Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1874)
1 -SVf-it.-x 0 O o O o o o o 0 THE ENTERPRISE. QUEGON CITY, OREGON, FEB. 1, IS74. Count)' Court Proceedings. FERRCR-ART TERM. Judge White and Commissioners Hiwtell and Sharp, presiding: Appraisers of daraascs claimed by Joseph liarstow by reason of a propos ed county road passing through his premises report no damages; and road established. . . , . . . Viewers appointed to view a private road petitioned for by John N n-hand. Sundry bills were ordered paid, one of which was to Marion county for one half the expense of building the bridge across Puddimc river from Hubbard a t Nedv of ?7'.I 7o. The care and protection of Ralph IUnkinr. a minor, entrusted to A.J. Htwtell atan allowance of $ jht month SSf C F- ntie and others for a change of the boundaries of road district numlr 33. was granted and the Court made changes in the boun dary of the adjacent districts, namely ji,ai,iaiHll!;road number 20 aol- Thi'followinR Supervisors were ap JntA for the ensuing year: : . SO. 91TT. Jf) A J LK ll. 31 Hnmch Tucker, 32 II Fellows, .tl MiloOG:ird, :tl V W May. X, S.'ba Norton, :u; Thos r.rady, 37 Wm Harlo ; as use P!i"lp. 3!t N H IarnU. 40 Win MaylUld, 41 CJImel, 12 II C Hiniro, 4. V S Noy-r. 44 George Hun crate 45 N'c wt. Ixreriilirc PS rornellns Hlair, IS Geor" Killen, 4'J Jos" l Johnson .V) Samu-l Engirt M A J Sivwt II. r.t Martin KoMdns f i ) A onii"ll, .V 1 , 1 ( ' I .aton rctte Cni J N Ilowh tt. no. 1 2 a 4 - 7 it u W II 11 13 It IS 1 17 1 I n ti ii J IN rrT. I uncle Ch4 Huiinell, tlorrf Foster, ITi"- Fuller, J II I'edigo. Dan'l Grim, Edgar Kiehey, John Glowr. Brigs. II Chas. c ci- F V Foster, Gor.r bins, O II Irie. Hen Iewis. John Wh.yl'T A It lloleomh, H Str iiiht. Jr orin rutting, F. I'ark-T, J p lUanchard, J A Fields. Ha:nil Miller otto Km a. N N Ilohbitn. Thos liuckinan, from Justiets Chas. T. lli. k- The following unis o.iirt win allowed: u..rinu'!iicr Precinct. J.J. j lt....-..t- I "reidc $7 : A. R. vrns. Tu 1 .tin. ; W. P. Hums, Oregon. , Vai.kni i.nk's Hay. -To-morrow is St. Val-ntine's Day, and those who wish to observe it properly will send their tiny missiles to their "swate-hcarts," (with a one-cent stamp on thein to in- tiru their delivery.) This day was formerly .id in the Old World as a lay s ier.d to St. alentme. it ns m verv old notion, alluded to by Js.iaKs- r.are. that on this day birds begin to r tuple, lit-nee arose the custom of tn ling on this day letters containing professions of love and affection. 1 tie c utom in this country has almost :. -ted to lie observed, on account ot the abuse it has been subjected to. A ;.))! ONi-:. Tins is told on a Meth odist Sin lay School Superintendent l.nt!i;i:i a hundred miles from this city: List S in liy. after the general r.t.-iUti m, the Superintendent asked tin 4X100I 'who was John thu Uaptist?' i ...i,;n ,r ih-i'or six siimiii'-is, Vie v.nwercl. A UMU r : I :ie UK KiLt-tr nt-Mi lent re;H-,i ram .i r . . "1 Willi tills ijmi-s i; ,, , I it 1 it. r--tlv. or n l at ail, aui n-i""'" wit,;i r,- iv ' l a nrom;t iv r. ,. .tiiar 1 1 1 1 - ',! i: i : "ll-1 nse was a lUp'ist .Mieh,-r:" TheS.ipcrtntcn.Ient E"l. Gkanp CoM-K-nr. The concert given ' at pr.,.. 's Hall by Rev. Mr. Sellwood, j Ust Wedn s lay cveni:i-'. was a grand aiTVir. The music sounded most beau tifd. A 1 ir.- au li. ie-e greeted the a....-! s, and the manner m which t!ov C e-re-1 the signers showed thai. i.iiw- I.. iron.iu- i.m i.i lied 'OS. i Til- -.iigttrH were .M 'iuii.ll, I'm rum, Mres tn l Ha eh. a id Messrs. Y4tv II At.-h. Jo!ins..n, Pop S'-ll .vikhI ! Sell wood, .Cochran, I llu-k. md Mrs Hestow. 1 lie j wrAniat was M ss Maggie Kelly. orvu-r.n.slNST.i.iKi. -The following ,,111'fM were installed list Saturday reningas.mcersof Willamette Lodge N . F.. I.O. G. T., for the quarter be Kinninz February: E. M. Caldwell, W. C. T. ; Grandma Pease. R. ''-v TrilU Kwster. E. IE S. : Mrs. J. v. lark. W. V. T.; T. J. S.tooner. See.; 1 1 lo net W F S ; E J S xvatV. rd, I reas ; C Miinltcll. Marshal : Eliza En-ly, Guard ; E E E istham. S.Mitiie-1 ; Rev M Ju ly, P W C T; George C N atson, W C. I, k nnii I,isr. The following is a li-.t of the Eetters remaining in the P .st-olli -e at Oregon City, February 7, 1574 : ,Ts Elton. EG Hutton.GeoM Jones fU,, Living-ton. Thos C Linton. G II I invill v -EioR Lirkins. Joseoh Pmk l,r i ; so Patterson. J A Robb. Miss Ann smith. Wm D Stout, F A Simmons If called for, pie is.