Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1873)
o 9 ess THE ENTERPRISE. OREGON fITV, OREGliN, M1Y 16, 1S73. Alice Cary's SuecJefet Poem. Of all the beautiful pictures That haiii on Memory's wall, - Is one of a Vlim, 1J forest. That seemi-th 1-est of s-11 : Not for its ::ii:irl-(l f-aks oltlcn, Dark with the mistletoe; Nt forhe violets roldcii That irinkl? the vale lx l ow; Nt for,the milk-white l!l:"s That iean from the frairrant hpilgo, Couettin; all tla v with thsun beams, Ami stealing their trol.len ele; . Not for the vines on the upland , Where the red herries rest ; 'or the links, nor the I ale, sweet cow-f-lio, It seeiiieth to me the lest. I had a little brother With eyes that were dark and deep In the lay of-that olden forest lie lietli in M-aee asleep: Lair'ntses the down of tie' thistle, Free as tho wimU that blow, . We roved there the beautiful summer, The summers of loin ujjjo ; I'ut his feet on tint bills rew weary, And one of the autumn eves I made for my littlo brother ; A bed of the yellow leaves. .Sweetly Ids pale arms folded My Tiorrk in a meek embrace. As the liht ofinunortaljbeauty Sik-ntly eovered his face; cAnd when the arrows of sunset e Ijodired in the tni-top bright, lie fell, in his saint-like beauty, Asleep bv tlie "rates of iiir Jit. Therel'ore,"of ;dl the j i : :ir s That ban-' on memory's wall. The one of tie- dim, old forest iSeeiiu-th best of alb I.ittlc Things to Iicac i: cry body. Sweet home A bee hive. A large family party--AlPof us! The best thing out A conflagra tion. When is charity like a -bee? When tl begins to ham. Ci ' revolutionary Movement" turning a grindstone. To find a goo book-keeper Apply 'at any circulating library. The way to treat a man of doubtful credit is to take a note of him. O C'otnpulsarv edueatioi forced to, learn a trade in the penitentiary. What length orght a lady's petti coakto Ie? A little above two feet. I'eople who are always wishing for J tion is awakened, and the general something new .should try neuralgia, i spirit of intelligence which is evek rif ,,.,i. - .1 . . , od bv these quiet visitors'? Anv- gaged, lind herself? Mistaken (miss taken ) . Can a son lie said to take after his father, when the father leaves noth ing to taktv? It makes all the diilcrence if you put Dr. before instead of after a c liiiin'Juaitic. "Why do honest ducks dip their heads under water? To liquidate their little bills. The man most likely to make his mark in the world one who cannot write bis own name. Tjove coining into a woman's nature is like the last stroke of tins artist's pencil to tho landscape. C "What is that which has a mouth and neyer speaks and a bed in which it never sleeps? A river. You may glean knowledge by read ing, but you must separate the chall" from the jt heat by thinking. Each departed friend is a magnet that attracts us to tin; world, ami the old man lives among graves. DinVrciiee between perseverance and obstinacy one i ; a strong will, . and tle oilier a strong won't. To seek the redress of grievances by going to law islike sheep running for shelter to a bramble-bush. Young ladies who lace themselves j tightly when dressing for dinner evi dently prefer grace be fori' meat. The Infinite and the Eternal, says II. AV. JJoecher, are words without meaning till grief interprets them. Men talk about the idle wind, but the wind is always busy; and, like a -cheerful farmer, whistles at its work. It is said that iron is a good tonic . for debilitated young ladies. That may be so; but ironing is a better 'one. Oj c To what would a man t aking break fast with his betrothed be most likely to object? To take anv butter (but Cher). O A poetic Hibernian explains that .love is commonly spoken of as a "llame," because it's a tinder senti ment, q The superlluous blossoms on a fruit treMire meat to symbol l.e the large o way in w hich Ciitrl loves to do pleas