The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 07, 1916, Image 4

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t'jsr suras h Krca m
Those Rescued Said to Include 59
Passengers and 94 of Crew
Vessel's Captain Drowns,
London Unofficial dispatches fron
Cftlr tay that the British steamship
Persia, tank In the Hediterreneaa oa
Thursday, waa torpedoed without
warning and tank In Ave minutes. 1
Between ISO and 180 eurrlvore have
bee landed at Alexandria, Egypt.
Robert N. McNeely, America con
sul at Aoden. Arabia, Is believed to
hare been drowned.
Renter's Cairo eorraapoodent make
tha unreserved atatamant that Mr. Mo-
Neely tost hie life. Ckarlaa H. Grant,
of Boston, waa saved.
. Details of tbe sinking of tb Paraia
cama in slowly bat aack Information
aa waa received mada It appaar
tha number of persons who escaped la
the four boats which vara put off
was terser than waa booed when tha
first news waa received. Tha Peoin
eular eV Oriental company, which
owned the Persia, announced that 158
survivors had arriTed at Alexandria.
- The strrvivors comprise the chief
. officer, seeond officer; aereo engineers,
17 seamen, 63 Lascars and 69 pai
A Lloyd dispatch gives tha number
aa 16S. made an of 69 passengers, of
whom 17 are women, and M memebra
of the crew, including 63 Lascara.
The suTTiTOTS include military offi
cers and eight persona who are
British subjects.
"The ship waa strock amidships on
tha port lido at 1:10 p. at,, aaya Reo
tar 'a correspondent at Cairo. "She
had dieaooeared completely at 1:15.
"Survivere aay it waa little abort of
a miracle that anyone was saved.
There waa no panic. . Four boata i
launched with tha utmost promptitude.
"The captain waa drowned. Whan
last aeen he was swimming: after the
liner had plunged beneath the sur
face." ; ,
Both tha Peninsular & Oriental
pany and Renter's Cairo correspondent
aay that Mr. Grant has been landed at
Alexandria. ' The steamship company
bad no news of Mr. McNeely 'a fata.
Edward Rose, of Denver, left the
Peraia at Gibraltar, aa waa reported.
tzm EUI UW m ID U
The old Sunday blue law of Oregon
is valid and not in contravention either
of the elate or Federal constitutions.
Three United States judges aa agree
In a sweeping opinion banded down
Wednesday at Portland, by United
States District judge Wei vert on, which
upholds the law In every particular
wherein attack has been mad oa It In
the Federal court.
The epinioB denies tha prayer of tha
Bntnawiek-Balke-Coilender company,
manufacturers of billiard and pool
tables and bowling alUya, for a per
manent Injunction restraining district
attorneys and sheriffs of S8 Oregon
counties from enforcing tha law.
Ia treat detail it acta forth tha
sons for rsiectlnr the contentions of
Wilson T. Hume, attorney for the pe
titioning company, aa to the Invalidity
of the law.
It holds that the principle of the
rlrht of the state to regulate the pur
suit of occupations oa Sunday under its
Portland Wheat Blueetem, $1 par
bushels fortyfold. lit club, ?: red
life. B5e: red Ruisian, 95a. ..
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, tlf
17. 60 per ton; valley timothy, !
vetch. IIS.
Mlltfeed Spot prices: Bran, 121
per ton: shorts, $23: rolled barley,
ram io coczc kiw urn
c.ttu w,S Katt!e. which, an-1
A., it,, mw wuklhitlon law. will be I
the laraest "dry" city In tha world,
outside Russia, welcomed the new year
and bade farewell to alcoholic liquor
with noise and merriment
New Year's eve always time of
street earnlvala and. even without tha
Incentive of the good-bye to drink, the
street crowds would have been boot
mooa. Sidewalks on Second avenue,
and other spirituous drinks were un
able to reolenlsh their stocks at the
wholesale houaaa. and the Variety of
havarane In some saloons WSS limited.
It is estimated that in the It oays
Eisy CLs ca ScJ fed lartS-
J. C W. Beckham, the new senator
from Kentucky, la a former governor
ef that state, having been elected after
the disturbances that led to the a
slnation ef Governor QeeheL He i
bora la Bardstown. Ky in 1M9. .
