Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1874)
o o o TlfE B3TEEPHSBI OREGON CITY, OREGON 30 V. 30, 1S71. . total 6.IW. valuarioii This leaves uuv an.l "; ?opeVty and town lots in the jK-Tsonal JP ? a verv crood The valuation y . ' sollHi property and value of t i h ,(laees. The ,.ther town lrt... and tho XYT Jii'd h rather low. k alue of ia" ht dow n bj veragu w raiiroad lan. Messinont of t " ,,, by the low averagu ; t he railroad lands, which nessinoi" - about 50,000 acres. we learn numW" ., countv in the w.e Vasis the fourth county in the and populatiou. T Krx. Lwr.-Tbo following is a V t the letters remaining in the pitSoe at Oregon City Nov. 19 1871: nev, If'-iJ-Ver John; Howell, Sorrel ; James, t - . Humiston, Nelson; H,anwon KlivUth; lloyt, John; Humiston, . iS-meii. ir (C Mrs. A. K., 2; Mills, John ; uinkl' Miss Julia; McfielehK fol'n "Mucauley, Hush; Nether. V, ,,ti(MiiH: Plummer, Henry; Row nil' 1 i"toker. Naney ; Smith, Mis MrV ri; Thi.sell, Olof; Vinson, Aaron. If ,.,11.. J for, i,leasesay when ' adver tisoJ.' 0 J. M. avcox, P.M. Hesol.tion ADorTEH. The follow ing resolution has been adopted by the f I ,ck:i:n county Council : II .solved". Tliat we as Rood Patrons of Husbandry, are strongly opposed to the employment of Chinese laborers . ' i that wo will do all that we lawful ly cm t- prevent their bein. so em ployed bv our citizens anil more osje ciallv hv otir vounu: farmers, and we re'v.'rtAillv nVpiestall members of our Order t'lniuhoiit our State and Na tion to c H)p rate with us in carrying tail this solution. Smash Jr.--As tlie fn-iirht train was n its way t Portland last Thursday nilit, at Marsh field the cars were ui -.a::h; l " take on some more, and when h up to take on the unat- i.rl rTrs. thv locomotive come i tl.i'in with siifh a tore s as to m;l -telv snnsh tho couplings of ej iteell irs. l ii! iraiu i.inni iu P rtl i:i s.' -t ions ami toox all lii'nt i.i "ft di n. The night was very dark ., . i t ..II ::i J t!ic :i".vi:-K i (tin1 itiai chu'i t-i'suy r:::;i-i:. -K -v. T.ios. Van Horn, Clir:! :'im ia tin 17. S. A., at Vancouver, will d-Uv-r tlie iirst lecture of the c i.- a:i 1 t the auspices of tin; libra ry Asi . i ttion. . His subject will be Tii" IJ i'.tl-s of It okout onntainand Mm-h" tinrv Uidga." Mr. Van Horn is siil t li ; Mil ot't'.i" tiiust lecturers on t!i- ;-nt . iii l w.i trust a full audience in iv In' in I'.tfi I in"?, as the object of t!io ur:M i a wortiiy one, ana our pe .;! I give them a liberal sup port. Siif.hikk Svi.i:. Sheriif Apperson h A l nt a bninistrator's salt last Satur d iy t!i- J. : Kiadle farm, l miles fr m tlii-t pJ.itre, containing 100 acres, i.i .i i t s of vviii -h is well improve;!, the v:i. l.' u i fen.:e. irood bam, and a c-ii:ii'; t ! rt-elling, six acres in or- r'i ir.l .in I ;tll u ! :i jrn -'Utnral laml, f -I . i . t'.ii is b it a liule over Sil i-r i-if. It i rirdfd as a bi'.r- gun. .!:'. i ( i . it .i ii lg", lite oi Ohio, 1.1 tli- pur m i-L r. TiiAN:;- ;ivi.N f. -! pro.'lam ition of t iv 'Vi-riior if Oregon publi s'.ied else vh ! i:i t4: i i-e. it will be seen that li !i t -I Annted n t Thursday as i d iy o.'Ta i .! igiving and prayer. This iiu !.-i;i i t ie date set bv tne Prosident it H t!ie ii iy tiiat will be generally ob xfirvM t!it-oM.iiout th-j IJnio'n." The ic )(!' of this country have much to l.e lit i ic tn i lor, an. I we trust tne day win be generally observed. I'ai.i. an: 1v iuiution. Tin Oregon City Turn Vereins will give a grand exliibitioti an 1 ball next Thursday evening. Tiie exhibitin will take pla-e before the b ill, so all who do not desire to r main at tho ball will have aiiw;p rt mity to witness the perforni ane. A grui t tinii! may be expected, anl wi oe"Veik for tlie bovs a full h'HH SrKs iAi, Tkiim. A special term of the I'ireuit Court, for this county, will be hold Ht t;ie Court IIiiho next Wed- ne.s.lay.Jii.VieSliattiK-k. presiding. We h';u ii that the t Tin is only for the pur ioh of finishing up so'me unsettled business frmu the last term. Thanks.-Hoii.SoI. llirsh.of Mult noniah county, will ple:sc accept our thanks for a full set of the various State officers reports, which were made to the Lite Lejci-lature. Thev were very aeeopuMe, as we have freouent use fo'r thMn. Sek Tiikm. Messrs. Willi mis & Ha riling, av the Lincoln Hakery, ex pect a largj sto-k of fany goods for the holidays, and want their friends to call an 1 see th?m. Tor further partic ulars, s. ineir advertisement in to il ay s paper. foNTRAcr I.F.r.