Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1876)
o o o o o O o THE ENTERPRISE, PRECOX CITY, OREGON", MARCH l, 1S7C. OTCE.X Certificates of'publica lion will be (given, until our fcnrc Miltl. make no deviation from this rutr in future. VIviau-Kohler. ' This troupe of vorlil-renowneu ar tistes gave an entertainment at loie's Itall in this city, on Tueslay niht. Though the evening was fine and all circumstances favorable to giving them a full house, but a small audience was present, and this among the people who had crowdod the rooms of Jacobs, the spiritualist, and pave the Lewis Jlrothe rs crowded houses for three suc cessive nlvrhU. The entertainment, not withstanding the ineagro attendance, was extremelv excellent, nor could one detect from the manner of the actors that they wore not listened to by the largest audienco in the world. After a piano overture bv Prof. Waud, and a Hons bv Mr. Campbell, well rendered, MriKohler appeared, and gave a solo on a co'rnot-a-piston and carbonicon, l'rof.Waud plavinga piano aeeonipuni Snont. At lirst siirht we were struck with the remarkable Hpearance of Mr. Kohler. with his well preserved phy sique, handsome intellectual lice arid golden grav hair and beard. There is something," prepossessing in hi ap pearance thnt lc helps to prepare one for thpexhiftit of his wondertul music al talents. His performances on the cornet, French IT.ujeolct, concertina, and tnmbleronicon, are pronounced bv all perfect, and at Jeast disclose a higher order of musical genius than was ever exhibited in our city before. The French llageolet played by him, gives forth notes as exquisitely sweet as are the warblings ot the sweetest during canary bird, each performance receiving rounds of the heartiest and most persistent encores. When Vivian presented himself, lie was enthusiastically encored. Many of those present had heard him before, and the applause with which lie was received showed that his remarkal le talents wore appreciated. His songs and character sketches are unsurpasjj- 1 cd, l)eirg fresh, new and perfect delin eations. One can "write up" others, but not Vivian, lie must be seen and heart! to be appreciated. While upon - the stage ho kept the audience in a roar of lau .fhter, and was called back again and again by repeated encores. Mr. Campbell's basso songs were ex cellent, and Mrs. I'd.tke sang well, while .Prof. Waud, at the piano, acquit ted himself erediblv, but all were so far surpassed by the principal actors, Vivian and Kohler. that wo fear the rest of the troupe do not receive the credit due them. Vivian promises to give us another cntertaiiimeni when he returns from up the valley, when admission will be reduced to a figure to allow everybody to attend, and give him such a house as ho deserves. We , Jiopo ho will not fail to come. and think "we can warrant him a full house, after the good impression made by Tuesday night's entertainment. Ileal Instate Transfers. Following arc the real estate transfers for tin? past week : Jos. N. and John II. Fields to Kobt. V. Short, southeast 'i of Sec. 0, T. 3, S. R. 1 W.. containing 100 acres; consider ation $10. J. I,. Crooks and wife to II. V. Short, southeast U of See. 'J, T. 3, S. It. 1 W., containing Hh) acres; consideration $b). Russell T. 1 U lashnmtt and wife to .ura Uclls, n behalf nt minor Uclls, n behalf nt minor chil uotitication ,!'i. containing -Id consideration f-'flM and a team. dren, acres Oregon and European Lima Co. to Heni. E. Caton, lot No. See. :'!, T. -, S. R. 3 K., containing :".'.) loo acres; con sideration SrXi. John 11. Moore and wife to Louis Ihivol, lot s in block "iii. in town of Cauemah : -consideration .sm. John Ziunwalt and wife to J. W. Jraham, part of the donation claim of John Zuiiiwalt and wife, being a part of Sec. J1,T. li. S. R. 1 W., containing 1j acres: consideration ?1ii. John Ziunwalt and wife to J. W. J rah. i in. donation land claim of John Xumwatt and wife. T. 3. S. R. 1 V, sections -J.nt "Jl, 1:7, and 2s, containing oOS.l-10) acres; consideration :? 1,100. Not DKi'ortrr.ATiMj. Hon. W. Carey Johnson writes to the Oregonian as follows: My attention is attracted to a para graph in your paper statrng that the State census of l.-7-i shows fewer legal voters in Clackamas county than did the United States census of 1670. I de sire to say that I think the principal reason for such showing is failure on the part of the assessor to enroll all the Z voters in 187"). Uut another reason may bo found in the fact that in ls70 railroad work was in full blast, much wood chopping being done, and two large .saw mills in operation, anil the men employed were almost all . transient residents. These men were counted in the census of IS70, but of course were almost all gone in 1S7". The permanent settlers in Clackamas comity have very largely increased since l-7, and partic ul itly w ithin the last two years. Quite a large number of Jeriuans have gone in between liagle Creek and Sandy, in the northeast corner of the count y,"aud very m.uiy oM and unused places are 1 M'in v occupied ami rejuvenated bv the m w coiners. The next election returns will show a large increase of voters over any election in the rat, unless we txcept 17'. the year the locks were be ing constructed, an. 1 wo think the vote Will be larger than it was that v.