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About Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1880)
V mm. tOL, 2. WES TON, UMATILLA COUNTY; OREGON; SATURDAY. AUGUST 21,! 18S0. NO. 37. iS-".'-- . . - - pigtail . r yi, j . ..... ; 3 TESTOX WEEKLY LrJADU.t It. williaksox, o. p. m'coll 'Wn '"- M'tOIX. raMLaaera. lut'EO Evebt Saturday Moksiso, f WCSTOS. CMATILLA COUJTTY OB. I KbKTlpllSB Raltal 1m Tm r Year, (eoia).. ata sksstna i (line Moatua.. . . autfla Vafdea.t.. Aatvanrtleiaai bin. ...,.8$ 00 4 oo . ... I W '::::& ADVERTISEMENTS. NOT IONS ! !OHIVintlP(lvn uiwrfcw - . aaea additional tnaertion ' - & I Tim Squama, Sret insertion I aU ' -.i.41.i,..l iHuitiim . . 1 EJ 1 Tare kwm. Srst intsrttoa ..... 3 oo I Math additieual insertion 1 S sa Onartar Column, tint insertion 1 I - - dtiUkiaiLi insertion. 3 W i Tina advert! by special contract Local notice (6 osnta par lun flnt insertion, 1J4 cent) per line each nhesa,narit iaaertioa. Advertising bill payabe quar terly. All laral notices will ba chanted 75 ccnta per square at inaacttoa. and S7t cant per sauare each subsequent taaactiaa (payable monthly ). ; Konoa. Slmpls announcement of births, marriage aaa daatha will ba tnaorted wituout Marge, obituary aotsoee chanced lor according, to len'tb. Port Monnaies, Flskiug Tackle, PLAYiNG CARDS. iiCUTTLERY AfJO PiPEi! FANCY GOODS, MATCHES, Perfumer, Toilet Soaps, Si 6 s 31 ii g'S LE ITEit. Ajime Keaaous ffly James A. Varflrld Ought nut tJ Ksei:iTe (lie .i vuAc aaf rc 1)e: rt, Pulic Co., July 19, 1880.." Editor Tihes: la 1873 "I made a canvass of tke Slate fur a seat in tlie 431 Conaaad in the sjutheru met many persoas whit wwi Jhr ers b t3ti tliedreceut outbreak by the ilo :oc Inilian.-i. Peraous who- had been Jeao.iile.l t their, property, and tlmr PKOFESSIONAL CAI1DS. g V. KNOX, Attorney at Law, Will praatir bi tha Courta ot thin State and W sh ngtwi Territory. Special attention paid to Loud OUke baeittceia aud Cviievtiuna. fC-Mala M.. Weatom. O. FUEXt'll A.D AJltBlt'A.N Toys and Nuts, TOBACCO AXI) CIGARS, Wltocsale and Retail. Fred, M. P.i"-!y, right "vipun which this bill should be olaced. ' I detdre to aay here to-day that there has been no Modoc war in auv na- tiotial or iuternatiuaal sene. Bv the Constitution of the United S ats Con gress alone declares war. The Congress I hands. of the Utiitod 'States has declared no war, and has recogaiz -d iw. w w wiU UiaJ JU1 h;l A eappirt of a largwinaj 'ritv give hiai. In his treatment of the raeas-1 ures for the relief o: the sufferers bv the :oor wMj-rto crreapilt Airtn xt i . . n j fcag liraueii-Whuil llur Wild Wa are Modoc outbreak, the frontier settlers nunicianuadew ,a4 Wkera srt of justice they may eitpect at; his a..-f at Ctfrfi'Ii ' Upon fvery vote. that was taken,! my T. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, rntt-At Caart Bona. Walla Malla 4 M EACH EN. Attorney at Law and Notary Public. V '; pnctlea n the Courta in Oregon and Washington ., . Territory. ' Collections Promptly Attended To. tint E. Mala MreeU - Wcatoa.Or o? tha k'tni ii t'l 'lease examine the', liferent dips aad price TJ. S of the viz: j A, STEEL. Notary Public and Collector. Ageat lor Utah, Idabo and Oregon Stage Co'a, alao, laealrrla Caadlea, at. Toy , Notloas, Cljn r Tahareoa. and nunicroaa other nrllrli a. G EO. W. KEA. Attorney at Law. Will practise in all the courta o: Vac State. UKI'I'.VEB, OK. W..WESTON, M. 1). Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. All calls proanptly attended. J F. CHOPP, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OfUca with Dr Blalock, over Day's Drag Store. MAIN ST. WLLA WALLA. S. H. Kennedy's iVIfg Co. MASUFACTUKliRS OF SHEEP DIPS. Thp 7' -fit -a, a. I MBal -aaa Dissolved Sulphur Dip, IVice 82.25 a gallon, i'his is equal to 30 lbs the best Sublime Sulphur. ConcentratedExtract of Tobacro Dip. Price, SZ.-o a gallon, T.iisis my FAVORITE Dip be . t'UUES S'AU and can as ree of strength with safety. Heml ck Poi onou3 Dip, Price, S-.