Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, June 05, 1885, Image 4

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To farmer who sells laud i
puling with, kit credit.
Sleep is the golden chaia that
tie oar bodies and health together.
"A public office is a st which
receives the best linage from tbeu
who never invited it."
The qutBtioa af tonnage is no
mall factor in the pries of wheat.
It premises to be high thii season.
How much do yeu suppose the
debt ef Umatilla county is? How
many of the taxpayers can answer?
The death rate of tho colored
population in the South is more
tba double that ef the whites.
It requires no great ability to ap
ply opprobrioes epithet, but par
ticularly in politics dull malice sub
stitutes it fer argument with no in
iliflVreat success.
guperflasn Wards l iiit uM vc.
The Lan-nage Club, tkig or a
text "Thou hast damaable irritation."
ditcui.ed thetuperfluons words used io
English rhetoric ia Hamilton Hall of Co
lumbia Callege, New York, Meaday j
erening. David Dudley Fieid began
with the Constitution ot the United
States, which, be said, contained two
flagrant instances. One was in the
clause that contained the words that
the President ebeuld appoint "by and
with the advice and consent of the Sea
ate." If the Senate advised an appoint
ment, Mr. Field said, that implied tbeir
consent to it. The other was in the
clause concerning the power of Congress
to mss "all necessary and proper" laws,
for if the laws were neceesary they
were, of course, proper. Mr. Field
dwelt regretful!? open the failure of the
Legislature to pass bis code doing away
with superfluous words in legal dora
inents. In the ordinary deed f trans
fer, he said, there were 950 words, of
which 6G0 were superfluous. In the or-
The dicing ictcrests oi linker caaaty j
are just uow assuinicg considerable
prominence, and from the different dis
coveries being made oa every hand and
the reliaUlility of the persons into
whose possession they have fallen, the
signs point to a new era in mining in
this bounty and throughout Eastern Or-
goa. The decline of milling properties
in other States and the Territories have
sent mining capitalists and prospectors
in quest of new fields for investment
and work, and as this county in the past
and mere extensively at present preheats
that fitild they have sought far, so won
der they tre turinng their heads Fastern
Oregonward, where positive assurances
are givea them that capital invested in
the mineral resources ef this section is
Magnolia Balm
is a secret aid to beauty.
Many a lady owes her fresh
ness to it, who would rather
not tell, and you cavJt tell
Bousb ob Kats.
Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-ui-
Kcart Tain.
Palpitation, Dropsical Swellings, Dizziness,
attended with that degree of safety that I Indigestion, Headache, Sleeplessness cured by
iiiKtiirou -.r.fi, ;., .11 n,m,.r Tl.n "V, ells' Health Renewor.
Mew Styles. New Prices.
days of "wildcat" speculations are past,
and realizing this the average mining
capitalist is entertaining lucre safety in
his investments. The people of this
dinary moit-jayc form there were 1300, section have no desire to "oboe-string
Coal is shipped, not exactly to
"Newcastle, but from Alabama to
Pennsylvania, which is tbout the
earns thing. . Borne time ago iron
was sent from Georgia, and even
ics north from New Orleans.
An iasect called the diabretsca
quodeceni puatata is destroying the
fruit trees in California. Orchard-
ists are having good lock in ridding
their trees of the terrible pest, but
bo remedy has yet besn found to
lull the name.
The grass is good and the ponies
are in good condition; therefore the
annual Indian depredations are in
order; and while frontier settlers
are being butchered in the West,
maudlin sentimentalists in the East
are waxing eloquent over Indian
of which 1210 were superfluous
Fer recording deeds and mortgages,
Mr. Field said ten cents per hundred
words were paid. There were recorded
in New York during one montn C38
deeds and 798 mortgages. "If my coda
had been adopted," said Mr. Field, "the
peeple would have saved $591 ou the
deeds and 894-t en the mortgages, a sav
ing of over $1500 per month to the peo
ple. The people of the State pay over
5100,000 per year for superfluous
The Rev. Kobert Collyer said he
thanked Clod there was no such waste
of words in the pulpit as characterized
the legal profession. If there were the
t 1 I J I . r,
cii'jrcuss wouia ne empty. 1'reiicuiug
had been reduced to a srience, and the
scientific length of a sermon was thirty
minutes. A man who had auvthinc
wrth saying could say it in that time.