-say when a. or ti.W." J-M- Haox. P.M. Vunvn MiM'- Messrs. J. D.and Fred Hurst of this city, and Messrs. Fred. Gray and George Korthaner, of Linn couiitv. have formed a partnership for th piirixtseof ercctjng a Iirst-elass grist mill at Corvallis, on the old site near tho mouth of Mary's river. Hiey cx Pct tohavUh- mill completed iy next harvest. This is an important enter prise. Bhn ros Coitntv At.M We are in receipt of the Benton County Alma nac for 174, published by W. B. Carter of the Corvallis Gazette. It contains an abrid-ed history of Benton county. It is. however, gotten upon tho 'patent style. Fon Chief. Fountain Hose Compa ny has nominated Ambrose Bailey for ' hief Engineer, to be voted for at the Fireman's election, on Monday, March 2d. The other Companies have not yet nominated. A correspondent at Oregon City says that the gentlemen who took part in the Woman Suffrage Meeting there on Mondav ninht.are all "hald-headed ex perienced men." Portland Bulletin. LlTEUAKY. A literary society has been formed at the Holmes school trtii- lkrut St. til ile from town. A. It. Cyrus i I'rosident. It meets on Wed nesday evening of ea:h week, Iki.e.4ATKs. The following dele Ktes were elected to the Temperance Alliance from Willamette I.odce : T. 6J. f noo nor. K. It. Clements. K. J. Swaf ford and Peter Pa-uet. Kelioiock. The protracted mectting La been continued during the week and hav) large congration-. Services at th Baptist Church this evening. New Scsday School. Rev. M. Judy, of the Methodist Church, has or ganized a .Sunday School at Canemah. It convenes at three o'clock, P. M. ToSalem. Mr. C. F. Heatio iid a fl.Ting visit to Salem last Wednesday, lie paid the balance of tho State taxes due from this county. "Heavtifui. Snow." Snow fell to tho derah of tliroc iuches in this burg on Wednoada.v nijjht. P?t.t-oNAi,. Mr. JohnMarshall, Pur er en t'.io P.ejvfr. railed i eft .-rds-", 1 Institution of Wimawhala Eucamp , meat. On last Monday some ten Odd Fel lows from this city, several from Salem, some fifteen from Albany, and quite a number from Ilarrisburg and Junction City, went to Eugene City to assist in instituting an Encampment at that place. Grand Representative A. Noltner, by authority of the Grand Lodue of the United States, was delegated as Special Deput3' Grand Sire, and with Patri i archs A. E. Stinson, G. W. ; A. . Bai ley, G. H. P.; Henry II. Gil fry, G. S. ; and J. M. Bacon, Treas., as grand orti- eers, instituted Wimawhala Encam- j merit No. 6, with the petitioners who j are charter memlters. Patriarchs E. 1. j Bristow. J.J. Walton, Jr., Wrn. Kil- I i lingsworth, Wm. J. Shipley, Frank T. : Singer, George W. Kinsey, Benj. F. Dorris, N. L. Lee and A. G". llovey. I Aftr the organization the following ! persons were duly elected and install ed as officers of the Encampment for the ensuing term : E. E. Bristow, C. P. ; B. F. Dorris. II. i P.; J.J. Walton, Jr.. S. ; Wm. J. Shipley. StiIo. F. T. Singer, Treas., j anil Wm. KiU'm-jcsworth, J. W. After ! installation fourteen jersons were ad- mitted by initiation and one by card, j Tjite in the evening the members ! forty-eight in uuiiiU-r sat down to a ! bountiful and well-prepared supper at the Railroad House, by Charles Baker. All united in saying it was a most su perb collation, and justice wasdono to it by the guests. The brothers and friends in Eugene treated ns and all who went along, in the most hospitable and friendly man ner,, and we extend to them our heart felt thanks for their irenerosity and i brotherly kindness. Many inquiries j have been made why the name Wim ' awhala was given to the Encampment, and what was its meaning. We think I tlie name a very appropriate one. It is ' an Indian word, and was the name j given by the California Indians to the ! upper portion of the Willamette Val 1 lev. namely : the coast and middle forks of said river and their tributaries, and si:n"fi's "leauti:'ul hills, beautiful valleys, and sparkling waters." ! All returned home well pleased with their trip ami with the progress of Odd Fellowship in that vicinity. I'l O'Kii. Mr. E. B. Clements has re cently closed a three months term of school at Highland with credit to him sjlf and to the sai fiction of thos-; con cerned. Mr. W. Whitloek has also clos ed his school, a few miles from this city. Cong rc!i mal News. "Washington. Feb. 4. Drafts on the Assistant Treasurer at San Fran cisco to the amount of over 7o,,000J were sent to-day to that city, ad dressed to Major Baclielder, for dis tribution among those who furnished supplies etc., for the troops in the Modoc war. Vas!iini;tox, Fel). 7. Tlie Com missioner of Internal Revenue has detailed two oiiicers to proceed to Sail Francisco to examine into reve nue matters there. The House Committee on Appro priations have been confirmed inthcir conclusions that the present force of the army is larger than necessary, by tlie testimony given before the Military Committee to the effect that there, were already too many soldiers in the Indian country, though the proposed reduction is expected to fall mainly on the army in the East and South. Felix Rrunot and Maj. rowel1, of the C lo a o p ori lg expedition, and George W. lngalls, the latter of whom acted is Special Commissioner to investigate Indian aitairs in Southern California. Utah, Nevada, and Idaho, expressed this opinion. ! Yasuix:tox, Feb. S. The Com mittee on Indian affairs are maturing measures