Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1877)
o o i V-ij ; 1 i - S J 1 o 5 Ji I i V: I t - a t h o i j M 0 1 - WIT AND HUMOR. Ax unpopular club The policeman's. . . Adtick to young men about to settle - down. Settle up first. "When diphtheria is about, all babies should kick against being kissed. What lovers swear To be true until death. What husbands swear Unfit for publication. The Cincinnati Enquirer asks if Adam was an Irishman. He was an Erin man, without doubt. " ""We often hear of a man " being in ad vance xt his age," but whoever heard of a woman" being in such a-predicament? What is the difference between a Chris tian and a cannibal ? One enjoys him self, and the other enjoys other people. The man who imagines that a house painter working by the day can't kill as much time as a plumber has lived in lg norance. Is it a sign of hard times in the West? An advertisement in a Western paper wants "a boy to open oysters fifteen years old." A ropuL.AU writer, Bpeaking of the ocean telegraph, wonder3 whether the news transmitted through the salt water will be fresh " Babies, after having taken one bot tle of my soothing syrup, will never cry more," says a celebrated compounder of sootuiDg syrups. Italians prefer snails to ovsters. Per haps because the lazy-roni people can eaten them easier. liCSTLE.s ain t worn any more, and a man stands some chance of finding the morning paper after 'J o'clock. Wash- : i x- : He " I always forget whether you or your Bister, Miss ra, is tue eldest t She " Oh, I m older than she, but only three months." There ought to be peas and good will on tho Danube, for the Russians are re ported as shelling Marrfatz. Soup-pea-rior gunnery. Graphic. A philosopheu has extracted the fol lowing reply from a school boy to the query : How is the earth divided, my lad?" " By earthquakes, sir." A woman at the Centennial, who had only one eye, demanded admission at half-price on the ground that she could see only half as much as other people. " He's grown to be a polished gentle man, anyhow ?" said an old lady, gazing fondly, as she spoke, at the shining bald head of her son just returned after a long absence. An old maid suggests that when men break their hearts, it is all the same as when a lobster breaks one of his claws another sprouts very soon, and grows in ita place. Ax Iowa journal speaks of a man hav ing been lynched " for burning the barn and contents of his son-in-law." Any man who will burn the contents of his son-in-law ought to be lynched. A max who jumped overboard recently to save his wife from drowning, has ex plained his action satisfactorily to his friends. He said she had a good deal of gold about her person, and gold was high. The newly elected President of the Cincinnati School Board said. "I would have preferred that this honor had fell ou some ether member ;" and they gave mm a grammar. m i mr ? ... j.uM io Aim, wuo lias just eaten an oyster) : "Well, Tim, how was it?" Tim (in ecstasy) : The oyster was fine, but tne winegar and ketchup washevinprlyT r tt -o 1 J Upwards of ninety in the shade yes terday. Detroit Free Press. About here there were upwards of two hundred in the shade, and all drawing pay from the city. Boston Post. Tub Philadelphia Ledger speaks of "methodized election frauds." This is too much. We don't believe that even Dr. Newman would sanction an election f raud. Philadelphia Bulletin. When a man grabs a lamp-post and yells for somebody to hold the pavement down till he gets home, he is not to be considered drunk any more. He has only been having a pleasant-'un with the blue glass theory. The principal topic now discussed in Brown's house is, whether his wife can accept the excuse that he was only taking the glycerine from the nrpftv mnil' chapped lips direct to his own, and that ho was not kissing her. It is a curious fact that an eight-yenr old boy can't sit for five minutes on a cane-seat chair without getting the back ache, but lie will walk right out and sit on the top of a for half an hour and feel like peaches over it. Charles Kingslet said he did not see why we should not bo as just to an ant fts to a human being. Human beings don't get up your trousers leg when you are at a picnic, and scare you within two feet of eternity. Rockland Couiier. A doting mother of a waggish boy having bottled a quantity of nice pre serves, labelled them, "Put up by Mrs. Doe." Johnny having discovered the goodies, soon ate the contents of one bot tle, and wrote on the bottom of the label " Pnt Johnny Doe." ' A woman in Omaha recently swallowed a gaiter button and was choked nearly to death. " Wo have said a thousand times," says the Burlington Hmdeye, " that some serious trouble would yet come of this custom of Omaha women unbuttoning their shoes with their teetli." A butcher of some eminence was lately in company with several ladies, at a game of whist, when, having lost two or three rubbers, one of the