Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1873)
C o J G 3 Ct' o o o o THE ENTERPBI OJtEGOX IITV, OREGON, 31 AY 30, 1S7J. Chinaman Versu- IVhite Man. From th Cath-ilie -ntincl. May 16. At an iidjournotl meeting of tle In tleeaIeiit Club of Irtl.inl, on Fri ll. ly uftrn i.ic ... 3 r.u, tion was u auiru nsv a.lopte.l; ll'olrel That it Uoeomes the im perative l lty of every ollieial eon neetsil with this city government to debar, refn ?e and obstruct China labor from beiiuj useil, tolerated or employed on any vfVi.Mie or public contract wherein the city of Portland is or may;l)e a party, a-; now ordered and directed by the. city of tSan Fran cisco. And, furthermore, the em ployment of China labor is one of the many causes which lias led to the present str'ngeney in the money market, to the great detriment of the workin2rcclasse , many of whom have large and helple ;s f.imiies depen -ing on their lab r for a support, and in duo time will be equally felt the merchants and mechanics, as well as the cut rr- laboring com munity, and ruin to all tax-payers and property-h li!ers. V. have, on several occasions, lifted our voice in condemnation of the practice of manv who have oc casion to employ hejpor hired labor, r-4i preterring l. Ii.namen to white w w , i -i . ni'Mi. we have shown oeyonu the; possibility of refutation, that this practice will not only be ruinous to the white laboring classes of our country, but even so to the very men , who thus oii'end. Our strictures ! r? nUtms subject have, till a lew da -s ago, found no echo by the the p vss of this country, nor by the 1eoiIe, except in individual inur m rings against an'd co ld 'innation of tin practice. Jist Friday, the lirs! jmbljti expression iyo!i Hiis sub ject took place here. t though tlie daily press of this city did nothing more than publish the proceedings and resolutions of the body that had the courage and good sense to in itiate this righteous war upon a ruin ous policy that of itself will have the e fleet of bringing the matter be fore the people, and may eventually cause political papers to take sides for or against. We earnestly advise working men to agitate this matter until a recog nition of their rights to receive the beneiits of the labor now reaped by Chinamen is gained, and, though, we do not pretend to enter the polit ical arena, wo hope that Catholic workingnien, and in fact all who have the well-being of the countrv and its "white population at heart, will crivo-f tnerr votes ana support to that :-ii;ty that advocates the exclusion of Chi nese labor upon all public works, and the entire abolition of the laws which ojen wide th' doors for China to send her pauper population to this Coast. This m itter is fast becoming one of life and death to the laboring daises on this eoa--t. and unless a speeds" change i-; made, we fear that the peooV will be driven to desper ation. What the result would be, God only knows. - S:.T MIMIla). Xunierous insta'ices of absent muidedness have occurred, rt?sulting rfrTii intense abstraction of tiie mind and employment in one pursuit. Of 1 r. JJobert Hamilton, the author of the !'iebrated "llssay mi the Nation al DeWt," it is said that he pulled oil" his hat to his own wiie in tne street, and apologised for not having the pleasure of her acquaintance; that he went to his classes in the college, in the dark mornings, with one of her white stockings on one h his own black ones on the other. That he often spent the hole time of the meeting in moving from the table the hats of the students, which they as constantly returned. He would run against a cow in the road, turn around and beg her pardon, and hope she was not hurt. At other times ho would run against posts, and chide them for not getting out of his (Way. llobert Simons, the Scottish math ematician, was noted for his oosent Handedness, lie used to sit at his open window on the ground lloor, deep in geometry, ami when accosted by iCbeggar, would arouse himself, lfear a few words of the story, make his donation, and dive. Some wags, one day, stopped a l.iedicant on his way tot lie window with j '"Now do as we tell you, and you ' will get something from that gentle- man and a shilling from us besides. I He will ask you who you are, and you will say, 'llobert Simons, son of John Simons, of Kirktonhill."' ! The man