which look to a change in tlie management of Indian affairs, dispensing with the present Indian Commissioners and restoring the management tothc "War Department-. Washixutox, Feb. 0. Tlie bill of i Mr. Dawes, intra 1 need in the House ! this morning and referring to the j Post OihVe Committee, fixes the rate j of postage on all letters, including i drop letters and postal cards, at two ; cents, and provides that no stamped j envelopes bo hereafter used. Tlie Joint Committee on Lnbrary to-day, authorized their Chairman to contract with Horatio N. Stone for a niarblw statue of tho late Senator K. D. Raker, provided for by act of last Congress. The statue is to cost i?10.0M), and is to be placed in the Capitol. The Chair announced as Senate members of Committee to investigate tho affairs of the District of Colum bia, Frelinghuysjn, Routwell and Thurman. Subsequently Freling- hnysen requeste i that Conklii appointed in his place. linpr bo Carpenter introduced a bill for a new election in Eouisiana. The title of the bill is "To restore the rights of the State of Louisiana. The Duty of .Democrats. We take tlie following extract from, the Baker City Herald. It is appli cable to many parts of our State. It says : We hold that it is the duty of Democrats to vote for th men of their choice, and not be influenced by tho. silly twaddle of any petty wonld-bc dictator. Tho men who compose the Democratic party in Ba ker county, are all capable of judg ing and actin.c" for themselves; and they will do it regardless of the er ratic bickerings and dictations of any man or clique. It is high time that the people look into these matters in sober earnest, and vote accordingly. Loud, senselesspretensions will serve as lood for fools, onlv. but foitu nately we have but few of that clas.i in our county. Every community is cursed to a greater or less extent in this respect. It is t l .vavs the niu- iortune of every section of conutrv to nave a kind of side-show in their must, which plays for the amuse uhmit.oi the disaffected. But time is working great changes. People will me- imng in the right lightsome- The Vilest Si-ecxmex.-TIio Brook lvn TZt-iil o-,-ci c t .i , -j j"- nuuer s speech on tho negro question: "Butler's acts during the war found palliation with many in the angers and fnries of the struggle; but this abnegation of race i: - i .... iciiuqiusument of his white manhood, presents him to the pres ent, ami will paint him for the fu i -i i. lure, us inu wiesi, specimen of its possibilities that it ever produced." -- On tlie 24th ult.. Baker City snb cribed SO.OOO to tho Bluo Monntain Uoivcrsitv. La Grande has subscrib ed ncarSiOXJO for tcliclarshlr.s, ' Organization of the Clackamas Ooun ty liqual Rights Club. Monday evening, 9th inst., the Court House at Oregon City was filled to re pletion with an intelligent and orderly audience, on the occasion of the perma nent organization of the friends of jus tice and reform. Mrs. Sarah M. McCown was elected temporary chairman. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Mrs. Miranda S Buck presented the report of the canvassing committee, showing that the following persons had pledged themseles to maintain an association favoring woman suffrage : S Augusta Ch Alice Ilnnsakf-r. Miranda I'.uck, MOUlii luui. W Athev, X At hey. Sarah M Mo.own, V farcy Johnson. Reman Buck, V O Harding. Rev Martin Judy, II L liacon, M A Edmunds, Olive McCord, Fannii Cochran, Mary White. Kushii Meldrum, P t Miller, Km ma Chas-, Amy Kern?., Rosa Smith, DrJ W Norris, J M Bacon, Cvnthia Howard, Mrs J F Clarke. Mrs II Pease, Sarah Athev, Rodney Tompkins, J It linriow, George Newman, Julia Johnson. 'I- T ...... . i J -iaiioCK, H A .Matlock. A Mills, Mary E. Capps, Ianiel Tnlbert, W A Phillips. James M Moore, Hiram Cochran. Jacob Wort man, J P Ward, Mrs Jaeoo Wort man, Ella liacon, John Wort man. Many others had expressed them selves as favorable; also, accessions were expected by the first mails from the outside precincts. A statement of the views and expres sions of Mrs. F. Cochran, relative to the woman question was read. The chairman of the committee on constitution and by-laws forms which were adopted. Article I. provides that the organiza tion shall be known as the "Clackamas County Equal Rights Club." Article IE is as follows: "The ob jects of this Club shall be. first, the rec ognition of the Equal Political Rights of all class of citizens, resrard less of sex : secondly, the use of all laudable means to means to siren re the exercise of these rigiits ; thirdly, tho moral and mental improvement of the members of the Club, the community ami the human race ; fourthly, the subservience of the personal interests of the members of tlie Club as far as connected with the objects of this Club." ltemarks were made upon the justice anil value of impartial stilfrage and kindred suhiocts by the Hon. W.Carev Johnson, Mrs. W." W. Buck, Prof. P. Bauimrras, M rs. Sarah M. McCown, and E. L. E ist ha in. The following additional signatures were obtained from the audience : Mrs W W buck, Emma Harrington, Sarah J Thaek.