Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1874)
"3 G 14 - r" 'v li:.. IE. OREGON ClTf, ORLGOX, OCT. 30, 1S7I. it mjvi:r pays. It novur pavs to frtit anil growl, When fortune seems our toe ; The letter bred wifil look ahead, And strike the b-Jiver blow ; For I iek is wow, And those wlelhirk Should not lameii aieir doom, Hut yield the V.v, A nd clear the a v, i That better men have room. It never pavs to wreek the health In drudginc? after. ain, And ho is sold who thinks that jjold Is cheaper bought with pain. An humble lot, A cosy eot. Have tempted even kings For station high. That wealth wiil buy, Not oft' contentment brings. It never pays! a blfuiit refrain, Well worthy ot Hlson, Foraneand youth linst learn thetrutli, That nothing pal that wrong. 1 he cm Ml and tre Alone are snrJ To bring prolong! -ueeess, While what isXJht In Heaven's si;' Is nlwaj'S sure to btess. A Lively Woman on tiieTkapez.- Says a correspondent of the Hudson ) Jhnnmnit: 1 saw it at the rront JStreet Theater. It was a woman who did it. She had been doing1 every thing on the trapez, way up n the top of tho theater, -V feet above the stage. She'had wheeled around one trapez so rapidly that sha seemed a glittering hoop and unclasping hev hands, had now ten feet through the air to catch another, and at lat she came down and stood upon tho stage directly under and . feet below the ropes and bars where she had lately been performing. She seemed about IS, was Pressed in tho circus paraphernalia, and showed a fine, compact (though slight) and graceful iignre. ' Her face was beautiful and intelligent. Her feet were close together, her hands by her side, the body inclined a little forward. I noticed also that she winked rapidly as if she was ex pecting a blow. Under her feet' was what seemed to be a round spot upon the stage, darker in colur, aud just large enough to stand -upon.. . - . '. While I was looking at her there i came a crash, and she disappeared. ! I did not see her go anywhere, but found her directly upon the trapez. She had been shot from i powerful spring, -V) feet directly upwards, j with the velocity of a bullet from a ; gun, and had caught in tho trapez I above. t Ox SlonT AND Demand. Jll Ige C. . a well known, hicrhlv-resnect- ! i t.-..:i i 1 4.1. .."i..i.- .M,. en jviucuei uucivei , on iuc siuiuv tiiLo of fifty, widower, with live children, full of fun and frolic, ever ready for a joke to give or take was bantered the other evening by a Miss of live and twenty for riot taking another wife. She urged -that he was hale and hearty and d served a matrimo nial rue ate. The Judge acknowl edged the fact, admitted, that he was convinced by the eloquence of his fair friend that he had thus far been very remiss, and expressed contrition for 'the fault confessed, ending with offering himself to the lady, telling her she could not certainly reject him after pointing out to lam his heinous ofl'euso. The lady replied that she would be most happy to take the situ:ttin so uniquely advertised, and become bone of his bono and flesh of his llesb, but there was one, to her, most serious, obstacle. '"Well," said the Judge, "name i. My pro fession is to surmount all such im- nolinients'' "Ai. .Tndo-.v this is beyond your powers. I have vowed, i if ever I marry a widower, he must mve ten children. ';' ''Ten children!: Oh, that's nothinr says the Judge, "I'll rive you rive Jiow, and my notes on 'demand in instilments for the rc mainder." Xemtl(. J.J Union. A Mississippiamarried a widow for her money, au': on the wedding uip;ht possessed himself of the treus nro and struck out. Unluckily for him his wife's daugher, a stripping pirl of twenty, observed the theft ind departure, (iiviutr ehaso she overtook her papa, threw him down, tied him to a tree, and corrected him with a hickory stick. Presently the Iiride ajpeared and joined her daugh ter in tho castigation. The piteous cries of tho unhappy groom, soon reached tho ears of the police, who hurried to the spot. Tied to the TO(tri of the tree was the husband of only a few hours creation; the step-daughter with her night clothes torn in threads, stick in hand, and rapidly repeating the licks, while the Bride was punching hinj in the rib with her fist, calling him thief, rob ber, lvii-Klux, using cuss- -words, etc, and demauding her money. The case was compromised by the return of tho money, but the honey moon was over. Who NtxT. It has heretofore been supposed that the whole tribe I'fdrants. l)ents, ( a eys, Sliarpes. 