ladies, address ing him, asked "Pray, sir, what are the stakes now ?" " Madam, the best rump I cannot sell lower than twenty cents a pound." Follow mt Leader. A woman had her tongue paralyzed from playing the clarionet, and the next day, when it was generally known, every other married man. in town bought a clarionet anjl took it home to his wife, and then went out side the house and stood on his head in the mud. A reverend sportsman was once boast ing of his infallible skill in finding a hare. ? If I were a hare," said a Qua ker, who was present, " I would take my seat in a place where I should be sure of not being disturbed by thee from the first of January to the last day of De cember." "Why, where would you go?' " Into thy study !" I think, my dear," said Mr. Hayes, .as he took his nightshirt from under the pillow, that we will give a dinner by and by . .and have Sherry " " Ruther ford i ! said Mrs. Hayes. Have Sheri- uan ana some oi the army people, con tinued the commander-in-chief, as he adroitly slipped into bed. and left Mrs H. to tuck up the baby and turn down tne gas. Schamyl and the Circassia as. WARS WITH RUSSIA SKILL. AXD HEROISM OF SCHAMYL TOWN OF SUKUM KALEH CHARACTER OF THE PEOPXE. Sukum Kaleh is a fortified seaport in Circassa, on the northeastren coast of the Black sea, and about 100 miles from Batoum. It was once a place of some importance, and is supposed to be the historic Sebastopolis. It was captured by the Russians in 17G1, and its deca dence has dated from that time. The region about is sparsely settled, the whole province probably not contain ing more than about 100,000 souls. Re cent dispatches reported that a violent combat had taken place there, the Rus sians being driven out. Ten thousand natives joined the Turks, while the town was set on fire by them, and the fortifi cations seized. " All the surrounding country," says a dispatch,." is rising in support of the Turks." Further reports of Russian repulses have also been re ceived. Eight thousand troops, 1,500 Circassians, 50,000 rifles and some moun tain batteries have been dispatched to that country from Constantinople to aid in an insurrection in the mountains of the Caucasus. In the meantime it is re ported that the second son of Schainvl, who lives at St. Petersburg as an officer of the imperial guard, has been sent to the Uircassian country to iaic3 part in appeas ing tho rebellion which has broke out there. It is also curiously stated that Schamyl's eldest son hai been sent out by tho Turks to command the Circassians It will therefore be a matter of interest to learn of the remarkable career of Schamyl and of tbe tribes whoso chief tain he was for twenty years. The people of the Caucasus have long been known as a warlike, adventurous and semi-barbarous race. This region is about 700 miles long, and varies in width from sixty to 150 miles. No other country on the globe contains so many different nations or tribes. In Strabo's time seventy dialects were spoken. At present there are more than 100 Pers ian, Turkish, Finish and Teutonic words beLier amoncr those that are found, lhe prevailing religion is the Mohammedan, but Christians are numbered among them. For a century and a half they were split up into an infinite number of clans or pettv tribes, when the ajrjrression ot Peter the Great incensed them into or ganization, and in 1785 tho encroach ments of the Russians had-become so great that the war cry was sounded, and it has seldom been silenced since. Tho Russians have, on the other hand, been greatly incensed at tho barbarism shown toward the Christians of Georgia. In 1761 the Circassian leader was made a prisoner and put to death. War follow ed more bitter and desperate than ever. One of their chieftains, thirty or forty years ago, after years of hard fighting against the Russians, fell at Him ri, with all aim friends, except one, dead around him. This young survivor wasbchamyl. He was thirty-seven years of age, said to have been a silent and earnest man, learned beyond his people, and believ ing himself inspired from Allah. They afterward called him "The Prophet Warrior of the Caucasus." His survival of the great conflict at Himri had so much of mystery in it for his people that he was regarded by them with reverence, and not long afterward he was again the sole survivor of a bat tle, and eventually established himself in full and complete authority over the people. He made his headquarters at a place built upon almost inaccessible rocks in the mountains, and fortified it with trenches, earthen parapets, and covered ways. So great did his power become against the Russians that in 1S3G the Czar Nichols, irritated by his bold ness and defiance, sent a powerful army against him, with orders to capture Scha myl alive or dead. A great battle was fought, in which the Russians sufferod enormous losses and Schamyl's force was annihilated, but Schamyl himself escaped. But it was a V4 rrhie