ant things. rJn order to force mankind to turn , their eves toward Ilini. God has will- od that no object should contain , within itself the hist cause of its! fxistence. .The essence of true nobility is nog- lect of self. Eet the thought of self pass in and the beautv of a irreat ac- tioti is gone, like the bloom from a : n sf!,m- I'tiJimiMVit'. AsnUsnre, soiled flower. i 1 !l 10 t'!",;r'h --t K.ta o:ic column of this ! Iuimt sx.h.1. thi .fii-e. A gushing poet asks in the first j line of a recent eljusu.i. " How many ! FOit THE EMEKrjllSi!? .weary pilgrims lie i h ; give it up; 1 " " but t'XiHMience has taught us that! The following p, nr.- authorized to there are a good many. . a t as a-nis f..rthe Kxtkui-kisk: "Now, children," asked a school ! v- R.weii & c:,., 4j r.iru Kmv, yt.w inspector, "who loves all men?" A I t ". W.-th rill a Co., 107 fh.tnut street little -irl. about four vers old, and j I,::tI 'b-ina. ,ntIt &tr' f evidently not up in the catechism, j xlM-'Vork.0'- X-8- an1 Sl NasS!iu answered tpaickly, "All women:" j Portland, r ..n T.. S:ui!iei At a clmrca collection tor, , the -preac'.ier feelingly saul: '-Aryl T l...ih-.n .1 11 f 1 i V1 iiu ui 111 tj'""'" 1 . . 11 -iT til lin.-t 11TT ine eye. n !spou- meui luriuiun- 4.-.- 'It seeru t; m? that 3Trs. C's hair was nearly gray a year ago." Yes, nearly. "o "Uut now it is per fectly black." "Ah, yes; you know she has lost her hubaml since then." It is certainly a very important lesson to learn how to eny ordinary thinirsvmd to 1h? able to relish vour thingsvma t in? aiue to reiisii your " -. .... . being without the transport of some j passion or gratification of some a2pe- : i : tlte. Huttevill ' j,,, y,.' " 't ' K-l""i"'"'i, j;rttiicl-tit Wrnlin' of thn . . . . .(Cascades ; 1 ' J4n 1 iZ mV'7.a,tinn of th" T,'(. ' Theology is Imt a science of mind j Canby str- vs r i vi . . llf ' lncl,"li Consumption: applied toGod. As scluols change, I fr fVVw iht T I FLOniISrCE theology must necessarily change .i miin--1......:::::capu z. 11)?. a''s- i oewixg 3i.irinxK. Truth is everlasting, but our ideas of ljver yiniaiia T-r-)V- .1 Uno,i Liir iid f!?"?r"v I SAMUEL HILL, trutu a-e not. 1 lleology is Out our , oVvveio...... r.TiVn i ",- VI'-E ,S,1NS- Boston. Sold bv Kedixotox Moiitjjomerj X.ieasof trittli chrssined and arianged. ' I'pper Iolalia w n Vt o7A, ,1 ,ltK '- ;n and by firn,ut Tlot.i Vui'inr, Sm Ft ' ' "Hi'--rs generally. ,n i-im Social Demands, Deceiving and prevaricating have become so common in general con versation, that with many, stricklers for truth and veracity are considered raw, green, uncultivated and disa greeable. Society demands deceit. "Whose refuseth compliance meets disappro bation and rebuke. Those of easy ; conscience. hirh rank and popularity ! say, "lou must take the world as ! yon find it, and not ask c too many i questions. Custom has played sueli strong pranks with good morals, that it is not expected to see or hear the truth and nothing but the truth, on any occasion. Truth unveiled on the highway wonld be called a great piece of vul garity and indiscretion by the high polished "first cut" uppcr crust," ream-on-the-pan of society. The man, who in the hiharynth of business or social communications is perfectly "truthful, must feel sad in the solitude of his views and prin ciples. Kieli and poor share alike in the bartering of truth for seliish pur poses. The city and country alike furnish temptations for deception. The farmer as frequently denies his liav lay out in the rain after it was cut as the banker on the a verge of ruin declares that his bank is the safest in the country. The farmer's wife just as often gives short weight in her churnings as the bankers wife runs up bills for dry goods she never expects to pay. In town or country, the motto seems to be, '"( Jet the start of the world," all for the sake of that ini'm itesmal drop in the great bucket of creation. Xr.wsrAPF.iis and Pivp.iodicai.s. Show us an intelligent family of boys and girls, and we will show you a family where newspapers and period icals are plentiful. Nobody who has been without, these silent private tutors can know their educational power for good and for evil. Have you never thought of the innumera ablo topics of discussion which they sugeest at the breakfast-table: the mo.