Is given. May be consulted by letter. Address tV. J. PA UGH, M. D., fi21 Clay Street, San Francisco, (over Clay street Savings Rank). Rooms 1. 2 and 3. irz . coiien. Tj"CiO AND SEE or write to Dr. conen. tne -, only living Astrologer. He has practised eighteen years In San Francisco ; he can tell cor rectly the past, present and future ; gives reliable Information and advice, of benefit tthose consult ing bim. Consultation F'ee, 2 by letter 3. Is nt necessary to give the age. S.Dr. Cohen's medicine Is a positive cure for liver and kidney complaints, impurity of the blood, nervous debility, heart disease, rheumatism, catarrh, lung diseases, fever, diseases of the stomach and female diseases. Chaiges verv moderate. Medicine will be sent to all parts of the coast. Ofliee, No. 403 Kearny SU corner of Pine. San Francisco. Save Your Money BY GETTING YOTTR PHOTOGRAPHS AT IIOWL.K'N NKW UALLKKT, No. 5 Third Strkkt. First-class Photographs for half the price charged at other Galleries. Life-size Por traits In Oil or Water Colors, only Ten Uollara. Old Pictures enlarged to anv tize and Beauttfully Colored. Best Enameled Cabinets an-t Carda very cheap at HOWL A 1'S. KW GALLERY. Please call and see our work and get our prices be fore sitting elsewhere, and be nure and remera!er the number. JW Third Ktreet. corner of Jessie. It. F. IIOn lA.M). Arllat, Sam PKAN-ciaco, Cal JOHN T. LITTLE, Discount Broker, Beat JEatale A great, and Dealer In lulled States. Ntate. City and Connty Bonds. Can. Water, Bank. Railroad and Other Securities. 412 Montgomery Street. $400,000 To Loan on CITY and COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. $250,000 To Loan on Gas, Water, Bank, Rail road and Other Securities. MERCANTILE PAPER Discounted, and Money Loaned npou all kinds of Collaterals. BO BOX T. lrraJUK, 412 Montgomery Street, SAX FRANCISCO. COLLATERAL LOAN AMI SAVINGS BANK, 940 MARKET STREET, (Baldwin Ituilliii), San Francisco. M. J. IONOVA. r. K. KANE. 1'rckidenl Vlce-l'renitlent Aclins .Secretary 9i. IIAKTHX, DlRKCTOKS : J. P. PIlEf.AX, F. E. KAXK, JNO. C. ROBERTS. It. J. DONOVAN, W. T. WEXZELL. R. A. ROJ5INSOX. Deposits received in Gold, Silver and Currency, and Interest allowed on same. Nd charge for Bank books. Remittances received through Wells, Far go A Co. or Postal Orders. Deposits received mo Ject to check. Money to Loan in large or small suras on Real or Personal Property. Subscriptions for the Stock of this ItanK will he received until further notice, at the rate of $10 per share. Money ti ILmtM OX FIRST CLASS FARMING LANDS. IN large sums, at low rates. Lands bought nnd foI'1. Parties having money to loan can always find go jd securities, by applying to No. 16 SteveriRnn's Building, s. V. 'or. Montgom ery and California streets. San Francisco. COMMERCIAL ADVOCATE, A 32-Column Weekly Journal, Representative of the General t'onimetclal nd In dustrial Interests of the lscifio 'on(. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT .St., Nan Fraiiritro, ':!. H'iii 7Iouti;nifriT EVERY FARMER Or others interested in the I.AItOK (1'F.S- TIOS, the Orcat Problem of the Day, Should Subscribe for it at Once ! US-.Terms, per year, tt3 oo. or l SO for r months, iuvariably in advance. Address COMMERCIAL ADVOCATE, S2U Montgomery St., Sak Francisco, Cat.. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. Carrying tlir U.N. 31 ail anil tlie KxprrKM. SLi Company leave ilroad way Wharf, San r'mii- lsctj, Every Week for PORTLAND, OREGON, DIRECT, And for Santa Cruz. San I.uis Obispo, Santa fiar baru. Ventura. Iis Ansreles. and Sun Diego and other ports about EVERY THIRD DAY. Tickets sold to all the principal places on the la cilic slope at Till: IOWEHT It.Vrl-,3C!i-;. OM't Buy TlckfH liv nny oilier Line until you rail at our Tich-t Ofliro. Nn Fritnciaco Ticket Ofliee 211 .TIonl Eomrr.v Ntreet. GOODALL, PERKINS & CO. (ienerai Agents, No. 10 Market street, San Ki anclsco. OREGON STEAMSHIP COMPANY The Only Direct Line to Portl?.nd. Cabin Inase. SIO Ktrernje I'-iahncr, S3 f fSPt K K U V ' K STBA .11 K li ft TO W.