Mr. Collyer concluded with the state-
aient that there .vere very few fools in
the pulpit.
Konitb on Corns.
Ask for Wells' "Hough on Corns." 15e. Quick
complete curs. Hard or soft corns, warts, bun
ions. Bncbn-Patlia.
Quick, complete cure, all Kidney, Bladder and
Urinary Diseases, Scalding, Irritation, Stone,
Gravel, Catarrh of the Bladder. 1, Draggists.
Bct!Biiss, Flies.
Flies, roachea, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, goph
ers, chipmunks, cleared out by ".Rough ou
Rats." 15e.
Thin People.
"Wells' Ilealth Renewer' restores health and
vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Do-
If there were any interest of life,
any concernment of sppetite and
passion, against the truth of geo
metrical theorems, whereby men's
judgments might be brined, not
withstanding all the demonstrations
f them, many would remain at
least sceptical about them, Jt is
net wonderful then that many men
refuse to be convinced concerning
the evils to which they are addict
the mining man who enters oar bounda
ries for legitimate investment of his cap
ital. This swindling business need not
be feared at all. Within our county
lines have already been discovered, and
new revelations are coming to light eve
ry day, more legitimate paying quartz
leads and offering better inducements
for investment than any sectiea in the bility. Si
northwest. Our gravel deposits, too,
have only been partially explored, as
evidenced every spring by the opening
up of new ground and the increased out
put of the gold product. We feel safe
. .. : . : 1. . ' ,i. . c
M rtjriu tiiab nituiu bile eye n icavu VI I ous, use
ISaker Cily alone thousands ef gulches siKt3-
will eventually be lound to pay good life Preserver,
waess to those who have the encrcv to If : u are IosinS imi 'riP on Iife. try -Wells'
tk..,,..!... ,i -,,,...1- r.. Ilealth Renewer." Goes direct to wak spots.
this nud wnnra.1 riiKLlin" ninin" mpii Eonca on Piles.
. , I Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itchintr, Protrud-
u"'"u ul -uu ing. Bleeding, Internal or other, Internal and
prospects offered, ar.d we have no fear External Remedy in each Package. Sur? cure,
but that the result will be alike remu- 59c. Druggists.
ami MorpfiQPriioa1
Itousb on Pain.
Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhtsa, aches.
pains, sprain, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism.
20c. Rough on Pain Plasters, 15c.
If you are failing, broken, worn out and neiv
Wells' Health Renewer." fl. Drag-
Clothing, Hats, Caps, Dress and fancy Good.
I&ZIJZSX 527. - 3T2ZXU?2Z2'Z3rsr3:'ZJ.:
oerative to them and to the whole coun
ty. Bedrock Democrat.
Ia the four years covered by the
-GnrBelJArthur administration,
' 1881 to 1885, many tragic episodes
-occsrred in connection with those
most prominent in it at some time
during the period, beginning with
Mrs. Gsr6elJ's illness, so soon fol
lowed by -the assassination of her
thasband, the President, and his
long, cruel illness and death. Hunt,
Garfield's Secretary of the Navy,
died in a foreign land three years la
ter, while Minister to Russia,
lluwe, President Arthur's first
Postmaster General, and Folger, his
first Secretary of the Treasury, both
died in office. Secretory Lincclu's
Mother and his wife's molhor, the
wife it ex Senator Harlan, both
died while he was Secretary ef
War, and Arthur's Secretary of j i!1 " 'e: a
, . ,. . hisselt on siickm to!
State, Frelinjliuysen, hasjunt died
after a painful illness which began
some time before his term of office
A i:tl ori iutekllu Pkllosopay.
"Slcpoff Johasing," said Brother
Gardner in his deep-toned voice, "I was
in a feed stoh de odder niht to see
about gittin' two-bits' wuth of meal fur
my hens, when you walked in an' want
ed to gtt trusted fur a bale of hay fur
your mule."
"An' he trusted me, sab."
'"Zactly, an' it pleased me to see it.
In a few miuits de ole man Cummins
limped in. De two of yon talked about
de gineral wickedness of mankind fur a
few minits, an' dau a dispute arose as
to de aige of de world."
''Yes, sah; de ole niau Cummins don't
know utiHin, sp.h."