-The contract for erecting a monument in honor of the l ite Dr. lUrclay, was let last week to Mr. Young of Portland. It is to lea tinted column, of Italian marine, near ten feet m height. Its cost will be $120. Soi.ii 6 ;1C undiviiled one-third in terest in tlu Matlock grist mill, was sold at shcriiri sale last .Scittmlav to J. M. Frawr. E)., for S150. The ma- hinerv in the mill alone is said to be worth M.nno. Kkckivei., Some unknown friend last Saturday sent us a copy of the pen itentiary co.nmittee report. We find el,tKlim?n,t mji,c a interestims as trlra,Kl.s'la11 iv" "r readers extracts frora it in due time. IvEtovKiuNo.YVe learn that Mr. Jc o Adam of Klickitat county, W. vsC- !LVvastr.ioen down Pal kn 1 ,We x' "Jfadually improving ar, j opes are now entertained that he "Ui bo abio, ta be out agaii. A suSscriptio,, list to the Home Man. uraeturing Works can Ikj found with either of the following gentlemen: J. in nm !A" Nolt. Call on them lvl lmt down your amounts. Ht'r LirrLKWlailc other towns in the State are reporting mnch sickness, e hear of but few cases in this place. hcafth1 CitV ls known for its Kood TEAMBOArs.-The river has been ny alive vitl boats the past week. Ue cold wea:her may cause the river to I all 80 miy become nojessarv lo lay up again. Kenienibcr to give something to wjirds the Mjbscriptio'j t the Home .Scvs County.-l he wnoie ' j land t.xed in this coun y to . , acres, which flnBi foiir aol 2 WIT valied at S&a total " 'i t tow " u..kimr a valuer vr- Irket Report. We have no special changes to note in our market report. Wheat remains the same at Portland. $1 35 per-ccntal. nutter and eggs are scarce in that mar- at the mills in this city has advanced ' little, and ranges from 7072. Itutter - ..ft. " . ii.ii lu nAt. . . . . ...1 . . . . J 3.1 cents per dozen, both articles very scarce and ready sale for the cash. The money market remains unchanged. New Books. The Oregon City Li brary has just received a new lot of books, among which are Dicken's Works, complete, Mrs. F. F. Victor's work on Oregon and Washington Ter ritory, and State Prison Life," bv a con vict. Klkctei). J. M. llacon, Esq., has lure n elected Orand Treasurer of the C. K. C. and M. C. Athey, ii. f. Iioth will make efficient officers. W: Caldwell, who has been in California for the past three or four months, returned homo last Wednesday morning. Monument. A verv neat monument has been placed over the Grave of thA late John G. Campbell, by the widow. For Sale. John W. Meldrum offers a farm to rent and one for sale. See his advertisement. A Proclamation. by tht: governor of the state of ouegon. At tho close of a year which has been distinguished for abundant har vests and business prosperity; which has been free from the scourge of pestilence and tho devastation of firo and flood, and which has been noted for general health and happiness of all the people of this State, it be comes us as a community publicly to acknowledge our obligations to the Great Giver of every good and perfect gift, for these manifold bles sings. Now, therefore, I, L. F. G.vover. Governor of the State of Oregon, in recognition of approved custom, do appoint Thursday, the 2Gth day of Novomber. IS Ii, as a day of Public Thanksgiving and Praise to Almighty God for the numberless benefits and mercies of the past year. Done at tho Executive office, Sa lem, 10th dav of November, A. D 187i. " L. F. GKOVElt. By the Governor: S. F. ClIADWK'K, Secretary of State. Oregon has amended her divoice law so that husbands and wives hav ing no children may obtain a decree of divorce simply upon ceasing to live together. The above is. from -the Olympia Sinn bird. Now, friend Murj pleaiii take that bick. Oregon has done many foolish thing, but she lias not been guilty) of such a dis graceful act as the above would indi cate. Divorces nro loo ea'sy tinder our proeut laws, and the above would simply mike marriages a bnr losiiue. Pitor.Ai;LK S en. v to its. The Penn sylvania politicians say that Jeremiah S. Iilack, Democrat, will be elected Unite. 