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About The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1918)
rrrr. . . . - - - .: ;v:;:a. a.'a1. , - - . . v v v v v v v , v - ?. v ? X ? T r r ? V t t Y ? ? f t f ? X T r f Y T t f Y Y t Y ? Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y GROCERY SPECIALS For Meatless Day and that onO meatless meal each day, try our SALT SALMON. SALT MACKKKKL KIITKRKU HERRING. CANNKD FISH OF ALL KINDS. I'HKKSK. FRESH HOGS. HKANS, SPLIT TKAS ami NUTS. For Whoatless Hay and that one whentless meal aeh day, try our KICK Fl.OL'R. WIIKAT F1.0UK. KICK PANVAKK Fl.OFR. MVK KYK FLOl'K. CKA1IAM Kl.Ol'R. WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR. OATS or CORN. Every Wednesday wo have a shipment of Whole Wheat, Graham and Rye Uivad from the Model Bakery of Wallla Walla. We air doing all we can to help ou observe Meatless and Wheatless Days, and hox.- you will do your share. Rote the Window Display A Real "Hoover Window" Children's Shoes A tine lot of children's ahoo - just what you've Ucn looking for nonsiluV nervieo hIhx. neat and prvttv. Used to sell for $2.50 and mort but now the price is only $1.69 Ladies' Shoes Ono lot ladies' sdioes. x allies U to $5.00. Not all sues left, hut moat of the best sizes can be found in this lot that is marked to turn into cash for only $2.98 Men's Shoes i,liiliii(SRi One lot of men's shin's, all sizes, lace or button; Kood valuxs- some of them dress and many of them strong service shoes. Worth up to $1."0. To turn into cash, only $3.39 Storm Goods W are loaded to the guards with mackinaws, stag shirts, for lineil roato and heavy, warm, storm clothing. These are all reduced in price. Huy for i: xt sea .on and save from two to four dollars per garment. All the care, itudy ami experience and all that they cost noe not .how, but when you have found out that The colr da M (ada The taehr hold "IV hutiotii kt-iy on The buttonhole! do no rip, of The smi n( loc in oncmal cnnfofM fining proportion, Then you'll appreciate those hidden qualities that were given to you when you bought Arrow SHIRTS SlJ0anJS2.00 IW1 Morrow eoun- have been -looking I BREVITIES "t Old violin, beautiful tone, Stradi varius model, for sale cheap. Mrs. Andy T. Eamett. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Itcovcs of Peck, Idaho, were recent visitors at the home of L. B. Davis, who is a brother of Mrs. Reeves. Mrs. A. L. Douglas and Mrs. U. ' W. Brown left yesterday in response to telenhonc calls to join their re- snective husbands in ty, where thy at land. If it takes 20 cents to buy an undelivered, unguaranteed grain sack, what will it cost to have a good storage tank standing in your yard or field? Ask Watts and Rogers. Cyril Proebstel's right foot is temporarily out of commission as the result of severe blood oisoning; which' followed a mere scratch. The trouble is ascribed to the coloV ing matter in black hose. Mrs. A. H. Cox of Pendleton was here last Friday and met with the local Red Cross for the purpose of directing the work of making paja mas for the soldier boys. The la dies of the Weston auxiliary are meeting at the library on Tuesday and Friday of each week to do this class of sewing. Rev. W. S. Payne returned Wed nesday from Four Iikes, Wash., where he conducted a revival, ami from a visit to his brother at Sprague. The revival continued two weeks and rcsulleil in ii con versions. Mr. Payne now has un der consideration six calls for his services as an evangelist. He will probably go next to Sherman county. Mrs. H. Goodwin was hostess to the French class of Mrs. Lillian Fredericks Monday afternoon. At tin? conclusion of the luncheon hour the birthday anniversary of Madame Proudlit, one of the class memlers, was fittingly celebrated. "Camou flage" birthday gifts were prewnt. ed to-ihe honoree by the class mem bers, and a merry time was had. Tli,w