Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1877)
1 F i: ' I !l 3I)c Sitxpxst. OREGON CITY, THURSDAY, FEB. 8, 177. BREVITIES. The agony will soon be o'er. Crystal wedding' Saturday evening. C.M.Kester has cherry trees in blossom. Dr.Hover died in Illinois on the 20th ult. Gov.Grover has returned from tho East. Next Wednesday is St. Valentine's day. Keal estate is looking up in this vicinity. The small-pox patients are improving. Iance at Mack's school house on the 14th. Concert by the Y. M. C. A. in about two weeks. -ro.i thA Sheriffs notice in another A . w column. Racing at East Portland on Friday, the 16th inst. County Court convenes on Wednesday, Feb. lith. The daily Oregonian has been in exist ence 16 years. The Oregon City Mills have closed down on night work. A young man of this city has swore off smoking in bed. Union meeting at the M. E. church next Sunday evening. A flour mill is to be erected on Cedar creek near Sandy. In Paris "banged hair," except for chil dren, is out of style. Mr. Ki.Ight is erecting abuildingat Can by for his drug store. An exchange wisely says: "A flirt and a fool are twin sisters." The Senate confirmed J. M. Kacon postmaster on the 3d. as Who will be the next Chief Engineer of the Fire Department 7 Grand masqnerade ball at Albany on next weanesuay evening. o Grand Worthy Chief Dunbar is ill with bilious fever at W alia alia e The Keelar family exhibited at Canby last week to a large audience The Baptist Sunday School concert has lieen posiponeu until me ioi.ii. Quarterly meeting at the M. E. Church Friday and Saturday evenings. The next State Temperance Alliance will be held in Salem on the 21st inst. Rev. Mr.IIutf occupied the pulpit in the Baptist church at Salem last Sunday. Bishop Morris will preach in St. Paul's Episcopal church on Friday evening. Relies and bells call people to church. The former bring out the young men. A large immigration may be expected from the East during the present year. CWalter Moss, of the Poseburg Indepen dent, favored us with a call last Saturday. Ed. Fellows has purchased the interest of C.O.T. Wllliamsjn the Lincoln Bakery. Social hop on tho 22nd at the residence of Mr. Wilcox, near the lower Molalla bridge. A chimney burning out in Canemah last Sunday evening attracted considerable at tention. All kinls of job work done at this office cheap and in good stylo. Patronize j'our home paper. John W. Miller .V. Son, M Front street, Portland, is the place to buy your stoves, tinware, etc. Eugene Grad-m, arrested for stealim? a coat in Portland, has been bound over in the sum of 6.300. A uentlemin from the northern region will soon load an Oregon City lady to tho matrimonial altar. Tho McMinnville came nntolhiseity last Sunday evening, und went up tho river next morning. Items from nil parts of the countv solic ited. Send theni along and receive bless ings from ye editor. T. A. Itacon receives nice fresh bread, Luiis. etc.. every morning, from Portland. Genuine milk bread. Thede. Clark was out hunting one day this week, and the result was pheasant for breakfast. Do it again. Plant trees. Now is the time, and there's Cnothim; that tends to make a home more attractive and beautiful. The MeMinnvillo went down tho river Monday evening with a fair amount of freight and a host of passengers. The thousand and one wort mess dogs in this city would nvtke splendid sausage. Would it Ihj a good idea to havea dog tax? -Messrs. Welch t Co.. of the Aate Mills, Walla Walla, have .'500 tons of flour ready for shipment as soon as navigation opens. Tho last instance of modesty in Oregon City, was a young lady who applied lor a limb of mutton at tne meat market last week. Clackamas county's first installment of the State tax, was carried to Salem last week by Mr. Geo. Harding. It amounted to Mr. Chas. S. Miller reports rich mines in the Granite district, Grant county. It is said that they will eclipse Consolidated lrginia. Frankie. son of Mr. A. Tj. Richardson. of IVrise City, died of scarlet fever on the 23d of January, aged 4 years, 2 months, and IS days. The following are the officers of the Mc Minnville: Irvin Sanborn, Captain ; Ed Fellows, engineer; A. Fellows, fireman; Jr. A. II ill, purser. A Gentleman residing near this city caught an owl a few days ago which meas ured tour feet and seven inches between the tips of its wings. An Oregon City man says he has discov ered a process for preserving eggs for years, and that they cannot be distinguish ed from fresh laid eggs. A party of thirty ladies and gentleman from Portland assembled at Mr. Shipley's residence noar Oswego last Thursday evening for a social time, Geo. P. I.ark, a piscatorial sharp, while angling for trout in the river last week. caught a small sturgeon, about two feet long, weighing six pounds. The supreme court has reversed the de cision of the lower court in the case of the V. R. r. tt Is. t o. vs John Gordon, and remamieu it oacn tor new trial. The new marriage law of Idaho provides that females of the age of sixteen, and maies oi tne age oi eighteen, can marry Mr. A. J. Cason, appointed bv the conn ty court to nelect tho site for a new bridge across the Molalla, will make his renort at the next term, and, if app-nved, work will be commencea immediately. In the list of letters held for postage and proper address at Salem, we notice letters tor John Numan, Oregon Citv, and Chas. Rowie, Molalla P. O. They will bo sent to the dead letter othce to-morrow. The sociable civen at Myer's Hall last Thursday evening Dv the iaaies ot ivn'a P.nlM ,.-.u a rnrvr n oasnnt, affair The attachees of this orlico are iimler 1. 