-r, Wm J Whitloek, Oeorjre J Hurley, k Ij Kastham, : Oliver Alhrisht, Jennie l'.arlo.r. F esley lir.--fnnian.AiHl others. Tlie following persons were elected delegates to the Oregon Woman Suf frage Association, which will be holden at 'Portland Friday and Saturday of this week: Miss Julia Johnson. Mrs. Sarah M. McCown, Mrs. S. Miranda Biu-k, Messrs. W. Carey Johnson. E. Ij. Etstham, Mrses. J. l)e Vore Johnson, S. Augusta Chase, V. O. Harding, and 1 Ion. "S. A. Mills. It was announced thit notice would be given of tin; ivxt meeting, when of ficers would be elected. A rssoliitiou ollered ly Rev. M.Judy was adopted, requesting publication of the proceedings of the' meeting in. the OiiKiiON I 'liV Ex i kuimusi:, Daily Orc gonian. Daily Bulletin, and New North west. On motion the meeting adjourned. J. Di-: Vokk Johnson, See'.y pro tern. Tn KP.1-: is so much of beauty and ar ti die excellence in tli v February nuiii oer of the Al tine, no lover of tlie line arts can well atl'onl to allow it to re m lin a closed book. Tlie promise held out for the New Year, in tho January number, of a volume of surpassing worth and taste, is sustained in this is s ic. A do.. 'li beautiful pictures cm- bdlisli its pi;-res. more than half of which are original American views. Mr. W. M. Cary has a spirited full pajre pteture of "Antel.jpe-Hunting on the Plains:" tho hounds are in full pursuit of a herd of deer, which are e urstii'r like the wind over the loot- hills at the base of the Kockv Moun- ins. With this catalogue of the con tents of the 1-Vhru ary A Mine, we can safely say no other "American publica- tisn ever ollered its readers so many art and literary attractions. Subscrip tion prioo, $1. including chromos "The F. ist 1 and " The West." Jsnies Sutton it Co., publishers, oS Maiden Lane, New York City. The February number of Wood's Household Magazine is really a mar vel of what can !o. furnished for only one dollar a year : cojisideriiijj- the cost and tho quality this is the cheapest magazine whi"h conies to our table. Its "articles have a chastcucss about them which is not alwas found in fe riodical literature-, which adapts it to till a dace now too largely occupied ly cheap publication that are positively injurious to the young, without being exactly immoral. Tho publisher an nounces that hereafter the magazine will always be illustrated. Subscriptions may legin with any number. Unlv one dollar a year ir with Chromo Yosniite, f 1,5. Address Wood's Household Magazine, Newburgh, X. Y. At the conclusion of the ceremony of installing the oiiicers of Oakland Lodge of the" Onler of Itebekah, last week, Mr. J. J. Walton, on behalf of Messrs. E. L. Bristow ami IJ. 1 Dor ris, of Eugene, presented the Lodge with a beautiful picture emblematic of the Order. Mr. U. Herman ac cepted the picture, in a very happy livc minutes' speech. A lino supper, gotten up under the personal direc tion of Mr. It. Thomas, was served immediately after tho adjournment of the Lodge. IM-ecautioiis Against Sicklies. The ability of tho human body to resixt the causes or disease depends upon its vig or and upon the regularity with which the several organs perform their functions. In the winter tho most prolific sources of sickness are damp and cold, and it is there fore wisi and prudent to fortify the system acainst them by wholesome stimulation. Hence it is that Host -tter's Stomach Bit ters prove such an admirable safeguard against the complaints most common to this season. The ingredients of this pow. erf ul vegetable invigorant comprise three essential medicinal elements which act simultaneously upon the digestion, the cir culation, the secretions, and the nerves, infusing strength and regularity into all. In this wav the Bitters put the body in the best possible condit ion to escape an attack of rheumatism, or intermittent lever, or indi -estion, or billiousness, or of pulmon. ary disease. Cold and damp are very de pressing; almost as much so as excessive heat, and a protective medicine is .piite as neediul in winter as in summer. The com mercial stimulants so unwisely taken in the form of drams to "keep out the cold." have a precisely opiosite effect to that pro duced by Hostetter's Bitters, lhetr llrst result is succeeded by a reaction which do vitalizes and prostrates the system ; while, on the other band, the tonic and vitalizing operation of the creat vegetable invigorant, Is not only immediate but permanent. Thrc is no revulsion, no reverse nervous action. The physique is strengthened, the appetite increased, the bowels regulated, the stomach reinforced, and thess con. ditions continue. If dyspepsia or rheuma tism, or billiousness, or intermittent lever, or general debilitv. or nervous weakness, is present in the system, expel it with this pure and harmless antidote, which is not only invaluable asa preventive Ot sickness, but also a remedy lor a largo olass of dis orders. Forttho very b?st photographs, go to Brad ley A Iiulofsoa (Jalery without STAIRfe Atceml iu the Elevator, 420 Montgomery ?!rct, Eaa Trz:y?cr, California. 