Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 25, 1909, Image 7

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    The Mission
Of those corpuscles In your blood
that have been called "Little
Soldiers," Is to fight for you
against the disease germs that
constantly endanger your health.
These corpuscles are made
healthy and strong by the use of
Hood's Sarsaparllla.
This medicine is a combination of
more than 20 different remedial agents
in proportions and by a process known
only to ourselves and it has for thirty
years been constantly proving its worth.
, No substitute, none "just-as-good."
Her Objection.
"I wish my dentist wasn't so realistic,"
aid Mrs. .Tenner Lee Ondego. "He calli
hii dental parlor his drawing room."
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any
case of Itchinjr, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
f ilea in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. EOc
Happy KnKtrement.
"It's a good- thing that mnn wants
but little here below," remarked the
home-grown philosopher.
"Because why?" queried the youth.
"Because that's all there Is left after
woman gets what she wrfnta" answered
the philosophy generator.
pITC Mt. Vital' Dance ana nrrnne Dinennns prmfr
llUnantly cured by Dr. i lno' Grout Nerve Re
storer. Send for FREE $2.00 ti ml bottle and treatise.
Or. K. II. Kline, Ld., 931 Arch St.. Philadelphia. 1'a.
'1 erinlnolOKy,
Officious Salesuiun Wouldn't you like
to look at some of our overcoatings or
Dyspeptic Looking Customer No, but
If you will be kind enough to tell me
vbere the drug dnjmriment is I'll take a
look at your pillin.es and porous plaster
tugs." Chicago Tribune.
Making It IMvnaant for TTIm.
"Gentlemen," said t lie toa.snimster at h
banquet; "we have listened to some excel
lent orators this evening and I am sure
wo liavo enjoyed their efforts very much.
I have purposely kept one of our beat
Rpeakers for the hint, and after you have
heard him I know you wifl be glad to go
home, Gentlemen, I have the honor to
present Mr. Ketchum A. Cummin, who
will now adrtrem you." Chicago Tribune.
About Ultfiit.
A boy was asked to explain the dif
ference between animal Instinct and
human intelligence. "If we had in
stinct," he said, "we should know
everything we needed to know with
out learning It ; but we've got reason,
and bo 'we have to study ourselves
'most blind, or he a fool." Universal
1st Leader.
S Old Favorites
A Crown Ip Ilnby.
"You'd like to be in South America
during a revolution, would you? What
"O. I'd like to see the wheels go
It has been stated on British authority
that American immigrants into Canada
are taking fifty million dollars' worth of
property Into that country each year.
The following s'gn is displayed by a
firm of cycle and motor manufacturers at
Hornspy, England : "To aeronauts: Drop
here for notrol."
The golden crested wren is the smallest
of British birds. It is three and a half
Inches long and seventy-two of them
weigh one pound.
The fact that no death from hydro
phobia has been recorded in England
since 104)2 is cited as au illustration of
the preventive treatment of disease.
Man with the Bulging Brow Awful
sloppy, Isn't it?"
Man With the Bulbous Nose It ain't
half as sloppy for you as it is for me.
My overcoat's In so:ik-
Introducing iter Ite.iolullon.
"Johnny," said Mrs. Iapsling, putting
on her wraps, "I've been in the house all
day and I need the fresh air. If you'll
mind baby a little while I'll go and take
a preamble around the block."
Curloaity Gratified.
Former Customer (after a long ab
sence) What has become of the pretty
blonde that used to feed the hungry at
this lunch counter?
Dark Skinned Waiter Girl I'm her,
What you goin' to order, sir?
Youthful Philosopher.
A five-year-old boy on hearing grace
asked fot the first time at breakfast
gravely 1 tmarked : "I only say my
prayers ft night. That Is the danger
ous time." Life.
Before Hipe Wlxdom Cornea.
There Is a dangerous stage In every
one s career wnen nis triends are
afraid to tell him a compliment for
fear It will make him more conceited
Boston Globe.
It is estimated that 113.000 persons in
New York City make their living by
their wits, which means the lack of wit in
Shipbuilding in Japan mploys 10,000
men at Nagasaki. 8.000 at Kobe and 4,000
at. Osaka. All- the Japanese yards are
full of orders.
The Grenoble district in France is
noted in the export trade of that country
for two very different products walnuts
and kid gloves.
Illoodlexa Revolution.