victory. Every tribe in the Caucasus was enrag ed and in arms against the czar, and helped to strengthen the cause of Scha myl. He adopted tho guerrilla system of warfare, and in that the mountains nd ravines gave them further aid. The Russians could not cone with him. He continually encouraged them to croess tho boundary line, and when they had entangled themselves among tho moun tains and ravines, the Circassians would shoot them from the overhanging rocks above. On one occasion the Russians made a formidable attack, but were re pulsed with a loss of 2,000 men. The czar was greatly mortified, and sent an other army and a new general. It was nearly annihilated, and the general prince came near being made a prisoner. Schamyl then assumed the onensive, and 1818. 1850 and 1853 made irruptions into Russian territory, atone time driv ing them back eight leagues. After the Crimean war Russia renewed operations in the Caucasus, and continued them un til lSof. Her army seized the Circas sian stronghold and drove Schamyl to a mountain fort, near the Caspian sea. Here he made a last desperate struggle, but was captured and taken to St. Pet ersburg a prisoner, where he received considerate- treatment. The country was conquered at least Russia consid ered that the Georgian Christians would no longer be persecuted and peace has since prevailed. In 18G1 about 200,000 Circassians removed to lurkey, and made their home on the western and northwestern shore of the Black Sea. English eulogists of those people have called them the handsomest, bravest and noblest of mankind; others have pictur ed them as semi-barbarous bands of out laws, living entirely by plunder, given to polygamy, and selling their daughters in lurKish markets to the number, sometimes, of 1,000 a year. Schamyl did not remain long in St. Petersburg. Russia assigned him a resi dence in Kaluga, 100 mile3 from Mos cow, with a pension of about 8,000. In January, 1S70, he went to Mecca, Arabia, and soon afterward to Medina, where he died in March, 1871. JVeic York T ribttne. A portly gentleman crowded himself into a horse car next to a young man, who said: "Perhaps you would not crowd in here if you knew I had just had the small pox." " Oh, that's noth ing '."was the reply; "for this is the first time I have been out since I had it myself!" An agent soliciting subscriptions for a book, showed the prospectus to a man who, after reading, "One dollar in boards, and one dollar and twenty-five cents in sheep," declined subscribing as he might not have boards or sheep on hand when called upon for payment. In a Philadelphia court, the other day, a man named Moisten was defended by a lawyer named Goforth. It is no un usual thing to see a lawyer and his client Goforth and Moisten. Hanging by tho Heels. A Hair-rais ins Scene at a Charon In x ranee. A Paris letter savs: The authorities of Soudan, near Chateaubriand, recently desired to remove the rusty cock that surmounted the church steeple. A sla ter was engaged to do the job. He had gone two-thirds of tho way up, when. losing his balance, a3 he tnrew tne rope which was to enable him to climb high er, he began to slip dawn the lightning rod with fearful rapidity, lie was JU feet from the ground when he began to loose hold. He fell to tho steeple's bal ustrade, bounded on the church roof, rolled dowll it and fall to the ground. He got up with no bones or skin brok en, but so bruised and jostled he could not again think of attempting to climb the lightning rod. Another slater took his place. Tho second slater, after try ing in vain for half an hour to pull him self up to the cock, in making a more violent effort, broke ono of his stirrups or supports, and fell, hanging head downward, oie foot resting in the stir rup which still held good. He was one hundred and fiftv feet from the ground when this accident happened. He could be seen making desperate efforts to re cover hold of the knotted rope: arms and one leg made convulsive gestures as he strove to release himself from his painful and dangerous position. To add to the horrors of the spectacle, the wind blew with great violence, and the poor fellow swayed to and fro, and was at times in danger of being dashed to pieces against the steeple. At length Lis strength became exhausted and he fell into a swoon. From tho ground ho seemed lifeless. A third slater went to his assistance. Time aud again the third slater seemed on the eve of suc cess, but time and again the body of the second slater fell with all its weight, leunuiiy birainiDg uie rope, aud sway ing in tne air with dreadful oscillation. After striving for forty-live minutes, the third slater was obliged to give up in despair; his strength Avas completely exhausted. A fourth stater volunteered to attempt, to rescue his comrade. Ho climbed to the second slater, secured block and tackle, fastened a roue around the second slater's body, cut the stirrup rope, and at last lowered