did as he was told; Siyion gave him a coin and dropped oil. He soon roused himself anil said: "'llobert Simpson, son of John i Simson, of Kirktonhill! Why that j is mvself. That must be an impos- j tor!' ! Topham Beauelerk was a strangely absent minded person. One day he had a party coming down to dinner, and just before their arrival he went, up stairs to change his dress, lie forgot all about them, thought it was bedtime, and got into bed. A si r- ; ant who entered his room to tell' him hi? eui'-tj were waiting for him, j found him fastashvp. ! Anotjier case of absence of mind was that of a young woman in Port- laud who was sent bv her mother to buy a pair of siioes. ami instead of luiving them married the shoemaker. It was a week before she discovered her mistake, and even then did not cry about it. A young lady threw herself into the box in the Post Oiliee window instead of her letter, nor did she dis cover her mistake till the clerk ask ed her if she was single. An absent minded person once dined out at a strangers. table, got np after dinner and apologized to the company for the meanness of the fare and the detestable cooking. International exhibitions have ta ken a permanent and prominent j place in mojem business. The lirst was opened twenty-two years ago and we have then now at intervals vary ing from live to seven years in one leading industrial nation or another. Their tendency is to increase and ex- I tend. Before this the only high- : ly s.icvessful exhibitions have been j those held at Liondon and Paris, but that at Vienna will, no doubt, deserve a i l i;-e in the th-!t r.t P;i:!:'.de eipiaiiy gio.l. nu o ALCTIION AND COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON, Anetioiioor, Cornier or Front ; Oak s3., Portland. Of Heal Kstate, ( J roccrlos, fieneral chandise and llors -S. Mcr- SALE DAYS Wednesd.-i v and Snturday. A. li. UICIIAIUjsoX, Auctioneer. English Kefm-d Har and TtiP-dh-Knlish ."Square and Octagon " Sti'i l, Hor.s Sho-s, Hasps, .S a w s , s r w s , I-" r y -1 a i i s , Sli'-i t Iron, It. li. Iron. Iron, A I- O A larjje assortment of (Jrocerirs and Liq uors. A. li. llliIAlUs.', Jan. 1, lS73-tf. Auctioneer. SOHGS or the PSAMO. Mailed, Ii1-paid, onKrifipt f Piiw. Iiarlinir, I am lonely now. JSonr and ononis Wirwurt - Nv --n-.-t. Soii and chorus 1 i.mks .'o -Nlattn .1.-!V. ;-ii;r and chorus Itanks :0 Lost and Nivul. l.allad I-onii-ier ; Farewell, liarlnijr.till we !!!:'t t...!;').v"U -a) Think oi me, 1 Sm and oi o- rus, M i'.Ts 30 Asking a tl- ssiu ironi inolti r. Soti and eliorus- Stewart 30 Il'-ooll --tions oi childhood, l.arifoiie s,,Ilir J Milks .'!!) TliouTirl no longer mine. l;al!ad... 1 ianks 30 II. -ar me sav inv lillle prayer. Sim;r jiikI eiion.s 1'ratt 30 1'los I il' siiiltters, Willie's di-ad. SoliT and chorus Sfwart 30 Kt f i - -1 1 t 'line. Sin" ;i nd clirus... i rse .. ijuit ilat tickiin m'. Son.t da nee... 1 lays 30 nn'll alw;ivs liiul mi' 'i rue. iSonsr and chorus .' Hays 35 I) ad lut not Iorott-'ii. S,,,, and cho rus Hays 10 .;i'. t lie M ''i"-s""n ami chorus, Hays 10 i.ay in'' wli-T." my .Mother's Sl.-fjuiiir. s.:i and chorus Stewart -10 I'atie r ot All. sac-r'-d Son I'anseron 50 IhSIHyfiUfiTAL MUSIC. Autumn Leaves. Second l'cnsee Melo- o i diiu" ! r.'-lis.irio. l'antasi Kus!ie Oeauiy iarch S!inh -am .March .Iojinni ''s .March , : r:i '"s schott i.-iche .Iimmi -'s Schottisclie i I it tie's Wait Sweet Sixteen Wall. Kvoninu: . jiJiyrs Waltz P.ird oi r, auty Waltz Switch-oir Ualop.... Kitti"'s I'olka , Hay of Suiis!ii:i" j'oika .1'. T. l 'rer :i: Kink-1 :C, Killkel ska at s 3- Kinkel Xt Kinkel 3? K inkle :s ? Kinkel :r? Kaikel : , l'acher :i' Yoimj; '2 Younir -JO Kinkel ;;) l'acher (ilist 'ti l nir Stars I'olka d" Salon l-'eine ,r)0 Kddie's I'olka Kinkel 3 ( IIarry's I'olka Kinkel ;") ! Smil - of IJ"-atity I'olka oiin1' 'JO I'i 'cs marked t tins have pict lire t it les. Any pi ' mail it post-paid, on receipt of marked prieee. .ilur -ss, .1. I: PETEHS, ."?' ?5i'a.Iv.aj', Xru-Voi-k, March 2S, lST3-mJ. r r r Just Tuhlishcd! STRAUSS' WALTZE 8 akkan;i:i AS VIOLIN SOLOS. AJt for PKTKItS' KDITIOX. P.ipr r copy s"tit, po.t-iMid, for J I f!); boards, SJ. Addr-ss, I.. Pi: f KilS, o!i!i U.-rxirticitj, AV-i' York in S A X C I K 1 .nT : (The Sinsr'uii; Kcst ivrl.) A lOIIect inn of (ilees, Parl-Snnge, I iioiu e, ftc. FOR VOICE S. Yi A L E Sampl copies mailed, post-paid, l"or$l 50; ri-" ! r Adur ss, . li. I.. P15TKRS, :! Hnxulirai, JVcc York. V A J I Y VOICES: A ."' 