Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1876)
" aiilw flr-w.p i I i TK! o EU sit 0 M w 'V f a oTeCOS "TV, OREGON. MX 1, 1S76. Circuit Court. .KU TERM . The following are the proceedings of Circuit lTt hcl! la,st Wk : the p pizrr vs Clackamas county, TfeS't'Tin II. Pope, jjim"t ! for ,!aintiir fur want of An- n'1';, Titiipsrn vs S. Iluelat, Mort forceoei nn execution issued ?Hirt, of property. foi n H FieWs Vs K. O. Short, Ie t iur"r t ooipI-it taken untlcr atl- Yir,f:!"ll"r r.xhh and Amos vs J. ram" - - Continued for service 'rUWV SawtellvsMarvK. Douch- Ocorgc jVtjtinll ,v metes and t-V' i imiirrtctieableanil sale ordered. ilin .bott vs T. W.Mav, Dismiss- erty Ki.tll ,,1 bv stipulation and curt-below. remanded to IlARrEK's foh Deo em beu . The Magazine for December, beginning tho uflv.fourth volume, is not only an es twciillv attractive numler, from the ta-nitv of its numerous illustrations, but is also distinguished by the unusu ll i variety and interest of its contents. This number is embellished with more thuneihtv exquisite engravings, and ".Vitains. beside the fine editorial de nirttncnts, twenty-four contributions, Covering every . possible vavitty in tin ficUl 'f magazine literature, biie de icriptive illustrate 1 papers treat of ilo noa atvl its eelebi il ies, living and dead, the l'hilippi'KJ Ilaiuis, recent impor tant ethnological discoveries inTennes-a'ee- and th"" social lit'.' of the Knieker-K,w.L-ers in New York two humlred VMrsago. Paul !Iayn;-'s "Muscadines" retnituls one of some of tin; happiest efforts of the older English poets. The most important feature of the number ja Mr. (iladstvuie's manly letter, cx Dlahuivo his attitude towards this conn irv diirhnr the late war. This letter is vurv hapj'ilv followed ly a tinsel' po em 'bv bishop Coxe on "KngLiml and America." In lietion, tlds nninb.-r is brilliant. The Weekly and I' may m founl in almost every household in the land, and their cxcellene is mani fested bv their large circulation. Sr. Pauis Ciin:c!:. From the re port of the proceedings of the twenty fourth annual convocation of the mis sionary jurisdiction of .Oregon and Washington Territory, we learn that in St. Paul's Church" Oregon City, adults and 11 infants were baptised dining tiie past year. There were 1 confirmations, 1-5 commuui'-ants added, lost, by removal f, and by death 1, and the total membership of tho church amounted to '1 : t marrbiies : 1 burials ; 40 families connected with the church; average attendanee morning, M, ev ening. Collections and contribu tions For salary, j?iMi); 1 1 o : 1 1 1 L i mis sions, $71 5;; foV'-ign mis-ions. .-?7 '.;!; paroehial pupoes, t'i'H H; hind, ;': ris!ioj S -oft ;iMinr'.r School cnilowmeut mud, J l ; indigtmt clergymen fund, W Si; Indian mis fioiis", l'J'.O ; Sun. lay S-hool oiVering for the K idnev Morris memorial fund, il';t); T-.tal." L-bbd (1-:. There w- re 1 ) teachers and !) pupils in the Sun-l-.iy S.'hool. T!ie rcnort was printed I'V Mr. A. G. Walling, and is neatly exe cuted, in pamphlet form. Aceim.N r. East M. y a:t moon, , i i ; r on Mill f his wagon . i ;e- that be i! in'.! Mr. John ! I iu b i ioaii. 1 e: Creek, wa and badlv thrown o! U -i il U.o. It was drivi.rt of Capt. M ill hrca.-l-Vi l a , I in:: down, c. ie i i! ami sii ip ! ii the horses, : 1 I hill at a f . : sel ve.- t r- -m inviils. M r. i wagon :..!.(: o: passed o,er log hi:.'! i n ) lie k!-.o -.c.stai I l.i ly i : d an forchend, i i oi i a wag .11 e!M!illt;cd e,iu" ii o :v;':;i:i-l etii;.-; .:; E-Vni-e1 bed a' il ,'..t will j-r-b.n-. Com i:i:n in y.Tie i- I j.i.bia barn, rman .. y.-'i- !.;;blv coin , b in now tleiice s u ; .i a v e n :'; te I i - I .f M r. Fuehs oi l around i To Whom it question bus a: y. a v The e:iO! u lends d itruts as t! vh tot. may ie a; ; '1 ied t :t V l.r sehool a i'e.r which year in ad vaii'-e they are drawn, ment they canin posvd to r.e use. titnv are drawn. Oi" t he 1 illl In uiv hi:: t. Tin'- I'ur.r, I in the year v'liC!i i;' d arf a : ieh in wo a -eai li advance, all children who mo the district, all wh-. come of :u; dr.tW the !l I. lie i'nnb. fail to re tht hie!i ritshtfuilv i d .u rstot! i ! 1 1 to i ve 'ill. for that w dwell t i;ey drew has been u-ed to pay for a school be tore they c.ime into the district, or before they c woe t nclioeliice to receive of its benefits. In strict justice to all liie childicn of a district, no school should ix1 continued in anv iven year for any longer time than the public liimis forthat year will hupport it. Schools taiiirht for any loujier time should cither be sustained bv taxation or sul sei iption. Jiiiin ". Ski. i. woon. County School Supt. Lkttkh List. lictters remaining? in the rostollicc, at Oregon City, lcc. 1st, 1S7': Akins, S. .1. Adland, Chas. ltohna, :. Urosar, II. Ulanchet, D. Huclilman.M iss M. Davis, Mrs. M . lascoi'gne, S. Hess, C. Harden, J. P.. i.'o-vard. JI. II. Hugh".