Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1875)
O c o o MBRCHANDISJ1. O O THE EfJTERPHS 0REG9X CITF, C11EG0X, FEB. 5, 1S7. A LKGAL ATTACA.MEXT. Bless me, Bess, when I declar A title deed's my heart, And you the partv of the first, And I tho second part. ' That I have an attachment true Is useless nuite to mention ; In vain I seek to serve you and Arrest your sweat attention. You know you owned some love for me "When I the question mooted, But now it seems to me you act As if you were non-suited. . Mv case is one in equity ; I've pleaded wish precision ; You know the points; why will you then So long reserve decision? I make no dilator- plea ; I'm driven to distraction! Unless I soon obtain relief, I'm sure I shall take action. At first a ?!vil suit I'll bi in: At Cupid's special session ; And there, a plaintive lover, ask For judgment by confession. ifow don't demur when this you read, But own you feel compunction, For I my suit will prosecute In spite of your Injunction. And if, my judgment in despite, You will not hear me still, I'll get an order from the court T' administer 3Tour will. I trust you'll lile an answer brief To this, my declaration. Or else I shall proceed to make A cross-examination. LVWS OF Till: STATU Ol' ORi: GO.V. e . An Act to create the County of Lake and fix the salaries of County Judge and Treasurer. Be it enacted by tht Leishtlire Assem bly of the State of Oregon : Section 1. That all that portion of tho State of Oregon embraced within the following boundary lines be, and the same are hereby, created and organized into a seperate county bv the name of Lake, to-wit: Begin ning on the forty-second parallel of nortli latitude at a point where said parallel is intersected by the east boundrv of township Xo. 23, east of the Willamette Meridian, thence due north on said towns'uip lino to the soutli boundary lhia of township No. 22 south of the Oregon base line, thence due west on said township line to the east bounJry line of Lane county, thence southerly along said boundary line and the east boundry line of Douglas county to the south east corner of said Douglas county, thence to, and soutli on the east boundry of township Xo. 4 east of the Willamette Meridiim to 42 dog. , parallel of nortli latitude, thence due east along said parallel to tho place of beginning. Sec. 2. The territory embraced within said boundary lines shall compose a county for all civil and military purposes, and shall be subject to the same; laws aod restric tions and entitled tb elect the same officers as other "( ounties in this State. Provided, That it shall be the duty of the Gdternor, as soon as convenient after tls Act shall be come a law, to Vpoint for Lake county. andJFroml it resident citi zens, the several 'uty ollicers al lowed by law to other comities of the State, which :aiil officers, after duly qualifying, according to law, shall be entitled to hold their respec tive offices until their successors are duly elected, at the general election of 187 ti, and have duly qualified as required by law. Sec. 3. The temporary eounty seat Lake county shall be located at Link ville in said county, until a perma nent location is adopted. At the next general election the question shall be submitted to the legal voters of said county, and the place, if any, which shall receive a majority of all the votes cast at said election, shall be the permanent county seat, but if no place shall receive a majority of all the votes cast, the question shall bo again submitted to the legal vo ters of said county between tho two points having the highest number of votes at said election, at the next general election, and tho place re ceiving the highest number of votes at such election shall be the perma nent county seat of said county. Sec. 4. The legal electois of Laka county shall be entitled to elect, at the general election of 1870, and thereafter, until otherwise provided by law, one member of tlto House of Representatives while the county of Jackson shall be entitled to elect'but two, and said county shall for Sena torial