Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, August 16, 1872, Image 1

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wu.m "mum i ii iin
j-Jf, l.tf-'L-.l-'V'
NO. 42.
k3 . Jo
i)c iUeelihj ntcrpvbc.
Business IVlan, the Farmer
OFFICE In Dr. Thesainft's Brick Building
Single Copy one year, in adrauce, $2 50
Transient advertisement", including all
leir.ll notice. V si. of 12 lines, 1 v.$ 2 50
For each subsequent insertion
One Column, one year
H.ilf " '
Q i.trter " '
Uasiness Canl, 1 square one year
1 00
$120 00
iT Remittance to be mode at the risk o
Subscribers, and at the exptnze of Agents.
if The Enterprise office is supplied with
beautiful, approved style of type, and mod
ern MACHINE PRESSES, which will enable
the Proprietor to do J"b I'linting at all times
Xeat, Quick and Cheap !
OS- Work solicited.
All Buiine-as transactions upon a Specie baais.
. ' WATKIXS. M. D ,
SURCrKON. Poiirr-Axi). Okkoc n.
O FFKjE Oiir Fellows' Temple, corner
First nd V Ider -treeta Residence comer of
Main and Seventh streets.
3. II U EL AT.
Attorneys at Law,
March i. 172:tf
F. BARCLAY, M. R . C. S.
Formerly Surjeoa to the lion. II. 13. Co.
35 Year Expi-rltiirc.
?I iln Street, Orrd it C5 ' y, .
nmm and counselors at-law,
.f th' St ite.
','iT" S;i-ei il attention cr'ven to oa.-i'S in the
U. S. Ln.l Oili;.- ;l Oregon City.
Voril ... 1 S7-J:tf
E-r. ibli-hed sinre ISiO.at the old staRd,
yftin Street, Oregon, City, Oregon.
An Assortment of Watches . Jew
elry, and SL-th fliom.is' weight
-ks, all of which are warranted
oe as represented.
;. u ii u u done on short notice,
ti 1 thankful for past favors.
A. All oriiers for the delivery of merchan
dir; or pi'-kjiies and freiirht of whatever des
ciptiou to any part oi. the city, willbeexe
c ae 1 promptly and with care.
Importer and Dealer in
mm xjs .ucl. s&ss 9
Oregon Cily, Oregon.
At Charmrn fl'arner's old start d .lately oc
cupied by S. Ackermm, Main strut.
in tf
OFFICE In Odd Fellows' Temple, corner
of First and Alder Streets, Portland.
T te patronage of those desiring superior
.apr it o is is in special request. Nitrous ox-i-Li
fr the painless extraction of teeth.
"f" V' ti icial teeth "better than the best,'
.an 1 i fi'iexp the chftpet.
Vill be in Oregon City on Saturdaj s.
Nov. 3:tf 1
Pioneer Book Bindery-
Corner of Front and Aider Street,
V desired pattern.
IAI'ELIS, Etc., bound m every vaiietv of
ttyle known to the trade.
Orders from the country promptly at
ton letl to.
J. W. TBlVtPSOi!,
Atiorsaojs sit Law,
Real Estate Agento,
snt ver o f titles fubximied.
of Title of all property in Ei.gene
City, and perfect plats ot t ie same, prepared
with great care. We will practice in t .e
dtff-rent C urts of the Stat -. Special at
ta it't n :jjt ven to the c dlection of all claims
that nay ba placed in oar hands. Legal
Tatide-rs bcujHt nd sold. 6ei5'.t
The shades of night were falling fast
uen tnrougti the capital there passed
A youth, who sunp: and strode along :
This was the burden of his song :
" JJnll pups for Hiram.!''
His brow was fair, his eyes flashed bright
hen ihe While Hoiish loomed big in sight;
Then, like a silver clarion, rung
The acceuts oT if well known tongue :
" Hull pups for Hiram I"'
"You can't see Hiram," whispered Dent.
Unless you pay for my Conent.'
That reckless youth Dent's grip defied,
For to a string were salely tied
Bull pups for iliram.
Ohio! stay," said Babcock. sit!i a vh:k.
'Come, join our mess and take a iIiImk."'
A tear drop fiiled the young man's eye.