-ffr-fafaPOKTL.N l leavins San Francisco ev ery FIVE DAYS until further notice Steamships City of Chester, George W. Elder and Ajax, Connecting with Steamers to SI I'k'A and 1TGET SOUN D, and O. and C. It. K. C. and Oregon and C It. K. Ci. through Willamette, Umpciua uud Uoue River Valleys. Oregon. TICKF:TH TO ALL POINTS ON' Til E O. hint C R It. SOLD AT REDUCED RATES. K. VAX OTERENDORP, Agent. JtlO Battery mreet, San Francisco. FALKNER, BELL & C's WOOL AGENCY. Ofkicb, 43 Cull for n In St., SAN FRANCISCO. Wool, fllrf. mid Irl( received nnd Sold on Commission. STORAGE. PACKIND AN D O HAD ING WAREHOUSE, Sixth and Townsend Streets. Stork Yard. Bitchrrtowv. South San Fran cisco. Facilities for the Sale and slaughtering of all kinds of Live Stock, on Commission. Hay, Water and Corrals at moderate charges. Faifbank's Cat tle Scales on the premises. Consignments will receive prompt attention and will be taken charge of at depot, on arrival. Ask your Grocer for See that you get And do not be deceived with that which Is not A-:e:ta GRAND REDUCTION IN PRICES. M. SHOKT, Having just received a Large Invoice of WEST OF ENGLAND GOODS, Therefore Informs bis patrons that he will make CLOTHING TO ORDER at tbe Lowest CASH PRICE for the next Sixty Days: Business Suits to Order, $25 Pants to Order, - - - $6 Dress Suits to Order $35 to $50 Commercial St., cor. Leidesdorff. AD Kearny Street, SAN FRANCIaCO. wmW kernel for tlae Illustrated UDescriptive Circular FRISMroMS"OFGiviSKr FREE! GOOD PAY AND LIGHT WORK IN ODD HOURS For the Merchant, Lawyer, Clergyman, School Teacher, Farmer, Mechanic, Housewife, Boy and Girl The enormous circulation the CIIROXICLK has reached renders It truly the PEOPLE'S PAPKK. The Proprietors have determined. If possible, to place it in the hands of every intelligent reader on the Pacific coast. The liberality and energy that the management of the WEEKLY CHRON ICLE has always manifested In the past give assurance that it will ever main tain its position as a leader In the march of advanced journalism. As an incentive to man v persons who have a great deal of IDLE TIME to occupy themselves profitably, we offer the following valuable Premiums, and expect hy this means to gain their energetic co-operation. Tho W'KFh'I. Y ClIIiOXICLK makes a specialty of giving complete and reli GOLD COIN DON'T WAIT ; ST A KT YOTJR CIVUBS Immediately. A number of neighbors can get up a Club amongst themselves; each one will get the paper, and thev can draw lots as to who will have the premium. The wonderful nd liberal list of Premiums we offer. You will find articles both Useful., Bkauti kci. aud Dksiraijlk to everybody, and they cost nothing but a little of your Idle time in doing a ser vice to your neighbors by prucuring them a first class Family Newspaper and valuable premium for yourself. Nothing old or second-handed. "Every article offered as a premium is just as valuable, ax to much mimri either lor itsr. or ns a present to some friend. ' For Example.