him to the ground. Tho latter had been three hours in tho air dangling by on foot, head downward. Hari Karl The Dance Before Death. Some curious details are given in the Japanese newspaper, the Tchoya Chim boun, aa to the manner in which some of the "aristocrats of the old school" in that country, who were condemned to death for the part they took in the late .insurrection, but who preferred hari kari to decapitation, spent tbe last hours of their lives. Four Samourai insur gents of Koumanote, who escaped on the twenty -fourth of October, assembled at the house of one by name Youemara, for tho purpose of ending their exist ence by the "hap2y dispatch" in his hospitable dwelling. Before giving themselves over to death, they gave themselves over to a regular jolification drinking, dancing, and singing, as though on a festive occasion. Their hostess, without any wish unnecessarily to curtail their enjoyment, with much tact and good feeling advised them not to keep up this revelry too long, as the police could hardly fail to hear the dis turbance caused by their .songs and dances. They turned a deaf ear to her kindly warning, and continued to drink and umuso themselves for the whole day, sayiug that if the "shizohu" ar rived they wpre prepared to fight them. The hours thus passed pleasantly away until sunset, when the party arrayed theui3elves in the robes which, accord ing to the old Japanese fashion are ap propria'e for the ceremony they were about to perform, ai.d, having offered up their prayers to the gods, happily disjiatched themselves without further ceremony. - - - . - Lost and Forxo. A gentlemau walk ing one day along the shore of Hastings, lost his ring. We think he was stretch ing after a dog in the water; but at any rate tho ring slipped off and was not found agaiu. A year after it is even said on the very anniversary the gen tleman was again strolling along the shore, when a fisherman ran after him, inquiring, "Did you drop this, sir?" holding up to him his own ring, lost 12 months before. A gentleman bought an umbrella, and, taking it in his hand, put down a sovereign in payment. Pres ently, the bill having been made out, was presented; but when the shopman put his hand forth to take up tho coin, it could not be found. The gentleman thought it extraordinary the shopman equally so. Tho former was sure he had deposited the coin, the shopman was equally certain that it had not reached his hands. What was to be done ? It ended m the gentleman again paying the amount. Some little time after tho gentleman was again in the shop, aud being there, took occasion to ask if the sovereign had ever been seen again. "No," said the young man, "we never found it." Just then the gentle man, opening his umbrella to 6how what ho wanted altered (some trifle or other) , gave it a shake, when out rolled a sovereign, the very one of course so long missing. The strangest part of it is that the umbrella had been constant ly in use since the day it was bought. Chambers' Journal. The Emperor William. A youthjof 19, Prince William of Prussia, entered France with the allied invaders of 1815. He lodged in the house of a well-to-do citizen at Dizier, who had a pretty daughter. With this damsel, Ange lique Barnier, the youthful Prussian struck up a tremendous flirtation, and when he marched away to Paris, left written on the pane of her window, as well us the "red tablets of her heart," these words in German: "I love thee. William." More than half a century rolled away; and when, in 1870, the Prussian Guard3 rode into Dizier, An gelique Barnier, a stout matron now, received certain of their officers into her house, and showed the precious souve nir, still glittering where the Prince's diamond had scrawled it. The story was too good to keep, and it traveled from lip to lip till it reached the royal headquarters. King William went di rectly to the house and presented him self before his old sweetheart. "Ange lique," he exclaimed; "who could have dreamed you would kiss and tell?" The matron, in confusion, began to txcuse herself, when the gallant old King caught both her hands and kissed them perhaps not quite so tenderly as of old and said, laughing: "Ah, well, my soldiers know that boys will be boys! And. Angelique, I have never forgotton you." A farm is the best eion in the world. material posses-1 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, A Medicine of Many I'ses. A medicine which remedies dyspepsia, liver complaint, constipation, debility, intermit tent ana remittent levers, urinary auu uraiuo troubles, depurates the blood, counteracts a ten dency to rheumatism and gout, and relieves ner vousness, mav be truly said to have many uses. Such an article is Hostetter's Bitters, one of the most reliable alteratives of a disorderly to a well ordered state of the system ever prepared or sold. It has been over a quarter of a century before the public, is indorsed by many eminent