1.1 v'uii'i, ' . . . r many oblication to the ladies for a tine case. The West Shore for January is truly a macmificent numler and relied tjreat credit on the publisher, Mr. Samuel. It contains fort v illustrations. It is just the thine to send to friends in the Kast. See ad in another column. Calvin Rail, who came to Oresron in 1817-8, is heir to several thousand dollars In Keutuekv. Any one knowine his ad dress will confer a favor bv communicat ing it to Henry L. Rail, 513 W. Jefferson trret, Liouisvijle, Jkentucky, Real Estate Transfers. The following are the transfers of real estate which have taken place since our issue of Jan. 2.jth, compiled by Mr. Ym. Whitlock, deputy county clerk : United States to W. J. Hughes, notifica tion No. 47135, described as follows, to-wit: The W ii of the N E 'i, the K h of the N W 'i, the S W U of the N W and lots i 1, 2, 3 and 5 of section 20, T 3 S It 1 W, con taining 316 acres. United States to Francis Jackson, claim No. 41. being parts of sections 2U, 30, 31 and 32 in T 4 S R 2 E, containing 320 acres. Henry M. Jackson and wile to John R. Jackson, description same as above; con sideration 61. Sarah Ann Jackson to J. O. Morris, claim No. 41, being parts ot sect ions 2!, :U), 31 and 32, T 4 S R 2 E, containing 320 acres ; con sideration So. United States to V. C. Rabcock, the S E ?4 of section 12, containing 1 acres. S. I). Francis and wife to O. C. Rabcoek, lots 1 and 2 in block No. ID, Oregon City ; consideration toOO. Alonzo Hunter and wife and Alexander Hunter and wife to J. T. Appersou, the W 00 acres of the N W U of section 2, T 2 S R E; consideration S-'JOO. J. W. W:ilker and wife to M.J. Wills, the S S of the S E U, the S E -i of the NYV i of section 30, and the N U of tho N E of section 31, T 4 S R 3 E, also the frac tional N W ' of section 31.T4SR3E, containing 7' acres; consideration $100. W. 11. Marshall and wile to U. 1 islier, The S W of section 2o, 1 3 S R 2 E, con taining lOo acres; consideration S-ood. Joseph, itanger to J. it. iiaye-s, irauiiiinai part of section 15, T2SR1 E, containing 45 acres; consideration sl.noo. F.Ford and wite to J. It. Hayes, deed given to correct title to ianu lorniei i.y deeded to Jos. Ranger by F. Ford and wife, containing 4Sl4 acres; consideration S,s0. J. S. llowland to .Tas. Ilealv, the K i of lot No. 3 and tho 10 i of lot No. 4 in block No. 47. Oregon City; consideration Su. Elva Harvey to James Jlealy, descrip tion same os anove; coiisHierauoii ci. United States to K. L. Uiuvluiil, llieh of the W V, and lots 1,2,3 and 4, of section 21, and lots 1 and 2 of section 2S, T 2 S R 2 E. containing 30U.27 acres United States to . W. Davis, the F of section 34, T 1 S R 2 FJ, containing; UK) acres. John Rrush'and wife to W. H. Kellogg, part of tho donation land claim ot S. .-. W bite and wile, containing KA) acres; con sideration SS.OOO. T. II. Crawford to J. P. Crawford, part of notification No. 7701) in sections 5 and b, T 4 S R 4 Fj. containing UK) acres ; consid eration 30. Ccntcauial Awards. The following are the opinions of the nidges acconmanving the medals and diplomas awarded to Clackamas county exhibitors : Scth I.u'llinn Pears For one cluster of Clan's favorite, containing six large and handsome soeoimt iis. an evidence of the re markaiih! fmitlulncss of that variety J. 11. Lambert Apples That the twelve kinds of apples exhibited wi-r.; of remarkable excellence, color, llavor and size, an Euro pean Seitzenberg measured 11 inches by weighed one pound, three and one-half oun ces. Pruning shears For simple and efficient construction. The cutting blade ol the shear is attached to the handle by a connecting ro.l that runs the whole length ol the Bhuit. Tl) handle itself works bv ir cans of a doubl lever, that gives great power to I he workman. Orcijon Uxtii Mooltn JhUxjavom Jros Medal and ditlima laney cassi meres and blankets. For cassimeres. substantial in fibre, of excellent finish, and nond designs also for blankets of good finality, marked lo: tbejr cheapness, r 'suiting Irom the availa bility of Oregon Wools at cost. AlUrn t'omjKtny 1 tried Fruits For flavor, color and condition. fine a-iyon L'itif Mills Flour from winte r wheat Fit color, very fine, strength fair, jroou bread and is especially adapted it ami ast rv. Makes for bis- J 11. I.'imlrrri Apples For that the twelve kinds ol a nnles exhibited October ltn vre 01 remarkable excellence, color, llavor a tm sizi Seth l.uiiliii-r. M Itruut.f. ( irriiun ( iierries For.fhese seedling cherries, the l.uelling and the Uoval Ann, were of remarkable size anc exciJ-'iit llavor, weighing, respectively, sixty tour and lortv-eight to the pimml. l'itln Pears l or, that the ln varieties h.' exhibited on tne rJth ot October wi re of su perior excellence, size, beauty and flavor. ome lieurreca'.irveaus wi re i incnes one wav by u v. round, and wim i venues u '; Bachelor's Retreat, l'Kmuwr.v 2nd, 177 Radios in search of a bachelor for a hus band would do well to cjme to district Xo. '20, for bachelors are the predominant ele ment here. Old and voung, handsome a nd homely, good, bail und inuilVerc id. ricn and poor. .o woie Rachelor s Retreat, and cr they call this their now hall Raciicior's Hall. Rainy weather here ncain, as well as other paits. I'.ut having had so much good weather, the enterprising farmers in this vicinity have got most of their plow ing done, so let it come, we're prepared. Cmr woi-.t troubles seem now, and tor some time past, to be a division ot this district, and should the superintendent dissect it by every line given him by the petitioners, there will hardly be a piece !"l large enough to hold a post mortem examination on. cause, too much youth ful mind for one pudigoguo to b arn to shoot. Rut they seem to think the M osier compromise just the thimr for tiie com plaint. M.KOA I.NFAN1I. w . City Council. Monpay Kvknino, Feb. 5, 1S77. Council met in regular session ; minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Present Recorder At hey, Marshal II ud- jU T ... . II. I son, v onus, cnurcn, logus, mauu-risioii and Dement. Resignation of 1 hos. Cnarnian, Mayor, was read ana on motion accepieu. The follow in-; bills were rlered paid : J. Athev, SI 7 j; S. 14. CalifT, 11 ; Williams Harding, $.