3Iiisif-XJo?t f;r Ia y-S iools. S -rid i- cents, and we will mail a samnle copy, April lt A;;ril ls.m l Aildrcss, 5!1!! Jirtjsilu ivi A" c York. SWUNG AM) SIDDIER GOODS JUST miCI'IYKI) AT jr. iyTxc DKALEIt IN" I ry ( 'oodc, I'lot hin.LT, Loots and Shoes, Hardware, 'rot-cries. Crockery, Notions, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, etc., etc., etc., etc. Jtlain Street, Oiviu Oiiy. lYfnluC1' of all kinds lioucrLt, for which I pay tl" hilcst market, pne -. If you de sire jrood Hoods at Ie.v prices, call at . s k 1. 1, i x ; ' s a pel ox.nnin his nr,w stock of Spring iroods. (iiv-'m - a call and convince yours -Ives. My motto is, "IH'ICIC SAI.F.SAXnSMAI.L PKOFITS." Th highest market jirice paid for I.SKLLINt;. Or son City, March 21, lS73-tf. WATCHES fi!JD JEWELRY. riUIE rXDKUsiCJXKI) AN- ;.; W i nou nee to t he cit i'.ens of i )rcjroii -t l.'ity and Clackamas county that they have just opened a JZvELtIY ESTA2L!SHr:E?2T I N Crayon Main sfr-et. te-xt dr north ot Shades Sa loon, wie-r t le-y will ki'un hand and tor si 1 all -oods p -ri :s i n i ni; t o t h"ir line, at t he t.owkst i.iviMi i:Air.s. Kp.-cial attention civti to the r -pairinzof l-'i IMF I'ikcks. All ikhIs sold and work don- warr.-uifed ;K'. A. 1 1 A As SOX. Or-'tron City, IV1. ii, MEW YORK HOTEL. (Ieutlch -s Ja fthaus.) No. 17 Front str-t. Opposite the I.aiuiii:-, rOIiTI.Nt), Oi'.EUOX. "Mail , 11. utl H t U, J. J. U ILK ENS, Froprirlcrs. 1 . Hoard V Week Lo.ird Week with i.od"j:"itv""" l"oard -s 1 :1 v ?.".no ti.lU l.Utl The standnr.l r m-ly for ('...., ',, J t. er ( .,',f. Jl,-,.,,, nielli, ; f th, J.un-f, and -very alf ction of th- Thro-o Lungs and Chest, including t'ovSrviov I U Utar s Hals mu ..f ih not drv uua Co.. -n i. i.J ' . lrrY ifK'-" I the lungs. rind all-ys. thus rnnort,,,, the 1 comelaint. v,.., ; ' " , CflU if Ot t !l' 1 signed t r.-rro l . '"one nil- : 1. 1 a tts. I'r l.-ir -a 1.,- ... . K Sons. 1 nMon. So',1 .,- i-t- '..'""" H -:;:rrr;: c tilwps renoraily' '"'"--"'- ana by , - jjj fublic Sale of Land for Ddinqunit Taxes. -OTICE IS IIKREKY (iIVEX THAT IVY virtu.: .rfawarnmt. dated 1;, led hv order ol t lie county court ot lack as county, state of Oroii. dinwt.-d to and attached to delinquent tax t .said county ami state, lor in- 3 y J ,"'; command njr nio to collect the taxes desi--n at -d t hca on, ,.s delinquent : nl l..r wh nt of personal prop, rty to make sa.d t .xc-s, I have levied uiHn and on Salur.laj, the :iist tliiy f .June, l-7a, TwUlseiii.t puh lie auction, to the highest bUider at the Court House door, initr.'pm ,.U'.U ".C..,.,;..ouiitv. State of Oregon, so in'uch oi Hie K.llowm-described lots ami parcels 01 land as may be necessary to pay the taxes uue thereon, 111 L'oted sta e. coin, as Km d in the year 1. to-ctlur with tees and costs. Said land is situated in Clacka mas con n tv Mate oi (", and was assessed to the tollowine; named pecsons, to-wit : l arb-r A. .1.. sections 11. 15, and I'.' nip nu m bf r south, ran-e nunilrr 1 ea.-l, containing t7 acres ; tax ; .. IUaii.1. W in., part ot claim al. s ct 1011 N o. township number south, rane numher 1 east, t-ojaaining ltil acres ; tax 5. Crown Matthew, lot at railroad station, Hock Island, township number a south, ranc 1 east, containine; one acre ; tax ii !. F.arlow. Kebccca, s.-ctir.ns No. o and hhip numb. r 1 south, ranji' numher l cast, containing 5t acres ; tax iS7 J,. Hoston, J. V.'., south halt o: southwest quar- t. r and southwest quarter 01 soiuii cast quarter ot section number 17 and northeast quart, r ot the southwest qu irn r of section number is, town snip n 1.111 her o sou: h, ra tije numb, r 1 west, containing s ; tax tV Iri. Itlain, i'., part of section mini her '21, town ship 11 11 m her 3 soul h, range numher 1 l ast, containing l"i acr. s, and part of s ction liumlx r is, township number 3 south, range number 2 east, con taining 7a acres : tax -" s.i. Crow, Joseph, tract ional northwest quarter oi the Crow claim, sect ion number 1, t .ownsh ip 11 u m ber sou t h, range num ber 1 east, containing Hi) acres; tax fl' 1". Chafer,.M iciieal.sout hwest quarter of nort h lasl quarter, and west half ot the southeast quarter nt s'ction number 4, township number i south, range number 1 ens', containing 12 acres; tax 7 11. Coffee, andever, part of For-'dice claim, sect ion nu m oer ti, township nil in her 2 south, range number ; east, and t ion nu m b.