Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1877)
io 3 o h a i 74 -1 1 1 1 I 'r. '1. la: ha il nt.l r,'-,l Til fnr-1 lint o jlti; IS IT nt, r. .sur in.. ' ? a y.t i.fcr l rn', J HIE- r-t.y S.llJ an" i.v rum Tia. - LS"i. iliti' M.i iierr (h..I m ot icno ralW Idmf nd np of nsiim by it-rlr, r lin riirlit o o ot c 3I)c (gntcrprjsc. MEMS CITY. TillltSBAV. AUG. 2. IS77. BHKVIT1KS. The harvest season is hero. New wheat is beginning to find its way to market. ' . The sewing machine business is lively in this city. A party of Portlanders are en route for Mount Hood. The Soda Springs are drawing larcelv from our population. Rev. Mr. Coates is the new pastor of the Jlaptist Church at Portland. Mr. John D. Dement will leave for San Vraneiseo on or about the 8th. The County Clerk issued three marriage licenses for the month of July. The rail oad bridge across the Clacka mas is receiving a dressing of paint. Iloworth's Ilibernica at Pipe's Hall next Monday and Tuesday evenings. Read Johnson & McCown's ad. of "Land for sale," if you wish to secure good bar gains. Hon. Henry Warren has been re-elected Pre ident of the P. P. Transportation Company. V. E. Dement, of Astoria, rejoices over the safe arrival of a littlf boy at his house last week. Union meeting at the M. E. Church Sunday evening, preaching by Kcv. Mr. McCorinae. Dr. Casto, of New Era, will install the otlicers of Gvrvais Lodge I. O. G. T., to morrow evening. Thos. It. Siieridan has been appointed express messenger on the mail tiain in jtlacoof U C. Van Houten. Mr. W. A. Luellin-j, of Milwaukie, will lelivr the o -liiiivr address ;it the coining :State Fiir, beginning Oct. 8th. Friday the residence and drug store of Dr. Tiiessing, near M ilvaukie, as totally destroyed ly lire. Loss, about $U,(RKJ. Mr. F. Ford, who resides near Oswego, lias placed this office under obligations lor a box ot magnificent peac. plums. Miss Molly MeCully, daughter of Mr. J. W. MeCully of this city , was married at Jacksonville On the l'Jth to J. W. Merritt. Postal A-'ent Steele is working energet icallv to yet an evening mail from Port land to Albany, and intermediate points. Statistical sharps estimate that Oregon dealers in agricultural implements have paid $.t)0,(X)0 tor freight alone daring the past year The opposition line of steamers have placed rates for pussemrers between S.m Francisco and Portland at Sit) for cabin and $- steerage. F. (!. Tlich irds, Jr., of the I an Is an ' Works Department, Victoria, nas (in thanks for a guide to the Province of P.ritish Columbia, for 1S77-S. Pate Hatch, who has been an employe of the 1 mpei ial mills for some time past, leaves for CeJilo t.-il;iv where he has a situation with the O. S. N. Co. a A young Indian named Jim languishes in tlie county jai' for passing whiskey in to the prisoners, and also tm luring assis tance to help them in escaping. An exchange says it is thought that the time will yet come when members of tlie choir wili be expected to leli ave during divine service just as well as other folks. Emperor Norton s ays : Don't tell a marri ed man any joak on t he boys, for he'll tell his wife, his wife will tell her si-ter, and the sister will tell all tlie rest of the girls. Professor Antrim, the great horse trainer, gave a per for ance in our city 1 ist Saturday and endeavored to form a o class afterwards, but it was not a success. The Waverly Club of Portland take a moonlight excursion up the 'olumbia to morrow evening. Tickets can be secured at Ward it Harding's drug store in this city. Dan Owens, well known in t li is city, was lined Sl." for being on a "bust" at Portland list Monday." He is the fellow that was going to lick our lighting man a short time since. The Clackamas Packing Company hay i-mrili:i4tl t be i i: t i re ri 1 o m f ni'-tfli itlnrnu ' raised by Messrs. Walling. Ford and It'meaisoh, of this county. The price paid was : cents per pound. Mr. ''has. Kelly, who left, last Summer for the Ivist with the intention of residing therefor the remainder of his days, re turned last Monday. He says Oregon is the b.-st place after all and v ill take up his residence in our city again. e John llroderiek, our etlicient n'mht wa'climan, has been trying to shake him self to death for tie past week. His broth er M inrice will look after the evil doers w ail. John regtles hims.'lf with the regulation dose of quinine. The wing dam builders on the Upper Willam-tte have reached McCloskey's, about eight miles this side of Salem. Tnev will be entirely through in alHiiit two weeks. Almost .,iP);t feet have been ! buil'.an 1 the benefit to navigation i.s very i great. ! The mid-summer number f the West Short is replete with excellent reading and sketches of Oregon and i'.ritish Co lumbi i seeiK-ry. It contains pages and will be furnished free tostll sul isei ibci s for 1 :.o per annum, or tiiis number for 5i :-eiits. I''ro:n Ji. 