I ,fayyaa4'wWSrNsV,V I
ComWhite, ISS per ton: cracked, ,K .Wtlln rfl.irl-t. were lammed
.... I to tha ourb until midnlant WIIB aiowtj
tt a a a r a. l at a waa --. -
vvgewDiee jirucnoava, n.iv V I i. .k,. nf hilarious DCODle.
ooaen; tomaioea, t.eiiiomia, ti.ov j ail aaloona did a larae buslntas
1.75: cabbage, VOc per hundred; rr- , lkl kui iiMd te admit
lie, 15c per pound; peppera, I0gjlle; M tomars to lament the new
eggplant, 10c; aprouta, 8e; fcoreerad- fhsre was no lack of
isa,ete; cauiinower. octtt4.o 7 I br anywhere, but improvident ssloon
doaen; celery, 6090e; beana, tH6c i.0 hmA .11 their whiaky
B ...... . KVAW . MMI.I I
vm vwiih, K "-"I
peas, lfic per pound.
Green Fruita rears, 91 j i.ou par
box: grapes, tt per barrel; craober
PoUtoee Oregon,; Xakl-
maa, 1.1631.X6 par eaca; aweeta.
I2.K06176 per hundred.
Onions Oregon, buying price, 1.Z
f. o. b. shipping point.
Applea Spiuenbergs, extra fancy.
tS.tfi; fancy, II; choice, ll.t5CXl.50;
Jonathana. extra fancy, 11.50; fancy,
11.15: choice, 11; Yellow Newtowna,
extra fancy. II; fancy, 11.75; choice,
11.S5; Baldwin, extra fancy, 11.60;
fancy, 11.15; choice, 1; russets,
orchard run. II.
Eggs Oregon ranch, candled, 53 fit
SSc per doaen; Oregon storage, 12 41
Poultry Bens, small. II & ISc;
large. l&14c; springs. 1213c; tur
keys, live. 1 81 9c: turkeys, dreased.
choice, S4c; ducks, 1215c; geese, 10
Butter City creamery, cubes, sx
traa. selling at S8e: firsts. X6ie;
prints, and cartons, extra. " Prices
paid to producers: Country creamery,
t2Q2c; butterfat. No. 1, t8c; No. Z,
I6& . .
, Veal Fancy, llK12c per pound.
Pork Fancy. 7ffl7sc per pound.
Bops 1916 crop, 862101c per pound.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 18325e par
pound: valley. .526e; fall lambs'
wooL 25c: mohair. Oregon, 28c -
Cascara Bark Old and new, 3iS
Cattle Market steady, steers.
choice. I7.256i7.60; good, 77.25;
medium, S8.607; cows, choice, 15.26
5.76; good, $56.25; medium, $4.76
15; heifers, choice, 5.506; good,
M.756; bulla, choice, tS.504.50;
stairs, choice, 15(25.26.
Bogs Market steady, prime light.
f8.15.25; prime strong, weights, 16
e.10; good to prima mixed, $5,666?
6.90; rough heavy packing, I4.8W0.0;
pigs and skips. $5415.25.
Sheep Harket steady. unoiea
spring lam be, 17.25 7.60; common
spring lambs, $6.26g6.60; choice year
ling wethers, $6.25ci 8.7&: old weth
ers. $605.25; choice light owes, $5.25
(S6.60: good ewes. $4.7506.25; com
mon heavy awea, $4.264.76.
l .lit:
Lattst photograph of Count Praas
von Pspen, military anaene ei w
German embassy at Washington,
whose recall waa demanded by Presi
dent Wilson because ef his obnoxious
I police power has been conclusively de-
Ml ftuAM lUin) SmSJk m lA In two deciaiona.
It declares that tha UniUd SUtes
T . w..fc T rftrfjn-t rtK. Mpreme eour iuruier urns uuiuraii,
1 1 v. r- I upneia tais principle mm neinar m ichiu-
.:,J.T., r I mate exexciae of the police power of
coma, mn m iwuj vwj i
-,-1 w b.4 1 I the state.
law interferes with religious liberty to
be ill-found ed. and declares it
tially civil and not religlooa.