"You called hiii a liar."
"But ho calh-d me a fool."
"You called him a bigot."
"An' he called me a humbug."
"'Zactly 'zactly I bcerd it all,
Brudder Johnsing, an' now 1 want to ax
you what you know about de aige of de
"I I knows as much as de ole man
"How old am do airth!"
"1 dunno, ssh."
Oh, yoit doe't! Y'eu an Cummins
call names ' almost tight ober what
neder cb you kin cum v. id in a milyun
miles ef knowin Pat's mankind,
'zactly. We kin be hUttied 00 what we
do kanw, but we won't back water fur
any libin' 111:111 nn what we don't knew.
When we git a theory we fight fur it
sooner dan fur solemn faeks. If we
can't convince de odder parly by blab
we am ready to do it by eluggin'.
Brudder Johusing, it wili be well fur
you tu digreckolect a few facks. A gill
obargymeut am wuth a bualiel ob abu e.
yt takes a man ob strung cnininan seuse
ta udinit his faults an' errors. Ymu
may balive wid all yer might an' still be
I'iud a man alio prides
lis opiuyuns, an
you has found a dangerous member oh
do community. You may now sot
down an' we will attack de rcg'lar pro
gram me."
Prel ffom,
Ladies who would retain freshness and vivac
ity, don't fail to try " A' ells' Health Renewer."
J Koush on Ii h.
"P.ough on Itch" cures humors, eruptions,
ringworm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chilblains.
Rough ou Catarrh.
Corrects offensive odors at once. Complete
cure of wor?t chronic eases, also unequaled as
eargle for Diphtheria, Soie Throat, Foul Breath.
T!ie Hope orilie Nation.
Children, slow in development, puny, scrawny
and delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewer."
Catarrh of t3je Ul:n!tler.
Stinging, irritation, inflammation, all Kidney
and Urinary complaints, cured by "Buchu-Paiba "
Water Bag, Ronchc.
"Rough on Rats" clears them out, also Beetles,
? i S
a El
a. 11 1
Cooper, Solimnck
& Ganstt.
and all kind of
We carry a fnI stock of
Household Furniture, in
wahuit, ash and pine; also,
a larjse assortment of Chairs
Mattresses, ring lietls,
Lounges, etc. A supply a
hiv.nl of I3ou.se SSouLii:::.
Doors and tsasli, i'iooriisg,
Corner Main and Water Sts.,
frriin s common Hlelcli, or Krwptton.
to tbe worst ftcreittlo. Snlt-riie ajiil
"1'e ver-f-orONv' Sc-aly or iionh Skiu.
in ebort, nil tliscaacs caused by bad blood uS
conrjuered by this powerful, purifying; rmi
inviforatiDB ncdieice. Creut Ijlinir Vila
yra roidiy ta'J under ita bunigu iniiuenee.
jSiiocUiJiy Ua3 jt maniferl its potency ia
cuiinc; M'etier, Hose Bash, Kolls, Car-
V. lilln S
Ko-i and KulHrfced CiJauds. fend ten
c'r.t3 in 6trjnps for ft fcrpo treatise, with eol
ored pinU-a, oa- frkin Uncases, or thy same
annr.t. foratrenfise on rcrofiiloiwAOeetloris.
A ill: stLOOM as m.-m i,m.,
Thoroujrlilv d.-nnse it bv nsin 3r. Pieree'a
C;oIipl.lcli al JLvifOOVfry, arhi good
iii;osiioii, a (air sitin, bnoyanl tplr.
vital MrCiiRf It, sua onnilaessof
constitution, will do eeiabljtiiKd.
Tvblrh is Ecrofnlons 3leaee ef the
JLiMKrs, is j-..xiiiipily una ctxounly arrepted
and cu!td by tbi3 &1-p-lvcn rcmuly, if taiea
W-foro tho lastiifrtfiof ttHuisecsearo rescued.
I vora ita wontleri ul poorer over t na t-jmbly
intnl rliicase, wfct-n first oflerinij tbis nmr oel
eUratcd ictsiedy to the publics, Ir. Pirnca
thoufrlit srioiisly of calUny it bis "Cou.