-r 31, township number l south, range number o cast, contain ing 1UJ airs ; tax.-rJiMi. Dunbar, lien, (le irs oi ) southeast quarter ot s etioii number 15, township num ber : south, range number 1 cast, con taining loo acr s ; tax to ('.. Hstes A- st iiison.sout h halt oi section num ber 7, township Hum b.-r 2 soul h, range iiumber 1 cast, containing 3JU acres ; tax tl 1.1. Fruit, .las., lots number 1 and 2 in block mimter l'l, Oregon City; tax si 15. Feast. r, .1. 11., east hall oi northwest quar ter and west hail ol southeast quarter and nort i least quarter ' sect ion num ber in, and west hah of nort hwestquar t t 01 section numb.r 11, township 11 11 1 11 b' r .i sout h, range mini her 1 west , containing i.M acres tax 75. Fuller, I'm-.-, partoi Aic.Mahan s uoiiat ion s ctii.iis s, .) and W, township num her 1 south, range number 2 cast, con taining -jss acres ; tax Sis H. 1' ostcr, A mbros" (heirs oi ) , part 1 f donation sections 21, 22, 2i and 2H, townsiiip numb r 2 sout h, rang'' nu 1.1 ber U cast, cont a in ing Ua acr s ; tax -5 IS. ('roor, Chas., s ctioiis l- and , eA'tis!i.t iiuiiiber 2 sotitli, rang n .i.j rleasJ containing lj. acr ".s ; tax 2. C.'room, Aiararett L., west half of north west quarter oi section numher 'Jii, and northwest quarter ot southwest quart' r of section number 2, town siiip numher 5 south, rang; number 1 east, containing lid acres ; tax 7 2T. Glennon, C., cast hah of J. Abbot t'.s tiona- tion claim, sect ion numbr 1, town siiip number 5 south, range munh'-r 1 east, containing -!'J acres ; lax 7 '';". Harris, 1 homas, lots number 2 and 7, in block nui.i!er !, ynd 1 lots in Cane ma h ; ta v S7 2). Hathaway, U". 1., part of lot Whitcnnih claim, section niitiih: r '), townsiiip 1111 111 ber 1 sout h, rang- mi m her 1 east, containing J acres ; tax '5 td. Hardy, ltobcrt, iraet ional nort 11 west piar t. r ol S. IMiillilaiid'sdoiiaiioi! claim, section number 5, township numb, r 2 sout n, range numb r :i e;i.t,coiitain ing l' arcr s : t ax s.; 1:1. Hensley, J. s., A llfilmes, northeast q'lar-t'-r A east ha h of northwest quarter of s-ction No. 1:J, townsiiip No. li sout li, range No. 2 east, containing 211 a r s ; lax $17 22. Jones, li. '., Lot No. in block 10 Oregon i lty, fax i 5 li'. Kellogg, .virs. ..(., Fart of It Whitcomb fi.iini s etioii No. Ui, township No" 1, sout h, rang No. 1 east, coniaiiiing 11 Tv acres ; tax i 25. K Hogg, or 'ii, lot 1 in block No. 3, Oswego ; tax f 1 i". K-.-llogg, Joseph, section No. 1, townsiiip No. 2 sout Ii, range No. 1 east, contain ing 2S7.15 acres, and seel ion No. ti township No. 2, south, range No. 2 cast, contains 071. l'.i acres; tax $122 II Iv'rk, I,. i. Icirsoi, south east quarter ol s ction No. 12, township No. : sout h, No. 2 Last containg It 'J acres: tax S-i is. Keis. r, Jacob Sr., east half of tic- west half ol S'-ct i .11 mini ijer 1 t ownsh i; :111m east. b.-r 5 south, rang" number 1 containing Hid aires ; tax cl ,s:t. Kami. 1, Jacob, part ol Win. Holmes' claim, section number 5 ot townsiiip numb r ." south, range number 2 east, coniaiiiing 11) acr -s ; tax ?1I5 . Ix-idstrom, ( ienrge, iraet ional nort li hall ol sout li wi st, quarter and tract ional south half ol northwest, quirt -r of s ction number 2a, townsiiip niiiiih- r '. south, range immtcr 1 east, con taining ot acres : tax Mil',. Lam! I't, Noali, Soul Invest. ii!i;lri'T ol s it ion iiuin b r 2, township numb' r 2, range number 2, containing life) acres, tax f li !ii. .John, noiihwst quarter of section I.ak numb' r -!, township 11 11 mbcr 1 s;a:t h, rang.- numb.r 1 cast, containing life acr s ; t ax. d .':t 2S. Laswell, Isaac, donation sections numb r 2'i, 27 and ;!, townsh:. number 2 soiitii, range iiuin b- r o cast, contains i.i acres ; tax J-I 75. Ladd, J. W., s -ct ion miinber li', townsiiip ii'iiob r ! south, range 1 west, con- t:in:s acres; tax 1 pi. Motr-tt, Thomas, Lot number 5 in block 11 u 111 her 71, Oregon City ; tax t.7 . McCormack, Ma I hew, lot numb -r li in block number 1.;, Oregon City; tax MnrfiocK, s -M wood's addition to Milwau ki", lot number one 111 block numher i. tax rl. Ni'well, Nathan, lot number r in block numb, r I, tswego ; tax 1 '!". Oeorge, ( -slate oi), s -ction nu tub r ;i!, t iwiisnip number 2 sout h, r;i ng" nui.iber 1 cast, containing M reres ; tax si .