-.t important "public measures with which, thus early our children he- come familiarly acquainted; great philanthropic questions of the day, to which unconsciouslv their atten- thing that makes home pleasant, cheerful aud chatty, thins the haunts of vice and the thousand and one avenues of temptation, should cer tainly be regarded, v. hen we consider its influence on the mind of the young, as a great moral and social 1 ilessin g. ,nicrsoit . Saoacity or the Di.inp. Cases like the following almost make us exclaim: " What is the use of eyes?" The accomplishments of a sightless man are thus told: Heading, l'enn., opens the person, but loaves it for a Derks county German paper to im mortalize him. lie is a German, ninety years of age. keeps a tavern, ( whieh is known as blind Hartman's) is expert in the handling of monev and bailies all attempts to cheat him with spurioa; currency. He walks out alone, can point to any piece of real estate m the town, and to crown all mends clocks and repairs musical instruments. 'When you go into a printing office always back up against a '"case and give it a tilt pay forty degrees, it causes the "caps" to lovingly mingle. Then slide up to galley ami open voiir expanshe "mauler" and take up a handful of type, just to see if the 'tlurned thing wasn't fast togeth er," then hang arouud awhile and hear the devil recite a few extracts from the writings of Moses and tin Prophets, w hile throwing in that "pi' its melancholy, but natural. l'"ot:r rlcnilid Chromes to Iicry Hubsrriber. Arrangements have been made by which we can oiler a year's subset ip tion to The New York Onus tian at Wo uk and Kri.r.erio Wkkki.y, with their four matrni.ieent C.'iroiuos: ' Cood Morning," ' Carlo in Mischief." 'Sprin;; Flowers," together with our own journal tor .!). As the t'l'.roniiij alone are worth from $HM0 to $1 j OO. and as the New" York publication is everv wav first-class, it presents an unusual opportunity to our siioseimers. ine t.nromos are made y 1 "rang and other Iebrated artists and will be forwarded promptly bv mail prepaid. Should anv subscriber desire onlv the two iirst named t'hromos. thevwiil oesent with the two publications for CI.)". Kemit to the publisher of this paper About ir0 pounds of long prl fil er, ot which this is an impression lias been in use hut a short time, u,,od wi k. Price 2- cents p lb . . . . . v eiu:er i let i up or in casts cases extra. ' A s A"n;l,i f,,nt f" ')rril .f whMi tl;js is an i Saa Francisco t 1 bos. i:-c an r S! .., .Il5 Coluinbisl f,VNK Astoria, ciais.y couuty ."..'."C" :",n ims n in... r w-iiii ... ' 1114. H. Smith ;-oa. cue, i aial'.tu count v I UFer -iVr. . .... . ... I ... I I .. , IV .M. . - . i o.Kc.uniy iav,. ,,),. )os l.enOiri count v v- . ., i e'orvallis ii,, i", Canyon Ciry,irant co .'w. i; i Albany I la lies, Vaciiciiuntv - N. Arnold 1 -eirand Cnion c.n,ViVv".".' ,V"V Pendleton, Umatilla count y.."."s." v." Knox I Kune C'itv. i-l. M. Thompson Ilosebur t -. i risiow I Ion. I.. K. I .ane '. T. Montague Iicbanon t J. It. Kalston : v --"'e - -u.m. i-.. it. hmdrov ; i n i li loin. ir i ii . lie CiaCK.VM.A COUNTY - -. v . a 14,., ,ii Heaver Creek 4, P'."""- Whto, fou h. Cron. on 0('r:,1 ratrick, the widow Maloney tells . i 1 . - -.1 ,in rrt t ifflii) me that you uae i'-" i r.esf of her piers, is that correct or " - t. , " ' Vis ver honor. " hat have you done with it?" " Killed ii on.l nte it. ver honor!" "Well Pat Killed it rick, Patrick! when you are brought face to face with the widow and her il. i-.