Euritpcioii t iire," biitooandotictl that name
ea too Lmil.tl ifr . aotbeino vhieb, from ita
tvond-.-rlu'.conJjir.ationoi toi.'iccriarenjii'hen-
111 nr, sitonitive, or Mc-vu-eiiissii8,apn-riiir)ue,
K'ctoial, end nutritive pi opcrties, isunequa iod,
not only as n remedy lor oar.wiinptioa ot tna
iiuigs, bus fur 1UI
LiBrsBteod,Esd Longs.
."S 2 H H
w y a
Froome 2l Son
V, 91
The Opposition Cable.
Commenting on tlie Bennet-Mackey
Commercial table, the London Finan
cier says: "This enterprise dilfers from
tlie old cable company in many respects.
It was built by private enterprise with
private means; its shares have not been
issued to the public and are not subject 50c.
to stock exchange speculations; its af
fairs are conducted on economical busi
ness principals, and its earnings are not
laid under tribute to support uv. expen
sive and useless board of ornamental
directors. The Commercial cable is lie
doubt a thorn in tho 'isid.; of Pender,
but it has proved a veritable boon to the
public. To it vire owe the reduction of Ants.
cable rates which Pender's company has
also been farced to adopt. To it we
owe a vastly improved trans-Atlantis
service, winch, wlnle it, may detract Notice Is Lcrehy riven timt the following
from the profits of the old cable riii", ':clj "cttler has filed noti.w of hM intention to
1 vivifce final iroof in s'ltinorfc of ms eia.Mii. nr.tl
has been a blesslD2 to the business that said proof wilt be wade bt ioi T. J. Lucy,
,1 mi 1 r .1 I Cftuntv JufJe of UmaUUa Counfiv, Oret'on. at
commutity." Tlie same journal further pai'ton, 0fi0n on Jllne 27-h, isi5, Ti'z:
adds. "Ihe Commercial Cable Coin- Charles W. I'erguson,
n.ir.v li.is done mora far Fn!is.Vi bnni- nd. Ko. 1223. For the south vi't of the r.ortli
1 J t , i , .1 caat fjusirter and the south half of the oortlrwe.-.t
ness men than ail the other trans-At- quarter of wetion 34, township i north, range
i.. . ...ui, . .:. ,,,.1. f u '6$ eust, W. M.
It has cheapened, improved and popu-1 continuous residenee upon, and cultivation of,
lanzecl tne service. It lias, in a mens- Donald McKinnon. Michael LeCoirot. Charles
urc. awakened I'cadcr's old fossil com- -son, John r. uvatt -a ; oi ssn , or.
' I 4 . II ! :MV Ann A ;
Would respectfully announce to the traveling public and the people of VTeston and vicinity that this
new Brick Hotel is now open for the reception of Guests.
The tabic will be furnished at all times with the best that money can buy and served in the xnost
acceptable manner. j
We take piide in keeping a hotol that will be
First-Class in Every Particular,
the comfort of our g:ie;t3 helnjour first cmsi leratHn, kn owin; that uj;on this success depends.
Cine once, aa.l if you do not come aain we will consider the fault ours. !
Esta'jliihcd 1SC1.
Corner S5ai;i and Fran'ilia
Weston. Oregon
Notice for Publication.
Laxd Oi'Ficb at La Graxoe, Ohkoon,
May 9, 1SS5.
II ill lliill . 1
By lis a a
i S f
ponies to a sense of Iiieir duty to cus- 22
tomere, uud however much he may di-
parags it, the public cordially supports '
it and heartily wishes it well." H.iv-
inc done so much for service across the In all cast") of Bronchial r.nd F'lltno-
fin Eloleo! Remedy
tVthtutio, the same gentleman will now
give their attention to the laud service,
and ia a short lime will he connected
with the Pacific, when there will he an
other fossilifornus shaking up.
The iniportatic of teaching chil
dren to he obedient can soiree)' be
overestimated. The child's happi
ness is in proportion to his obedi
ence. The willful one, who i not
Uus;ht to obey, is fretful, peevish
and discontented. His whole life
A Illue Law
Among tho law records of tlir;
New Haven, Conn, colony of 1GG9
is the following note from the oh!
