Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1874)
J . O o O e 0 ;THE EMTERPRISl OREGON CITT, OREGON, J1LY 21. 1S7-I. '-' Walk up the IIilj.. We would call ftie attention of our city fathers to the miserable condition of the old steps up theblufl", and urge upon them thene resity of taki i means toward miiia ' insr a new walk. Tho old one will not bear repairing, ami a new one is an tual necessity. While they are out it let us have a walk made that v. ill i of easier grade than tho rrese een if it costs a little more W e woa iu s pest that the Council take !rfm .; thP hewi of f i:tl reii, r ii,,?e, on blurt" an J c.m o V, Pre need he ih!ili -ttip iXi! the convenience of it is Ken nto consideration There should luobo a walk constructed alone the l,n'Vr. - i .,i,-h now leads un t MiT The first mentioned, is an the blUtl- "!f'" ,,olr,1(., ,,urritv "woSre UT ifled those nlairecUySntcVested will contribute for the pur iv 'Si. odvS-As the Success was in-uithe river last Monday par- r " Uuw?iter for'soine time. An alarm fa?a P" to those on shore rndaskitl u4 sent off and the bod v frkofi'into it U was unrecoiinizable, but is s "pi" ft to W. the lKxly of tieo S o ng wlio 1 'iruw ned nt the npnt-r wharf in S I li on the tM of lest -J Isl.:Ur will 1 remembered, Insmd 7T the spot and search , in stituted, with no success, nothing f.Vg been hranl of t he man Kin.-e Where the l-ody has been lodg ed since thai time remains a mystery. The i.rrcn Mills. -We took a rido to the Cla.-karras Paper Mills last Mon dav evening, a id found them in full oixriti.'ii. The mill had been shut d'otii fr five or six weeks, in order to make some iiecesary repairs, and now i in better unlT than ever. The qual ity of f'ii r now made at the Clacka mas Mills will -compare favorably with !ir inqtoi t' il. imd the proprietors are nl..' o suppU' the demand of this iimthwist --i-.t. Messrs. Lewthwait ,t Smith h;ive the mill rented, and they ;i,M-ar to thoroughly umlerstand the I wijiess. They have ten men employ We trust tiiat these mills will re ceive tlie patronage of our local trade. Lkttkh Ijisir. Tho following is a lit of the Letters remaining in tlie p.xt-ollice at Oregon City, July 2-1, 1S71 : P.'-eson. Jo, I ; Conrav, I'eter C. ; P.nis. P. T. ; Khodcs, Klizer; I.owan, Mrs. M. : Spicer. A. M.; Troiis. Mr. i. 11; TrullingjT, i.; Trul linger, 1. N. The following letters are held for pi-tair.-: Mrs.:Aliert Migiit, Ib'pner, tir"-4'U: Mr-, ilohn Ilalliwell. North Sali-iu. N". H. ;JNlagill v. Denison, Nan FniiK isi-o; W.fl. Morris, Fairview, I.T. T( railed for Veasesav when "adver tiscl." I I J. M. Bacon, P.M. Nkw Sika.v. :.- The new steamer being built b ..'oe Papiet, at Canemah, f..r Mr. 1". K. Seolt, of Ironton, Penn., isint.-n led to lo very light-draught, frt!ie jmrpos of carry ing wheat ami II mr ;it ba"l 1 "w water through the 1. .';- and e mal. The dimeiitions will be UK feet in k-ngth ; breadth of Ix-am, 3ii f.-et, an! f r licptli of hold. Mr. e! lims that his boat will bo the lUhtest-dniU-rht steamer yet built on tlu-e wa'ers, and will he ready fur business in a few weeks. ',niNi::OrT. Henry K-iules, living in S;. ring Valley, live miles soutli of W:iit!uirg. W. T., was buniHil out on Pie rvniin: if l'riday. the KUli, about lifoVloek. losing everytliimr, cv"i the wearing a;iiartd of the family, the in mates just m iking their escape; two men. intii ressK'ct ivdy . Arthur Kngksand Horace Jfnrphy. who were L, sleeniieg up s'Jairs, made t! ltd r escape by jiiui'iing (j ut of the window and sli'ling down .-, nole. Mr. Kinrles was l'ormTlv a rc-iuent of this count v. .IrsririAr.i.i?.-df a mati or woman, eitleT. is disturbed in the dead hour of midnight, or :-whole congregation on a Sunday evening at church, by some pet cow with-a lell fastened "around r i o r iwm'Ic ?i ii. I. iv h ii-K bltn f'L-n lik.Ii m ilelight in rinj ing, siio;;Id become out t Kii:eue( ui'ii usu stronger language man r :P- n' ut to on oruinarv oeca- sions. vi th lt would In) somewhat l't our city fathers do p the nuisanee? ju-tiiiaiile Nonu thing t Nkw IIoap. Sup'jr'ntendent Mel druiu has been busy for the past two weeks in making a now road up the hill on tho eastern side of the town, and we learn I hat lie lias made quite an iiiiprovenienion the old road, hav!n,' obtained a n h easier grade. This is t he mam r, linto town, and was lad ly needed ill ago. Passi-d huoioh. Tho steamer Alice, the tine-st boat belonging to tho o. s. s. Co., on tlie Willamette, which has heretofore been running on the uo- nrTrhn,r'(WiiS.t:kt'n lhr'Uu the locks i Th.irMa. to ho used on the lower rn ,.r. e ;carn that she is intended as the pnyfc.o !o,it of Mr. llolladay. Home AoTis.