Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, June 20, 1873, Image 1

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Si (i iiif 11
JF W Jw' W W
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VOL. 7.
1.1 U.
rarmer, Basinrss Man, i Family Circle.
i,-FirF.-In Dr. Tliossln.s Trick, next
th of SiilMrriiJlioni
r,.v On- Y-r. In Advance
.... l."
Six Months
Terms of Adverti-iinC s
. .. lv.-rti't-iii' iits, iiioliKliTig
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Cant, 1 Mtair. ono ye
o ri'.VSinVN AM) Sl'RGEON,
ultimo a tv. o nun ox.
u-t-WII. r i-nn.l iromi.tly to calls ilurJns
:a!h';rni:H,us,-,tnit. maim..,
tA. V7ATX!r23, SV1. D.,
I'L,.5 --..'1
a!.: r sir.-t. It.-siUcnco cra.-r
!:ua ana
Vfiil II si n-i'i.-..
7vW.i & Thompso-i,
O ovvh-k is -AuJuUL.
e'..rn, rf Fir.-:, ami ALU r Silvers,
. or;Kia)N.
B-WiM ije i: 'r -on " s'ltulV,;'-vs-
b. ay i-i, at. O
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still in tui: nr. LD!
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RKKl'l'iTK M-T riiMl'l.i'n'. Si I M K
..1 l-'unoly . ir.ir ri.'s t o t .an.l in t li"
n . All U'l'iiN war. init'd. lo.uls I. T l v -r I
i a i lio .-a v tr.-c it catj.'-. Tin- Higo. st t-a!i
l.rie ari-'iiiii ry i r.n.
r -.i hi l ity,
'.tan li US, l
oi-tick in I'osioKricK r.nr.piNc;.
I.or:il TMnlirs. Cl.ir1iim.n t'oiitity Or.
1'h ami (Iivjiph t'iCy UrdiTs
Loans n- t ial .!. Collect inns attendeil
o, suul a U. ii' Ml Ur. .k.-ay;o buinoss oarried
mi. jaatitf.
IMnhli.iiril inrr i'., t t!l stand.
?J:iin S!ri'!i,Or.-saa lit v. Orrcon.
iisw.r'i.iiT.t fif w at !i". .I.v. l
i.v . : 1 1 1 . 1 S. Til I'll' ii a as' V.i!a . '!-k
all nt which arc warrant! i! t. be as
r.-pr.'n-iit .'.i.
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hanklal t.r iat pMtri.nat :,
5 rT Q rr p I a I
5V1 E L
L S,
Savior LaKociiuo cc To.
Orcgcn City.
K.'co c..:istantly en tiarcJ for sat Flour,
Viiiii'irss. Plan :iiu1 ('iin-l-vcn 1'ei il. Parties
: i;rcha!iig tci-U miet I'jirnU'a tie- jack.
. 1 MPi HtTFU ANItPKAl.KP. slJ
'i f-Niiis, sia;km-y, jvrlain- f
r.v. to., etc.
Ort-on City. Ore.iT"".
:?At fhennnn A SVnrncr's n) tand,
ty occi;;.i''d by s. Ackcinan, Main st.
T or tho very bost pV.otoSraphs. s.1tnP,ral
y .t P. ilofsi.irs (Jal ry without ST MP.S
Klevator, 4C1 Montiomrv
ot, 4n Francisco, California. "
:rai . a v .j j
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111 ra PTH u re" fSi J C.T .1
LSra B Lau
1 .SH
- L1 I'Li-'l
Majority llepurt of th? Committee o:
Tlie following is tlie report of the
Committee on Commerce, to tlie
Farmer's Convention which met at
Salem last week, which wasadopteil:
For commercial, advantages Ore
gon is behind no State in the Union,
hoth for foreign and domestic trade.
The great river of the West which
sweeps along her nothern boundary,
with its large tributaries passing
through fertile valleys, affording
over a thousand miles of navigable
waters, and with the great improve
ments which Lave been, arid which
we may reasonably expect Avill be.
made upon the shoals and rapids,
will give facilities and cheapness of
transportation, if properlv guarded,
nowhere else enjoyed on the Pacific
slope through to an extended inland
cour.tr v. Tlie steamboat waters
within her dominions, with a system
of railroads completed, terminating
at the open sea, within her own bor
ders, will place Oregon in a high
commercial position, and. give to the
producers the relief from the enor
mous expense and waste to which
they have been subjected from the
indirect way in which our commerce
and trade has been carried on. pro
vided tlie right course be pursued hi
the future.