'iSniiths, Hudsons, and their remotest "relations, were all feeding at the phblic crib long ago. and that the genealogical tree did nut furnish a stem not nourished by the Treasury. j ut it seems the means exhausted. Stock is by no Cousins Of tin- i:nmvn .Wree keen tnrnin.r r,-.,,n THE ENTERPRIi all quarters, and our parental Gov- rij'v,'')r; !lt th;1 rrt House door in Oregon ernment continues to welcome them W' 'T1 with hospitable hands to fat places. turd"'. No,-' A. o. Tile New York Stu savs: The last j the following described' parcel of land sit of .tho female persuation is Miss ILmA' i - -i-ii i e longing to ttu estate of said decent . .1 Orant, just appointed by a nod from j to-wit : rie west half of claim bein- ; Branch to handle bullion in j lVm OI s"ct ions 4, .", ,s and !'. in T.' i s u t f.-.o 54-. n l V,np;,.m Mint Who nevf ,V.:'.?"A .'iU.n,l'-d ami describe,! a, foiV,)Ws : 1 o - - or rather, are tlf?re anv more left? i Several vears ago a hopeful voting minister left these shores for the I iuniLal Islands as a .Missionary, t );i arriving at the end of his jonrney t he natives weighed him and cut a r-ilver off his leg as a sample. He i-aiue home by tlie next Ixvxt, and is now the traveling agent of a circus. li blood cannot be got out of stone bow do you aecojtmt for the fact that mirbles have veins... . C 1.19... Mrd; The hardest t T lO deal with An old pack of s. Self-made men are very apt to or fchip their makep The ready money system l)nn,cr be done. i THOMAS C H A R M A fi ESTA2LI3HED 1853. D Eft IKES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS ol Oregon Citv ami of the Willamette '. Valley, that h- is still on hand and doing ; business on the old motto, that j i A Ximbic Six 1'tuce it 11' iter than a SivW c I have Just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED ; , STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered In thia city ; and consists in part, as follows : Boot and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Geiods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Ch n a ware, Q ueen s ware, Stoneware, Crockery, riatcdware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope-, Faming tions of Every j Implements of All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil f l..t v ot.l, Wall Paper etc.. ! Of the above list, I can say my stock !s the m o -a t c o m v l i: t e evi rotrered in this market, and was s -teted with es5.--cial care torthe On pm Citv trade. All of which 1 now offer for sale at the, Lowest Market Rates. No use for the Indies, or any one else, to t hink of iroiti'.; to Portland to buy jrootls lor 1 am J)t termini l to ,V Z Ci"ij anil ivol to. allow myself to be ! IMJERSaLD IX THE STATE OF OREGUX. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me fo know the re quirements of the trade. Gome one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CUAliMAX cannot be beaten In quality or price. It would be useless tor me to tell you all the advat nt aires I can offer you in the sale of troods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disai pointed. Ali I wish to say is Com?, and Scf.aihl Examine for Yourselves i fori do no wish to make any mistakes, j My object is to tell all my old friends now that lam still alive, and desirous to sell roods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed u;on. Than kinir all for the liber al pat ronai;e heretofore bestowed. TliOS. CHAUMAN, Main Street, Oregon City, Lesal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. TII S. CHAUMAN. I; ?'') yii!') lbs wool wanted bv THUS. CHAUMAN. J. P. DAVIFS. JOSHCA DAVIFS. J. P. DAV3ES & CO., AT ; CT KDJN" E E 1 i S A N ! C031 31 ISSIO N 31 E IWl I ANTS, FIIlK-PitOOK STllXi: lU ILIJINfi, WHARF STREET, YiCTORIA. B. C. LibiTal AdViliirrs llaslc Oil C'.insiirnilieilts. July , in :lv Ki-f-ri-f S.i!