1 State. Senator by the now Legislature of that State, while Mas sachusetts people hopefully predict the election of Charles Francis Ad am 1 by their now Legislature. The Platmle th:r says: Captain Crouch and his sou Frank were in town yesterday o;i fieir way to the Bay City, where thy design build ing a foundry for the manufacture of all kinds of machinery, especially the inventions of Fratik Crouch, which are now attra -ting the atten tion of the scientific world. Forxi GriLTt. The jury in the caso of Thos. Gerr.i:id, rt turued a virdit of guilty of m irder in the first degree, last Saturday evening. Ho sentenced on Wednesday. Tho d 'ath penalty is tho only sen tence ho can receive. FIFTH AND LAST ( rl FT C 0 1ST O K I n IN AID OF THE PIBLIC LIBRARY OF KENT!.' Hi Y. A Card to the Public. The inanageineiit hivo determined to have the drawing of the Fifth and Last Gift Concert of the Public Library of Kentucky, on the ,'Mth day of No vemlier next. We believe now that all the tickets will be sold, and that the drawing will be a full one, but whether all are sold or not the drawing will nevertheless certainly come oil on tho dav appointed. The special object of this card is to call a meeting of the ticket-holders at Public Library Hall, on the 20th ot No vember, to make arrangements in con nection with tho committee an loitited by the Trustees to superin tend the counting of the tags represent ing the numbers of tickets sold. While there is no actual necessity for the pres ence of ticket-holders, as under our arrangements the interests of all are equally cared for, yet at the same time I would gladly prefer that as many as can, would attend this meeting, and see each for himself how perfectly fair and impartial the distribution must Ik. Every arrangement has been made for the'drawing. but little more than a month remains for the sale of the re mainder of the tickets, and whatever is done must be done promptly. TlIOS. E. l'RAMLKTTE, Agent and Manager. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 23, 1H74. nov!3w2 Plnln Question forInvalldn.-II.lve the routine medicines of the profession done you no good? Ar you diseourafced and miserable? If so, test the properties of the new Vepetabh Specific, Du. Walker's California Vinegar Hitters, already famous ns the finest, invigorant, corrective and alterative, thflt has ever seen the lixht. llyspeptics and ivrsons of billious habits should keep it within reach, If they value health and ease. AVlio Will It Be? The postponement of the Cilft Concert of the Kentucky Public Library to November ;?0th. 1871, was resolved upon to make a full dran;; a certainty. There will positively bs no further postponement, and the prize will b the magnificent sum of $250 000 Who will Ret it? What a pestered man iov" Hramlette, of Louisville, business mana ger would be. If the people supposed he could tell ! Important Zdedlcal Corrctpondencp, If all who are. now suffering from Colds and Coughs and other throat and lung diseitses, could read the letters continually received from all the country, giving the details of cases similar to their own that have been ,cured by Hale's Honey of Horehocnd and Tar, the demand for that life-savins specific, vast as It is, would double. It never fails. No con z Ii can re sist its tranqullizin influence. It strength ens wea,k lungs and prevents the pLrlbl!' t.wof tubercular consumption. 4 Tit SeMott Intermittent wil L m,raliC Plnts. in other r;5!1 1!rdcrs generated byunwhole sorne exhalations from the earth or water, are prevalent at this 8eason In cverv seel tion subject to the visit at i , r' v nun ague or other forms of Intermittent dl ease, the causes which produce these mal julle, are now actively at work. This, therefore, Is a period of the year w hen the i 8uen districts should pre pare their system to meet the unwhole some condition of the atmosphere, by a course of tonic and alterative treatment. Foremost among the invigorants. recom- im-uueu uy nne and experience as a means of fortilylnK the system against aU endemic undiiM,..:. ... . Ko'si -iC"e5 ?t5mach ulPwrtheesree1 parable preventlvrand 7esLorat i vl s held throughout those re-ions. It ts literal! v a domestic staple in the swampv and meph ltic localities which lie on the borderiiof many of our larye rivers and in the neigh borhood of our SL,,f , . -wfc,,,'A1J ujavous alio ia eoons. N ow ia t H 1 1 m ...i . . Sntsof nil i : "J ...... ., a wurw 01 inis nowerfiil vegetable antidote. By this 1 meautha feeblest resident of an unhealthTsoU mav eseaiKj the sickness, which without the aid of this potent ally of nature, will be apt to overtake the strongest. Chills and lever, bilious remittents, constipation, rheuma tism, dyspepsia and many other com Dinlnts are mxinnniir v.