Your committee would at the out-
set lay down this proposition: that j
any mate or country having within
ner own oomers a good Jiaroor v. lih
a safe and easy entrance, with a ca
pacity to accommodate foreign and
domestic trade, that it is of vital im
portance to that Stare or eoimtry
that she pursue a policy encouraging
a trade with foreign count ri"s, so
that all foreign articles consumed
may be brought directly within her
! J .1
own uomam irom tne
ducing them, and t lint all art:
M-S (
.t I
export may thus be sent direct"; y to
the best markets. The harbor at the
month of the Columbia river gives
to the State of Oregon these advan-
tages. It. is sufficient in .Teeth of j
water on the bar and capacity within I
to aceommdate the trade of a hu g.1
empire. It is easy of access, ;md a
safe entiance without delays, pro-
vided a good and efficient boat is jn
attendance at the bar, which should
without fail always be the case.
Ships of 2.000 tons burden, drawing
21 or 22 feet of water, pass in and
out without difficulty full freighted..
In fact it may be considered cr,o'
among tlie best, harbors on the con
tinent: Out of the 2H2 vessels which
carried wheat from San Francisco to
foreign countries during the year
1S72, but two ships tool; out larger
cragoes than the Zouave from, the
mouth of the Columbia river. No
wrecks have been ma le at the en
trance of the harbor dicing the c-:'
ployment of a tug boat, ami ie'.Vi
wic';s within the last twenty yea
than at any ether harbor where l!
l i 1 1 1 of shippii ; 3..I - pa .
facts sire si -own by statistic
is made by a con leittee si
dbv the Chamber of Comm. n
at A-doria. t-.
winch report your.
mittee Avould
t r
e sittentioii i f
the members of this Convention.
The question may be sighed, is As
toria the ro;.(.r place for tho ex
change of ocean suul inland com
merce, or is some other point up. n
tlie river more ;ul smtagoous for our
commerces' Your committee unlies
itatingly iuinvcr Astoria is the ;aee
designated by nature and the laws
of trade for the exchange of com
merce for the Columbia, Ilivcr Val
ley, and for these reasons:
i irst, the Columbia river, above
Tongue point, is so obstructed by
bars siinl shoae-i that .- hijis su.cli as
can be employed most protHsxbly in
foreign traile, carrying large cargoes,
cannot pass sit any season of the year,
or under any circumstances. The
large chiss of shi2s which carrh d
wheat ti) foreign ports during the
pa-t season, sifter sill expenses ot'
towing and pilotage up and down
the river, suH'ering dehiys by
gror.iling and in waiting for high
ti..es to tioat them over lints ami
bars, had finally to take in from one
third to one-half of their cargoes ai
Astoria, lightered to them by steam-
noats or bsirges from Portland.
Other good reasons may be given.
Several times since the settlement of
the country the Columbia river hits
been blocked with ice f ;r weeks at a
time, so that no vessel could ascend
the river so that trade and commerce
was stopped, and the coasting steam
ers from San Francisco have had to
discharge at Astoria, without receiv
ing cargoes in return. "What has so
frequently lmppene.1 will most likeiv
happen again, but with railroad ter
minus at the open sea such a check
to trad.1 and commerce cannot occur.
Your committee are satisfied that
a persistent effort to make nnv other
place the commercial depot tli-in the
mouth of the Columbia river will be
vitally injurious to the best interests
of the State, debarring her from 'si
successful foreign trade, an.l would
keep her a she now is. in the back
ground, tributary to other States
possessing no better p-orts than her
own, and with less natural commer
cial sulvstnragvs.