-,. nori h w. st iuarter of nort hwest quar- Olds )hs. t r 01 s -ction miniber 2S and north west quarter ol northwest quarter of s -ction numb. r 2!', township num-h--r 1 smith, range 1 cast, containing I acr s : S2 H2. Fotts, 'ih'-odore, lot 7 in block number 2, Ca 1 1 e m 1 a i 1 ; t a x 1 2 i . Pratt, i, '., lot m southeast, corner of Hugh i urns' claim : tax r7 2". Fiiillips, Joh 11, part, of l'olly I 'hi I ! ips' cla im in soiitiiw st quarieroi s 'Ction num ber ''-', towns. ii) numi)-r 1 south, rang - number 2 cast, containing 21 acr s ; tax $2 32. Robinson, ih-nrge, north half of north west qtiare-r 01 s ction mnnb. r , town siiip numb r U south, range least, coat .lining s i acr s : tax ?1 1, St :-i I, i. A., (Aklrich claim) s ction num b.r 1, township number it south, rang- number 1 east, contains 320 acr s ?:i 2S. St out,. I. I .. (southeast quarter of donation) S"tions mimcer it ami 17, tfiwnslup numb- r 4 south, range imiiib -r ii east, containing l' acres ; tax Ss Til. St out, J. s. A; J. L., north iiall of donat ion sections numb. r 10 anil 17, township numb- r 1 sout h, range mini ber o cast, containing ilj.i acr -s ; tax .17 I . St'-arns, s. :., s -ctions number S and 0, township numb-r 2 south, range 2, east, contains 101 acr s ; tax ?0 !l. Tice, John, hall 01 lot 2 in block number 2, swego ; tax .?2 !:. rpton, W. b. , (part of A. Fi lds' claim, number 52) s -ction number :, town ship 1111 111 b-r S south, range 1 cast, containing i2!) acres : tax s'.2. Vanr. iis.i l- r, J. C, (l. Hathaway claim) s -ct ion iM a ii.l :1, t -wnships number 1 s-uth, range 1 east, containing :Vr acr-s. and east half of northeast J quart-r 01 s -ction numb-r ill, and west halt' of northwest ouart.-r of sec tion numb- r .'!"' township numlv r 1 ' soia n. rang- numb-r .1 cast, contain ing l.ii acres: tax $75 411. ancurn, .1., west half of s-ction "um ber .nt, township numbf-r 2 south, range number 4 east containing o2 acr s: (, 1.-,. al.lri., Jas., i of) (south half of uonat-on) tract ional east halt ot s-c-t ion number l , township number 3 south, rang- num! rH east, contain- ... , '"-' hi'' acres; tax $). weixr . H. nry, s-ction number 21 town ship numb-r 2 south, range number Own.. - r,.i , coniHiiiing I.l acres: tav SJ HO. -r unknown. iinrtiiv.t ,.r northwest quarter of s action number 2. and north half of north half of the northeast quarter of s-ction num b r townsiiip number 1 south, rang- numb r a east containing tfei yen b : tax l ri5. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m. on the day above named, ami to be continued until all is sold. May 22d. 173. y HEIXJES. ShcritT of Clackamas County, I!y C. F. lil'A'l'ilC. Hcputy. About loO pounds of long prim er, of which this is an impression. Has been in use but : short time, good work. Price 25 cents p lb, either tied up or in cases cases extra. a l s o, A small font of Nonperiel of which this is an impression. Price 3j cents -' P. As good us new. There is enough to set about one column of this paper solid. Address this otiice. 3 I STI? I IS fJTI O IV. ,7SO Premiums HANGING IN VALVE KR05I SIO to S5,000 TO THE SUSC3!CR3 OF OUil FiRES'BE FRIEND. Kvery Subscriber is sure of one premium any way, also has an equal chance ot re c -iving a Cash Premium, or a l'iano, Organ, Watch, tsYwing Machine, etc., etc. First Grand Cash Premium S 5 , 0 O O OUR FI "RESIDE FRIE7TD. Ki::ht Pc.'rs,'r Siz'1, Illuxtrttttl, tic Futnihi M fkfj, is in its Third Volume and has attained t he Largest Circulation of any paper published in the West. Its success enables the propri etors to furnish the Kest, .Most Denirabl" and .Most I'.s.-tul original reading matter in great variety, that money can buy, ami to make it a Home Weekly suited to the wants of every family, .subscription price J'i per year ol 52 numbers. The Eiegnnt Ghromo "5 99 Size 10x20 inches, 10 colors. Ackno'.vh'ged by all to be the Handsomest and Most val uable premium picture in America. Kviry subscriber is presented with this Chromoa't the time of subscribing, ( m truifin; ), and also receives a numbered crtilicat" enti tling t he hotd'-r to a share in t he ilist ribu tion ot S25,tXia in casli and otle r premiums. Tin1 (list ribut ion takes place on the sec ond Tuesday in June next. The Chromo and certilicate sent on receipt of price. Specimen copies, pr -mium list, etc., giv ing full part iculars,s"iit 1 ree to any address. i O M " Kit her local or can vassing t c! 6- I a BO in every town. I,arg'- casti U? 1 "UTP H I,:).v and the Ix-st out lit. Sen. 1 lit Ml? I L,l) at once for terms. Address, March 2S-tf. Uhicvn, lit. II G ME SHUTTLE IMPROVED LOCK-STITCH The Host Sii"j;l.', Pnictlfai and icuoxoMicATs M.icir.xji i.x us::. Lxc;vii all 03h rs cn th; r.t:iflc ('0.1st. rininv sr:w mo::k tiaimiu v .