1 INTERESTING TO INVALID LADIES. HAhlemville, Columbia Co., N. Y. July 9, 17.1. it. V. Pierce, M8 D. : Dear Sir Your lavoris Just received. I Intended to have written to you several weeks since concerning the improvement in my health which is now very abparent. I have used one bottle of Favorite Pre scription with the best results, although I will admit I was somewhat discouraged alter Us us-i (for a short time only). I took it under very disadvantageous circum stancehaving the supervision of the house and during the season of "house cleaning" I was obliged, thriuh the in competency of help, to do nioro than I ount, and, of corse, suffered dreadiully, luted when 1 ought not to have raised my hand, and did all I could to bring "order out oi chaos." but upon laying aside all cares and continuing the r.-medy I find alter usinV less than on" bottle to b so much beuinted that 1 have discontinued the use, with no return oi the symptons of which 1 wrote you. I have suffered terri bly and what added to my distress was the consciousness oi not procuring relief irom ordinary sources, at timei it seemed about impossible to stand so urat was the dis tress. All of those severe neuralgic pains have disappeared, they were so bad at times I could hardly walk without somo external pressure. They s-em to have leit me like magic, suddenly, and have had no return : all other symptoms have been removed. 1 he severe weakness and raininess have disappeared, and I can go up stairs with com i arif ive taw now I would have informed you ero this of my lmprovem. iits, for I appreciated it, but I was feariul it was only transient benefit I was receiving, but I think sufficient time has elapsed to consider the beneficial re sults iermanent. Accept of my best wishes for your future success and your kindness in advising me. Very truly, Mrs. M. NETTIE SNYDER. CONFESSIONS CF AN INVALID. PCBMsriKn as a warning and for the benefit of Young Mkn and OTHF.ns who suffer from NKBVOL'S DEUIIJTY, LOSS OK MANllUOl , etc., uniting out the mean of trtf-curt: Written by Nathaniel. May Fair, Ksq., who cured hims'lf after under going considerable quabkery, and mailed lree on receiving a post-paid directed enve-lo-e, bvtlie publisher. DIt. JOHN M. DAGNAbb, 11 Clinton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. It is now generally admitted by honest nphieians, that when once t he consumption- is tairly fastened upon the lungs, no human pover can save the patient Irom d'-nt!i. They also say t hat about fiftv jer c nt. of those who die Irom this disease Ciin trace the cause to a neglected cough or cold, which might have been cured by a small bottle of Liquid Opodeldoc, or what is the same thing, Johnson's Anotlyne Lini ment. Time Ktended tu March 1, 1S7 1. The time for the purchase of the following Text.-I'.ooks, at introductory rates, has been extended to March 1, 1871, and may be had from the und-rsiirned : barnes' Uriel" History of the IT. S Jl 00 Clark's beginner's (Grammar 40 t'lariCs Normal Ciraminar 70 Montcith's Introduction to Geography Pacific l 'oast Kdition . 1 Xi Steel's Fourteen Weeks in Philosophy. 1 IK) Steel's Fourteen Weeks in Physiology. 1 00 Wood's botanist and Florist 1 70 I'.rooks' Normal Mental Aritnmatic M0 Pacific Coast Filth Header ttt JOHN MY KKS. A PPO I NT M KNTS OFTIIE M . K. Cl I IT UCH Soltii Kkv. A. IIaiimson, Pastou: I'cavcr Creek, Marvin Chaiel, first Saturday and Sabbath in each month; Springwater, second Saturday and Sabbath in each month ; Cavaiiangh Chapel, third Saturday and Sabbath in each month; Powell's Valley, fourth Saturday and Sabbath in each month. l-'on Sai.k. We will sell either a Flo rence or ('J rover fc ISaker Sewinfr Ma chine at San Francisco orices. In order that those who desire a machine, and are not aide to pay the entire amount may he accommodated, we will sell them on the installment jflan, payable mo much per mouth until paid lor. OBSTACUCS TO MAKKIACK. Happy Relief for Y.Ming M.'ii from the eir -ets of Krrors and Abiis'-s in early life. Manhood restored!. Impediments to Mar riaic( removed. New m-thod of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. 