In view thereof, of the foregoing
facts, your committee would recom
mend to the farmers of Oregon to
transport their surplus produce di
rect to the seaport, especially their
wheat and other heavy produce, there
to await shipment to "the best market
at the least possible expense and
handling, keeping it under their
own control until timilly sold. P.y
'hieing cargoes of wheat in store sit
Astoria, the freighting to that point
may be reduced 15 or 20 cents per
cental, and the charter of ships to
tstke it to a foreign market may be
obtained, on much more reasonable
terms than were obtained during the
past s.
reason. Your committee are of
.pinion that the commercial in-
the opinion
terests of the Stsite arc not sufficient
ly understood and cared for by our
law makers, and Ave would suggest
that the State, as soon a practicable,
should cause to be placed upon the
Columbia liver bar a powerful and
well equipped tug boat, wholly own
ed by the Slate, with n competent
corps of pilots, with pilotage so re
duced as br only pay the running
expenses of the tug and the monthly
wages of the pilots employed by the
State. There exists no good reasons i
why the pilotage should be left to
the pilots as u source of revenue.
The tug-boat should not be permit
ted to leave; the pilot grounds unless
the necessity of repairs compel her
to do so; correct information and
charts of the entrance and the harbor
should be sent every commercial
city; thus the commercial interest of
our young and growing State would
be permanently advanced and her
vast resources would he made known
to the commercial world. Your
committee would reeeommcml that
the farmers of Oregon see that the
next Legislative Assembly a.-.k for a
steam revenue cutter to be stationed
at the mouth of the Columbia river,
and such other facilities for the pro
tection and benefit of commerce as
are granted to other harbors; espe
cially, that a telegraphic line be ex
tended to that port as a commercial
and military necessity, as the princi
pal defences ot
our mate are ami
must ie mere :jh
ce tne necessity oi
the telegraph to carry intelligence to
and Irom that port
1'urther your committee would
say we have conferred with the mer
chants of this city and learn that the
cost of onr imports brought to us by
way of San Francisco, as compared
with shipments from Europe and
Eastern ports, vary from 10 cents to
y-: - cents per ton. For instance,
the freight, from Liverpool direc t is
to slo per long ton (2.210
pounds), and from New York
per ton '2.000 pounds), and by way
of San Franci::co 2 cents per ton on
; ! : e
on :
rate-,. Use ui::ert-nce. in
ron and steel direct, or
San Fraucisro. is from 25
cents to
' ' j cents tier ton.
I u r: a y JV iglil .
"What bes:l tilings Saturday
nights are. and wiiafc would the world
do without them? Those breathing
moments in tlie tramming march of
those little twilights in
broad and
rlish light of noon.
when pale yesterdays look beautiful
through the shadows and faces
"changed" leng ago, smile sweetly
again in the hush; when one remem
bers '' the old folks at home." and
l::e oii-ias:;:
arm chair, an
died, and th
!;.:!.. :a'.
1 1
led lire.
Use little
oilier tl
i z wa
1 1 . .1
.-ht uiakes
people liu
to beating
Ian ;
tid e
els ii.eir I.ear
as Lgcy 'e.s.eil to do. pefire tlie
lit rued them iiiso war-lru;.!'-
i. a til
with tat-
i to--
-s. i:e
lors with
va'ilts eoi'ii
th" shultc
tne :i
a bang:
. with
w;t ii :i
op go
v.'i.; cliciC goes bie kcv m tjse Joeii.
It is Saturdtiy night, smd business
free sigain. Homowsird, ho! 'The
door that has been ajar ail the week
gently closes behim-1 him ; tho world
is shut out. Shut in, rather,
'.fere are his treasures after all, and
not in the vault, smd not iu tlie book
save- the record in t lie family Kibie
,r d not in the ban::.
?r.;;, be yon sire si bachelor, frost y
srau lortv. mHi, po r l.-iiov
ur.iay laglits
just sis you a;-(
sM-a notlur.g to yon,
r.othiag to anv bo.lv.
(Jet a wife, hiuc-eed -r ba"k
eyed, above sdl, true-eyed, get si lit
tle home, no matte;- hov,- little, and
a little sofa, just to hold two, or two
and a half in it, of si Satur.lry night,
and then read this paragraph bv the
light of vour wife's eves, and then
thank (iod and take courage.
The dim smd du..ty shi s sire
swept u; the hammer is t'irov.n
down, tho apron is defied, and labor
liastens with si light step, homeward
b. uiid.
" Saturday night !" feeble murmu.:
th.e languishing, sis she turns wearilv
upon her couch, "is there another
to comes'"
"Saturday night, at last!" whis
pers the weeper above the dying,
"and it is Sunday to-morrow, ami-to-morrow.