-Suppose, in looking over our list, you should desire a Centennial Seven-Shot Revol ver, a Lady's Riding Whip, or a Silvered Wire Breakfast Caster, or something els of that value, all you have to do is to forward the names ot your self and two others, and the desired article will be given free. Any Pr.iisox okttino vp a CliUB OF 300 Subscribers for the Weekly Chkoniclk at 42 25 per year (including postage), will receive anyone of the following Premiums, the selection left to the winner : An elegant SQUARE PIANO, tn UPRIOHT or COITAUK PIANO. Valued at 373, or s7o In Coin. , , . An extra line flAMJ-liilA i . Miver-n- mountings, u perlect gem. in Coin. Valued at ti:T3. or :s7."i For CLUB OF 250 Subscribeis to the Weekly Chronicle at 2 25 a year apiece, we wiii present the getter-up of the Club any one tf the following premiums : A Lsd v's C A NOl'IED TOP PH AE ION. Valued at or $:too in Coin. , ..... , (iold Chronometer Lady's or rjcntlemau s atch. Valued at KSO. or :i0 iu Cuin. CLUB OF 200 Subscribers to the V kick i.y Ch boniclk at 2 25 per year, we wiii present to the getter-up of the Club any of the following presents : A well assorted Library of ONE HL'NDHF'.D HOQKS, including moat of the Standard Authors. Valued at or S.tW (old Coin. All elegant RLACK SILK SUIT for a lady. al ued at saoo. or JUiK in Coin. A beautiful FRENCH CHINA DINNER, TEA AND 15KKAKFAST SET, consiMiiig of 2-17 pieces. Valued at HSOO. or 2"i(l iu Coin. Howe's improved Hay Coal ami agon MJAi.r.-i i of four tons capacity, with platlorm sxH feet. al- tied at MH.l. or J 15 iu Coin. I For A CLUB OF 150 Subscribers to the Weekly Chkoniclk at J2 "5 a year we will present to the getter-up of the Club anyone of the followiug presents : A Fine ENOLISH BKK.ECII-LO ADINU DOU-BLE-iiARUELKD SHOTGUN. Central F'ire. Re hotuiaing Micks, including an elegant Case, Cleim ing Itoil crimpers and everything complete. Man ufactured by wreener of London. Valued at or like amount in Coin. A Ma-'nllicent SILVER-PLATED TEA AND DINNER SET complete, consisting of nine piec s, every piece having a beautiful satin finish, richly embossed ornaments and carvings, gold-lined; also massive silver-plated Muter Pitcher, porcelain lined. Vani-d ut Sia.-. or like amount in Coin. A Kl'HKKA MiEELUANU PLOW. Valued at SIOO. or like amount in Coin A Library of SKVKNTY-FIVE BOOKS, includ ing most of standard Authors. Valued at $12.1. or like amount in Coin. For a Club of IOO Subscribers to the Weekly Ciironici.k at 42 25 a year we wiii present to the getter-up of the Club any one of the following presents : A decorated French China DINNER. TEA and fllK.A K FAST SET. of i:0 pieces, nke amount in Coin. Valued at $s, or A set tif single Buggy Harness. Cold or Siiver Mountings. Valued at 7.", or like amount In Coin. A Biiin" Farm Waion", Gear, with neck yoke, double trees and stay t tnins. Valued at !, or like amount in Coin. A Library of .VI r.ssorted Books, selected from the best known authors ; cloth-bound. Valued at ('.0, or like amount in Coin. A Remington Breech-loading Shotgun, with case complete. Valued at ST. or like amount in Coin. A Howe's Improved Portable Scale for weighing heavy merchandise. Drop Lever, with a capacity of 12' 0 It.s . l'2s Inch platform. Valued at $70, or like amount in Coin. For a Club of 75 Subscribers to the Weekly Chkoniclk at f 2 25 per year, we will present to the getter-up of the Club any one of the following premiums : A Premium of S55 iu Coin. A DavK Florence. Domestic, or a Drover A Baker Family sKvV'IXU MACHINE. Valued at SO. An English P.reech-loimlng Double-barreled SHOT-DUN. Valued at $SO. A Silver-plated DINNER AND TEA-SET of six pieces. Valued at .V. A Winchester sixteen-shot repeating RIFLE. 30 inch barrel, set tiK'geis, octagon, blued-steel finish. Valued st . CHARLES DICKENS' COMPLETE WORKS. Handsome! v illustrated. 