-. j In tie- Circuit Court of t he st at" o )r--j;onl j lor i lie county oi i tai-Kamas, fieore ". l'ross.-r, Plaintitr, vs. William H. Pross. r, ) her A. t mi!;, John F. ( 'link, i Arthur Warner, Adminis-f 1 efendants. tratorofthe Kstate of Ma- ry Prosser, deceased. j T Y VIKTFK OF A CPJiTAIN DKCKEF and order of sal" made in the above entitled suit, in said court, on the 2t h day of S-pternbcr 1S71, the subscriber a referee for that purpose duly appointed by s:iid court, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on .; Tue.-itljj' t!ie third (.'Jill iIhj of .Vovcni ler, 1 17 1, at two rJ) o'clock P. M. of said day, at the 'otirt House door in Oregon City, 'Iacka mas county. State of Orejjon, certain real estate directed by said decree to be sold, and described tic-rein as follows: Parts of Sections eiht (si and nine (!), in Town ship two pj) South, Uaiie one (1) Fast, be inir a portion of the donation land claim of Henry Pross'-r and Mary Prosser deceased, situated in 'lackamas ninnty, State of Oregon, containing atiout Hi i acres. Terms of sale : on" halt of I lie pureha.s ; money to be paid on day of sal ', in I. S. jrold coin, remaining half in one vear from dat" of ! sale in cold coin, the unnaid i.ortion to tlra iv interest and payment, of same to b" secured by approved s -curitv. AUTHFlt WAHVnt. Referee. j S. Hr-r-.i.AT, Atty. for Plaintiff. i -otv! 1 ne above land is situated i short i I instance from tie"1 town of Oswego, and ! M hic!l b -sc. ii by persons visit ing t h ! ''l"!! octJw-5 vo!n,,ms aiuaoi" Ueoe.sits ot iron nr. Ailiiiinislnitor's S;it'. In the County Court or Clackamas Count v. re,rm. In th - matter of the estate of Jacob Kandle d"ceased : V"otht: is hf.ukry civf.n that in i liursilrince of fin ..i-.l.... 1 l: ! mad- and given by t h" Hon. County Court YL . . l '"'.' oumy, s-tate of Oregon, at ' , " , '. ' "V "1- ili pro- i - ' i .ii 'it iimc :i ncj r ii in tut !i.. ii ; i V:"11"1- nX A rhit.f-T0 chains South and' I 31--J. chains K. of the x. V. corner f sai j sect ion si ; thence W. AMo chains, th. ne" j chains, then j Ruling puVm nee K. , chains, thene,'. si' in ii t- place of b" 'innt.r Mm) acres. " ' " l ermsof sale-iiold coin, half down at th" ,ne of sale, aru th ot , halJhV. :"?TV?vrlvr a ,!S 'redby mort- ;r. iri-, f. p-uuv's. oeeii iU the ex- j i-1-i.i.-i. ui tin- i uicua-'r. OFO. c. TCANDT c P.. N. TlII.l.iN.js " Oregon (. ity, Oct. Iti. riYVKRN VV P.Y i living in Li-.v thk srnKinKu, r MoPi'b, tv,n ' 1 tacKatnasi county, r. g, on- r i n-sorn 1 tiors-'" i. August H. Is7t' I i r. i. .. ' -nur: . l',.-..i.. 1' . . . - -'"'. six in t he fac- : right .hind fo,- wht dl martis ; ruptur m th ' gr.en --o- 1 a he own.-r is requested to r-ove r,i.,- , anji-jTiO h'ui awe v.- 1 J s.i id horse, above .l-trrib-t. nt t"hirtv (S-j-i. . j dollars. WM.M.Mtl LANl.,' ! I oetL.vf Jusr iCe ()f the Peace. accttiox axp commissiox. a7. RICHARDSON, Auctioneer, Cornier of Front A Oak t., Port In ltd Auction Ssa!os Of lt. Hl Estate, Grocerie s, Oencral Mf r chandise and Horses. : tp t YS Wednesday and Saturday A A. R. RICHARDSON, Auctioneer. AM'i'ivsiie Sjale. English Refined Bar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast Steel, Horse Shoes, Hasps, Saws, Screws, Fry-Fans, Sheet Iron, It. G. Iron. ALSO A large assortment of Groceries and Liq uors. A. B. IUCIIABDSON, Jan. 1, lSTct-tf. Auctioneer. NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. First Street between Abler ami Mor rison St., n ni Alder Street letveen I-'irwt sinel Kront Streets. lovl land, Oro-ron. N INSTITUTION DESIGNED T ) ri!K pare HOYS, YOl'XO and MIIILF Ati HI) MUX f(,r Business Affairs. II. v. M. DfFKAXfK L. WHITE, : Presii! en I. Si-err) u ry. For aC'iuiring a I'eaeticttr li!uci- ; li'tn t his institution offers superior advan j tages, ami is acknow ledg-el by Leading Business Men to be t he best j Connnovcial Oollojo i on the pacific Coast, a ml s cote to none. I Each Department is F irst ' lass, mid is un 'elerthe special charge of kxI'kkikxckii i i-.-vi o are- whole ,.i .i i .. ,,, i..r !!"'. .'