-ar. We think Clackamas, for those hay ing strength and vim enough to slash and burn a little biusli and timber, affords the best opportunity in the State to buy cheap lands or' to locate public or railroad land. At tiie Ckntkn.niau-We have com menced sending copies of the Kntkk prisk tocGeo. T. Rowell, who has charge of the "Newspaper Kxliibition," !t Philadelphia. Now is the time, for parties to that all our pub lic and privato enterprises may appear on the "Centennial tiles." Oregon will bo judged by her display at the exhibi tion, and business men will be judged in a great measure bv the space thev occupy in the advertising columns of our newspapers. Did you ever hear of tho man who sent a person to Fgvpt to advertise shoc-blncking on the "pyra mids, and made a fortune by thelucky Y. M. C. A. At a regular meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association of Oregon City, Oregon, held March n 21st,lS7t), the following resolution adopted : Resolved, that the thanks of this association bo extended to all the rtitrerent publishing companies who so kindly furnished us with aeopy of their valuable paper, to be placed on our file and that copy of these resolutions be furnished the Oregon City-Kntfr-ruisK and daily Bee, for publication. 11. K. Williams, Itec. See. Swedes Corny a. Wo havo talked with a Mr. Allmin, a Swedish gentle man from Nebraska. Ue, with a friend, arrived fn this State some two weeks ago, and is sent out by a large number Iris countrymen, who contemplate eoming to this-coiintry to form a colony. He 1 says he prefers "our rain and mud to the cold winds and snows of Nebras Ka. Hp wants land, cheap and good, and wjll probably, lind auch to satisfy him in our county. - - - Pt-xcTUAL.Mr. Ramsbv, who nes the mail between Portland car and the n ' PPiyIns nearly all county, has bailed but rhe-r "I trips during the iLri il , Mien w consider think t m a,nd rou2:h weather, we 'vliirk"t l? havc required unusual Placl to keep up the weekly rounds. Y. M. C. A. At a regular meeting of this society, held Tuesday evening, committees were appointed as follows: Committee on Meetings and Lectures X. W. Randall, C F. lleatie, Thomas Spooner, S. l. Pope and Mrs. C. (). T. Williams: Committee on llenevolenee and Employment M. C. Athev, W. Fish, W. J I." Whitlock, K. Hatch and J. M.Frazer. A good attendance was nresent and after the business was dis posed of a pleasant social time was en-iov-il Tlio sooietv now has fll mom- joyed. ters Fare Reduced. The Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company will sell tickets on and after May 11th. and until October 31st, 1S7G, to Centennial travellers between Omaha and Chicago, and return, for one and one half the psual fare one way. This is a good route, the coaches and apurtenanees are first class, and we would advise our readers who may travel Centennial ward during the summer, to take the C. & N. W. at Omaha. The Wrong Man. Messrs. Henry Hedges and Geo. Sheppard captured a man at Gervias the other day, and took him to Portland, thinking they had got MiltShepardson and the $1,000 reward. Sheriff Jeffrey met them at the train, and, on seeing the prisoner, informed them that they had nabbed the wrong man. It was a man named Wilson, of this county. The feelings of our friend II. can be easier imagined than describ ed, inasmuch as he had been olfered $2T0 for his chance before leaving Cervias. School Clkrks. The Couty School Superintendent desires to call the at tention of the sehool clerks to the fact that the orders for the county school fund are issued and ready for delivery. The amount apportioned is ST,35.1 03. The amount apportioned to each child is SI 75. The total number of children in the county entitled to draw school funds is :$,or7. The number of legal voter reported is 1,081. Social Cxatb. A large number of our young ladies and gentlemen are talk ing of organizing a social club. They met on Wednesday evening and took the initiatory steps towards a perma nent organisation. JAt rary exercises, theatricals, billiards, cards, dancing and fun generally, is the bill of fare. Those who havo the matter in baud are well calculated to make it a success. SiL.vj:n Wkddino. On Thursday night of last week, the many friends o Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bacon surprised them with a liue lot of silverware, in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding day. The guests re mained till a late hour, enjoying one of trie picasa ntcst social gatherings ot the season. May they live to enjoy many more sucli anniversaries. IjKttkk risr. TiCtters remaining in the Postoliice, at Oregon City, March 21th, 167(5: Ruckner, Miss Kli.a F. ; Fallert.Jno. Fisher, Saeob : Oloason, Mrs. Maggie Horace, Mr.; Howe, Dick: Jones, Mrs Mary I,.: Mattoon. Albert: Ogden. F W. ; Richardson, Matthew ; Vannord sand, Isaac. If called for please say when "adver tised." J. M. Bacon, P. M. Rxtiia Conies. We have printed a large number of extra