- v.. 1 . M - - -- uiuugui on uy luc caprices of temperature and alternations t AI1 n nl n cA.(.-t.-ssive moisture com- " at tne commencement of snrimr. Ietall ' -. .-.1..., UW4,iV distressing aliments take the Hitters as a Don't Hazard Your Llfl A lighted torch in a powder mill Is scarcely more dangroii than a deep seat ed cough or cold. The individual who waits for such an insidious enemy of life to die out of itself, commits a frightful er ror. It Is an Inexcusable error too; for Hale's Honey of IIorkhocnd and Tak will certainly cure anv irregulation of the lungs or throat with a dispatch and thor oughness which preclude all necessity lor apprehension. No type of cough cold, in tluenza.or bronchitis can resist. Itsstrenjjth ening, soothing, healing operation. Pike's Tooth-Ache Drops Cure In one minute. Hall's YkgetablkSilician Hair Re newer now stands among the Iirst, and ls ahead of all articles for a similar purpose. The testimony of our physicians is conclu sive as to its vaiue-, and wc are personally acquainted with scores of cases where it has b-en us"d with the best of results. It w ill restore gray hair to its original color, and leaves it glossy, and in a healthv con dition ; while, for heads troubled' with dandruff, or any dlseas ; of the scalp, it act like a charm in cleansing th"m. Try It, and you will not lx disapiointed. I.owcll Courier Mai 2, 1S6.S. "Kor the very best Photographs, go to Hradlea & Ki'lofson's liallcry with an Elevator, 4jy Montgom-rv Street, Kan Francisco. NEW TO-DAY. COME AND SEE US! 4 LL PAUTIKS HAVrXG ACCOUNTS Jt wlt.i M'iliiiinu (; lliirdiii can see haw the same stnncls at the end of the month. We want some money. oct20tf Farm to Rent. rfiIIF. I'NDERSUiNED WILL KKNT JL his farm situated on the Willamette river two miles b.-Iow Oregon City, and containing 310 acres, for two, thr.?e or four years, on lib -ral terms. The farm has 180 acres under new fence, 20 acres of which is beaver-Jam land, nicely seeded down to timothy, and ls one of the best meadows of the si7.. in the State. Adjoining this mendiw, until' one side, is a Held of II acres, well s.'t in timothy and clover; and on the other side is iW of slashing, done over a year ago, and burned over this tail. It's convenience to market, whether to Portland or Or.-gon City gives It superior advantages. I will only rent to a p -rson who will live uoii and work the farm. I have also a half section of good land. 10 acres of which is under fence, situated about thr -e mils from Aurora, which 1 will sell on r -nsonabl terms. I-'or t'urt l:--r part iculars a; ply loth" un dersigned at his r.'sai'Mic in r -gon ( it v. JOHN W. MEl.bltUM Nov. IS, lS7l-6vv. KSTRAY. C1AME INTO THE ENCF,OSi;KE OF J th subscriber, on the irth of Novem ber, one chesnut mure, white strip in her fac, three sho'-s on, about fifteen hands high, and p rhaps seven years old. Can be found IS inil-s from Portland on the Foster road. Tlie o vii-r is r-quest-d to pom" and prove proper v, pa v eliarg-snnd tak her away. CI I AS. M. McLEKAN. E:igle Cr"k, Clackamas Co., Or. Nov. 17, 117 J. no.-20,vl Jlejeet oil Violent Pnrjatl ven. They ruin the tone of the bowels, and weaken the digestion. Tarrant's EiTtvi'sciU Srltzrr Aprrirnt is used by rational people as a means of reli-'ving all derangements of the stomach, liver and intestineH, because it removes obstructions without pain, and Imparts vigor to the organs which it purifies and regulates. Sold by all druggists. For Sate. A HOUSE AND BUGGY HORSE PER fectl.V safe. Apply to novl:Jw2 MRS. BOLLS. j. p. WAitn. GEOKUE A. HAKUINfl, WARD & HARDING, DRU3GISTS AND APOTHECARIES, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A general assortment of Oru.f and OlieiiTicJilr!, Perfumer-, Soapi, Combs and llriislies,. Trusses, Supuartern, Shoulder Ilrarn Fnnry and Toilet Artlclen, ALSO Kerosene Oil, Lamn Chimney, Olann, Putty, Paints, (lila, Varnishes and Dye Stnffs, PIRE WINES AND LKU'ORS FOR ME . DICIXAL Pl'UPOSES. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. ryphj-siclans Prescriptions carefully compounded, and all orders correctlj' an swered. e7"0wn at all hours of the night. "All accounts must b paid monthly, novlitf WARD Jfc HARDING. TakeJotice. HA VINO RECENTLY MADE A change in my business, and associat ed with ma Mr. Geo. A. Harding in the Drug Business, and also purchased the store of Messrs. Bell fc Parker, I need all accounts settled due me prior to the for mation of the present partnership. Those knowing themselves indebted will please call without delay and make payment, as I must have my books squared. J. P. WARD. Oregon City, Nov. 6, 1871. Iw. SANTA CLATJS LOTTISSA.L Announces to the Public that be has re; eeived a large assortment of Christmas Toys of all kinds, for boys and girls, which be affors for sale cheap. oct-IOtf JDTZ. JOHN WELCH, DENTIST, OFFICE IN OREGON CITY, OREGON. U! sheet Cash Pt!t TaJtl far Countv y J Order. v ...... "T : V - . 3PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, HU Cbarle Hotel BuUdiltff. Southwest Corner Front and Morrison Sts. Portland, Oregon, JUST RECEIVED, rox- Str. "Oriilamme." LARfJE INVOICE Of the LATEST STYLES of all Kind, of Seatouabls BOOTS AND SHOES Bought of the Jtlannfarttirors East and lit San Fraiclsco, FOR CASH. And will be Sold at UNPRECEDENTLY LOW PRICES. Our AGENT Eaat has sent a Telegram stating that our Orders fur a IT UTjUi LINE .OF.. Boots and Shoes Have beeu Filled, ana GOODS SENT BY RAIL.1I We Shall continue to Receive by every Mteamer Larire Invoices of these Oaodj until our StocU is Full and Cumplete, A H3IALL LOT OP DAMAjEB BOOTS AND SHOES On hand, which must bo sold for ANY ItlMSON.VRLR OFFISH PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, St. Charles Uutel Duildliijr. Southwest fornrr Froat and Morrison Sts. C. A. PEASE & CO. OefoberriO, 1S74. tf. THE GREAT RENOVATOR! A Certain Cure fur Rhenmatim and Mercurial afTectiona, Srrofula, Salt Itlieum, Liver and Kidney rom- Elalnts, Feiunle Weakness, and all ilseases arising front an Impure state of the IJlowl. ( Contains no Mercurial or Poisonous Sub tanoo. rilHE STRONtJEST WILL FIND THIS X a Setirchinft Cure. It ir ay be taken by the most delicate, with Impunity, and the remarkable success attending its use war rants the proprietors in claiming it as the Most Reliable IHood Purifier In Use. Its gentle action renders it remarkably efricatlons in Dyspepsia and Constipation, giving the organs the assistance needed, and impairing a tone and strength soon dispenses with artificial aid. I 'tit up in quart bottles. Sold by all deal ers. Sole proprietors, CHARLES LANGLEY A CO.. Wholesale Drnggsts, San Francisco. nov!3m3 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Clackamas. E. S. Kearny, PllT. 1 VS. ' Isaac Lasswcll and In Etiuity. Rachael IjisswcI, Defts. j - . To Isaac Laswell and Rachael Iasswell, Defts. : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon j-ou are hereby notified that on the 31st day of October, A. D. 1ST!, the above named plaint ifT commenced a suit against you in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Clackamas, de manding of said Court a Judgment against the said defendant, Isaac Iass well lor the sum of seventeen hundred and sixty-two and 8:-lX) dollars in gold coin, and interest thereon in like coin at the rate of one per cent per month from the 2d day of Janua ry A. D. 1871, and for his costs and disburs ments, and also a decree against said de fendant foreclosing the mortgage describ ed in said complaint, and also for the sum of two hundred dollars as attorneys fees in foreclosing said mortgage; You are there fore required to appear in said Court on the first day of said term thereof, to be held at the Court House in Oregon City, In said Clackamas county, on the 26th day of April, A. D. 1875, and answer the said com plaint, or for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment against you forthe said sum ofl,762 80 and interest as aforesaid, and will also take a decree of foreclosing said mortgage, and for his cost" and disburse ments, and also for the sum of $200 attor neys fees as aforesaid. This summons is published by order of E. I). Shattuck, Judge of said Court, made at Portland. Oregon, on the 2d day of No vember, A. D. 1874. MALLORY A SHAW, novl3w6 Attoyneys for Pit ft. NOTICE. 