It sweeps aside tecnineal points
raised against the validity of the law
such as tha alleged insufficiency of the
title of the amended law of 1866 and
other irregularities. 1
endlna-at noon Friday December 81, 1
$1,000,000 had been spent la Seattle I
for liauor wrapped in packages to bet
carried home for use In the dry period.
Port Is nd Celebrates.
Portland. Ore. New Tear's
revellers began early to make tha moat
of their final opportunity to boy liquor I
in ths restaurants and saloons of rom
Grills were crowded as early as I
o'clock and from that hour oa mam-1
ment and hilarity reigned.
Home saloons ran entirely out 01 1
stock early In the evening and closed
their doors. Others which . had only I
one or two brands of liquor left kept
The shocks were quick and sharp
' and more like an explosion. Buildings
abode and trembled and in some c
persona ran out of their houses to
what ' bad happened. - At the Dupont
powder plant, it was stated, the shocks
were also felt. So far as has
learned yet, there was no damage.
Olvmpia. Weak At 4:60 o'clock a
severe earthquake shock was felt here
of. about 80 seconds' duration. No 1
terial damage baa been reported.
Seattle, Wash. An earthquake
shock waa felt here Saturday after
noon, beginning at 4:62 o'clock, con
tinuing about 10 seconds, followed
by lighter tremors.1 No damage
done. : ,;. : -"" -
Washington. D. C A severe earth
quake, the heaviest recorded in
time and lasting almost three hours,
occurred in an undetermined location
Saturday. ' . Seismographs of the
Georgetown University observatory
beicaa recording the tremor at 8:43
m. Tbe shocks tnereaaea in intensity,
and between 9:26 and 9:46 o'clock
they were violent.
It was conservatively estimated that
the distance of tbe center of the dis
turbance was 8000 miles from Wash
ington. ' ,'
' Cabaret Ousted from Rink.
. San Francaioo An lee skating rink
will supplant the previously popular
cabaret at the Portola Louvre. Con
struction work baa started at ths big I Thaw shall bear the expense of an ex
amination of Thaw's sanity, and not
the trustees of the estate.
The case came to the higher court
from the Orphans' court of Allegheny
county and grew out of the efforts of
Thaw to have tbe full amount of his
income paid to him.
Thaw took exceptions to the pay
ment of tha bills of the doctors who
examined him.
Grave fyiilesic of (sflacsza
Balis Entire Msn a CMfJ
Washington. D. C. Influenxa is
spreading ever the United States from
coast to coast in the moat serious epi
demic ever known, taking a large toll
in lives and causing economic lose by
incapacitating workers in all walks of
life. Reports from public health aa
ice officers made public , by Surgeon
General Blue ahow that already the
disease has created a grave problem
for many larger cities, and ia spread
ing to the rural communities.
New York, Chicago, Philadelphia,
Boston. San Francisco, Seattle, Cleve
land and Detroit reported the disei
widely prevalent, Cleveland and De
troit each have probably 100,000 eaa
Of other larger cities Buffalo, Pitts
burg, Baltimore, . Portland and San
Diego report no signs of an epidemic.
Tacoma's Apple Crop Nearly Gone.
Taeoma Home-grown apples are
about gone for tha season, aay local
commission men. Supplies onhsnd
,m mtn f m httr nrrm and
this increases the sale, of Eastern ?P?, a ?2Za?ZZZ
drink was ordered. Saloonkeepers and
bartenders preserved a cheerful front I
generally and joined with customers
in the festivities. In the grills much
wine was consumed, notwithstanding
Drevioua announcement that stocks I
were low.
Booze stopped abruptly at midnight,
but the owl car went right on just thai
same. "Is the dosing of tha saloons I
going to affect receipts appreciably? I
was asked.
"We think not," replied a streetcar
official. "There la a certain quota of I
Portland's . population that works
nights. This number ia not going to be
reduced to any perceptible extent
Spokane Spends 600,000.
Bookane. Wash How great has been
the sale of intoxicating liquors in Spo
kane, which ended New Year's eve in
the practically complete disappearance
of visible stocks, probably no one win
ever know.
Observers, with some knowledge of
the liauor sales that have been mount-1
. . ..... . . 1
lng to unanticipated totals aunngmei
19 business dsys since the Supreme I
court destroyed the last hope of tbe
opposition to prohibition, assert that!