-. .1 f il'ir "vvhilf fin- count 1 vou e a hie 'to give of yourself when the von of stealing?" e widow accuses : Did vou sav the pig wount no meie, ei nwieim. to be sure 1 did. w en. men, ye er rivirence, l n say, jnuuuej , there's your pig. T.i. r r . 1 To Make a Candle Icex All Nioiit: We remember seeing some years since in an Agricultural work, now out of print, an article on "Economy in Candles," which may be new and useful to many of our readers. When, as in cases of sick ness, a dull light is wished, or when matches are mislaid, put finely pow dered salt on the candle till it reaches the black part of the wick. In this way a mild and steady light may be kept through the night by a small piece of candle. Some people are as careful of their troubles as mothers are of their babies; they cuddle them, and rock them, and hug them, and cry over them, and fly into a passion with you if you try to take them away from them; they want you io fret with them, and to help them to be lieve that they have been worse treated than anvbodv else. "I wonder what causes the eyes of young men of the present day to be so weaK.' said a young town lady to a country aunt, who was reading the 1 ilgrim s Progress m the smallest type without barnev's. "Mvdoar," was the tart response, the eves of young men are in these days, placed in the weakest part." Ex-Congressman Iloosvelt has been lecturing to the Xcw Yorkers on Congressional corruption, and is reported to have said that out of eight hundred bills passed during the last rear, there was not one m twetnv that the members knew anv- thing about. "If I am not at home from the party to-night at ten o'clock," said a husband to his wife, "do not wait for me." "That I won't," replied the huly, significantly, "I'll come for you! i ia; hei.oand got. in at S:bO, saving that it t v hail no charms for him since he was married. - . The ruin of most men dates from some vacant hour, lhere is a, sat irical poem in which the devil is represented as lishing for men, and titling his halt to suit the taste and business of his prey; but the idler, he said, gave him no trouble, as he bit at the naked hook. I pray you very solemnly (says Raskin) to put that idea of knowing all things in heaven and earth out of your heads. It is very littles that we can ever know, either of the ways of Providence, or of the laws of ex istence. Jut that little is enough, and exactly enough. Very few wives understand the art of maiung house what it suouhl bt for the husband. 3Iany women marry for support whicii has the. appesrance of scliishness and when attained they go to work and destroy the source from whence the golden egg comes. It has been asserted that an in crease of one inch in the average depth of plowing throughout the United States would produce a larger amount of profit, as compared with ) resent results, than all the gold received from California. AT.'CTiro.X AXD COMMISSION'. C'orrnr of Front c Oak sf.., Porllnnd. Of K"al Kstat, IrncTi".?, General Mor ohandist? and llors -s. SAI.K DAYS Wednesdav and Saturday. A. U. ItfClIAIiHso.V. AuctioncT. i i lj'iysalc Sale. Knlisli Ileiind jjar and Hundl" Iron, Kn.elish Suar-" and Octagon Cast Steel, Il'irs" Shoes, Hasps, Sa ws.Sep vs, Fry -1 a 1 1 s, sheet Iron, Ii. O. Iron. A I. S O A lar.- assortment of (irocories and Tiq uor. A. 15. 1UC1IAKKSOX, Jan. 1, lr3-tf. Auctioneer. OrcJinanco Wo. III. An amendment to t )rdinance Xo. ol. I'e it ord.uneil and established by the City Council of r.-jron f.My, t hat ordinance Xo. a I, passedtle- C.iuacil A uly 10th, IstiTi, be and the same is her 'by amended by striking out all alter t Ie- words mares in second line to tie w.,rd within, in third line, printed or publish. -d copy. Fa-ssed the Council April 7, 1773. A. NOI.TXKH. Mayor. Attest : A. C. Uailky, Kecorder. Irr-Crraui t.)