--, v:. J. I javerv, ' . .Moreland, W. V. MH Ju ire, M iss T. gle, M iss Kva. l'l-inddc, Isaac. Sniith, J. II. If called for plearso say when "tulver tised." J. M. r.Aco.v, 1. M. The Salem Mercury of the li7th tilt. Bays: "Col. White, c!iiet clerk of the last House, has been in tlie city for several days past, waiting tho action of the committee appointed to examine and approve the revised journals. The committee has thus far Vailed to meet, and tl:e Col. is bcirimiing to become a btUe impatient at the de-y. He ii:-s his work on the iournal all ted and ready for the printer, whenever the coinmiitee meet and pass upon tlietn. 1 La in 'iK KAM Wii Mr Viroo Cor nelius, of tin's city, who has been visit ing in Washington Territory for some time past, returned last week. Mr. C. I'rought a raldish with him, grown bv v-k ''''X'liiis of Swinmisli Flats, n.ueoin cottniy. This pro.ligi,uis rad- dish i uisu measures 2s inches in circumfcr- nce ami weighs nine pounds. The gentleman claims this to be the largest rad.lish ever grown, and of' we Rliall not dispute it. ScnrmsK I'auty. M.r. and Mrs. S. Ackerman were tlie recipients of a surprise party last Thursday evening, lliiswas a real, genuine surprise party, m.13- the committee of arrangements n now in Where the atVair w:i to t-.iL-o place. Notwithstanding tbj t ,1 .-.i . , nrprise, the host and hostess made tK,rv'--i'ltoi's iH-rfcctlv at home, and meallair was reallv oiio of the pleas Rntest that has ever taken place in our Mr. Richard H ni l y has assayed sev eral lots of the bonanza deposits in co"ntyt and it assayed from W 1 ,,rr tnn' TI, orp nsaved 1K-L frnishod bv a irentlcman "V" V10 southern part of the emu ty, and said to have c nie from silver mnu ,alln 1 tn f'bnv any trace of niilmd ilhft hlst :,ssav w.-oT fur nished by the owners of the mine. The entertainment at Pope's Hall last Friday evening by Arlington and White was not very numerously at tended on account of the inclemency of the weather. The panoramic views, painted by Mr. It. (.'. White, was fair, and his description of the scenery was riven in his characteristic style." Arl ni;tr;n a host in himself "and kept t he audience in a roar at his comicalities. L.a8t Monday afternoon a little calf feeding on the bank of the river, lost its footing and fell into the raging wa ters Lelow, and would have made food for the fishes if it had not been tor the timely assistance rendered by James r'razer and James Moore, who took a boat and rescued the animal. Considerable improvements and re pairs have been made in the Imperial Mill, while shut down for repairs to the lluine, which gave wav the first the "ne, winch gave way the fi part of last week. That part former s-'d as an ollice lias been tixed up i stowing awav wheat, an. 1 an additi rly tor addition erected lor ollice purposes The situation remains unchanged. Hayes lias 173 sure electoral votes, and Tilden ll. I-iOuisiana and I-Torida still remain undetermined, but will un doubtedly be returned for IIajres, giv ing him a majorit' of one. Stroup, who was up before Justice Athey last week for stabbing and gen erally using up Geo. I'oras. was lined Sloaiid costs, instead of being bound over to appear before the grand jury, as stated in our last issue. One of the characteristics of the fe male hoodlums in San Francisco, says the Chronicle, is tlie hair pulled down over the forehead, and cut oft" square like the shock of a Washoe Indian squaw. I lie lecture by Rev Johnston Mc- Cormac at the Congregational Church lat Saturday evening was well at tended. The lecturer's idea of " Th Churcn was, all liberal churches. A prominent Democrat informs us that Gov. G rover will refuse to issue a certiiicato to I): Watts as Presidential Elector. It wen; better a mill stone were hanged about his neck, etc. Persons desiring to purchase Christ mas presents for their children will do well to attend the Episcopal fair and festival at Pope's Hall" on the 7th. A Miain street man has started a menagerie, lie has two cats, two canary-birds and a dog, and expects to have live or six more dogs. The K. of P. Liodge will be organized in Ibis city on tlie 8!h hist. A large number of Kr.ight ex peeled to be pre: from Portland are nt. There will be a dncc at Canemah this (Thursday) evening. All are in vited to attend, and a way-uptime may be cxpccti d. Captain Sanborn, prospective captain boat, 'MeMiniiville,' in Yamhill. i" tilts city, the of the Yamhill lias been vi.- iting takv r'Liu.H'. Capt. Z.C. Xrton, oilon 1. ()., in lids county, has re-appointed a Notary Public by t j roVt r. or ; been ( b'V, .tier p at Daidascus, l.'clon- nv4 to Mr. liinve, was destrov .'d by about lire la ,y M'.i.niiii;; loss men l n.ui! 1 1- i:-Lr service at the lis! Chiiieil t . Se: i:i m i V is (Thursday) evin l .