-o a gallon. AND IS THE BEST POISONOUS PIP IN I'SE. Each. Gallo.1 of tiese Dips Will male: ,'nr Ji ,i,utai after S.'LCClft.nJ. Spacia! Dip for Scab, 1 ri..o, J. a gallon. Keliablc a'. a:;y s;as"!i of the year, especially so m tlic F'tf. tttnl Winter 11'ut up hi one aud live gallon cans with full directions t. .r use. ramp .lets ser.t tree to any Address. Sold by ail principal dealers in the U. S. J. McCRACKKX L- CO., Aemta for tbe Parifle4'oaat. D R. W. K. JONI. mrmrt T Till ricruai OAU.ERT, V.'tsroN, ORKn.i. tV Inserting Artlf.cial Teeth, a S ialty tfl. KS. KELLOGG & NICHOLS, Homoepathic Physicians and Surgeons WALLA WILIA. OPnCE-Paine Bro3' Erick. A!tiriecial At'ention given to diseases ot the Kye, Ear and Tliruat. mir9ly l. JAMES DOUR, VSR DAT' DUIC TORE, WALL.1 WALLA aT-JTeeth utaacted irh-:it pain and 'J work war rrntrd. c. H. MACK. 3D JU Ai "X'lST, SAN FRANCISCO "Bulletin," --THE- I.e:iiius Kvrnlnz 1ipwapajpr Wtt of tU Kax'ky lI:iniilnIllH. RLB.SI KIJTI.N' RATIOS. P ily Pur. tin, w St2 SM Werly an J Friday ini.iutin iriyr.::::. ;oj.-t.iea comp.-jte Mm-w i-c!..;. o Vet.-ii..i' "iloii-j, ; fcar 3 5. i vta ot a ytar in j-ro. o.ticn. FREE SEED DISTRIBUTION. Fach ubacricer will b3 prosentei with -ve;-a' "a rietU'S.M tare and V'iluibWTlii.C, ViCidTA M.t. and KlAI iAl riiiCD3, equal in v.ue to tae subscripiio.i of tne )pt.-r. txT Send lor Sample Copy, giving full particulars. Kemittnnrea by Pratt, Potottfce Order, We. s, Fargo &. Co.'s ExprvM, and Ifeisteri-d Letter, ut our risk. AintlLs b. f. criLi:Ti :o.. Han Franrlsco, Cul. r'ricnJ.s dejoanded f me that, in th e.ven'i f uiy election, I should try to pr cure "or them from the U. S. Gov errua'Mt Nome indemnification for the 1jss--s :iu;y had smtained at the hand.s of the Indians. In a speech which I made at. J ickfOuville, 1 ph-dged myself to do all in lay power for the relief of those people. I stated that their :laiuis fur indemniiication were meritorious and just, anJ referred to the act of Congress which recognized lhat clitracter of claims, and stated that ud:mi ""aer principles of right and justice that lov alty to the GovernuiPut and p''otect;ou of the citizens v. ere recipr-c d obliga tions and duties. I sta'ijd th it the Gov ernment did not hold the Indian Lr.bcs to be foreign nations; but treated the n as their wards and protected theui against any attempts of the citizens to hold them responsible, legally cr other wise, for any wrongs they might perpe trate. In pursuance of this solemn pledge, I did, in a few days after taking my seat in Congress, introi uce a bill to provide for ascertaining the losses sus tained by citizens of Southern Oregon and Northern California by reason of In dian depredations in the yeais 1872-73. The bill was referred to the Committee on Indian affairs, and after much labor I succeeded in obtaining from that com mittee a unanimously favorable repor. On the 13th of February, 187-1, my bill came In-fore the1 House, and was under consideration in' committee of the whole. Mr. Averill a Republic n member from Minnesota, was Chairman of the Com mittee on Iudiau Aifair.s, and a? such, had charge of th's bid, and advocated its passige. The debate is too leng'hy, per haps, for you to publish. Suffice to say, that I occupied all the time the rules of the House allowed in advocating its pas sage. Gen. John Peter Cluer Shank, a long-haired specimen of Republican hu manity from Indiana, antagonized the bill, and uttered charges against Ben Wright and other frontiermcn, as tlie cause jot the Modoc outbreak, and in, his charges quoted many of Meaeham's iien. I got an extension of time to re ply to Shanks, and the debate became warm nnd interesting. I had read to Modoc Indian ' On the contrary, the United St ttes was at peace with the Mo doc Indians in a national sense. So th argument does not apply that, inasmuch that these Indians were a cojjmon ene my, compensation cannot be made for their depredations. What do the stat utes of the United Stites on this subject Is there ro uiode known to the law under the Constitution by which citizens of the United States shall have a remedy for los:;es which they sus tain and for injuries which they suffer at the hands of Indians in charge of the Government 1 We cannot apply to the , I Modoc Indians the formula of a nation- il . .i ahty, for they are not a nation; we can not pursue them in a court of justice, jt'or there is no process known to law by which they can be reached there; but the statutes of the United States have sub stantially provided a mode of relief, and the provisions of this bill are but a mod ification , of what is provided by the statutes. It is not different in principle. By the act of 1802, the intercourse act- with the Indian tribes, it is expressly provided that when