But still he answered, with a sijrh :
" Bull pups for Hiram I"
' Beware, unless the express is paid
Upon those pups!"' thus Putter said.
'I bis was all Purler spake that night ;
The youth passed singing lr in their sigh I:
Bull pups lor Hiram !"'
-Judge Lewis Dent next morning found
Both youth and pups dead on the grouud;
Tied to a pup, he- plain could see
An express way bill : C. (3. D.,
Bull pjps, for Hiram.
Near where Jeff. Davis" horse cats hay
Upon the While House lawn they lay
That ofiice steker with no tee
For either Den', and also the
Bull pups tor Hiram.
A Careful Mau.
Si! nations at a certain salary were
and are yet, as far as we know rema-ks
the Baltimore Guze'le. further recommend
ej by the addition of the infoi malton that
a careful man could make double the
Slated wages." m ailing thereby that the
perquisites of the place, if well looked
after, were profitable General Grant
took ofiice upon something of ihe same
terms that were understood to attach to
old Mt uai io.ts. Tin- Boston I'ost notices one
of his last little perquisi'es, which is ap
propriated to those noble animals, the
President's horses. It is a handsome
bu tiding of pressed brick, with polished
o ik doors, and finished inside and out ii,
he most cosily manner, as may be judged
ttnm tht lact that twenty five thousand
doiiars were expended in ils const rue ion
Here art Coiniortably housed those f'a.-r
trotter.-, that occupy primarily ihe tunuulrs
ot our Pivs-idfijt. How came this build
ing to l erected in this expensive man
ner, seeing that Col'giVrs is gei,er.iiiv ch-
ry ot appi opi iatioiis tor the Presidential
mansion, and iond ot talking of Rcpubli
can siuip'.lcin Th-.- tact is that not one
dollar was ever voted fr such a purpose.
Is it possible, then, that this money was
a small portion of the savings of this verv
"careful nia!i." General Grant? Not by
any means. His greatest enemy could
not aceue him ol any act of this kind,
even to I lie ex'et.t of a six pence The so hi
tod oi tin difficulty is not so honorable,
but is much more easy. Oul of iSe amount
designated U construct the new State De
partment the sum of twenty five thousand
dollars was illegally diverted to build
there Stables.
Cracks from Greeley Ilitles
IT. G. st; rm s lor Honest Gov
ernment, U. S. G. for Unlimited
Stealing' ami Grabbing.
Of the six lieptibliean Supervis
ors in Iroome county, five are ad
vocating Greeley. Carry the news
to I lii am.
The Charles J. Kiiloen Ttide
Imlepemlent Workingmen's Asso
ciation of Yorkville has declared
for the printer-farmer to a man.
At an informal vote taken among
the votinir guests at the Bath Hotel
Saturday evening the result was:
Greeley," 58; Grant, 7 YVoodhull 2.
Capt. John U. Uillard of Pater
son, X. J., one of the leading lie
publicans of that place in former
campaigns, wants his name put
down on the Greeley and iiovii
The Seneca Falls Jlrt'clIJc. xives
a list of thirty of the leading Re
publicans n that town who have
deserted Grant and announce their
support of Greeley. Carry the
news to Hiram.
S. S. Tilton, late President of
the Republican State Central Com
mittee of California, was elected
President of the t iberal Republi
can State Committee on the 3d,
and G. Y. Corbett, Secretary.
Chas A. NY red, Esq., proprietor
of the New OiKaus 2'iirtis re torts
the State of Louisiana alive with
enthusiasm lor Greeley and Rrown,
and sure to give a large majority
for that ticket in November.
,tate Treasurer Raines of New
York, elected 13' the Republicans
last fall, is active in his support of
Greeley. He has collected facts in
regard to the corruption of the
liivst Legislature, and propose to
state all he knows to Hiram.
Iliram Green, Esq., sa-s: "The
Grant organs prophesied; If the
Baltimore Convention made wood
choppers of the Democracy, the
un terrified would split their part v
to pieces.' It has s-inee transpired
that the Democrat's don't split
worth a cent."
A. S. Tabor, Esq., editor of the
Elmira Gazette, and late member
of the Grant Republican State
Committee, ays Chemung county
is all for Greeley. The support of
the Liberal cause by the tiaztt.e
leaves Grant without an organ in
in Cheraung count v.