-v. J. McCurmae. J. W. lVesser liailu.eii awarded li.e emit! land act tor in and Osv. e; 1 tween 1'cit ne City, will nal Church Itev Mr, '. :-av. preae!i at the Comrri'i; next Si.nd:v m-jrvdrcx. The West Shore for November has a po i trait and short sketch of Maytr Charman of this city. Fueh still continues to keep a lure sup! Iv of oysters, '.vb.i to st-rvc in anv -tvle. h lie i.-i prepared The Daily Albany Democrat has ta ken a Kfrt. The weekly will be con tinued as u.-ual. "John" Newman was tho person w ho marked the liojrs, thinking they were estravs. Kev. J. II. Acton will preach in the M. K. Church 011 next Saturday even ing. The county clerk issued nine mar riage licenses during tiie past month. Mrs. W. C Dement lias taken up her residence in Portland. Union service at the M. K. Church Sunday evening. There is a do; police courts. 1 rt Ii of drunks in our T. A. IVicoji w ill take trade dollars at par in trade. Citv Council convenes nest Monday evening. Waiting for the hat 3-011 think you've won. Latest. Hayes carries Florida by 38 majority. ti:i;p.;toiiiai. mws it5;m?. Xo sidewalks in Dayton, W. T. Fenn, Democrat, lias been elected Delegate in Idaho. The grain crop of Snohomish Co. is estimated at l.o(n) tons. One million hoop poles will be cut; at Teuino this winter. It is rumored that a newspaper will be started at Port lownsend. Ihe JJavton woolen ii;lls run from 7 a. m. to 12 o'clock at uight. Nearly all the flax seed in North ern Idaho has been destroyed by rain. Tho U. S. Surrej- schooner Fain- teroy will go into winter quarters at (Jlympia. Jos. E. Godwin, aged 30, cook .1 . 1- 1 -i 1 on the steamer lakima, was drowned at Tort Gamble last week. fessrs. Paino Bros. & Moore, of "Walla "Walla, have sold thus far this 3'Car, Upwards of $80,000 worth of agricultural implements. 0 Ltali is ahead of Idnho in some respects. In the southern section of that .territory they have recently found geese eggs that assayed 3.000 per ton in silver. Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Arizona and New Mexico together, are turn ing out each day 820.000 in gold, $17,000 in silver, and !?I.r00 in bass metal, giving a total of 838,500 each day, or 811,500,000 annual! v. The town of Vineland, N. J., was founded in 1SG1, and from the begin ning the people, by special act of Legislature, have voted annually up on the question of liquor license, .-a ui iio. j.ue yes votes have ranged from five to sevritfnn nnt;i last March, when they were 57 out of more than 1,000 votes cast. The result is that the town has no alms-f house, jail, house of correction, po- j lice, or lire department. The cost of i pauperism last vear was g-2'2-1- of' special police, $75. Tho town, it i wall bo remembered, was started by a colony. lhe-property was then j valued at $128,500: now it is 55.000.- ! 000. It has about 12.000 inhabitants In Wyoming Territory the ofiicers' ' wives ana laundresses attached to i retriments - can vote, not Viny , o "eworn into tho United States ser vice, " but neither officers nor sol diers can do so. Altogether it is estimated that 18,000 women vote. 31:irL'ct ileport. Portland Martct. Eegal tenders, 01 bu-ing, 12 selling Flour. Extra, ?" 50": suoerline. S5 UO Wheat. il so percental. Oats. I k-, to 50c. bushel. Parley. Si 2j percental. Paeon. Sides, 17c; hams, 1GQ18; shoulders, loOll. Eard. In kegs, lie: in loft tins, 15c. Putter. Fresh roll, :iTH.c. Fruits. Dried apples, in sacks, 10c, kegslO'-i ; tlunis,pitles.sJ12'JJ14 ; teaches He ; prune's, 17c. Eir;rs. 10c. Chickens. Full grown, S2 50$3 50 i dozen. Hides. -Dry, 12e; salted, Gc; eulls otr. Tallow. 5 '.-, Wool. -tiO to! V lt. Feed. Pran, .-rlS'20 ton; shorts, $22 to ?2; cil cake, :-;7 50. ili'V. Paled, 10 00 to S17 00 ton", $Vl to fib Potatoes. iOrt:50t5 ) bushel. "nins. I'h to l'ic It.. Mutton sheep. 2 50:. Oi cgan City Market. Wheat. bushel. Oats 40 J 45c "C bushel. Potatoes 50 bushel. Onions 1 50 J bushel. Flour 1 :7 i sack or 5 50 y bbl. Dried Fruit Apples. Oc cOtj Plums, l ie. 1 '.utter -25(W;!!ie ! lb. JMTirs c i ' dozen. Miickens (Jrown, 50 f-) dozen ; bacon Sides. He Eard 10 to 17c. E'av 11 ton. Wool 22e If 11. ; bams, 15c. MA IS II 1 1:3). :,"earCaubv, Nov. 2i, by Iiev. J. Casto, Mr. Ore ii l,ee mid Miss Cleo I'. Whiting, all of Clackamas county, Oregon. ti::u. At Tualatin, Clackamas count v, Nov. 14th, IsT'i, of tyihoid fever, Ktercno Leroy. second son of Joseph llarstow, atred'17 years, 4 months and '21 days. A VuluaOte Melicu.l 'i'rta t Uf. The editlrm for 1S77 of tin? sterling Medi cal Annua1., as Ilostctter's Alma nac, is now ready, and may lo obtained, frf-e of cost, of druirirists and Reneral coun try dealers in alt parts of the United States and british America, and indeed in everv eivciz.ed portion of the Western II"inisph re. It couihiics. with the soundest practical advice for the preserva tion and r; ".rat '.on of hea'th, a larc atuount of interest hcj and amusing litfht rnclin, aiid the calendar, astronomical calculations, chronolojiical