A Gooi iir.cirn. I have a recipe:
to oiVer. It is si compound, being
composed of several ingredient-;, lt
is an excellent remedy, smd Avhen
properly applied, lias ar. amazing
good elreot upon farmers' boys, keep
ing t
at h
icy ought to
making them love h
anv other i hice on earth
re are
tlie ingredients:
1. T resit them as partners with you.
Give them t understand that they'
sire interested in the success of the
fanning operations as much sis you
are yourselves.
2. Converse freely with them. Get
their opinions, and give them youts.
If at all prudent, make use of their
plans, and v.hen you think your own
best, explain to them why you do not
adopt theirs. Ion"t keep them alto
gether in the dark with reference to
your plar.s for the f uture.
:.. i)on"t require them to stay at
home in the evening all the time.
When there is any meeting or enter
tainment from which they might re
ceive b-melit. be sure to let them go.
i. Provide them with luentvof
good books and papers; especially
referrintr to agriculture. Let them
be well posted in their own business j
-. -v- ii n Kncn Hm,-
o. everscoiu meui
don't do their work or attend to
the business of the farm as well as
von do r.,,rn-i-P them
The weak may be joked out of any-
thing but their weakness. lltbvn?
General JJavis Interviewed. j anT innocent alike, fearing massacre,
4 j and must remain in this condition of
UoYLrs Camp. June 11. As Gen- j suspense for months to come,
eral Jeff. C. Davis' vigorous, though j Q. You had a choice assortment
comprehensive and, as many men of . of juniper limbs for scaffold material?
dispassionate judgment believe, en- j A. I had procured lumber,chains,
lightened proposition in reference to , r0pe, tackle and all tlie other para
the I phernalia for an execution, and had
TKEATMrxT of tite modoc MCUDEUEiiS , selected Saturday last as
Imprisoned in this camp has provok- I poomsdav.
ed quiet comment in official and mil- j On Thursday forenoon I drew up this
itarv circles, and believing that a declaration of charges, to read to
clear statement of his idea and con- j Captain Jack later in the dav :
templated action m the premises is ;
of general public interest as wed as
a matter of justice to him, 1 have ob-
tair.ed permission to iuiwu .. h.M
of an interview. held yesiemay a.ttr
TlOOnl '
Cjuestion General Davis, will you j
have tlie kindness to relate to me .
your proposea action in lem o ,
:jodoc murderers and the
Answer Certainly, sir. When I j
giving nor expecting quarter. I
then thought that captives taken in
the future should be executed at
once and upon the spot, as the surest
and speediest method of settling tlie
r.Iodoc preddem.
Q. You deemed them directly
amenable to a military edict.
A. "When captured while fighting
against the military forces of tlie
arrive. t m tne aeiu j. iiiiwu iut u. VI j Indian neighbors von are known as a ! tiiought and actum among the ag
engaged in war with a .wind oi Indian j domineoring and" tyrannical tribe, riculturalists of Oregon in matters
outlaws murderers, it you p.ease (nd seniL.ys jn tho country report as pertaining to their interests,
wards of the Government, who bad JU.U1V ;1S " 2d. To discuss all questions of
revolted against its aWty aul j TnrE lirxi)2:ED Mrl;ii:I;s general interest ta the producers,
wi re lighting mercilosrdv and neitLe.- iinj to gather all attainable facts and
United States, and sis a separate i:u- i on the public highway. For these '
tion or tribe I wsis disposed to deal : many crimes no adequa te punishment
with them accordingly. Since tLe ! has ever boon visited upon the guilty
capture I have ascertained that tlie j parties either as si tribe or individ
authorities of Jackson county, On-1- j ually. Upon the contrary, tho Oov
gon, have found indictments sigainst eminent has tacitly overlooked them.
certain members of the band, but I
ta.ver.ot deemed it proper to give
them over to civil Courts, because i
they were waging war aginst the! where, if you chose, you could remain
Civernme-nt at the time the murders j and enjoy tlie bounties of the (iovern
upon which the indictments are bas- ment unmolested. Y'ousdl wentniion
ed were found, ami also for th; reason i
that after the csspturo they were pris- !