-Hon. ilTTvarren, wlio has been absent from his post of duty for a f-.nv days on leave of absence h home again looking mud, improved in h s general health. As for h KOO o..ks. an,i poiIisll spirit thev couTd not I ottered it he took a visit to ' n r-Mje. H.f.ircomplexio.Amgjft. T.r,-aior McOown thW week was SVVi tir i?irn niri d-nep in p Ieis to o V" ' 5nl neex- v .. aooui six weeks. lhsiior TT. Prof ., . the l'rofesso?. n ttw sk'11 of gone on a prosrctintr ?kl?W of A J. I5ek. is the cide of Vi on the " He ought noriohaneVmuS httM ho left for a 1 bn v t w ' n day. when ' Ntate. Ve tnilV "P0 SomethinS of pleasant visit 1,0 n,ay have a -oP "'the tinned in oH . " Which wc citv hi MoV?Ue' ,aSSed thr"h President's c,r Tb?; evonin " th lind. r- rhcT re now in Port- has lull n??"6 int tho mercantile tv Til i hwtlnl. Yamhill coun rr ;ft "ch section of 'hStop1 .ismoans there need he the top. grade can be oh- "- StVfor . i "walk. We are satisfied tined for a si R,vaik will be IvETURXED. Mr. F. Wilde, who had taken a trip to the soa-side, returnea home last Friday, much improved in his general health. " T?Arco-AiTRvxK Xotes. Treasurer Spinner has issned a letter which ' vs: Xati(nal Bank notes should not be cancelled before sent to him for redemption. Redeemed notes will bo cancelled in the Treasurer's office. National Bank notes will be received to make good the 5 per cent redemption fund, but first a deposit of 5 per cent must be made in legal tenders. Any excess over the amount required to make good the 5 per cent fund will bo remitted in legal tender notes forwarded from the Treasurer's office. Payment for excess cannot be made in drafts. . Tilton'-Beecijer, The statements of Tilton to the committee appointed to investigate tho charges made against the Rev. Henry Ward Beech er are of the most damaging and dis gusting character. If one tenth part of the charges which Tilton makes are true, this Reverend scoun drel should grace a hempen cord or a felon's cell, instead of the pulpit of a church. We consider the dis patches too disgusting to publish in our columns. We shall have some thing further to say in regard to this matter after it is fully developed. EditoiuaIi Change. In tho issue of the Statesman of last Monday, Mr. Calvin B. McDonald appears as edit or. Mr. McDonald is not a stranger to the people of the State, having edited the Unionist at Salem in 1807. He is a writer of considerable repu tation and will, no doubt, make the Statesman a good paper of tho Re publican persuasion. We extend to him the courtesies of the profession, and wish him prosperity in every thing but politics. Local- Option. Chief Justice Read, of the Supreme Court of Penn sylvania, has decided that the local option law of that State is unconsti tutional. Tlie fatal point was the delegation cf legislative power to the districts. He holds that legislative power is vested in the Legislature only, and like judicial power, cannot be delegated back to the people. o- Seuexaded. Representative Nes mith was tho recipient of a serenade at Portland last Monday evening, cn which occasion he made a speech to the large crowd present, giving an account of what he had done during the last session of Congress. Workmen have been engaged, dur ing the week, overhauling the ma chinery in the Fanners' warehouse, at Corvallis. The double elevator has been changed for a single one, of btter pattern, the scales and hop per have been altered accordingly, and a decided improvement made in the .screening apparatus. Tho Albany Democrat nays: "The news of the fire reached this city day before yesterday, and yesterday a Chicago sufferer got oil' the cars at tho Albany depot and undertook to strike our citizens for a xieco." The faimei s in Yamhill and Wash ington counties will this year adopt the California plan of sacking their wheat in the field, thus saving the expense of hauling it in bulk from the machine to the barn-. Jerry Lucky this week arrived at Albany from Oehoco with 10,000 pounds of wool sheared from 1,000 sheep, and sold the same in that city. This wool was brought across the Cascade mountains by teams. Bishop Morris, of the Episcopal Church, is now on a tour through Eastern Oregon. He is looking after the interests of the church over which he presides in Oregon. Mr. Parker proposes to open a road from Forest Grovo to Xehalem at his own expense, with what aid he can get from tho people who are interested. In this citv, Julv 23. 1S7I, to the wife of Mr. A. Levy, a Daughter. MAKKIKI). In Clackamas county. Oregon. July 19, 1S74. at the r-sUhmce of Mr. W. V. Douglas, by R.'v. .1. V. Moore. Mr. John W. Howlett to Miss Luciuda lluss.