29 volumes. Valued at J. 18 A complete set of SIR WALTER SCOTT'S WAVERLEY NOVELS, illustrated, 25 volumes Valued at 17 50. A LA DY'S SA DDLE. Valued at ST. An elegant sutin-liued case of TABLE CUTLE R'S . Vamed at f.V. A fine lad 's DoLD WATCH, American orRwIw movements with nam" engraved. Valued at r0. A magnificent Mexican or California SADDLE. Valued at i50. For a Club of 50 Subscribers to the Wkkki.y Ciironiclk atf2 25 per year we will present to the getter-up of the Clnn any one of the following premiums : MESIGAl SEWING MACHINE. TIiroo-riiiarterH I.chh friction than nny oilier Incliinc. IT BEATS THEM ALL ! K v 1 r - Tli rrttd 1 ns Miulllr! Self- Threading Keedle ! Light Knnnlne Ntilleti Itunnlnar Kim pleat I efW-Tbls machine in fast becoming known as the ISEKT in tlicWORLB! See It ! Try It L Buy It ! Warranted to Give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE CO -,5J- K' WOOD, Man nicer. 121 FIFTH STREET. - - - WAN FRANCISCO. ft),;nol Acrenla Wanted pietl Territory. In all nnoeen- Ifcoots and Shoes. JOHN SITL1VAX, N. E. cor. Bat tery and Jackson 8ta , San Franciaco, offers to make tooMer the best French Calf Leather BOOTS at from S to $9 00 California Leather Roots, - il 09 French ;alf Oxford Ties, - - 4 00 n.iys- ana i nuaren-8 Hoots and Shoes made to order Persons in the country ordering Boom and bhoes to the amount of 12or more will be allowed a reduc tion of four percent., to make the express charges ilKht. I sell Roots and Shoes of HY OWN MANli- ACTURE ONLY. Boots and fchoes seut C. O. D. Positively one price. THE SECRET Adviser and Private Med- physual oebimv. indiscretions and excesses, send 2oe. to Dr. Jnnn Cooper, p. o. Box 2,148. Phlla.. get a copy.cure yourself, and save ex pense aud exposure &je . It IiV THE FRANCISCO KLV (g'lXIMKlO in lieu of tne Valuable Premiums. A Premium of S37 50 in Coin. A flue Reniingtou HUNTING RIFLE. Valued DICKEN'S COMPLETE WORKS, Illustrated, j 15 volumes. Valued at $27 50. ! A nice single buggy HARNESS, black and gold lined trimmings. Valued at :5. An elegant six-spliced splltbamboo fly FISHING ROD, solid reel plates, nickel plated. Valued at ). A plain white China DINNER, TEA. AND BREAKFAST SET, consisting of 15u pieces. Val ued al $40. The popular EUREKA Family Range, six 7-inch holes, large baking oven, and 23 pieces of Kitchen Utensils. Valued at $35. A satin-lined Morocco case containing FRUIT KNIVES, NUT PICKS, lily pattern, AUTI CRACKERS, gold-lined A' UT SCOOP, lu all twenty-nine pieces. Valued at -'7 50. A COFFEE URN. Valued at i-7 50. A LADY'S SIDE-SADDLE. Vaiued at $:". For a. Club of 40 Subscribers to the Wekkly Chkoniclk at $2 50 per year we will send to the getter-up of the Ciub any one of the following premiums : A Premium of S30 in Coin. An American SILVER WATCH. Valued at $). A Belgian Breech-loading Double-barreled SHOT-GUN. Valued at A beautiful SUver plated COFFEE URN. Val ued at $27 50. A MEXICAN SADDLE. Valued at HOWE'S Improved Portable Platform Scale, for general use by merchants, manufacturers and farm ers. Capacity of 400 His; 22x15 inch platfoim. Val ued at $27 50. For a Club of 33 Subset ibers to the Wekkly Chronicle at $2 00 per name, we will send the getter-un of the Club any one of the following premiums : A Premium of $26 in Coin. A Mariposa FAMILY RANGE, in all 23 pieces. Valued at t'-ti. A rich Bronze MANTLE CLOCK. Valued at $26. A CALIFORNIA SADDLE, extra nice. Valued at $20. A Gold-band CHINA TEA SET, consisting of pieces. Valued at fli. For a Club of 25 Subscribers to the Wekkly Chkoniclk at $2 50 per year, we will present to the getter-up of the Club any one of the following premiums : A Premium of S18 in Coin. A Lady's Handsome RIDING WHIP. Valued at $14. A self-cocking, six-shot REVOLVER, nickel plttfd. Valued at $14. A Star Moilne PiajW, No. 7, slip share, cuts 12 inches. Valued atlo A Hoy's or .Man's SILVER WATCH. Valued at $1H. Ail Extra Silver Mounted T.