Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1874)
o c .man THE ENTERPR Marltet Report. inactive, wheat to come ififioTmi, OREGON, SEPT. 4, 1S74. ; 1 iie niai i.avin' commenced " " in to any Portland. 7, extent, and the price is srill unl but there i little r.T"sordtthatpnce. Wheat in Liv- 9m . Si-; While in . - ,,,!- fwpKioil to visit i" I inail an vices iroiu o;m r ran- 11 week, took occa ioii i UriKwl.b.yna for aver3 G Cali. stores of Messrs. L, Goldsimtu, NV s.-,cr p oa for ( fa man & Co. and R. Jacob ffiSi a Portland at SI 40SS1 41 per cntly erected for their use -M,nt Sal; flour remains unchanged; il Reed. 1 hey are lflc'J1i"ir5 the olts are quoted at 434 cents per Uw.; Sieetjbetveeii A and 1. and in-J flts Un .Wy 4- ; Hay, 70$1O per SSt1 buildiiiKof thekii J. rtn . Ijartl hI m tins or can; iJut- nn, .. C hive doubt li .,;,1!r I iwrt-'-2 cents Per pound, choice 2.1 W vr Messrs oecuoic" , . ... rtn three stories xiifc,-.. ele n r.-'-'" 1 .-. . rii. bull Ooldsinit" is i extend.-. from elegantly linish- ''wi..!. hive a .i.le ana ''-.. ,,,,,1 and Srktl?5 -Ha cheap inform u that t t The bnlld: . inv hous; on li V sr!i.Vassei inan A K ce Jjo. arsiniilar to the Co. nd -iihv Messrs. Goldsmith. A on occupied, by J that thev n v Co.. with the eJ-cyi stm.t. Uoth 'partly UgW W 1 ir on d these nrms ha. " exclusive who e ndprop10 huiidi,1S!4 and the Portland erettinan ed aboi't the CAl'E. I-ast Thursday ied Wilson, employ - , had a narrow lie was pass im name warehouse i ..mlH' escape froi . another that were inz from o:c bof l" d as ne went to or m me .ley . . attorn wpntioi. . to swim manias u. d .liahiw , fore assus' SSV nid hiniseU. and he ,nt r .i.u could Ml . ...A l.fll I I - ... nearly po"- n around ill rendered. Ant foUndhin rehouse, k1 i a s lviril. tf-ll'ttriAi ...rk SUC 0 overboard In their nov Cedei i" man from mid t ' . i , tseuinR iu atery j;rat e nee bv hard work sue- OMITTKD Wei inadvertantly omitted to mention tut- ition in this city nil i" - or i , r un nri'iiiitii resiui ul on the li mi., d Ly the re- III 1 . . . .AM .W1A11 Engineer. 1 j the candidates waromarkaMv 'J . (,;lt;xr;lct Hose rin V . I.. . 1v.izer, ot the Comixiny. aii'i j in tlC election FounwijW; and r esultc. nrity. The oft'o- N l"to JO 'em-eientofflcer JiSaaT "fie -irare of the lire Department. orIl S1imens of acheraised in tins ini v the present year, which, for y J o we are willing to match "'""'V? u,creoutryonthe face o? -.,. . to be a very fruit. Mr. S. fvoraow VVAvh this week, HueUt -hoy. 1 Jin a t yara .n twn '.T'i. ".Vmm'v eouals, if not surpasses Willi. II , the mr.iu r ain raised jH-aches of Califor- Dr. 11. Nni' IM,",1''"T.. . i.n. i ne.v im-.-.- LKrrKV"liNT.-The is a i;.t of the Letters reniainin- in. tlie -. . . .i a. a i.ti. Post-office at Oregon I ny, l"- . 1 IJuener. Mattlrla-. 15om.y. Ivlward; Km bre. Later:-. Mrs ; Johnson, .Sarah, Miss; Lonn. Isuie J.; Mastor. Morton. Kleii.ira Mrs.; K:-iersen. A.; .1 M.. Hon. ; Starr, N. A. Hev. t-.ii.i ft.r Inlcasesav when "adver- ,1 J. M. J'.ACON. 1. -M. tiied Tho City t'oiiticil meets next Monday W-l hope that it win uo put a uew set .-in n i, a niK-thins t of .steps up t! .lutV or remove tli-c n NV there hetf 1 some one oreaus tneir nck Jf w.f I -re ineimeo n oe pio rr.. !,W. siv tliat tlH-v are a confounde l iiuisaii. e f..r man. wMsi.iri orchiM, a i I a disgrace to the town. Good School. Th.' City Seminary which opened a week a-o last Monday ha about Mi v.-hol us in attendance, and ns to he in a tin-' condition un- (W iti im-s.-ii! tnana-enienf . 1'roi. iir-s Pop ' 3 h '! i . ron ' lty !i:is z and is i il"-.:r:i! come to edurat- ils well tilled. Ore . i edin-ati n:il faeilit ies, .- place for pcopp to tlieir children. ItETiRNF.t). i.V party consisting of Col. White, J. M.Trazer, S. D. Iticli ardson and othk s. went to the Cascade Mountains ah. J two weeks aio, and returned hoin-l t l'ri;!.iy. They re port as havi:hal anvtliin ' but a pltMSjtit tn;. til" Wll.ll.' il havin-. tint. , and ctulit. lisli nor e ijitiuv rained neailv thrty neither d anv iranie. Comixo. -ly privrte letter to A. J. Marshall, we learn that Mr. Isaeks, ;. P. of the Grand Kncampmeut of('ali fornia. will 1-Mve S'.mst.i on the 1 1th inst. for a visit uf Ids juri.sdieiioii. It will be probably a month before he readies nr afli-r he starts. New (Jo:)s.MessTs. .S. Ackcrman A Co. will reeeive on tlie next steamer from San l'raiK-i-co th. ir stock of fall lEood. whioh is io be the largest and J st selected they have ever brout;!it hfro before and which thev propose to ""11 to suit the times. CoititECTiox. In our last issue we "iado an unaevountable error in an nounnn.Br the death of a child of Mr. nd Mrs. I. .Selling. It should have win th infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs A. Lew. KU TlIU Nesmith and Secretrrv C'hailwick pass ed through town last Thursdav for They both looked as happy Portland as usual CWEKT.