'Am. A correspondent from this place sends us the following, under date of July id : WltO'CAN I'O AS WKI.I.? Elwanl and William FoUnm, sons f Mr. J. E. Folsom .f the Ml. Zi'Mi farm. a ave el - u-'-d and broke, reaily rorseeding. Inrtv aerf-s of la-id They commenced about the h t' ;-!il to clear t lie land, were plowing oa the 1 -! of June and tin !!ed Julv 1'jlh. I thiok that a good h..v i:ig for t'.o lads, a-ed l;l and 17 years. Tiieir teaui con-i-ied of iive yoke of oxen. Crops are looking well ill t his section, and the fall wheat will s ion be ready for the reaper, probably about August 1st. 4 M'cosil u.N Si k am Kits . The Pacific Coital Steamship Co. bae placed a line of steamers on the route It tween Portland and Sin Francis, o. The Orizaba is an nounced to leave San Francisco t. t-da v for Portland, and ottier steamers will follow. McCr ickeii tV. I '. of Portland have been appointed agents for this new line. A lively competition is anticipated, and rates for freight and passage will no doubt be materially reduced. The obi line have had things their own way long enough, and w e gladly welcome "the oposition line, and hope it will receive a liberal patronage. An Obt Tim kk. I. Quinn Thornton has been showing the Silem Kecord a well preserved copy of the first Almanac print ed on the Pacific coast. It is a book of 21 oaires, the calculations for this meridian for he year ls4S lteing made by Henry H. Everts, "and the w-rk of printing was dope in the Spectator oilice in this city. The O liook contains some statistical information about the then new country, with the otli cers of the Territory, etc. Judge Thornton has presented the book to the Pioneer So ciety to be kept in the archieves of that institution for future r Lkttku List. Letters remaining in the Postotlice. at Oregon City, Clackamas Co., Oregon. August 2d, 1S77: Allen, Charles; Roles. James; Dagby, Miss Alice; Cook. L. H.; Coflus, Michel; Day. L. ; Doren, Marke; Haves, Charles H. ; Ki use, Aug. : Kaun'mmi, Mrs. Malissa : Lunb, H. 15.; Miller, John H.; Osborne, Perry. Robertson. D. M.; Kakel, Fritz; Starr, Key. N. I,. : Sprague, S mford E.(t!) ; Nrague, Mrs. S.; Sheptwud, Kollard; sharp, Jr., c. : Sharp, Craigie: Snrigs -iss Mary; Prayer. James: Williams, -Mrs. Sarah ; Warring, John ; Welch, Win. If called for, say when ad vert is-cu- J. MBaoon, P. M. Iloworth's llibernica. As will be seen by an ad. in another column this combination will appear in this city next Monday and Tuesday. The press of Portland are profuse in their praise, and they have drawn large houses in that citj'. The price of admission is very moderate and we hope to see the hall crowded. The Oregonian of yester day says: As a panorama, it is no single resect inferior to an v which have visited Portland for years. The one scene of the Lakes of Kiliarney, viewed by moonlight is alone well worth the price of admission. We can conscientiously speak of the other features of the performance with favor. Tim Cohan is a very clever Irish mansings, at least passably, acts quite naturally, and dances superbly. After Tim gave the audience the real old Irish jig, last evening, he took the house for all it was worth, and instantly established himself as a favorite. Miss Marit, Poinier has a pleasant voice, and sings the Irish ballads quite effectively. Her apparent deficiency as a songstress is more than overcome by her acting and very clever dancing. Dutchisms by Dan P. "Howard was exceedingly mirth prov- king, and th: hearty laughter " he evoked and re peated encores won, furnished abundant proof that he succeeded in nior; than pleasing. Asa Dutch comedian, Howard is scarcely inferior to Knight, who was such a favorite with Portlanders. For eceentric character sketches Mr. Harry Nicholson is certainly worthy of favor able mention. His character" songs last evening of "Simple Simon," and "Old Joe," would not relied discredit on Charley ' ivian's happiest effort in that line. Everything considered, Mr. llo worth gives an entertainment ins I rueti ve, edifying, refined and pleasing. There is an enure absence of everything which could ('ffei.d the most cultivated taste, and yet there is an abundance of harmless amuscm. nt. IJase Hall. The Chicago Post of a late datesiys: "In the forty international contest games, all but four have been marked by single figures, and in eighteen the winning nine's eore did not exceed five runs. A ball so Ha' by and dead that it could not be batted a rod deserves the credit rather than any superior play. The public is last learning that there is more sport where the batsmen and tiel lers play as well as the pitchers and catchers, and that a low score docs nut necessarily imply an interesting game." An invitation has been received from Salem for our base ballists to wield the willow at the coming State Fair for a pre mium of -1.j. No action has leen taken in the in alter, I ut of course our hovs will carry oil' the bullion of they participate in the tournament. "The Pioneers talk of reorganizing and playing at the State Fair next fall. The challenge from the Athletics to play at Portland 'text -Saturday has been ac cepted by the Clackamas club, and if the first nine are all able to go. we have no doubt but that victory will be ours. The Athletics defeated the Dramatic dub again last Friday; the score stood, J.7 to K J-etter from lr. Smith. Dam.ks, Oregon, July 2sth, 1S77. Editor. Exi KRiMUsE-Sir : I should like, if agreeable to you, to eontradict an article that appeared in your last issue, headed "Hoodlums not WantotF'and sigred "OT server." The gentleman must be a man ot low origin or he would not attack a man's character in this way and conceal his name. He is a liar and a villain of the deepest d ve. There was no lady tripped in tlie ball room that night, neither was there any insult ottered to any lady that night, which can be clearly proVen by tint company present. Please dome the jus tice to publish this, and I shall take no more notice of such a cur. Wm. Smith. Attkmpted Siicidk. Last Thursday night Jos. Wrigley, who has been driving a team for George lirougliton, attempted to put an end to his