copies of the KxTF.nrnisE this'week, to acommodate those who may wish to preserve or send to friends, the "Centennial Church History." This article is from the pen of one of our ablest writers, and forms, we believe, the most important chapter in the history of our 3-oung State. Tin-: i:o.i up the Beep creek bill, between K.igle Creek and Damascus, has been greatly improved this vinter, for which work Messrs. Philip Poster, Jos. Young, CJ it hens and (lordon, of Kagle Creek deserve special mention. "What's iv a Name." Those who reside in the part of town back of the Seminary object to the cognomen some one has attached to their suburban IMKiida"-e, and say that "Forest Ifill" is the appropriate name chosen for that ente pn: dug district. IlEi.ioiorsSi-.nvicEs.BishopMorris will preach in .St. Paul's Chureh on Friday evening next subject, Apostol ic Succession. He will aiso preach on Saturday evening, and on the Sunday following. At the morning service on Sunday, the rite of confirmation will be administered. Comino. We have been informed by Montgomery Queen that he intends visiting this State during the coming suinmer, with his circus and menagerie. We hope h-- will not fail to uive Oregon City a call, as this exhibition is first class. T. W. Kuoues, mine host of tho 'Cliff House, has rented the ;ot adjoining the hotel, which he will lay but in a garden and lawn, and also intends to prepare a nice croquet ground fo the Ijonetit of his guests. Not Hone. Our young friend Arthur Milne did not go K 1st. After going to Portland he concluded not to take the steamer, but to try Webfoot a while longer. We think he acted wisely. Returned. Mr. Joseph Miller has returned from Santa Clara college. He was compelled to quit his studies on account of sickness. We hope that a change of climate and home attentions will soon restore him to health again. Sheriff Appkissox has given notice that all delinquent iaxes must be paid before the firsrday of April, to save costs. Tax-pa vprs will govern them selves accord ihglj. Prospkcti.vo. Our enterprising friend James M. Welch has gone to Walla Walla to look at a flouring mill there, with the intention of buying. We hope it will not suit, as we can't af ford to lose J. M. just yet. CLOSED.The Imperial Mills were closed down on Wednesday on account of the death of Mr. T. A. Savior, one of the partners, of Portland. He died suddenly at San Francisoo on Wednes day morning. liOUDEn. Several of our merchants fail to hear the 8 o'clock bell, which was intended to enable them to clffso iiei. ips s agreement. It should be rung louder. r7 DAXCE Kivo ly the Pleasure Club, last Friday night, was a success. A largo number of tho elite of our city season. J SCI;l1 partios of the Ws of Fun There will be a fun Party at the Library Rooms this (Fri day) evening, for tho benefit of the library -Two bits is the admission and nothing to get out dU"1,3Slou Ckntexjsiax. Bali. There will bo a v... Kiven oy the ladies of mis city one week from to-niht It i to be a grand attir. Particulars next WCCK. T-- 11 . L xii.L, akkk, at one time a type sticker on the Enterprise, is agent for a washing machine at McMinnville Patronize nirn. lmox services win be held at the ii. Hi. t nqrea on iMinuav evening. Prksext. A friend who lives not far below town presented us with a box of his finest apples. We promised not to tell his name, sso our readers need not guess I. O. G. T.-W. R. Dunbar.G. W C T of Oregon, was in town last week. He spent Saturday evening with Willam- f)1; " thi ty. and a pleasant time w as had. Ske notice of teachers' examination in another column. The time fixed t March 25th. 9 o'clock vr Seminary. i ., Sociable. The Baptists had a ilea ant Sunday School sociablo at their f uitn on jiisl iVionuav night. auk rooms or the Young Men' Christian Association are always open books and papers in tlie reading room' Doc. Bell, of Ejgle Creek, lately received a kick in the face from ahorse inflicting a deep gash, which will prob ably leave an ugly scar. The days are growing so much long er that men who used to dodge in after a rlrink at a quarter to five t xr stand shivering around till after six. Returned. Mr. and Mrs. John Tru- avas returned by last st?amor from an rrancisco, where they havo been sojourning during the past winter. Cuas. X,. Kkstku, late of Wheatland, and formerly of this place, left here for me mues on Alonclay last, Miss Eugenia Walker, formerly of this place is learning the art preserva tive m the lrioune otiice at the Dalles. Cu vs. Buhxs returned on Wednes-1 day from Lawiston, Polk Co., where ho has been lor the past two months. Market Ileport. Portland Market. Jjegal tenders, S7 buying, RS selling. Flour. Extra, $5 00; superfine, $1 '.3. Wheat. $1 J0 pr cental. Oats. (Joe. to 70c. i bushel, liarlev. l ;" percental. Bacoii. Sides, 12c; hams, 1C017; shoulders. Hfti.'J. Bard. In kegs, Me: in 101t tins, He. Butter. Fresh roll. 2(KlfM)c. Fruits. Dried apples, in sacks, Gc kegs7li ; plums, pitless, 1115; peaches He ; prunes, lie. Eggs. :5e. Ciiickens. Full grown, $3 00 rJ dozen. Hides. Dry, 13j; salted, (j; culls ,? ofr. Tallow. 5Uc "tt lt. Wiol.