iir?sent were: Mnwlanies Lillian Fredericks, The Bachelor Girls Club met at the home of Miss 'Odessa Kirkpat rick last Monday and a very pleas ant evening was sint with sewing and music. Klection of olliecrs was held, with the following result: Gladys MeFadden, president; Gla dys Simth, vice president; Ldiia Jones, secretary' and treasurer. Near the clow of the evening a lovely lunch was served by the hostess. Having purchased the Barnett Economy Store, I intend making a general clean up of the notions stock in order to make room for a new invoice of groceries. Those who want notions of any kind at real bargains will do well to call within the next few days. Andy T. Barnett. The church on Weston mountain I WESTON SCHOOLS A new memlier. Oral Williams, was enrolled in the Freshmen class this week. The uper classmen of Weston High gave the Freshmen a recep tion Thursday evening in the gym nasium. Games and music fur nished the entertainment, after which refreshments were served. A large numler, including ull of the teachers, were present. A the eighth grade recently. The class was divided into pxsing sides, and the winning sides was to be entertained by the losing side- -which arrangement resulted in a ? ? ? X X ? ? ? ? X J ? ? ? r f ? ? x ? ? ? ? v t Y Y Y Y Y Y y Y t Y Y Y Y X X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Church of the Brethren Order of wr vices fr Sunday of the greati-st lessons of life con tained in cither of these luniks. This work is all sent to the State Department to be corrected and those suceiful in the examinations receive a statement direct from the SuK?rintendent of Public Instruc tion. Credit is given in the high schools to all those who pass the examinations. This work has been CHAMBERLAIN FAVORS UNIVERSAL TRAINING Nw York Th Nilonl Security tfaRU pll trlbii' hrr lo Senator Omrs K. t'humlMTlnlii, of orron. nrt RrprMtrnfatl" Jultim Kahn. of ('alt- offered by the State Department for fornla. At a Itmrhi-mi given In tholr a iiuiiiIht of years. However, this honor tl p'aW'r rrf'-rrril to the ef- is thtf first year that Weston High forta of the two ataicaim n In rointreaa school has made application, In tbe Interwia of natlonul dpf'-ii". Tin ki'ttirM;!,.!. Mvaiiiw iv, rt I Senator t'liaiiitwrlaln, In illacuaiilnn W.-dnewlay and Tliursdav and the the military policy of the selling contest was given in cards were given out Monday morn- Btatea. ailviH-antl thr a.lpilon : .... I . I . . 'in... . .. .. . . . 1-1..- IIa 111. I le nimi In Mtnrteil Wurk Mini, vrwi nimiiir.T hbmi.i.h. ... day with renewed energy, hoping to nl 'n1" Y" "'r ' do still Imtter work thnu was (lone h hind and th- low, Hie rich an4 th last semester. poor, the prnfraalonal nian and tha January S7. PJ1: 10 a. in. - Sunday whool. 11 a. m. Pnnching. 6:30 p. m. C. W. S. 7:.) p. in. - Bible Study, Life of Chriat. JOHN UONEWl'W. Klder. United J, ft'rfA.frH of unl- :: fljw. iinrtu ut tin. hfimi lit (iimcvil I.ll'll is nemg remoueieu ano me inierir aun newly decorated. vnen the work . . . . . I L Til I is completed me cnurcn win nave lut-n made over into quite an attrac tive house of worship. NOTICE TO TRACTOR OPERATORS Athena, Ore., Jan. 2.!, HilK. 1 have just received notice from my home office that on account of the Govrenment taking over several of our boats and calling in two scries of our barrels, it is going to Waitsburg was close and fast, Wes- bo impossible to ship in car lots as ton being defeated by 17 to H Having completed their course in basket weaving, the pupils of Miss Clark's room hope to take up a short art course of painting and designing. A double header basket ball game is scheduled for this evening at High School gym, beginning at seven thirty. The girls' team will clash with the Waitsburg girls and The eighth grade pupils hnc been busy the last month practic ing their play, "The Old District School." They hoie soon