7 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock Holders of the W. F. C. A L. Co. for the purpose of electing Directors for the ensuing year, will be held at the office, of the Company, at Linn City, on Monday, Dec. 7. 1874. B. GOLDSMITH. no-6w4 President. STILL IS THE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS SALOON. WILLIAMS & HARDING, --AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Groceries to be found in the city. All goods warranted. Goods delivered In the city free of charge. The highest Cash prioe paid for country produce. Orcsou City, JIarcb 2. 1373. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RV.RKTr.T.eTV- CALIFORNIA. DBY GOODS ! CLOTHING! HATS and CAPS! GROCERIES! ETC, ETC. ETC. THE FIRST GRAND 0 P E II I 11 G ...OV TJU?..., 1874 FALL SEASON 1871 Will be Inaugurated by a Hpleudid Exhibition of NEW GOODS! At IU Store ot BRADLEY, MARSH & CO., ...oat. Aloiidiiv, August 31sat, BRADLEY, MARSH & Co. IKKL THEY WOULD HE WANTING ; in courtesy o their numerous pat rons, ns well ns foregoing a pleasure to thenis-lves, were they to allow the "yellow leaf" of Time to pass by without some suit able acknowledgement forthe more than liberal supj'Ort accorded them since their advent in business. The unretarded ami unexampled pro gress of BRADLEY, MARSH A CO. in pop ularity and business success has Inspired their rivals and competitors with bitter animosities, and their envious tongues misconstrue every motive with a view of injuring our fair fame and well earned reputation In the world's esteem. Viewing the past with contemplation's sober eye, and cheered by the generous support of this community, we shall con tinue to pursue a steady, onward course, that has no retiring ebb, regardless of our detractors, to whom we cherish no res-'iit-raents, relying in the future on that ener gy ability and watchful enterprise that is sure to reward every intelligent and saga cious attempt to laipply n generally felt Wftnt. Wo are desirous of bulldlnj up .business that will bo a CREDIT TO THE CITY AND STATE! Let our opponents endeavor, according to their means and ability, to emulute us in this respect, and in a very short time trade will bo attracted to Portland that has been, from well known oaue, divested from it, and numerous lotiantless houses will find oeoupants. BRADLEY, MARSH & CO., JWhoIcsal and Retail Dealer In DRY GOODS' 1 GROCERIES, AND General Importers or. ENGLISH, AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOODS, Corner First & Stark Sts., PORTLAND. CASH ADVANCES MADE ON EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCE. FALL 1674. , Is your time to buy goods at low iriee. S. ACKER MAN & CO. are now receiving a large stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, aUof the Latest Styles, which will sell AT LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES. Our stook has been bought for cash, and WC will soil It at a small advance above SAN FRANCISCO COST. "Ir E WILL SAY TO EVERYBODY BE- T fore you purchase or go to Portland, come and price our goods and convlnco yourself that we do what wo say. Our stock consists In part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing:, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ludlea and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer 1 e s. Hard ware and a great many otlur artlclostoonumer ours tu mention ; ALSO DOORS, WINDOWS, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC. We Will Price for alo pay the Highest Market Country Produce. H. ACKERMAN A CO. Oregon City, Sept. 11, 1S74. tf THE NEW IMPROVED Side Feed and Back Feed. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, MOST SIM PLE, AND MOST EASILY OPERATED SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Akajs in Order and Head; for Work. If there is a FLORENCE MACHINE within one thousand miles of 8 an Fran cisco not working well, I will fix it with out any expense to the owner SAMUEL HILL, Agent, No. 19 New Montgomery Street, ORAXD HOTEL BUILDING, tin FR1KC18C0. Sheriffs Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE AND Ex ecution issued out of the Circuit Court ot the State or Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, and dated October 24th, A. D. 1874. in favor of J. X. Perlet, and against Edward Ross, Elisabeth J. Ross, II. M. Reall and the First National Bank of Port land