life by driving a rail road spike into his head, but only in llicted ii slight indenture which did not prodtie.; the desired effect. He says he shot himself with a pistol, lust Dr. Davis made an examination and says the wound was m ule by a spike (r something simi lar. Tne first attempt not being satisfac tory, Joseph tried to drown himself in the river 1 ist Sattir 'ay and would have ac complished his object had not Mr George Foster appeared on the scene and rescued the love-sick swain from an untimely and a watery grave. The cause of this strange conduct is a j'onng lady employed at the Harlow House", to whom Joseph has been paying his attention for some time past , and i ecently he proposed that thev should be made' as one, but the dulcina failed to se it in that light. He tried his best to persuade her to chan e her mind and finding it was of no avail he resolved to put an end to his misery and proceeded to put his plans into execution, but failed in two attempts. . Destrictivk Firk. Last Friday night the Cosmopolitan Hotel caught lire and notwithstanding the determined efforts of the tire department it was soon devour ed by the flames. Tin; lint orignated in the lamp rooni. and it spread so rapidlv that it was iiopo.ible to save anything. The hotel portion of the building was lea.s-d by Dan. llolton.tlie restaurant by Manciet and a few olliees and a cigar store were iu the north end of The build ing. The following are the losers : K -eil and F.-dling, owners of the building, ;d2, 000. bi-mrai a-e ('00: Dan Ib-lton S3).(KKl, insurance 'j-'ll.HH; Manciet tt Co. $4,000, ) inso: o'i-i 2.1x1:): loss to guests in trunks, valu d-les and( l .t'u'mg.VHl; M. Gleason, tailor. Sl.UfWl; Wit herell. real estate agent , I SviOO ; J. 11. Coker, employment olTice." S-UHl, (and French Charley, cigar stand, $200. The inmates all escaped with the exce. - tion of Thomas Perkins who was burned ; todeiih. He was warned of the danger, but his i-rain being muddled by lirpior he remained in his room and his charred remains were found in the ruins. N"wspaikr GiM-ftiiibT.As. We like to sett, says the "New Age," a man refuse to take his local paper, and i'll tlie time snorpje r If his neighbor the reading of it. We like to hear a man complain, when we ask him to subscrine for his home paper, that he takes more paers than he reads now, and then go around and borrow his neighbor's, or loaf about until Ik; gathers the news from t. We like to see a man run down his home paper as not worth taking, ami every now and then beg the editor for a favor in the editorial lines. We like to see a mechanic or merchant refuse to advertise in his home paiier.and try to get a share of the traded newspaper brings to town. Above all things, we like to see one of our rich miserly men. who cannot pay for his local paper, always manage to be around in time to read the paper, and at the expense of a friend, not worth the tenth part of what he himself is. It looks so economical, thrifty and pro gressive. New IVat. J. W. Cochran & Co.'s new steamboat was launched at Canemah last Monday alternoon. She was chris tened the A. A. MeCully, in honor of the president of the old P. T. Co. She is a perfect beauty and the builders are en titled to considerable credit for the excel lent manner in which they have con structed her. She is 14 feet ' long. 30 feet beam and four feet hold. She will draw aliout eleven inches, and is intended for the uper river during low water. The machinery is entirely new and great care has been taken that all parts of the boat shall be perfect. The carrying capacity is two hundred and fifty tons. It is intended to have her ready for running by the 1.5th of August, sjie will have passenger ac commodations. - Sewing Machines. John Sehrnm, who was appointed agent for the Wilson sew ing machine last week, is doing a rushing business. He ha disposed of seven ma chines during the past four or five da vs. He has first class machines ami is selling them at remarkable low prices. Give him a call and get his price and examine these favorite machines. New Comers. The number of passen gers by steamers to Oregon, says the Tel egram, since the 1st of January last, aggregates 9,334. P.y each month as fol lows : January, 003 ; February, 537 : March, 1,3.52; April, l.iP.H); Mav, ljyt ; June, 1,031 ; l,-"4. Neither Chinamen nor sol diers are included in these figures. Removal. Mr. I. Selling has removed from his old stand at tlie comer of Main and Third streets, to the store recently vacated by Ackerman Uro's. Mr. Selling will shortly go to Sin Francisco for a arge stock of goods. See ad. State News. M. J. Rhawl, of Salem, died last week. The Salem Statesman lias a new head which is quite becoming. Albany is filling with wheat buyers who are looking for bargains. Peter Bilveu. an old pioneer, died at Salem last Friday aged 71 years. Potato hugs have put in an appear ance in several parts of the State." The merchants of Portland will here after close their stores on Sunday. A number of fast horses are expected jroui iamoruia ior me otate r air races. The work of setting np the flax fac tory at Albany is progressing rapidly. "Wilson Hamilton, of Portland, was thrown from a wagon last Tuesday and killed. The frame of the new machine shops at New Tacoma has been raised in po sition. Senator Morton addressed the Salem ites last Fiiday evening at the Opera House. A Chinese Sunday school has been organized in the Presbyterian. Church at Salem. The salmon fisheries on the lower Columbia