oiicrts of the Government, and net
directly amenable to civil laws. Dur-
ing my command In re I have observ- i Ileservation. You spurned the land
ed that the citizens when desiring j ness of the Government, and even
protection for person and property j resisted tlie soldiers in the execution
and indemnification for losses invsir- j of their duties to force you back to
iablv ai'peal to the authority of the . tlie iieservat ion. You hastened to
United States, but now that the war
is over and the marauders are cap
tives hoth the public stud the local
authorities want to take the punish
ment of the offenders in their own
hands. The threats of the people
d the recent bloody
in thh
hboihoo.1 when four old and
defenceless male captives on route
from Fairchi!d"s Ihiin h to the camp I
were mur-end by citizens indicate i
to me that si
i.::ss l'Aia r..
The po.-inle h;tve nmde up their minds
that the prisoners are guilty.
O . How about the Military Com-
A. Lt suggested that a Military
Co2!ii;iissi',n vsiil be ordered to try
the erhnie us. If the idea is carried
out the officers composing the Court
shouhl be of high ruuk.aiid men who
have had no immediate connection
with the Modoc difficulty.
. Matters are so badly mixed
that it would take si long while to
dispose of the case?
A. Such a Commission would
probably try each case separately,
sin.l require sibottt 'six months to p r
form the work, to say nothing or the
ex sense in such a proceeding bu
rn -use ep. ire to the Government;
besid.es everyb. uly, civil s-nd military,
knows that the Indians are guilty
of murder in the first decree, and
or out to he nAxoni).
I thought to avoid any unnecessary
expense, ami the farce of a trial, by
doing the work myself. Owing to
the dilatory manner in which the
Modocs were t resit ed by those in
charge in the beginning of these dif
ficulties, the Indians obtained a fear
ful advantage over us. smd slaugh
tered so many people that the coun
si' tor, e
d, even shocked,
and now I fear that they will get the
closing scenes. This ssimw fear is
disturbing the minds of the citizens
of the frontier. Justice, it seems to
me, has silrea.lv been very tardy in
coming, an.l is approaching from so
nv different directions, and in
such questionable shape and gsirbs,
that I doubt her meeting the require
ments of the case.
O. "What is tlie Indians idea of
JUst:;-e 1
A. The Indians do not recognize
the jurisdiction of civil or military
Courts, because they are incapable
of coin .rehendirtg the. works of either.
These Modoes cannot understand
what is meant by si Court: they have
interrogated on the subject. They
wonld regard a Court trial, with its
technicalities, its testimony and eases,
si kind of iuggl. rv: and if convicted
.ir. 1 L..i,.,..,....s I,. ',Lotn cioild not be
made to understand that justice fig
ured in the business at all.
Cj. Might is right with them, is it
not ?
A. In a measure that is so. They
believe now thai thev have commit
ted deeds that merit "death; and, in
fact, tho real murderers have daily
expected to be hanged. They believe
the military has the power and the
right to inllict the punishment of
(). Have not the prisoners to be
sorted out?
A. Probably difficulty will occur
again in that respect. The murder
ers smd the arrests occurred in Ore-
.inisv-j-n-nr-iLw iv,i,- --
gon and California, and are ba.lly
llliXHU. .UV Trono.-eu coaise seiiieu.
I ' 1 -I T 1 . 1
, ...A ...
u;K qia-.siious o a.
I Q.-tho proposition was a humane
J nosjesiiv ueiieNe i ,. yn
j account of the prospects of tue In-
dians. They are cooped up in tents,
men, women and children, guilty
nEAi;ivnTEiisI)EiT. or Coloibia, "1 !
Ix THK FliX1), Tt'le Uaiu:. !-
Califtu-nia, June 11, 17:5. I
,AfcZ-Since tlie white man first
p0.,.in to travel through or settle in
tin. ciTmih'i' (icfiminil l.i- -flir "VTVulf
1)t.01ts 0f V. hich you claim to be one
)f tJJO t.i,;.1-Sj tlo" M(docs lave been
iaU)Avn as a nm, ()f merciless mur
derers and robbers. Tlie history o
- j
f I
your tribe is tilled with murders of 1
't AVlito ra,.e,and even among a our
the i
. ... ....... i "
s of the present generation.