Reporter But, Senator, in a govern'
ment like ours, don t you believe in the
principle of rotation in office?
Eminent Statesman I certainly do,
young man. That's why I have a revolv
ing chair in my office.
Not Worth While.
"Don't you think, Mr. Sply," said the
boss, "you might as well take off your
"What's the use?" asked the new man,
who was filling a temporary vacancy in
the clerical department. "I'm only going
to hold this job two weeks."
James Warren, a farm laborer, 82 years
old", died recently at Edworth, England,
after having worked on the same farm
for seventy-five years.
More Humane.
"They tell me, Mr. Smith ers, simpered
the fluffy young thing, "that you are quite
a lady killer."
"They do me an injustice, upon my
word, Miss Giggley," responded the gal
lant old beau, laying his band on his heart
and making a profound bow ; "I catch 'eua
In reply to an advertisement for a
woman typist at a salary of ?.'5.75 a week,
a London firm on March i received no
fewer than ."!" replies.
New York City has more asylums,
homes, hospitals and organizations for
the relief of human suQ'ering than any
other city in the world.
Far Apart.
"Miss Easton," said the hostess, "this
is Mr. Weston."
"Delighted to know you. Miss Easton,"
said the young man. "Nominally, how
ever, we seem to be antipodes."
"Actually, too, perhaps, Mr. Weston,"
she answered, so distantly that he instant
ly felt himself to be 12,."00 miles away.
At Rheims, France, portable bathtubs,
filled with hot water, are delivered to or
der. The folding envelope was first used in
There are 50,000 vegetarians in Eng
There are in London over 3(M,UOU per
sons who live in one-room houses, and
over 701.000 in two-room houses.
There is a daily average of one and
one-half deaths in New Y'ork City charge
able to injuries inflicted by other persons.
In the last five years, in New York
City, fi03,714 tenants have gone into new
flat houses.
Three-story bedsteads are now made for
ose in apartments, steamers, camps and
wherever floor apace is limited.
The secret of the glow-worm and firefly
is yet unsolved by science. Their light is
witirelv unaccompanied hv heat.
Three hundred girls are employed in the
harness trade in New York, and Kentucky
has a girl jockey.
Manhattan's postoffice receipts amount
to $54,370 daily.
Much of the fuel used In Italy is mads
of the refuse of olives from which the
oil has been pressed.
Lord Selborne is the firot British cab
inet minister who has accepted an ap
pointment in the colonies.
Those who have wintered in Alaska say
that it is not the cold, but the mosquito,
that is the hardest thing to endure in the
Alment-M Inded Alderman.
A Lynn (Mass.) alderman at a re
cent nldcrmanic meeting Inquired what
had become of an order he had intro
duced some time before calling for an
arc light on Willow street. The city
clerk, after digging into his files, in
formed him that the order had come
before the board nearly a month pre
vious and that he had voted against it.
Ileautlful Snow, i
Oh, the snow, the beautiful snow,
Filling the sky and the earth below;
Over the housetops, over the streets,
Over the heads of the people you meet;
Dancing, flirting, swimming along.
Beautiful snow, it can do nothing wrong,
flying to kiss a fair lady's cheek,
Clinging to lips in a frolicsome freak,
Beautiful snow, from the heuvens above,
Pure as an angel and tickle as love.
Oh, the snow, the beautiful snow,
IIow the flakes gather and laugh as they
Whirling along in its maddening fun;
It plays in its glee with everyone,
Chasing, laughing, hurrying bit,
It lights up the face and it sparkles the
eye ;
And even the dogs with a bark and
. bound
Snap at the crystals that eddy around.
The town is alive and its heart's In a
To welcome the coining of beautiful snow.
How the wild crowd goes swaying along,
Hailing each other with humor and song,
IIow the gay sledges like meteors flash by,
Bright for a moment, then lost to the eye,
Ringing, swinging, dashing they go
Over the crest of the beautiful snow,
Snow, so pure when it falls from the
To be trampled in mud by the crowd
rushing by,
To be trampled and tracked by the thou
sands of feet
Till.it blends with the horrible filth in
the street.'
Once I was pure as the snow, but I fell ;
Fell, like the snow-flakes, from heaven
to hell ;
Fell, to be trampled as the filsh of the
street ;
Fell, to be scoffed, to be spit on and
Pleading, cursing, dreading to die,
Selling my soul to whoever would buy.
Dealing in shame for a morsel of bread,
Hating the living and fearing the dead.