will close down about the 10th inst. Steamboating is no more a' Albany on account of the low stage of water in the river. Milton Evens, of Walla "Walla, has sold 2,000 bushels of wheat at 75 cents per bushel. Henry Hewitt, near Dayton, lias two acres of blackberries, from which he gets 0,000 gallons. Contractors are pushing to comple tion the work on the state university building at Eugene. Tlie Ashland Titl'm'a learns that Blanchanl, one of the captured stage robbers, lias died of his wounds. Josephine county is out of debt and has $1,500 in the treasury. It took a levy of five per cent, to bring her out. The Campbell-Nichols debate, which took place at Lafayette some time ago, ;s to be reviewed by ex-Postmaster Watts. It is estimated that Lane county will furnish between two and three hundred thousand pounds of hops for the market this year. William Hicks and Enoch Biker, counterfeiters, were sentenced at Port land last Thursday to seven years each in the penitentiary. Jesse Do. Carr has nearly completed his stone fence in the vicinity of Clear Lake, in Lake county. He will have about 75,000 acres inclosed. The Simmons saw mill, Yamhill r;ounty was burned down 'ast week. The proprietor wanted the slabs out of the way, and set them on lire. Messrs. T. F. Campbell and William Stump, of Polk county, are in astern i Oregon hunting for the "Lost Cabi.i and the untold wealth buried beneath it. Bich bar diggings have been found six miles above Canyonville, ou the Umpqua. As high as (1 per day has been obtained with a locker. The Lafayette Courier says: "We ! hear of a scan. mag. forn case at North ! Yamhill wherein eight persons are con cerned." Lots of fun in Oregon. A surveying party started from Tia Grande last week to survey the route for the proposed narrow gnage railroad j from that place to the Columbia river j at Grand itonde landing. The order for the removal of the land ofliee to Lalieview has been sus pended until such time as the land cases now pending in that office can be adjusted. The MottHfdineer learns that the Kin ney Brothers of Astoria, will engage in the beef canning business again this fall, and that they intend obtaining their beef from east cf the mountains. Dalles 3Iount'iiner". The Methodist Missionary board, who claim to be the owners of a portion cf this city, have i sent an oiler lo our citizens to sell their rights in this city, excepting that occu pied by the O. S. N. Co. and all south of the street in the rear of the residence of Mr. A. Bolton and Mr. Michael Fitzgerald, on the bluff, for the sum of $15,000 in gold coin. What our people propose to do m the premises, we do not know. Some are determined to light the mission, while others are will ing to settle at the above figures. Territorial News. A number of substantial and costlj dwellings aro in course of erection at Seattle. Walla Walla papers advise thesettlers of Palouse and Crab creeks to return to their homes. Families with wagons, from Kansas and Missouri, are passing Boi?e, going to Washington territory. Carl Gorick's barn, near Steilacoom, vvas burned last week. A man named Tidd "is suspected of setting it on tire. After building a jail, costing between S3.000 and S4.000. Jefferson county, W. T.. is out of debt and has a balance in the treasury. Two hundred cars are in daily use on the Seattle Coul Company's track, transferring coal from the mine to the side of the vessels. In the river valleys; of Ptiget Sound the potato crop is greatly d am iged by a worm or bug, and iu many places there will be a failure. Jefferson county, W. T., including Port Townsend. has a property value of S3(JG.105. There is a gain of nearly $100,000 over last year. The assessment of Walla Waila county foots up $2. 387 ,020, au increase of SS2.2S0 over last year. The county has 23,625 acres of wheat. "What tiie Bilious Kequire. Since torpidity of the liver is the chief cause of its disorder, it is evident that what the bil ious require is an alterative stimulant which will arouse it to activity, an effect that Is fol lowed by the disappea ranee of the various symptoms indicative of its derangement. Hostettor's SStomah Hitters in variably ueniove the primary result mentioned, besides re moving the constipation, flatulence, heart burn, yellowness ot the skin and whites of the eyes, pam in the right side and under the right shoulder, nausea, vert lo and sick hea.l aehe, to which bi ious invalids ar.- peculiarly subj-ct. As a remedy for chronic indigestion, mental dispondedey and nervousness tlie bit ters are equally ciaeaeious, and as a renovant ol lost vigor, a means of arresting premature decay, and a source or relief from the intirmi ti"s to which the gentler s x is iwceliarly sub ject, they may be thoroughly relied upon. Ackerman I'ros. have removed the re in under of their large stock to the store lately occupied by 1j. .Taggers, one door not tii of thedrugstoi e. They intend toclose out tlie entire stock, and will sell it below San Francisco cost price. . From Hon. W. II. Jones, or West UoTer, Vermont. "I have been troub'ed from my bovhood with chronic or hereditary lung complaint Home years since, early in the winter, I-took cold, which as usual settled into a severe cough, which continued to increase as the s -ason advanced, although I made use of all the cough remedies I had knowledge of. My family physician also prescribed for me, but I experienced no relief. During nil this time I was gradually running down, losing flesh and strength, until my friends as well