-J3 toli5e. Feed. Bran, 00 ton; S2o to ?30; oilcake, S37 f0. Hay. Maled, !?! 0 to J IS (X) loose, $1") oo. Potatoes. otf.70c "( bushel. shorts, V ton: Onions. 1 to 1 'ie it. Mutton sheep. ('i?- 75. Oregon City Market. Wheat. Wc V bushel. Oats b'!)c i bushel. Potatoes ."jOfof! l ic V bushel. Onions Flour -r?l 00 l bushel. 1 7f sack or S" 50 bbl. Dried Fruit Apples, "(! lb oQT'c. Plums, l-ioai1'. Butter -:vrtre H It). Kgu-s Mia dozen. Chickens tirown, 5) ) dozen; llacon Sides, loc Hi ; hams, IGo. I'iril 14 to 1k. H;lV-v-0 TJ ton. Wool tt. Clreen Apples 75c to $1 00 box. mKi. At his residence, on the Tualatin river, three miles west of Orejroii City, on the lith of .March, Mr. Joseph A. fields, aged 40 years, 0 months and ii days. Onthel-tth ot March. Mrs. Maria J., wife of Joseph A. Fields, aetl 27 years, 1 moat h and 3 days. Mr. Fields was horn in Hickman county. Kentucky. Sept. 11th, 1SJ.1. Kmhrrated to Oregon in 1S1!. Married Miss Mary Clark Nov. llili, ISoli. But God, who seeth not as man seeth, saw fit, alter a pleasant matri monial career of about" seven years, to remove bv death the companion of his bosom. It-avinz him with the care of three interesting little daughters, whom he kind ly kept, with him. caring for t hem wi! ii uiv tiring tenderness. In June of lstiS, he mar ried for his second wife. Miss Kabastian, si-ce which time three little children, now left, sorrowful orphans, have been added to their happy household.- Mrs. l'ields was born in St. Francis Co. Missouri, 011 the lotlt of February, lSl'J, e;ime to Oretron in lS-r. JJoth .Mr. and Mrs. Fields were takensick on .he 12th of February, being exhausted with the care of their eldest, daughter, like wise some of their younger children, who had b-en lor some time lying at t he touit of death, a ml deiiarted this liie Mrs. Fields at minutes past 11 o'clock, on t he morn- i:i'' of the lith 01 .March, anu .Mr. J- icjus at 25 minutes of 4, on the morning of the 11th. About two hours previous to his departure. he called in earnest tones for Maria, and then hummed his tavonto hymn : "How tedious and tasteless the hours, When Jesus no longer 1 se ; Sweet prospects, sweet birds and sweet llowers Have all lost their sweetness to nie." The funeral was largely attended at their residence, at 1 o'clock on Wednesday the lot h, and t heir remains int erred in a single grave. The sermon on this deeply solemn occasion was impressively delivered by J lev. .1. X. UufT. In the decease of Mr. and Mrs. Fields, the community has lost two of its most estimable citizens, the large circle of rela tives who deeply mourn their loss, a son and a daughter, a brother and sister, a fond father and mot her, whose loss time cannot replnee.and whose kindnesses lm ve been unsurpassed. None knew them but to love and respect. The deceased were both active members of Tualatin Grange, and were buried with the impressive cere monies 01 mat uruer. How inysierious and beyond the compre- prehension ot man are the ways of t lie Almighty. To-day we are basking in the sunshine of life and happiness, to-morrow clasped in tho cold embrace ol death. The hand of (Jod whose power doth move, 1 ins woriu 01 mystery anu iovo : Has laid within the silent tomb. Those friends whose loss we now so doeply mourn. 'Tis hard to bow beneath the stroke, And kiss the rod that smite our hearts ; Hut God. who ruleth all things best. Can calm the storm, and bring sweet rest. Oregonian please copy. S. Ii. II. Decay of the Teeth Arises from various causes, but prin cipally it may be attributed to early optrleet or the indiscriminate use of tooth powders and pastes, which give a momentary whiteness to the teeth while they corrode the cnamol. The timely uso of that delicate aromatic tooth-wash, Fragrant SOZODOXT, will speedily arrest the progress of decay, harden the crutris. and lmpartaaensnt- ful fm-rrance to t he breath. It removes those ravages which people sustain in their teeth from me use 01 seei acid articles. " lire r tcHE. As a remedy for head- uche rond's Extract is used with... much hnfit hv iiafhlnar the forehead with it and taking ten or fifteen drops internally. It is most useful in headaches of a conges tive character, atte-ded with a- fulness, heaviness and tension in the head, and especially where headaches are attended wiihnrs'rniiiii to result In nose bleed, the forehead may be bathed or a cloth, wet in the Extract, and taken inwardly. dose as above, repeated in an hour, if necessary - Important. Endorsed by the Medical profession. DU. VM. HALL'S BAUSAM vn vfiS rnres Couchs. Colds and Consm.ption, and all disorders of the Throat and Chest. DR. TO W LEWS tooth AXODYXE cure6 Inr one MINLTE. " fobW Wring out the Vital Kucrgy. There is generally, even in the most delicate censtitution, a latent reserve of vital enertrv. The medical stimulant of nil others" best calculated to rouse this vis inertia is Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters. The impulse which that ines timable preparation lends to the action of the various organs insures a more Vigorous and consequently healthy discharge of their various functions than they would bo capable of without