-Madame Anna bishop pvf iconocrt hi this citv last Saturday venms to a very fair house. The au- "toZ?rFlritn bovel1 Phased with apparent by 1 reeii'.. Probate monthly term of the Court Ursrins next r,r. Ommi.Li . - " - ' tit. -T . s ( ,,urt meets on Wed- nntv urines. of general Rrtvrxfi ,v br i, . Ue notice the name of n r-i t. -.t ... n tho Sfo,. me passencop list land JastTur Ji. tlloh arrived at-Port 4 1 - Akriv ed. evening. -hn M lartrr L...i. in."ni u, n ed rates. customers at reduc" yers twusht a last week and has ' . ir 'nornio Atkin :reirat half at the Con-rr-. ' 11 WU1 nld services - V llliri'll -SIHMIn cents: cuicnciist- oovy.ct m peruozen; Kgfi-s remain uncnangeu. liiicon tor good countrv-cured, we quote hams 15 rTclG cents er jxmnd ; .shoulders 7(R10e, and sides llH&Sic. The money mar ket is quiet, gold having fallen to 10y. ;reenbacks, Imying.Wn, ; selling, 91 li. County and City orders remain un changed. ScniBNEn's Monthly fok Seitem her. Seribner's for September con tains an unnsnal number of stories. The most striking of all is liret ITarte's amusing sketch of" Wan Iee, th.j Pa gan." Then there are stories, contin ued or complete, by Jules Verne, Miss Miss Trafton, James T. McKav, Con stance Fenimore Woolson, llarriet Prescott JSpolVord, and Miss Hopkins author of "Miss Marigold's Thanks giving." Mrs. Davis describes " The Fepier-Pot Woman." Mr. Burroughs writes charmingly about "Mellow England, " Mr. Crosby brightly about "(Jastric Literature, ""and M. JS. S. saws something about "umbrellas." Mr. King's " Great South" pajer deals with Alabama and Mississippi. Mr. Locher relates a striking Eastern incident, "A Malay Sailor ltunning a Muck," Mr. Kichards tells about the new Normal College in New York. The poetry, is by Benjamin F. Taylor (handsomely illustrated), Nora Perrv, Samuel V. CuiHeld and J. V. C. Dr. Hollands Topics are " Literary Style," "Tho Averatre Pi-aver-Mee't-ing," and "American Incivility." The Old Cabinet has to do with "Knigln Errantry," and "Story Making-" So cial custom, literature-, science, anec dotes ami fun are represented in the other regular departments. Sr. Nicholas fok Skptkmbeu. Opens very seasonably with "The Gen tle Angler," a pajer on Isaac Walton, and we soon come upon a story about hunting antelopes iutho West. Among othei seasonable things is a verv funny illustrated poem, called "The Cheated Mosquitoes." The seriul stories, "Fast Friends," by J. T. Trowbridge, and "What Might have been Expected," bv Frank li. Stockton, draw near their conclusions, and the interest of both stories naturally increases. "The Pony Ex press" is a well written article, hand somely illustrated, showing how mes sages and letters were carried In-fore railroads and steamboats monopolized the business. Sarah O. Jcwett contrib utes a capital story for girls, and there is a romantic talc. "Little lien and the Sunshine," by Kate I'.loede. Tlie de partments at the end of the number are crammed as usuai with wise bits of fun and funny bits of wisdom. Itailroad Matters. ' ' ten o'clock Kent will please full of The Santa I'asa 7v.v.-, in, an article relative to the action of the agents of the Gcjiu in bond holders recently, has the following to say in regard to our railroad prospects: The agent of the bondholders, Mr. Kohler, will remain in Oregon to take the receipts of the road in Land, and make proper use of them. They have cnt down the outrageous salary of Ben Holladay and have placed it at c'bUO per month, which sum is enough for a man of his ability. The com mittee appointed by the bondholders has been makTng a thorough investi gation of the country through which the road will have to be limit, to ex tend into California. This commit tee has come to the conclusion that the road can be built through into this State and be made pay a revenue .sufficiently large to induce them to build it. The people of Oregon have faith that the road will he built. which will greatly benefit the south ern part of that State and the north ern part of California. These Ger mans who have invested their money in Oregon, have the good will of the people, and should they continue to remain, they will m.ako a .success of it. But should they act as Ilolladay has done, they might as. well quit. Ilolladay haa nobody's confidence, simply because the only one he con siders or cares about is Ilolladay him self. It would be a pretty good idea for some of the' other railroads, or for the people at least, to have their bondholders make an investigation and seo what kind of a foundation they rest upon. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Bubllvoton, Sept. l.-The result of the election m this city shows that thp Republican State ticket has 9S majority, and the city gives a iarge plurality for the Republican ticket for State Senators, but fW T j Londley Democrat, as Representa- - .13iaire by J8 major ity This is the first time a Demo crat has been elected Representative irom xmrnugion- since 1853 The regular Republican ticket for county oflicers is probably elected in Chit- tenaen county, showing a heavy temperance bolt on a portion of the ticket.' Rutland, Vt., Sent. 1. elects a Democratic Representative by 43 majority. Brandon and Bur lington also elect Democratic Repre sentatives by small majorities. There is little doubt of Toland's re-election in iue oecona uistrict. Joyce (Rep.) is elected by a larere majority in the First District, and Hendee (Rep.) is re-elected by a 1 urea nid- jorityin the Third District.' J. C. Baker, regular Republican noninee for State Attorney forTutland coun ty is defeated. CniCAao, August 30. Taylor, of Wisconsin, addressed a meeting of Grangers at Monroe vesterday. Re ferring to the Potter law he said the Commissioners show that railroads doing the same amount of business as last year would net not less than 5 per cent, of-their gross earnings. He further stated, on the same au thority, that the St. Paul Company earned enough last year, above ex penses and interest on bonds, to pay 7 per cent, on common and p referred stock. In conclusion, he expressed the belief that when the people had established their power to regulate railroads, it would bo used with moderation and justice. Louisville, August, 31. A num ber of the men who went from Stan ford to aid in suppressing the troubles in Lancaster were indicted by the Garrard County Grand Jury last week, aud will appear to-morrow to answer. CoLrsiurs, Ga., August 31. The Lee County, Alabama, fight has been very much exaggerated. Xo person was killed, and only one church was burned. All is now quiet there. --- Truthfully Stated. An exchange truthfully says: The Democratic party has been, and is from tradition and principle always opposed to all unlawful combinations, and to all 1 t -r i ciass legislation: id never was a pro slavery or unmit-islaceiy party, but it held to the strictness of the law, br or araiist either. And as respects opposition to protective tariffs, to the creation of monopoly and privi lege and its favoring low taxes, and an economical administration of all public ofiices holding the incum bent thereof to a rigid accountability -it presents an unbroken line of exam ple, precedent and history, which its most bitter opponents can only ob ject to, that it changed its character when the objector deserted or went over to the present Republican party. The Cant of Impoter. It Is so obvious that physical and consti tutional vigor is the host defense against disease, that even the venders of drastic purgatives advertise them as tonics, stom achics and lnvlgorants. In the hop of en listing the confidence of the public in the devitalizing and pernicious potions. " It is amusing to note how thesjf inaposters Imi tate and copy the language In which the medicinal properties of Ilostetter's Stom ach Bitters are described. Although tho fleet of their rasping evacuants to destroy the tone of the digestive organs and the bowels, and to rob the system of its vital strength, they are unscrupulously recom mended to tne weaK ana jirosiraie victims of disease as stimulants! it is nme this humbug(not a very successful one it is true, thanks to the mature common sense or tne American people) was stigmauzeu as it deserves. t?uch mischlcvious raiseiioods houid be exposed pro bono puotxeo. Ilos tetter's (Stomach Hitters, - oe n uisunetly understood, is a stimulant, n nas a spirit uous basis, and that basis is the vehicle which diffuses its wonderful sanitary prin ciples throuKb