as my self, became very much alarmed, thinking "i should waste away in .consumption. While in P.oston, during t lie spring fot o ing, I was induced to try Wistar's Halsaji of Wild ("IIKHitV. After one day's trial I was s nsiblo that it was relieving ni ; in ten daystime my cough had entirely cased, ami I was soon re stored to health and strength. I have ever since kept the Halsam in my house, and whenever any member of my family has a cough or cold, it is immediately resorted to. No family should be without it." Hold by all druggists. The Ulucltiue Was Worn Out. Why? Not because it was not well built, but it was wrongly run. Thousands of men vho have run down long before their three score and ten years ar" accomplished, might have been renewed into sprightliness and vim if they had tried trie" well known Pkru vi an syrup, which contains among its com pounds the Pr itoxide of Iron, so combined that it assimilates wit h t he blood and invig orates the whole system. This syrun has proved etflacicous in thousands of cases, and will do everybody good who uses it. All druggists keep ir. Js Tour Lite Worth IO Cents. Sickness nrevails everywhere, and every body complains of some disease during their lite. sic!:, the object is to get well; now to say plainly that no jierson in this v orld that is suT.-ring with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and its etr-'Cts, such as Indiges tion, ( 'ost iveness. Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Heart Burn, palpitation of tlie Heart, Depress-'d Spirits, biliousness, etc., can take tiREEN's Apgust Flower without gettini re lief and cure. If you doubt this, go to Ward A- Hardin1' and tret a Samnle ISottl" for 10 cenis and try it. Kegular size 73 cents. Two1 doses will relieve you. We Can't Talk Without showing the condition of our teeth. Fvery laugh exposes t hem. In order not to be ashamed of them, let us use that standard dent ifriee, SOZODUXT, which is sure to keep them white and spotless. Xo tartar can en crust them, no canker affect the enamel, no species of decay infest the dental bone, if .SOZODOXT is regularly used. It is a botani cal preparation, and its benenial en cts on the teeth and gums are marvelous, as it re moves all discolorations, and renders the ! gums hard and rosy. (YNci:it frisKD. Dr. If. T. F.ond, of Philadelphia, has discovered a perfect an tidote for the terrible scourge of cancer. Dr. liond's treatment cures without pain. and absolutely without plasters, caustic or Kiuie, out simpiy oy aeiing on tne cancer cell while forming, thus stopping the sup ply to the local disease or tumor, w I ic It is broken down and carried away by the al sorbents of the .y.Ntem. Dr. I Solid's reme dies can be sent to any part of t he country. l-Yll particulars sent' free. All interested should address Dr. II. T. IJond, Philadel phia, Pa. Housewives, Attention. For 7- cents I wi'.l send you a receipt for making a sujierior art icle of honey, at a cost ol'Scents per pound unexcelled for table use. Also for 7.i cents a receipt for making a better qua it y of soap, at a cost of one and a lia f cents per pound for solt, and three cents per Kund for hard. Kifher the soap or honey can be made within fifteen minutes by a child. The saving made (,y a household in one year's time is incalculable. p,o! h r -ceipts for $1 and and a t hreee.ent postage stamp. Kobinson, 707, Market st., San Francisco, Oil. A. CA1?D. To all w'no an? suffering from the errors and Indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss jf manhood, Ac, I will send a recip" that will cure you, FKKK OF '1I.U iVZ. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a s"lf-addressed envelope to the Kkv. T.Joseph Inman, Station I). Ttihl- House, JYeitf York. nov!7-ly. If Von visit. Portland and wish to buy a fine suit, of clothes at a low pric. call ut Ackerman Ilros.. corner First and Washing ton streets. Wenslljle Advice. You nre asked every day through, the col umns of newspapers and by your lrug ;ist to us;; something tor our Dyspepsia and biver Complaint that you know not hi rig about, you get, discoursged spending? money with but little success. Now to give you satisfactory proof that. Orkkn's August Fowisr will c-'re you of Dyspepsia and Iiver Complaint with "all its effects, such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual 'ost iveness, palpi tation ofth" H"art, Heart burn. Water-brash, Fullness at. the pit of the Stomach, YeIlo Skin, Coated Tongue, Coming up of lood after eating, low spirits, ic, we iih you to go to Ward & Harding nnd g-t a Sample Itottle of JrkunS ACOUST Flower for 10 cents and try it, or a Regular Size for 75 cents, two doses will relievo you. jlarkct Report. Purflmitl JInrkpt. Tgal tenders ft buying. 05 selling. Flour Extra. $7 5:;superfine, Hi 50. Wheat $1 (li cental. Oats U!)vfi.M 5 bushel. ISarley $1 tie y cental. Macon Sides He; hams,I'H; shoulders, 8'a,S!. I-ard In keg, 13c.; In mm tins, Kc. Mutter Ftesh roll, 20f '5c. Fruits Dried apples in sacks, 0c. ; kegs, 7; plums, pitless, )J$12c. ; ie;icjes, lie; prunes. 