-5.1; M. C. Athej. Sd3; 1 rnn- bath it Humphrey, ii . ; W ater rt nt. z'StU ; I. M. i.acon, s-o; .. -. liromrmon, t 41; I. Selling, ?! -; H.J. Harding, irliHl ; T.A. Rieon. $1 bJ: K. R. Clements, 1; . K. Cased v.Sll '2."; Robe rt Lee, $-5 ; T.A. Hud son ?4S; A. Levy, fit) 50. Rill of Chas. Touts reterred to finance committee. On motion Council adjourned. Pekseykkaxce. A young gentleman who would a wooing go, had quite a time last Sunday evening. He wended his wajr about half "past seven to the house where in! his tair inamorata resuieti, witn 11. e in tention of enjoying one of those pleasant evenings that only lovers can tell about. ltnt. lo and behold! there was anoiuer vis itor, who held his ground until about half past nine. After his departure our Iriend was happv, believing an lumgs vten, when an alarm was made at the outer por tal, and he was called away on business. He was not to be intimidated in this man ner, and soon returned to resume those interesting threads of conversation where they had been so abruptly sundered, ana an things were indeed well for a snort time. Rut again the door !ell rang and he was called awav on "business." lie was one of the Returnim? Hoard, and ere long returned asraiu. and if the bell rang a hundred times our lxrseveritur friend vowed that he would not stir a step until he was ready to leave for the evening. Resigned. Owing; to ill health, Mayor 'harmn tendered his resignation to the City Council last Monday evening, which was accepted. Mavnr riwrman in hi letter of resignation, irives the following reasons for such action : "Owim? to 1113 health I tind it imttossiblo to do justice to iiijscii or to the citv. not benis able to I? t. present at tT, ;X.;..V''l "I T l!., """ iiifcungH, ami lab.- 1 11 ir 1 1 1 1 rpviux.i ;i . ; 1 : .. , t . . tZ y , .Vr,,r;"""l-V rtumu 01 ,ne health win 1 1.1. "! as soon as 111 v 1 neroiit T , . k . . . . . 1. . i ' . nfnl!mn( J"" - " il ViII0 ..,;", . ' . V "oins so, 1 would con sume my olhcial term of office. I there lore ask your honorable body to accent my resignation, to take etlect to-day ." 1 Fcnkkal OnsF.Qt iEs.The funeral of Joseph Miller, which took place from the Raptist church last Saturday, was very numerously attended. The services, con ducted by Rev. tico. H. Atkinson and Rev. Mr. iiray were appropriate, im pressive and tonchiner. The remains were interred in the Masonic cemeterj". TnE Roys. Au infallible test to find out whose children are hoodlums. Rook around your family circle of an evening about 7 o'clock. See if any of vour bovs are absent. Of course no one "for a mo ment would have the audacity (or true friendship) to tell you that he was one, but it you would only go where he was j ou wouiu pe almost sure to find him associating with them. Certainly pot! impossible that your boy should be one ! When you get this far you know whose boys are hoodlums, and that yours keep company with them. Remember the old aphorism about evil associations. If you are positive that he will not profit a great tieai uy ceiug out at night ana may possi bly learn evil, then it becomes vonr dotv to keep him at home. Associating with lather, mother and sisters is certainly company enough for boys of 12 and 15 years ot age. Exert vour authority whiln they are y ung; reniemhei the fable of the Oak and the Sapling. Parents, trouble im aiiciui ior sume oi von unless von net und that quickly. When three bovs 12 years of aim ean he tVn-iwl iiii, i.i lars worth of cigars, we ask onrself. Where did they get them? When we next hear, among the dozens of recent acts.of their stealing food from old Indians ind eating it., wo again ask ourself other questions, the answers come readily enough, and they certainly are not flatter ing aunui me i mures ot these youngsters, nor prophetic of much happiness for their parents. Lkttek List. Letters remaining in tho Postoflice, at Oregon City, Feb. Mb, 1S77: r.radliurv, J. I'otter, O. P iroat. Win. itoiierts, Geo. Harding, L. D. Km, Caleb. 1 laves, C. 11. Hillary, G. W. Summers. A. II. Starr. N. L. Jones, Thos. Trullingcr, Frank. Thompson, Win. Warren, M rs. S. Walker, James. Wtide, Win. Wilbur, A. C. ox, H. 1!. Jones. J. 11. Mann, Henry. McCord, Mary. M aim, Jas. Norton, Mrs. K. A ih If called for please say when "advertis ed." J. M. Racon, P. M. OnrxiON Ari'i.vs. S. Foster Tappan, 20 Nassua street, New York, says the Ore- goiuan, writes to -Mr. J. JI. Ijaml.ert.orch- ardist, Milwaukie : "I am informed that vou are awarded mcual unit oirdouia by Centennial Commission of li7t tor twelve kind.