Erofessors of the healing art, and its merits ave received repeated recognitions in the col umns of leading American and foreign journals. it is nighJ y esteemed in every part 01 inis coun try, and is extensively used in South America, Mexico, the British possessions and the "West Indies. If its increase in public favor in the past is to be regarded as a rtliable criterion of its gain in popularity in coming years, it has in deed a splendid future before it. Will be taken for you at reasonable rates by calling on Tavlor & Co., 415 Montgomery street, Han Francisco. All work guaranteed. V Guarantee 1k. IIeisley's Headache Powders to cure the ni:st distressing cases in ten minutes. All druggists sr 11 10 cent trial packs regular size 50 els., ir mailed from Sa iem, N. J. Also Powder in Hulk tor Physicians' use. Crane & Brigham, Wholesale Agents, cor ner Front and Clay streets, ban Prancisco. CvNctu cax be Ccked. l)a. liofo, of Phil adelphia, announces his discovery for the radi cal cure of Cancer. No Knife! -A'o J'uin.' No Caustic! liemeJ.ies witu lull directions sent anywhere. Pamphlets aud particulars sent free. Address with stamp, Dr. 11. T. Bond, 859 North Broad et., Philadelphia, Pa. A Card. I wish to inform my friends, all my old patrons and the public tliut I have re-estiibiishod rrty old business at No. 423 Kearnv street, be tween California and Pine, Ban Francisco. I have personally schcted from all tho principal Eastern pnblish6rs snd importers a beautiful and varied stock, well suited" to the wants of my customers. New Engravings, new Graphos, new Permanent Autotypes, new Photo-Engravings, new Water Colors," new Velvet Frames, new Pas separtouts for Cabinet Pictures, new styles of Mouldings Tor Portraits and Picture Frames ; in fact, everything new, fresh, beautiful and desir able. Please call and txamine the same. AMOS CURPJEK, (Formerly of Currier & Winter). Itemtmber the new number, 423 Kearny St. 'It's Only n Cvnsli" has brought many to untiiuelv graves. What is a Cough ? The lungs or bronchial tubes have been attacked by a cold; nature sou rids an alarm bell, tolling where the disease U b. Wisdom suggests "try Wistah's Balsam of Willi Chek ky ;" it has cured, during the last half of a cen tury, thousands upon thousands of persons. As long as you cough, there is danger, for the cough is a Safety Valve. Use "Wistak" and le cured. Sold by all druggists. I'rom n Ihyician. Hyde Park, Vt., Feb. 7, 1S7C. Messrs. Seth W. Fowle A Sons. Boston. Gents You may perhaps remember that I wrote you several" weeks ago in regard to the use of "the Pekuvian Syrcp for my wife, who was suflering from general debility, the se quence of Typhoid Dysentery. I had tried the most noted physicians in this State, and also in Canada, without relief. At your recommenda tion she commenced the use of the Syrup, the first four bottles made but little impression, but while taking the tifth she begun to improve rap idly, and now, after using six of the dollar bot tles, she has regained her strength, and is able to do most of the work about the house; and I feel that I cannot speak too highly in praise of tho Pkruvian SvKt P. I have prescribed it to sev t.iI of my patients, and have procured the sale i.f several dozen of it here. Ion can make any us of this letter you see fit. Yours very trulv, II. D. Ueldkx, M. D. The rapidly increasing business of M. H. Garland, aud the unpreceJentPd demand for his celebrated Vegetable Cough Drops, has forced him to remove into new and more spacious quarters. His new factory aud wholesale and retail depot for his renowned candies is now located at 703 Mission street, iu tho Ilancoek building, San Fram-iHco. The new faetory is the largest on this roafct. With his additional facilities. Mr. Garland is enabled to offer to the trade superior qualities of caudies at low cahh prices. He has also supplied a want long felt in this city, in fitting up his old stand at 823 Market street, in first-class style as a ladies' dining, oyster and Ice-cream saloon, where ladies and gen tlemen can enjny the luxuries of home cooking. as well as all the delicacies of the season, and where families can obtaitTpure, fref-h ice cream at prices which defy competition Iu the oyster department he employs one f tho bet cooks in the city, and is eimhb-d to mrve his cut-toinern wi'ta c hoice Eastern or California in every style. .V. f Post. 3r. 1.M llni-'K Seminal 'or Nominal V.aciieM, Ixjks. of ViJC'ir, sxiul Hint 0iithI J liiMv. J hvsi l Kil l Mental Prostrsitiori, iitnl the uiHiiy iti!m,'iit uivninic from indiscretion. M-lf-iihiKe, over-work ami vor-iinxifiv. To those in need 'if a Htnl rvliiihlo leinedv for the uhovo com phiint's. im. I. A MAH'SSKMIXAI. I'll. IN are rw omiiieiided. Thousands testify to llieir merits, l'rii e. t'l I'er b.ittle. .'