any member of an Indian tribe in amity with the United States, in his own country commits any depredation upon the person or property of any citizen of the United States who may lawfully be in that country, then reparation therefor shall be made by the . Ui-ited States. incorporated in; the intercourse act of of the Southern and. extreme Western members, including Rir.sier, of South Carolinia, and Rapier, of Alabama. . Even th much abused negroes entertained a higher sense of justice and had more ylpa' hy f or the people of the frontier than the Rev. J. A. Garfield. If you desire to pursue this subject or test my accuracy of statement, I refer you to the officially reported debate, Con gressional Record, "Vol. 2, part 2, 1st ses sion 43d Congress, page 1485. J. W. Nesmitii. "RE3IE.1.Li.itf ft a YSBIJIMa AXD GENERAL HANCOCK." Westox, Aug 1G, 1S80. Eds. Leader On the evening of July 1863 began the movement in the late civil war which was pregnant with result affecting the Union cause and the perma nence of the best and noblest Republic ever established. On that portentous evening Gen. Hancock concentrated his force around the bights of Gettysburg Ceuietry nnd Gulp's Hill. On the morn ing following opened the memorable bat t'e of Gettysburg, with TIanc c's at the head of the stcond corps and command ing the lett centre. .Lee ordered lAing street to take Hancock's iine by a furious itttack on Ceuietry Hill. The second corps was two hours under the concen tr.ited tire of 23'J pieces of artillery which The same principle is i poured out destruction on the iUidon line. This shock v, us sustained without 1834. The guarani ee is there given that j flinching and during the attack Hancock depredations committed by tlie Indians j iu front o his lines stimulating his men shall be compensated by the Govorn-nent by word and action imparting his own of the United States, if compensation, j military bravery and enthusiasm to his cannot be obtained from the Indian tribe. I followers. The shock of corps to corps, Lo!& Bkasch, 2ST- JaijlWO. Everybody i Buproaely sppy at Long Branchy 1he tijeanw IgbP" fy ; becaosC-tiie ltISaSV4 ,ve them an opportunity to 1 aifdy'MB tea shore to its fa-ltut extent. - Tfcirwater is ia a superb condition : ttSS-0 glorious breakers that ' 'dasli- . tho sandy shores. The hotel" keepers are happy because their houses are absolute ly full and running over. DicU'Ir mT they were happy 1 L err; for they are really unhappy because their accommo dations are so limited ; that eren cots will not supply the demands of the som nolent patrons who throng the corriders and people the verandahs; Col. Leland, our host of the "Ocean" iibeard'to ut ter an extraet-froor Pinafore tlveins with a great big D because he Kept so diminotive a place,' as "though a cool thousand wasn't enough foi4 ' .any one man to.lodge, feed and dtbensise enter tain. The hackmen are happy aecpuso they fare well just at th present' "junc ture. The principal ambition olta great many of the visitors is appaweStly, as soon a they land, to geVint ? vehicle or some sort, it does not matter what, and ride up and down the a"ven4e front iug the beach, and thenthey -go homo and say they had such a splendid time at Lon Branch. The prooniitora or the great t tr arc happy because- the boats carried down from New Tfork are loaded to repletion, and in order to gt ashore, a disbursement of 10 cents-' las to b made before it can be accontpludieu, and so they ar getting rich. In fsbt, every body is happy, and it is a goad thing to have it so ..The "Ocean" is at the dero- Now, have upon this border thou sands of citizens of the United states who have been deprived of their liberty or their property by the Indians, as oth ers were deprived of their lives, an4 un less remedy can be obtained in some way through the Congress of the United States, then there can b no remedy for citizens in that condition. The courts are closed to them, and except through the remedies- which ('onress may fur nish, our own citizens are defenceless in th-nr property and in their rights. If the humblest citizen of the United States upon foreign soil is at all interfered with in his rights or in his property the whole power of the government the army and tlie navy is marshaled in his defense. And shall it be said that a citizen of the regiment against regiment, man to man' and sword