KOW EX vs. Git A XT.
Tlie Ex-Mayor of IVaiingtoii to Sue
tile Pif siilt-ttt Airut Grunt
f ditatinj; Him out of r,-O0i)-
..cuioralii;tliu uiiil
IiUonesty in ihe
AVliite House.
From the Auburn Democrat.
The following letter was written
to George L. Watkins, Esq., who
resides in Seipio. The writer is no
less a personage than ex-Mayor and
late Postmaster of the capital of
the United States, Sayles J. iiowen.
It will explain itself as well as one
of the dishonest acts of him whom
the Republican party have elected
to tiic Presidency, and whom a
portion of the same men are trying
to elect again :
Washington, July 18, 1872.
G. L. Watkins, A's'j.
My Deai: Sin: I was much
pleased to receive from you your
kind and encouraging letter or' the
15th inst. You are right in stat
ing that I know something of Gen.
Grant's business qualifications, as
well as his character for honor,
honesty, and truth. I had a busi
ness transaction with him, in which
he cheated me out of 825,000 with
a coolness and deliberation that
would do ci edit to any blackleg.
In the mail that carrie.-this letter 1
send a copy of the Transc ''ijt, a
paper published in this city, con
taining an article relating to the
transaction alluded to, every word
of which is true, as I stand ready
to prove by Grant's letter and the
original contract in my possession.
Indeed, the Transcript iias dated
the Grant papers here and else
where to deny a single allegation
in the article, which they have not
had the temerity to do, as every
body in Washington knows it is
true in every feature. I intend to
prosecute Grant before our courts,
and have made arrangements to
commence suit against him at the
next term, when the whole matter
will be shown ut to the
world in
evidence that cannot be
1 his anair is only an index to
Giant's private character, lie is a
miserably sordid man, and will re
sort to an vl iiin'r, evasion orinva-
law and justice, or any-
tiling else that an honorable person
would despise, to put money n his
pocket. By his speculations in
Seneca stone lings and other scan
dalous jobs, through his military
torterie about the White House,
his presents and farming out of
ollicial po.-itions he will leave the
ency on
the 4th of March
next as rich as a
and as infa
mous as he a ho betrayed his Lord
and Master lor thirty pieces of
silver. His habits ar.i of the worst
possible kind, and his associates
ot the lowest order. Indeed, his
instincts low ami vulgar, and
lie is never so well atistiv'l as when
in company with horse ioekevs,
smoking cigars, drinking whisky,
and " talking horse." Demoraliza
tion and corruption are the order of
the day in ali sections of the coun
try, and at Long Branch. Examples
set there are followed by their par
asites until their influence has ram
ified every town and county in the
nation. Greeley will end this in a
trice. Your friend, tc.,
S. J. Bo WEN.
General Grant on ContmrtsWill
31 an OKlionest in t'rivntc Tiant-aclimi-
Ii- Hums! in ?is t'jjlt
lic OJiicial Conduct i
From the Washington Transcript. June '20 lh.
In November, 18G8, General
Grant entered into a scaled con
tract with S. J. Boweu, then Mayor
of this city, witnessing that he had
sold to said Boweu his residence
on I ftreet, which had been present
ed him by A. T. Stewart, Moses 1 1.
Griunel!, Thomas Murphy, Gen.
Buttertield, ami other citizens of
New Yoik, as a future residence
for himself and his family. The
price named in the contract with
Mr. Bowen was $40,000. This
contract was duly recorded among
the land records of this District,
and will be found in Liber D, No.
Having heard of this sale and
the failure of its consummation, we
took the trouble to examine the
record, and find the contract dated
November 27, 18G8, and signed by
"Kiibourn & Latta, agents for
Gen. U. S. Grant," ki U. S. Grant,"
and 11 S. J. Bowen." On the con
tract is a receipt, duly signed and
stamped, for -s 1,000, which appears
to have been paid as "earnest mon
ey" on the signing of the paper.
The contract goes on to state that
for the sum of forty thousand dol
lars the party of the first part (Gen.