-ll, all of Clackamas county, Oregon. At the home of the bridegroom, July 20, ls7i, by Kev. A. Hardison, lion. J. It. IVdl to Mrs. Klizabeth Adkins. all of Clackamas county, Or.ron. KT-Kor the very best Photographs, goto Bradlev a Rulofson's Ciallery with anu KbKVATOU, 429 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. J. r. DAVIE. JOSHUA DA VIES. J- P- DAVIES & CO., AT JOT I OISTEERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FIRK-PUOOF STONE Bl'ILDIXG, WHARF STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. Liberal Advaurrs Made on Consisiinieiits. July 21, 1374 :ly OBSTACLES TO MAKIIIAGE. Happy RHlef for Young Men from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood restored. Impediments to Mar riage removed. New method of treat ment. New and remarkable remedies. 15ooksand circulars sent free, in sealed envelooes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION. No. 2 South Ninth St.. Philadelphia. Pa., an In stitution having a hinh reputation for hon orable conduct and professional skill novli :ly For Salk. We will sell "either a Flo rence or Grover A .Baker Sewing Ylt chine at San ram-mo nriees. In-order that those who desire a machine, and arc not able to pay the entire amount may be accommodated, wo will sell them on the installment plan, pavab o- rrjrich irr mnth until pukl fW A Brilliant Record or Cure. An American humorist tells us that it would have been money in his pocket if he had been born without a stomach, and then proceeds to figure up the cost of a chronic dyspepsia, to which he is a martyr, and which he says it is Impossible to cure! On this point, "Josh Billings," (for he Is the party referred to is mistaken. Unless hi6 stomach differs from all other dysDen- tlc stomachs, Hostetter's Bitters will cure him in less than three months. This it would be safe to guarantee under anv ixn- alty. There are few, a very few, actual specifics for disease In existence, and Hot- tetter's Stomach Bitters may be sot down as one of them. In cases of Indiirest rn it never fails. Persons who had suffered for many years almost every conceivable spe cies of torture from this agonizing com plaint, have been permanently cured with the Bitters in six weeks. Ilundreds of such instances are on record, authenticated by the testimony of prominent men in every walk of life, eminent Physiciansamon the number. But this celebrated vegetable preparation is something more than a stoinochic tonic. In liver complaint Its ef. lect is as aireci anu immediate as that of ciiiomvi or umc io, nu utr more salutary and in alldiseased conditions of the bowels notable in eases of constipation, its recu lating properties are in the highest decree serviceable. The new settlements in the west and all low lyinsr tracts of count in. fested with mtasmaticexhalations sofruit fulatthis season, of the various types of intermittent fevers, should bo always well siockcu wii n i ins jin.-oiuji:iraoie cholorue which will cure any case of fever and s'ue in a period varying from three davs or four weeks, according to the violence of the complaint, nervous disorders w hich are always aggravated by the adulterated liquors usually inscribed by physicians, are readily cured by a course of this admir able combination medicine, in which the properties of a stimulant, a tonic and alter ative are happily blended. San fc'rancisco Market lteporf. San FK4NCISCO. Julv 21. Wheat in Liverpool Average California, 12s(5vl2s. 2d.; Oregon, 12s. $)d.' Flour Superfine, ft 12w75; extra, ?C 37. Wheat 'oHst,l 0GI l't. Rarley Coast feed. $1 75rtl 80 ; bav feed cl 5U: bay brewing, f I 73. Oats tJood supply in market ; prices are $1 y-i, (''. Wool Quiet, fine to choice clear. 28,32. Portland Market Itcport. Wkdn'esdav, July 22, 1374 fiold in New York to-day, lli)1-;. Portland I-gal Tender rates, 90 buying oi seiiins:. Wheat Demand Is good at $1 40,'$1 43 cental, sacked. Oats 4UCV15 9 bushel, sacked and deliv ered. Flour In conserjii'-nc of the condition or the wheat market, flour has been ad vanced to s-j(m oo. Butter The receipts are large and the marKet well stocked with all qualities I "rices ran ire from 20:a22 cents. K-rsrs Market supply full; prices firm at Is cents dozen. Wool The market continues dull and quotations are furnished at 2f?.'10c lb for a jrood art icie. liacon-The supply on hand remains abundant. Sides are quoted at liKcllc; Hams, l;t.'lie, and prime Shoulders at 8S Oregon City Market Report, Extf.k i it is k Office. July 2. 1S71. Legal Tentlers, buying, !0 : selling )1. County script, in) : City scrip, SO. The following are the buyinj; prices for produce, a nd the sellinp: price for others : Wheat-I h-mu nd good and selling at 80 Ci?So V bushel. Klour Oood supply In market, and sell ing at SKWr-viW. Middlings Are quoted at .?2- per ton; shorts, S2u "; and bran 512, with full supplies on hand. Oats Supply equal to demand ; buyers are paying it-'IO cents. Potatoes Ne-.v. I per bushel. Onions Quotable at IS- cents per pound. Esrg tiood supply, l.VtClfi l do. Chickens S2 .""