Oregon, to me directed, for the sum of one thousand one hundred and fifteen and 50-100 dollars i$1115 5'J) U. S. gold coin, together with interest at one per cent; per month, costs and disbursements of this suit, taxed at twenty-seven and 10-100 dol lars ($J7 10) and accruing costs ; And also in favor of said II. M. Heall, and against said Edward Ross and Elisabeth Ross for the sum of f 1,231 75-100 In U, S. gold coin, and the sum of $75, and costs and disburse ments taxed at 5 90-100 with interest there on at the rate of one per cent per month. Now, therefore, I have levied upon the following Real Estate to wit : Beginning at the south-west corner ot Lot Whitcomb's donation land claim at a point on the Willamette river, thence east on said claim line to within one hundred and twenty rods of the southeast corner of said donation land claim, thence north on Joseph Kellogg's line to the. mid dle of the grist mill pond, thence down the middle of said pond to the quarter post of section thirty-six in Township one South of Range one East of the Willamette Meridi an ; thence west and parallel with the lots in the town of Milwaukie to the bank of the Willamette River, thence south up the bank of said river with the meanders thereof to the place of beginning, contain ing two hundred acres more or less. And on Salurrtuy, November tlie SStlt, 1S74, at 10 o'clock A. m., at the Court House door in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, I will sell the right, title and interest of the above named Edward Ross and Elizabeth Ross to the above described land, or so much thereof as may be ncceesary to sat isfy the above named Judgments, interest, costs and accruing costs, at public auction to tho highest bidder, for United States gold coin to me in hand paid. J. T. APPERSON, Sheriff of Clackamas countyi Ogm Oregon City, Oct. 20, 1871. Iw W. 1L HIGHFIELD Established since '49, at the old stand. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An assortment of Wathes. Jcwel- rv.and Seth Thomas' Welirht Clocks .ft all of which are warranted to be as represented. Repairing done on short notice, and nnkfut for past patronage. FORJ5ALE. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS HI" premises, in Osego, for sale at a bar gain, for cash. There Is a fine dwelling and out buildings, orchard and about three acres of land. Finely situated for a boa1 ing house for the hands employed I nine Iron Works. J. . CA1. Oswego, Sept. 10, 1874. NOTICE ! It TV WIFE. RACHAEL R. Roor HAV IjJL ing lelt mv bed and board without just cause or I rovoeation. I hereby notify the public not to trust heron ray account, as I will pay no bills of her contracting after this date. JAOCU SOOP. Once r.Tore We Come ! With a Stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, TARGEU AND MORE ATTRACTIVE iSan Francisco Panic, and which we offer 0 at v rem! v iivuucea i rices, uur uwn CLOTBTNG lias been largely increased and we can show at handsome a line of ready-made goods in Men and Boys' Business and Dress Suits. Overcoats, etc., as can be found in the country, and at prices that cannot fnil to sntisfy. Our O DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT O Is filled with a splendid Assortment of all the leading styles and fashionable shades of goods Emprru Cloth, Mohairs, French and . American Dress Goods, Itlaclt Alparca, Brilllantlnvs, Cailimerei, &. 0 FLANNELS, Plaid. Plain andOpera Flannels, of all col ors. Bleached an.i TTntinhri pitni Flannels. Ladles and Gents I'ndsmBrc, Shatvls and Scarfs, Wool lllanketa, Trunks and Traveling Satrheds, Oats and Caps, Oil Cloth ibr o Floorand Tattle. BOOTS and SHOES. We would call special attention to our stock of Men's and liovs' San Francisco Boots, which we have sold for a number of years past with general satisfaction. Ev ery pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE k FARMING UTENSILS. Choice Teas, Canned Goods, and all choice Family Groceries, All at Ix)W Prices. Also. O LIVERPOOL AND CARMAN ISLAND SALT. Highest Price paid for all kinds of Product and Wool. Sc-plStf I. SELLING. FOR SALE! At J3ai"g"o.iii ! I WILL SELL AT A REASONABLE FIG ure, my Livery Business, Stock, Ac., and lease my Barn to a purchaser for two years: also if required, will lease iny Dwelling House for same time. Oregon City, Oregon, August 20, 1S74. J. M. FICAZER. Ayer's Ague Qure For Fever and A;ue, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, ilemittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &o., and indesd ell tha aSectiona which ariro firom malarious, rfiarsh, or Tivsssiatio poisons. N'o tv3 T-eieJy ! ljuler called tor by Ike neec-s:tis. of tig American people i:.m a eure and siife cure for i'erer ::nd A jiic. uvh we -e now c:ia!)