Grant) has sold lot three and lour,
in square 5G0, the condition of the
payment being 1,000 on executing
! the contract, 'J,uuo on Jiarcli 10,
1 8G9 fat which time .possession was
J to be given .Mr. Bowen), ami the 'answered the prudent wife, turned
; remainder (:JO,000) in ten years, ; her face in the bed, and died
with Interest at the rate of six per I almost instantaneously.
cent, per annum.
With this contract on record, ! Scotch Learning. Doctor
nnannulled, with the Si, 000 paid ! Johson once said ,f Scotch learn-
him by Mr. Bowen in his pocket, j ing that it was Mike bread in a be
j Gen. Grant, assuming a military j sieged town ; every man got a
1 prerogative, subsequently sold the little, but no one got a full meal.',
property to Gen. Sherman for o5,
000, received the cas-h, and execut
ed and delivered a deed for the
conveyance of the same, thus pock
eting 25,000 more than he was
to have from Bowen, who was
legally and honestly entitled to
the property, and could have com
pelled Gen. Grant to have deeded
it to him even after he had deeded
it to Gen. Sherman, had he chosen
to resort to the courts tor justice.
Mr. Bowen has been put to con
siderable expense, fur searching
title, executing and recording pa
pers, and Gen. Grant ''had had the
use of the S 1,000 for five months
before it was repaid. Not a penny
of this has ever been refunded, and
now, we understand that General
Grant ahsolaidj r fuses to pay the
interest on the 0 1,000, or any of
the expenses Mr. Bowen incurred,
although he has several times been
requested to do- so !
Could meanness go farther than
this? Is there a business man in
this or any other community who
would be guilty of such a dirty,
dishonorable action, and be suite red
to remain in the neighborhood?
We confess we did not believe the
story when first told us. but the
half has not been told in this article,
nor have we space nor heart to re
late all we hear concerning it.
Were we to put in type what has
been told us by those who are be
lieved to know whereof they speak,
how Gen. Grant, apparently for
getting he had signed the contract
himsclt, denied his having author
ized Kilhourn it Latta to act for
him ; pleaded that he was mad
when he sold the property, as an
excuse for reselling it; that he had
sold the property to Mr. Bowen at
a too low a figure; told General
Butteriield he had never sold the
pioperty to Bowen, or signed any
contract or paper of any kind for
its sale; threatened Mr. Bowen
wilh political ostracism if he did
not cancel the contract; how the
difference of 25,000 was used by
Corbni in gold operations prior to
the "Black Friday" in New York;
the infamous falsehoods that have
been circulated from the White
House concerning this transaction,
etc., etc., should we attempt to
publS.-!) ail ttiis our pa. per would
contain nothing else.
Yet it is all true, and it is also
well known by many of our people
in Washington. Bat as the party
utility o
the rascally conduct is
President of the United States, he
is not only tolerated here, but the
master has been kept from the eye
of the public because of his high
official position and a wish to
screen from deserved infamy the
character of a man who ought to
be, in his dealings with his fellow
man, "not only pure, but above
suspicion." Now, however, when
that man is endeavoring to force
himself upon the people for a per
petuation of his power ami position,
we deem it necessary and proper to
make known his private as well as
his public character, believing, as
we do, that no man will hes. tale to
defraud the Government and the
public who is openly dishonest ami
dishonorable in his privat e transac
tions. Men have been known to
steal from governments and cor
porations who were perfectly up
right in their dealings with" indi
viduals; but who ever knew a man
who would seal his neighbor's
goods that would hesitate to rob
the public treasury did an oppor
tunity oiler?
We are informed that. Mr. Bowen
has in his possession copies of his
own letters to Gen. Grant, as well
as the originals of the General, in
his own hand writing, which corres
pondence, together with a copy of
the contract, would make most in
teresting lea. ling, and prove the
truth of what we have stated above.
Taking it all in all, we doubt
whether :i more, dishonest, dishon
orable, disgraceful, and unpardon
able transaction than this house
affair has ever been heard of, and
when it is considered that the
President of the United States is
the party implicated, may not
those who contributed to elevate
him to power (ourselves among the
number) bow their heads with
shame and mortification, and take:
heed that they "go and sin no
A most mat ter-of-fact death is re
ported in Chicago tli.it of a wo
man who has, for some time past,
been ill wilh a rheumatic affection.