!"ln"jiati' superintendence of the 1 reJ' ,.f n,,, ,.,..t,:M- Tlw. tnliJ .......i Description i r.nd counting are united upon a plan that ! secures to the student all t he practical ad ! vantumages of each. There is in opcrat ion i A IJANKlNti IIOFSE fullv illustratin-' that business Tho 'system be-ingol.sorvi-d in each department, the student buys, sells, ships, barters, con signs, discounts, insures, draws checks, notes and drafts, drives leases, deeds, .Vc, and jr,M's tliroiiixli the entire routine of Af.'TU A Ij ntSl.NESS. In adding to t he completeness of the In stitution the proprietors have instituted a SEl'iiUTi; DErAUniCXT Fn; LADIES. The entranee to rooms of thi. Depart ment is upon Abler street, and access to them i3 had only by "the "teachers and lady stu dents. Ilar facilities are offered to ladies for acquiring a 'Thorough Knowledge of Business 1 'ract ice ; -vf Telegraphy aiHl I'en manship. The DEPAHTMENT OF TELEGRAPHY is m cliare ot tirst-class operators and teachers, and supplied with, all tin at u s of a first -class office. ill-ar- This Institution as now conducted claims to have facilities for imp-art ini; a thorough kno ivl 'ilr" of t In; Art ol' PeniiHinsiih) ! that not one in ten of the IH'.sinkss Col LKia:s now in existence possesses ; the De partment beinjx under the siecial siierin tendence of one of t he Leading 1'enmen of the I'nited States. For full particulars send for National Bcsinkss 'oi.i.kup: Jopkna i, sent to any part of the count rv free. Address, lc!-'It .CK lii WSiJTK, Lock Box 101, Portland, orejron. I Moncv ! Money ! "1 JOXI'.V To I'.KNll IN SUMS OF $'),)'), J i atid upwards. Oregon Cit ", March 1-t, 1S71. malitf " JtUINSON A McCOWN. c ; i I AS. Jrl. CA.U WI ICC D, GENERAL M COUXKR OF SEVEXTll A XI) MA IX XTM-IETS, OIIFJ.OX CITY. Has Just lleecivcd a New Slock i' Calii-oes, Dress Jootls, llrmvn and I Ileai-hed Siieelins, House Ijining, Shirtings, Talile-bincn, Irish Mosom Linens, Iiueu Towelling, Table- 'lotlis, "o: st ts, L-uiies' and Jcnts I lose, Thread, Cambrics, Iiuttons, llihl'on, Laces and Insertions, lOmbroidery, White (, Millinery, Fancy (inuils. tV:(; Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AiiD CHILD Erin'S SHOES, (Jroceries, Crockery, (Jlasswarc, Coal Cil, Coal Oil Li'mps. 'ieksand CJiimneys XVliif-lt havf life wlpcteil itl 8Jt-i-ial r:ne 5"or litix ir..-irlu :! tauwot UK SOtP.VSSKU IN l ALI I V Oil puici:. tiii: sik;iii:st MAHivivr iMticii paii I'oit couxthv ii;om ci:, Alarcii 1.5, ls7::tf SO r.DIEKSe' Was- Claim Agera No. at 3l!if,-aiitry Jilm-k, SAX F HAN CI SCO, CAI. r II. AIM FN, AT1X t anil Commander ATTO U N F. V-A' f - L A W , r of tii" Oraiul Army of the U -piiblie in Calitornia and Nevada, wiil jrive prompt attention to tie coileclion of Travel Pay, now due Oahiornia and Nevada Volunteers discharged more t ban three hundred miles from home. SoUli--rs can depend on iatr de.-ilinir. Information iriven 1 ree ot cha l"g When 'writing enclose stamp lor reply and state com pan y and regiment, a lid wle-t lier you have a discharge. Congress has ex tended t he t ime for tiling claims for addi tional Bounty und r Act of July "JS, lsnii. to Januarv 1S7", so all such claims must be made befor-j tliat time. Original l'.ounty of has been allowed all volunteers who enlisted before July '22d ist.i for three year. if not paid the same when lUscnargeu. Laml Warrants can obtamd lor services rendered before l.v, but not. lor services in th" late war. Pensions lor hit" war and war of lspj obtained and increased when a.l towed for less than disability warrants, but no pensions are allowed to Mexican and Florida war soldiers. State of Texas has granted iiensions to surviving veterans ot Texas IP-volution. New Orleans and Mobile Prize Monev is now due and being paid. W". H. Aiken also attends toO'-neral Law and Collection business. (into. A. G. WALLiiG'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. Cittock Itnililiiiir C'irnr of Stark mil Front SI reel j. PORTLAND, - OREGON. I LANK P.OOKS KlT.r.I) AND P.ol'ND I J to anv desired pattern. Music books Magazines. Newspapers, etc., lound in ev- erv varietv of stvle known to the trrade. ord-rs from the country promptly at tended to. 1m