!eil to ofler, w!th a perfect eertamiv tlmt it wiii eradicate the diMMaC, ar.d iv?!! assur ance, founded "ii proof, Ihul si ii irm ;un ni froai ue i:i anv ijunrlity. That wbi.-ii protect from or prevents tin ois ortW in - t iu of im:nen;e en ice- i iaii-.iui where it prevails. -'rcr:;tion letter thaji cure, for life p:itient escapes the ri-k which lie uiu.U rail ia violent nttaei of thU tciuiur. This "Ctul:" cxpel.-s li:" u::-matio pois'oil of r-K!t AN! AOLK fmn t.e syctenij ami prevents tlie development -r ll.e iU.-ea.e. it taken on the lir-t approach of Us j : eiiset.itoi-y syniptoiu:. It U not only the bet remedy ever vet discovered for this -iuf of CoiiiplainU, but lilso Uie thc;iiC3t. The large (,::;uU:ty .re sup ply fr n dollar brings it wir!:;n the rengh of even j-Jv aed in bilious di-tri-, here FirvKK A1 Aot'K prevails, cveiybotiy should have it, and u,c it freely, both for cure nd pro tection. It i-. honed tliis'prire will l ?aco it witlivn Uis re:i--a of f .'..H t,ie,isMp:l as lue i rich. .rhor !.-,r di-eovered for the sieodvsnd certuin cure of intermittent is tlht it contains no Qui nine or mineral; consequently it produces no nuiuiain or other iiyurious effect whatever uponO tho constitution. The eured by it are left ns hcnlthv aa if tliey had never hsid the disease. Fever and Asue i not alone the eoiiieii!cnee of the miasmati r poison. A great variety of dis order ari-e from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Itl.eumatism, (iout. Headache, Hlindness, Toothache, Karache, Catarrh, Asth ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hvr.tcric, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cau?e, put on tho in termittent type, or become periodical. This Ci"itK" expels the poison from the blood, and consequently chits then all alike. It Is an in valuable protection to immigrants and persons travellincr or temporarily re.-.iling in the mala rious districts. If taken occasionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be ex creted from tlie system, and cannot accumulate :n snnicient quantity to ripen into disease. IIe:ce it i3 even more valuable for protection than Cine; and few will ever suffer from Inter mittent !f thev avail themselves of the protec tion this remedy affords. For J.iP'-r VotnplnintM, arising Irom torpid ity of tho Uveft It U an excellent remedy, stim ulating the Liver into healthy activity, and pro ducing many trulv remarkaLlo cures, whora other mc4i:lao-s full. Prefaced bt Ii-. J. C. AVER & CO., Lrfvwell, Mass I'ractto'U and- Analytical Cfte mitt. A2TD SOLD ALL ROUND THE WORLD. TblCE, $t.OO 1'HIt BOTTLE. Ayer's Hair vi lTor restoring to Gray Hair its - natural Vitality and Color. wliioh is T.fc onee : irreeabje, hcnUliy, a n (1 eftetrtual ior resei injj the liair. It roo.-i restores ftuhd or gmj luiir to it. itrt'jinnl color. :'th r7e gloss and freshness of youth. Tiin; hair ia thickened, falling hair lieokcl ftnJ baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles arc de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can bo saved by this application, and stimu-. lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling tho hair with a jvisty sedi ment, it will keep it clean asd vigorous. Its occasional usovcili prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently pie-vent baldness T1m restoration of vitality- it gives to tho scalp arrests, and pievQts the- forma tion of dandruff, which is ofte-tt so un cleanly ami offensive. Free from tlinso tteteterious substances which ake eomc preparations dangerouSoand inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can oaly be-nefit but pot liarn it. If wanted merely fox a IIAIK DBISSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, i does not soil wliite cambric, and yet lasts Jong on tlie hair, giving it a rkh, glo&sy Vistiv, and a grateful prfurae. Frepsred by Dr. J. C Ayer & Co,, Prartical 8d Analytical Cheml?-ts, Sr. ! V O