.'lit by express, C o. I)., to anv Hd.frss. secure (roui observation A M II ,. vie it Co.. DriiKnists. Mum Francisco. ( i I), box 1 .',!). sole agents, to uiimii all orders vhould be a. I.I. esse. I. I'HK NO MOKE METAL fe-a TK i. SSi.! -Xo more suiienn ''L', r &f r,in Iron hnnmnr stpcl snriligf The I'atent Magnetic Klasuc Truss is worn with ease and comfort NIUHTand DAY mid will perform radical cures when all ot tiers fail. Kea-ler. If rup . . ' -' I I " tured try one of our comforta- hie KlustU; Appliances. i ou will never re(jiet it (Send I llustrated -iSook an Price l,it. MAUNKTK! KLASTIC TKlS IXIJH'ANY, 60 Sacramento Street, San Francisco. SETTLERS On Public I.nml cm get Patknts direct on entering. Address . V. OKA HAM, Washlnif ton. It. C. WANTED, At.KXTS in each count-v on salary, to sell a new machine. Address, inclosing names of two references and sue. t') pav for corresponding, A. Selmak, care Lock llox Sttt, Newark, O. OILHAM'S GREEN OINTMENT, ITtOK all external diseases of the Horse, has no ' equal. For sale by Traders, Druggists aud Harness-makers. MAIN fc WINCHK-SI KIt, 214 and 'itli Mattery Street, San Francisco. U"1HEMICAL STRKNOTIt" enres neminal V weakness and all forms of debility resulting from error or excess J3 per bottle. Sold at all drug stores. Crank & Brigham. Agents. San Francisco. Ji. totiswt:i,i!t iiex. TAL ROOMS, 230 Kearny SL, near Bush, San Francisco. ETHKttor t 'H i-OKoKottM administered. A lady assistant in attendance. (Jkadcaiks only employed to operate. CORA Hrtrarct for an Incurable caxf.. Dr. J. P. Sf- Fitlkr. being sworn, says: 1 graduated In 1833. appointed to Professor's chair 1859; have devot ed 40 years, exclusively to Rheumatism, NeurnlKia. (lout. Kidney and I.iver diseases. I guarantee Dr. Filler's Kheumatlc Remeily, Kidney Cordial, and I-lver Pills, a permanent cure, or will refund money. Pamphlets, References, and Medical advice sent by mail, gratis. Address Dr. Fttler. 45 S. Fourth Phila delphia. Medicines at Druggists. TAPE WORM TVB. lll'BKE'N BE.VEr Is harmless and AJ will remove the worm, with its head, in 24 hours' treatment. No charge till that is done. Ad dress 11 EKVV L.ONO, iBox 222; West Oakland, CaU EDWARD ROKQITI & CO., I.etUT-rre aud Iltho&rihl and BLANK ROOK 5C ASUFACTlREItS Printing Office and Book Bindery, IveUlondorfT.St., from Clay to Commercial, SANT FRANCISCO. ltICIIi:KHi; I)U SANG, Introduced In America as BED BliOOD! Is a French Iron preparation, the best ever made. Try It. and get strong and healthy. Ask your Chem ist for it, or apply to the General Agent,. C. MELQUIOXD, 4113 Sansome sL, cor. Commercial, san Francisco. BARNARD'S 3 BUSINESS COLLEGE. SutUr St.. 8AN FRANCISCO, CAU. O1 FFERS the beet facilities for a first class Busi ness Education. You mav attend tn-n !,,. of charge to see how you like it. No more student are admitted than Professor Barnard can personal v instruct. Each student receives personal Instruc tion. Over one hundred references to graduates In f4lll Ftij CISCO. po-" : fa. W . . Til : "KTEW" MERICA SEWING MACHINE. " Three-quartern Iei Friction than any other Machine. IT BEATS THEM AIX ! N e 1 r - T h r ! i n sr Khuttlr ! Self- Tilt-Radius eell I . Itunulnie! Stilloat . K 11 inline ! Wiwplrkt : WT1?U Machine U tost becoming known as the BEST in the WOSfcM! See It! Try It! Buy It ! Warranted to Oivk KNTIHFVSATI? FACTION. AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE CO . It. WOI, Manager, 124 FIFTH STURKT. - - - SAN FltAXCTSCO. U.Hood Asm IVimlril In all nnoofu pled Territory. San Fxancisco, May 30, 1&77. We, tlie undersigned Wholfnalr Jrt cer, take itleaaure In rrinartiux the In creased demand for llowen I'rfiuluin Yeavt 1'onilor, and of tetlfins to the eeneral Kalinfactiou given by thin brand : Sax Francisco WELLMAX. PECK k CO.. KOOT & SAXDEKSOX. I.EDDEX. WHIPPLE & CO., HAAS BROS., TABER HARKER & CO., J. M. PIKE & CO.. T. A. FOLUER At CO.. XEWTOX BROS. & CO.. CASTLE BROS.. KRl'SE & El'LER, JONES k CO., M. EHRMAX it CO., F. DANEIU k CO.. M. k C. MANGELS. TILLMAX k BEXDEL. ALBERT MAU Ax CO., W. W. DODGE & CO. Sacbamkntyi ADAMS. McXEILX, k CO., M KBITS k CO., BOOTH fc CO., MILLIKEX BROS. BUSINESS COLLEGE, No. 24 Post Street Son f'nrwm,, C.W. KMahlikhed in 1H',. Imiart a Thni- oiikIi and practical Kituration in all t 'on.merrial ami KiiKitah BraiichHS, French, German, SpauNI, (Taw ItiKuiHi 'VltKra)li y. Fit information, cull at t'ol 1-K, or address, lor Circulars, K. P. HKALO, San Francisco. EXCELSIOR Wind Mill HORSETOWERWORKS. if. 11. 1:0 iivt: 1, i I'llOPRlKTOR, (Successor to Atwood fc Bod well), 211 it-213 -MUHioii Street, irian FraDCLsca, l al. i:xrrUior. Sluirr, and i:x-eliur Improved Wind Mills. I.ltlle Cii- II lit. Kxeelniar and Fur. III !- Home l'OHrr. Wind Mill lu in Wa ter Taiiki, ef e. N. 1" We nre the liirgeat manufacturers of the above Machinery oil the 1'uclSc . Coast, having made It a Hpec- hilty for many years. (Send for price list and circulars. VA 1, 1 FOIS3FIA. MI I. IT A BY J. O -A- 3D 33 3VE "V . Fir Circulars address KCV. DAVID Me- I. I'lCft-:, PKij.