every part or the system. The tonic, ulierative and regulating ingre dients of the Bitters would bj comparative ly inert if thev were not, so to speau, carried to the localities where they are required by he stimulHtintr atront. lne cant winch nrotests asrainst the us. of a pure alcoholic fluid, when employed as a means of giving full effvict to the medicinal extracts of tho highest utility, is the cant oi charlatanism. Every intelligent physician so characteriz es it, and the sick who are griped, convuls ed and debilitated by the nauseous and disgusting nostrums of the parties who put it lolth, soon lind to their sorrow that it is a delusion and a snare. Ilostetter's Bitters, the great sanitary stimulant of the age, is, in the truest sensa of the words, a whole some, vitalising, renovating preparation. Ix the Fai; Distant Futche. The great question suggested by Malthas as to tho overpopulation of the globe, leading to the starvation of the peo ple, is one which is in the far distant future. Tho agricultural capacity of the earth is but little developed. Here in the L'uited States, with 3,000.000, 000 square miles of generally fertile productive land, we havo a popula tion of but 40,000,000. What might exist here we see by the example of little Belgium. It has an area of half of the state of Ohio. In other words, if Ohio was as densely settled as Bel gium, it would have a population of 20,000,000 souls, or oue half the whole population of the United States. This little territory, which is one of the greatest of manufacturing States, raises all the food that she consumes. The people, although of course not enjoying in so large a degree the creature comforts enjoyed by citizens of Ohio, ar, nevertheless, well satis fied and contented with their' lot. The resources of this small kingdom are extraordinary. Her foreign com merce, with her 5,0(50,000 of people is one half as great ns that of the whole of the United States. On August ii3d, while Miclieal -ucurn'e was ti riving over a bridge on Mill creek, Umatilla couuty, with a load of wood, and had nearly reached the opposite bank iu safety, one of the stringers gave way, pre cipitating wagon ami team, together with Mr. McBride and his little son Edgar, a lad of about eleven years, t disbinec of eight feet into tlie creek Mr. McBride although severely hurt, as soon as he could extricate himself from the position in which he hai fallen, went immediately to therolie of his son, whom he found iu an in sensible state, and bleeding profuse ly. As soon as the nature of the case would admit, medical assistance was sent for, but ere any relief could be obtained the poor boy expired, hav ing never recovered his conciousness from tho moment of the catastrophe The following named young ladies of Salem will become members o the St. Helen's Hall next term Misses Ella Ford, Eliza Miller, Ada Breyman, Lilian Patton, ranuy Ode neal, Ella Boone. Mary Gilbert ant Lizzie Patterson. The Albany Demacrat is of the opinion that the next Oregon Legis lature will bo utterly gobbled up ant carried off in the arms of a bevy o determined women who will swarm about the Capitol, clamoring for "Buffrage" and "privileges" am things. Sam Price, hi his own proper per son, informs the Salem papers that the persons who think the cohLcor pus" taken from the river at Albany the other day was all that is morta of the said Sam P., are seriously mistaken. I he remains were not his as he remains to state. t . a call l t j x noiiay m Tr v Ufa mi t .. If'jlIlT -r the Salem Su.nian. gRgCnt lizationhis l ! .Unty Boar(i lh rast week : 8ess!on during Th o7ry:rr-. . next V "' meets one it In r -Marshall 30, 1ST I. fM ,, - w,, lie oi in tan. I I Since Marshfield, Coos county, was located, litigations concerning titles has been in progress. It seems the purchase of Dickson's title, assignee of Warwick, was made on the 14th of August, by II. II. Luse, who went east for that purpose. Finding that the Donation Act of 1853 only appli ed to agricultural lands, a party of citizens of Marshfield, consisting of Nasburg, Hacker, Lobree, McFeeley, and others, sent Thomas Hurst to Roseburg on Saturday last, to enter up tho whole town site as coal land, at S10 per acre, under the mineral land Taws. - v . Sh,,ro' the S-tS Mcas-jth and Chief Justice. Hon. B. F. Bon ham on Tuesday morning took his seat as Chief Justice of the StaLe of j Oregon, in place of Hon. W. W. Upton, whose term of office expired. The honor