1 looks and circulars sent fr.", in sealed envelopes. Address, HoWAItli Assi ) 'IATIOX, No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia. J'a.. an In stitution having a liliiti reputation tor hon orable conduct and professional skill, nov'j :ly NEW TO-DAY. To Whom it May Concrrn. "V"OTICK IS IIEItKIlY CilVKX THAT I will not. be n-si'onsible for unv debts con tract -count. by any ot hr jmtsou on m v ac ISAAC M. FOSTKH. t )re February i:Jth, 1S7I. UAM) EXHIBITI0X, c s cinrr and ball: THE OREGON CITY TURN VERIENS rii.L, (JIVE A GRAND EXHIBITION, Tt t'oncert and Ball, o.n Tuesday even ing, February !, 1ST1, at POPE'S NEW I ALL. PROGRAMME Part I. 1, Overture Ca vat ina, from I.ucregia Bor gia By the Orchestra ; 2, Song, quartette by p. T. Sing Club; :, Soprano Solo, 'Beautiful Isleof the Sea, Oregon City Amateur; 1, Exercises .Members Turn Veriens; 5, I m -It, "The Minute Gun at Sea." O. Amateurs ; 7, Grand Piano Solo Miss Abraham ; 7, Indian Club Sw inging. A. C. Miller. Part II. , 1, Overture, Daughters of ColumbiaBand ; "2, Tenor Solo, "ived Ones at Home," O. l'. Amataur ; .1, Exercises on Double Bar. ..Turn Veriens; 4, Song, Quartett" I. T. Singing Club; o, Piano Duet. Vaillanee Folka Milletan Miss Abraham and Master Meyer. i. Double Trapeze... Mess. Marx a Brenkley. Music ity Mr. C'li.-is Bray's String IJund The Committee projoseto spare neither pains norexjH'nse to make this t he grand est, ntfair ever taken place in Oregon city. The public are cordially invited to attend. Doors iix'n at 7 ; Conc r l egins at 7.'i. Admission to Concert and Exhibition. ") cr-nts ; Children under ten years, half price. Admission to Concert, Exhibition and Ball, $2 5n. By order oi the COMMITTEE. Oregon City, Feb. 5, 1S71 Ml rt-th Orancl Cfilt Concert FOR TIIK BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC LIISRAKY OF KEXTVCRT. OVER A )IILUj)N IN BAR !! A X D .1 FULL DBA H"-V(r ASS L BHD. On Tuesday, Slst Day of Mnrrh, Next. r Only &1.000 tickets have been issued and !1,500,000!! Divided into 112,000 CASH GIFTS. LIST OF GIFTS: One Grand Cash Gilt 5250,000 One Grand Cash Gilt - 1n),UO0 One Grand Cash Gift 50,'KJO One Grand Cash Gift. One Grand Cash Gilt.. 25,000 17,o00 10,000 each. loo.ooO 0. 1XiO each. I5,RiO 1. txjOcach, 50,000 500 each. 40,1X10 4JRI each, 40,0 .)each, 45,(NK) J00 each, 50,000 100 each. 32,.5"0 50 each, 550,m0 10 Cash gitts, 30 Cash gilts, 50 Cash gitts. 80 Cash gilts. 100 Cash gitts, 150 Cash gilts, 250 Cash gilts. 325 Cash gilts, ll.ow Cash gilts. Total. 12,0iJ0gifts,all cash f 1,500.000 The concert and distribution of gifts will positively and unequivocally take place on the dav now lixed, whether all the tickets are sold or not. and the 12,000 gilts all paid in proportion to the nutnixToi tickets sold. PRICE OF TICKETS i Whole tikets, $50; Halves, S25; Tenths, or each coupn. J3 ; Eleven whole tickets for 509 224 whole tickets for $1,000 -, 113 whole tickets for S5.000 ; 227 whole tickets for $10. Onu. No discount on Jess than $5i0 worth of tickets. . THO. E. BB.VMLETTE, Agent rublic Library Kentucky, and Manager Gift Concert. Publio Llb-nry CuilUig, LouiEvill, Ky, fei13 4 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, f7' TlfVDQ TTV HT? rATTT?nOMTA To School Clerks. We have just received a supply of blanks for the an nual reports of School Clerks, differ ent from" those of any previous year, and, according to instructions, all re ports must be made out on these blanks. Clerks can call at this ollice and get them, or write by mail and they will be forwarded. Cut this notice out and bring It with you. We are authorized to refund the cash to any person or persons who shall buy and use ParsoTis' Purgative IHru and fail of re lief and satisfaction. Of all, awfcl, NiGnTSofNns, that of a frightful cough reverbratlng through the darkness, is tho most saddening. "A'ould you be spared this infliction and save the lite endangered by the complaint, admin ister Hale's Houey of Ilorehound and Tar. Crittenton's. 7 Cth Avenue. Sold by all Uruggests. I'ike's Toothache Props cure In 1 minute 1 340. 1 874. AIX-KIJLLililt! THE GREAT FAMILY MEDICINE OF THE AGE. Taken Iutrrually, It Cures Dysentery, Cliolsra, Diarrhea, Crump inxl I'll ill in the Stoniurh, Howel Complaints, Painten' Colic. Liver Compluiitt ; Dy.pepkie, Jndiy ca tion, Sore T'hroul, Snddwu Coldc, CouUil, .Wr. kVc. Used Exttrnally, It Currs Boils, Felons, Cut. Bruises, Burns. Scalds, O'd Surrs, Sprains, Toothache. Pain in the Fare, Jtenraljia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet, Jsc., S e., l c PAIN-KILLER. after a thorough trial by innumerable liv ing witnesses, has j roved itself 111K Mt- 11CIS K .)! TI1K AUE. It is an internal and external remedy. One positive proof of its i-mcacy is, that its sales have con stantly increased, and wholly uixn its own merits. The enVct of the l?aiiT.-Ivillex upon the patient when taken ease ot Cold, Coujjh, IJJwel Complaint. Cholera, liysentery, a hd other afflictions of the system, has been truly wouderiul, and has won lor it a name among medical pre parations that can never be forgotten. Its success in removing pain, ns an ext. rnal remedv, in case of Uurns, Bruises, Sores, Sprains, Cuts, stings of Insects, and other causes of suffering, has secured for it such testimony, as an infallible remedy, that it will be hand .'d down to posterity us one of the greatest medical discovere-s of the nineteenth century. Tho Iain-Ivilloi- derives much of its topulnrity from the simplicity attending its use, which gives it a pi-culiar value in a family. 