Yesterday morning she felt better,
and sent her husband to market to
purchase sundry articles. On his
return she said: "Did yon get the
' " e. aiid the c.iuli-
" Y
' "Whnt did you
He answered so
nay for them
1 .
1 much. "That was about right"
-mi l.l.i M ill LJli mgTM.
Interestius: Ilemisceuce.
From the Lexington (a ) Gazette.
Lkxixuton. Va.. July lthh. 1S72.
Editous Gazette: As request
ed, I will give you a brief account
of a conference I had with Gen.
Wiiifield Scott and President Lin
coln in Washington City in Feb
ruary, 18G1, just one week before
the inauguration.
I wa in the city of Richmond
in February, 1801, in company
with Gen. Wm. Skeen of Allegha
ny comity, and J. S. McNutt, then
editor of the Lexington Gazette
On Saturday night, eight days
before the inauguration ot Lincoln,
we three went to the city of
Washington by the Potomac route,
in company with Col. Lander, af
terwards Gen. Lander of the fed
eral army, to whom we had 1 cvn
introduced by Ben. Ficklin, who
had been Lander's partner in the
postal service in California.
We reached Washington at day
break on Sunday morning. We
were introduced, on that day, by
our courteous and attentive repre
sentative, Hon. J. T. Harris, to
many of the "mighty men" of the
country, and being from Yirginia,
on which all eyes were then fixed,
as the turning point of secession,
we were "some pumpkins" then,
though before and afterwards but
"small potatoes.1'
On Sunday night McNutt and I
called to see Mr. Crittenden at his
rooms, he having known my father
and mother when a student at Lib
erty Hall Academy. Whilst at his
rooms, Gen. Scott stepped in, ami
we were introduced to him by Mr.
Crittenden. When I said "Gener
al, I am the nephew of Maj. .lames
Dormau, who, I have always un
derstood, was your favorite in the
United States army; my name is
James Dorinan Davidson." This
stired up an old memory, and he
addressed his entire conversation
to me. And after describing the
fortifications along the coast to the
harbor of Charleston, he said in
these words: "I saw Mr. Lincoln
on yesterday. I am called to see
him to-morrow. I cannot speak
from authority; but I will say
there will be no blood shed."
On the following night Lincoln
held his first levee 'at the Willard
Hotel, just one week before his in
auguration. During the day, we
three Yirgmians had been intro
duced to Mr. Thurman of Ohio,
who made arrangements for our
formal introduction to Air. Linco'n
at his levee, where we were pre
sented in a dense crowd through
which the way had been prepared
for us. We paid our respects first
to Mrs. Lincoln, and passing on,
Mr. Thurman introduced us to Lin
coln as Yirginian's. We were
kindly received, and after a cordial
shaking of our hands, I said to him,
"Mr. Lincoln, we are three men
from the mountains of Yirginia.
You know the position Yirginia
has taken. She will never sufiVr
coercion." He replied, "There will
be no necessity for coercion. That
word is misunderstood and misin
terpreted. No armies ever will be
marched through the Southern
In order to draw him out, I said
to him : "Suppose South Carolina
"' lie caught my meaning and
quickly replied: "If I am -struck
at may I not strike back? And if
we can't keep the family together
hadn't we better break up house
keeping ?"
The crowd of Northern men
around us wondered who it was
talking so plainly to the President,
as our friend Harris afterwards in
formed me. Having exhausted my
minutes I took his hand and said :
"Mr. President, we now return to
our mountains. Farewell! The
question ot peace or war is in your
hands." And bending his tall
form towards me, he replied :
"Farewell ! There will be no war."
I have mentioned these inter
views with Scott and Lincoln to
my friends occasisnally. On my
return I wrote a full account of
them to Gov. Letcher the only
memorandum in writing I have
ever made of them until this was
made at your request.
J. D. Davidson.
Louisiana Carter, the man who,
in league with Brother-in-law Ca
sey and the ofiice holders crowd,
attempted to revolutionize the
Delta Slate last spring, is now in
hot pursuit of Grant, threatening
to bolt unless Casey and the other
New Orleans appointees are imme
diately removed. He has not
found ihe President yet, and hopes
to catch him, either at Long
Branch or Washington.