-; of apples, exhibited Oct. Izih, of re markable excellence in color, llavor and size! i 1 1 vou give me the dimensions. weight, color and variety of the largest apples ever raised m Oregon? .Mr. bam- licrt cloi-s not happen to have ttie informa tion desired, and takes this method ot giv ing an answer to Mr. lappan s ouery. He went to .sc-e his sweetness one niglit last week, and while waiting patiently for the fair one to put in an appearance, her little brother came m with a handful of beans. lie showed the visitor the beans, and asked hnu if he knew what Ihev were. lleans," was the answer inst as the sister came in, and the little iov suvs, 1 on tola a lie. sister; vou said he didn't know beans, and he told me the first time," The vounir lady is now minus that beau. I' 'noLH-TC T'ho Astoria n ot last week has the following: Mrs. Partington once told a story of a lady acquaintance of hers that gave birth to nineteen children in five years, or live children in nineteen years, one or the other. N e have intelli gence ot a lauy in Oregon I ity who has given birth to" five children in less than two years. In March, 17., twins; in Fcdruary, 1S70, a boy; in January, 1877, twins. Xkarly a FutH.Rast Friday evening a coal oil lamp exploded in Trimbath &. Humphrey's saloon, setting tiro to the tloor and counter. Maurice Rroderick, who was standing near, put it out before any scriuus dainag was done. The lire department was promptly on hand, but the lire was out before their arrival. It the lire had go under headway in that the place, it would whole block. have swept av;y Asthma Cum:. We tind the following going the rounds of our exchanges, which is an important item if it he true: Soak some moiling paper m a strong solution of saltpetre, dry it, lake a piece about the size of vonr hand, and on going to bed light it, r.nd lav it on a plate in vour bed room, llv- so doing persons atllieted with astuma win una tiiev can sleep almost as well as when in health. tne Aston m says : c Atiiey, Jsq. at present Recorder of that enterprisin: and famous old town of Oregon City, has been sojourning at Astoria for a week or so, attending the Circuit Court, and look ing about for an opening in this lower country. It is probable t hat Mr. Athev will become identified with the growm; and promising citv of Astoria. t m, KOvEM MNT. the old building on Main street, formerly occupied by Mrs. Ellen Warren, has been torn down and a resilience will take its place. The new buildiner LiiloiiLrs to Mrs. lr. SaH'arrans aiul lrs. Helen arren. A wag registered at Seattle as Thos. Nast, Nev." York, and he was pursued with a determination that reminds one of the persistence of the friends of the late lamented Tom Collins. Market Kej.ort. Portland Murkef. Legal tenders, 01 buying, 95 selling. Flour Extra, Si 25; superfine, i5 00. Wheat! !ii H cental. Oat s G0ei,iWc. bushel. I'.arley SI 2.5 V cental. P.ncon Sides lie; hams, 1 IrlG ; shoulders, 1'llOV... Lard In kegs, 15c. ; in 101b tins, 15c;? I'.iitt -r Fresh roll, 2'(i,'-iic. Fruits Iiried apples in sacks, Cc. ; kegs, 7; plums, pitless, 12'.i;lle.; peacjes, lie; prunes, 17c. Eggs 25c. Chickens Full grown, S3 00.'j,$l 00 dozen. Hides lry, 15c.; salted, tio. ; culls, H ofT. 'fallow 5c. lb. Wool 20,",2-e. Feed I'.ran, $18519 ton ; shorts. S22(,?2o; oil cake, S'U 50. Hay Haled, $17rv$l8 $ ton ; loose, 5M&J15. Potatoes I0't 15c. V bushel. Onions V lb. Mutton Sheep ?2i''iS2 50. Oregon C'ify JIaiUet. Wheat Jl 05 v busnei. Oats 60(i!5c. i bushel. Potatoes 15c. bushel. Onions SI 50 bushel. Flour $1 ..( s sack orSti 00 bbl. Pried Fruits Apples, tic. 1 lb. ; plums, lie. IHltter -O'.fclOc. V lb. Eggs 25c. v dozen. 4'hickens lirown, S3 50 ip dozen. Iiacon Sid"s, lie. lb; hams, 15c. Lard I.Vltic. "v lb. 1 lav J 14 ton. Wool 22c. lb. A Sens of Weariness is often felt by persons who cannot locate anv If they work, it be comes labor; if they walk, they soon tire mental efforts become a ouruen, and even invK are dimmed by the shadow of this weak n,'. which is cast over their lives. Recourse is had sometimes to stimulants of a danger ous character. The advice of physicians to abstain from active la bor produces no happy results. Why? The system is debilitated and needs to be built up properly. Pkrcvian svRrp will do this very thing. Like the electric current, it iiermeates the entire sj-s- tom.and harmonizing witn t necorporeai lunc tiTee it raises ud t he enfeebled and brings the color to the cheek again, and hope to the de pendent. It does Its work promptly and well Sold by all druggists. Iionsewives, Attention. For 75 cents I will send you a receipt for mnk-inir a, sunerior article of honey, at a cost r t entitc ncr mund. unexcelled fr table use. lso for 7 cents a receipt for making a better ona'itvof soap, at a cost of one and a half cents per pound for soft, and three cents per round for hard. Father the soap or honey iw mnilo within fifteen minutes by a child lv a household in oneyear's time is incalculable. Loth receipts for $1 and on.l n threeeent postage Stamp., L-obinson. 7G7. Market St.. San Francisco, Cal ?"The Xntional Gold Medal was awarded o r.radtev Rulofson Tor the oest t noiograpns in the'T'nited States, and the Vienna Meda for the liest in the world. 4J9 Monteomery Street, San Francisco, Disease Crows Apace, lake an ill wind, and connot be mastered too early. Vhat is a trifling attack of sickness to-day may, If unattended to, become a seri ous case in a week. Small ailments should be nipped in the bud before they blossom in to full blown maladies. If this advice was at tended to, many a heavy bill for medical at- tendance might be avoided. When the liver' is disordered, the stomacn ioui, me ooweis obstructed, or the nerves disturbed, resort should at once do nau 10 inBi supreme rem edy, Hostett'T's Stomach Hitters, a lew doses ol which will restore neaiiny acnou ana put the svstem in perfect order. It is a wise pre caution to keep this incomparable preventive in the hous since it cnecK.s, nun unnvaneu promptitude, disorders wnicn oreeu ot tiers far more dangerous, and in their latest devel opments are themselves often fatal. Vacant