-out FISHING ROD, Valued at 1G. A Lady's aide SADDLE. Valued at $17 50. '1'he " Quartette " Family RANGE, with a com plete outlit of necessary utensils, in all 23 nieces. iiictuuiiig two leugtns oi pipe. allien at sitoO. For a Club of 20 Subscribers to the Wkkkly Chkoniclk at $2 50 a a year, we will present to the getter-up of the Club any one of the following premiums : A Premium of $15 iu Coin. Howe's Improved Union or i'amily Scales. Val ued at $1G. A singie-barreled Breech-loading SHOTGUN. Valued at $17. A Silver-plated WATER-PITCH ER, porcelalu lined. Valued atlti. A morocco box con taining one dozen silver-plated SUUAK SPOONS. Persian pattern, one sugar tongs. Valued at $14 50. The new JAPANESE MAGIC MIRRORS for ladies, three Glasses, showing front and each siJe of head. Valued at $16. Twelve beautifully decorated DESSERT I'lJVTK-t. Valued at 515. A silver-plated PUDDING DISH, ruagniflcently engraved. Valued at $16 50. A boy'sSUIT OK cioTHE Valued atslfi. A boy s M EXICA N SA DDL.E. Valued at $16 To the getter-up of A Club of 15 Subscribers to the Wkekly Chronicle at $2 50 per year -e will j resent any one of the following pre miums : A Premium of S12 iu Coin. A complete set of sillier Neon's WAVKRLEY NOVELS or a set of DICKENS' WORKS, com plete in six volumes. Valued at $12. A silver-mounted FLY TROU T ROD. Valued at $12 A WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY, 3.UH0 engravings and IMO pages. Vulued at Si2. A MEXICAN" SADDLE. Valued t $12. A sllver-piaied CAKE BASKET. Valued at SH A sh tin-lined case of silver-plated NUT PICKS FKUIT KNIFE, NUT SCOOP. Valued at S12 A silver-plated FRUIT BA-iA'ET. Valued at $11 A boy's MEXICAN SADDLE. Valued at$12. $lay'8 ei,imou'atwr or Carriage. Valued at For a Club of IO Subscribers to the Wkekly Chronicle at $2 50 a year, we will present to the getter-up of the Ciub any one of the following premiums: A Premium of $7 50 in Coin. Howe's Patent EVEN BAUNCKS with weights complete. Valued at $H. A Webster's National Pictorial DICTIONARY illustrated, 1040 pages and 600 engravings. Valued at $5 croweii s latent Thermometer CHURN. Valued at $7 50. A Robin Hood Five-shot REVOLVER. Valued at $ 10. Fori ester's AMERICAN FIELD SPORTS, illus trated. Valued at $6 .50. n.w?-tA'S ""TH1CAL CHART AND A'EY BOOA. V allied at $5 . tsiiver-plated WATER PITCHER. Valued at $1 A silver-plated tTAXl) for olives and pickles. Valued at $6 50. ' Silver-plated CASTER, Call Bell attached. Val ued ar7. A M EX I CAN SADDLE. Valued at $9. For a Club of 6 Subsciibers to the Wkkkxy Chronicle at $2 50 per year, we will present to the getter-up of the Club any one of the following premiums : A Premium of $3 50 in Coin. A copy of any one of the following STANDARD AU1 HOBS' WORKS. elegantly bound in 8vo. cloth, halt Roxbury, gilt top; Shakspeare, Bvron, Moore, Burns, Goldsmith and the British Dramatists. Val ued at $3. Tlio JJEW -J fe. MARK Has all the 4mm1 loints: Superior Mechanism! Matchless Shuttle! YTiiequaled Working Capacity! SADLER A BARROWS. General Agents, lia Market Strkkt, San Francisco, and 416 Twelfth Street, Oakland. 'J0 Coast Agents for the Celebrated Excelsior Cold waged Sewing Machine Needles, and Job bers oi OU, Thread, Silk, and all kinds of Attach ments. The Stearns Ranchos THK CENTER OF LOS ANGELES VALLEY", JL Ixs Angeles County, Cal., 12 miles S. E. of Los Angeles City, fronting nine miles on the ocean, em bracing Anaheim. Westminster I'olony, etc.; with in the Artesian Well Relt, and hating water near the surface. Southern Pacific Railr- ad extends through the Ranclios to Anaheim. 