Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 29, 1912, Image 4

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    Entr*><l a» Second Claw Mail Matter at Lent», Oregon, August 25, 1011
Pabliahed Every Thursday at lent», Ore., by the M t . S cott P vbubhin « C o .
H. A. DARN ALL, E ditor and M anaubb .
Office Phone: Home 1111.
Resilience: Tabor 2*13
ach, cools and quiets the bowels and
helps digestion. Price 25c, and 50c per
NOMINATING CONVENTION bottle. Sol«i by Lents Pharmacy.
The Clackamas County Prohibition
Advertise in the Herald
Party nominating convention, for the
purpose of nominating a county ticket
and transacting such other business
as may properly come before the
100 acres in Douglass county, 6 miles
convention, will be held at Canemah from Myrtle Creek and on good road:
Park, one mile south of Oregon City Land is fenced and partly cleard;
buildings, good soil and good lo­
on the O. W P. R. R., on Friday, small
cality and near school house. Price
August 30th, 1912, at 2:30 P M
$2,000, half cash and balance in two
All citizens of Clackamas county years at 6 per cent interest.
who believe in a “Government for the
people, by the people." administered
30 acres unimproved land in Polk
by officers whose platform promises county, four miles from Dalia«. Good
moral as well as economic and civic road, good soil (billy,) good water,
running all year and big timber
reform are invited to meet with us creek
Price *40 per acre; half cash, balance
and help nominate a ticket whom all two years at 6 per cent interest.
conscientious men can support.
Clackamas County Prohibition Com- ■ House and lot, 85x100 double corner
on 10th Ave. and Mt. Scott. Price
B. Lee Paget, Chairman $1250 00; $30«» 00, down, balance $10 per
month. Address all communications to
C. W. Clark, Secretary.
i La Center, Washington.
OST of the people who are
unprejudiced are enjoy­ ,t------------------------------------------ «
ing the revolution that is going
The last days of summer.
season for tire wardens and for-
on down in the city of Portland | eat Fine
these days. That the town is Miss Herald, of Lent», a former
teacher here, is out visiting her pupils
and has been rotten to the core and
has been felt by almost everyone, The Commercial club gave an enter­
tainment at the tine new home and
even the rotten ones themselves. sanitarium
of Dr. Rodkins last Saturday
That the last four years have evening that was well attended. Ice
and cake was served and a gener­
been especially vicious ones must cream
al good time wa- enjoyed by all.
, go without dispute. The work The Sandy band will be out Saturday
night of this week at the store and ho­
of the district attorney’s office tel
and another benefit will be giveu by
has been the basis for all the vil­ i the Commercial club.
Rev. Dr. Bovd will resume his clerical
lainy, the sheriff’s office seems labors
at the First Presbyterian church
to have been next in the scale of | of Portland next week as his vacation
is over. His family will remain here a
inefficiency, while the city of­ I couple
of weeks longer. He has made
ficials and police department are great improvements on hie ranch and
coming here has been a irreat boom
important members of the band | his
for Cherryville.
of public looters. Early in the Leorv Osgood, of Portland and Wm.
and wife, of Lents, were summer
administration of Mayor Rush- I Paine
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
light a committe on vice condi­ Ezra Trunman up near the Bull Run
above Brightwood last week.
tions was appointed. It has Reserve
The new bridge over the Sandy, about
taken all this time to get a re­ 4 mile- above Brightwood, is being rap­
pusbed to completion under the
port from them and now when it idly
management of Ezra Trueman. This is
has made a report we hear that a substantial structure and will be a
benefit to settlers in that vicinity
one or more members of that great
as it affords quick and direct communi­
committee are themselves engag­ cation to the auto road.