items, Ac, are prepared v.ith (treat care, and will be found entin-Iy accurate. The isue of llostetier's Almanac for 1S77 will probably be the largest edition of a medical work ever published in any qountry. The pro- pri- tors, Messrs. Jlostetter t Smith, lJ;tts bursr, l'a., on receipt of a two cent s!ami, will forward a copy by mail to any iw-rson who cannot procure one in his neighbor hood. August Kloiver. The most miserable beings In the world ore those suffering from IyspcpKia and I.iver 1 'oniplamt. More t ha n sev -iif y-tive per cent, of the people in the Tniled States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects: such tis Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Cost ivencss. Palpitation of the Heart Heart-burn, Water-brash, cna-winir and burning pains at t he pit. of the Stom ach, Yellow Skin, Coat '-d Tongue and disa- grecabb; last in the mouth, coming up of lood after cat mil, low spirits, ac. Goto Wahk & IlAKDiNO'd and tret a 75 cent Bot tle of August Flower or a Sample llottle lor iu cents, try it 1 wo doses will relieve you. Agents, c rane & Bingham, Whole sale Druggists, San Francisco, Cal. IlolJowuy'rf PUIm stud Ointment. Exercise your judgment. A new and bet ter phllosopy. To pull down all absurd and antiquated notions of disease and its cures, and to establish a rational svstein on the ruins, has been the chief endeavor otir. Holloway through life, hene the origin of his c"i"brated Pills and Oint ment remedies in UcepiYiir wit h common sen'because c-.i bs-Tvi.-nt to nature. rat her than at variance wit h her laws like those in general use. I o 1 he stomach we trace dyspepsia, headache and irMieral ilehilltv : to the liver,", jaundice and vol low lever : to t rv bowels, diarrli'ea, dvsenterv. constipation, i;es and fistula; to tie1 Unites, consumption, Ac: to the blood seroiuia, scurvy, aim all cutaneous erup tions. B- keeping these orirans and the vital fluid pure and h'-althy we mavsaf.'lv deiy the attacks ! disease, and no medi cine yet pr-'par.-d fort his purosecan equal ine nction 01 tics.. 1'ills and iiintm"nt, as t hoy dive to t !i s "at of the disorder, and by trig its cause destroy its ef fect . 101. A Fragrant I?rcath autl Pearly Tedh Are easily oiiuinwl by cleansing your teetli daily with that justly popular dentifrice, SOZODONT. Composed of rare antiseptic herbs, it imparts white ness to the teeth, a delicious aroma to the breath, and preserves intact, from youth to old age, tiie teeth. Acidity of the stomach will destroy the strongest teeth unless its elVects are counteracted with SOZODONT, and this pure tooth- wash protects tlie dental surfaces by retnovir.g every impurity that adheres to them. Ask your druggist for SOZO PONT. Hronch i? is. From John F!ngg,Esq.,of Bennington.N.H 'Three vears sine" 1 was very much re duced nith a dreadful eolith, wh ich result ed in Bronchitis, affecting me so severely as to render it. dimeuit to spcaK in an an dible voice. To this was added severe night sweats, ami I was fearful of iroina: into a d,,cUnf,. After recourse to various remedies, to no purpose. 1 mane us- 01 int. w istap. s Balsam ofWildCherry, a fw bott'es of which fu'.lv restored me to health. Since that time I have had several attacks of ,,, i.,o flif Ra'sain hasalwavs rw in ov- c the'm. 1 always keep it by me, and should not know how to do without it." 1... oil .Inifinsis. The Peruvian Syrup Vitalizes and enriches the blood, tones up thP system, builds up the broken-down, cures Dyspepsia, Nervous Aff ction, Chi !s nnrl Fevpr Humors. lyoss of Constitutlona , Viiror, Diseases of the Kidneys and lad der Female Comp'aints, and aM disas-s originating in a bad state of th" HIomI, or accompanied by Debility or a low state of the Svstem. , T, Caution !-r.e sure yoti get th" Pkruvian cYitre 6n dollar ntvl t :o dol ars a lf u. Pr'otard bv skth W. V'owlk t Sons. Sn Harrison Ave., Boston. Sod by drug gists generally. If there is any Victim of an eruptive malady who despairs of relief, let him abandon his despondency. So long as it is possible for him to obtain Glenn's bCL phcr Soap he need entertain no doubts respecting the possibility of his being cured. 7The National Gold Medal was award ed o Uradlev A Rulofson for the best Photographs in tho United states, and the Vit'tina Medal forth' best in the world. 