purposes be annexed to tho 10th senatorial district. Sec. 5. The County Clerk of Jack son county shall send to the County Clerk of Lake county within thirty days after this Act becomes a law, a certified transcript of all delinquent taxes from tho assessment roll of 1874 that was asseied within the limits of Lake conn tit and also a cer tified transcript of til assessment fo persons and property within tho lim its of Lake county for 1874, and the (rsaid taxes shall be payable to the proper officers of Lakj county. Tho County Treasury of Lake county fihall, out of ther first money collect ed for taxes, pay over, to the Treas urer of Jackson county - the full amount of State tax on tho assess ment roll of 1874 due from tho citi zens of Lake county; the said Clerk of Jackson county within the above limitted, a transcript of all cases pending in the CounA' and Circnit Courts of Jackson tfliinty between parties residing in iV? county, and transfer all original Tqers in said cases to be tried in Lake county. Sec. G. The said county of Lake is hereby attached to the first Judicial District for judicial purposes, and the term of the Circuit Court of said District shall be held annually at the county seat of said Lake county on the fourth Monday of June and No vember in each year until otherwise provided by law. Sec. 7. The County .Court of Lake county shall be heli on the first Monday of every ararnate month next after the appoiVnent by the Governor of said coivy officers, as provided for in this Act. Sec. 8. Until otherwise provided for, the County Judgo of Lake couu ty shall receive an annual salary of three hundred dollars. Sec. 9. The County Treasurer of Lake county shall receive an annual salary of one hundred dollars. - Approved October 24th, 1874. . Attest: .: v S. F. Chid wick, . ' . Secretary of State. X A Sad Outlook. Young man, you feel a superiority to the human race, as yoa stand at the alter with your fair young bride. You would not change places with the President. Yet a few short, short 3-ears, a few whiskings of a broom handle, an un timely stoppage or two of wafted nat-irons, and your weary body win rest under tho swaying-vvillow, while some young gallant will bring your late afflicted partner out to the cem etery on calm Sabbath evenings and whisper love in her ear, as together they strew peanut shells over your grave. Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud." Arrant Coquetry. It is the char acter of coquettes to go as far as they can in love-making, remarks the New York Herald, without committing themselves, or, if committed, they try to escape by putting off the nup tails to a hopelessly distant day. The Senate Finance -bill is a piece of arrant coquetry, in which party pol itics make deceitful advances to sound finance. The marriage of otir paper currency to coined money is to be postponed for four years, sub ject to all the slips and accidents which may intervene in that long period. Wanted to Earn a Quarter. An Akron physician tells of a little Akron boy who came to him and said "Doc tor, I want somo ipecac." "What do you want it for?" "Never mind, just pive it to me." "Who sent yon here?" "Xobodv sent me; came myself." "I can't let you have it unless you tell me what you are going to do with it." "Well, Doctor, our hired girl has swallowed a silver quarter, and she said that if I would give her something that would bring it up I might have it. He Did Xot Go. "Wife," said the victim of a jealous rib, one day, "I intend to go to camp-meeting on Tuesday evening, to see the camp break up." "I think you won't," re plied she. "I'll go if I see fit!" "You'll see jits if 3ou go!' He did not go 2,rhably on account of the ram. A Kind Husband. An Indiana man bet 810 that he could Vide the Uy-wheel in a saw-mill, and as his widow paid the bet, she remarked: "William was a kind husband, but he didn't know much about fly wheels." If. The other day a Finghamp ton girl offered to let a countryman kiss her for five cents. " I gad," ex claimed the bucolic youth, "that's darn cheap if a feller only had