u Sai.k. We will sell eitln-r :i Flo re nee or O rover A- Hiker Sewing Ma ehme at San l-ranei-u-o mices. In order that those who desire a m iehiiu. and are not able to oav Hie entire amount may be accoinniodated, we will sidl tlietn on the installment plan, payable so much per month until paid lor. I ! s, Savier, LaKocfjue tV: Co. Oresron Cit-. K""n mnnntlynn hand for sale Flour, Middlings, Ulan and C!ik.n Feed. Parties purchasing f"fil must furnish the sack. A. NOL T K R N 0-T A H Y V U 15 L I C. ENTERPRISE OFFICE. OHECOX CITV. COURTESY CF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY CF CALIFORNIA, BjiRirlELEY, CALIFORIta Y 9 MEXICAN Mustang Liniment was first known in America. Its merits are now well known throughout the habitable world. It has the oldest and best record of any Liniment in the world. From the millions upon millions oi bottles sold not a single complaint has ever reached us. As a Healing and I'ain-Subduing Liniment it has no equal. It is alike, beneficial to MAN AND BEAST. SOLD BY ALL DRUCCISTS. Si Ti" Homestead Tonic Plantation Bitters j ft purely I'egrtahle Preparation, cotrrfoseii cf Cali.-aya Hark, Rootsy Herts and '-'raits, atnan tunic It wiil be Jound Sarsafarilian, anteiiitn, ll'iij Cherry, Sassafras, 'Pansy, Gentian, Sweet Plag, etc.; also '1 aniarinJs, Dates, Prunes and Juniper Berries, preserved in a sufficient quantity (only) of the spirit ciiu j;ar Cane to keep in any climate. ''hey i?n a riably rclieTC and cure the following com f faints: Pyspepsia, Jaundice, Lizer Com plaints, Loss cy Appetite, Headache, Bilious Attacks, Pezzer and Ague, Summer Complaints, Soar Stomach, Palpitation of the Heart, (Gen eral Debility, etc. They are especially adap ted as a remedy for the diseases to luhicli WOM EN are subjected, and as a tonic for the Aged, Feeble and Debilitated, has no erual. Phey art strictly intended as a 'Temperance Tonic or fit ters, to be used as a medicine only , and al-juay according to directions. Sold ty Ai t. First-class Dim-grists.' LIVERY, FEED, AfiD SALE (X'yi STAB AYE. -o- i rpiiF i:NDK!sp;xr;D PUopUlFrouoF i 1 t he I. i very stable on Fit! h street .Oregon t lty, orc-ron, keeps constant ly on hand Saddle sincl Iln'riry !Irse-, ii'iries, t'itrriiiyes :tnd Hacks. Ii'ifc I i (.: irorm l)l He will also run a hack to and from the V.'ILKEIT EGDA $'. '.:.. Iurine; the summer season, with rood jetent and ;rent b-nia n ly ilri vers. FARE AT LIVING KATES. .1. M. FKA.F.H, Proprietor. Oregon City, May '7, ls7:i. ERCII.4 1 r - 1 M A X IT FA (J Pf I ICS. 15 " 5 i B A nra r- e rj n m If A VJ-2 FS'PA m.tsiu:i ,'r:-.i;tv A FAGTORY ' " FOR THE f4A:J?.:Cri;?.E CT Furniture, Blinds, an i Doors, AM) MOl'I-DINKS OF ALIi SiZIIS. They will aisf) do Turning of i-very de scription to order, WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH! ir"All work warranted. Shi) on the Klv-r, in Lewis' Shop opposite Oregon City Mills. y I nil mu iwih.i.j '.IJ iujw.i AGENTS 1011 TilE OTERPIUSE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents lor the F.ntkkpkisk : (ieo. P. Uowellifc Co., M Park Htf::, New York. - Coe, Wetherill A- Co., OUT Chestnut street Thilad'-lphia. Ablott it Co., No. S2 and SI Nassau street, New York. Portland.' regon T,. Sa innel San Francisco ! i""!?- ,,.5.yc(' ' I L. P. I isher ! St. Helens, Colmnbia couitt v s. a Miles I Astoria, Clatsop county . 'an Dusen Salem I,.' Williams Harrisburg I. II. Smith Lafayette, Yam hi 11 county I. L. Ferguson Dallas, Polk county Dave Holmes Kola . ii,-,tv Jacksonville H. Iv. Hantiii Penton county ". .. Wells Vrvallis Hon. John Purm tt Canyon City,irant co W. p.. Laswi-11 Albany . N. Arnold Dalles, Wasco county n. H.ti.ites L.-drande, Cnion county . i . crai" Pendleton, Umatilla county, s. v." Kiiox F.u gene Citv , p"ii.son ( I -. L. Pristow Itoseburg Hon. I,. F. I'irte Lebanon V 7,' -A'''fague J. U. Ha 1st on Jacksonville Hon. K. I . Fondrav Long Tom II. c. Husti.ii CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Reaver Creek C. I-. TVatie lohn Zumwalt Henry MeOugiii I. W. Strawser . 