-tlT-. A jrood dish of Ice cr. am and a cold drink ot Artie Soda Wa fer can b? hail at the Ice-cream Saloon to day and her.-alt. r. I.. SAA I, IMPERIAL in I LIS, Savior, La'Iocque cJ Co. Oregon City. Keep constant ly on hand for snl Flour, Middlings, I'.lati and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasmq: f.-i-tl must furnish the sack. Th standard MnMy for Con?, Inn. COURTESY OF UNIVERSITY lb. K"--9-J. Veil -C:i m, J ROUGKTON - TITOULD ItF.SPF.CTFUT.FY I.NHJKM T t he citizens of Oregon City and vicin ity that ho is prepared to lurnisti Fir, Spruce and C'edur of every description. noftCoIIInIr.Spnicc,forSh.lTlnc,. ' . (Leuarj. Constantly on Hand. street an l Sidewalk Lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as can purchased elsewhere in the State. Clive me a call, at the OUKOOX CITY, SAAV IILIm March 21. ISTl-tf. 75,7SO Premiums KAXC.l.VG IX VAI.1'2 FllO-M SIO to SO, GOO GIVEN TO THE SUE3CRISR3 OF OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND. Kvery Subscriber is suri? of one premium any way, also has an equal chance of re ci vin a t 'ash I 'rein in in, or a I'i-irm, Organ, Watch, Sewing Machine, etc., etc. First Grand Cash Premium S 5 , O O O 0U3 FIRESIDE FMEWD.-tfe. Pnr, .'ti-ir Sur, J I lust rut i'tl, the liimilij 'kl;i, is in its Third Vohut ie a iid has attained t lie l-arir-'st Circulation ot'any paper published in the West. Its success enables t Ii propri etors to furnish the l;est, Most. lesiratle and Most I's'-iul original readi'ijr matter in xr -at vari -ty, that mote y caa huv, and to make if a lloni" Week'ly suited to the wants f every family. .Subscription pric S l per year of 52 numU-rs. Tho Elegant Chromo Size ItvxlM inches, 1 colors. Acknnvl'-red by all to be t le- 1 lamlsoinest and Most val uable premium picture in Anvrica. F.vcry subscriber is presented with this Chromo sit tte'tiiiie of .subscribing, ( no iruitin: ), and also receives a iiumlwrcd ('rtiticate enti tling t be hoi, It to a share jM t he dist ribn tion of f'J.",l):ti) in cash and ether pr.-miums. Th" distribution takes place on tho sec ond Tuesday in .Jure' next. The Chromo and certificate sent on reci ipt of price. Sjecin-n copies, premiui. i list, etc., friv inir l'u II pari ieulars.s "' Ire - any address, ft "T Kit her local or eanvi'ssinsc i-1 iA t-. 5 I A i ill everv town. ca.di V'J Z r-3 tTP- Z l:iv 1 !,f !"'st "ut St. J tir-ij'i B u i.3 at once 1'nrt' rms. .eltlr-ss, i 'i: i' in us id : fi: r:xi, March 2S-tf. Chiaujn, III. HOME SHUTTLE IMPROVED LOCK-STITCH iJ - - i m. 11 & The ?,!osl ei:rpl', rrn.rtiriil :iibl liCt ' XO MI CAT. MAC.' XJf IX I'SK. ,-vil-s Exr.-rd iili Ofh rs on Hi.' Xurlli rib'iii-: 'uinI. rjiiF.v si:w MO!ir. i7-ir,v and jL v.-.t!i 1 ss n-:- tli ui aay oth r ma cuiri". Til" ori ly pr.ict i"a I i't.v priced ma-Chiie- that, ive.s "ii!ir s t! .siat io.'i. Vt'hat oile r Ag-nts don't t 11 about the TJie Improved Slonic Slmttle lachlnc: Thry O-jii't tell Ion t hat t h'-y are the sim plest, having P's.s number of pieces, and more easily uml' r. tood than any other, f hat t li'y are tli IiL;lit.'s! running; more easily l-ane-d and op-rat 'd. That more IK ).M I : Si I FT 1 I .K:s ar- s tit out tromthe tiem ra I A gency at Fort land, t han all others com hi lied. Thr;i ilon't tcr io;, that they s'-w equally as well on heavy and Iirht. oods. Thrii ltt't It'll jou that, th -y us? the pat nets ot the hih prie d machi'ie-s. Thru 'on I lr1 fu that it has the straight necdK' and s-lf-adjust ing tension. What people say who have used t hern and compared t hem to other .Machines will tell you : That they ar nior easily learned and operated ; Simplest and best for all kind..? of work, and will us- linen and all other kinds ot flip-ads and silks. A few of the names are given brdow who an using the 1 mcuoyiu I Iomk Siiltille : ii r: v k it i: x- c i: s. (?en"ral l.ell. Fort laud. C. S. Silvers, " Win. Masters, C. W. Frindl bookkeeper for beverage, Walham it Co. Miss F. Vaughn, Port Find. Mrs. J. 15. Upton, Fast. Portland. Mrs. S. A. Mor -l.