the money." Got Even. A sixteen year-old Springfield lass broke into a billiard saloon, last week, and carried away all the billiard balls, because her father spent his time and money there. Ceased to Wonder. When a cit izen of Paris. Me., had taken out tho sixteenth snake from his well, tho other day, ho ceised to wonder what was the matter with the water. THOMAS .CHARM AN ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO IN'I-'ORM THE CITIZENS of Oro'on City and of the Willamette Valley, that lie is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that -1 Nimble Six Pence is Ucttcr than a Slow Shilling. I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AMD-BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS over before offered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots and .Shoes, iri Clothing, Dry (ioods. Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description,' Hardware, fJroeeries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinaware, Quecnsware, Stoneware, Crockery, Flutcdwaro, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Sfyler;, Clocks and , Watches, readies and Cents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Faming lions of Eve ry Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, . Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOST COMPLETE ever offered in this market, and was seleted with especial care for t he regon City trade. All of which I now oirer for sale at the Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of troinc; to Portland to buy poods for I am Determinrd to Srll Cheap and not to allow myself to be UNDERSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON. . All I ask is a fair ehance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade, t'-ome one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIAKHAX cannot be beaten in qualitv or price It would be useless for mp to fell von all'the advantages I can ofT-r vnu in t h sal of poods, as every store, that advert is.'s does that, and probably you h:ive been UisaD pointed. All I wish to say is P ton!, aad'Scf.aad Extmias far Yonrselves for I iTo no wicli trx - - , . . mv .Me u t ton ;l. JL n'aKes- I that lam still alivo, and drsirous to sell : SriT1' or 55Lsh or ua fcUC, tPrms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber- nl patronage heretofore bestowod. f Main istreet, Oregon City. Legal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. . - TUOS. CHARM AN. 50,000 lbs wool wanted by THOS. CHARMAN. . . DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, COBXKR OF SEVEXriI AND 3IA1X SffBKLTS, OREGON CITY. lias Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, DreUood.s, Brown and Bleached Sheetings, House Lining, Shirtings, Tuble-Linen, Irish Bosom Linens, Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents' Iiosc, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Itibbons, Laces and Insertions, Embroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Taney Goods, &c Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AMD GUILDER'S SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil L imps, Wicks and Chimneys TVhicli bHV lite Mclected with special cr tvr UiU luarUet Hiirf cnuuot BCSl'UPASSED IXQ,CALITYOKPKlCE. THE HIGHEST MARKKT P1UCE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE, March 13, 1873:1 f A UCTIIOX A XD COMMISSION, A. O. RICHARDSON, Aiietioiicor, former or Front o Oak ats.,Portlutitl Of Heal Estate, Orooerifs, fJeneral Mer and Horses. SALE DAYS We'd nesdnv nnd S:tturday A. li. KICIIAKDSON, Auctioneer. Ai lBBivs2e Jessie. Enjrlish Kr-firiPd and Pundle Iron English Square and Ootajxoii Cast Steel, Horse Shoes, Kasjs, Saws, Sere ws,l''ry-l'iii.s Sheet Iron, U. jf. Iron. ALSO A large assortment of Groceries and Liq uors. A. T.. KICIIAKDSON, Jan. 1, IS73-tf. Auctioneer. J. I. DA VIES. JOSHUA DAYIES. J. P. DAVISS-& CO., ATTCTrOXUERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FIUE-PUOOF STOXK IIVILOIXG, VJIARF STREET, VICTORIA. S. C. Lib:Tiil AdviuuTs 3Iade 0:1 Cousigumrnts. July 21, 1S7:1.V iir.l!Wi3ni UJlllLCO buLLCU&f First SJreet n'tTrrrit AMer nml Mor rison Ss., s;ji1 Al;tt-r Sir-t t ji First ami Front Surcts. I'ortlaiid, Oregon. A X INSTITUTION DKSIONEDTO I'KE- V par. l:l'S, robWWaiHl AH HI) MKS lor business Affairs. II. ?I. DfFUWf'K, : : t rr-ld-ii. V. I.. Wllii'K, : : j 1 . 