"blue laws:" "Whoever shall inveigle
or draw the affections of any nihid
or maidserTAn either to himself or
other3, without first gaining tha
h?.ll be impri.scwd or corporaousl y
jiuninbe J." Then follows the pro
ceedings of a casw tried under the
above law, in May, 1609, which
sT": "Jacobeth Murtine and Sarah
Tultle were jiroKecutcd for sitting;
down on a trestle together, his arms
s round lipr waislf, and h.er arms
upon his thoulder about his neck,
and continufing in tint sinful
posture about halfa an hour, in
which tim he kvssed her end she
kysaed him, or they kyssnl one
another, ns ye witnesses testified.
Cfincent of her parerts. nh.ill pay to
is soured and warped. The mistake ,i, plantation for the lirst ofi'tiice
that most parents make is in not 140s; the second H; fur the third
beginning early enough to enforce
obedience. Enforcing obedience
does not necessarily imply corporal
punishment. But whatever the
means employed, obedience should
be secured, and secured early, and
maintained always. In health it ia
important, but in sickness it is im
perative. Fer example: a child
who has never been taught to obey
its parents, roust be willful, stub
born and nnniaiiagesiOh1; either
through misguided affection, lack
of will power, or indifference, his
parents have no control over hi in.
2?ow let him get sick. He is more
fretful, mors irritable and more un
manageable. Neither coaxing, nor
threatening, nor forca will prevail
gainst his perverseness. Needed
medicine cannot be administered
without resort to riolence that may
mors than counteract the otherwise
beneficial effect. Every physician
has seen aome such cases die from
disobedience, perishing for want of
food and medicine which it was im
possible to administer through the
perrersityof the patient and the
weakness ef the parents. It is not
necessary to ask upon whom the
(rare responsibility rests, but it is
lamentable to reflect that children
are net only aaade miserable while
alive, bat are sometimes hurried to
untimely deatk through the negli
gence or weakness of those who
ought to ear most for their well-
2cr t'omnosi-ion.
Little girl "Father, I wish you
would correct my school composition."
Father "Well, let me see. In the
r:;t p'ace, in writing aliout a country
town yeu Riiy seme of the farmers have
horses. Did yeu ever know a farmer
who didn't have a horse?"
Little girl "Yes, I heard you say
the other day there were only skeletons
ill Uncle Nathan's barn."
Father "Hush, my child! We will
proceed with the subject ia hand. You
are not descriptive eiKiush. Yhy don't
you describe the country store?"
Little girl "What, do you mean
that place where you ;0t the letter last
.summer that you didn't want rae to tell
mother about?"
Father "Xlun along, my little girl.
Your coniposilioti's very fine; you would
spoil it if you added anything to it, anJ
here's five cents to buy chewing gum.
l'crhaps that will 've some diversion to
vour mouth."
PECTOItAl,. As sueh it U recognized end
prescribed Bv tho medical profession, r-inl
lu many thousands of fanii!ie, for tlie
past forty years, it has bcenrecrardr ila? an
invaluable household remedy. It i-i n
preparation that only requires' to be ta):rn
in very small quantities, and a few ilos-s
cf it. administered in tin: early Ftaires of a
cold or coiiti will c Uoet a speedy eiivo,
ant! may, very possiblv, save life. 'There
is uo doubt whatever that 3
A f CS
And all kinds of
Tf yon feel flnll. firowsr, drbnttatcd, hava
celmw color of skin, or ye'iiowir.U-orown eixita
on fa--c cr ivjiiy, ireuiiCiit headacUo or dizd
n.si, lMid tast'j hi inoutli. kitemrJ beat or cLf'is,
niii.rnaiiiip; with hot tinsces, low epirits anoi
cloomy Iruitxxlings, irres-alap appetite, end
cof.t.'! ion-rue, you an; fiilleiinir frcra Tnrfi
SCi't io, Ii:v;c;3a, end 1 orpid Liver,
or "Siiltousjiess.1 la isany oases only
part cf thisJ tsyinpioras are e.'-porii ifed. As
a remcfiy Iir '.! eueU ctisire. In: i-ierce'a
Ccidou EloUItl tSicoicry bna no
S: vera Vonaks, Jousiinttlo:t, and
Uia:livd nCcciions, it ia a eovereifa rercecy.
r-:?na ten ceiit3 ra eramns jor i.t. fierce s
bcoii on Ucnzuicptiou. Ho id. by Brugjists.