17c. Eggs- 'ic. Chickens Full grown, $.3 50t$?i Of) V dozen. Hides Dry, : salted, (ic. ; culls, H off. Tallow 5c. lb. Wool lili-ivDc. Feed P.ran, fl9fJ0 yl ton ; short s. $J2SSi5; : oil cake. 5U. Hay Mai -d, l-y$Ki & ton ; loose, JMSfLi. Potatoes iWn,ti c. bushel. Onions 1V1SS V lb. Mutton Sheep 50. Or"tron City Market. Wheat $1 0() busnei. Oats 0 rq,H-. j bushel. Potato Sue. t bushel. Onions ft 50 bushel. Fiour ?2 (Ml sack or $8 00 v bbl. Dried Fruits Apples, 6c. $ lb. ; plums, He. Mutter J.V)e. s lb. Eggs 25c. ? dozen. Chickens Grown, 50 dozen. Macon Sides, lie. ib; hams lie. Eard 1 '' vi le V lb. Hav $14 ton. Woo'. --'S ,0c. lb. AfiEXTS. j The following named gent lemen "ill receive subscriptions and advertisements for the Enterprise : Portland...., J. R. Goldsmith. Astoria W. E. Dement. New Era Dr. J. Casto. Norton Capt. Z. Norton. Damascus Jas. Winston. Boone's Ferry Chas. Wilson. Johnson, MrCown k Marrnm, Att'ys. Administratrix's Motfce. ' HAVING P.EEN DUEY APPOINTED RY the Hon. County Court of Clackamas Count y. Or 'son. Administratrix of th estate of A.J. Stubb, decas-d. I hereby notify all persons having claims arriinst said estate to present thern, duly verified, and accompan ied with proper vouchers, to m at my resi dence on Afolalla prairie, in said count v, within six months from the dat" of this notice. JCXIA A. STURBS, j July 12, 1877-it. Adm'x. I ATTENTION ! ATTENTION ! ! ATTENTION !!! WE ARE SELLING OFF Our Entire Stock! In order to CLOSE BUSINESS. ACKCR.1IA.V BrOS. AT SAN FHANCISGO C3ST Also all persons Indebted to us will please call immediately and settle up before we plac accounts in an olliccr's hands and make ex .cusjs, us settlement must be made. WOOL! WOOL! vy CL! VOOL! We wiU buy Wool during the season while we are closing out, and pay the highest market price. ACKERMAX BltOS. Oregon City, April 5th. 1877. PATROMZE HOME INDUSTRY! GEOllGE FUCHS, DEALER IN Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Etc, AT BARLOW'S OLD STAND. ill.WE NOW READY FOTt SALE A FINE lot of Havana and Seed Cigars, of my own manufacture, by the wholesale or retail, at prices to suit the times. I will guarantee a first class article, as good as can be found in the city, manufactured by white labor. Give me a call and judge for vourneif. GEO. FUCHS. Oregon City, May 17, 1877-tf. TO WH0?I IT FSAY CONCERN IEIXU IJESIKOCS OF ADOPTIXG A new rule of business, I would request those indebted to me to come and Pay Up Immediately, And save Inconvenience and expense, as have determined to collect what is due me. I have reduced t he prices on Goods greatl and can assure all that 1 can give Bargains to Cash Buyers. Come and see for tou; own satisfactioz . A. LEVY. JOHN SCHRAI, 3iain St., Oregon City. jIAXL'FACTMSER AM) IMPORTER OF " 2i Saddles. Harness, F.4. Sl(IIerj-Iljirl- ware, etc., etc. Vi 7'HICH HE OKKEltS AS CHEAP AS can ue nau in me oiaie. at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 6V1 warrant my goods as represented. JOHN SCHKAM, oaddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 1, lS7o-tf. Administrator's Sale. In the matter of the estate of Robert Wilson, deceased. fY VIItTt'E OF A DECREE AND ORDER ) of the County Court of Clackamas coun ty, Oregon, made and entered on tlie 3ilth day ot June, 1.S77, directing me to sell at, public auction to pay the debts ol said estate, tin; following described real estate to-wit : Its ntimbeied 1 and 3, and the S. E. H of the X. E. h, and the E. H of the S. E. U of Section IS in Township 2 s., R. 5 K. of t he Willamette Meridian, containing 157 21-10(1 acres ; there fore on Saturday, tlie 'Zr,tlt day of Aiig-ust, A. I). 1S77, nt t lie hour of one o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Court House door in Oregon City, in said county, 1 will sell said above described premises at public auction to tlie highest bid der for gold cola in hand paid at the time of sale. JOHN WILSON', Administrator of said estate. E. E. Eastiiam, at t'y tor adm'r. Oregon City, July 20, 1877. NOTICE. 17. S. I,axd Uffipe, Oregon Citv, 1 Oregon. Julv 5th, 1S77. ( CIOMPI.AIXT HAVING RE EN ENTERED j at this ofliee by Frederick II. Francis, of Multnomah county, against J. S. Hensiy for abandoning his homestead entry, No. :!!)!.';, dated March 21, 1S7(, upon the North of the South 4 of Section Township one North, ii:inge 1 West, in Multnotr ah county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry : tlie said parties are hereby sum inoned to ap Ienr nt, this ofliee on the Jlitli day of August., 1S77, at M o'clock A.M., to respond' and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandon ment. OWEN WAl'E, Register. At T. R. HARRISON", Receiver. woticeT U. S. liAXD Office, Oniron City, Ogn., 1 July 23, IS77. ( CIOMPEAINT II VINJ RE EX EXTERED J at ti is ofliee by W. M. Newman against John H. for abandoning his home stead entry. No. 235!, dat'-d May 20, 1ST3, upon the north H of t he X. E. Section 2S, Town ship t soul h, range 3 east, in Clackamas Co., Oregon, with a view to the cancellation cjf said er try : the said parties are herebv sum moned to appear at this ofliee on the 27th day of August , IS77, at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. OWEN WADE, Register. j'y2-tt. T. R. HARRISON. Receiver. NOTICE. IT. S. Land Office, Oreoox City, Oregon, July 23.