1 -. I-'or aeouirin; a rrurficd Jtvnc.t It Jura tion this institution oir rs superior advan tajrs, and is acUnowl.i a by Ijeadinir tiusiiiess .'l'-n to !) the b.-.,t O o 1 11 m e x ' e i i 1 O o 1 1 e go on tli? I'jicific (.'oast, nn l s 'cond to none. Ea'.h 1 -j ar! m-'i!t is First Class-, and is un der the speeial eharu-j if k.xi'Krikncku TKAClinis, and the who!. sehool is iifal- r the immediate sup riiiterel-'iiee of the President and Secretary. Tie- sehool room and eouiitm are unit-d upon a plan that s -euresif)ine stu.l-nt all t ii" raet iea 1 ad vantantaes 01 eacii. I here is m opera! ion A 15AXKIXO HUV.SK lully lllusf r.'itinr th;if business. The same system heinjr observed in each ilejiartment, inu siuueui uuys, sl l sli ns, barters, eon sixths, oiseounts, insures, draws chveks, oit:s anu t:niis, irives l -as'-s, deeds, dec. aim K'X's uirouzn ill" rntire routine ot A CIT'A J a li V t IN K fi s . In adding to the eo;tiplef eness of the In- siiiuuon ine propn tors have instituted a SEIMR1TE DCiMRTMI-.M F0I1 LAIJIES. The entrance to rooms of this Department upon i-,i'T srrner, and aeeess to them is had only bv th- teaehers and ladv stu dents. Kare facilities are otf -r -d to ladies tor acnuirin'r a Thorou rh Knowledge of Iusini'S4 l'raetiee ; of Telegraphy and Pen- mansaip. mi) DSPAHTMETTT GT TELEGHAPHY is in charge of lirst-elass o--rators and teachers, and supplied with all the appar atus of a first-class oilie . This Institution as now conducted claims to have lacihties for imparting a thorough knowledge of the Art of Penmanship f that not one in ten of the I'.rsi.NFs.s C'ot.- i.KfJE.s no".- in existence possesses; the I.- partment lK'imr uihI t thesieeial suoerin tendance of one of the Leading I'enmen of the United States. For full particulars send for National, Business 'olj,f:(jk Journal, snt to any part of the countrv tree. Address, 1 Fil V A' C I-: t VI I ITK, IiOCk Box 104, Portland, Oregfn. . SOLDIKTiS' WarrO!aS?n Agency IVo. U 4 Maoltfonu'ry liJocK, SAX FRANCISCO, CAT,. W II. AIKEN, .VrwJK.EY-A'MAW, M and Commander of the Grand Army of the Kepublic in t'alilVirnia and Nevada, will give prompt attention to the collection of Additional Travel Pay, now due California and Nevada Volunteers discharged more tiianthree hundred miles troni home. hHuii"rs can depend on fair dealing. Information piven tree of charge. When writing enclose stamp lor replv and state company and reaicuent nnd whYther you have a discharge. Congress lias ex tended the time for lilinawraims for addi tional Bounty under Act of July 8, lSiiti, to January 175, so all such claims must be made before that time. Original Bountv of $1M has been allowed all volunteers who enlisted before July 2'd IStd forthree years, if not paid the same when discharged. Land Warrants can be obtaind for services rendered before 1S5, but not lor services in the late war. Pensions for late war and war of 1SU obtained and increased when allowed for less than disability warrants, but no pensions are allowo.i to Mexican andl-lorida war soldiers. Ntato of Texas il s Krantod ensions to survivine veterans J t'.',xatH K-volution. New Orleans and Mobile ' Prize Money Is now due and boiiitf Paid. W. II. Aik-n also attends toOeneral Law and CollectTon business. Gmo. VVILLSAM HA Vli ESTABLISHED t.-v?iaL:iS'1l A FACTORY S x l -Vitf nit FOR THE MANUFACTUHE OF Furniture, Blindy, -r and Doers, AXD MOILU1.VG i OF ALL SIZES. They will also do Turning of every de scription to order, WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH!' "All'work warranted. Shop on tho River, in Lewis' Bhop Opposite Oregon City Mills. C0URT3SY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY , TT TV TTRS T TY Of? CAT.TFORNTA . S. T.