Frjinr 1 rn on 6 EOTirxr.s
VJsr'd's EhjiEaSsr, Modlad Ussscia'ica,
Proprietors, CC3 Slain EU TJctfalo, N. Y.
ie sjrfyj 1 tin',
Fire-Proof Building, Kain Street,
Has preserved the lives of groat numbers
of persons, by arrestm? the development of
Laryngitis, iiroiK-iiilis, l'neuiaouia,
nnd I'uiiiioiiary C'onstimption, end by
the cure of 1 hose damrerous maladies. It
should be kept ready for use in every
family where there are children, as it. is a
medicine far superior to all others In tlie
treatment of Croup, the alleviation of
IViioopina: Cougli, and thecureof Colds
and Inilucnzft, aumcnts peculiarly inci
dental to childhood and yoiiih. Prompti
tude in dealing with ail" diseases of this
class is of the utmost importance. The
loss of a single day may, 111 many cases,
cr'tail fatal consequences. Do not wato
precious time in experimenting with
jnedieines Of doubtful eliicaey, wiiile the
xnaiudv is constantly raininl; a deeper
hold, but take at onoo U10 sx;eediest uud
most certain to cure,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, 31 2 S3.
Sold bv all Drmrgists.
a S3 t-t a ft s
Of Portland, roon.
(Incorporated March 15, 13S3.)
CAPITAL STOCK - - $100,000.
B. DURAI) - ... E'rcsTdcnt
A. P. VSXSN - - - Secrtr.v
V.. E. Hmr ll - Asst. Secretary
31. J. IUSIAX2 - - - Treasurer
' K. - ' llanari UKannf V Dent... iZhlmtrn
EFFIGEM & QOURME, Attorneys.
Take Notice.
Pianos aad rs:as sold oa easy nayraeats It yon ?cr-
Iia.."e a Piauo or Org?! of UiU Cojapaay a the isstail
meat nhm and shouSd bo empiio5, IVom ay caaso
whatever, to return tho instrument, after tmvias raid a
part 021 it, yon caa ilo so aal at lose oae !:i!:ua you have
atu. eiae tjiiapei ?rsa?:s .m to e ureses on
ntontasy payaieajs, waia wo'jlsl be aiy.tea cciuh per
uioaih for eaeh uiember of the chareli or akbalh.Sekoo!
to pay.
Tha celebrate! EITKASt hve boen tn use ih-ousriMUt
the States f-jr wvt twenty yv-i-d, &nd ara arst-etass in every ;.rti.-a;.r.
l"e tive & warr.-.att-c wicli every insirun-.ent, tl.At rails ve jx-ara rr iui
date of sill arnl we arj rii. here to m tke it ir.:jj. Vs iia.-e L-.Si itiea
fur rejairi:i Piano and Organs ac our thcn hi tha city ot f OiVail'J
anJ a!i -.v.rk warranted.
Our Music Kali and Wareroo iij aro oa First strest, No. 320. Take the Firai street cars and rMe
to the corner of Clay stre-;t. TilOie wa-j ca:i.ut call on U3 eaa write; ijr iJArticu.r-.ri an-1 catalogue ef
o;:r instrumentj. Address
Durand Organ'Co., Portland, Oregon
The only illustrated Magazine devoted to the
development of the Great Vert. Contains a
vast amount of general informal Ion and ape
cil articles on subjec'Bof inerestto all. Ably
cina'iccei rs'.jnepo-y iiiiiMraiea: j
Only $2 a year. L. Samuel, Puhliaiier. Jj'o. I
Xront atraat. PortUriil. Qi..
j! n T7-IT-TOrS and CATIJ SliTIC
Soli by iJTUByists. 3 cents a vL
f:'l JT'r ig offorrd tty lie rrcjir'c-tors
Kli": ff Dr. Pai-eB Cutarrh llerrcdy
s4 H you "tiavcadTsritsTKofrom
.'"kCPiflL Ay tbe nose, nrfeneivo or cther-
or r.reayuro la hrtc!, you have Catarrh. Tuou
6ar.'(la ct" cases U'ririinate in fcorumption.
tJr.Rip-'s Catarrh IlwnsoY curea tbewort
cases of Oatwrri: "Col'J ia also liead,5
sua Cdtar ciuil Meaaaclts. OJ ocala
11 p p 1.1 IS
U rl n Q h
Vv u SI
"Joumaiiiiiu must lti a healthy
lirtfeaaion," said olil Mrs. .Squads
as flm laid thu paper on litr knee
aid rutbril hpr cyelasse8 with lwr
apron. "What nmkfs you thiak
sol" said old Mr. Squads. "Because
I see the wntrrs Lo uspi to Lavo
pieoes in th( papurs when I was a
giri tre still living, and -vriting the
sMtie as ver; they must be very o;d. j
'Wbo are they"uskrd Mr. Squaggs.