& with less nois- than any oth' chine. The only praet ie-il low pric chine that gives i-ntir:- s.ii Ulnt ion. A N I r m si ll ma- What other Agents d in't t -11 about the JTit- Imprnvivl Home Sixiltle Jl.ulihic: 77' l'l st , mor - i !rt t H iou that th"- are the s:-n- having less numb- r ol ni'-ces, and .easily mi l -rstf.. than anv oil. -r That they :.r the hgiit- st runni.ig: mor easily l -arn- .1 and op -rat. 'd. That mor" H .i K SI H"l' i'l ,Ks are s -nt out. irom t he ti.-n.-ral Ag.-ncy at. I'ort huid.t hail alio, ie rs Com bi:i'-d. 77, iun't t'Jl nou that they sVl- eqnallv as well 011 le avy and ligiit goods. 77c.i il'in't ( ijott that. I h -y use- th" pat ii' tso: th" high pric-d machines. i'7e. dott t it-it ,,,,u hat it has t he straight, needle and Self-adjusting tension. What people say who have usdth"m and compared them to ot her will t"l! you : '1 iiat th -y ar- mor" psarsilv h-arn- d and op- rat -d ; simplest and b"st for all kinds ot work, and will us - linen and a 11 ot her kinds ot t hr"ads and silks. A lew of the nam -s -v givn b"Iow who ar - using tie- I :i iu v i:t I Io:.i k Sn f rri.i.K : u r; i' 11 ii 1: n c i: s. C "iieral I!. 11, I'ort land. C. s. Nilvrs, Win. Mast.-rs, " C. W. 1'rindle, bookkeeper for Leverage, Waiiham .'c Co. Miss I.. Vaughn, Portland. Mrs. .1. P.. I pton, I'ast Portland. Mrs. s. A. Morehuid. Portland. Mrs. .1. S. Chur -!i, 1 r -gon City. Machines forward-d to any address, with full directions hir using, on rvcipt of j.rice. KO. 1, eSOOO; NO. 2, 045 00. i. W. T II A V K K, Cray's Music Slore, Odd l Vllows Temple, l-.ii"ral Ag -nt, l-'irst st.. Port I.i nil. l-cl2m0. Sjicrial filicntinn is inlle:! to great improvements mad" r -c-ntly in this exc'-lhsit, Ma eii in", a nd to the ikw and elegant styles of Cases added to our list. FLOTIEXCE. "N",fr t!ose vln prefpr.-i Ma Tiije f 1 ing the work away from t h operator, w" now have one of t hat description, qtii'-t, easy running an.f having all the other p - excellencies of t he ot her st vie. T sji re to plfne. Tf t h-rc iionrivllh in a thousand mil's of San l-'ranclseo iut working well, I will attend to it wit h out any t-xpens " to t !i" owie-r. SA-Ml'EL 1UI.I Aent. T tlie only ?I;cliir?e Uin( -:ni sew in mor than one direction having a re versible feed a gr -nt advantage in fasten ing ends of seams, in quilting, etc. FLOIMCXCK. 1,-TnTnine the Florence, ov spml for j Circular or samph-s ff Work before you purchase a Sewing Machine. BUY THE IT-.ST! Machines sold on liberal terms. SAMUEL HILL, Agent, No. 1J) NVv 3Iontfi-oiiiery Street, Ciruntl Hotel JluHtliniy, San PranHtrrt 2mvle7..rn t. THOMAS CHAR H AH ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS ot Oregon City and of the Willamette alley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A Nimble Six Pence i Iicttvr than a Slow Shilling. I liavo just returned from San Francisco, when; I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED stock or ooods ever before offered in this citv ; and consists In part, as follows : Roots and Shoos, Clothing, Dry Goods. Iliits and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chi n a wa re, Queen s wa re. Stoneware, Crockery, Plated ware, Glassware. Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing ratr-nt Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Faming Hons of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc., Of the above list, I can say my stock is the ?I O S T C O KI I 1 E T K ever offered in t his market, and was sep-tr-d wit h especial care tor t he Oregon City trade. All of which 1 now olTer for sale at the Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods lor I am 1 It-rmiutil to Sell (Jluat and not to allow niys.ll to bo L'ADERSOLD IX THE STATE OF OREGO.X. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing its I do that Twenty Yeiirri Experience in Or-gon City enables mo to know the re quirement s ot t he trad-'. Come one a nd all and see tor yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CI I A UMAX cannot !e beaten in quality or pric". It would be us -less lor me to tell you all the advantages I can otr -r you in tie-sale of goods, its every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap point, 'd. All I wish to say is Coiur, suiil Si'ryrj'l E.;niiu" far Vonrsc'Ivrs for I do not. wish to make any mistakes. My object, is to t -1 1 all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to s' ll goods ch-ap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed ttjon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage h'Tetolor" bestowed. THUS. ("IIAIIMAV, Main .street, r"gn CU3-, T,o-al Tenders and Count v Sorir tak-'ti at market rat -s. Ti iJS. CiXAKJ-IAX. CTiiVW;) lbs wool wni.l".l hv THOS. CIIARMAN. CHEAT EXGlTEIJSEf-m! GOOD NEWS! PGirES uOrfED TO SUIT TIIE TDIES. LOOK OUT FOE GOOD 3. ACKER MA fJ &CO- AVE .IFST RECEIVED A LARGE stock of SPJUXG AXD SUMMER GOODS, Which they offT CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! Wo would say conic and convince your self before purchnslngrlsewhcrp. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Pools and Shoos, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocor i c s, Hard ware, and a great many other articles too numer ours to mention ; also. Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty, etc., etc. AH kinds of Produce taken in exchanp for Goods. A I- S Q Wool V";iiitol For which we pay th" Highest Prices. S. ACKERMAN A CO. Ofpon City, Mareh 21, 173-. 1 s -i r--1 -- '" - WAQON AND CARRIAGE M A V JJ FACTORY ! r,-mr' iTvnFnsifJVFn 1 having increaseil thedi- QffXt' tiiensions of his premises, at Xj-XT' t he r.t.1 stand on tho Corner of Main anil Third. Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing his old pn- irons, ji no .is iii.iii new ones as may IX pleased to call, that tio is now prepared, t-if K nninlf. room "Miit m-ilnri.ilc .i?i.l flir ,......, - , -. . j i...... iniii 1111 very lest of mechanics, to build anew, r'- coiisirnci , iiwih.', paim, iron anil mm out all complete, any sort of a vehicle from nmmnn Cart. t.Oil rVrf.iril lrl Tn- IJIncXinithin;r, ITore or Ox S!iK'iiiy, and General Jobbing neatly, ooiokly, and l'Ul..i'.. VA.l. J '.Y il. D..11111. "WILLIA3I SINGER HAS BSTAIII.IS1IRD A FACTORY FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, AM) JIOVLDIXCS OK ALL SIZES. They will also do Turning of every di - c . .. ; . ... 1 J WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH! "All work warranted. Shop on tin River, in Lewis' Shop Opixisite Oretroi City Mills. ' " J o li n q g 2 r a m v Zrlaiii St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AXD IAirORTER 01 SucldifM, Harnrss, SuddJt-ry-Mard- v5ive, etc etc. "WTIIICir HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS t T can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE C! RETAIL. CJ warrant my goi-ds as rep-resented t iregon City, April 17, IS72-U. SHADES SALOON, C.A.HAAS, - - Pr-j. Kain Street, Oregon City. jy EST Pir.T.TARD TAm.ES IX ORE(iO have been introduce it, and the propri tor invitesth.-atteiition of the lovi rs ol tin po)opular amusement to them. run r.Ajt is s i i-rr. inn with all the choicest nnalitjes of I.iiiuor and Cigirs. Scotch. Insn and r.oin-M(! a!r -ady lamou.s Whishi- s and Ptuiuih ;,ls. a No. 1 is connected with the Saloon. Oregon City, .Ian. 1, h:.m. MASONIC HART. JiUIEDINC;, Oregon City, : : : Ores:; 'YT EEICS rovsTWTi.v B on hand and lor sal", cheap tor cash, Cciii: Parlor, Iledroom, Ollice, Sitt ingroom, and Kltch. n Furniture, Rureaus, ly.ung-s. Rocking Chairs, What ii .t Rodsteads, Washstands, Curhd Hair, and Puhi Mattresses. Puhi Pillows, Spring Reds, Pictur Frames, Mouldings, etc., etc Sljeclal attention given tf FphoVsterv work in nil its branches. micrs iie, .-it prompfnoss. R. jiairing done" wi , , , n and ihsp-.tch. Furniture mad- ord-'r ( a.l and examine lor yours Ives. 17niav7-; EUTERPiiSSE BOOK & JO! OREGOXCITV, : OREGOX. WK nVLUK ,rnKrAni:n TO EXECtTTE V all kinds of JOB FEINTING, such as CARDS, HILL-iriAPS, I'AUPHLIiTS, DliKUFt, MORTOAGKX, I.ABKLS, I. ETTIiR-IIEA DS, Oflice1 a" klnt-s of worJi dono a in Drinting PORTLAND PRICES. A I, E KINDS OF LEGAL E LAWKS eonsiantly on hand, and for sale nt as low a i-riee as can be had in t he State. A N D SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Of-fron City, Mnrch 21, JJ573-K. V iff&T fliers i BAKER'S X.' X"'i A7 .,ile 2iV i .t Ay i' o -ft. t V"J - A '. 