U. 8. District Attorney McCourt, of
ed in renting rooms to people for Portland
was spending his vacation at
immoral purposes, and that their j the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra True­
man of the upper Sandy last week in
report, not having been prepar­ I company
with his eon John.
ed as evidence of improprieties Sherran'd, the Chief Forrester, i« also
expected to arrive before Mr. McCourt
is not fit for presentation in returns
home. It is to be presumed
court as guarantee of conditions. that something is contemplated in re-
to the Bull Run Reserve or the
In the meantime the mayor | gard
making of a U. 8. Road through the
has been waiting all this time Reserve at or near this point as this is
to be the best route over the
for a report from this committee considered
to know whether improper con­ In the course of a conversation with
Mr McCourt who is high authority,
ditions did exist anywhere in and
an exceedingly bright and capable
town. Of course the mayor is a young man, he said he was opposed to
Innocent Purchase Bill recently
very busy man. But it does not the
passed through congress—both bouses-
look as though he would have and signed by the President—no veto
time—as it was absurd to call the
learned before this that the sur­ that
Booth Kelly Co. innocent purchasers
est and easiest way to learn of by which they acquired 70,0*1 acres of
most magnificent timber land in the
conditions was to go and see for tbe
world along the McKenzie river for a
himself. Surely the mayor could nominal sum. When Mr. McCourt
wrote Attorney General Wickersham
stir away from his office once a that
tbe Innocent Purchaser Bill did
month or even oftener. Surely not look good to him at all anil that he
was strongly opposed to it. Tbe law,
there is nothing in the law to or
contract, entered into between the
prevent a city official of that L’nited States and the Southern Pacific
R. R was that this land grant consist­
standing from making a little ing
of 2,300,000 orginallv nearly 3,000,-
investigation at first hand. The 000, was to be sold to actual settlers in
of 160 acres at $2.50 an acre. The
same might have been said of tracts
Southern Pacific is a notorious law
the chief of police. What is a breaker but got broke in California and
that is just what it is coming to in Ore­
chief of police for if not to see gon.
Congresrman Lafferty in a recent
that the moral conditions of the speech in Washington which is in the
Record of late issue says people need
town are held at a legal status? have
no hesitancy in settling on this
How’ can a chief of police tell land wherever thev can find it as the
R. R. Co. will either forfeit tbeir land
whether his official rulings are to
the government or take the $2 5o ae
carried out if he does not occa­ the law provides.
It is all over but the shouting Wood­
sionally get away from his easy row
Wilson will be the n*xt Presi­
chair and roll top desk and go dent if he lives until next November.
Attorney Cotten, of Portland, chief
out and see what is being done. attorney
for the s. P. R R. was a visi­
The trouble is that the senti­ tor at the Dr. Boyd home last Saturday.
Cotton receives a salary of $35,000
ment is general in this neck of a Mr.
year, some class to that!
Oregon that everything must A B. Brooke leave- for his Boon
ranch this week. Sorry tn lo«e Mr.
pay its toll. If it is a question River
Brroke as be is the booster for Cherry­
of morals the influence that can ville.
We still have a funny man left if
put up the most “graft” wins. Mark
Twain is dead. Charles Willes,
This may be in the form of “in­ manager for Taft, says Taft will get 384
Here is believing he
fluence” or may be of financial electoriai
wont get *4 votes.
nature. If it could ever be tried Borah, Hadley, and other “insur­
” who have concluded to stay in
out that things must move on gents
the old wing of their party, have made
their merits it would then be a frightful blunder as there wont be
left of the G. O. P. after the
just as easy to do things on the anything
Fall election.
square, but where is the man
that dares to institute such a Teething babies always have a hard
condition. The Governor 3eem3 time of it when this process occurs in
to be holding up that sort of a hot weather. They not only have to
standard, but how much support contend with painful gums but the stom­
is he getting from the mass of ach is disordered, bowels loóse and the
Ixsly uncomfortable. The best help you
the people, and how many are can
give the little sufferer is McGEE’S
quietly hoping that he will fail. BABY ELIXIR. It corrects sour stom­
Try the electric Milk Shaker at Lam
berts & Thompsons.
with hei sister, Mrs. Hugh Leigh.
Several people from here have gone to
the mountains for huckleberries. They
i are reported very plentiful this year
,1. v. Elliott amt family are S|>ending
an outing at the const.
Mrs. Margaret t'hitwo-sl is visiting
her son. J D. i'hitwoisl,
Mies Hattie Allen returned home
Monday fiom Eastern Oregon
Mrs. Woods is reported very ill.
Miss Lillian Young has lieen on the
sick list.
Miss Nellie Roacli and brother have
% gone hop picking.
lite Trials Of A I raw 1er
“1 am a traveling salesman.” writes
E. E. Youngs, E. Berkshire, Vt„ '‘ami
wa- ofieu to.nbleil with constipation
and iudigvstiuti till I ls<gaii tn use Dr.