"Well, there is Veritis' for uiie,
and 'Anon' and 'V-x Populi' and
'Pr Dono Public,' and many
others. I see Feme cf their names
every day, an l 1 declare if the sight
t'f'eiii don't brinj; back the old school
days." Tbeu the old Udy gazed
meditatively into the fire, and old
Mr. Squsggs went out on the back
utoop to iudulgx in quiet laujU to
Boston Indies who drive plirctons
and T csirts are bavitig the c.uutry
scaured for donkeys, which are now
all the rage, and bid fair to crowd
out the ponies. As much as $00
is the price of a stylish looking
donkey, whatever that may mean,
la Wales, whera they are raised
plentifully, the price of one of these
uniT'iiiilv animals is about -3. If
any one wiil start a thistle farm
and raise dunkt-ys, his fortune will
be secured, provided, of course, this
donkey craze lasts.
It is said that th executors of
tho estate of Wendell Phillips have
found it in a very hopeless condition;
that the bulk cf it consists of a mass
! of stocks ot tne wiid-cai variety,
having a face value of nearly a
million dollars, but bains; practically
worth little or nothing. Beyond
this, report says there is only about
3,000 worth of property.
Caveats, TSe-issnes and Trade-Marks se
cured, and al! other patent causes in the
i'alent Office ami before thy Courts
nromntlv aii'l carefully attended to.
Upon receipt of model or sketch of
invention, 1 make careinl examination
and advise as to patentability FltliE OF
rees moderate, and I make SO
lnforiiiatiiin, advice and Fjiecial referen
ces sent on application.
.1. li. LIT I ELL,, Washington. D. C.
Near V. S. Patent Ofiice.
Washing and Ironing.
Orporltt Saline & Co.'s. - Main 't., VTeston.
V.'ashiu-, 73 ceau y?r i-zn. "VViiite shir
wnhed ani irone-l m the b-.-st sty.e i-.r "oiie
bittee ; ieee." No eh?r-e k.r ciifTs. collars slp.1
l.anukercli;e:s ii kj thun six of eaih. 2'.-3ia
A he was walking aUcg the street a
few eveuings ago a straager asked him
tha question:
"What time ia HV
H raised his eyes slowly and an.
The next saormisg a man charge!
with assault and battery told hit story
ts th jaige acd was discharged,
It is wonderful how sensible the man
is wh always agrees with you.
IjOtA Tennyson's use of "Yu You"
ia his anti-goverment poem, "You You"
of coarse, stands for double you." that
is "VV." What "W!" W. e. g., XV.
Karl "Mamma, mayn't I g out
into the street a bit? The boys say
lucre's a met to be seen."
Mamma "Well, jesj but don't go
too near."
"I ae the Freteh hare takes um
brage," said old Gosling, as he read the
paper to his wife. "More foals the
Cbibese for not fortifying it better,"
said Mrs. Gosling.
agents j
To sell Dixon " new and superior majn and
eV:art. A puin? an an-.-y a anv in tlie
world. For UJ pe cata oue, iree. ai-lrens
John Dixon,
tt? Market !t. San Franrlsco, CaU
Pullman Palace Slcepias t'ar.
93:iSuiSi-eut t?ay Coaelies nn.i
ELLGAhT KiilKl.VT Sl.l Slfl.ti t'AES
with berths free of cost.
From VVashlpgtsn and Oregon
Via St. PaKl aiul 3IiKiicapoIis.
The only Transcontinental Line Uunning
(Meals 75 cents.) i
Fastest Tims Ever Made from '
the Coast
Northern Pacific Railroad.