its aid, and the "fillip to nature" thus" communicated is never exessive, but always equable and regular. Just so much stimulation is imparted as is re quired, and no more. In respect of the healthful gentleness of their action, the Bitters are immeasurably superior to the nnmedicated stimulants of com merce, which, though they produce a powerfully resuscitating effect for a few minutes, are invariably followed by a reaction, corresponding in depres sion to their primal effect. They ex cite so much at first that nature is wearied by the effort, and is apt to sink under thecxhaustion. Physicians who have made the stimulative action of the Bitters the subject of experiment, declare their decided preference of them over any other similar article. An equally high opinion is entertained of their regulating qualities by. medi cal men who are acquaints! with their tonic ellects. Tney speedily rec.tity an irregular habit of body, digestive dis orders, and delinquencies of the urin ary organs, which added to their strengthening influence, renders inval uable aid in dyspepsia, constipation, biliary Derangements ana weakness or irritation ot the bladder kidnevs. Rheumatic affections are also greatly alleviated by their blood denuratiii'? and anti-inllamniatory action. Fortify and Tone the Feeble Cou-rh-torii I.unirs with Hale's Honev of Hore- iiousdasd tar, ami they will soon as sumo their healthy and regular action. It is an absolute salegtiaru asrainst consump tion. Pike's Toothache Drops cum in one minute. NEW TO-DAY. Examination of Teachers. t r.1.. peusoxs uksiiig to oh- lX. tain certificates for teaching in the Public Schools of Clackamas county, will please assemble at the Oroiron Oitv Semin ary on Saturday, March 2oLh. at 9 o'clock A. M. All applicants will please bring sta tionary wir.n tnem. JUll.N W. SKI.LWOOD, School Sup't. Oregon City, March 21st, ISTti. VVORSHAM & RM! Dealers in BEEF, PORK AND MUTTON. Odd Fellow' IJuiUlin, Slulit St. CC?"C)rd -rs delivered to any part ofOrejion City or Canmah. Oregon Cii y, Feb. IS :tf. A dm i n istr atom's Sale. In the County Court, oi the ist ale of Oregon, ior 1 tie county 01 Clackamas. In t he matter of the Estate of Curri-ti T. iviinbley, deceased. N OTICE IS HEltKHY GIVEN THAT in pursuance ot an order and license made and given by the Hon. Count v Court 01 Clackamas Count v, Oregon, at the special term held Fehmury oth, ISTii thereoi, 1 will proceed to sell at public aue lion, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in Oregon Cily. on .Saturday. the 151 h day of April, A. I). ISTi!. at tie hour of 1 o'clock V. M.. the following de scribed parcel of la nd, situated in Clacka mas County, Oregon, and belonging to the estate ot said deceased: the VV. 'i of N. F.. U of See.lO.T.: S.. K. 3 K. of the Willameltf Meridian, curtaining S ' acres more or less. terms of sale gold com down at the time of sale. Deed nt the expense of pur chaser. OASWELb KIMHT.KY, Administrator. Oregon City, Feb. 10, ISTtv. Citation. In the County Court ol Clackamas County, wegon. In the mnttt-r of the Tstate of Ilenry f-pr:ino, uecenseu. To Mary M. Jackson, an lu-ir of deceased fBUK ADMINISTRATOR OF SAID i Estate having liled In said Court hei )ctitiot praying lor license to sell land ne oiiging to said Estate, sd uat in Clacka mas bounty, Oregon, bounded as follows. to-wit: Ue inning at the corner b tween Sees. 11 and '2.i East In T. 2 S.. It. 3 E.. run mni; mence isortn t rous ; niencu w csi UM) rols; thence rsoutn KH rods; '.thence East 111 rods; thence North-east 120 rods to tlm lace of beginning; containing LiO acres more or loss. Therefore in the name of tho State of Oregon you are hereby cited to appear in said uonrt at a term t hereoi to be held on Monday, the 3d day of April. A. 1). lSTtiito show cause; if any exist, why an order of sale should not be made as in said petition prayeu ior. 1 .1 j i. 15 witness. 1110 lion, rs. w . itan- J...S. J dall, Judge of said Court, and t he seal thereof affixed t lie 1st day of .March. A. I). 1S71. mh3-it. J. M. FUAZGIi, Clerk. Admiiiisfriitor's S;ilc. 1' PtRSl.lXCE OF AN ORDERjAXD license issued and made the 7th day of i-ebruary A. IK 1S7(. by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, tho under signed Administrators of the Estate of YV. . Cook, deceased, will on Wednesday, the 20th day of April, A. I). 1N7(, at I o'clock r. m., la the Court llouse door in Orciron City, Oregon, sell at public auction the fol lowing described tract ot land belomrinir to said estato, in Clackamas County, Oregon, to-wit .