1. W right r rank W. Foer Capt. C. Norton --. .....W. Mnn lnnd John Hagf nlcr;er Hutteville Cascades Can by Cutting's , F.agle Creek Harding's Iiwor Molalla. Mijwaukie Oswego Upper Molalla. lohn lw.1.1 W. II. VamrhAn ! . to T.irr. riiHK ROOM FORMERLY OCCFPIFD ji as i ue council l s . ing's brick build 1860-S OJJ) NOW IS THE TIME TO SUIISCKIHE FOR THE ENTERPRISE. 50 IKIJ, YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Each number contains the LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From all Parts of the World ; A Carefully Selected Summary of STATE AND TERRITORIAL NEWS ITEMS; A Corrected List of the Market I Porllanil, San Francisco ami Oregon City LOCAL NEWS, EDITORIALS, On all Subjects of Interest to the FARMKB," MERCHANT flU' .IIL'CIIAMC Also, Carefully S-lected MISCBLL.WBOtS K I u A I ) I X : . In Short, it is in Kvery Respect n LIVE NEWSPAPER. Haviii"; a larire and constantly increasing Circulation in the most populous part of the State, offers superior Inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted on REASON A RLE TERjIS. The Campaign of 1ST1 will soon bejjhi, and it is therefore a jr,,IKj t imr to Subscribe in order t hat you may be posted on currant events Send in your subscript ion at once ':ir IJitltTS nrn p-trely Verj n j i'.r.itio!!, li id chieliv fro:: i 1 ' t ! !v ilj'; foiiiul on tile, tower Te--, of the S-i-rra Nevada uiount.ein i ".-.lifoinia th& medicinal Trop.Tltc: ". hieh ar" extracted therefrom with- t'-:? u-:e ot Alco'iol. The question :! ,:t d iilv a-ke-1. ' What is the i ; of the uiiparaih s:iccess of answer i r, i;:-::iAH iirri::: at they rciuov. d the pa'e nt eV ar-' t ie -' hi i r i v " . -.r i; Oi i-- e of disease, ; Ips health. j ".in r and I j'.'ect J'eno ' s-. t .:' Ihe v...rll vi l -.l pos ondities of .hu g the .sick are a geuile well as a T nie r.!ievin; or I:i ianiin-.i.tioii of the isceral Organs, in l;nUu3 I li ver hp. .Diseases. The :$! :)'! t ics of Dr-Walkkr's Vrv :: v:" Dnri :t:e are Aperient, Dia v '.' itriiVius, Laxative, Diu- . (', Su . - iv. a-i 1 A t:-Ii:ltoun. THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S WEST MERIDEN.CT. ) ft LOTH IK IB ) O T S C i I now offer this stock of CooeTs ;iit Prices far b low any other ! house in the State. 1 ! Times are hard and moncv y ' scarce and I will giveevery one .ui'- mirui 01 tiifirtiinncy. I I n I'ooik .1 full . r v jr ,x lull assortment! OKKti) CITY MADE ;Men ami Hoyg1 I riiflrnvi'.ir, I FlniintU, S H ) E S lilanket. And Yarm. Dr. S. PARKER, T ATE OF rOUTLAMD, OFFERS HIS services as Phvsieian un,i s: t t the rv'O'lc of CI lelrn r.-iQ- . ' u lO at any be in nee d nf i'.i1? "Vl rn-d "iee at rdSn J rULr ore u hor-' K . . " f' "(lnf "in ,i0t lnp times of the dav whenV.1' 5 ?""4a " mi nn - rrr :-v- 5 ? it- IS Men mid Koj ,' I) I ' : n : ALSO Groceries, 1 C li II cry, I Jewelry, I XtiiiK, i IO Musii-iil H Toy. j Kir., rp j I AT THE ; j Lowest Prices j() ! S For CASHJ V j 1 octlfitf i i MX 11 CHA XD I S Ti. JOHN MYEBSi OREGON CTY. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, IJOOTS and shoes. HARDWARE, CliGCKERY, A N I) GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay tho highest prices for ."Butter, X !;!". nnd sill kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE. I will sell as low as any house In Orejron for CASH OR ITS KQ UI VA Lit XT n Good Merchantable Produce." I am selling very low for CASK L EEASIK CASH PAID FOR COINTV ORDERS Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYF.US. Orepon Citj-, March 21, STi. ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB OFFICE OREGON CITY, : (OREGON WE ARK PREPARED TO EXECUTK M all kinds of JOB PRINTING, such ns CAIiDS, ItlTIs-llHADS, VAMi'iir.m s, DKHDS, ItOliTOAOKS, I.AIiKI.S, . I. KTTKIi-HKA FS, in fact all kinds of work done a In Printinir Office, at " TORTL AM) PRICES. ALL, KINDS OP LEGAL BLANKS constantly on hand, nnd for sale at as low a price as can be had in the State.g M orit SoIictcl AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Oregon City. March 21. 