4J Montgomery Street, San Francisco. JHEW TO-DAY. REFHHEE'S SALE. In Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon for C'ackaums county George W. Sawtell. plaintiff, vs. Mary E. Sawtell and Frank Sawtell, defendants, T"y virtue OF A CERTAIN JCDG- merit and decree of partition and sale made and entered in the above entitled (.'urt and suit on the lst day of Novem- ber, a. d. i7, the undersigned, a referee tturdtt)-, (lie Ui)tU du)- of Deseiubor, t the hour of on o'clock p. x, of said day, at the Court House door in Oregon City, Oregon, the following described real estate, formerly the property of 11. C. Saw tell, deceased, to-wit : The S. li of H. K. ! and tho S. H of S. W. H of Sec. and the X. of X. W. ?, and the X. J$ of X. K. of Sac. all in Town. 5 fS. of li. 2 K. of tho Willamette Meridian, situate in the county and State af oresaid, and containing :',JU acres. Terms of Sale not less than $100 in U. S. gold coin to be paid down ; the remain der to be paid in like coin, in equal install ments, on or before one, two, three and lour years from date of sale ; said sums to bear interest, payable annually, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, and to be secured by mortgage on the premises sold. C. H. CACFIKLU, E. L. E.vsTir.VM, Keferec. Att'y lor pl!T in partition. Oregon City, Dec. 1, LS7ii:w4. Sheriffs SaSo. Y YIUTUn OF A DKCHEIO AND writ of execution issued out of the Circuit Cocrt of the State of Oregon forth.? county of Clackamas, dated the -'7tU day ot November, A. 1). 1-i.o, and to me as Hheritr directed, in favor of l. 1'. Thnmi)- son and aiiainst s,"i.tiiaus Jluelat tor tli sum oI'Tllin een Hundred and Fifty lol- lars in lawful money )f the United State and One Hundred and Twenty-Six SKMIK) Dollars in trold or .silver coin of the United States, with interest on each of the above named amounts in like coin at the rate of twelve per cent, per annum from the .lst day of November, A. 11. 1S70 ; and the furthersum ol f orty Dollars as attorney s fee with interest at the rate of ten percent l'r annum from the L'lst day of Novem ber, a. D. ISTij; and the further sum of Thirty-One ii-lua Dollars costs in said action, and aceraiie' costs upon this writ Now t hcrelore I have on this the 2-t h day of November, A. 1. lS.'O, levied upon the following described real estate to satis fy the jad'.r:iients, interest, costs and ac cm i n g costs : Lots three ('.) and six (o) in block Seven (7) in Oregon City, Clackamas county, State of Oregon, according to the pint of said city on lite in tic; Clerk's ollice. And on Tuesdisy, the'i.l U.ty uf .la iuur", 1S27, At the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, at the Court House door in Or. ron City, Clackamas county, Oregon, I will sell all t he riirht, tii le and interest, of t he above named defendant to the above de scribed real ) roperty, to satisfy trie above named judgments, interest , costs and ac cruing cost s, at public a act ion, t o th higli est bidder for cash to inc in hand paid at the time of paid sale. J. T. Al'PK'.lsoy, Shf-ri!Tot Clackamas county, Or. gon. Oregon City, Nov. S, 1S7 :-.v I. Executrix sale of Real ai state. V"OTlt i; IS HidiUHY OIVKN THAT by virtue of the authority in me vest ed as llx' cairix of the ( state t.f M. M. Mc Carver, d -ceaseil, by ord- r of the County Court of Clackamas county. State of Ore gon, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for U. S. ;ld coin, on Fri day, the -M h lay of llec-mb'-r, IsTti, attti" hour of on" o'clock of said day at tic Court House door in Oregon City, Clacka mas county, Slate of Oregon, tie- Sol lowing described real estate situate m the county of Clackamas, Stale of ir"gou, and bound etl mid described aa to lows, to-A-it: being a part of the donation claim No. 11 in T. : S., K. 1 K., in ' iackamas county, tat of Oregon, bounded as lollous: Com meneircg at a jKiint on the N. W. boe.udary ot said claim 7'1-bia chains west and 2 chains south. -It- west from the N. I'., corner of .section i, trie same i.emg tne sotitii coriwrof A. Warner's, land ; run ning t hence south, 11- west H .xl-laa chains: th-'nee cast L'S 'JS-imi cuaimi ; thenc" north Z'- ist PJ r.ii-iao chains; thence north 47 ' w.'St jut'hiims to tlie pia"e or t.egmniiig, ciitairig 4ti Hi-pm acres, together with the appurtenances. 1 'Tim of saa One-roiirt ti down at tune f sale, otip-'oiirth on Feb. 1, IST7, and th' .niiiiiiil-r f sti .0 bid. Nov. 1. is". .ILT.I.V A. Mc-. AKVF.K. Xov.'Jt, H7r-lt. Administratrix. XiHICIi. V'oric n is hkiikrv fiivnv that the llrm of Willis I!r.s., wagon makers and blacksmiths, has been dis solved and nil persons i ed bl .'dt o t he late llrm must cab and settle wihiti thirty days from this pate, after which time all accounts will be found at the office of Johnson & McCown. WTIJdS BliOS. Oregou City, Nov. rT. ISTll-im. A CA1HX To all who are suffering fronf the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, A-c, I will s-nd a recipe that will cure you, FItEK OF ClIAIKiK. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a slf-addr -ssed onvolo:e to the Kkv. T. Josfpii Inman, Station T. r.itJt Jlome, AVm' York. novlT-ly. VOODBUPJlHURSEPiY, J. II. SKTTMCMIKU, Proprietor, 150,000 FIIU IT, SHADE, ORXAMEXTAI, AND XUT UHAHINCS TKKKS, VIXES VXD SH IlTTtBEKY, IOJl SAT.E CHEAP 7 Hard Times. TO SUIT THE Apple Twm from $."5 to per hundred. All other Tr-es from $10 to $1S per bun ired. Send for Catalogue and Price List. Address J. H. SETTLED IEH. Woodburn, Marion Co., Ogn. fVm. Casedy, Agent at Oregon City. novl'Mm. STILL H THE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS' SALOON. WILLIAMS & HARDING, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, EF.PTHK MOST COMPLETE STOCK IV of 1- amily (groceries to be found in t he city. All iroods warraatetl. Joods ileMvi-red in the city free of charge. The highest cash once paid lor count rv pro. luce Ure-ou City. March -JS, IS73. W. CASEDY, Dealer in GROCERIES, PROV1SIOXS, AND FRUITS AND YEG ETABLES. Main Street, Orc?oii (i(y, One door south of Ward Ilard'mg's Drug Store At R STOCK CONSISTS OPETERV J thins usually kept in a well stocked Family Orocery Store. Keep only first class goons. e?Orders delivered to any part of Oregon Citv, or t ane man. Oregon City June 0, 1978 i t. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TrWTV-TTRTTY DTT 0AT.TF0PJJIA . MILLINERY GOODS ! Tl'ST HF.CEIVKD. AT MRS, E. S. J Warren's Mlllinerv Store, a new and elegant stock of latest styles of Millinery and Ladies Furnishing Goods, for tho SPRING TRADE. Which will be sold at reasonable prices. 1.,-ulies livinirin thecotintry, favoring m with their orders, will lind them promptly attended to. ran. i:. s. wauuex, One door south of lr. Welch's ofnee. Oregon City, March 17, 1S7B. LIVERY, FEED, AHD SALE -O- rpilE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR. OF Jl the Livery stable on Fifth street .Oregon City, Oregon, KC-epa constantly on nanu aid UakcVji. Su.dOIe nuil Busty Uorea. I3rices XleasonaTole. Oregon City, Nov. 5, lbiS. Proprietor. "CITY 0FSALE&." H EKE AFTER AXI) VNTII Ft'U ther notice the City of Salem will touch at tho ha; F X cur, On its up trips each week on Wfancstlay- and Suturdny Morulugs And on the. down trips, Tueatiiiy I-'ridiiy Afternoons. Freight and Travel respectfully solicited. U. II. .SCOTT v CO. July 13, lS70:tt. THOMAS CHARMAN ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INl'OilM TIIE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A Ximble Xi Pence in Jlt-lter than ft Slow I have Just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LATEST AdlD BEST SELECTED stock of coons ever before olTi red in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chlnaware, Stoneware, Platedwar. Qucensware, Crockery, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Stylos, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Cents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Ooous, Fancy N liope. Faming tions of Evcry Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Matt ins, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc Of the above list, I can say my stock Is the MOST COMP L K T K river offered in thi market, and was seleted with especial care for t he Oregon City trade. All of which 1 now oner ior saie nt iim Lowost ftrlarkot Rates. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of fioin to Port land to buy goods for 1 am trrtntnnt to SW Chrap and not to allow myself to be INDEUSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask. is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oreiron Citv enables me to know the re- ouireinents of the trade. Come one and all . - .1 1 L. L.r. ! .1 n.l ana see ior yoursoivcis nuu im- ouiu v THOMAS CHAKMAN cannot be beaten in quality or price. It would be useless lor me to ion you an me Wantages I can offer you in the sale 01 poods, as every store that advertises noes that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Coaic, and Srp,aml Exiunin? for Yoursf Ivrs fori do not wish to make any mistakes. M v object, is to tell all my old friends now that, lam still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. 1 nanKinc an ior 1110 1 mor al patronage heretofore bestowed. 111' I I Al. ' ' , Main Street, Oregon City, Loi Tenders and Count v Scrip taken at market, rates. T1IOS. CHAPMAN. C7"oO,eiM) lbs wool wanted by THOS. CHAPMAN. FARMERS ! 1,000 HQGSWAHTEG!! RAVIXO KI2MO'lKTKl AM) KX larged our 7'ork Packing Establish ment, we will b" prepared to purc'oase l.iMMi or more Hogs this season, and for which we will pay the highest market crice. Cash down on d'diverv. AT.mtlNIIT tS; LOUI S. Oregon City, Oct. f, lTH :m. S. A. BROUGHTON, TOITLP INFORM THE CITIZENS OF Oregon City and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish Fir & Cedar Lumber, Of every description, at low rates. .vxn APPLE SOXES. 'also, Dry Flooring', Celling-, linslic, Spmre, (for shelving), TiMIce, PicKets, mid Fen "p.Posts, Cedar, Constantly on ham. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on inn soonest notice, at as low rates as 11 can oe purcnaseu in the state. Give me a ca 1 1 nt t he ORRfiOX CITY ,S'.4IF MILLS Oregon 'it. v. June 10, 1875 :tf OYSTERS! OYSTERS!! OYSTERS!!! 