(,' .") per dozen. P.utter Scarce, ltJ.vlScentsi"orgoodfresh. Wool For choice lots, 2.'ftc.2U cents. Dried Fruits Full stocks in market; Apples are !r!nging c:'ri.' cents per pound ; p"nohes li cents: Currants ID.15 cents; Plu ms l" c.-nt. Sugar Crushed, l'jtfiitJ cents; Island itoj) l0'-i -San Franeiseo refined, 12(12.'j cents. Tea Uest quality $1 per pound, and oth er brands ranging from liuV7" cents. Coir.M! liest. article :U cents. Salt Ranging from l'?v2,. Syrup 00 cents pt-r gallon; best article CO cents. Kacon Hams lilJUi cents; Shoulders, S c-nts; sides, !5,I0 cents per pound. Iird Per pound 1 le,l.) cents. Oil Devoe's Kerosene per gallon,C((5,75 cents ; Unseed ?1 2-"). IJeefon foot. Oood fat cattle find ready sale at 5if cents on foot. Pork We quote at 5rvt cents. Sheep Few offering; quote at $2 50r3 50 per head. Hid s (ireen at. from 2'5.3, owing to the size ; dry 1 cents per pound. The Idea of n. Universal iIcIir i ne Is at last realized in Dr. Walker's California Vitiftjar Hitter. This concentrated essence of the finest, medical herbs and roots in the Western hemisphere, eradicates all diseas es which have not undermined the sources of vitality, and in Chronic Indigestion, Nervous Headache, Congestion of the Liv er, Rheumatism, bout, General Debility, and innumerable ulcerous and scabious disorders, it is a specific absolute and in fallible. jul25:lm A CAHD. Oregon- City, June 12, IS74. Wm. P. Bitrxs. Agent of Phoenix Insur ance Co., Dear Sir: On the 4th day of June my barn was destroyed by fire. On the ath you was notified ot the same. You prompt ly notified the Company of my loss, and un the 10th Inst. Mr. Dimon, the gentle manly agent and adjuster of the Com pauy, was on hand, the loss promptly and cheer fully adjusted and a draft for the amount ($7i0) in full, placed in my hand. We thank you, and through you, the Company which you represent, for the prompt and cheerful adjustment of our losses, and we join in th" general verdict of the people in saving. The Old Pluenix of Hartford offers reliable indemnity. RODNEY TOMPKINS. CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. Published as a waknixo and for the benefit of Yoitxg Men and others who suffer from NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS OK MANHOOD, etc., point ing out the mans ff flf-cure. Written by Nathaxiei. Ma y Kair, Esq., who cured himself after under going considerable quabkery, and mailed free on receiving a post-paid directed enve lope, by the publisher, DR. JOHN M. DAONALL, 11 Clinton Street, Mrooklyii, N. Y. The Pakker Grs.-We take picas nre in calling attention of our Valley frierids to the wonderful merits of the double-barreled breech loading sho guns manufactured by Parker Protli ers. West Meriden. Conn. The highest testimonial received from all sections of the country, and the thorough test given it in the field bv our friend Cant. Green B. Samuels, warrant us in asserting that it is the best breeeh-loadimr shot gun in the world. Tlie simplicity of construction, the ease with which it can he loaded or unloaded, the facility with which the load can be changed from small to larre shot enabling the sportsman, in anTnstant, to adapt his change to any sized game that niav present itself tlie ease with which it may be kept clean its availability to a country where notli in but muzzle-loading: ammunition can m procured, all combine to recom mend it to everv sportsman who can aporeciate a perfect fowling piece. 'Warren Sentinel ;" (Front Royal, a.) Special Notice. Whv suffer from Dyspepsia. Indigestion, and loss of appcf it", when you can by us ing Dr. Hmh i'.t celebrated J X It Bitters er fect a perfect cure ; they are a pleasant and invi"orat ing tonic, and endorsed and rec ommended bv our most eminent Physi cians fas per certificates on each bottle) for all complaints of the Liver and Digestive Or"ans. As a family medicine they have lxequal. Sec advertisement in another column. JOHN M. BACON, IMPORTER AND DEALER j ry, etc., etc. ! Orejgon Cifj Oregon. "At (Jbarman t Warner's old 6tad ately' occupied by S. Ack'ernan, Main et. . NEW TODAY. R. R- R, READY RADWAY'S RELIEF CITRES TIIE WORST PAIXS in From One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after readingthis advertisement need anv one suffer with pain. RAD WAY'S READY KELIKK is a sure cure lor every pain, it was the first and is - The Only Pain Kemedy that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays Innamation. ana cures vxm- Bowels,or other glands or organs, by one application, in from one 10 iweniy .Min utes, no mailer now vioifui or cAuucmi ing the pain, the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer. KADWAY'S READY KELIEF will afford instant ease. Innamation of the