-uid. Portland. Mrs. J. S. Church, or -gnu City. Machines forwarded to any address, with full directions for using, on rec-ipt of price. NO. 1, $30 00; NO. 2, S15 00. O. W. T K A V K It, Gray's Music Store, Odd Fellows' Temple, General Agent, First st., Portland. dec 111)11). Special attention ij catted lio great iniprovem'-iits mad" recently in t his e.c ". nt Maehiii",and to th" new and elegant styles of Cas -s added to our list. FrORIilSTCIi:. I''T thnp ivlio prefer a Machine f.-cd-ingth ? work away from t he operator, we now have one ot t ha d-'script ion, quiet , easy ruiin iiej a ml having all the other pe culiar excellencies of t he other style. I a Mil re I plea s. If fiiero isoiieivltV in a thoiis iTxl miles of San Francisco iK)t working we, I will attend to it with out anv expen-s" to f h" owie-r. s.i.iui:ii mr.L, .igt-nt. IH file only ?I;trIiie ilnt on il bhv fit more than on' direction having a re versible feed a gr -at advantage in fasten ing ends of seams, in quilt ing, etc. FLOinCXCI. I.. tii mine file Florence, or en1 for J Circular or samples of Work before von purchase a sowing Machine. BUY THE BEST! Machines sold on liberal terms. Agent, r Sf reef, BANCROFT LIBRARY, OF C AT.T5DRNTA - THOMAS CHARMAN ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZEN'S ot Oregon City and of the Willamette alley, that ho is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A Ximlle Six I'tucr t JirtU-r titan a Slow SMI ling. I have Just returned from Snn Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AMD BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS vor before nfrred In this eity ; and consists in part, a.? follows : Boots and Shoos, Clothing. Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Kvcry Description, Hardware, Groceries, Taints and Oils, Sash and IVors, Chinawarc, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platodware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, T-adies and Gents' Furnishing Tatent Melicines, Gotnls, Fancy No- Bop", Faming t Ions of Every Impleinentsof D ai.rlption All Kinds, Carpets, Matt ings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc.. Of the above list, I can say my stock is tho JIOST C O yi V 1. K -T E over otf -red in t his in:irl; , and was i-t"tl with special care lor t he O - o.i City t rado. All of which I now ulfer lor s.a at i'iu; Lowest F!arkct Ra'cs. Xo us.1 for t he ladi -s, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods for I am lh ti'i'minnl Vt Set I Chnqt aud not to allow in ys- h to b'j nUEli.SOLD IX TIIC STATE CE CREGOX. All I ask is a fair ctianc: and (juick paj ments, believing as I do that T;vo:i!y Yc.i'.r.s Exp?rie:;c3 in Oregin t?it.v enaVb-o me to know the r--iuirem -i!t s ot t lie t le.d . Co.n : on- and all aa-.l s;t; lor yi.r-jflves that iueold stand of t 1 1 ( :.r A S CI f A IIM A X cann :t be b"at"n in qir lity or pric. Tt '.vou Id be us i -ss lor hi" ;t) t -11 you all '. Ie advantages I can fitT r ,u in thesal"of goods, as every stor" t advert is-s does that, aTid probably yt i have b-jen di.sai) pointeil. All I wisu to say is Ccmc, iin i S'-iviii:! Ei-iinhi.. for Vcurs hrs f.r I do not wish t ma'c- nny mistakes. My oojef t is to t"ll II my oid "iri- nds now that lam still ah e, ml d-sirou to s"ll goods cle ap, lor c sli, or ;;jioii Mich terms as agreed upon. T:.a-( :in.c all :'r th" liber al patronage h- r" l . si.i v.-d. i .1 ( it U.IAN', Main -tr-e, t r-gon City, I'gal Tenders and ' scrip taken at market rates. TH ) . ' 1 1 A K.I A N . B 7.V),ih)i) lbs wool wanted bv THUS. CIIAUMAN. GREAT EXCSTE&1E IT I! GOOD SE WS! PRICES REDUCED TO SI IT THE T1.1IES. LOOK OUT FOE GOOD 3.ACKERMAH&CO. W TAVfl .TEST ItECEIVKD A EAIIGE A A. stock of SPRIXG AXD SUMMER GOODS, which they ofF'T CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! Wo would say eomo and convinc" your-s-lf before purchasing els Mvhcr.'