4 T GEORGE FUf'H'S.OPPOSITKTHE j- jepot. served up Tor customers FKESII OU STEWED. Families supplied at the rate of 75 emts per nunure.i. OKOUGE FUCHS. Orogon City, Oct. 20-tf US. r ESTABLISHED 1SGO. B. A. HUGHES, Oiipositc the Postofilce, MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY Dealer In DRY GOODS, CLOTIIIXG, HA TS , BOOTS and SHOES, HOSIERY LADIES' AND GENTS' FLRNlSIilNG GOODS, PERFUMERY, TABLE CUTLERY, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE. HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, ROPE. GR AJX SACKS, WOOL SACKS, ETC.. ETC., ETC. fV STOCK OF CEXERAL MFK. JL chandise is large and well assorted. There is no house undersell me. in the city that can SMALL PROFITS AND (IHCK RETURNS, Is my motto. Please call and see for yourselves that the Goods at the old hrm ot 15. A. liugncs cannot be beaten in quality or price. I keen the best. T a and CofTec and a good supply of l-'jsmtiy Groceries. I give the highest market price for good Country cioattco. E. A. UUGIIES. Oregon City, March 17th, 1S70. County Sfvip Taktu us Casli. ja7:tf. 2j AN a) FO5 SAIBS. fV. HAVE TII E FOM.OWTNG PEAE Estate for sale. . Desirable building block in Oregon City. No. 1 No. 2 . ICO Acres, good house, and barn full of hay;.S acres in cultivation, orchard, good water: 1" miles troni Oregon City. Price t'yW), half down. No. 3. Ilk) acres of S. S. bite's donation claim, L'.Hf miles from Oregon t-iiy; No. i. 100 acres, 8 miles S E of Oregon Citv. 10 acres in cultivation, open brush land, running water, good wheat land ; price, 5so'. Ko.5. Part of all the Larber farm, on the river at ltock Island above Oregon City ; i per aero. No. 6. ;20 acres, '2 miles from Graham's ferry on the Willamette river, HO acres in cultivation, 12 acres in an orchard of choice varieties of fruit, ;tti acres in wheat, 1-iU acres under fence, geod house, barn and running water, 12 miles from Oregon City. Price 5l,i"u, part down balance on time. . :i:iO acres; 75 improved, a large, No. new, well linished Irame dwelling, plum and apple orchards, living wa ter, IS acres of fall wlp-at. ti miles from Oregon City, on Moialla road, church and school house adjoining ; can be had for t, 2-50, one-third down, balance on time. No. 8. 201 acres 10 miles east of Oregon City, H mil.-si irom Viola grist and saw mill and postoftie ; ar acres in cultivation, ltu acres under fence, good irame house 13x:l "L" 10x22, 3 acres in fruit trees. Price J1.000, half down. No. 9. 40 acres at Milwaukee; part beaver dam. Trice, fl.OOC. No. 10. A one and a half story house, one lot, barn, woodshed, well, etc, in Oregon City, for $12-5. No. 11 100 acres of land, with 10" acres un der new fence and a growing crop of wheat, about 40 acres very easily cleared, all of the rest timbered land, well vatered, S miles from Oregon City. Price $S2" ; .50 cash, f t!2 on time, at 10 per cent. ier annum. 12. SO acres four miles from Can by railroad station; 6 acres ready to ploWj good log barn, 4(10 feet of lum ber for a small house, good land ; Price, $i73. 1.1. ;22 acres 17 miles southeast of Oregon City ; 75 acres in cultivation, and 75 acres can easily be put in cul tivation, double log bouse, barn, good water, 5 acres of an orchard. Price, $0,010, half down. No. No. No. 11. ;V acres ten miles east, of Oregon City, 7 miles from Marshtield station ; 75 acres in cultivation, 300 acres of level bottom land. goxl box-house and frame barn, good running water for stock, good stock ranch, 700 bear ing fruit trees. Price St.2o0. Will sell stock and crops to purchaser if he desires. No. 15. 100 acres 6 miles east of Oregon City ; 00 acres 111 cultivation, 5 acres in orchard, good house and barn, re maining land easily cleared. Price $2,500, half down. 10. 150 acres, more or less, 11 miles from Oregon City, i-IS miles to Port land, 20 acres in cultivation, 100 more easily cleared, all under fence, good house, good land and plenty of water, sehoolhouse and church 1 mile away, it months school in year. Terms casV, $1,250. 17. 100 or 100 acres off of the north of No. No. the Fram's claim, 4 miles from Ore gon City, open brush land, all easily e'eared, living water.good mill power, at $10 per acre ; terms easy. Other desirable bargains in Clackamas, the best county in the State. Any sue having money to lend can have our services, tree of charge, In managing the same and selecting securities. Persons wanting to borrow monev can get favorable terms by calling on us. JOI!SOX it 'lit OW.-V, mid johxsu:;, Sfconx ajiaciu:-!. OfHees in Oregon City and Portland. Nov. 12. 