Aiong the snores ot this iieau.ilul
little lake, in view of which we nov
stand, are the graves of over 00 vic
tims of ?.to-.loc bsirbarity, all murder
ed by your immediate ancestor in
one brutal act. They were posiceful
emigrants, men, women and children,
! passing quietly through the country
A few years sigo, regardless of these
acts of tr.'achery, ii: gave your tribe
a IVservation of laud for a home,
the Reservation thus provided, ami a
part of your tribe hsss remained, but
you ana vour band seem to have pre-
forred the war-p;ith. You left the'
wsir, and emulating the blood v deeds
of your fathers you strewed the1
shores of Tide Lsike with tlie slain
victims of your bloody band. All
these victims were psv.ceful citizens,
unsuspectingly slaughtered while at
their daily avocations. You then
lied to vour stronghold in the lava
bed, prepared for war and defied the
power of the Government. Still the
President sit "Washington ordered the
sen in rs to uesisi
Commissioners could have s tallt
with ycn, and if possible to avoid the
shedding of more blood. Their
eobrts were fruitless. After much
delay and many attempts at concilia
tion en their pari, you decoyed the
Commissioners into your hands sand
murd. red them. 1'ou have
:uri.r-i.t;r.i evi:x:y sot.iii:h
Vdho 3:as fsdleii into vour hsvnds.r.rm-
I rd or unarmed
These acts have
placed you and your band outside
the rules of civilized warfare. In
other words, you have mside your
selves outlaws sis such since my ar
rival her.' as the successor of General
Canby, whom you murdered, with
vour own hands. I have made un-
remitting war upon ou, umn at i.et
veet have been captured sd'ter much j
exs oisse to the Gov. rumen t aim the
loss of many valuable lives. Now
that I have recounted to y.ou the his
tory of your tribe and the recent acts
of 'yourself and band, I will close
this interview by informing you that
I have this d;iy directed that you and
the following named confederates
and members of your band be execut
ed at sunset to-morrow, in the pres
ence of the troops paraded for that
purpose, vour people an.l the assem
ble! 1 citizens of the country.
f Blank space for names.
General JJavis, continuing, said
"While I was preparing a list of those
I intended to'execute a courier arriv
ed with instructions from "Washing
ton to hold the prisoners until further
Q. What -movement did you pro
pose making after the execution?
I inteiidesl organizing a lorce
for the purpose audi starting instant
ly for the Columbia, probably for
T P-.-e-,-ido.l orgsvmmg a lores
Lui'iwai. seeing and taiinng w:tn as
in anv Chiefs 'as possible while en
route. I knew that the prompt exe
cution of the Modoc outlaws would
facilitate peace' talks among the In
dians of Oregon and Washington
Territory, as well as California, and
have the 'tendency to quiet the In
dians all through'the country. The
Indians all know that we have captur
ed the Mo.locs. and they willquickly
learn the news if the death penalty is
indicted. The achievement would
result in mutual benefits to both the
I Tudians and
1 whites, and with the
. ,
-orestige the troops nave game.i we
could do great good by such a cam
paign. And so closed the interview.
Two lawyers, returning from court,
one says to the other: "I've a notion
to join P.ev. Mr. s church; been
de'oating the matter for some time.
What do von think of it?" " V.
do it," said the other. "V.
. on, wnv
ii . ....
"Because it would do you no nossiblo
good, while it would be
ireat m-
' jury to the church."
A man mimed Peter Gazior,
m the mill
of Thomas
Stanley, on North Y;
nhill, was
-.-.t,- tf f.,e,il;; i .i
" .y " txV i..jm.-o m urn
j heaa In hauling a log up into tne
mm uie maciimery was propped too
; miuiioio .iii'i me (log new out ot
the log, striding Gaz:er in the back
of tlie head, just behind the ear, pen-
etrating some three inchco.
Constitution of the l'armers' Uuion.
The following is the Constitution
and By-Laws of the Farmers' Union,
adopted at the session held last
"We, the farmers of Oregon, in or
der to render ourselves more efficient
cultivators of the soil and raisers of
stock, and to secure fair and equita
ble prices for the various products
of our farms, and to protect our
selves against supernumerary middle-men
and monopolists, pledge to
each other our hearty co-operation,
iu accordance with the following
The name of this or
shall! e the "Oregon Fai
aimers' Un-
j-he olnects of this Union arc de
elared to be as follows:
To promote a concert
philosopliy connected Avith the bus
iness of agriculture.
od. To ascertain tlie proper rela
tion which the producer has to
trade and the national commerce,
and to become thoroughly acquaint
ed with the cost of production, es
pecially as it aiiei ts the price of our
own productions.