His Opinion. A Dutchman get
ting excited over an account of an
elopement of a married woman,
gave his opinion thus: "If my vifo
runs away mit anoder man's vife,
I shake him out of his breeches, if
she be mine fader, rntno Got !"
Liberal liepublicati Headquarters.
From the Metropolitan Record, July, 27th.
The labors of the National Com
mittee of Liberal Republicans goes
on with remarkable vigor and their
headquarters at the Glenham Ho
tel are daily crowded by promi
nent men from all parts of the
country Judge Jasper W. John
son, the Secretary, is kept constant
ly buried to the eyes with letters
ami dispatches from all parts of the
country and fiiemls of Mr. Gree
ley ami Governor Brown, in com
munication with the committee, de
clared, the enthusiasm fl it for them
throughout the rural districts is
unbounded. During the past week
everything has been bustle and ex
citement at the headquarters. The
first struggle of the campaign will
take place in North Carolina and
the Liberal Republicans are ele
termined to plant there the flag of
honor that is soon to wave over the
entire nation. It is rumored the
other hide is making strenuous ef
forts to stay the popular tide that
is sweeping over the country, but
they will find before long there is
a power in the people's hearts
greater than influence er money.
The pieparations for the carrying
on of the campaign are going on
with wonderful speed aud on a
colossal scale. Millions of docu
ments are being printed, scattered
throughout the Slates, and nothing
is being left undone that may be '
necessary to bring together the
scattered sheep into the fold. The
intelligence from North Carolina is
of the most hopeful character and
not only because of the hold the
Cincinnati aud Baltimore nominees
have upon the affections ef the peo
ple, but also of the number of
bolters from the opposition side.
Many of the letters received by
Judge Johnson tell of the dire dis
tress of the ghastly Administration
party and te) what frightful straits
they are put to carry on even a
decent semblance of having still
some followers left Governor
Brown has fortunately recovered
from the effects of his late illness
and his appearance at the commit
tee rooms last Thursday caused no
little excitement. Mr. Greeley and
the Governor me'i the following
day and held a conference, from
which both gentlemen returned to
the committee rooms in evidently
the highest state of satisfaction.
The Governor then had a long chat
with Judge Johnson, aud shortly
after left the building. The next
day, in company with Dr. Steele,
Gov. Brown called at the Glenham
House in the morning and invited
Judge Johnson the Secretary of
the Committee, to accompany him
to Brady's Gallery on Broadway.
From hire the party proceeded to
Bogardue's Gallery where the Gov
ernor sat for his 'picture. Having
completed what business they had
there, the trio entered Fowler &
Wells, the phernoiogists, and had
their heads examined by Mr.
Fowler. In examining Gov.
Brown's head the phernologist said:
"That he had too much mind for
his body; he was built on the
high-system order, was clear-head
ed, of exceedingly acute mind, of
extraordinary and superior judg
ment of human nature, and of
great analytical powers. He was
bold and daring, had great execu
tion, and if he knew a thing to be
right had no fears to say what he
thought. It was necessary that he
should sleep more, and refrain as
much as possible from over-exertion."
On the following day Messrs.
Greeley and Brown and Col. Allen,
he chairman of the Executive
Committee and several other prom
inent gentlemen had a conference
at the Lincoln club, when the fu
ture conduct of the campaign was
fully canvassed. Gov. Brown, who
has a keen percept ion of character,
and like all great generals knows
men when he conies in contact with
them, warmly urged that Judge
Jasper W. Johnson of Oregon and
Col. George W. Anderson of
Missouri should be pushed into the
thickest of the fight at the earliest
possible moment ; and insisted that
Col. Johnson was one of, if not the
very best of organizers and pediti-
cal speakers in America, and should
not be confined at headquarters,
however much his services might
there be required. Judge Johnson
has already done good service
to the Liberal Republican cause and
it is rumored in headquarters he is
shortly to take the field again. He
is a gentleman ' well calculated to
do honor to the cau-e he ad vocates,
for lie is not only an eloquent
speaker but a highly polished gen
tleman well versed in the mys
teries of campaign conducting.