6500.000 is a moderate estimate ox me
amount the city has spent on the pur
chase of private supplies.
Washington apples, which were held
back earlier in tha season because of
low prices of the home product. The
crop 01 local . apples was a gooa one
this season and many applea were sold.
the dealers and growers both benefit
ing. Eastern Washington apples hold
steady. " ,. v -
Grapes are reported gone for the
season. Too holiday trade cleaned up
what supplies were on hand and deal
ers say the weather is too cold now to
bother with such a commodity. Thia
season saw more grapes soul on toe
local market than ever before. There
were many varieties offered and all
1 of an exceptional -quality that
maintained throughout tbe sea
One of the features of tbe season was
the way in which tbe grapes were
packed for the holidays, some coming
in cork-packed kegs and others In lug
boxes. . - :
Vegetables with the . exception of
tbe root varieties are gone and there
ia no damage to be expected from cold
weather. Shipments of tomatoes from
California are becoming smaller.
Sweet potatoes are arriving regularly.
Netted Gem. spuds are firm at 123 a
ton. .,
1 II 'I "J
'' v
That Reo Factor of Safety Is More Than a Here Sales Term
your guarantee under all comilliona.
80MET1MES WK WONDER If pro-ltive
buyers appreciate the full significance of the
famous Reo slogsn quoted alve-or ir, per
chance, some vslus ft as lightly aa they prob
ably do some other mere sdvertiaing terms.
TOU NEVER HEAR of a Reo ear developing
a weakness in any vital part.
TOU KNOW REOS for their marvelous uni
formity of excellence In performance and for
their economy of upkeep.
TOU'VK BEEN IMPRESSED by the fact that
every Reo owner you know ia enthusiastic
about his Reo-none of thst diversity of opin
ion you've found among owners of soma other
makes of cars,
BUT BAD TOU STOPPED to analyse tha con
dition and to discover the reason!
SATISFACTION Y ES. But that alone ia not
all. Uniform satisfaction unanimous enthus
iasm among Keo owners those who use their
cars reasonably and equally those who abuse
theirs, aa you know. '
per cent oversise 15 per cwit extra strength
-In every vital part'' la the answer, lhat
factor of safely la protection against all
kinds of driving and all kinds of roads-ell
kinds of abue aa well aa use. ;
TAKE REO TUB FIFTH for example:
THAT CHEAT CAR to now tha olWel car In
the world - has been made in prartirally tha
same form for more years than any olhers
HAS OUTLIVED WORR8 of would be rivals
and still Irad. Is still America's most popu
lar sutomoMte among dlsi-rimmatlnt luyeia.
AND NO MATTER whether Ihe man to whom
you aie talking owns a 1910 or a I9K model,
he Is equally ntlmaia.lle In his pr.Ue-the
1UI0 man perhaps a trifle more so laraua
of the greater evidence be has had of lis
THAT SERVICE IS BUILT IN at the factory.
Keo service la second to none-when on oc
casion you may need it. Hut the kind of lie
service of which we are most pruud Is that
service built In at the factory that M par
cent ovcrstse factor of safety and of eatie-faction.
A Few Agency Propowtion Still Open, Write
NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Distributors
Broadway at Coach
P. W. VOCLER, Pres.
Pbeeee: Dreed ay M7; A 4HI
The New
The New Reo The Fifth
The Incomparable Four
Ashamed of her
bad complexion
U voo, loo, are embarrassed hy a
pimply, blotchy, unsight ly complex
ion, nine chances out ol ten
Resinol Soap
will clear it
Just try Resinol Soap for a week
and see it it does not make a blessed
difference in your skin. It also
helps to make red, rough hands and
arms suit snd white.
In am er MoMma am, ImImI Sme
thamli bm trt lint, kraW Uumal.
R-Hli n to! trll Irfip.
Thaw Must Pay Alienists. . Creamery Butter Drops,
Philadelphia The . Pennsylvania Taeoma Fresh Washington ereanv
State Supreme court Wednesday do-1 ery butter declined thia week S cents a
eided that the estate of Harry K.