- IS' S77. I COMPLAINT HAVING REEN EXTERED at this office by J. W. Hardin-r rict Wm. MeLin, or his heirs, for abandoning his ho ncstead entry. Xo :218, dated Aug. 2!l, .87 upon the east H of the X. W. ii Section 28 Township i south, range 3 east, in Clackamas county, Oregon, with a view to the cancela tion of said entry : the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this otlice on the 7th day of August, J877, at 10 o'clock A. M., to" re spond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. OWEN WADE, Register J'y2Mt. T. It. HARRISON, Receiver. NOTICE. U. S. Land Offce, Oregon City ) Oregon, Julv fith. 1877. t COMPEAIVT HAVING BEEN EXTERED at this office bv E. M. Miller. of Clackamas county, against W. A. Martin for abandoning hU homestead entry, Xo. -712, dated Mav i.jt U IS. i, u von the Sout h-eSt S of Section 2 to n ship o Sout h. Range 3 East, tn Clackamas Co Oregon, with a view to t he eancellat ion or said entry : the sai l parlies are herebv summoned to appear at this office on the ltith day of Aug ust, is:: .at u o'clock A.M.. to respond and furnish! t-stimony concerning said allera abandonment. OWEN WADE Register K T. R. HAIUilSQN.'RecHver: NOTICE. XJ. S. Land Office, Oregon City. Oregon. Ju I v 1C7 r,V15 HAVING BEEN ENTERED V-y this office by John Q. Do-id against John M. Ha worth for abandoning hi home stead entry. No. 2WI5, dated Oct. IS. 1875, upon the West 5 of the South west '4 of Section U, lownship 7 South, Range I East, in Marlon ( ounty, Oregon, with a view tolh" cancella tion of sid entry: the said parti s are herebv summoned to appar at t his office on th Kith day of August. 1877. at 10 o'clock A. M., to re spond and furnish testimony cone -rning said alleged abandonment. OWEN WADE, Register. 4 T. R, HARRISON, Receiver. Sj A. N I FOIS S A 1. 13. WE TIAVE TIIE FOLLOWING REAL f Estate tor sale. No.l. Desirable building block In Oregon City. No. 2. loo Acres, good house, and barn full of hay ; 8 acres in cultivation, orchard, good water: 15 miles lrom Oregou City. Price S5'J0, hall down. No. 3. liw acres ol S. S. White's donation claim, 2'a miles from Oregon City; foOO. No. 4. ltHl acres, 8 miles S E of Oregon City, 10 acres in cultivation, open brush land, run ning water, good wheal land ; price, S05. No. o. .420 acres, 2 miles from Graham's ferrs on the Willamette river, 80 acres in cultiva tion, 12 acres in an orchard of choice varie ties of fruit, ."(! acres in wheat, 150 acres under fence, gfod house, barn and run ning water, 12 miles from Oregon City. Price 51,250, part down balance on time. No. 0. U'io acivs ; 75 improved, a large, new, well finished frame dwelling, plum and apple orchards, living water, IS acres of f ail wheat, ti miles from Oregon City, on Molalla road, church and school house adjoining; can be had lor $1,250, one-third down, bala nco on t i me. . No. 7. 20-1 acres 10 miles east of Oregon City, IH miles from Viola grist and saw mill and postollic;3o acres in cultivation, 100 acres under fence, good frame house 13x31 "Ij" 10x22, 3 acres in fruit trees. Price $1,000, Lalf down. No. 8. iO acres at Milwaukie; part beaver dam. Price, $1,000. No. 0. .150 acres t en miles east of Oregon City. 7 from Marshfield station ; 75 acres in cultivation, 300 acres of level bottom land, good box house and lra me barn, good run ning water lor stock, flood stock ranch, 700 bearing lruit trees. Price 84,200. Will sell stock and crops to purchaser if he desires. No. 10. 100 acres 0 miles east of Oregon City ; CO acres in cultivation, 5 acres in orchard, good house and barn, remaining laud easily cleared. Price $2,500, half down. No. 11. 150 acres, more or less, 11 miles from Oregon City, 13 fi miles to Portland, 20 acres in cultivation, 100 more easily cleared, all under fence, good house, good land and plenty of water, schoo house and church 1 mile away, 9 month hool iu year. Terms easy, f 1,250. No. 12. 100 or 100 acres off of the north of the Fra til's claim, 4 miles lrom Oregon City, open brush land, all easily cleared, living water, good mill power, at $10 per acre ; terms easy. No. 13. 220 acres; 75 acres in cultivation, oo acres in fall wheat, 3 acres in orchard.trood house, barn and out-houses, spring water W feet lrom house. Hi miles lrom school house ; $2,200. No. 14. 140 acres; 35 in cultivation, 10 ready to sow, 40 acres beaver dam, 7 acres in grass, 80 acres fenced ; house and barn, good water close to house. So. 15. Jacob Johnson's homestead, near Oregon City : 120 acres. No. 10. Frazer's liverv stable and house, with one lot on Water street; $2,0p0. No. 17. Tlie former residence of W. IV. Euck and six lot s : $2,500. No. 18. Harvey May's block, ail in cultivation, vith house and barn ; $810. Other desirable bargains In Clackamas, the best county in the State. Any one having money to lend can have our services, tree of charge, in managing the same and selecting securities. Persons wanting Id borrow money can get favorable terms by calling on us. JOII.VSO.V it Jlct'OWX. and JOHNSON, McCOIVX & JIAt'lll'JI. Offices in Oregon City and Portland. Nov. 12. 1875 :tf LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE 2 STAISf.i'E. -o- rpiIE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR OF 1 the Livery Stable on Fifth street, Oregon City, Oregon, "keeps constantly on hand llueies, Carriages and Hacks. Saddle and Huggy Horses. Iriccs XJensoiiallo E. B. CLEMENTS, Oregon City, Nov. 5, 1S75. Proprietor. S. A. BH0U0HT0H, toi:ed inform the citizens of V Oregon City and vicinity that he is pre pared to turnish Fir & Cedar Lumber, Of every description, at low rates. at APPLE BQXE . A I,.SO, DrjvFlooriiig-, Oiliiiy, Rustic, Sjirnce, (for shelving), Lattice, i'ickels, uiitl Fence-Posts, Cedar, Constantly on hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as it can be purchased, in the state. Give me a ca i ! at the OA'iYVO-V VJTV SA TT MILLS. Oregon City, June 10, 1S75 :tf GUFF HOUSE. OREGON CITY, OREGON. T. W. RH0G3, Proprietor. Transient Hoard, SI to S3 per . Sinyle Meals " rriitn. Hoard ;r Vo rk S3 OO Board aud Lodging, per wek. "$ti OU The Table will be supplied with the best the market, affords. Rail Suppers furnished on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Nov. IS). lS75.