1 March 21, l73:lCm Read Riysician's Certificates tfleff ! I .5 w a. o 2. to rt- o 3 o 3 O -i 3 O ? 3 2fS a isf; (0 iSgBESTTUMIGINO i - tV most Efficient and Pleasant Tcr!c. rnoica and vliki)iin) licih-j so d r .f--. i. lave giv.-n univr.-al sat irfnet ien vln-rev I ;ri -d. Thousand-) of dys ci.tie l.avc fmu d eliuf t.hni;iL'h their nse iom! i h iei.-tr.vj-: e.m- T'?nd tli -in fir tho c:iro of all di-t as.- f il &Iod and river, and irrcguliiiiues ef the di-jo-tivo oricuis. ilea lieti', P.flio'.isnese, and C r:sf ipatier. ienoraI Debility and "Less of At1! et:te. tie rausoil bv tiio deraiireiiic-nt of tlie ton.:i VI I'lllV I ll'llll. tl. , i l.ii' 1 l'l.- T 1 L:.. V . 1 r i. in. mo i. ij enters navo kci ii si:ceos.-i:: i iv iei c nd are vrarrautcil to alleviate the eullorcr ia ll the above cases. tVS 77,? I nUlers are crrrwy r-Ti sol I on! u in if hiss: to s'-ll Vftti'r than the nuine article out of n:t ,r.ttl& it ".... ... ...; -..J prosecute such itarties to the full cu tent of tin law. CERTIFICATES. "J""rs. II. Ki-stkix t Co. Ueiitlemeu: I lake iIeas!ire in statin? tha' Igr -eulily lo youi-vi.-,h I have cart-fully f ti i! e.vHiniupl the s.iinp'e nfyeiir I X I. "li fu rs. tvliicli you sent me, ami t"ml it imt n;!v n:i .-ilti i f llif Hitters, hill also one tUit canm't f ill l.e aeuelleiul as a toi'C and proiieitf r ef S'.iiri-stion. G. lIOL.l.ANi. ii.I. City and Coi'xtv TTnujTAr I-Yaiic-is-o. June l"tb,lrt. T have carofull v exaiiiinc-1 lr. I f eni-y" I X 1 Bitters, ami have failed to detect an villi:-:.' vsiu Y rp-.iM injure oven tlie m.i !eli ate ci'ii.-l.tnti Hi. From the composition of the I'.itters. as tar I dm able to determine i i. i Bli.u:.i ir.'le tii a t!: I X I. Hitters must tie :i verv cllicfeiil ri nu-iy r.i Dyspepsia. I mHestion, I.i",.s ef Appeti e ar.J )i mitar complaints, tieincj cumpnMe-; .f a iii-nihi-r if veeretalile druii-i which sire pi-incioailv i;ei in of that nature. amPuru uf" tue fe'iclit flsicacy in their cure. Ass l Res. Physician .Apothecary C. tt Cllu.-l lul. Statf. Asswku s Ofkick. an l-'raiH-is -o. Julv 2'st. 171. Messrs. TI F.pstkin v Co.-i i.ts : I .Hide a careful ex i!iiiii::t:.!i of vmn- I X !. V-- ters. and have found thi-ni enti .jv fi. L- ol" iW-'.c-terious mineral sulistj, n, Your- :.- 1-OL'IS K A I.IC KNA V, -t:i e -Wyr-r. Tlewnro r f Cfin.t...r..;... - . .1.. ir ........ ... i... .i.m iri-ItillMM w.i i ... iivmvy 3 signature m-ruw the loo ef 1 u Kver.T Famllr k!ioii:iI Imvo n Hot au nil- 1IUUM-. Villi --!-, ll.-J-C II. KI'STHX A t.. .ile I-rej r: i-r. "No. 513 Front Street, San i'ram. ici. . -1 Narch -Jl, n..i crlgck city crtwrr.y Henry JCuiuLel, r Havixc rnifHAs. i !i P: ; ed tie- :i,fiV,. 1 . .T '- .A. -..-.-" i 1 . r cry wishes t,, in.nrm 1 he n"i.Vi- tlTnt li is : i i i-.ii. u in iii;inui:i( iup. a .o 1 cual- ity of - i. a a i:n r, i:j-:nt as jrond as can be nl t .-i in. ,i 1 ; V)'t' .'T'''0" 0ru, ,'s sc.licited and' i'roi.: i;v 6 CHEOMO! " CA2L0 III HICCEIZr,' "SPRIXQ IXOWERS." "SUMMER IXOWET-S,' AWAS" and " AsLEtl",-: wuhtl-e Kri.rrnr wfhiv nH h:ki.t riiRis- HA AT VOItk (Consolidated.', for (4.00. Two of these Chrnmns 11 re the 110 of " V.'ide Awake and Fast Asleep;" the otacrs aomcwhat amailer. Subscriber furnished AT ONCE with their Chromos. m A GENTS j can make betteT terms .writh os than with any , other publisiiers. ArtdreM. k H.W.ADAMS 1 12" Beekman . Street, .CLZ-CREAfsi GALCCK, LOILS SAIL, : rncrniiTCK. won.n HKsrrrTrr u.v a"-.' t.i Ilie rii'yciis i n i-cn City. mid vicinity, that I have ocncd an H'E-CH KA7.I nutl CM IXTiOM'K1 estnhlishment in the hcildinjj forim rly occupied by 1.. lilh r, on the Corner of Fourth and Jfnin Stmts. The A-rlic- fm':i I rniilnin will he ir. rotion to supply the demands of the I T . .... ....., ..11 .. . . - ...i- ti :ffiCK. 01 t hirst y I 11111 1. mi; 11 uiiiv llll (Ml III. - cons: i iicnt lv t hev lire I'm re ami Fr-1. - . 1 e .i - . . ....Ih-Cil- siiiir'- 01 juioijc jaironage is rcjH cmi".- - -. licit ed. (irr-snn City, Rrr-trmbrr dth, 1S72 tf. r - Ifc. I V . V y.. - I 1 -.: l'H)'"'"iW Q :'j. I t o '