to en tertain the public with their in duction. The little tots in Miss Kintoul's room are rejoicing over the fact that they have had the attendance banner for two months. They are feeling rather down hearted, how ever, Iwcause of the illness of some of the members. Fourteen ab- has been done in the past. So I am taking this means of let ing you know the difficulty we are going to have (his season in the line of storage. I would ask your co operation that you may make im mediate plans for your prvate stor age in order that we may ! able lo take rare of your needs when the rush conVs. I want you to think thiu over se riously, as anyone can we what the result will le if we are not able to get our distillate when we need it; and I think we owe it to our coun- the grade boys will play the grade sences were recorded last wii-k. team of Mhena. An exciting bat- The basket ball girls of Weston tie is in prospect bet ween the fern- High met Milton High on the Mil- mine warriors. J neir game at ton floor Friday even ng and were victorious by a ttcore of 35 to lf. The locals were delighted with the arllitan. Itrpri'wnUtlvi' Kahn d'-nnunred the pai-IMata. "The airong arm of the go, ernment," he aald, "alionld rearh out anil net thmr peopl, A few pronipl trlala and a fen n.nlrk hatntlnRa would prove mont Mlulnry at I la In time." Ilpprennnlallve Kahn waa followed by Theodore RnnaevHt, who anld; "Hark Mr. Chamberlain: linek Mr. Kahn In aeelnu that every hindrance of havln thi-ae men aupporled a they ahoiild he anpported by thla nation la taken away." 4 -1 . BBC.Ca MONARCH WOIJLOJ BEST U ' : u ;j J3illiard:i !l! 1 The locals hoie to make honors reception given them by the Milton even on their home floor. girls. Several of the students in the The debating class are taking Typewriting department are get- much interest in their work. The ting to be most iierfi-ct in the arlv following question was debated Some of them are now writing real Thursday afternoon: "Resolved, business correspondence, making That I ho Curfew Law in Weston carbon copies of written material, Should lie Repealed.'" This qucs and other work which they would ! lion was affirmed by William Van nipjired lo do in actual business' Winkle, Ellis Brown and Fleenor PhOXlC Mdill 263 T life. SuperinU'ndent Fitzpatrick an nounced that there were five stud ents who wrote on the questions on Bible Study which were given out Douglas and denied by Jim Lieual- len, Violet Wriggle and Velma Gerking. Decision was given to the affirmative by unanimous vote. Dr. S. L. KEIillARD Veterinary Surgeon Hospital at corner of Main anil Broad streets. U : U J' THIC PAST I MIC I Mi Meat Market try that we take care of our own needs in a time like this and not by the State Department of Educa decnd on someone else lo supply tion This examination is given us with storage when (here is no twice a year at, the close of flic telling what moment the Govern- semester-- in all schools which ment may take our tankers and make application fur the same, barrels if it tui-ds tli'Mii for trans- The examination is divided into two porlation pui'ixises. parts- - first, the quest ions on the Call in and talk this over with New Testament; seroud, the ques us at any time, and we will lie linns on the Old Testament. All Utiliert Proudlit. glad to help you all we can. who have made a study of this J H Williams Mary Mcisee ana VJ,J ,.w,,, u,ut1s,., H. Goodwin; Miss Mary Proudtfi. Asent Standard Oil Co. field of literature as wv!l as many Dr. J. C. BADDELEY Graduate Veterinary Curgeon Phone :)2FC . Athena, Oregon HOMER I. WATTS Attorney-at-Law Hrauticva in all Slate aud Kedera - Court. ATHENA, OKEUUN ILZopnaiTbarp,M.D. ii Physician and Surgeon Trained nurse in attendance Office and residence in the Watts building f.V M t Beef by the quarter 12c per lb. aWnaaaBHMaVHMHIHatr--' Meats and Fish Ham, Lard and Bacon A. P. Perry