Colonel Allen is most fortunate in
having a co-laborer like Judge
Johnson, and the visitors to the
headquarters come in for an equal
share of the good fortune, for ins
urbanity an.rpoUleness ave aJmlt"
ted on all hands.
Greeley Clubs are beiug organ
ized all over the State.
I'acts aud Fancies.
The people of Wyoming don'
know whether to call their female
judge a justicess of the peace, or a
justice of the peaces. Q
To jump into the bins of0 grain
elevators and be sucked down the'
spout, is becoming the favorite
method of committing suicide in
the East.
In 1S35 the City Treasurer of
Chicage resigned, rather than take
the responsibility of borrowing
-2,000 at ten per cent, interest,
payable in one year.
At St. Louis, Mo., the Citr So
licitor was recently fined 850 for
being half an hour behind time in
court, and $10 more for not sitting
down when ordered to sit.
A Chicago congregation pricked
up its ears when the minister said,
"I have land to sell," but dropped
off to sleep again when he added,
" the beautiful land on high."
A preacher at Burlington, Iowa,
says he does not want a Mason,
Odd Fellow, nor a Democrat in his
church. He probably wants too
wrestle with the devil all by him
self: It is said that Guizot is in tho
habit of ascribing the mistakes of
President Thiers to his youth and
want of experience. Guizot a
mature man of 85 years, while
Thiers is a boyish fellow of 75.
A London lady, xvho means to
keep abreast ofethe times, has read
within the past year fifty meta
physical and scientific works, as
many more of history and belles
htters, besides five hundred novels,
plays, and poems.
The keeper of the Duxbury,
Mass., Lighthouse sweeps up from
the eleck every morning, two or
three Quarts of gnats, Hies, and
mosquitoes, attracted by the light
of the lantern luring the night and c
kill by the heat of the flame.
A Jewish Rabbi accuses a mer
chant of slanelering him bp alleging
that he (the Rabbi) on a certain
occasion elismissed his congregation
with the Apostolic benediction.
One hundred thousanel elollars elum-
age is the nudest sum asked for.
A jury in a recent case failed to
agree upon a verdict, and urgeel as
a reason that el tiring the time they
were fed upon cold meats and
mince pies, and that it was impos
sible to come to n agreement wl.eu
their diet disagreed with them.
A down east editor says his exper
ience in journalism teaches him
that there is nothing in this wo: Id
that will so disgust and sicken the
general reader as to learn, after Co
wading through the particulars of
an awful accident, that there is a
prospect of the victims recovery.
A graduate of an Eastern college,
a good scholar, ami foi 31 year a
popular clergyman, is now a team
ster in Des Moines, hauling at
twenty-five cents a load. lie has
always been a man of good lfabits.
could get a living by teaching or
preaching, but prefers his present
A Conneticut man Avho failed to
get a thirty-cent pineapple for a
quarter of a dollar wanted te know
"whether we were breathing the
pure air of freedom or being stran
gled with the fetrid breath of a
hellish despotism?" The store
keeper said those were the only
pineapples he had.
The following is a scale of the
average duration of animal life,
from the "most celebrated writers
on natural history: A hare will live
10 years, a cat 10, a goat 8, a sheep
10, "a dog from 14 to20, an ox 20,
swine 25, a pidgeon 8, a turtle dove
25, a patridge 25, a raven 100, an
eagle 100, a goose 100.
At the grave of a wealthy and
distinguished citizen of Yienna
recently, two ladies, each claiming
to lie the widow of the deceased,
met by accident, each having come
te decorate the tomb with flowers
and other emblems of affectionate
remembrancer The result was that
the police were obliged to interfere
to ke. p the eace.
A ministerial decree has been
published in the Strasburg Official
Gazette, forbidding the useo of
French 'names for streets in te
city, and giving a list of the new
German names by which they had
been replaced. A clique of anti
German tradesmen have met the
innovation by having the ohl
French names painted on their
Twenty-fiye years ago an old
o-entlemau of 80 retired from a
linn in Dutchess county, of which
J ,e was a part ner, on condition that
! lie should receive 1,000 a year a
! ion" as he lived. The bSrain
seemed a good one, but several
successions of partners died and the
old gentleman still drew his pen-
sion, until the other day he depart
: A-l, aged 105 rear.