-cieAL, Oakland. C'al. 61U Market fetreet, Kan 1'ranrliro. f. a. KUTiiF.itro::D, W. McMAHON O BUIKN. THOS. V. O'BRIKX, Pbksidknt Casuikr Attokxky Enrol porated in I V1. 11,-130 Deponilor. Term XDcposits lO It;j CTont Per Aiuiuin, Iieposits received In pold, silver or currency, and iu sums of ten cents and upwards. Deposits may be made by mall or through Wells, Fargo & Co., when Bank Book or Certittcate of De posit will be returned free of charge. Maize Flour Toilet Soap I Maize Flour Toilet Soap! Maize Flour Toilet Soap! A Kreat discovery ! a new soap compound ! It soTithes. softens, and whitens th skin, has wonder ful healing and superior washing properties, and is equally suited for the bath, nursery, and general toilet. It is delightfully perfumed, and sold every where at a Tflbderate price. Hegictered In I'ateut Oflice. 187(5, by the manufacturers. Mi' K EON 12, VAN 1IAAUKN fc CO., Philadelphia. BUSINESS COLLEGE, 320 Post Street, BIX I XUACI.SCO. ' OPPOSITE TNION SQUARE, SAN FRANCIS CO. The oldest and most complete Commercial 'ollege on the coast. Klegant halls; new furniture; thorough instruction; practical teachers: high stand ing with Uie public, (students can commence at any time. Day and K veiling sessions. Circulars may be had free on application. HOWLAND'S NEW GALLERY, No. 33 Third Street. Sax Fbaxcwco, Cal. SAVE YOUR MONEY! The Best and Cheapest Photo- Krapns In the City ! at No. 35 Third Strkkt Corner of Jessie. B. F. HOWLAND, For many years Proprietor of the old New VorV Gallery. XH,. COHEN. KSPi? SE.E or, write to Cohen, the rr- only living Astrologer. He has practised eighteen years in San Francisco; he can teli cor rectly the past, present and future ; gives re lilble fnforn,aUon and advice, of benefit to thow consulu ing him. Consultation Fee, 2-by letter 3 nit is jaats-as sasisacwS h.idweasesof the "tomach and femall a seSses" corner of line, San Francisco. Kearny St., R. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, R,? NO- 70 MONTGOMERY BLOCK corner Francisco0"0 ud WMUtaitoS TStree,"." gew.P,a,.att.''ntOI, Kiven to Bankruptcy and geueraj practice In tbe United States Courla. P. o. Box mw. A son M DIME A CARD FROM THE LARGEST COMBINED FURNITURE CARPETING - AND UPHOLSTERY OH TUB PACIFIC C? AST ! W. J. MEY fc CO., 17OC MAHKET ST., nflC I GUBancroft's Building! uO SA.N FRANCISCO. Will always guarantee the Finest As sortment, Latest Designs, aiul Lowest Prices. If parties about purchasing will call and examine our Stock, they will find prices much, lower than those who ad vertise, " Selling Off Below Cost," 0 any other way for humbugging people- GRAND REDUCTION IN PRICES. ML. SIIOKT, Having just- received a Large Invoice of WEST OF ENGLAND GOODS, Therefore informs his patrons that he wi'l make CLOTHING TO OKDER at the Lowest CASH PKICi: lor the next Sixty lay: Business Suits to Order, - S25 Pants to Order, - - - $6 Dress Suits toOrder.335toSED Commercial St., cor. Leidesdorff, 3To. O ISlc.i-Xm.y Sti-oet, MAN FRAXC1SOO. fcJfKC'lALTY REMOVAL. !.. ha removed to ai ( lay fcireot. Dis eases of the Kv K and Kar receive espef'hU attention. Medical anil treutt men t given in till tlise.'tses. Much experience in Throat and Lung diseases. Klectro. Magnetism trirtUiHmllv HP ;lied in diseases of the nervous system. To Jeniu rinary diseases mui-h attention Is given. May lt consulted by letter. Address W. J. PA L'UII. M. 1)., frjl ("jay tstreet. Mau Francisco, (over Clay street Savings Bank), Koorus 1.2 and 3. Sioots and Hhoes. JII SH.LIVAN, N. K. cor. Rat tery and Jackson Sts , San Francisco, off.'rs to make to order the best French Calf Leather BOOTS at from fS to ?9 00 California leather Hoots. --; nt l-rei ch 'alf O.xford Ties, - - H 00 California - : 50 Roys' and Children's Boots and Shoes made to otd-r. Persons in the country ordering Boots and shoes to the amount of or moreWill he allowed a reduc tion of four percent., to make the express chartes liKht. I sell liiv-ts nd Shoes of St Y O W M A N C KACTVKK ONLY. Boots and Shots sent C O. D Positively one price. Tliere ! uo nirmbrr of Koeiety by whom thla book will not be round nr. fnl, whether lie he Parent, Ireeeitor or ('lert.-Tiuaii."-I.O. IO.V I.S. 225! h EDITION, BY E. Be F. Curtis, M. D. A L'Tll Olt OF "Medical Essays on Marriage" " Nervous Force," etc- A Medical Essay on the Causes of EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, and all kin dred ailments, addressed to those suffering from the destructive ef fects of ABUSE, EXCESS or IN DULGENCE. Price. One Dollar, by mail. Address I. Cruris. 30 Sutter (street, Wan Francisco. IMPORTANT NOTICE. K. IX'RTIN ran he eonaulted dally, from IO A. 51. to 3 I. 31., or from 8 to 8 I. 31. ; on Nundnya from II to 2 only, al hi ofliee and reidenee. 530 Salter Street, be tween Powell and Tlanon. CONSULTATIONS CONFIDENTIAL DR. SPINNEY Wo. II K'vv vrnK-w T 1RKAT8 ALL, CHRONIC AND SPECIAL DIS- eases. Middle-aged men. There are many of the age of thirty to rixtr who "e troubled with loo freqneut eva.