. Ourstx;k consist-s in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shos, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer ies, Hard ware, and n frnt mnny other articles too n timer ours to mention ; also, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty, etc., etc. All kinds of Produce taken In exchange for Good?. ALSO Wool Vitiitecl For which we pay the Highest Prices. S, ACKER.MAN A CO. Oregon City, March 21, I873-tf. iStk 'SW Im MinBlaeM K'iMaiA zVMdL VASCM .ND CARRIAGE xI A XUFACTOHY! THE UNDERSIGNED, W7T having increased thedi- Ck" -l niensions of his premises, at tJ the old stand on tho Corner of Main antl Tliird Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing his old pa trons, anil as many new ones as maybe pleased to call, that ho is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, re construct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete, any sort of a vehicle irom a common Cart to a Concord Coach. Try me. Ills:rkdmitlklir, Horse or Ot Slioeinf, tind General Jobbing noaflv, oniclilv, and cheaply done. DAVID SMi'MI. WILLIAM SINGE It JT J .C h'v.TJpr rcrrrn A FACTOilY fiSi FOR THE fr'AuUrACTUSE DF Furniture, and Doors, AND MOULDINGS OK ALT SIZES. They will also do Turning of every de scription to order, WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH! fiAll work warranted. Shop on the Piver, in I.owi.s' .Shop Opposite Oregon City .Mills. J O H H S C H RAFi!, 31 a in Si., Oregon Ciiy. 3I.l.MTMfTl"Ri:a AND MrCaTEK oF Kr.dd'i's Ilarneiss, f v-. it-.-- iiaddlei y-iiai .I- f ." ' JV" warv, etc., etc. V""' ""7"irr'"tf IIKOFFFES AS CHEAP AS T T can ha had in the State, at WHOLESALE Ori RETAIL. my goods as r'-prosented. Oregon City, April 17, lS72-tt. 8!!A0ES SALOOil, C. A. !-:.Ji3, - - Fr-r. Kain St::et, Oregon City. -.'Ti .- 7zr-z:- : : : K. 'r. v X J est rir.T.iAF.D TAr.r.r.s in nnrcox k. S have bei-n iiitro!uc-d. ai d the j-roprz-f or in vit-s t he at t--tit ion of the lovers o; this l-opopular a;mis"in-i!t to them. T II H ii A 11 I i S C I'I'I. 1 1: D with .!! the choicest ijualili'-s of T. tenors ' and Cigtr-;. S-otcb. Ir.-h and Four'-on ! :i!r :i(iv l.i iiO.; W'b.ishi s and I'i:::!i ; al: a No. i h:;o!ii.v i;.i.i.i:iiv is eonn"-ted iti: th" S.i!oon. t -r gon City, Jan. 1, IsT'-Mf. J A IV3 Ei 3 1 FJI i L iz. , MASONIC UAIX nriEDTNG, Oregon Cit y, : : : Gr'gon. KEEK'S CONSTANTLY v - on hand and lor sale, .--i -r cheap for cash, r -rilJ. I'arlor, I5-droom, Oflice, Sittingroom, and Kitchen I-'urnitnrr, Fureaus, Lounges, Itocking Chairs, What not s, P.edstrads, Washst a nds. Curled Hair, and Pnht JIattres sop, Puhl Pillows, Spring red. l'iitur-'- Frames, lotildings, etc., etc. Sre!n.l nttjition ffiven to FpholsU re work in all its branches. Orders filled with pr.-mit ness. Ttepairing don" with neat ness and dispatch. Furniture mad" order. Call and examine for your.-dves. lTmavTJ ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB Q FFICE OIJEGOXCITY, : OREGOX. 1VK AKE rUEPARED TO EXECUTE V 1 all kinds of JOB PRINTING, such ns CARDS. Jill. I,- IIIC. 1 DS, I'AMPIII.KTS, DEEDS, M OR TO ACES, LABELS, LETTER- UFA DS, in fact all kinds of work done a in Print in--Oflice, at PORTLAND TRICEF. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL ELAN ICS constantly on hand, and for sale at as low a price as can be had in the State, AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Oregon City, March 21, 1373-tt 'imiw" iL 'JnViftsb y-iw-u-jjjj.iiin --!nfr5Mr3WK f VERY BEST pp ax. $ v m.wwi 'mi B A el E ICS A O vCvA ' Fro" SJLSf'- I if-I- v.-.-- '-iV-sv-. -VCv ' -'j V - - .- - ' . Izii YmMi Ccrliiicalcs Mow i ! S'-"t "": V"U;v J 'S & . ir- . ' J ' ' 7:;. fi.fry J V-' ' ' - J O cr o w r o O w I O 3 o o (.1 o t r.i33i EiliJlsr.t Picasant Tcr.ic Th- lii't r- ir :ir- tl fif.