could not havo fallen upon more vortby shoulders. ; . ? The Call learns that Hon. G. Web ster, Coos county s holdoVer Senator has recently been East,, bought and secured the title to the town site o Marshfield, Coos county, which has been for a long time in litigation. A CARD. Established, in 18GO. THOMAS CHARMAH 13. A. HUGHES WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THE CITI zens of Oreeon City, and vicinity. that he has purchased, fitted up and Oiled the store OPPOSITE THE P0ST0FFICE. on Main Street.between Third nd Fourth. Oregon City. XITABUSHXD 1851, TriE Parker (Jux. We take pleas ure in calling attention of o;r' " alley i ieiuts to tne wonaertui merits or the double-barreled breech loading sho runs manufactured by Parker Broth ers. West iueriden. Conn. The highest testimonial received from all sections of the country, and the thorough test given it in the field bv our friend Capt. Green B. Samuels, warrant us in asserting that it is the best breech-loading shot gun in the world. The simplicity of construction. the ease with which it can be loaded or unloaded, the facility with which tho load can be changed from small to arge shot enabling the sportsman, in m instant, to aaapt his chantre to any sized game that may present itself the ease wun wnicu it inay he kept clean is u uiiaoiiuy io a country w Here Hom ing out muzzle-loading ammunition can be procured, nil combine to recom mend it to every sportsman who can appreciate a perfect fowling piece. "Warren Sentinel ;" (Front Royal, Va.) My stook consists ot Dry-Good, Clothing, Doott and Shoe, Groceries, Patent Medicine, Perfumery, Bat and Cup, Plated-Ware, Lndiei'and eU' Furnihln Good. China Tea Sets, Tahle Cutlery, Hosier)-,, Crelry, WlndwwGIaHs, Glas-Ware, Yankee Notions. Hardware, FARMING E IMPLEMENTS, HOPE, GRAIN SACKS, &c, &c. Having beon established since I860, my long experience in business enables mo to know what to buy for this market. MY STOCK OF General Merchandise Is barge and well Assorted. There is no house in the City that Can Undersell Me. SMALL PROFITS AND QLICK RETURNS, Is my Motto. Orkgox Cirr, June 12. isr-j Wm. P. Burns. Agent of Pluenix Insur ance Co., Dirtiir; On the 4th day of June my barn was destroyed by fire. On the 5th you was notified oi the same. Yon prompt ly notified the Company of my loss, and on the 10th inst. Mr. Dimon, the gentle manly agent and adjuster of the Company, was on hand, the loss promptly ami cnecY fully ailjusted and a draft for the amount (f7U0) in full, placed in my hand. We tlmnk you, and through yon, tho Company which you represent, for tlie prompt and cheerful adjustment of our losses, and we Join in the general verdict of the perPl0 in saying. The Old Phwnlx of Ilartiord offers reliable Indemnitv. RODNEY TOMPKINS. The Commanding Operation of Dr. Walkrr's Vinegar Bitters in Chronic Dvsjiepsia, Fevers, Nervous Disorders, Con stipation, deficiency of vital power, and all maladies affVcting the stomacbe, the liver, the bowels, the pulmonary organs, or the muscular system, is exeitingthe wonder of scientific men and creating such a sensa tion among the sick as was never before in any age. The sales of this great vegeta ble remedy have quardrupled within a single year. CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. Published as a warning and for the benefit of Young Me.v and others who suffer from NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS OF MANHOOD, etc, pointing out the means of self-cure. Written by Nathaniel May fair, Esq., who cured himself after under going considerable quabkery, and mailed tree on receiving a post-paid directed enve lope, by the publisher, UK. JOHN M. DAGNALL. 11 Clinton 6tret, Srocilj-n, N. T. A wonderft-l Invbntiox Recently Patented. An elegant little Instrument which combines twelve practically useful tools, xz : Pocket rule, ruler, square, bevel, screw driver, chisol, compasses, scissors. button-hole cutter, paper knife, eraser and pencil sharper. Hie article is made of steel and evidently durable. Agents ar wanted in every town, l tie proprietors oner to send steel lHilished post paid by mail for litty cents. tMlver plated, one dollar. Gold plated, two dollars. Persons desiring an igency or to ltam tlie tools should apply at once. Tlie projwr address is Combina tion Tol Co.. 121 Nassau street. New York. Also, the new Revolver Lightning Trap, which winds up like a clock. Kills rats. gophers, squirrels, mice, Ac. and throws them away and sets Itself as quick as the name indicates. One trap sent by express lor one dollar. OBSTACLES TO MAKKIAGK. Happy R'-ll-f for Young Men from the effects of Errors and Abuses in carlv lifo. Manhood restored. Impediments to Mar riage removed. New met hod oi treatment. New ami remarkable remedies. 