Places In the dental ranks will never occur if you are particular with your teeth, and cleanse them every day with that famous tooth -wash. SOZODONT. From youth to old age it will keep the enamel spotless and unimpaired. The teeth of persons who use smmuuust have a pearl-like whiteness, and the gums a roseate hue, white the breath is purified, and rendered wect and fragrant. It is composed of rare antiseptic herbs and is entirely free from the objectionable and injurious ingredi cuts of Tooth Pastes, Ac. Reiurmlirr This. the time of rear for Now is the time of year for Pneumonia, I.ung Fever, Coughs, Colds, and fatal results of predisposit Ion to Consumption and other Throat ami lung Disease, iioschkk s uer- man Syrup has been used in this neig;hlor hood for the past two or three years without a singular failure to cure, n you nave not used this medicine yourself, goto your I'rug- :tst. Ward & Harding and ask him oi its wonderful success among his customers. Three doses will relieve the worst case. If you haveno faith in any medicine, just Imy a Sam ple lint tie of KOSCII EK'S (iERMAN SVRCP for in cents ana try it. itcguiar size uoitie 7o cents. Uon't neglect a cough to save ,o cents. To all who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretion of youth, nervous weakness, earl v decav. loss of man hood. Ac, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHAKiJE. This great remedy was discovered bv a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope tothe Kev. T. Joseph Insxan", Station J). Tiifl. House, yew York, novldy. Do It at Ome!! If a f it he of the test imonials now on hand of the value of Dr. Wistak's Hai.sam of Witn CifKltRY should be published, no one would st:p to read the bulky volume. Ask any druggist and he will tell you that this Hai. sam is a real blessing to 11 affected with throat, or lung diseases. All kindred affec- t ions, including F.ronchitis, Sore Throat ,Cru p. Hoarseness, Pains in the Chest, and Bleeding ot the liiings, yield to its wonderlul power We advise any one tired of experimenting with I'hysicians prescriptions or quack med icines to drop them at once and use t his 15AT.,- SAM OF WILD Cherry. Sold by all druguists iii:d. On the 2(ith of January, at Womack settle ment, Wasco coiii-ty, Mrs. Nancy J., wife of Jiarzilda Savage, aged .5 years. 2?EW TO-DAY. Sheriff's Notice. IJ, PEKSOXS WHO MAY HAVE TAXES in this county unpaid for 18715, will take notice that on the 1st of March, JSii. I will proceed to collect at the expense of the tax paver. Call at my oiHe and thereby save expense. J. T. Al'PERSOX, Sheriff of Claeksnias County. Oregon City, Feb. 0, 1S77-W3. Fiaal Srltleuirnt. "VTOTICE HEREBY G1VEX THAT THE Kxfculors of the estate and will of Ur. T. Matlock, deceased, have riled their account and vouchers for final settlement in the County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon, and the Court has apixiinted Monday, the 2d day of April, A. I). 1S77. for the examination of the same, and hearing of objections if any there be. X. H. MATLOCK. T. J. MATLOCK, Johnson A MeCov.'N, Att'ys. Executors. Feb. 3, 1S77 wl CM Jain jliilrr " furpirrly of Oregoa City. W. L11LLE0 & S0!1, IlEALERS IN STOVES & RANGES, rJi7 i 1 lv ' s a. 1 , JAPAN MED WA.E AND HDUSE FUR- f!SH!rJ3 GOODS. POftTLAKD, SO PROFIT ST. y Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to. febl 1S77 tf. riOTICE. u. S. IjAsd Offick, Oregon City, Or.) Jan. 27. 1S77. I "COMPLAINT IIAVINU I1EEX EXTERED at. this (llice by Susan A. Kobinson, against Andrew H. lVmg. fir abandoning his homestead entry Xo. 2707, dated June 7th, 1S75, upon the east of the south-east H of section township 2 south, range 4 east, in Clacka mas county, Oregon, with a view to the can cellation of said entry: the said parties are reby summoned to appear at this office on t he 8th day of March, 1877, at 11 o'clock, A.M., to resond and lurnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. T. 11. HAHKISON , OWEN WATVK, Receiver. Register. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. rfmF. PARTXERSIIIP OF BARLOW AXD JL fuller liaving ceased, notice is hereby giv hi to those indebted to us that Messrs. John son a Mel own are authorized to receipt for the same. Payment mnst be made promptly in order to save costs. BARLOW A FULLER. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX THAT I XI have been aimointed administrator of the estate of I-wis 1. Thomas, deceased, bv the Hon. County Court of Clackamas County. State of Oregon ; therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to me at mv residence in Marion County. Orecon. wit h nrooer vouchers. within six mouths from this date. JOHN HOOK, Feb. 1, 1877-wI Administrator. Administrator's Notice. In the matter of the estate or Jesse Bradley, deceased. TOTICE IS HEUKBY GIVEX TI1AT I have been appointed Administrator of the estate of Jesse Bradley, deceased, by the Hon. County Court of Clackamas County. Oregon; therefore all persons having claims against said estate are required to present them to me on or before the expiration of six montns irom the date or this nonce, with proper vouchers. J. W. PALMATEER. L.T. Bakin, Adm'r, Att'y for Adm'r. Oregon City, Jau. 11, 1877. CHANGE OF BASE! REMOVED TO ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING! T. A. BAOOfS, (Successor to BARLOW & FILLER), Dealer in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, SELECTED TEAS COFFEE, and SPICES, BUTTER AND CHEESE, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, And a full variety of Goods usually kept in a first-class Grocery Store. Come one, come all, and examine our stock. I can sell as cheap and furnish as good an article as any house in to wn. T. A. BACO.V Oregon City, August 25, 1S76 If. '-WPT-T'"t3ET.' COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY 1 I THOMAS CHARF3AH. ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THECITIZENS OF Oregon Citv and of the Willamette al ley, that he is still on hand and doing busi ness on the old motto, that A Ximble Six renceis Better than a Slow S7UUing I have iust returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST .sin BEST SELECTED M uu S TO Ch OF GOODS ever before offered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Oils, Paints and Sash and Doors, Cbinaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, I-adies and Gents" Furnishing ratent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Farming tlons or Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil (Cloth, Wall 'ra per, etc. Of tho above list, I can say my stock is the "'31 O S T;C 0 5IPLETE ever offered in this market, and was sMetrd with especial care for the Oregon City trade.AU of which I now offer for sale at the Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Port land to buy goods for I am Determined to Sell Uicctp anu not to unow myself to be UNDERSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON. All I nslc is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables m to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and r.U and see for yourselves that the old stand ot THOMAS CIIARMAX cannot bo beaten in quality or price. It would be useless for metotellyou all theadvantages I can oftvr vou in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disappointed. All 1 wish to say is Come, and Sec, and Examine for Yourselves, for Tdo not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I am st ill alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed. TIIOS. CHARM AX, Main Street, Oregon City. Iffal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. THUS. CI I ARM AX. cy.W.tKi!) lbs wool wanted by nov.l ,'75-tf . THOS. CIIARMAN. BD-R0GK PRU5E8! Now is your time to buy goods at low pilccs. 33 1 OTHERS are nowrcceivlng a large stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, all of tho Latest Styles, which will sell M LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES. Our stock has been bought for cash, and wo will sell it at a small advance above SATJ FRAfJCISCO COST, TK WILL SAY TO EVERYBODY P.EI-OKE vnn mirchaseor iro to 1'orliand. come and price our goods and convince yourself t hat we do w hat we say. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods. Kotions, Grocer ie s. Hard ware and a great many other articles too numerous to mention ; ALSO DOORS, V!KD3YS, PAIfiTS AfiD QILS, ETC., ETC We will also pay tho Highest Market Price for Country Produce. ACKERMAN RROS. Orpgon City. Nov. 1, 1S75 tf. W. CASED! Dealer in GROCERIES, RROYISIOXS, AND FRUITS AND V EG ETASLES. Main Strict, Oregon City, One tloor south of Ward fc JIardinz's Drug Store. 1 11 STOCK CONSISTS OP ETEltY. V t hing usually kept In a well stocked l am ily Grocery -Store. Keep only first class goods. V"Orders delivered to auy part of Oregon Cit v.'oriCanernan. Oregon City June 0, 1S76 :tf. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP, Al John Lewis' Old Stand. CW. ti..UX(i II AS OPENED AT this old stand, where he is prepared to U' - nil iuiiij; ill ui line. SHorse shoeing a speciaiy. Oregon City, Mav 2li.1i a DISSOLUTION NOTICE. V "in 1 f in.KKUV GIVF.N THAT THE 1 t-o-iartiier.s:iip oetwecn the undersigned in me laneoin caKery has been dissolved bv tne wunarawaioi C. O. T. Williams, and all accounts must ue settled without delay. Either one of the firm or Jnh are authorized to receipt for mmipy due the "iiii.iAjis s I1ARJJ1NG. Oregon City, Jan, 2-5, 1877-lt, M3IfFIlWilI AL hi VP i IIAVK THE FOLLOW IX KEAL Lstate lor &ale. Xo.l. Desirable building block in Oregon City. Xo. 2. III!) Acres, good house, and barn full of hay; 8 acres in cultivation, orchard, good water: 15 miles from Oregon City. Price ?5:.K), half down. No. 3. leu acres ol s. s. White's donation Claim, miles from Oreiron Cil v : Sr.lO. Xo. 4. 1W1 acres, S miles S E oi Oregon it v, la acres in cultivation, open brush lain!, run ning water, good. wheat '.and ; price, ;C,T5. Xo. 5. .yn acres, 2 miles irom (.raham's ferry on the Willamette rivcr,s;iacres in cultiva tion, 12 acres in an orchard of choic varie ties of fruit, otiaens in wheat, i. acres under fence, g: od house, barn and run ning water, U 111 lbs irom Oregon Citv. l'rice l,2-xi, part down balance on time. So. (I. :V-Io acres; 75 improved, a . lanre. new. well finished frame dwelling, plum and apple orchards, living water, is acres of fall wheat, li miles from Oregon City, on Molalla road, church and school bouse adjoining; can be had for c one-third down, balance on time. Xo. 7. 204 acres PI miles east of Oregon City, miles from Viola grist and saw miil and po&t ollic ; ;i acres in cultivation, lto acres under fence, good lra me house i:x:;i "L" Kix'JJ, 3 acres in fruit trees. I 'rice f l,i', half down. Xo. 8. 4t acres at Milwaukie; part beaver dam. Price, fl.iKx'i. No. t. 35li acres ten 111 iles east of Oregon City, 7 miles from Marshfield station ; 75 acres in cultivation, &'K) acres of level bottom land, good box house and frame barn, good run ning water for stock, good stock ranch, 7ea bearing fruit trees. Price fc-l.'JOU. Will sell stock and crops to purchaser if he desires. Xo. 10. 100 acres C miles cast of Oregon Cit y ; (ill acres in cultivation, 5 acres in orchard, good house and barn, remaining hind easily cleared. l'rice 2,50(1, half down, Xo. 11.