-1860-X y OLD Homestead Tonic Plantation Bitters It it f-urely Vtgtt&bli Preparation, compose of Cjlisay.i liurk, Roots, Herbs and J-'ruits, among luhich nu'l be found Sarsiifariliun, Dandelion, Wild Cherry Sassafras, Tansy, Certiian, Sweet 7j.C etc.; also Tamarinds, Datts, I'runct and Juniper licrries,rr"-z ed :' i a sufiiient quantity (ony) of the spirit ofiiu gir Caue i.v i any climate. They inva riably relieve and cure the following co?i f taints: Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com flaints. Loss of A (petite. Headache, Piliout A ttacks, I'ez-er and Ague, Summer Complaints, Sour Stomach, 1'alpitation of the Heart, Gen eral Debility, etc. They are especially adap ted as a remedy for the diseases to which WOMEN are subjected, and c.s a ionic for the Aged, Feeble and Debilitated, has to equal. They are strictly intended as a Temperance Torricor Bit ters, to be used as a medicine only, and always according to directions. Sold lv All First-class Druggists. HOW S3 THE imi TO suissciuiiE ion .1 n& hit a !!r&i&&. PAYATii.E IN Al VANCE. Kach number confrilns tf;e LATEST TELES 3A?H!5 NEWS, Prom all Tarts of the World ; A Carefully Selected iutmnary of STATE AND TEK551TOKIAL NE V& ITEMS; A Corrected List of tlxe Market in Portland, San Francisco nnd Orccou Cily LOCAL NEWS, EDITORIALS, On all Subjects of Interest to the FAOER, ?,IERfIIA.T OR 51ECIIAMG Also, Carefully Selected SIISCEI-LAXIIOUS hi:ai)i;. In Short, It is in Every Respect a LIVE HSWSPA?R. T5SE Having .1 large and constantly increasing Circulation in the most populous part of the State, offers superior inducements to those who v. Ish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted pn REASONABLE TETI3IS. The Campaign of 1371 will soon begin, and it is therefore . pood t iinc to fcjubserite in order that you may he ost"d on currant events Send in your suhscrii tion at once Mustang Liniment was first known in America. Its merits are now well known throughout the habitable world. It has the oldest and best record of any Liniment in the world. From the millions upon millions ol bottles sold not a single complaint has ever reached us. As a Healing and Pain-Subduing Liniment it has no equal. It is alike, beneficial to MAN AND BEAST. SOLD BY ALU DRUGGISTS. STILL IN THE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS' 'SALOON. WILLIAMS & HARDING, : " AT THE . LINCOLN OAKERY, KEEP TirK MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Groceries to be found in the city. All good warranted. Goods delivered ifi the city free of charge. .The highest cash price paid for country produce." Oregoa City, March 28, 1873. Y V MEXICAN J&fJ V3 r x- turaiCSiii i iiOUsainls prodaim Yinkgar Bittees the most wonderful Iuvigorant that ever sustained the sink ing nystem. No person can take these Bitters according to directions, and -remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital or gans wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent, and In termittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially thoso of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Urazos, Eio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Koanoke, James, and many others, with their vast trib utaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of un usual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive, derange ments of tho stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essential. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to I)K. J. AVaI-KEE's VrXEGAE BlTTEES, &3 they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels arc loaded, at tho name time Blimulating tho secretions of the liver, nnd generally restoring tho healthy functions of tho digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by puiifvirg all its fluids with tho Hitters. Xo epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Ileadache, Pain ia the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Diz ziness, Sour Eructations of the Sto mach, Pad Taste in the Mouth, Bili ous Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Tain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful eymj)toms, are the off springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove n better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofuh, or King.? Evil, Vhito Swelling?;, Ulcers, Erysipelas. Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous In flammations, Mercurial affections, Old Sores,. Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Dr. AValkee's Vinegar Bitters have bhown their great curative powers in tho most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inllamniatory or Chron ic liheniliatism, Gout, Bilious, Keniittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters havo no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Per-. sons engaged in Faints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold beaters, and Miners, as they advance, in lile, are subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, taka Dll. V AIDER'S VlNEGAlt BlTTEES. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Piruples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug tip and carried out of the system in a short time by the uso of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thou sands, nre effectually destroyed and re moved. No system of medicine, no ver mifuges, no anthelmintics will free tho system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at tho dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so de cided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities burst ing through the skin in Pimples, Erup tions, or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of. the sys tem will follow. It. II. JkI)OXAI,D fc CO., DrURRists & Gen.Axta., Han Francisco, Califor nia, A: cor. of Whasingtou A: Charlton St.,N.Y. Sold by all Itrug,jists and Dealers. THE NEW IMPEOYED Sido Feed and Back Feed. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, MOST SIM PLE, AND MOST EASILY OPERATED SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Alnys in Grdsp asd Esidjf:: Work, If there is a FLOEENCE MACHETE within one thousand miles of San Fran cisco not working well, I will z it with out any expense to the owner. SAMUEL HILL, Agent, Uo. 19 New Montgomery Street, GKAXD HOTEL BCXLDrXG. CAS FBAKCieCO. 31. C. ATJIEV. Oregon City, Enterprise JJuildiiig-, Agent. A. G-..WALLINC'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. Pittock's IlniliUnir Corner of Stark and rroiit Streets. PORTLAND, - OREGON. ni.AN'K P.OOKS T?TTT.TvT"l ivn TjrTTvrr 15 to any desired pattern. Music books Magazines, Newspapers, etc., bound in ev ery variety of style known to the trrade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. liif-TPB JOHN MTEBS, OREGON C6TY. DEALER tfi DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, . BOOTS and shoes. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, A N I) GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and;' Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for ."Out i 01 lZ2-g-ss, and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE, I will soli as low as any hoi:s in OrcRon for CASH Oli ITS EQUIVALENT 'u Good Merchantable I'roduo. I am sellinij very low for CASH HID FOR CGINTY CHEEKS. CJiv! 111.1 a call and satisfy yourselros. JOHN MYKRS. Oregon City, March 21. 1S7. ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB OFFICK OREGON CITY, : OREGON. irn AUK PUEPAUED TO EXECUTE !T all kinds of JOB PRINTING, such as CARDS, IJ Ills- HEADS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS. MORTGAOES, I.AIiELS, IETTEII-IIKADS. in fact all kinds of work done a in Printing Office, at PORTLAND TRICES.: ALL. KINDS OP LEGAL BLANKS constantly on hand, and for sale at as low a price as can be had in the ,State. Work- SoIicleI AN D SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Oregon City. March 21. 1873-tf. IMPERIAL M l L L S, Lallocque, Savior & Co. Oregon Cit'. iJ&r,1 constantly on hand for sale Floiir. Middlings, Blan and Chicken Fe?d. Partita purchasing feed must furnish the sack. Money ! MToney ! MONEY TO .END IN SUMS OF $500, and upwards. Orejron City, March 10. 