Kidneys. Inrtamation of the lilauder. lnflamation of the Bowels. Congestion or tho Lungs. Soro Throat, Difficult. Breathing. Palpitation of the Heart, nvsterics. Croup, Dyptheria. caiarrn, innuenia. Headache, Toothache. Neuralgia. Rheumatism Cold Chills, Ague Chills. i The application of the Kenl- Relief to the nart or parts affected where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in hair a tumbler or water will In a few moments cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in t he Bowels, and all internal pains. Trawlers should always carry a bottle of Ituilwaj 'a Kend- Relief with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stim ulant. FEVER AND ACCK"" - ' Fever and Ague cured for fifty cents. There is not a remedial agent in the world that will cure Fever and Ague, and 'all oth er Malarious, Billious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and ol her Fevers (added bv It AD WAY'S PILLS) so quick as RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF. Fifty cents ier bottle. Sold by Druggists. HEALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! Strong and pure rich Blood increase of Flesh and weight clear skin and beauti ful complexion secured to all. DR. RADWAY'S SARSPARILLIAN RESOLVENT has made the most astonishing cures; so quick, so rapid are the changes the body undergoes, under the influence of this truly Wonderful Medicine, that evey day an in crease in flesh and weight Is seen and felt. THE GREAT BLOOD P&'RIFIER. Every drop of the Sarsparillian Resol vent communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine and other lluld.i and Juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consump tion, Glandular disease. Ulcers in the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes In the (.Hands and other parts of the system. Sore Eyes, Strumous Discharges from the Ears, and t he worst forms of Skin diseases. Erup tions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges, Niht Sweats, Ixss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range ot this wonder of .Modern Chemistry, and a few days' uso will prove to any person using it for eit her of these forms of disease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, dally becomes reduced by the wastes and decomositlon that Is con tinually progressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made lrom healthy blood and this the Sarsparillian will and does secure. Not only does the Sarsparillian Resolvent excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases ; but it Is the only positive cure for Kidney and Uladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases. Gravel, Dia betes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Inconti nence ol Lrine, Bright's Disease, Albumi nuria, and in all cases where there ara brick-dust deposits, or the water Is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like th white of en ejrj;, or threads like white silk, or there is a tr orbid, dark, billious appear ance, and -white bone-dust deposits, and when t here is a pricking, burning sensa tion when pussinjr water, and pain In the small of the back and along the loins. Price, 1 IW. WORMS. The only known and sure Remedy for iVonn.v I'in, Taje,ttr. Tumor of 13 Yfars' Growth Cured liy r.udnaj 'n Resolvent. Heveulv, Mass., July IS, 1MW. Dr. Raowav : I have had Ovarian Tu mor in the ovaries and bowels. All the Doctors said " there was no help for it." I tried everything that was recommended: but nothing helped me. I saw your Resol vent, and thought I would try It; but had no faith in it, because I had suffered for twelve years. 1 took six bottles of the Re solvent, ami one box of Radway's Pills, and two bottles of your Ready Relief; and t here is not a sign of tumor to be seen or felt, and I feel better, smarter, and happier than I have for twelve years. The worst tumor was in the left side of the bowels, over the groin. 1 write this to you lor the benefit of others. You can publish It if you choose. HANNAH P. KXAPP. im. 11 AD WAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Radway's Pill's, for tho cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder. Nervous Dis eases, Headache, Constipation, Costive ncss, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Billions Fever, Inflammation of the Bow els, Piles, and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to affect a positive, cure. Purely Vegetable, contain ing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. VObserve the following symptoms re sulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Const it ion. Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in t he Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations. Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffo eatingSehsations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or webs before the Sight, Fever, Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspirat ion, Yellowness of tho Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Chest, Limbs, and sudden Flushes of Heat, Burn ing in the Flesh. "A few doses of ltilvn y'x PHI will free the system from all the above named dis orders. Price, 2o cents per box. Sold by Druggists. Read " Fals-i and True." Send one letter stamp to Radway & Co., No. 7 Maiden Lane, New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. July 21, 1871 :ly PiEW OFFERS ! NEW IDEAS ! See the Grand Gifts of Our Fireside Friend to its Subscribers. Kntircly itew nml unprecedented, nncl ftncl a will Interest erfry one. Yon miu It If yon don't eml for sam ples and ffnll particnlar which arn wnt free ! SEE THE GREAT WATCH OFFER! OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND is now in its Fifth Volume, thoroughly established as the leading family and story Weekly in the Union, has the lar st circulation, and the best appointed pri iting and pub lishing establishment and building i the West. Is a large eight- ago illustrated and original family Wee cly, price i3,x) per vear. Every subscrl T receiver a magnificent premium and a share in the distribution. Subscribe now.' WE WANT AGENTS. We want a representative in every neigh borhood. Nothing equals it fcr agents, male or female, young or old. Larpe Cash Waacs and a Superb Outfit, exclusive ter ritory, which is rapidly filling up. Must apply at once. Subscribe by sending $3,nn. and receive the paper one year, a magnifi cent premium, a share m the distribution, and receive also Free a Complete Outfit, or send for particulars. ame territory do Eirod in writiiig. Address . WAT-EB3& c5..Fufc!!shsr&, OiM5-.r.!.. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY 0? niT.TTTOPMTA Dr. J. Walker's t'.uii'. w Vinegar Hitters area pnr.d - Wg ctable preparation, mad-j chit-fly fro: the native herbs found on tin- low ranges of the Sierra Nevada mounts: of Ciilifornia. th& medicinal rr"p.-v:i of which are extracted tbretrim wi out the use ot AlcoVl. Tlv- oue.ti. is almost daily n-ke-l. " What is t cnuse of thft unp-.Tiiliclr-d gucrtssK t.. Vikkcjar Hitteks':" Our R-.v.-;r i that they remov,: tlie cv.u c- o! di.;-a-and tlie patk-et r cover : I.'.- lu:.i." Tncy ar-. the grear h.o J. . urif:.T -a lile-givinjj pi i a p-rfec It--;; w.fer and Tuv:conitr o: th sy t-:i Xv.?r hefo.-e i'i th8 hiKS-ry o: '.h worl a i:t---lici !.e-.-- co epovmil .1 po--.oxf-.ii:;; 0- r--ner;--1 le fiuditi: of VtNCt.n V.i-frr.-. it- heahu : th-- Mc't of every di'. a'-v'. Thr-y are i: g nil Purgative a-i well as a Tonic, r.livviii;; Ouige-iti i or Iiiilauimatloa ol the Ijiver nn l Yi .cer.d Org.ins, in Bilious Diseases. ' " The iro)r-i t ies of im-.'.Waijcht-.v Yc-rr.oAU Iittfks aro Aperient, Din phoretie. NutritiouM, IjiXiitiv", Di"i retie. s lativ , Counter-irritant, Su rI5". Alt ra a-i l A -L-TJilion::. ill.-.'-- i TOi 1 Vim t.OATi I'.lTTniiS the mo.-t v.-o-.derlul vigor -.ut tba v-wi" susiai:-.;d tho sink- yct-.-n?. No iverso;i can take these li it tors according to direct ions, and remain louf kiiwc.11, provided their bon&s are nut destroyed by mineral poison or other irK-ivm. ami vital or gans wasted beyond repair. IMIiou?, Ieiiiittent, and In termittent Fevers, which ar. ro preval 'id in tli" vallt-ys of our gie;;t rivers thrnu-hout the Untied Slates, especially hosi f the Jlissis.-iippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois. Tennessee, Cnmbiiia:K.. Arkansas Et-d. Colorado, BrHZos. 3Mo Grande. Pcnrl, Alabama, .Mobil'-, !S:.v::unah, Koauoke, James, and ma-iy oth( rr., wi.h their vast trib it;'.ries, throrgboi'.t oar entire con-dry oaring the Sumiuer ;.nd Aut":7in. and romr.rkably duri: c; : einons of uii usu.d heat and dryness, ara invariably neeompav.i.-d b-y cxfOMivt! ders.nge meuls (;f tuo f ivniAch ui:d liver, and oth r ; ricr;:. Ln their, a purgfltivt-, rX'Ttin powi rl.l i'.i;iu-uic-.- upon tb s;o a:ior.s organ--, ii e.semul. TIsere is no cath-irtio lor Vi purpo ; emi:-.l to Dr.. J. Vt'iuxr.'s YiNr.o.'.i:, as they will speed ly rjinovu tie; l.;i!: rolorrd vi ;eid 1.1 r with vhich tb bow-l r.r : lo-.-d--d. ut the. Fame tiu.y t-iiuiulating tim r-t-eivtio'.-s of tlie livtr, c.'jd teener illy re-ioriig hi luuhby i'luetioim of th-: digestivo organs. Fortity the )oJy against disease by purif in-j all its lluids vit'i Ih DzTT:r-. Ivi epidetuio ea:s takd lioMof ty..tom thus fore-armed. DysjK-Tisiu or Inditreslioii, Headache, IVi-i in the Slioulders, Couvh Tightui-ss of the Chest. Diz 7.iue.;s. ;Sji; r Erttetatioii.. of the Kto laac'i. D id Tasla in the :io-:th, Bili ous Attacks, ldpiat:o-n cf the Htart, I -.iflanimiti-in of the Tji:ngs, Pain in the region of t' e Kidneys, and a hundred other painful rymptora.", t r the off Firinj' : of Dyspepia. One bottle will prove beiti-r t-nira-nnt-.