Powell-street cafe this week and the
rink will be opened to the public on
January 10. According to one of the
proprietors of the Portola Louvre, tha
rink wiU be at the dispotoal of cafe
patrons during tha afternoons, but at
night will be used only by exhibition
skaters. Tha manager wires from New
York that ha has closed contracts with
half a dozen fancy performers.
Ailiea Lose Advantage. I Illinois Boys to Train.
" Serlia A dispatch for abroad foJ-l Chicago Requests far the incorpor-
lows: "Interesting statistics are pub- ation of the National Cadet Corps
lished by the Tageblatx. The tabu- league and the Illinois Cadet league
lation shows that, the populations of I were forwarded to Springfield, III. Tbe
the entente powers August 1. 1914. 1 National body and its state auxiliary,
wben the war began, amounted to in the belief of tbe incorporators, will
230.000.000. while the Inhabitants of I bring about the introduction of military
tbe central powers totaled 116,000,- training for high school boys, college
000. January 1, 1918, tbe entente j youths and graduates, with instructions
powers have populations totaling 196,- detailed and equipment furnished Dy
000.000 while the central powers have the government. A postcard
16,000,000, so that the difference in
population has receded from 114,000,-
000 to 40.000.000." .
Two Killed on Bob-sled.
Caldwell, N. J. Two young women
were killed end a young man seriously
Injured while bob-sledding here New
Year's Day. The victims were Miss
Winifred Dailey and Miss Belea Van
dorwater, both of East Orange. Their
companion, William Little, Jr., is
entering from internal injuries.
The ident occurred when the three
were Misting down s steep hill and in
an effort te avoid a wagon dashed into
a telephone pole.
DoumL Tbe drop is' attributed to
heay production of seeond grade but
ter. Many of the f actoriee In Wash
ington that have been dosed down lor
weeks for repairs are again in opera
tion. - The demand ia steady and no
further change in prices is expected
soon. Fresh Oregon butter ia quoted
at about the same prices aa the Wash
ington product. Washington butter is
offered at 2930 cents a pound and tha
Oregon commodity at Z830 cents.
Bean Prices Highest In Years.
Tbe bean market of California is
now in a peculiar condition, according
to reports from that state. Tbe
prices asked are tbe highest in yean,
and the high prices are not accom
panied y any scarcity of beana. Be
cause of the Increased acreage put to
beans thia year, together with a most
bountiful crop, more beana were bar-
vested in California than In many
years, most ol this crop now is in us
warehouses. According to a eaeramen
to bean expert, almost all the whole
salers have filled their warehouses.
Market Oats In East.
There was a fair' prospect for a .time
that Pacific Coast oats, as well ss
Interfered with teleersDbic eommuni- wheat, might be marketed In the East
cation, and for thia reason the Frtmch I It was this possibility that caused tbe
Cable eomoanv announces that roes- recent firmness in local markets, but
sages for transmission through that with the weakening of Eastern prices,
country would be accepted subject to most of tbe gain waa lost here. Prices,
of the Chicago school boys will be un
dertaken to determine whether the par
ents favor military drill for their sons.
French Wires Are Down.
New York Heavy storms In Franca
during the last few days hsve seriously
Spring Opens on Mara.
Flaastaff. Aria, Obersvatlons of
Mars for tha present opposition are
now in full progress at the Lowell ob
servatory. Results of signal import
ance have already been oroognt out,
in that the observed canal development
ia strikingly corroborative of the theory
of seasonable dependence upon the
melting of the polar cap. The north
ern eanala are now extremely dark, in
dicating advance of spring, while tbe
southern canals are faint in tneir ae
cllne. . Tbe season in the northern
hemisphere of Mars is now late April,
New Haven Earns More..
New York Tha report of the New
York New Haven ft Hartford railroad
eomoanv and its subsidiaries for tba
five months ended November 80, 1916,
show the net corporate income of tbe
parent company waa 63,831,978.41, as
anlnst 11.173.888 19 for the
SDonding five months of 1914. The
net corporate income 01 tne various
subsidiary companies, Including tbe
Central New England railway, tbe New
York, Ontario ft Western, and tha New
England Steamship company, was Z,-
911,760, as against $1,761,833.
State Worth 1 6,000,000.