1874. mal3tr JOHNSON & McCOW R. R- R. KADWAY'S READY RELlKF CURES THE WORST PAIXs in From One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE EOtTE after reading this advertisement anv one sulTerwith j ain. RAUNVAVs IKajv RELIEF is a sure cure lor every n,lm lt was the first and ia Tlie Only Puiit Iiniifdy that instantly stop6 the most excruciating pains, allays Innainntion, nnd cures Vo yi utions, whether ot the Lungs, stomach llowels, or other.glands or organs, by on application, in from One to Twenty llin utes, no matter how violent or excruciat ing the pain, the Rheumatic, I3ed-riddcn Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, KADAVAY'S READY BELIEF will afford instant ease. Inflamation ol the Kidnejs. , Innamation of the Bladder Inflamation of the Rowels. Cong?stion of the I.unes fcore Throat, Difficult ITeathing-. fi " 1'alpitation of tl? Heart Hysterics, Croup, Iiyptheria. Catarrlk, Influenza Headache, Toothaehc. a Neuralgia, Rhcuniatiiin. Cold Chills, Asue thills. Ulausn, The application of the Heady Relief the part or parts a tree ted w here tho r-.i or difficulty exists Mill afford ease , J oomlort. c aU(, FETEH AXD AGVE. Fever and Agu? cured for fifty cents I here is not a remedial agent in tiie world that will cure Fever nnd Ague, and all oth er Malarious, Rilliuus, Scarlet, Tvphoid el low, ami other I-Y-v.-rs (add.-d bv UAIi A A 'W 1'II.I.S) so quick as RAIlWA Y"K READY RELIEF. Filty cents i bottle .Sold by lirnggists. HEALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! Strong nnd j lire rich Flood Increase of FJesii and weight clear skin and beauti lul complexion secured to all. SARSPARILLIAN RESOLVENT has made t lie most astonishing cures; so quick, so rnjsid are the changes the Udy undergoes, under the influence of this trulv Wonderful Medicine, that evev dav an in crease in flesh and weight is seen a"nd lelt. THK GHEAT lil-OOD PI RIF1KH. Every drop of the Surjarillian . sol vent eninmunirates through tiie Piooil, Sweat, Urine and ot her 11 uitis and juices o' the system tho vigor of lite, lor it Teairs the wastes of the boly with new and sound material. Scrolula, Syphilis, Consump tion, (jilandular disease, I'lcfrs in iti 'Ihroat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in th (iiinds and other parts ol tiie system. Sore Eyes, Strumous Discharge iroin the k'ars, and t lie worst tonus oX skin diwases, Frup tions. Fever Sores, Scald lltd, Ring Worm Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Flack Spots crins in the M'-sh, Tumors, cancers in the Womb, and a 11 weakening and i-aiMul discharges. Night Sweats, I oss ot Spf-rm, and all wastes of tho lile principle, ar? within the curative ranre ol this worn:, r ol Modern Chemistry, and a few ua.s' u,c will provw to any pirson using it lof itlier ol thesp forms of disease its otent power to cure th in. I: the patient, 'daily hecfinies n-uueed Lv tiie wastes and deconi osition that is con tinually progressing, succeeds in arrosiin? these wastes, uud repairs tho pnitie with new material made irom healt h v -hlot.-d and this the Saisj arillian will and coos secure. Not only dots the Sarsparilliau Resolvent excel a!I known rcintcial agents in t he cure of lironie, Srr:ul i;s Constitutional, and skin ii.s-.ases ; I ut it ,s the only positive curf lor Kidney ai:d iJladder Conrplaiuts, Urinary and Womb iiseasrs. iravel, lia betes. Droj sy, Slopi age ol Water, Inconti nence oi trine, I'riglii's Liseas, Ail umi nuria, and in a!! cases where thcr aro i'riek-dust tlepisits, or t he vater is tbici.-, cloudy, mixed with sii!.yl!Uf.s lil.e tVi; white il sin eg-sr, or threads- like v lii! sill;, or there is a u.orl.rd, dark, biilious ajpcsr ance, and white I one-dust de oits, atal when theri- is a 1 ricking, I urnimr si nsS- tion v.hen 1 assiiig water, and j,.iin in tl.o small ol l In; oucii :inu Priif, f 1 00. along tlic loins. Hlll-.MS.-Tlr rmlv known a r.u sure Reiiudy for Worms J in, Tiiiiiiivs of 15 IVars' Ci Trr. J'. red tjy lladw sjy's Iiesol en t . IIkvki:i.y, Mass., .I-u!v IS, In. Railway . 1 have had Ovarian i u niorin the ovaries :mu1 bowels. All tl-.e 1 'ictors said t here w no h-jp nr it."' I tried -v-ryt hing that was r.