-e cf it-j merit than i 1 -ntiiy r.dvt-riiseraont. tf'jrcifVJ.i. or Kind's Evil, vriiiN; Swellui;--. T7Ie--is, Erysipelas. Swell jd Nock, n-.ltr -, Serofuh-us li: fl.uumations, Mercurial affections, Old Sores,. Druptions cf thf; Skin, Sore Dyes, etc. In thoB -, a ; in rdl oilur constitutional Di.-cases, Dr.. WALsr.i.'s Yix-joar Di-rrjKs Lave fdiown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable ta-: s. For Inilaimnatory cr ( iiron ie Klieiiinatism. don:, liiiiou.:, llomitteut and Intc-rraittent rover.-. Diseases of the Dlood. Diver, Kidney: and Dladder. these IJi tiers Inve no equal. Such Diseases aro e.-.usc-J 1 v Yitiated Dlood. Mechanical Disc;;se. Per sons engaged in TaiuLs and lllaeral.. such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold beaters, and Minor-, as they advanc ; iu life, are subject to paralysis of tho Dowels. To guard against this, tak: Da. Waiee's Yim:oak DrrrEiw. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt-Din -am, Blotches-, Spots, PifDples, Pustules, Boils, Caibuuoler., Ringworms, Scald-head. Sore Eyes. Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and DiseiiHcs of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the synt?m in a short time by the uo of these Bi iters. Tin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking iu the system of so many thou sands are effectually destroyed "and re moved. No system of medicine, no ver mifuges no antheluiinitics will free tho -system irom worms like these Bitters. For Female Fomplaints, in young or old, married or single, at tho dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so de cided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Dlood whenever you find ita impurities burst ing through the akin in Pimples, Erup tions, or Sores ; cleanse it wh n you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure, and the health of the sys tem will follow. II. II. UrDOXAI.I) dfc CO., PriiKK'ts & Gcu.A-ita.. San FranciHco. CaHfor ui. A: cor. of WhnHinftou & Charlton Sti..N.y. .Sold by all Irnonit nnd Drnlttrm. Administrator's Sale. -JV'OTICK IS IIEUEIiY GIVEN THAT X pursuant to an order of 'he County Court of the county of Marion, in the State of Orepron, made and entered at t he Janu ary term thereof, to wit : On the 5th day of January, A. D. 1474, in the matter or the estate of Alvan K." Waller, late of said county, deceased, I will sell at public auc tion, at the Court House door in Oregon City, in the county of Clackamas, in said State, to thehifrhest bidders, for pold coin, at the time of sale, nt tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M. on t he . !i9th day of Auaft, A. O. 1S74, the following described premises situated ln said county of Clackamas, belonging to said estate, to wit : 40 acres off of the dona tion land claim of George Crow, and lying sout heast of the 40 acres heretofore owned by Charles Bunell, said first mentioned -10 acres being part of claim No. 49 In said Clackamas county, and being the same forty acres deeded to Alvan . Vallr by W. W. Judd, by deed, bearing date of the J 1th day of November,".. P. I8G7. ELEPHA WALLER. , Administratrix. natrt Sslm. Jul" )th. 1R74. td DR. JOII1ST WELCH, DENTIST, OFFICE IN cseoo.v crrr, OH"5r&o; r THOMAS CHARMAH ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFOH31 THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doinjr business on the old motto, that A JCimble Six Tencc is Better than a Slenv fihilting. I have Just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OJT GOODS over before offered ln this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing:, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chlnaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents" Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Faming tlons of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets. Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Taper, etc.. Of the above list, I can say my stock Is the MOST COMIL.KTE ever offered ln this mnrket. and was seleted with especial care for the Oregon Citv trade. All of which I now offer for sale at the Lowest Market Raes. .JiCo,us? fo-Tthe ladles, or any one else, to think of Kolng to Portland to buy goods for I am Determined to Sell Cheap and not to allow myself to be UNDERSOLD IN TIIE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask Is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience In Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIAKMAX cannot be beaten in quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell vou all the advantages I can offer you in "the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say Is Come, ami Sff.and Examine for Yourselves fori do no wish to make any mistakes. ?y.0J,-iect Is to teU a11 m5" od friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage heretofore bestowed. TITO. f'HAIiMlv Main Street, Oregon City. I-egnl Tenders and Countv Scrip taken at larfcel rates. T1IO.S. CHARMAN. in K?"j0,000 lbs wool wanted bv THOS. CHARMAN. Established, in 18G0. 