600 Farms al ready sold and Improved; remainder fur sale In sec tions or fractions, by Alfred Robinson, Trustee. M Market Street, cor. Montgomery, Man Franelwo : or apply to William R. Olden, Anaheim, Cal., or to Kev. Robert Strong, Westminster. Cal. Terms one-quarter cash; balance, 1, 2 and 3 years; Interest at 18 percent, parable at end of each year. Send for map and circulars. VIGTORMINE able Market Rkpobts, and also contains a highly valuable and iun?, . AORICl'LTl'BAL DUPAEIMRXT. ' There is no limit to the number of Prizes any on person may re wve Nothing more is required than to get up the different Clubs specified in u,? list, and the ENTIRE LIST OK PRIZES will be forwarded to them FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR Can be made in this manner, as the Prizes can be readily sold by the vtin!let and every article offered as a Presen tor Premium will be new and fre-i, from the manufacturers, selected with care and guaranteed by them anl u,e Publishers of the CHRONICLE. Wk also oivk Prizes is An Empire POCKET REVOLVER, seven 3U(jU allied at $5. - Fishing in Ameican Waters,'' by Scstt at $:i so. Valued A VIOLIN and ROW. Valued at $i A GUITAR. $5 5n 1-a.iies' WRITING DESK. Valued at $1 : Am ACCORDEON.or aTwenty-Jceved COXI Kp TINA. Valued at $5. A Cabinet PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM. Valued,. $5 no. A MEERSCHAUM PIPE. Valued at $4. A et f CROti U KT. Val ied at The Novelty LAWN MOWER. Valued at ".s 1 he American Kennel and sporting Field, bv fi., gess, illustrated. Valued at 4. Forrester's lioOK entitled ".American Gki.j Valued at $''. A Liidv'H RIDINO WHIP. Valued at $5 50 A i'arkhurst FAMILY SCALE, ith Scoop, wei t, 6 pounds. Valued at .'. A silver-plated PICKLE STAND Valued at to A silver-plated Breakfast CASTER. Valued at i A silver-plated Dinner CASTER, five bottle Valued at $4 50. A silver-plated CAKE BASKET or a crvstal m.d silver-plated BERRY DIH. Valued at 5 50 Any of the following i-.ooks : Sherman's Memoirs of the War, - - - - - $4 Su I ife of Seward, -..."3 Mark Twain's Gilded Age sheep. .... 4 ltl Life of Morse, the Dreat Telegraph Discoverer, 5 m Johnson's Narrative of the Civil War - - - s t Housekeeper's Manual. :j The Centennial Exposition, : J,'. Allen's New American Farm Rook, - - - - ;t Allen's American Cattle, - - o To THE liKTIKR-rP OK A Club of 3 Subscribers to the Wkkkly Chkoniclk at $2 per year, we will present any one of the fallowing pre miums: A Premium of $1 53 in Coin. A Cenfniiial seven-shot Revolver, blued stel 22 bore. Valued at $4. A lady's Riding Wlifp. nicke'-plated. Valueila: 2 50. A choice of any one of the following standard hi thor's books, el. gaiitly bound in cloth, i! umUiaiec covers, ltim o ; Byron, Burns. Ooldsu ith. Shakes peare. Moore, Cowper, and tne British Dramatist Valued at $2. A Base Hull Cub Outfit of two Bils e.nd a Regii't tion Ball. Valued at $2 75 A (iold Pen Pearl Holder. Valued at 2 53. A silver Wired Breakfast lister, three Crvui Bottles: very neat and piettv. Valued ut 2 5". A four-blaoed I X L Pocket Knlti-. Ye.lueil m y A pair of Fancy ornamental Par.or Metallic Cut. adores. Valued at s2 ftsi. Any one of the following Rook : ' Breakfast. Luncheon ami Tea: a Ciik-hoW-1 T Common .Sense in the Household 75 Practical Cooking and Dinner-giving 1 M. Practical landscape Gardening; by Elliott, -ji . Dadrt's .Modern Horse Doctor?! 5n. Dadit's Anieiicnu C-itt!e Do'-tor-$I 50. y uller's Drape 'ulturist 1 50. A small Family sfALK, w ilh Tin Scoop Veis;!. 4 Jts Valued at A ROY'S ASH WAGON. Valued at 1 7.V A LADY'S FANCY WORK BuX, with looker glass, scissors, eic. Valu d at A BUREAU SKT-a collar, handkerchief and a glove box. Valued at 2 50. A CONCUR I I NA. with 20 kevs Valued at ii. IMPROVED TABLE OR PARLOR CRoijlhT Only : subscriber will get this free. Valued al ?! Backgammon and Checker Board, with checki-rf. dice and box. all complete. Valued t ! 