Entr*>ending an outing at the const. Mrs. Margaret t'hitwo-sl is visiting her son. J D. i'hitwoisl, Mies Hattie Allen returned home Monday fiom Eastern Oregon Mrs. Woods is reported very ill. Miss Lillian Young has lieen on the sick list. Miss Nellie Roacli and brother have % gone hop picking. lite Trials Of A I raw 1er “1 am a traveling salesman.” writes E. E. Youngs, E. Berkshire, Vt„ '‘ami wa- ofieu to.nbleil with constipation and iudigvstiuti till I ls0 cents at All Dealers. 4 Commencing Friday Every article of merchandise including Ladies and Mens and Childrens Furnishings, Dry Goods and Notions pur­ chased in our opening stock from Fleischner & Mayer will be sold at Absolute Cost. The Reason of This Sale This is not because we need the money to pay our bills, not because we are going out of business but because other Lents Merchants have objected to our handling this line, therefore Fleischner and Meyer refuse to sell us further goods with which to keep our stock complete. Because of this we are going to sell each and every article at exact cost price and rid our store of every article purchased from Fleischner and Meyer. ------ THIS IS A GENUINE SALE! NOT A FAKE Every Article is Guaranteed. If not as Represented you can return it. We are going to stay in Business-we own property and are here permanently Here is a Sample of Prices That will Prevail Throughout Sale Calico regular value 6c will sell at . . 4-f: Calico regular value 8c will sell at . . ©c Ginghams reg. val. 10c will sell at . . 7c 12jc dress ginghams will sell at ... 1 Oc Ladies All Wool Sweaters regular $4.00 values to go for Ladies reg. 50c Burson Hose now . 39c Regular 25c Hose will sell at ... . j Qc ...................... $2.45 Shirt Waists Silk, reg. $3 go at. . $2.39 Silk Skirts, reg. val. $3. go at . . . $2.39 Kimonas $1.50 to $2, now 98c $1.48 Bed ticking, reg. 22c yd. go at ... . 17c Men’s Shirts, reg. val. $1.25.............. 95c Men’s Shirts, reg. val. $1.50 1.75 at 1.25 Men’s reg 50c to 65c Shirts to go at 391 Overalls rég. val. $1.00 to go at . . 7 5' All Silk, ties 25c and 35c vals go at 1 Qc All Silk, Ties reg val 50c to go at 39' All 25c Articles to go at..................... |Qc Cotton Batting, first Quality per lb. | Qc Great Reductions on Hats, Caps and in fact Everything Lents New Up-To-Date Dry Goods Store LENTS, OREGON <