- The W. of the S. W. hi of Sec. 7. in T. 2 S., it. 3 E., in one parcel. The E. of the .S. W. H of Sec. 7 in T. 3 S., K. 3. E., in one parcel. lermsotSale One-fourth cash, in gold coin, on day of sale : remainder sixty da jrs time, bearing interest at the rate of one ler cent per month. t'KAK W. rUKTbll, V. II. COOK, March 3d, 1876-4t. Admrs. Joiinsox & McCowx, Att'ys. Summons. In t he Circuit Court of t he State of Oregon for t he County of Clackamas. Mathlas Kandlc, Plaintiff, vs. Helen A. Kandle, Defendant. Tc Helen A. Kandle, defendant : IX TIIE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed anai n st von in the above ent met! suit, ny the lirst day of the term of said Court fol lowing the expiration of six weeks from the lirst publication of this summons, said nrst publication being on tne 3.i day 01 March. lS7ti; and if you fail to answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the relief demanded therein, which is for a dissolution of tho marriage contract existing between plaintiir and defendant herein, and for the custody of the minor children. l!y order of Hon. E. D. Shatt nek, Judge of said Court, dated March 1st, 1876. Attorney for FPff. Final Settlement. T UGREHY GIVE NOTICE THAT I A have filed in the County Court of Clack amas County. final account as Administrator of the Estate of A, M. Hnrd- inj, tieceased, and tne oun nas appointed Monday, the rfd day ol April A. 1. l7ti, for the tiearing or objections to and settle mcnt 01 tnc same. - ' ' r V. O. UARDEVtJ. March 2. lS76-. Adin'r Jouxsos MoOowx, Att'ys. - Final Settlement. I HEREBY GIVE XOTICE THAT I have filed in t he County Court of Clack amas County, Oregon, mv final account as Administrator of the Estate op J. I). RoBBiss, deceased, and thrT Court has ap pointed Monday, the 3d day of April A. I). 1S76, for thle hearing of objections to, and settlement of the same. X. N. BOBBIN'S, March 2, 1876-lt. Adrar, Johnson &. McCown, Attys. ESTABLISHED I860. i B. A. HUGHES, Opposite the Postoffice, MAIM STREET, OREGON CITY. Dealer In DRV GOODS. CLOTIirXG, HA TS , BOOTS ami SHOES, nOSIERY. LADIES' AD GENTS' FfRXISHIXG GOODS, PERFUMERY, TABLE CUTLERY, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, ROPE, GRAIN SACKS, WOOL SACKS, ETC., ETC., . ETC, STOCK OF GKVEKAIj HKR- chandiso is lar?e and well assorted. There is no house in the city that can undersell me. SHALL PROFITS AND QriCK RETIRNS, Is my motto. Please call and see for yourselves that the Hoods at the old firm of 15. A. Hughes cannot be beaten in quality or price. I keep the best IVa and Coffee and a good supply of Family Groceries. I give the highest market price for good Country Produce. li.iL. flUGHES. Oregon City, March 17th, 1S7C. Tlie liijj-liost C'atli price paid for IV00I. County Scrip Taken ns Cunli. ja7 :t f . DUVGL, fiiSLLER & CO., AT MOORE'S MACHINE SHOP, OIJEGOX CITY, OREGOX. It. 3 AXUPACTUKERS OF DCVOL'S Vehicles of all ItA l'atent Wlieids for kinds. Also all kinds of IJlailsJoilhioLr Doiie to ord:T, AVii-jrona anil Carriji;en Made and ltepaired, and all kiitds tf l-'armers' Hlackstnithing done with dis patch and neatness. Orders solicited. Wagon and Carriage, makers aro invited to examine our Patent Wised, And us-? t li'"i 11 instead of Wooden Wheels. We lit mi r Wheels to cither Iron or Thimble Skein Axles. decUl-tf. CLIFF OREGON CITY, OREGON, T. ?L RHODES, li'opi'i e tor. Transient Hoard, 1 to per Day. Single ?Icals 0 cents. Uonnl iht Wprli 5 OO ISoai'tluiid Eodglng, per week SO OO The Table will be supplied with the best thf market aifords. Hail Suppers furnished on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Nov. Itf, 1S75 f I ILK & 1'X1? SAIilS. BEHAVE THE FOLI3WIX REAL restate for sale. 1. Desirable building block in Oregon City. N'o. No. 5. 100 Acres, good house, and barn full of hay,' 8 acres in cultivation. orchard, good water: l- miles from Oregon City. Price hair down. 3. 3-20 Acres, 75 in cultivation -.houses, barns, wells, Ac.: good orchard; i miles from Oregon City. Price $4,500 ; halt down. .Sell half place at same rates. 4. 2!)( Acres, 25 acres under cultiva tion, 5 acres orchard, good running water; 125 acres open brush land; U mile from school house ; 8 miles from Oregon City. $1,51)0; half down, bal ance in one and two years. , 5. Part, of all tho Barler farm, on tho river at liock Island above Oregon City ; So per acre. No, Xo. No, No. fi. dand on the rivet above Oregon City, cheap; part of the Uarber claim; good wood yard. No. 7. 'i-iO acres; 75 improved, a large, new, well finished frame dwelling, plum and apple orchards, living wa ter, 18 acres of fall wheat. 6 miles from Oregon City, on Molalla road, clMirch and school house adjoining ; can be had for $1,250, one-third down, balance on time. No. 8. acres at Milwaukie; part beaver dam. Price, $1,(X0. No. 9. S. L. sale. : Campbell's homestead for No. 10- A Bargain. - A farm in good run ning order, of 220 ac res ; 12-5 acres in cultivation, 4S acres of wheat, will produce 1200 bushels of wheat (will insure 800 bushels), good orchard, goodncw barn, farming implements, 4 head of cattle, 20 hogs, some of t hem line stoek, ten miles from Oregon City, school house, church, post office, and store near by ; all for $1,250, $1, 500, down, balance in three years. Other desirable bargains in Clackamas, the best county in the St aic. Any sne having money to lend can have our services, free of charge, in managing the same and selecting securities. Persons wanting to borrow money can get favorable terms by calling on us. JOHNSON t& MrCOWX, and JOHNSON, MrCOWX &MACHCM. Offices in Oregon City and Portland. CIIAS. KNIGHT, - CAM1V, OREGOV, PHYSICIAN AXD DRVCGIST Prescriptions notice. f carefully filled at short " -. Ja7:tf. KlILLINEmTGOODS ! Tl'ST RECEIVED, AT MRS. E. S. Warren's Millinery Store, a new and elegant stocte or' latest styles of Millinery and Ladies Furnishing (ioods, for the SPRING TRADE, Which will be sold at reasonable prices . Ladles livingin the country, favoring me with their orders, will find them promptly attended to. MRS. E. S. WARREN, One door south o' Dr. Welch's office C reg m City, March 17, 1S7C. I AL 1876. CniCAGO & 'ORTH-WESTERX RAILWAY. THE POPULAR ROUTE OVERLAND. PASSENGERS FOU CHICAGO, NIA gara Falls, Pittslurg. riiiiadelplria. Montreal, Quebec, New York, Boston, or any point East, should buy their Tit A XS COXTI X K XTA I. TICK ETS Via the Pioneer Route, THE CHICAfJO & XOKTII-WKSTKU RAILWAY. THIS IS TIIE BEST ROtTTR EAST. Its track is of STEEL RAILS, and on it has been made the fastest time that has ever been MADE in this country. By this route st. of ChicjtfTO have choice of tho following lines from Chicago : By the Pittsburg Fort Wayne ana Chicago and Pennsylvania Hallways: 3 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with Pull man Palace Cars through to Philadel phia and New York on each train. L THROUGH TRAIN, with Pullman Palace Cars to Baltimore and ash ington. By the Lnkc Shore ami Michigan Southern Kallxvuy mid Connections (New York. Central and Erie ltailt roads) : 3 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with Pa lace Drawing Room and Silver Pal ace Sleeping Cars through to New York. By the Mlrbignn Central, Grant! Trunk, Great Western and Erie ami New York Central Hnilway: 3 THROUGH TRAINS, with Pullman Palace Drawing Room and Sleeping Cars through to New York, to Niagara Falls, liutfalo, Rochester or New York city. By Baltimore and Ohio Railroad: THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with Pullman Palace Cars for Newark, Zanesville, Wheeling, Washington und Baltimore without change. This Is the SHORTEST, REST and only line runningPullmaii celebrated PALACE SLEEPING CARS AN O COACHES, con necting with Union Pacific Railroad at OMAHA and from the WEST, via Grand Junction, Marshall, Cedar Rapids, Clinton, Sterling and Piion, for CHICAGO AXD THE EAST. This popular route is unsurpassed tor Speed, Comfort and Safety. The smooth, well-ballasted and perfect track of steel rails, the celebrated Pullman Palace Sleep ing Cars, t lie perfect Telegraph System of moving trains, the regularity with which they run, the admirable arrangement of running through cars to Chicago from all points West, secure to passengers nil tho comforts in modern Railway Traveling. No change of Cars and no tedious delays jit I-Vrries. Passengers will find Tickets via this Fa vorite Route nt the General Ticket Office of the Central Pacific Railroad, Sacramen to. Tickets for sale in all th.- Ticket Offices of the Central Pacific Railroad. W. II. STENNETT. Gen. Pas. Agent. MARTIN HUGIIITT.Gen. Sup. H. P. STAN WOOD, General Agency, 121 Montgomery street, au Francisco. Aug. l' OREGON STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE! Stv. 1Z. INT. COOKE, Will leave OREGON CITY for PORTLAND every day Except Sunday, nt 7 o'clock, A. M. Returning, will leave Portland for Oregon City at 2.H o'clock, P. M. Stv. ALICE, Will leave OREGON CITY for COR YALLIS every Monday and Thursday of each week. Sti Eaimio latton, Will leave OREGON CITY for DAYTON and intermediate points on Monday and Thursdav of each week. J. I). BILES, January 1st. 1S71 :tf. Agent. LOUIS J AGGERS, (Successor to Jacob Wort man) OREGON CITY, OREGON. KEErs CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AT the old stand, the largest and most complete sto 01 family GP.aCERIES AND PROVISIONS Of every description, including Canned Goods, Spices, Green Groceries Tobacco and Cigars, in fact, everything to be found in a first class Grocery store. p"OooJs delivered to all parts of the City Free of Charge. fc-Highest Cash price paid for Potatoes, Oats and other Irodiiee. EOUIS JAGGERS. Nov. 2o, 1S75. tf. CHEAP FARFtlS FOR SALE! E OO ACRES, TWO AND A HALF .SL miles from Clackamas Station, and eleven miles from Portland, 12 acres under cultivation, t acres in fruit trees of choice varieties, good water, etc. Price only So per acre ; terms easy. Only three-fourths of a mile from Clack amas Station, 182 acres, 100 acres in culti vation ; best wheat land in the State, good house, fine location. At a low figure and easy terms. Apply to II. E. CUAMIJEULAIN, Enterprise Office, Oregon City. 11. v. Ross, sr. r. WAKREN X. PAVIS, M ROSS cSo DAVIS, PHYSICIANS AND SCHOKOXS, Oregon City, - - Oregon. ft"Oftice nt the City Dispensary, corner of Main and Fourth sts. Dr. Davis is a graduate of t he University of Pennsylvania, and has lately arrived from the East. Particular attention given to surgery. Office hours from 8 o'clock A. m. to o p. m. NOTICE. TJFRSOXS THAT HAVE LEFT JL Deeds, l'atent s and Mortgages In the County Clerk's office, of Clackamas coun ty, Oregon, for record, will please call and jet them, particularly those that have not paid for recording the same. All that have been filed prior to this date are re corded. J AS. FRAZEU, County Clerk, March 13, 1876. mhl71m. , . Notice. TS IIKREI1Y GIVEX TH AT I WILT, sell at' public auction, at the store of m. Moreland, in this countv, on the 3d day of April, ls7rt,at 2 o'clock p.m., said day, one sorrei norse, jolt In my charge bv Foreman, Sheriff of county, State of Nevada. Said sale to be made to pay the expenses of keeping said horse. .1 ESSIE ALLEN. Needy. Oregon, March 6. 