1 he various diseases which may be reached by it, and inthcir incieient stasres eradicated, are among those which are peculiarly fatal if sutfered to run -. but the curative magic of this preparation at once disarms them of their terrors. In all resnexts it lultillsthe conditions of a popular medicine. Be sure you call lor a"d get the genuine Pain-Killer, as many worthless nostrums are attempted to be sold on the great repu tat ion ot this valuable medicine. B "Directions oc-company each bottle. Price -2o cents, o'l cents and 51 per bottle. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. WILLAMETTE RIVER TRAKSP0RTAT!0N GO'S AriLL LEAVE FLANDERS WIIAUF, y Port land, at 0 o'clock, a. M.,as follows : For Corviillis and Intermediate Points : Monday, "Wednesday and Friduy. For Albany niul Intfrnii'iliate Points: Muntluy, Tne.clay, Wednesday, Thu rs day hiiiI l-'ritlay. For Davlon, Ln Favi'tte and McMinnvillc: Saturday and Monday. Passage to Corvallis $2 (X Pasag.? o Altany 1 50 Passage to Salem 100 Passage to McMinnvillc 100 B. GOLDSMITH, President. December 12th, 187:1. If. SELLING OFF AT COST! FOR 00 DAYS ! Strictly For Cash, Only Our Kiatirc IiocS ol C lothing, Dry Good, Root and Shoe, IIuls, Ktiriiisliliic Good, Jew elry and Fncy Goods, Groceries, Etc. TK INTEND HF.UEAFTER TO DO A T T 61 im.i And will be enabled to give everybody sat isfaction, compared with prices elsewhere. Give us a call and examine for yourselves. LEV V BUGS. Oregon City, Jan. 1st, 1S74. JOHN 31. IJAC0N,- "TM POUTER AND DEALE in Books, Stationery, Perlum cry. etc., etc. Oregon C'ily, Oreg-on. B7At Charman &. Warner's old stand, lately occupied by S. Ackeman, Main st. SOCIETY NO TICES. OKi:CO I.OPGK XO. 3, I. I. ). I'., Meets every Thursday cveninirat7li o cio-k, in tne $2Sa Odd lellows' iiall, .Main -5K street. Members of the Or der are invited to attend. I'.v order X. Cr. iii-.Hi:cc.v di:c;ri:i: i.oix:k . .1. I. O. O. 1-., Meets on the Ui-.-.,-rl Vonrfb TllPS- . . . i .... i - . - -. - - . - - - . , dav evenings each month, ITtCdE. at 7 O CHICK, 111 NIC oo Fellows' Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. MUI-TXOMAH LODtJK XO. I, A A A. M.. Holds its regular com munieations on the First and Third Saturdays in each month at 7 o'clock from the 20th of Sep trmber to the 20th of March ; and o'clock from the 20th of March to the 2"th of Septemlter. Brethren in good stanain:; are invitca to attena. lly ordor of W. M FALLS ENCAMPMENT XO. 1, f. O. O. F., Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall onthe First and Third Tues day of each month. Patriarchs in good standing are invited to attend. Watches and Jewelry. THE UNDERSIGNED announce to the cit izens of Oregon f ity and Clackamas 'ounty that tte have just oi-ened a Jewelry Establishment in OREGON CITY, , , OREGON, Main street, next door north of Shades Sa loon, where they will kpep on hand and for sal, all goods pertaining to their line, AT THE LOWEST LIVING RATES. Especial attention given to the repairing Of Fin Time Pieces. All goods feoid.and work done warranted. - GEO. A. HAAS t BON. Or5ii C;tj; Jan.. 1st, r i ii mi r 7Wa M H R G II A. JV D 1 8 X . THOMAS ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A. Nimble Six Tenet is Setter than a Slow Shilling. I have Just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors. Chlnnware, Queens ware. Stoneware, Crockery, Plated ware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Patent Medicines. Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Faming tlonsof Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings. Oil Cloth. Wall Paper, etc.. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOST COMPLETE ever offered in this market, and was selete.l with especial care lor the Oregon City trade. All oi wnicn l now oiler lor sale at the Lowest Market Ra es. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of tfoing to Portland to buy goods tor I am Determined to Sell. Cheap and not to allow myseii to oe UNDERSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask Is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements ol the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIAKMAN cannot be beaten In quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell you all the advantages I can olTer you in the sale of iroods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap- pointeu. All 1 wish to say Is Come, and Si'c,and Examine for Yourselves fori do not wish to makS any, mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon, l hanking all lor the liber al patronage heretotore bestowed. THOS. CHAIIMAN, Main Street, Oregon City Legal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. liius. ciiAit.MAN. a-oO.OOO lbs wool wanted by THOS. CHARMAN. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE -o- rpHE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR OF Ji the Livery Stable on Fifth street .Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Saddle and Buggy Horses, Uuggries, larrlagnanil iiucki. Prices Xcoai-onal)le. He will also run a hack to and from the WILHOIT SODA SPRINGS during the summer season, with good petent and gent lemaniyuri vers. FARE AT LIVING BATES. J. M. FRA7.ER, Proprietor. Oregon City, May 27. 1ST3. JOHN SCHRAM, Main St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF Saddles, Unrnetin, Suddlery-IInrl uare, etc etc. w HICH HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 9Jl warrant my goods as represented. 1,000 DEER SKINS av a sr rr i: u, ASD ALSO, VLL OTHER KINDS OF HIDES. FOR which I will pay the highes market price in cash Bring on your hides and get yourcoin lortnem. JOHN SCHRAM, Saddle and Harness Maker Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, 1873-m3. ip n it k s ii SHOALWATER BAY OYSTERS! rl .HE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCES X to the citizens of Orctron fitv that he has reoiened his Oyster Saloon and Res- taurant. and can dish out Fresh Oysters to nu orders. Colfee, Tea and C'hocolat always on hand; also a ireneral assort ment of confectionary. Oysters served up in every style desired. IXJUIS SAAL. Oregon City, Sept. i26, 1873-tf. &T1LL IN THE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS SALOON. WILLIAMS & HARDING. AT THE- LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Groceries to be found in the city. All goods warranted. Goods delivered In the city free of ehan,-. The highest casb price. paid for country produce. Qrcgon C:ty March b 1T3.. AUCTIION A-yjt COMMISSION'. O A. B. RICHARDSON, Corrtr of Front dtOak -. rF or Auction Sales Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Mer chandise and Horses.- SALE DAYS Wednesday and Pntnn'.uy A. B. RICHARI SUN. Auction'. iTw English Refined Bar and Bundle Iron,. English Square and Octagon Cat Steel, Horse Shoes, Rasp,'0 8aw8Sjcc-j,Kr-l,nt11 Sheet Iron, IC. G.Iron.- o ALSt; A large asiortmfRt of G-Aeertes and I !j--uors. A.B.-RlCHAltliSiiN,-Jan. 1, 1873-tf. Ai-t'KHvr.- 3fA. 2,'UFACTOB ftiST.. IMPERIAL fV3 I LLS. Savior, LaRocfiue & Co. o Oregon Keep eoitatly on harul for sal Khr Middlings, Dlun and Chicken Feed.. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sacU. WAGON AND CARRIAGE. 31 X IV IT FACTORY t o o THE UJCDERSIONEU. having Increased the di mensions of his the old stand on the t Corner ot Mailt and Third Ktjct, Oregon City, Ore?: cr Takes this method of informing TAs uM p.T trons, and as many new on. s as mn.Y be pleased to call, mat ne is- nw ir p:it. ., with ample room, uool mni. i j., verv best of mechanics, to builu nm-w. re construct, make,. paint, iron unci n:rn oin. all complete, any son oi a v mco- iniu. com mon Cart to a Concord Coach.. '1 ry me. IilackKiitltltiiifT, IIoi-e or Ot SliorJir. q and General Jobbing nently, c-ni-kly, nd cheaply done. IA 11 s..l i II.. - - JAMES rELr-C, MASONIC HALL BCn AING.f Oregon City, KEEKS C0N9TANTIA on hand and for sale, chea p for cash , Parlor. Bedroom, Office, Sittingroom, amV Kitchen Furniture,. Bureaus, I.oungrp. Rocking Chai?,. ' Whatnots, BedMnd, Wash amis. Curled Hair, and Pulu M a-M r r sc s. Pulu Pillows. . Spring Beds, Pi ct u r e Fr.ini " . ; MouldInjr'. rfc., i-t-c. Sjiecial attention given to Cpholsf.ry work in all its branches. Orders fill, d with ncss. Itepairlnir dfim with nat ness a nd disatcli. Furniture mad" order. Call and examine foryourslv.-s. 17mry72 WILLIAM SI XGK ll HAS BSTABLISIIKD A FACTORY tMIK FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL HILLS. They will- also' do Turnini: of ewry de scription to-order,, o WITH NEATNESW AND DUV.'tTCH ! VA11 work wartant-'d. Shop -7, the River, in Lewis' Shop Oimjus-u Otien City Mills. PACIFIC G O O BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, Soutliwest Cornrr First r.nd .Yen if on Sts o BORTLAXD, ORKf.O.W. this DATft tvr: rtATr: . adopted Hip basis .au hard tims mm. Conic and sec lis and tie r will Tx- mutu al satisfaction. CUSTOMERS at orn :.:....A x I'.:. I0W PEICZ8 O V R S K I V E S AT V A ti II. GEO K G if- A. gEASE, Southwest Corner Fi-rt" snd JCcrrifcn St? IPoi'tl'Aiicl, Oregon, August 22d. l??7-tf. FALL AND WIKTLR CCCCSl JUST RECKIVLI AT I. HEALER II Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots-and thof Hardware, Grocrric,, Cfock'-ry, Notions, Ladirs and Gents Furnishing. Good', c te.v t tc etc.. tc Main Stict . Cit tou I My. rrodiice of all kinds bortphf, for which I pay the highest mnrk't pric. If you d ; sire good Goods at Low prices, call at I. BELLI yV'S" and examine his new stock of Spring good Give me & call and eonvince yourselvrs. My motto Is, QTTrCK RACES A"tl65fAI.I. rROFITS." The highest m-arkct price pnid for- !, TuSEILINii, Oj-?oii City t Oct . r. , r" r. O JUr,l"4 o o e o O o O o o o O o o G G G o o O 0 O 5 I