To Sioux Cltr, fonnell KlntTs, 9t. Jo-
tr.iI nil pnintt ISironiJient the i:nst PI
,u(U a-t via I'i,u. unil 11iua. ::j..ls.
tke only Kisraxc
Tlircr.sli EsaiKrniit fiieepias
tarsfruia t'ortlaud.
And hnoled n rrzjslar evpre IralB
over jne -tii:rc I. ndi r lae Aorta
eru Facilic U.iiirau.
IaTe Wall-.a Junction at 4:40 a. m.
Leave Portbijd at ;.ni. tUi1,.. ; Rrrie at M:n
neuolid cr Sit. Paiii li:o p. m., ioirrn div.
Connclon niz&c at t. Paul i!ir.ntapeli3
to ail quints E-'st. ikuthtJ3d auutneat.
p.n iric divisiox.
Train leaves Portland dailr 8:25 a. m. Arrive
at N-w Tucoma G:ea p. m... conn.-tMr. w.tii O
R. 4; N. Co' lKriif (cr all point; on 1'uet Sound
A. I. H vliLTOS, Gci. l ft'-st'n P?s. Ayent,
Ko. 2 W.tsr.iDhjn at., Portland, Or.
Weston j Umatilla 03 Oregon
Tha Only Normal Sshsol in Eastern Crsgcn cr VVashlngtan.
Celievins that t!i lest jK'Insiis'.y tnnninz is essential to
tac iiJiMvt ivei;P!is5:kt, f,n?:s oi nil sues are
luhaitlcil and jiivfii the sucst Cisrcful
R5 .
Pin mm m
rs o a 3 h a
r, !
Watchmaker IJeveler
rost Office Building,
Wcsten Oregon.
Clocks anrl watches cleaned ami re
paired iu a shif ul niauuer at reasoi.i.li!c
rates. 11
jSI . !
Milliner &Bressmaker
ii.ri.il CtilkLI,
a i
s & g a & b a
Rives atlioroKs!., prr,c!!2al edacation to t'loss T7sia do
not care to learn nlisi they wit! not us?. It i especial-
ly ;t'i.i j)k tS to tite wvuiia f those who desire to eater bus
lus or t!.e professiou of Teaehia .
li ciiiS;':m:cs
A Oiassica! Courso ef Three Yer.rs,
AScisntiflc Coursa of Thr-ao Years
A Teachers' Coursa of Two Years,
A Cusjno-s Course, and
An elementary Course,
in whlcli tlie
are taught by the best apivovcd and EaosIiiterestlns
uielhods. '
Arhinuctlc by tlie Grabe Sletliod.
Jleadinsby the "Sentence Method."
Geograpby by relief mnps ascl globes and map modellinjr.
Grammar by tlie celebrated Seed and iicliogg Dia
grams. History by the Brace System.
Special Attention Given to Cutting
and Fitlivy.
Man and Beast.
Odor of Forest. Sparkle of Stream.
-r - . . . - , uo von oTm a gun, ur a -n-n-poie, or -oira-
MUStang .Liniment IS Older tBan ' dog " or rifle? Ever go anting, m riwtins. or
. , j tramping, or cam; iny, or can ha;. m yacFtiiiie?
iiuu uacu uiuis auu
most men,
more every year, i
.la e vcu a w lor aiacjin iae oaoiu of wi.a
birds "or animals? lo you know that fortn
j-tars we liave brtn pnbUsbicir arizht w .-ek-y
fa?T deTf4ed to these subjects? It. will re c
too to look at a c-py of the Furest ani U!rran.
'inert is no other paV-er ia the wrM jnst like it.
Adtlnss Forest acd Stream Pubasomx Co., S3
Farit Ilow, Sew ttrs.
Specimen Csr 1 Outs.
None Bat Professional, Skilled ar.d
will be employed In any department.
Travelers trill Hod that this hotel sets
as good a table as is to be fontul ia the
whole 'Ufler Country." IJedrooms
are large, tiean and airy. Kvery atten
tion paid to the comlort and convenience
of guest.
Patronage Respectfully Solicited.
Spring Term Begins February 1 6th, 1 335.
Norma Institute, 4 weeks, begins Jane 1,1335.
Taition, per term
Xcnnal Institute fee
EP'Stndcflts found competent will be aided by the in
structors In securing positions.
For farther information and special terms, address
lastern Oregon Hormal School,
Weston, Oregon.