-commemiet' : but nothing In 1 j ed me. 1 saw your Resol vent, ami thought 1 would try it : but l:au net taith in it, because I had" suffered tor twelvu yt-ars. I took six bottles of th Re solvent, and one box of l:adwaVs Pill, and two bottles of your Ready Relief: and' there is not a sign ol tumor to be seen cr felt, and I leel j tt, r, smarter, and baj itr than I have J. r tv. ivc yars. '! lie Uimorwas in The b it s;N- of the bowels, over t lie gn in. I v-rile t his to or. lor tbe briii-f;t v.J oil,-. j. Y011 can ;S ;!-. jj. jf jou choose. HANNAH V K.N AIT PERFECT PUFiCAVlVi PILL?, I erlcotiy tateli ss, elegantly mated with sweet gum, purge, r -ubite, j urii v, cleanse, and strt-ngt bri:. F.-dwa's Fills, for tho cure ol all tiisonif-j's ol tbe Stomach, l.ivtr, Po.vcls, Kii":m-.s, Fladder, Nerous Di.s e.ases, Headaebe, oust i -at ion, ( ostivr m ss, Indigestion, Fyspoj sia, Fiiiiousncss, I i'.l'ous lever, 1 n tla 1:. mat ion ol tbe low els, Piles, and ail 1 . ra i. j nients or tl;e Internal Visct ra. Warrr.nttd to aifoct a jKisit ivc cure. Purely ecetable, contain ing no mercury, min.trais, or deleterious drug's. B.fU'serve the following svmj toms re sulting Irom Disorders of Th- l igestive Organs: ConsTit ion. Inward Piles, lullnesa ot the Flood in the Head, Aciditv of tho Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in the stomach. Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at tho Pit of the stomach, Swimminu of the Head, Hurried and difficult breathing. 1- luttering at the Heart, t hoking or Suflo eatingSensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or webs before tho Sight, Fever, Full Pain in tho Head, Defi ciency of l'erspirat ion. Yellowness of th skirt and ICyes, Pain in tiie Side, t hest. Limbs, and sudden Flushes of Heat Fum ing in the F'lesln ' A few doses of IIaJwaj Pills will fr the system Irom all tiie above named dis orders. Price, -J5 cents per box. Sold bv I 'ruggisf s. . . " Read " False and Trim " Surwi i 1 stamp to Radway y o.. No. 87 Maictei, Fane. New York 1 n l ,r t i. ... - - .... ----- ...... nuiiii thousands will be sent vou. July 21, 1ST 1 :ly ACEXTSl'OR THE EMEKPKISE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents lor the F:.NTKRiatisE : oeo. I Iiowell fc Co., 10 York. I'ark Row, New Chestnut street. Coo, Welherill A Ihiladel.iia. Abbott A Co., No New York. Fortland.Oregon... San Francisco . Co., fiOT 82 and 81 Nassau street. L. Sa m uel t Thoti. 15ovce 1 1 . 1 irii,-. St. Helens, Columbia county S. a. Allies vsioria, iaisop county ...a. Van Dusen jei it ...... ........................... Harrisburg...-. I.afa yet tti.Yam hill turn nt - IjJ Williami -"..J. II. Smith .....I.II-'eYgnson ....Dave Holmes R. Doty ..R. K.-Hann.a W. A -Wells Dallas, I'olk county ; I r )lfl.A.. ......... ... . ... Jacksonville Uenton county ..." Corvallis .IIo"n Canyon CIty,(irant co........ .John Furnett .W. It. Ijiswell .-A. N. Arnold Aiuany , - ,, - :,. .. n. k . moia Dalles, W asco. county, x. n. ;ates I.aOrande, Union eoutfv .- t: frai" I'endleton, Umatilla count v s. V. Knov Eugene City.;..;. Rosebu rg. ........ .. Lebanon Jacksonville Long Tom r . I J..M. Thompson U. L.Frlstow iron. L. F. Ins ; )C T. Montague ....Hon. E. D. F'oudray .... II. C. Huston CLACKAMAS COUNTY. ' . . ' " Beaver Creek ... Jl C. V. teati BuUetille , John Zumwalt Cascades Henrv MeCugln Can by. ..j. V". Strawser CutUng-s . ....., D. Wright Eagle Creek. Frank W. Foster Harding's Capt. Z. C. Norton I-ower Molallft. w. Moreland Milwaukie.. John Hagenberper Oswego ; Jjoha Eoole Upper Molalla .W. H. Vaughan A. NOLTNER NO TAKY T UBLIC. ENTERPRISE OFFICE. - n OREGON CITY. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of Water will in a lew moments cure Crr, Spasms, Sour fclomachj Ileartl.filn Headache, Diarrhea. Dv4tcr " ,'Ck Wind in the Rowels, and all iuS ', Travelers should alwavs earrv 1 1 A' Vd V Ilurfvvny'. Ready Relie, th?m 2 lew drops in water w in r .revolt 1 M' pains irom change of lJr than 1-reneh Prandy or Piturs a, , X. 1.119 Xi La O G 0