King's New Lite Pills, which I have
found an excellent rvimity " For all
stomach, liver or kidney troubles thev
are iiuequaled. Only A cents at All
l leale rs.
Schoo) davs are near.
Damascus a bool will la-gin bent. 9th.
Mr. Raleigh Searle and Miss Meagher
have lieen hired as teachers.
Several of the schiad childr, n have
entered articles to the Juvenile Fair to
be held at Millwaukee Aug. 2ttth.
Mr. and M s. Henry Hilleary'a
daughter. Pearl, is visiting them tins
Mrs. John Hilleary spent Sunday
and Mrs King of Portland,
came out in their auto to spend Sun­
day at this place and took dinner at
Lund's Point
Mr- l.und ami children of Port
land, have been here on the l.und
ranch fbr some time.
Mi-- M ICC \\ oodward spent Sun
day at her home here.
Mrs Phillip», of liooil River, wa»
a guest of Mr and Mrs Malroy last
Lewi- Rcnlictd. with friends from
Portland, was out on hi» mother's
ranch last Friday
Mi- Hunter and children, of Port­
land. ate guests at the Taylor home.
Mr and Mrs W II Costner and
Mrs Mortlock, who has been vis
two little daughters were guests of
iting her sister, Mr* Arthur Butler, Mr and Mr- W I. Diet last Fri­
left for her home yesterday
day at their beautiful bungalow in
Mr Illidge, of Forest Grove and Rose City Park
The stork made a call at Mr and
Mr- \rthnr Butler's lately and left
a baby noy,
Mr ami Mr» W I. Diet, of Port­
land. motored out on Sunday and were
dinner guests at Columbia View
Flying Men Fall
victims to stomach, liver and kidney
trmitilca just like oth<-r |M*<ip)c, with like
remits in lossof appetite, bm kii-'lii-, m-r-
vouam-ee, headache, and tin-1, listili«
run down feeling. But then-'» no need
to ftx-l like that as T. D, IS-eblra, Henry,
Tmin., provisi. "Six I hi III ch of Elvi trie
Bitters" lie write». "di<l mon- to give no­
ne w strength and g-»sl appetite than nil
oilier atoiuach remedu* I used." So they
help everybody. Ila folly to sillier when
thia great remedy will help von from
the first <low. Try it i Inly ’>0 cents at
All Dealers.
Commencing Friday
Every article of merchandise including Ladies and Mens
and Childrens Furnishings, Dry Goods and Notions pur­
chased in our opening stock from Fleischner & Mayer
will be sold at Absolute Cost.
The Reason of This Sale
This is not because we need the money to pay our bills, not because we are going out of business but because other Lents
Merchants have objected to our handling this line, therefore Fleischner and Meyer refuse to sell us further goods with
which to keep our stock complete.
Because of this we are going to sell each and every article at exact cost price and
rid our store of every article purchased from Fleischner and Meyer.
Every Article is Guaranteed. If not as
Represented you can return it. We
are going to stay in Business-we own
property and are here permanently
Here is a Sample of Prices That will Prevail Throughout Sale
Calico regular value 6c will sell at . . 4-f:
Calico regular value 8c will sell at . . ©c
Ginghams reg. val. 10c will sell at . . 7c
12jc dress ginghams will sell at ... 1 Oc
Ladies All Wool Sweaters regular $4.00 values to go for
Ladies reg. 50c Burson Hose now . 39c
Regular 25c Hose will sell at ... . j Qc
Shirt Waists Silk, reg. $3 go at. . $2.39
Silk Skirts, reg. val. $3. go at . . . $2.39
Kimonas $1.50 to $2, now 98c $1.48
Bed ticking, reg. 22c yd. go at ... . 17c
Men’s Shirts, reg. val. $1.25.............. 95c
Men’s Shirts, reg. val. $1.50 1.75 at 1.25
Men’s reg 50c to 65c Shirts to go at 391
Overalls rég. val. $1.00 to go at . . 7 5'
All Silk, ties 25c and 35c vals go at 1 Qc
All Silk, Ties reg val 50c to go at 39'
All 25c Articles to go at..................... |Qc
Cotton Batting, first Quality per lb. | Qc
Great Reductions on Hats, Caps and in fact Everything
Lents New Up-To-Date Dry Goods Store