Olympia, Wash. The state of Wash
ington starts tbe year 1916 with total
cash balances of $3,608,623.83 in its
various funds and bond holdings in ex-1
of $13,000,000. Ths state gener
al fund has a cash balance of $1,204,-1
076.26. The bond statement shows I
In the
The Old and Reliable
o Dr. Isaac Thompson's
K'nc iATcn
b Mk s umiii far wok. laSaMal
mrm mmi mm Mml r . Kr
tm mm mU tmi mm wM mMm km fm.
9C, i! CrenM it M W .
" lid aa mmi fna
MS lw SC. Tnr. N. T.
elf-Lighting Smudge Pel for
Dy tha Invention of a simple ther
moatatle controlling devke, a Loa An
gelea man has developed sn Ingenious
apparatus for rendering tba smudge
pots used by orchsrdlsls self-operating,
saya the January Popular Me
chanics Magaxlne la an Illustrated ar
ticle. Tbe appliance, which may be
fitted to any atanilard type of pot.
Is regulated by a small copper rod.
Whan the atmospheric temperature
drops to a predetermined point, the
contraction of the rod la sufficiently
great to release a cup containing an
sold. Tba liquid Is poured Into a small
chamber provided in tba smudge pot
Thia holds a chemical substance which
burns upon tbe addition of tha acid
producing a flame lhat Ignites tha
crude oil used In the put. The ther
mostat may be adjusted so as lo re
lease the acid when the temperature
falls to any specific degree. With thia
apparatus In use, sn orchard may be
protected from frost without personal
attention being given it, Popular Me
chanics Magaalue.
galls use llsnford's Balsam,
What He Thought.
Walter (to gueat who hss boon wall
ing a very long time) "Did you ring
the bell, alrr
Guest No, I was tolling it. I
thouKbt you were dead!"
TV Vm lal CkH smI tutnirtlwM la Tla
ftavtlne ISt. furwk PuMLMn O. . Cksw
Ur CvauMies, I'ertiami, Urmua.
Record Gene. - ,
"So the family in the flat next yours
has a vlctrola, eh 7 How many records
have thevT"
"Heaven only knows! But tney
broke their best previous record, last
Sunday, by 6 hours snd 28 minutes:
Keep It In Your Stsble.' v
For external use on horses nothing
that we know of equals lianrord s iiai
sam. Many trainers use 11 as a teg
wash because It keeps tbe skin In fine
condition and should cure lameness.
Oenulne pluck is shown by the peo
ple who go on running comic papers
and society columns In the "gay Euro
pean capitals."
4 I ... .....I. . , . . . . . . .. A aa, ati j.i... mmivm I iwwMfir. ar eloaa to tba Doint taal Donas vaiueu ai an, ioo.vvi.ov
here from France did not give any da- would make such shipments possible, permanent educational fnnds, with!
...1. k. than that and wita a Utile advance in tne .asx aauu.uvu in caao iwiiudi iiiTcnv-1
ralea and heavy rains had broken down sales of the beet Northwestern oats ments, while $1,336,800
many wires. , I may be made for.shiptnent there.
of the aeei-
I dent fund also ia invested in bonds.
Ship Direct te New York,
tbe International Far
Market, and Secure the
Higbest Caab Prices.
WWaM la tmmMkm,i
mm gmntmllw mS ifw tnm la
djmi) Wapnrlhc HiflxMiMfkal
pnw. Our MroW of mdmf am
aiMHif y ItWaJ. W avr rh,,,,
I mi 1 ' . wmm ym M U
far yflur tan.
Wmn tm mm mim U mi ptoal
M A.
. A 8Urt .
"Have you laid tha foundation
your presidential boom."
"Yes, I have announced my unwll
linxness to be a candidate." Wash
inaton Star
MonamobHe Oils zd Greases
fLDiRAL tirS mvm L'L.
Pne Tttv Banrtaa.
motor car surptr OO, inc.
11 Broadway No. rorUaad,Ora
Deaiili TrrJ IWwi Prtrf Tats
Una trm tr aM enaa, tjmA feme
W Mna4 htm TIHM WrM aa.