-15(1 acres, more or less, 11 miles from Oregon City, l.'Pi miles to Portland, "'I acres in cultivation, le; more easily cleared, all under fence, good house, good land and plenty of water, schoolhousj arid 'church 1 mill' away, !i months school in year. Terms easy, f 1,250. Xo."l2. 100 or li(0 acres ol" of the north of the Kra m's claim, 4 miles from Oregon City, open brush land, nil easily cleared, living water, good mill power, at $10 per acre ; terms easy. Xo. 1:5. 220 acres; 75 acres in cultivation, 85 acres in fall wheat, : acres in orchard, good house, barn and out-houses, sj ring water lio feet from house, lh miles irom school hoiiRo ; $2,2'.',l. Xo. 14. 1 10 acres ; .T in cult i vat ion, lt ready to sow, 10 acres heaver dam, 7 acres in grass, SO acres feiic-d: house and barn, good water close to house. Xo. 15. Jacob Johnson's homestead, near Oregon City : 120 acres. Xo. l(i. Krazer's livery stable and house, with one lot on Wat er street ; ?2,0O. Xo. 17. The former residence of W. V. Iluck anil six lots ; f2,5ht. No. IS. Harvey May's block. !i d in cultivation. v.ith lions and barn; ;?,SII. Ot her desirable bargains iu Clackamas, the best countv in the State. ny one having money to lend ca n hn ve our services, tree ol charge, in managing the same ami select ing securities. Persons wantinu; to borrow raonev can ffet favorable ti-rms by caillr.g on us. JOUXCX 3ii-ftlV., ::ud joiixsox, Mtfov;.; fc ji.icuvjr. Oflices in Oregon I ity and Portland. Xov. 12. lS75:tf LIVERY F .1- 3 il x3s.xcviij4 A. the Livery Stable on Filth strict, Oregon City, Oregon, kee ns constantly on hand a ml Hurlis. SailcIIe d liiig-y Ilcrscs. -oii;"blo. Oregon Cit y, Xov. 5, Iis75. I'roiu'ictor. WOOOEURn HURBEBY, J. II. f?!;TTr.K3IlKIJ, Z5r:pi letnr. ir,G, OOO FKUT, SHADE, OliXAMKXTAL AXD XIT- r IIf:.VIING T11EKS, VIXES AXD SHRfSBEUV, IJOTt SALE 1 Hard Times. CHEAP TO SUIT THE A pple Trees from S3 to per hundred. All other Trees from ?I0 to ?1S hundred. Send for Catalogue and J'riee List. Addrv'ss J. H. SETTLEMfEu. AVoodburn, Marion Co., Ogn. 11 5Vm. Casedy, Agent at Oregon City. iiovbJ-lm. A. BROUGHTOH, -roiTL I) INFORM THE CITIZENS OF Oregon City and vicinity that lie is pre pared to lurnish Fir ol Cedar Linri!;or, Of cory description, at low rates. ANli APPLE BOX ALSO, Dry FloorZisjr, Ceiliit'r, Ilnsffc, Slrtt-', for shelving), Lattice, l'iikfis, nil Fciur-I'iMlK, Cedar, Couatitttth on Intnl. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as it can be purchased in the state. Give me a cal 1 at t he OA' ;.' )A' CITY SA ir MIL LS. Oregon City, June hi, IS7. :tf J Hll SCHRA 3Iain St., Oregon City. MAMTACTUBES AND I?JF0RTR OF -f St!s!i. IlarnesK. J "jvi. Stltllrry-Hsiid-f kyi-jk wure, etc., t-ij Yv JC HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS can be nau 111 tne state, at WHOLES ALE G3 RETAIL. ft""l warrant my goods as represented. JOHN SCHUAM, Paddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 1, lST5-tf. HARDWARE, iROfJ A tl D STEEL Hubs, Gpokes, OAK, ASH AND HICKCRY PLAXK. XOKTIHUUP March 31, 187G-1 f. Ti;5iiox, Portland, Oregon. A. C. WALLSftG'S PIOMEER BOOK BINDERY. I"it tot l."! llnildioir ('timer of Klark and rronl Streets. Dfi OT! A Mr? - - - - OREGON. I Ulll UfA 1 4 LA NIC LOOKS RULED AND POUND TO Jl anydesired pattern. Music books. Maga zines, Newspapers, etc., bound in every va riety of style known to the tirade. Orders from thf- i-ountry promptly attended to. novl'75tf. 1 3 i. P 15 T ATV T TO VVHOF !T F?1AY COFICERH ! TAKING DlCSIIiOl'S OF A POPTIXG A i ) new rule of business, I would request those indebted to me to come and Pay Up Immediately, And save Inconvenience and expense, as I have determined to collect what Is due me. I have reduced the prices on Goods greatly, and can assure all that I can give Bargains to Cash Suyo:?- Come and see for vour own sutisfactloi . A. LEVY. SINGER SEWING MACHINES! SOLD ON THE MOST FA Vl IRA P.LE TERMS Small MONTHLY PAVMETS. Great reduction for cash down. Inquire of O. W. MOORE, at Casedy's Store, Oregon 'ity, or send to the subscriber for terms. E. F. HkYjov, Canvassing Agent, Boa 30s, Portland, Oregon. Ml) MARK THESE FACTS I THE TESTIMONY CF THE WHOLE WORLD. rSOLLOVVAY'S PILLS. eyiyf't the Suffering and diseased read the 10I lowing. i?"Li all who have been given up by I octors, and spoken of as incurable, read the fol lowing. all who can believe facts, andean have faith in evidence, read the following. Knoir (til men li these )resentx,', on this, the Twentieth da v of J une, in t he year of Our 1-ord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and tsixty-six, iH'rsonallv came Joseph Haydockto me known as such, and beP g duly sworn depos. d as ioliows : "That he s the sole gen eral agi i:t for the ITnited Stattsand depend encies thereof for preparations or medicines known as lr. llollowaj 's I'ills and Ointment, and t hat the lollowimr certificates are verbatim copies to the ,f tx of his know led e and belief. JAMES SM El THE, Not ry Public. . 1 1 Wall street, Xei York. 1". Hoi.towAY. I take my pen' xriteyou of my great relief and that the av.'-l pain in my blue lies b it me at last thanks to your pills, oh, Loeior, how thankful I am that I can g' t some sleep. I can never write it enough. 1 thank you again and again, and nm sure that vou are re-illy the friend of all su'Jercrs. 