-ualion of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and a weakening of the s vsteni In a manner the patient cannot account for. On ex amining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment win often be found, aud sometimes siuull particles of al bumen will appear, or the color be of a thin and milgtih hue, again changing to a dark aud torpid appearance. Tliere are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Ir. Spinney will guar antee a perfect cure in all such cases, and a healthy restoration of tbe geiiito-tirinary organs. Office Hours 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sundays from 10 to 11 a. X. Consultation free. Call or address DR. A. B. SPINNEY, No. II Kearny Street, fcmi Francisco. International Hotel. 824 and 826 KEARNY ST., SAN FRANCIMCO. CAL. and Per Iay, suit let (lie Week. nrCoaches with the name of the Hotel on y i Guest to the Hotel Free. Beware of other C ' and Runners. Bt. C. PATRIDGE, troirletor. AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL. SAN FRANCISCO. ' T,1iLSOL.Il A,ND POPULAIl HOTKl WHICH .T . M ,.r tne laxt twenty-four yeacs extended to the traveling public a cordial welcome and comfort of a home, and so favorably kuown to old Califor nlans and tbe travelog putlUr. that It requires no WDiment on my part further than U) say that Thos. Br yan, w ho is an old Californlan.and knows how to cater to the wanhj of the traveling public, has taken the full proprietorship of tbe above hotel, aud will leave nothing undone to make this hotel second to none in San Francisco for Comfort. Good Zavine and Cleanliness. My sole aim shall be to the comfort and welfare o myguests. The table in furnished with the best the market affords; the bouse has been thoroughly reu ovated and newly furnished throughout; two ban ared rooms well veu tilated. Gentlemanly and obliging vlerks. and clean and at tentive wuiters will always he found in my Hotel. The Hotel Is the most centrally located of auy in the city, being In the centre of the business portljn of the city; tbe Street Cars pasa the door.every .two mlirutes to ail parts nl tbe city. The Hotel Coach with red lights, will be at the railroad depob and wharfs to convey passengers to the house free of charge; my Runners wear Silver Badges on left breast with the name of the house on. . Beware of other Runner: Hotel Prices are from ftl.SO to 92.00 per Day. Give me a call and ludge for yourselves, T HO. BKVAN, Pbopkistcb. HOUSE IJ THE MUTUAI TTI?r TWQTTD rnuniim OF FREDERICK S. WINSTON, Pres't. ASSETS, $82,360,188 59. AM'.iII-Xo premium nou-s or otlier qus ilonnhle ecuritics. 11. Receipts, - - - S20.014.96S 10 iro. Paid Policy Holders. S14,5C5,555 5fj Surplus for Divi lend, 3,5(38,161 57 Xiitk -If the Xew York fcUnrtunl of four and a half per ceut Interest lie used, the Surplus n o. 2C2.87 J 44. From tbe .Surplus for JJivuion, a 'dividend in apportioned to each Policy whi -h'hhall ho 1 1 fri.e at its anniversat y in IS77. Ilatio of Kxpetiaes 1S7C, 6 7-10 percent. The reet-ipts for Interest alone exe'-ed by n n. the amount of death claims and matured -ti.luw. ment in lxTfi. Iitritis tlie ttiirty-iour .it Min'cjikU uc, of llils Compaiir it lint :jiiU in t'lnims and Matnrrd IoIJ-ie irr 1iir. ly-four JliSIionH of Dollar', and it returned to it lolir.T-ho)(er, in dentin and HaimH, i er kixt,T-uue I er emt of nil iiiriu.nmi reeelted. nnd it nut, holds over eiglit.r-lwo million of cloi. lars aH'l. ircurcly luveMed. to iuel nil it Iia!iiiife. This is an UMjiarallele 1 hitory of s uci'essfnl u;nn agement. Those persoM, wishing to inn Jte tiieir lives cauimi go astray in selecting the MutHal-I.ife, a couijianj that is financially strong and IiokpslIv managed. The Mutual Life Insuranr-e Company of Xew Yo k has no connection whatever with S:ivii., Banks or Trut Fund institutions. For further information apply to A. B. FORBES, Agent tor the Policy Owners In, ami Gen era! Age-it of tlie Company for the r-mali.d r ..f the Pacific Coust. Office, No. 204 Montgomery St., SAX FRANCISCO. TO Till. iu. wT3-:iiiiAirrs ESSENCE OF XI E (ll.-KF-.S XKKYOCS A.V.'i PUYsN'AL KK.'UL J ity, ami restores exhativteJ vl'i-.uty in t ,ur I weeks as sure us watd quench.-s thin-t. lri-e ': j per Battle, or 4 Bottles (in cane) ?I0. Sfii:tOKiyj j dress upon receipt of prie, or ('. O. P. ' To be hud 0!ily at -JSU Kearny L. -tin Franrisni ; Oai.. where all letters should be addressed. uiT.-t j Ilours from 9 a. si. to i p. M., ai:d 6 to 3 p. M. I UNEQUALLED OFFEU 5HU1 Nickel Silver Plated I 7 Shot Revolvers as Premiums. 1 A MONTH'S AMMUNITION FREE Tra2ip3, Burglars aai Thieres Infest all parj :f tlis Country. Every Cno Should ga Arsei 5 WFino CALVERT'S - 3jf CARBOnC : Sheep Wash,?! NERVOUS aiDMLITAT i i 5 S ft f f f j7s 'S a "Z sis MMMf s a s ,8a,!?I'ss Yfc 5 s r I ceWiSi ', j si U f5-5ig Si I SlS!pIl! MM bi 1 rr r h a . a ; w O-esgsfgisaSo-s: i H I - WogS-o 5 tg v- 5 l8li3is 3 o i