-tf Willamette Transportation ana Locks Company. "V'OTK i:. THE FOEEOWING RATES OF Freight on Grain and Flour have been established by this company as the maximum rates for one year lrom May 1st, lt77; viz Per Ton. Oregon Cl.y to Portland $1 iH) Rutteville " ' i 75 Champoeg ' j 75 Dayton " " . 2 00 Fairfield " " 2 00 Wheatland " " 2 50 Lincoln ' 2 .V) Salem " """ 2 50 Eola " 2 75 Independence " " 2 75 Ankeny's Eanding " " 3 00 Iiuena Vista " 3 ou Spring Hill " " 3 00 Albany 3 00 orvallis ' ' 3 50 Peoria " " 3 50 Monroe ' 4 00 Harrisburg " ....."."!""" 4 00 Eugene t ity 5 00 orain ond Flour shipped from the points nliove mentioned direct to Astoria whl be charged per ton $1 0U additional. The company will contract with parties who desire it to transport Grain and Flour at above rates tor any specified time, not ex ceeding five years. S. G. REED, Vice Presid't W. R. T. & L. Co. Portland, April 28. lS77-my33m. "Old John Miller," formerly of Oregon City J. W. MILLER & SON. Dealers in STOVES & RANGES, "jr i 1 1 vra 1 o , JAPANNED WARE AND HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS. PORTLAND, 98 FRONT ST. lETMobbing of all kinds promptly attended to. f-'M lS77-tf. X. N. jSt. NEW STORE AND HEW GOODS, AT NEW ESA. Dry Goods, Groceries, Roots and Shoes Wooden Ware, Drugs and for Casl. or produce. J. CASIO, AT BARLOWS OLD STAND! "Millinevy Goods ! NitGS Rosa Fuchs. HtSJI'ST UEfKIVKD A FINK STUCK of Hat-:, Ilonnets, Velvefs.Ribbons.FIon er, Itc-es, etc., which sh- will sell cheap. Call and examine her stock. Oregon City, March i5, ISTT-lf. THOMAS CHAfUlAN. ESTABLISHED 1M. DESIRES TO INFORM THECITIZEJfS OF Oregon City and of the Willamette Val ley, that he instill on hand and doing- busi ness on the old motto, that A JVimble Six Fence it Better than a St of Shilling E?I have Just returned from San FranclC where X purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK Or GOODS ever before offered In this, elty ; and constat la part, as follows : Boots and Shoes. Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Oils, Paints and Sash and Doon.i Cbinaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, Glasswar, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines. . Goods, Fancy "o- Rope. Farming Uons of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings. Oil Cloth. Wall Paper. et. Of the above list, I can say my stock is th MOST COMPLETE ever offered in this market, and was seleted with especial care for the Oregon City trad.All of which I now offer for sale at the Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladles, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods for I am Determined to Sell Cheap and not to allow myself to be UNDERSOLD l. THE STATE OF OBEGO.T. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and sec for yourselves that the old stand of 'illOMAS CHARM AN cannot be beaten in quality or price. It would be useless for meto tell you all the advantages 1 can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disappointed. All 1 wish to say is Come, and See, and Examine for Yourselves, for Ido not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, tor cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed. THOS. CHARM AN. Main Street, Oregon City. Legal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. THOS. CHARMAN. ft50,o00 lbs wool wanted by nov. 1, '75-tf THOS. CHA RMAN. CHANGE OF BASE ! REMOVED TG 00 FELLOWS' BUILDING! T- A, BACON , (Successor to BARLOW & FILLER), Dcale-in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, SELECTED TEAS COFFEE, and SPICES, BUTTER AND CHEESE, F0RE1GS AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, And a full variety of Goods usually kept In a nrst-class Grocery Store. Come one, come all, and examine our stock. I can sell as cheap and furnish as good an article as any house in town. T. A. BACON. Oregon City, August 25, 1876 if. NEW FIRM FELLOWS & HARDING, At The LIKTCOLlSr BAKERY. Dealers in FIRST CLASS GROCERIES k PROVISIONS. PRODUCE TAKEN FROM FARMERS IN exchange lor Groceries. SELECT BTEAS, C0FFEF AND Sf ICES. A splendid assortment of Fresh Crackers and Cheese. i ClUkX k DOMESTIC FRTITS. And a full variety of (roods usually kept In a first-class Grocery Wore. We invite the citizens of Orepon City, Cane mah and vicinity to give us a call, and if Edi don't pive jou as many and as good a quality of kmkIs for your money as you can obtain elsewhere, he will leave town. ft7"Ve deliver Goods to all parts of the City and Canemah Jree of charge. Oregon City, March 1, l77-tf. J. P. WARD. OEOBGI A. HARDING. WARD & HARDING,0 DR'IGCISTS AND APOTHECARIES KEEP CON STANTLY ON HAND A GEN leral assortment of Drugs and. Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, Com l and Brashes,. TrnsMes, Supporters, Shoulder Braces Finrjraad Toilet Articles. ALSO Kerosene Oil, Lamp Chimneys, Glass, Pntty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Staffs, PIRE WISES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC., ETC "Physicians' Prescri tions carefully com pounded, and all order correctly answered. yOpen at all hours of the night. V All accounts must le paid monthlv. novl.l875tf WARD A HARDING. SAWMILL TH. JONES HAS GOT HIS SAW MILL in rnnnins ordfr on Cedar Creek, 12 mil s from Orego. City, and is prepared to furnish CEOAS LUMBER, f any kind, undressed, to all who may favor him with a call. Address. J. II. Jones, Ringo's Point, Clack mas Countv, ireiroa April 12, lS77-6m