1 could not heip writing to vou, and hove you will not Like it amiss. JAMES MVEfiS, 116 Avenue D. This is to certify that I was discharged from the army with Chronic lriarrhfea, and.havo been cured by lr. Hollowav s I'ills. WILSON 1IAUVEY, New York. April 7, 1.S0U. 21 i'itt St. The following is an interest im; case of a man eni loyed in an Iron Foundry, who. In jKuring melted iron into a flask that was damp "nil wet, cai;s d an explosion. Tho melted iron was rrov. n around and on him in a jeiu-ct shower, and he was burned tl read lu i iy. The following cert ificate was given tome, by him, about eight weeks alter the accident : Xew York, Jan. 11, 1SC6. My nam" is .Jacob Hardy; I am an Iron r "uiuicr. 1 w as nadiy burnt iy hot Iron in November last ; my burns healed, but I had a running sore on my leg that would not heal. tried Holloway's Ointment and it cured me 1:1a lew wceUs. I Ins is all true and anvbodv can see me at Jackson's Iron Works, 2d Avenue. J. HAKliY, 110 Ooerch Street. KXTK ACTS KKOM VARIOVS LF.TTKKS. "I had no appetite; Holloway's I'ills gave no- a hearty one. 'Vour I'ills are marvelous." 1 send for another box, and keep t hem in the house. 'Lr. Hoiloway lias cured my headache that was curoine. 'I gave or:e of your t ills to my babo for cholera morbus, liie war little thing got weil in a day." "My nausea of a morning is row cured." "Your box ot Holloway's Ointment cured me f nois'-s in the head. 1 rubpob some of your Ointment behind the ears, and the noise has h-tl." ".Send me two boxes, I want one for a ioor f:i mily." 'I encios" a dollar, your pric" Is C5 cents, but the medicine to me is worth a dollar." "Send me live boxes ol your I'ills." "Let me have three boxes of your Pills by return mail, lor l lulls ami fever.' I have nvcr "J"" such test imonials as t hesebut want ol space ccmi t Is me to conclude. p CiSCRBE 1 L'U fivri And :tli eruptions of t he skin, I bis Ointment is mfst iiivaluaule. it uin's not hen 1 externally alone, but penetrates with the most searching ilects tothe very root ol the evil. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Invariably cure the following diseases : Disorders of the Kiditeys. In ail diseases affecting these organs, whether they secrete too much or too little water; or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pains set lied in the' loins over the regions of the kid neys, these Pills should be taken according to the printed direct ions, and the Ointment should be veil rubbed into the small of tho back at bed time. 'J his treatment will give almost iimiK diatereliel when all other means have failed. Fur KloisiaclJS out of Order. "0 medicine will so effectually improve the tone of 1 he stomach as these Pills ; t hey remove all acidity, occasioned eit her by intemperance or improper diet. They reach the liver and re-ttuce-it to a healthy aclioii; they are wonder fully efliescious in casesof sj asm in factthcy never fail in curing all disorders of the liver and stomach. Holloway's Pillsare the best remedy known in the worhiflor the following diseases : Ague, Asthma, Pilious Complaints, lilotches on the Skin, Colics, Constipation of the Ilowels, Con sumition. Debility, Dropsy, Dysentery, Ery sipelas, f emale Irregularities, Fevers of all kinds, Fits. Gout, Headache, Indigestion, In flammation, Jai'iKiice, Liver Complaints, Lumbago, 1'ie-s, Rheumatism, Retention of Friti", Si roiipa, or King's Evil, Sore 't hroats, Stone and Gravel, Secondary Symptoms, Tic 1 louiourcux, Tumors, U.cest, Veneral Affec tions, Worms of a.l kinds, Weakness from any C-iuse, Ac. Important Caution. None are genuine unless the signatureof J. Haypock, as agent tor the United States, surrounds each box of I'ills and Ointment. A handsome rewnrd will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties coun terfeiting t he medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. yso'.d nt the Ma mi factor of Professor Hoi t.oway A Co., yow York, and by all respecta ble I ruggists a iu! lien it rs in Medici ne through out thecivliizt d world, in boxes at 25 cents.and cents, and SI each. rrTherc Is considerable saving by taking the iarger sizes. N. 15. Directions for the guidance of atentsp in every disorder are uliixed to each box. no 15. ly. rglHE WEST SHORE, OREGON'S IYaxpsome. ILLUSTRATED .PAPER, 1 should be i:i JYERV HOUSEHOLD. FURNISH 2!0 Pages of the tt clioicesl reading. 7 VERY NUMLER CONTAINS beauti- ful ilinstral ions of Ut'KNKKY AND OF rUBLIC BUILD- millf PACIFIC NORTHWEST OVER 150 of them in a year. QHAIX k- f mm OUR MONEY GO AWAY 1 SOME WHEN WE HAVE TALENT E I ami Artists F .MERIT AMONG US? THE V TF.sOURCES OF THE PACIFIC Jl Northwest is something SiWKItY RESIDENT OF THIS SECTION is interested in, and The West Seobe j ays particular attention to thatdepartment. It is a uiost Exfilliiit Family Journal, And just the kind of a Paper to send abroad. Now is the time to SU5SCRIEE FDR THE W E S T S 11 0 II E So as to obtain OUR HOLIDAY NUMBER, which will be a Mammoth ill page Paper, with over ;! Engravings. It will besent to every subscriber wit limit ( Mra charge, or for 50 cents to non-subscribers. Money can be paid to any Pop! master, or sent dir-'ot to this office in a registered our risk. Subscription, ier annum, ?1 50. Specimen copv, 20 cents. I. S.UH Er, Publisher. decl5 I'ortland, Oregon. OLB HOUSE. e C 0 R EGO N C 1 TY, GREG ON, T. W. RHODES, li'opviot or. Triiimiriit Hiinrd, &1 to St per Day. Siiiflt 3Iels 50 rents. Hoard ht Week .....8 OO liourd and Lodyinjr, p-r week.. OO The Table will be supplied with the best the market affords. I'.all SupiM'rs furnished on short notice, and at reasonable fi rms. Nov. lft. 1S7." :tf 1ST. Jnt. X. ri EV STOHS AFiD NEV GOODS, Af NEW ERA. Dry Goods. Groceries, Roots and Shoes Wo'Hlen Ware, Drugs and lor cash or produce. J. CASTO. J. B. GOLDSMITH, GENERAL NEWSPAPER COI.T.CCTOl! AND 8OIJCITOK, PORTLAND, OlIEGON. iCEefctof referencs given. Becl6,76tf si 1 ! ! f , . f I .ft- tl A r