1 looks and circulars sent free, in scaled envelopes. Address, HOWARIJ ASSOCIATION. No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., an In stitution having a high reputation for hon orable conduct and professional skill. novo :ly NEW TO-DAY Call and Examine ray Goods before purcliaslni? elsewhere, and I will stilt you. B. A. HUGHES. Oregon City, July 17th, 1874. I'OSTFOIYlSilIISXT. FIFTH AND LAST CONCERT IN AID OF TUB PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. DAY FIXED AND A FULL DRAWING ASSURED ON MOXDIY, 30th ot NOVEMBER, 1571. WALTHAfiS WATCHES. Those celebrated w atehes have been greatly improved during t he pres.nt year. and several 'new sizes added the list, the stem-winding and setting attachment can now b- had with and grade ot size and nil th" old established grad.-s of key-winders are also made as before. Any one who contemplates buying a watch, either now or in t he tut ure, should snd for our new Descriptive prie List, which Is now ready VXD SK.VT I'UKE. This describes all the Watches, large and small, Ladies' and Gentlemen's, Gold and Silver, with prices of each, and contains besides information In relation to watches useful to every one, It also explains in full our plan of send ing single Waltham Watches at low prices to any place In the Union by mail or ex press, with the bill to collect, on delivery wit h privilege to the purchaser to open the package and examine the watch before paying, and with no obligation to take it unless entirely satisfactory. Thousands have obtained genuine Waltham Watches from us In this way and all have received full value for their money. A large assort ment of extra heavy cases for the Pacific trade always on hand. Everyone should sent for a Price List, as the larther you live from New York the more advantage it is to deal with us. When you write please mention that advertisement was seen In the Oregon City Enterprise. Address HOWARD fc CO., No. Itl Fifth Avenue. Newiork. -Isepftsw DESIRE8 TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that 2Cimbl Six Pence U Setter than a Slow Shilling. A UCTIION AND COM3H88XONI A. B. RICHARDOOW, Auctioneer, Cerraer t Front Oak eta.", Portia 4 Q Auction SalcfiP Of Real Estate. Groceries. General Mr ehandlae and Horses. SALE DATS Wednesday and Saturday A. B. RICHARDSON. Auctioneer,' At Private Sale English Refined Bar and Bundle Irn English Square and Octagon Cast Steel, Horse Shoes, Rasps, Saws,Screw,Fi-T-Pans, Sheet Iron, R. O.Iron.5 ALSO A largo assortment of Groceries and Ida uors. Jan. 1. 187-tf. Auctioneer. I havo lust returned from San Francisco. whore I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED stock or aooDS ever before offered In this olty ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, - Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors. Cblnawaro, Quecnsware, Stoneware, Crockery,. Flatedware, Glassware, JeVolry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines. Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Faming tions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc.. Of tho above list, I can say my stock Is the ever offered in this market, and was seleted IiO OK OUT FOR GOOD wun especial care lor wie vreon iruuu. AH of which I now offer for sale at tho NEW iOOXS GOOD NEWS! PRICES REDUCED TO SFIT THE TIMES. o BARAIYST LIST CHANCE FOR An E.isy l?ortunc ! A postponement ol the tilth Concert of tlie Public Ubrary or ivcntueky has been so generally anticipated, and Is so mani festly lor the Interest of all concerned, that it must meet the approval of all. The day is absolutely llxed, and tlu-rj will be no variation from the programme now an nounced. A Ptirllcieiii number of Tickets had been softljto liave enabled us to have had a large drawing on the 31st of July, but a short postponement was considered C referable to a partial drawing. Let it be ornn in mind that THE FIFTH GIFT CONCERT IS THE I.AST WHICH WILL EVER BE GIVEN UNDERTIIIS CHARTER AND BY THE PRESENT MANAGEMENT, That it will positively and unequivocally take place as announced on MONDAY, 30th NOVEMBER That tlie Music will be the best the coun try affords, and that 20,000 CASH UlrTo, aggregating $2,500,000 will be distributed by lot among the ticket holders. Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of coins to Portland to buy goods for I am Determined to Sell Cheap and not to allow rayseii to do UNDERSOLD IN TIIE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience In Oregon City enables mo to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and seo for yoursolvos that the old stand of THOMAS CIIARMAX cannot be beaten In quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell you all the advantages I can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store -that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All 1 wish to say is Come, and Sec.nnd Examine for Yonrsrlves for I do no wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell Broods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage neretorore bestowed. THOS. CHARM AN, Main Street, Oregon City, Legal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. Tlios. CllAllMAN . SV50.000 lbs wool wanted bv THOS. tHARMAN. O S.ACKERMAN &CO. T TAVE JUST XX stork of RECEIVED A LABOB SPRING & SUMMER G00D8 which they offer CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST I The Wise Men of tlie Land.tho Divine, the Physician, the Judge, use daily. In their own homes, and recommend to all Invalids and sufferers from Dyspepria.Sick Headaehs, Sour' Stomach. Cost ivoness. Heartburn, Indigestion, Piles, Bilious At tacks, Liver Complaints, Gout and Rheu matic A lfeotions, Nature's own great and g)Od remedy, Tnrnml's Efft-rvesccnt Srltz-r Aprricnt. as the best and most reliable medicine ever offered to the people for t he above class of diseases. The nursing babe its brothers and sister, its parents and grandparents, will all find this pleasant remedy well adapted for their ditrerent complaints. For sale by all druggists. . - ? 7 I WILL SELL AT A REASONABLE FIG ure, my Livery Business, Stock. Ac., and lease my Barn to a purchaser for two years-, also if required, will lease my Dwelling House for same time, Oregon City, Oregon, August Un, 1S7I. J. M. FRAZER. Dir. .ron avkjcii, DENTIST,' flBi OFFICK IN OREGON CITY, OREGON. RECREATION! HEALTH! Wilhoit Soda Springs ! THIS ESTABLISHMENT, SO CEI.E brated for the medical qua Ities of Its water, is again open for the reception of guest s. They are reached in one day froir cither Portland or SalAm. JOHN WILIIOIT, Proprietor. June 3d, 1871. JiyjmL y. II. JUGHFIELD. Established since ' 19, at tne old stand. Main Street, Orejoa City, Oregon. rf5? A-n assortment of Wathes. Jewel tYK ry.and Seth Thomas' Weight C!oek6 Jr all of which aro warranted to bo as - represented. - -T " CSRepatziiig done oa abort notice, and JL&akful for past patronage. LIST OF CJIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Gift .... 5 Cash Gifts $J.0JUeach 10 Cash Gifts, 1 1,1100 each-.. 15 Cash Gifts, 20 Cash Gifts, 25 Cash Gilts. SO Cash Gifts, 00 Cash Gifts, 100 Cash Gifts, 210 Cash Gifts. 500 Cash Gifts. 10,000 Cash Gifts. 10.000 each. 5,000 each 4,0o0each 3,000 each 2.000 each 1,000 each. 100.000 ... 75,000 ... 60.000 . 25,000 ... 100,000 ... 110,000 ... 150.000 ... 100,000 ... 100.000 ... 90,000 ... 100.000 100,000 500 each- 120,000 100 each-.. 50.000 50 each 950,000 Grand Total 20,000 Girts, all cash. ...5,500,000 PRICK OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets $50.00 Halves 25.00 Tenth, or each Coupon - 5.00 11 Whole Tickets for .. 500.00 22 Tickets for. 1.000.00 Persons wishing to invest should order promptly, either of the home Office or our local Agents. Liberal commissions will be allowed to satisfactory agents. Circulars containing full particulars fur nished on application. THOMAS . BRAMLETTE, Ajrent and Manage r. Tublic Library Building, Louisville, Ky, JOHN SCHRAM, Main St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AXD IMPORTER OF .Saddle, Harness, Saddlery-Hardware, etc., etc. HICII HEDFFERS AS CHEAP AS can be had in the State, at w WHOLESALE OR RETAIL ITI warrant my goods as represented. GREAT SLAUGHTER ! IN DKY-GOO X) S Wc would say come and convince your self before purchasing elso whore. Oarstook consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ladles and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer I es. Hardware. and a great many other articles too nuraer ours to mention ; also. Doors, Windows,; Glass and Putty, ete.. Jill kinds of Prodnoo takes for Goods! La OTehango AND ALSO CLOTHING! PANIC PRICES! AT