UaWwatastMBt, ' rvrUwiOea,
MaMani. prafttaUa rt iwl umim 11W Saw
SMmlha' tamtnaj aiatlaMI mwmnlmmA. arrtto lav
rafxRrncaa imI aartiruiwm. l-oriiaawl Wmwhrnnk
ln. Knrts awl lriitral Sekoal, IM faaiani i
waalih ttoildiae. rXartaMat. Una. ;
remain full lna(rtallo4a fua dvmmmml i
Sraeuci of H)rnwiiMa); Truth af thia mwlrnH
-tr. II hi. Punwsti Puoina t, ta Uaw
law Omiaawm rrtlan4. Orwaaa.
-1 -J - , '! . , . .1' I '!'. J.JJI
na Raalthv. Btvoae. Beaatlral Kras
Oauilata aid l'Uaiclua aaad Mnrlus re
aWaMdr mmof jraars hafore tt waa onrad aa a
DoaiMlle K Madlalne. MuMds la Htm Cim
puandad by Our Fbralelaas mu4 suaranuwd
hf tbsaa aa a ttallabla Rllf (or Kraa that Maad
Car. Trjr It la roar Br mmi la Btf ' Ry
NoNaunlnf JoM KraCowfort. Bt.fMurlua
of roar Pruw''tat--attpt no Bubatltitia, aMl it
Intaraawd write ror lt"lt of lbs Kf Wr.
atuKiaai kkm itattauf vvh, cuioawo
First Chauffeur Bill got fined tSOO
for taking his employer's car without
permission! ''
Second Chauffeur But bow did tbe
boss know he took It T
First Chauffeur Why, BUI ran over
him. Chicago Dally News.
Tot fresh cuts apply Hanford's Bal
sam.'. Adv. .
Arithmetics! Efigs. '
"Waller." ha suggested mild!, "I .
want Ihroe ks and boll them four
minutes.'' ,. . t
But lh cook, having only one In
the place, boiled It 11 minutes.
Which proves tba value of higher
mathematics. ? . '
Hanford's Bains m of Myrrh la llsetf
an antiseptic and the use of any other
remedy before applying it If uunecew
sary. Adv.
" " An Exception. r ,
"The Ideal is seldom atlalnahle."
"Not so in the case o a auburban
home," chirped ths real estate agent.
"Now, I gotta place for kale on easy
psvmcnls ," Louisville Courier Joui
Ml : . ;
; A Oood ftssson, . ,-. ,
"Can I get off tomorrow, boat, for
a waddlRgn ' , ' .
"Do you have to gor ! ' -"I'd
like to I'm tha bridegroom.
Life. . . -, ,
. - , t
'. ': Cons! . .. 3
Modern Child What do they tneaa
by a long winter evening?
Mother A portion of the day which
existed before the era of aioviea and
talking machines. Judge, ' '
It Comes te Hlm.Thsn.
Ths man who Isn't used to publlo
speaking always remembers the
speech that he Intended to ssy Just
after be sits down.
For proud flesh use Hanford's Bal
sam of Myrrh, Adv.
By Way of Apology, '
Mrs. Tows It's perfectly scandal
ous for you to wear a shorter bathing
skirt -
Miss Unda Tows But, mamma, I
have longer stockings. Judge, .
I -
Btr nwfl laiMtrtttAfy,
Inairuimnttt LhoruucUiy at
I' ri I1". raaaanaHl ,.
work a-itarankaad.
palnkraaly. v 4 ,
, Nimls Btwndanea
tDr. Elof T. Hcdisnd .
-" Pntist:.:; '-: :
1M-4H Mmvaa rValMla. t Flaar, Waaalastae
hmu Utumwmr, renlaad. Oneaw.
P. N. U.
No. 8, 1019
WHEN wrMa te
" Mae thia aaaar.
cataukiui. i t.vrn ,
AMI AU. h"r! AM
TtlKOAT biakAOMl-i
Curts ths sick snd aria as a preventative for ethars.
ttiultl ffivan on thaUnnatia. But lor brood mars mnn all
others. Heat klrtnay ramady. Kl cants a bottla, $t a lian.
Hold by all dnmiiii and rurf ckkts bouaaa, or asnl, eipraas
paid, by the manulacturera. Booklet, "LHsiampsr, Cause aad
Cure," free. gpOHN MEDICAL CO ... '
Chtmlsts snS Bscteriologiats. Oeshsn, Ind, U A