1.S75 :tf Ivor! J'tVV I TAVING taken V Sa'Ei SL advantage of t h- i;d unsettled condition cf the Eastern and Cali fornia Money Mar k- ts, I have Piirrhasrtl Air Cash The Largest Stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY & SIIVERWARE. Lvor brought, to Oregon, and am now enabled to offer th"m at Uetail at former H H(H,l,s.U,E lMiit c. No plated Jewelry of any kind is kept, in my Establishment. Every article is war ranted as represented. I also have the Agency of the unrivalled Diamond Sp?c tmlr. To thos intending to send East for Watches, I would say if they will b t me know the name .arid price of the watch they intend to send for, 1 will furnish the same watch lor the same price. By all means give me a call before going or sending elsewhere B. L. STOKE, 103 Eront-st.. Portland, Oregon. NEIMEYER & UTTER, Merchant Tailors, F'JR'iiSH I U Q GOODS AMD HATTERS, 31 First Street, Portland. Oct. 0, l576.-tf. --: ' Lower 1 CLIFF HOUSE. OREGON CITY, OREGON. . T. W.: RHODES, Proprietor. Transient EoariT, tl to S'-S !' TT- o Mingle Meals 50 cents. Hoard per AVeclc $5 OO Boaru and I.olliif;, rcr weelt 86 CO The Table will be supplied with tho bet the market affords. Iall Suppers furnished on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Nov. 19. 18.75 :tf LiiPoirm'T TO ALL mm IT KAY CONCERN! 6 "TAKING DKSIROVSJOK ADOPTING X ) a new rule of business, H would requBt thosa Indebted to me to come and .. Pay Up Immediately, And save Inconvenience and expense, as I have determined to collect what is due me. I have reduced the prices on Goods greatO ly, and can assure all that I can give Bargain Eto Cash Buyers- Come and see for vour own satisfaction . A. LEVY, Notice. "ff TAKK THIS JICTIIOD OF IX- i forming my old patrons and the pub- O lie gencrailv that I have just opened a SADDLE Afc'D HARFiESS SHOP, In the Masonic building. Main st., Oregon Citv. whore I will be pleased to serve all who may give me a call with anything in my line at the lowest cash prices. J.V. 1.HAIIA3I. Orojron City, July 13. s:: :"m. Fn Ah E3 (Successor to EAKLOW & FULLER), lealcr in o cnccEnjss akd FF.ovfSferis, SELECTED TEAS COFFEE, 0 aJ SPICES, BUTTER AND CHEESE, r()RElG AM) llOMESTir Fill ITS, And a full variety of Goods usually kept in a first-class Grocery Store. Come one, come all, and examine our stock. I can sell as cheap and lnrnish as geod an article as anv house in town. 1 have secured a first class b..ker and will continue to timiish customers with is good bread as can be found in the State. Oive me a call at Par low & Cutler's old stand, Main street. T. A. UAt OX. Oregon City, August 25, IsTO :t f. PAUL BOYCE;:SV,. D. PHYS5C!A?4 A&D SURSEDK, Oregon City, - - Oregon. 11IROXIC DISEASES AM) DIS- Vi cases of Women and Children a speci alty. Office hours, day and night ; always ready when duty calls. Aug." 25, 1870 :tf. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP, AT John Lewis' GkJ Stand, CAV. G.IXOXG HAS OPKXED AT this old stand, where he is i-r pared to do anything in his line. y Horse shoeing aspeciaiy. Oregon City, Mav ".ttfnij W. FEIEDLANDEE, The welbknown iEWEL'kER GF PORTLAND, E?3 Charges KEV:lYORK PRICES, FOR "Watcli li'epairinfr. Cleaning a Wultli S3 OO Mnire-S prills 1 SO Glass 85 WALTniM, KLCI.V, SPRINGFIELD, 0 and SWISS "WATCHES, Only the best qualities Guaranteed for two years from day of sale. E7"()nli rs sent from the countrv care fully attended. lOri First St., in Odd Fellows Ituidin July -2S, S7-;J.m. Subscribe for THE WEST SHORE, Just entering its second year. It4s ENLARGED AND IMPROVED Xow is the 1 imp to and worthy the patronage of every well-wisher of tho Pacific Northwest. It is q I!c:iil ifuily III list rn ted Py the leading artists on the Coast. Some The Ablest Writers inthePaeiffe Northwest contribute to its columns. Asa Ftimily.TouiTinl it stands at the head of t he Tacific Coast publications. As a pap-, r to SEN I) TO FKIENTJS abroad, it has no equal. V single num ber will give them a better i'va of Oregon and Washington Territory l.ian a year's numbers ofany other pa per. Subscription price, SI 50 PKIt TEA n, including- postage. Sample number, 20 cents. Address the publisher, L. SAM PEL, P. O. Pox 3, Portland Oregon. Remittances can be mad" by reistere d letter r bv on'., r on any of the Portland Pusincss Houses. scj't 7 Sna. Final SeUlement- In the matter of the estate of Currin T. Kimbley, deceast. 0' 1ASWELL KIMHLEV, ADMINISTRA- tor of the above named estate, having filed his final account and reort, with r.raver for final settlement, it. was ordered by the Court that Saturday, the 'J.ld day of lieeomber, lS7fi, be s-'t apart for the hear0 lug of objections to such reixirt and ac count, if any there be. CASWELL KIMRI EY, Administrator. Oregon City, Nov. 21, lS7f.-4t. O . . 0 Final Settlement. o In the County Court of Clackamas County, ft ate of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Richard E. Williams. ISAAC WILLIAMS. ADMINISTRATOR of the alove estate having filed hisflnal aceountand report vith prayer for final sett lenient, it was ordered by the Court that Saturday, the 15th cay of December. lS7fl, be set. apart for the hearing of objec tion's to such report nr.d account. If any there be. ISAAC WILLIAMS. Adm'r of estat of Richard E. Williams. Oregon City, Nov. 10. l$7(Mw. - - x m: : I o O o o 0 c G e O CD 1 ! i . 1 i ?!