1876.: l7-3t. HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, OAK, ASjl AXD HICKORY PL.HK. . NOKTIIHTJI & THOMPSON,'. . Dec,. 3f,lS7T;mT' "Portland, Oregon. 2sT. ST. N. NEV STORE AND fiEW GOODS, . Af MEW ERA. Dry Goods, Groceries, Roots-and Shocs. . Wooden Ware, Drugs and Medicines.chcap for cash or procjuce. . - - J. CASTO. . - ! em 1776.v FALL 1875- Is your time to buy goods at low prices.- - CKEHIAK BEOTHEES- are now receiving a large stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. all of the Latest St yles, which will sell- 1 AT LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES. Oar stock hs been boagh'tToT cash.' and; wc will fell it at a small advance above SAN FRANCISCO COST.. "1 TTE WILL SAY TO EVERYBODY EE , fore you purchase or goto Portland, come nnd price our goods and convince -yourself that we do what we say. Our stocks consists in part of ' r Fancy and Staple . Dry Goods, Clothing;- Hats, Boots and Shoes? Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods; Notions, Gro v ics, Hard1' ware . and a great many other articles too numer. ours to inention ; r ALSO' DOORS, WINDOWS, ""- PAINTS AND 0ILS.1 ETC. f ETCP We Price will for also pay the Hig.lMst Market Country Produce'.-, i AC KETtM AN BROS. Oregon Cit3'. Sept. ", 1S75 . tf (LEAH ( REEK, CLACKAMAS COLNTYV. T DESIRE TO INFORM M V OLD CUS--L tomcrs, and the public at large, that I1 ha ve just received a new supply of : , . : I . i 1 FAMILY GROCERIES,, . CLOTHING, : .; ,v BOOTS and SHOES', . j'. CUTLERY, HARDWARE, And Other Miscellaneous Goods. ' All of which I now offer for sale ait tile- f LOVifEST MARKET RflTE&: . - " - i i. v. , My objoct. is t o t ell all my old friends and1 customers that I am still alive, and deir--ous to sell goods Cheap. FOR CAHH, qi. upon such terms as agreed upOii.- I shall also have in niyeinploy a'thorbugii'- BOOT AND SHOE MAKER,1 ' and constantly keen stock on hand for-tb" :.'- ' 1 Manufacture k Repair of Boots U Short,.' nnd all orders in that litie will be iiromptlj , attended to. A LLEX M A TTOOSV ' ' Near like Violil MIUs octl .-t f J. H. SHEPARD, Boot and Shoe Store; One door north of Ackerman Bros.?'- , Idiots nnd shoes made and rcnairpdntf- t cheap as the cheapest. .- ro'l Nov. 1, 1S75 a-f REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES f THE HEPIBLICAXS OP CLACKA--mas County will meet nt their usual' places of voting, in their respectlyo.Pite--cincts, on ' S ATURD AY. APRIL WiA, lVc, ; '. At 1 o'clock p. m., for The purpose of eioef UK xjku Rates 10 aucna tne Kepubiieiti' County Convention, to be held in Oregon. City, on Wednesday, the 2Cth dav of AprlL. iS7b, at t he hour or iu o'clock a. m., for fhw purjiose of nominating a County Ticketf' and choosinjr Delegates to attend t"he Re--, publican State Convention, to be held At"' Portland, on Wednesday, the 3d dav' olT May, 1S70. . ' The several precincts are ent itled to deli" gates in the County Convention' ns fol--lows : Siirinirwater3, Eagle Creek,3 ; Oswego 3, Mi!waiikie2, Pleasant Hill 2, MarqitamV 3, Harding's 2, Rock Creek 3, Upper" MolaU la 2, Can by Cascades 3, Tualatin 2w Union 2. Ixiwer Molalla 3, Ciitt'inir's 2'. Reaver Creek 2, Canemah 4-Marhneld; aS Oregon City 10. A. .T. APPERSOX; Chairman County CrHnmlttetf; Oregron City, March 17, 1876 Af. , , .. t CLACKAMAS COUNTY DEMO. CRATIC CONVENTIOS t i ThorsDcmocratic voters of CJackania County nro requested' to meet at- their usual place of voting,-on , , SATUfeDAWArRIL 8,-17. ';.. . At 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of elef ing Delegates to- the County Oonvention,, which will bo held at Oregon City SATURDAY APRIL 15, 187 . , .' At 11 o'clock A. M. for thepmpofof elect ing seven Delegates to atte&d the Stato Cenventlon, which meets af Salem on Wednesday, April 2, 1S7, and toputirf nomination candidates for", the Tarious county offlces to be supported' at fhe ensu- ing June election and to transact sue h ot her business as may come properly be fore the Convention. The basis ol re pie sentation in the Convention is one vote for the precinct and one vote for rvery twenty-five or traction ove twelve rotes' csst for Hon. Goo. A. LaDow at the lasts general election. The precincts will 'be entitled to the following represent alio a ;: i Springwatcr .....3 Oswego .3 Maro nam's ."2 Hard inn's ,-2 T7pjer Molalla........3 Cascades 2 Union....' ';2 Cutting-s:....'. ..,:..3 Eagle Creek ;iv,-.y M i I w a u k le. Pteasant Hin..i.I.;2 Tualatin .2 1-o.wer- MelAltai. .-a iieavee:reeit Canemah ..... Oregon City, ...... kMarbaeIeri.v..-.A ." "r ;tA.-. CABMICHAESi e sd ; .;rr. icoug4n mhlO -Si. CbuTiljy tonimtttiee IMPERIAL M I Lalloffinc, Sarier 4L' Co Oregon CTtjr. - Keep constantly on hand for sale Flour Middlings, I?ran and Chicken Feed. Partle purchasing feed must fuml-fh the anr .. O .O o o o o o