1873-tf. About 150 pounds oflong prim er, of which this is an impression. Has been in use but a hort time, ijooil work. Price 25 cents lb, either tied up or in cases cases extra. a l s o, A Biimll font of Nonperiel of -which this id an irapretion. Trice 35 cents V D. Ab good as new. There enough to set about one column cf tii rajrscli4. Addrvts this offict- R- R. P RAIYAYS READY mitw Cl RES'TIIE WORST PALVs in From One to Twenty Mlunt . NOT ONE HOVB after reading this advertis,.ni(.nt , one suirer with pain. RAUW ivv anT RELIEF is a sure cure lor cverv , ,fvV was the first and Is l aiu. jt Tlie Only Pain Uemefiy that instantly stops the most cxcrucflm pains, allays Iiillamation, and vui ..lnS gentions, whether of the I.m.4. 0"' Rowels, or ot her glands or organ's l?'aPh' application, in irom On- to Iwentv Vn' ' utes, no matter how violent or ing the pain, the Rheumatic. Pied-ri i ,UN Inlirm. Crip. led. Nervous, Ni urah-io ''' prostrated with disease mav suiTei' cr RADWAY 8 READY RELIEF will afford instant ease Inflamation ol the Kidneys. . . inflamation of the r.ln.i.i Inflamation of the Lowels. 1,lftuWr Congestion of the 1 .Sore Tliroat, 1 liflicult Treat hiiig. U,nK r . . .-. Palpitation (t tj1(. ii Hysti rics, Croup, Jiyptheria. U,irl Tr , Catarrh, IiillUei,ta Headache, Toothache. ' . Neuralgia, Rluumruium Cold Chills, Ague t hills. "im 'Ihe application ol the ICendy R-lirf (o the part or parts alfected where the or dilllculty exists will afford case al V comiort. u Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a lew moments cure Cratnrs " 1 asms, Sour .Stomach, Heartburn Sh-V Headache, Diarrhea, Dycnterv, Veli w ind in the Rowel -J; and all int. rnal pain' Travelers shoulil always carrv a bottle of Itnilu) 'i, Iti-aj Heliel M ith them A lew drops in water will prevent si-kii-Jc ains trom change of water. It is U-ttfr than french l.rand or Liters as a im ulant. FEVKlt AXb A fit K.- Fever and Ague cured tor tiftv ciuj 1 here is not a remedial ni'ent in ti"... i..' that will cure hv-ver and Ague, and all oth er Malarious, billions. Scarlet, Tj t hol el low, a nd ot hi r Fevers (added bv U m' WAY'n PII.LS) s) ijuiek as RAliWAV w READY RELIEF. Fifty cents j-r l-ottl. Sold by Druggists. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! Strong and tire rich Llood increase of Flesh and weight clear skin and bi-auti-ful complexion secured to all. . DI? 1 ? A 1 )AV A SARSPARILLIAN RESOLVENT has made th' most astonishing curs; a. quick, so raj-id are the changes the I ixlv ll!liliri',u.G ii,i. l..l. .! - -r---- , v . ,,,i iiiiiui jilt- in llli?ruiv Wlllllli rllll t...ii i,... ll,.,t ....x..- .1... ..... .... i.,v ( , ,uu , ni jn jU. crease in flesh and weight is seen and felt. THE GREAT 11LOOI) 1'l ItlFIEK. Every drop of the SurkiuriIIiun K-I-vrnl communicates through the 1Uk1 Sweat . I rlne mul .t h..r Ui.i.i.- J , -..ui iiiiiiiii ,uiu ju n-t-p o; the system the vigor ot hie, for it repair mi , .i.-t-i ii nivmiuv m ii ii new anu soiii l material. Serolula. Syjhills, tonsumr. tion, Glandular disease, l leers in life 'Ihroat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the ti la nils and ot her parts ot the system, Sor Eyes, Strumous Discharges iroin theFars and t he worst tonus oi Skin diseases Friit-' tions. Fever Sores, Scald H. ad. Ring n," Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Rlack SiK.tii Worms in t lie Fiesh, 'lutnors, cancers in tin- Womb, and all weakening' si rid !iuifui discharges, Night Sweats, Loss ot Sw-rm and all wastes of the life principle a-v' within the curative range ol this wo'udtr of Modern Chemistry, and a few davs' , krt will prove to any jM-rson using it lor. ith.r ol these forms ot disease its poti nt r to care them. 1 It the i-atient, daily In-comes ruhiee.i iv the wastes and deem osition tlu.t is oil tinually jrogn-ssing. succeeds in arr.-Mii-i-these wastes and repairs the same wit u new materia! made Ironi hea It I, v i,i,, and this the sarsparillian will s-ul tl" secure. N.t only does the Sarsnaril L, liesidvint excel ail knov,,, ri ,1 ,. u' agi nts in the cure of Chronic, Siroiulouv Constitutional, and Skin diseases - but a,: t lie only j ositive cure lor ' Kidney and liladder C'einplaints, i rinary and omo iliseases Oravet i,; l , .r,.. , age oi j,f,.r ,r(., , """-'" i line, I -rig HIS l'ls.;i- l,n, jiuria, and in all eases where there- bnckilust deposits, or the water is tha t cloudy, mixed with substances lilw ii w hite ot an-egg, .r threads like hii'. mi or there is a morbid, dark, biliieus . '.;,.' a nee, and while l.oin-ilus: l- p,,sts .., , when there is a j ricking, I u'-iiin-' s'-i"'' tion when passing -.vat.