-n ilicirc-f rll"!!' aid A ....!.-.. .. ll lb Mil l it'. HI ' ! iv fi.'si a i.' .-i -al ya: L fsiri i i iivn t t ;ri -il I'll i--.-i:; i- f d-vt:i - I sv f.n.i d '. i ' t'i"i) t - i tn ir .I---, a: d i li v- i:-inn r- n -ji -n-l :h -ai fit- lh ? ir i-r all o ;-.e f tl rl. -. . I an i 'i.-cr, a..d irrt tn, la: i: ict -f the cii- !l-al nvi , r.i'ioa--ie, an C t-.i - ari'in. i -u. -ril - a:el l.-.-s ef A v: r:tt-. .io u't'. i is -d b. i'i .ler-.t:iir.-an-i!t. if lie,- .-l ii.-.u ii. .iv-.-r an-1 ef.'i.-r f" me; i -..tiai ies i f t!a-..-tt in. Ill IX L Iiifer hii.o b.-i-n succ-Uv i:-J pill ar-3 'v irr.i :tJ.l to a:luvi;-.te tac saUcrer iu ill tho above'-s. J A T. Ji-ftcrx ftrr ,cru,Vy .';') ;, in tlitss; l .til JZ-i pth'f tintii ftr jf-nmur mlirle ii,t out ho'tla is fr'imti, unit ' trr xf)Ur vht li t!' trH"t. fritKeciiU- suei , to Jm r.i lent of iLt l-KC. - CZTlTiriCATES. M -srs. IT. Ci sriUN t Co. - ntlfinea: I take pleasure in pntinij thfl- isr -i-.i'iy i your wisli 1 li;ive i iii. fiiil . I. sit-iJ i 1 ea iii ;i"d t lie s:mii . c-f yeiiir X i. U.; tr. ivliirh vim s,-;it me, uikI fim! li not mil v .tn an i!-e Hitters, tun !!:;. one tliat eaie i t fail to be ueiit-licil ;is a Ionic and jiroiiiei. r .f I i-:csf.n:i. i. liobi-AiL). ill. ClTV AXII fiM'XTV HdSI-ITAI, S.ia i-'i aii.-is. . J uae CtV, 17I. t have e ir.-fiilly - uuaicd Pr. Ili-nli-v's 1 X t, n tiers. H-i-l have fulfil t ilvtii-l iii: H i i 1 7ir wlii, h i-oiiiil i ljure L'Vi-a tii ni.-i-i ii'!i ate -nn-taiitum . l-'nui tiie iini(i -a ni tlie I'iili-rs. a.-, fur I an iiiIe f tt "'M' it. I slma! I ;m!f t ii ,t 111.; 1 X 1. ISitt:-rs m-i'-t i" a very elticietu rt iiictv ; lysieps:a. la li-.r-s, i. i. l.t.-s tif Apr It e an ;i Millar eilil li.its, Ix-in:? ,f!te w- a m:iuhi " f veit-'ta'i;.' drills wlit; li :ive jii.. ii --.Uv vsj,... lis-M-es of ta it ii'-.t.irv-, an t ttiv tifrnv crVi,c elHcacy ill tiu-ir cure. f. ir. ?t.n . Ass'i lies. I'liysician Ap'Uiecsiry . Ji V Ilobi :til. SfATK Ass vk::"s On u k. Sail Francis -o. Jalv I'.tt, ISTt. ?Tessri. TT. Kistkix ,t .- a-i.ts : I li.-.vo .nil-., a car-fit ix i niaitina if vii,- I X I. l.ii t'.Ts. and have l'i'i i-l t:e-m i ;-ti lv fn ;.- of lvl. tvrious mineral si i ia e-s. V nirs. ie. l.oriS l-'Ai.'.C ;;.'A I", sta.e Avsayer. Beware of Coiuuerfeirs. None fet,iii h with out l r. IK-iiley'.t siaatui e ai-ross liio tn-i ! u. a hottie. Ilieey Family t5i!.l !nv rt rioJO- in Hie Ioi;e. r-ii.l rtfr.., iic:v. Ii. Kr.vrt-:i .. si.i.. I-roi ri.-i.--v. No. "ilS Front Street. San Fran. Lsc - i ut Nnrch 21, n.3 ORECCN CITY CKEWERY. Jlciirv Ifunilipl. mr HAVixc, prnFiiAS- j$4Jrv, ed the nbove l.n-w- -5 ery vish-s to inform th j-ublic that he is now prepared to manufacture a No. 1 qual ity of J. A O ICR R ICE R, as jrood as can be o!tninel nnyvhre fn the stat;-. Orders solicited and proiuptlv filled. 6 o: s SPKINU FT-OW TRS," "SFMMER FXO tKi, I " AWAKE " nd ASLKEP," B i . r.-T rrrip wrmr nnrf wii'tlT CIIH.S- -. - - .......... --. ..... HAN A t ttollk (Coutolidatod), for fiw. .Two of tli Chromnj are the lire of "Wldei Awaie nil Fust Aslep:" tiie outer eoontwliai smiuler. utcrnert farnisbeJ AT ONCE ita their Chromo. AGENTS en make Ixrtti-T term with nthan with any. other pubuattera. AJ.1rer. iH.W.lUAMS. ?trei-t, ICZ-CTtCALl SALOON, LCIT3 SAIL, : : : FKOrElETCK -3- WOULD RESPECT FFU.Y AX' fl iiniiim' t-'i the citizens of Orepon City and vicinity, that I have oiionotl an ICICIi:A?I aiul coxfectioxery establishment in the building formerly occupied by F. Dillcr, on the Comer of Fourth anil Main Streets. The Artie Sedii Fountain -will he In operation to supply the demands of tho thirsty. I manufacture all my own stock, consequently they are-Dure and Fresh. A share of public patronage is respectfully tc-. lieitf-d. Oregon City, September 6th, lST2-tf. i -'.;e--s'. i?n u-. r j i -j.' - - -v-i j,.-- t: M G