The e-oods have boen bought at PANIC PRICKS and will be sold in accordance. Don't forget calling before you lay In your supplies. Oregon City.iarcii at. 1874 rtr 1,000 DEER SKINS WANTED, AND ALSO, VLL OTHER KINDS OF HIDES. FOR which I will pay the highes market price in cash Bring on your hides and get your coin for them. ' - JOHN SCHRAM. - Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, 1873-m3. Monev ! IVIonoy ! MONEY TO LEND IN SUM8 0F t00. and upwards. : Oregon City, March 10, 1S71. -mal3tf JOHNSON & McCOWN. FRESH RHINE WINES, Just received and for sale by GEORGE FUCHS, at I 00 per bottle. Also AaxraOes, Port origTno14 -Wte Bow; Opposite te Ua'Ariia Depot. ' ? Oregon City, Jp T, Wt - fr " NEW OFFERS ! NEW IDEAS X See the Grand Gifts of Oar Fireside Friend to its Subscriber!. Entirely now and unprecedented, and inch as will Interest every one. Yon miss It it yon don't send for am- plea and full particulars wnlcn sent free I kvv tiie r.ttfiT riTrn nvvvv UJJ Ls M UU Ullii.1 A II U 1 VM. IS A A lilt OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND is now in its Fifth Volume, thoroughly established as the leading family and story weekly in the Union, has the largest circulation, and the best appointed printing and pub lishing establishment and building in the West. Is a large eight-page illustrated and original family Weekly, price $3,00 per j-ear. fc.very subscriber receiver a magnificent premium and a share in the distribution, Subscribe novcf WE WANT AGENTS. We want a representative in every neigh borhood. Nothing equals it fcr agents, male or female, young or old. Large C'cuh Wages and a Superb Outfit, exclusive ter ritory, which is rapidly filling ap. Must apply at once. Subscribe by sending $3,00, and receive the paper one year, a magnifi cent premium, a share in the distribution, and receive also Free a Complete Outfit, or send for partlcu lars. Name territory de sired in writing. Address Waters Co., Publishers, Chicago, III. Wool "WantedL For which we pay the Highest Prices. 8. ACKERMAN A CO. Oregon City, O ctober SI, 1878-tf. OREGON STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE! Str.E.N.COOKE. Will leave OREGON CITY for PORTLAND everyday (Eicept Sunday, at 7 H o'clock. A. M. Returning, will leave Portland for Oregon City at 3 o'clock, P. M. Str ALICE, Will leave OREGON CITY forCORVALLIS evory Monday and Thursday of each week. Str. DAYTON, Will leave OREGON CITY for McMINN VILLE. LAFAYETTE and DaYTON. and all points between, every Monday. Wed nesday and Friday of each week. Leaves the Basin at 8 o'clock, a. sc.. and connect with the tralrl at Canemah at 9, a. sc. Stx ALBANY, Leaves OREGON CITY for HARRISBURO and tltE E and all intermediate points every week. J. P. DAVIES. JOSHUA DAVIES. J. P. DAVIES & CO., AUCTIONEERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FIRE-PROOF STONE BUILDING, ' WHARF STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. Liberal Advances Made on Consignments July 2. 1S74 :ly JOHN M. BACON, IMPORTER AND DEALER In Books, Stationery, Perfum ery, etc. etc , Crs g- City, Crcges. CAi Chains" &. Earner's o& sU.nd 4eiy occupied hy . Ackemaa. Mala st. ' Str. Fannie 3?atton leaves OREGON CITY for ALBANY and all Intermediate points between twice ev ery week. J. D. BILES, Agent. Oregon Clty.Pebruary, J41. 874. WAGON AND CARRIAGE I A IV U FACTORY ! THE UNDERSIGNED, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the Old stand on the Corner of Main and Third Street Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing his old pa trons, and as many new ones as may bo pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and tho very best of mechanics, to build anew, re construct, make, paint, iron and turn out ail complete, any sort of a vehicle from s common Cart to a Concord Coach. Try me.' Blaeluintthlngr, Horse or Ox Shoeing and General Jobbing neatly, quleklv, and cheaply done. DAVLD 8MITH. WUI. BROUGHTOjV WOULD INFORM THE CITIZENS OF Oregon Cityahd vicinity that he is prepared to furnish FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMEgR. Of every description. Dttlr FLOORING, CEILTNG. SPRrCE for shelving.) LATTirK. PICKETS, FENCE POSTS fCedar) Constantly on Hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished oa tb shortest notice, at as low rates ft it cap be purchased is the State. . - Giw ta a cell at the OSECO'VCITY SAW XIXXB - lUrcBl3.lSTr i a "snfnseoi COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, i O