to sword was the culminating effort which resulted in the nu lting away of the shattered Southern forces. Dur ihis clash Hancock vas wounded but the battle won. Had Hancock been less brave, less of a military genius what might have been the result? Vicksburg might not have fallen and the end of the civil war might have been otherwise. Why should not Hancocks devotion fealty t' the Uniou be accepted unques tioned? Hecariiesthe houorabln scars of battl(j contested in defence of the Union to dav. Will he not defend our the Housfl a strong letter from Jesse Annleffrtt.ft in favor of the mefisorp. anil . . . , , ... , United States upon our own' territory- was ably supported by Mr. Averill and . . ,. ocratic end of the ib'wh"-RaJe farther south it is considered more aristocratic. as there are some cottages located there occupied by swell people. ' One of tin must beautiful of these places is owned by the President of ' Adams Express Company. It is my ideal of a summer residence, and he knows how to appre ciate it. Gen. Grant also has a cottage not far distant, but it is rentef this sea son to some other partitw.-; The various hotels seem to have little coteries formed by people from particU-la'-'localities. Should "Toud"ins to find a Philadelphia!!, you can solely get tid ings of him by qoing to.Howland's Ho tel. At the West End the Baltimore ladies are most likely . to gather, while at the "Ocean," western and southern civil rights with the sae courage should j peoj)le find a resiaence suited to their he be elected. Hancock's respect for the it is( tia ray est of ill the t NO PATENT, NO PAY. Of Walla Walla, will aiaka frequent profetwional visits at Weston and Pendleton. iyt. EAGAN, Physician and Surgeon, WESTON OttEOOS , acst dsair ta City Draw Stare. CaUs praaaptly attradrd. M. W. T. WILLIAMSON. Physician and Surgeon. WESTON. OGN. fan at his raWeire aa Watatr St. JJR8. BOYD ALBAN. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, WAllA WALLA. PATENTS. obtained for mechanical devices, medical or other com pounds, ornamental designs, trado-mirks and labels. Caveats. A.-ignm.'nt, Interferences. Infringements, and all matters relatiog to ft- nts, promptly attv-nded to. We naac preliminarv examinations and furnih opinions as to patentabiiitv , free ot charge, and all who are inter ested in new inventions and Patents are invited to send lor a copy of our "Guide for obtaining Patents," which a sent iree to any auuruas, uuu vwiiu.ii, iuiuicic in structUius how to obtain Patents and other valuable matter. During the past five years we have obtained nearly three thousand Patents for America-, and Foreign inventors, and can give satisfactory references iu almost every county in the L'mou. Address: Loals Bjif,iTt Co.. Solicitors ' Patents and Attorneys at Law, U l'roit Uuilciing, Waablnstau, W.J. iieffelfinger's City Express : WESTON and CENTERVILLE. BLrE MOUXTA1X STATION. asc-rala r s Xrw Rrtck ataOia. aTln-rV, mp f. I a?! -tm uy aatrt .1 nMcraaea. al (Ton I will cte-itw sosMla to . aid ClUea at the me W1U carry frctji. AU orders left with Salias aaeae, J. E. Jones o F. !. Pauly at Weston, or Cook 6 Irvine, OsatervUla ill receive my prosnpt attannoo. Fr.-tcht Bills to be iaraibly paid In Mr. Lowe, a Republican member from Ivans is, and Mr. Luttrell fro. n Califor nia. Near the close of the debate Mr. Garfield participated and spoke as fol iws: Mr. Garfield I should have no ob jection f at all to the. appointment ot a uo. omission, if the eommis3ion and the work it might do would bring any reso lution on which Congress would be usi ified in giving relief. Suppose a com mission should be appointed aud its ex penses paid, and its report made; what will we do with the report? Th se out rages and deprecations were committed by one of two classes of persons; either by pi ivate robbers and murderers, or I y public enemies. If bv private ruunler ers, then who in this House propo: 63 to adopt the principle that Congress shall pay the damages inflicted ? When Buffalo was burned to ashes by the enemy in the war of 1812 with Great Britain, the case was laid before Congress, and that was probably the strongest ever - pp-sented. After a full and able discussion, Con gress considered the laws of war did not sustain a demand for payment for rav ages by the common enemy. I move to strike out the enactins clauss ia the bill Mr. Towne, ot -Kansas, said: I beg the indulgence of the committee of the whole for a few minutes, in order that I may state what the committee on In dian Affairs believe to be the right of public pel :y rid the ground of public I ! e l . ... J .t..;i Here the hammer fell. Mr. Garfield: I move to strike out the enacting clause in 4he bill. The Chairman: That is not debata ble. The question was taken, nnd upon a division there were: Ayes, 85; uay-, 64. Before the result was announced Mr. Nesmith called for tellers. Mr. Garfield and Mr. Averill were ap pointed, and the tellers reported that there were: Ayes, 79; nays, 68. The committee arose and reported to the House, and Mr. Garfield moved that the House agree to the report of the committee. ' , Mr. Nesmith called for the yeas and nays, and there wcro 105 yeas and 85 nays, 09 being a "osent or not voting. Thus as you will observe from the quotations that I have, made from the official report of the debate, Mr. Garfield did, in a cold-blooded aud ruthless man ner, deny justice to the sufferers by the Modoc outbreak. Mr. Garfield was a leader of the House, and chairman of one of its most important committees. He made no argument worthy of name against my bill, and replied to none, but resorted to a mere technicality and by the brute force of numbers cut off the debate, and defeated as just and meritor ious a measure as was ever brought be fore any legislative body. I have never, forgiven him for the act, and I hope that the honest votors ii Oregon will act for process of the courts lien he took c jiu uiand in the south ; roves that hi is above inaugurating any dictatorship. Hancock would not likely be -( "in" the ! hands of h s fiiends" for a third terra as one of our too much honored generals has been. Any one who weighs Han- cock's qualiiicacions and talents in situa tions of difficulty and peril must be con vinced that he is a uiau of great ability. An rap a olio it i of u.iprej aiis-'d mini iiitiat admit the loyalty of Hancock. Otherwise no achievuieut can secure the good opinion of men. All men who have accomplished great and good dee;U should reap the fruit thereof some day. Honor Hancock and trust him as you -lid at Gettysburg. Repubmcaji. Last year over 20U,(M bushels of wheat was threshed iu Jackson county. This year it is thought that not over 80, 000 bushels will be threshed. Oh, yes ! You can reiy on Webfoot j nil n , ,,11 e n,,rl,fr r,l ft w a .urn cure for croup or spasm. Ast for it at McCoUd. Miller's. - ' Last week, the first time since its es tablishment as a money or ler otEke, over 500 were sent through the po,st office at Hillfehoro. . ! . .ja ; The new hspital which the sifters, of charity iutend to open at Astoria, viil be ready for dedication early next month. Evans & Wtst, of Lake county, have, driven a band of 400 bead of tine beef cattle, to California. . gayest of all the hotels. and the ladies say the hops'are perfectly lovely. There are found ; some of the most charming of southerndaughtcrs,fuil of bright, sparkling, vivacious wit, whose very motion is grace personified. There are some terrific flirtations engendered by the near proximity to the sea, and in their endeavors to interpret tha language of the wild waves, many. a Romeo and Juliet have found their affinities. I ' picked up a crumpled bit of paper upon which was inscribed these lines, evident- ly showing that some . fine had a very bad attack:. .. '1 ' On thy fair hand this ;;lov may rest. Ottimcs and oft aain, I Hut ever within tlna loately breaat, W ill I this aemimcut retain Of luve fur thee. 'i ' Aud when life's fitful dream ( uVr, Though in a-lotherTtpbere -With forms angelic I may soar. - My spirit w ill be forever here T worship thee. Long Brauch was at one period the Mecca of New York excursioi.ists. Carn ey Island, howeVe',liaRdrawiioffa greats portion of the class oji i people who b ljevc in cheap ekciafsions. Therefore, the class, of people are, as a rule, more orderly than they wero'in former day, making it a more agreeable resort to wich as prefer a quiet ' souru at the seasiot-. -- - H. G. Use OrientatV v 1'onic for preserv ing the hair.- Citizens of Independence school dta trict have voted to rajpe $1509 by for the purpose of-jbuildine 4 chool house. 21 Vebtooi Oil cures' pain, ijtetrnal or external in from onel to fifteen sainutea. Warranted. For' ''ile by iUcColl k b