13. zV. HUGHES WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THE CITI zens of Oregon City, and vicinity, that he has purchased, fitted up and filled the store OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE, on Main Street.between Third and Fourth, Oregon Citv. My stock consLsts of Dry-Good k. Clothing-, Root and Shoes, (rocrrleii, Patent Medicines, Pprftimerj-, Ha(and Cn,, Ijiilit-H' and Grnt' Kurnlaihlnj-r Goods, China Tea Seta, Table Cutlery, Hosiery,, Crockery, Wiiido-iv-GIuK, f;inss-Yarc, VnnUee Notion. Hardware, FARMING EMPLEMENTS, HOPE, GRAIN SACKS, &c, &c. Having been, established since 1SGO, my long experience in business enables mc to know what to buy for this market. MY STOCK OF General Merchandise is Large and well Assorted. There is no house in the City that Can Undersell Me. SMALL PROFITS AND (HICK RETURNS, Is my Motto. 1T,1.-"a KV,n,I"e ni Goods hefore yon ,lwner. "rt I -tI11 suit Oregon City, fily mhST.0 H ES" GREAT SLAUGHTER ! DRY-GOO DS AND- CLOTHING! PANIC PRICES! A T V. LEVY'S. The goods have been bought at PANIC PRICES and will be sold ln accordance. Dont forget calling before you lay in :cjir supplies. , . ... , . AUCTIIOy AN COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON, Aiietioiiecx Corrntr of Front & Omit Bta.,I-rtlrA Auction Sales Of Real Estate, Groceries. General Mt-r chandlse and Horses. SALE DAYS Wednesday and Saturday A.B. RICHARDSON, Auctioneer, At Private Sale. English Refined Bar and Bundle Iron t-nglish Square and Octagon Cast bteel. Horse Shoes, Kiisps. Saws.ScreWB,Fry-Pans, Sheet Iroti, R, ti.Iron. ALSO jrCC asort'-int of Groceries nnd Jan 1 Hfl-fr A' B' RICHARDSON. Jan.I.1873-tf. Auctioneer. NEW OOOIS GOOD NEWS! PRICES REDLCED TO SOT THE TlXES. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD BARGAINS! S. ACKER MAN & CO. H AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGS stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS which they otTer CHEAPER THAN TIIE CHEAPEST I We would say come and conv Inco your self before purchasing elsewhere. Oar-ttock consists In part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes. Ladies and Genta Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer m I e s, Hard ware, and a great many other articles too numer ours to mention ; also. Doors, Windows,! Glass and Puttr, etc., etJ All kinds of Produce taken In exchange O for Goods' ALSO Wool Wanted For which we pay the Highest Prices. S. ACKBRMAN t COO Oregon City. October 31. !S73-tf. SELLING OFF ! SELLING OFF I THE IMMENSE WlXTfin STOCK OP BOOTS and SHOES! ; AT THE . Pacfic Boot & Shoe House. Corner First and Morrison Streets, rORTLAXD, ORSGOX, Will bo Closed Out for the Next Thirty x-ays At and. Less Than Cost. P II I C B Si Ladles' Kid Foxed Balmorals, f 1 5fry .'iisst-a uu ao 1 Uo Children's do do l oo Men's Heavy Bo?t 2 75 Boys' do " 2 00 Youth's do .... 150 Children's Boots, , 100 Men's Kip Hand-made Cusiom 3-soled Boots, 5 00 Patridge's Slaughter Roots... 4 00 do Grain Hunt ing Boots ..4 50 Hibbard's Celebrated Hand-made French calf 6 50 Smith, Champlin & Co. (Portland) Custom Krpnch calf ft rn Smith, Champlin &' Co"" (Pomand) .- i . 1 1 1 .-viiit-rit-jin c;ni..................,... o oil Men's best Quality Hunting. 5 50 do American Riding 6 0 do Buckle Artie Overshoes. . 2 00 do Alaska do 1 50 do best quality Rubber do 100 Women's Buckle Artie Overshoes.. 1 50 do do do 1 25 do Self-acting Rubber do 100 Men's Screwd Brogans 175 do Peg-red do 100 do CaUfornia Calf, tap sole 4 50 do do buff calf, tap sole 3 50 mar6-tf OREGON STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE! Str. E. 1ST. COOKE, Will leave OREGON CITY for PORTLAND every day Except Sunday, at 7H o'clock, A. M. Rcturninir. will leave Portland for Oregon City at 2fc o'clock, P. M Str. ALICE, Will lRve OREGON CITY for CORVALLI8 every Monday and Thursday of each week. Str. DAYTON, Will leave OREGON CITY for McMINV VILLE, LAFAYETTE and DaYTON, and all points between, every Mondav, Wed nesday and Friday of each week. "Leaves th.?Jw,Tl af 8 'clock. M., and connect with the train at Canemah at 9, a. m. Str. ALBANY, IjC5v,5TOREGOX CITY for HARRISBTTRG and ELGENE and all intermediate points every week. Str. Fannie !Patton, Leaves OREGON CITY for ALBANY and all intermediate points between twice ev rv wseJt. r J. p. BILEB. Ag-?rt, o c 3 O o o O O o o o O G o o 0 O G O o O 0 o