-Jtli. And to protect ourselves
agsiinst sdl interference with the le
gitimate channels of trade.
oth. To assist by proper means in
fixing the price of transportation,
with reasonable regard to its cost.
Oth. To seek the best markets for
onr surplus prodr.ee. and to sissist in
establishing direct commercial rela
tions with the countries which con
sume them.
Tih. To encourage home manu
factures and the gencrsil diversity
of our industries.
AKTirnr: n.
The officers of the Union shall
consist of one President, two Vice
Presidents, one Keeording Secretary,
one corresponding Secretary, and
one Treasurer, who shall be elected
by balht at the regular annusd meet
ing, excepting the lirst election,
which may be le-hl by the Conven
tion adopting this Constitution.
The officers mimed in this Consti
tution shall hold their offices for one.
year, or until their successors are
elected: Thsit officers
elected by this Convention shall
hold their offices until the first reg
ular annual meeting of this Union.
Fsich person elected to an office
und-r this Constitution shall take
sin oath, or affirmation, before an
officer authorized to administer
oaths, and shall fiie ssti.l oath in
writing with the P.ecording Secre
tary, to honestly and impartially
perform the duties of said office, be
fore entering upon the duties thereof.
Aurrcm: in.
The rreside-.it shall preside at all
meetings of this Union, and in case
of his absence or imxbility to preside
the senior Vice President present
shall preside. The President shall
have power to appoint all committees,
except sis otherwise- ordered by the
Union; to countersign calls for spe
cial meetings of the Union, and all
orders upon the Treasurer by the
Secretary; and ho shall perform
such other duties as may be imposed
by the resolution of the Union.
The P.ecording Secretary shall
keep a plain and correct record of all
the proceedings of the Union; sign
all orders upon, the Treasurer; call
specisd meetings of the Union, In
direction of the Board of Directors;
and 'perform such other duties as
are imposed by resolution of the
The Corresponding Secretary shall
correspond with such officers, firms,
persons, corporations or ttssocisdions
as the Union may by resolution di
rect or the board oi Directors re
quest, and preserve copies of all
communications forwarded by him,
and fdso preserve sdl answers receiv
ed by him.
The Treasurer shall receive and
safely keep all funds of the Union,
pay all orders properly signed by
the President and Secretary, keep
books for the proper settlement of
his accounts, and furnish to subor
dinate organizations such informa
tion as lie may be. directed to by the
union or Loam oi Directors.
authxf; iv.
The Union shall consist of Dele
gates from Agricultural organisa
tions. Fach'Cir.b. Ueaguoor Grange
shall be entitled to one member, at
least, and one additional member for
e:;ch 2" members or fraction of l.i
members over.
AP.Tiri.i-: v.
This Constitution may be amended
by a vote of two-thirds of all the
members present at any regular
meeting of the Uuion; " Pro ?.,
That no amendmo-at shall be passed
unless the Mime shall have been pro
posed in writing at least one day bo
fore it is put upon its final passage.
The Clubs, Leagues and other or
ganizations sending lie nvsentat ives
to the Union shall facilitate the Un
ion in collecting any information
which the Union may deem i:ece.-s:i-ry
in carrying out the purposes of
the organization; and it shall be the
duty of tho Union to distribute
among the various subordinate or
ganizations such information as it
may possess, through its appropriate
AiaTCT.n vri.
Each organization, in sending del
egates to this Union, shall pay to tne
Treasury ono dollar for each del
egate, annually, until otherwise pro
vided bv resoli: li'--u of the I moil.
NO. 34.
AUTicnn viii.
The President, Vice-President,
Corresponding Secretary, ltecording
Secret siry and three other members
appointed by the Convention, shall
constitute the Board of Directors,
whose duties shall be to see that all
resolutions and orders of the Union
are carried into effect.
ai-.ticle rx.