75. A set of bone Chessmen, carved. Valued at ;2 i1 Crandall's Acrobats, a most attractive. ami:s;:.t and wonderful toy. Valued at $1 25. Crandii'l'd Menagerie, most marvelous ami inti sting. Valued at $2. Crandall's Joint Gilpin; full of fun for the !: i.r family. Only three subsciiptions will get Giitm.. Valued at 1 50. Crandall's Building Blocks. Three subscriliers get this box. Vaiued at $1 00. There are few places on the Pa itie imi wher. there are riot from five t fiTty persons tbat woulu derive pleasure anl profit from reading the Wkek ly Chkoniclk. and would g-aJly subscribe for i: il some one would draw their nttentio i to it ami re ceive and forward their names. The peison who takes the trouble to form a Club will bo liberal;; paid in receiving: one of the handsome premiums. ISF.;iX TO-5WV To make up your Clubs. Every teacher, cleiyiuni, merchant and housewife will find something ot value to them in the list that will amply rewsr.l them for their trouble. HOYS AM) 4; I It I.N. FZxaniine the Premium List. Vou can get some u( those presents for yourselves and some to sell to your mutes or to present to your parents and your friends. Boys anti Girls meet with success in In ducing people to subscribe who would turn a grown person away. Parents should encourage and aiJ their children n this work as a means of develojmng Bt'SINESS IIAniTS. i.i:uks In stores and in postofiices have many chancel u show the Wkkki.y Chronicle and collect sub-bribers, and get valuable articles for themselves or friends or for sale. You can possess a Watch, a Gun. a Fishing-rod and many other useful things, by simply getting up a Club. erniis pi!i;mh m i.i.nt ui be oimu lor Four MouttiH only, from August I, 177. EXPLANATORY NOTES. It is not necessary for a Club to lie sent entirely to one PostofhVe address. All sntis-iibers sent by 0"' person will be counted, though sent to d'ffVrent Postofiices. ln'orm us with each name or llt oi names sent that it is for a premium. Semi tb names as fast as obtained. .Semi the tract iK.i.r witti each list of names, specimen numbers will br supplied free as they are needed by canvasei; also posters and circulars. Remit mmncy by clierk, money order, express or by registered letter. Charges prep id. No commission in addition to premiums. IT-AII premiums will he delivered in San Fran Cisco, packed and ready lor shipment to orrttrnf ll' party entitled to theraj the recipient paying fn n;h: or ex press charges. Address all communications to CHAS. D YOUNG & CO., San Francisco. HCgrKend for the IlluMrateri Deftoripti' C'ataIoiru or Prrminuii tent l any drtwt Free. ISnja California DAMIANA BITTERS Great Invigorator ! Restorer! and Laxative! Positive Cure for IHseases or tUe K'd" nej H ninl Bladder. Depot : 12 Montgomery Avenue, Sax Fhanctsto. Cal A FTER YOU I1AVE TRIED EVERYTHI' x in vain. USE Rejuvenat o R And a thorough. Speedy and ferme cure will be jour Reward. It Is the only great remedy, immediate eIch positive cure for 11 eak-net peculiar to men . Nervous. Mental and Physical liebihtv, I ' ',,,. Decline, and Rmken-l.wn Constitution, 'r""' 1 ever cause. It trill restnre Kxhatutea ; tili Slanhoo-l when all other remedies have Jaue'r eVary purifv the blool and supply ic with tne " .,i'0)0r-life-glvlng principle, and therebv eradicate "' ef bid eruptions of the skin. It fs an immen'a'' R and sure cure for all KIDNEY A1 "'Al,v COM I'LA I NTS. ,n hirb . .1.-, . . uv. in. , . r . .... ...... ltf C1 In most every Instance haseffeeted acuaipi" f for $10 00 Sent to any address upon recy ,r price, or u. O. if Frocuranle oniy u" r' " n..joO. XALFIELD. U Kearnr Street. San rr O. Cal . where you shoubt call or address 'our All cnmmunlcaiiona strii tiy confidential. .. g Ti nrrtrit' Q . w till 4 v. M. alio o V" Kv it. Sundays from 10 till 1 only. I'ons ulutloa letter or perroually Free.