-r, iuiu ,,:(jn in '',''; sma.l of the back and r.l,,, ,. Price, i-l lie. VtKJlS.-Tl,,. only k,,o ilr. Remedy tor 1 Co ',. 1-in, Tj.f,te. Tumors of 1 i Ye a, Gr,:,i, Ulv,, h ltad y".s Ki-Mitt ent. Ukvkki.y, Mass., Julv 1 ,,.. Dn. ItAnWAV:-I have had oiliriin J,,. morin the ovaries and bowels n n said "there i:,s n h.-lp'ior it " I tried everything that was r e,,,,, ,,,,.,,'j, ,d . but nothing h. 1 1 ed me. saw vnur !;. -koI-vent, and thought I would trv it I ul l,u,l no laith in it, bee-ause I M1,r,p.( ,r tw.dve years. I took six Loft les ol tie- IV solvent. ami one box of liaduai's Pii, and two bottles ol your R. a.iv IJ. ii. f utu'l there is not a .igt, ol tumor to Ih- s. ii er h it, arm I P el o 1 1 ,-r, smartt r, and li:im,j, r than 1 have lor twelve ears. Ihe w!,rst tumor was in theeit siel- of the l.e-wU ov. r t he groin. I w rile t his to m, t, r i!, oein 111 Ol oile rs. on .i.l.l .l. i, :r 1 ou choose. HANNAH P. KNAI'l'. 1 J 1 v A 1 )V A A PERFECT PURGATIVE P ILLS, I e-rfeofly tasteless, eleganflv coated with sw-e. t gum, purge, regulate, puri: v, cle.-inso, and strengthen. Radwas Pi Us, lorHi cureot all disorders of the Stomach, I.iur, Lowels, Kidtu is, Rlaeider, Nervous li eases Headache. ( oust ipal ion, ostive 1', HuligeMion, Dysji. sia, llilhdiism l.llllolls 1-. vir 1,.H.. ...... I. ...i... i.. ... - - - .x.ii.iiiii.iiLiiiii oi iiie iiiiw- e ls 1 lli-s und all Derangements of the inte rnal iscr ra. Warranted to affect a positive Clin-, l'undy Vegetable, mnlain mg im mercury, minerals, or de-le-teTiotin urugs. Bi' Observe- t!ie follow ing svinptoms n sulting irom Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Const it ion, In ward Piles, Ful hies et the P.Iood in the- Head, Aciditv of t lie Stomach, Nausea, Heanlmrn. I'"isgust of I mkI, l-uHness or We ight in the stomach. Sour Eructations', Sinking or Fluttering st the' Pit ot the Stomach, Swimming eif the He-ad, Hurri-d and dillieult bretluI)C. I- In! t e. ring at the- Heart, linking or Milfe catir.gNe nsations when ina l.ving Posture, 1 nnine-ss of ision, I Jots or we'hs U lore the Sigiit. Fe-ve r, Dull Pain in the lb ad. In ciency ed P rspiration, Ye llownessol the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, (last. Limbs, and sudden Flushe s of Heat, Turn ing in t he Flesh. A tew eloses ot Hiielwuy'x I'll), will free the system irom all the above name-el e!is eirders. Price-, cents in r N.x. Sold hy I'ruggists. Re ad " False and True." S.-nd erne- L it. r stamp to Radway A Co., No. S7 Maid' n ljuie. New York. Iniormation wi'rth thousamls will ix- sent vein. July 24, 1S71 :ly CREGON CITY BREWERY Jlenry IlmnJicI, HAVING ITRCIIAS--d tlie above Hre-w- ery wishes to inform the- public I hat h now- pre pared to manufacture a -o. i ii" ity of i. a a li n li ii H n, as good as can be eibtaine d anywhere in the- state. Orders solicited and promi'tlV filled. Final Settlement ! In the matter of the estate of Wllli."" Ra fT, de-ceased : VJ'i"ICE IS HF.REI5Y GIVEN THAT XH the final accenint of the. adminis tratrix of said -state has been filed anei the Court lias set the 2nd day of Novern ber, 1S71, Unng the first day of the -vcmbe-r te rm of County Court, of ( '' mas count v. State of Oregon, all I1""": and arsons are notifie-d that the l ou n. will, on said day. hear objections to w. re-port if any tliere be. .T N. W. RANPAIX. Attest. County Judge.. J. M. FRAZER, County Cle rk. Final Settlement! In the matter of the estate of John Kad ford, de-ceased. nr In the County Court for Clackamas conn.. State of Oregon : , v. milK ADMINISTRATOR OF J- J tate having filed his exhibit for finJ settlement thereof, it is ordered Moniluy, the neconel (4) Hny l-t4, be set apart for said "f 'jon, t lenient, and the hearing of object io there to. Fy order, . , T , HON. N. W. KAN PAI-K. Attest: County Jut-r J. M.Fpazfij. County Clerk. t Chaeles K. Lccp.k, AdEiJiit--'-7, :CJ't. 'J, ovv.