Tlie regular annual meeting of tho
Union shall be held on the second
Tuesshiy in June in each year, at
such place as the Union may deter
mine, provided, that the first regu
hrr meeting after the adoption of
this Constitution, shall be held in
the city of Salem.
aiitk te vx.
The compensation of officers of
this Union shsill be such as may bo
provided by resolution of the Union.
This Union, in its deliberations,
will be governed by the code of
rules commonly known as Parlia
mentary rules or laws.
The Board of Directors wilfseo
that the various officers are provided
with suitable books, stationery and"
postage stamps, to enable them toper
form the duties of their offices; and
to this end it w ill be authorized to use
the funds of the Union for thsit pur
pose, tiling their vouchers of such
purchases witli the Secretary to en
able him to kee p a correct account of
ail the purchasers made smd proper
ty expended for the use of the Union.
The Secretary shall receive as
compensafion for his services $3 per
dsiy for each, day sictusilly employed
in attending the business of the Un
ion. The Secretary shall draw his
pay upon the certificate of the presiding-
officer certifying to the num
ber of days' service j'erformed.
That when a subject is referred to
one of the standing committees it
shall be the CivAy of such committee
to cs-.re fully investigate the same,
and, unless otherwise ordered by tho
order of rrference, it shall report the
result of tlie investigation to tho
Secretary of the Union within two
months of the date of reference.
:citing the SJoys nji.
Calling a boy up in the morning
can hardly bo classed under the head
of " pastimes," espoeisillv if the boy
is fond of exercise the day before.
And it is a little singular that tho
next hardest thing to getting a boy
out of bed is getting him into it.
There is rarely a mother who is a
success at rousing a boy. All moth
ers know this, so do their boys. And
yet the mother seems to go at it in
the right way. She opens tlie door,
and insinuatingly observes, "John
ny!" There is no response. "John-
Still no response. Then there
short, sharp "John!" followed
by a moment later by a prolonged
"John Henry." A grunt from the
upper regions signifies that an im
pression has been made, and tho
mother is encouraged to add, "You'd
better be getting down liere to your
breakfast, young man, before I come
up there and give you something
yonTl feel. This s"o startles the
young man that lie immediately goes
to sleep sigain, and the operation
lias to lie repesited several times. A
father knows nothing about this
troul do. He merely opens his mouth
as a soda bottle ejects its cork, and
the " John Henry " that cleaves tho
air of that stairwsiy goes into that
boy like electricity, and pierces tho
deepest recesses of his very nature.
And he pops out of that bed and into
his clothes and down the stairs with
a promptness that is commendable.
It is rarely a boy allows himself to o
disregard the aternal summons.
About once a year is believed to be
as often as is consistent with the
rules of health. He saves his father
a great many steps by his thought
fulness. J)a nil it r if Ai'ir.s.
Ax Oi.i)-Fasuioxkd MoTncr..
Thsmk God some cf us have an old
fashioned mother, not a woman of
the period, enameled and painted,
with Iter great chignon, her curls
bottines, whose white jeweled hands,
have never felt the clasp of babv
fingers, but a dear, old-fashioned
sweet voiced mother, with ey in
whose depths the love-light shone,
and brown hair, threaded with silver
lying smoothly upon her faded cheek.
Those dear, dear hands, worn with
toil, which guided our tottering steps,
in childhood and smoothed our pil
low in sickness. Blessed is the mem
ory of an old-fashioned mother. It
iloats to us now like the beautiful
perfume of some woodland blossoms.
The music of other voices may bev-)
lost, but the entrancing memory of
hers will echo in onr souls forever
Other faces will fade away and be
forgotten, but hers will shine on
until the light from heaven's portals
shall glorify our own.
L.VCK an'd Latiou. Two boys left
last week their country home to seek
their fortunes in the city.
"I shell see what luck will do for
me." said one.
"I will see what labor will do for
ii-t." cried the other.
Which is better to depend uon,
luck or labor? Let us see.
Luck is alwsiys waiting for sonie-
U.i'un. in trim m. r
Labor will turn up iomethingw
Luck lios abed wishing.
Labor jumps np at six o'clock,
ami with busy pen and ringing ham
mer, lavs the foundation of a compe
tence. Luck-whines; labor whistles.
Luck relies on chances, labor on
Luck slides down to indolence.
Labor strides upward to independ
ence. Which is likely to do the most for