Merciful God, have I fallen so low
And yet I was once like this beautiful
One I was fair as the beautiful snow,
With an eye like its crystals, a heart
like its glow;
Once I was loved for my innocent grace.
Flattered and sought for the charm of
my face,
Father, mother, sisters, all.
(lo& and myself I have lost by my fall.
The veriest wretch that goes shivering
Will take a wide sween lest I wander
too nigh
For of all that is on or about me I
There is nothing that's pure, but the
beautiful snow.
'!.; TUT
Sural 'Telephones
Do you realize that rural telephones, more than
anything else, tend to increase the earning power
of every farm and farmer? Do you realize that
ALL of the material needed to build the very best
rural telephone line exactly the same as the Bell
Company puts up will cost you and your neih
bors less than half a bale of cotton or twenty bushels
of wheat each?
k Am
Over 4,000,000 Western Electric Telephones
are in use in the United States to-day. We made the first telephones and we have made
the most in fact, we have made more than all other manufacturers combined.
We have brought the rural telephone within the reach of every farmer, and with our Free
Bulletins before him a boy can install and operate the system. Our telephones arc guaranteed.
Cut out this advertisement, write your name and address on the margin and mail it to-day so that the
Free Bulletins, which describe the entire plan in detail, may be sent you immediately.
Kansas City
Saint Louli
Manufacturers and Suppliers
of alt Apparatus and Kquip
ment used in the Construc
tion, Operation and Mainte
nance of Telephone Pi am is.
Los A:ifreles
New Vorit
Saint Pa d
Salt Lake City
San Fr&ncia.o
For Example.
"To make a long story short," said Un
cle Chinner, "we collected the maple sap,
emptied it into a huge iron kettle, and
put it over a big wood fire to boil it
"To make your long story short, uncle,"
interrupted one of the listeners, "suppose
you boil that down, too."
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslows Soothing
Syrup the brgt remedy to use for their cuildreu
auricg me teetmiig penoa.
A Flavoring. It make U
syrup better than Maple.
.S Sold by grocer
Sen Flshea in the Sea.
In a communication to the Royal So
ciety of Queensland, Dougles Ogilby re
cords the discovery of one new genus
and seven new species of fish. Among
these are slender dog shark, Howe's
needle fish, long-beaked garfish, the
Bomber leather jacket and others.
Mix for Rheumatism.
The following is a never failing re
cipe for rheumatism. To one-half pint
of good whiskey, add one ounce syrup
sarsaparilla and one ounce Toris com
pound, which can be procured of any
druggist. Take in teaspoonful doses
before each meal and before retiring.
' Must lie Ilnrd Work.
In Russia there is a cheap reaping
machine which bus a reel, but no au
tomatic rake. A man sits on the plat
form and rakes oft the grain with
pitchfork. The name of this machine
Is "lolK)greika," and since "lobo" means
"brow." and "greika" is "a heater,"
the whole can be translated "brow
'Untimely Interruption.
Orlando Spoonamore bent over the fair
band and respectfully kissed it.
' "Young man," screeched the parrot in
the cage overhead, "is there anything the
matter with ray lips?"
IIow strange it should be that this beau
tiful snow
Should fall on a sinner with nowhere
to go.
IIow strange it would be when the night
comes again
If the snow and the ice struck my des
perate brain ;
ninting, freezing, dying alone,
Too wicked for prayer, too weak for my
To be heard in the crash of the crazy
Gone mad in its joy that the snow's com
ing down
To lie and to die in my terrible woe,
With a bed and a shroud of the beauti
ful snow.
J. W. Watson.
Had a Reason.
Editor (of Daily Thunderbolt) Toop
er, you have fallen down on two or three
assignments lately. You used to have
the best nose for news there was in the
Reporter I think I had but it's been
pulled once or twice lately, and I'm get
ting cautious about using it.
1 merchants!
) Wall Paper, Mouldings,
Pictures and other sim-
W ilar goods, for timb?r
is) land, farm land or cash.
m Lowest wholesale (:
w prices. Write me.
J.' 144 Seventh St., Portland, Oregon $i
: Aff!ixSc
a thine. To heroine expert tjTf
Bit moans to fnermllzp. Wonropno-
. Some of the saloons in Liverpool dis
play the sign : "Ladies can not be served
without their bats on."
Lost in the Australian bush, near Port
Parwin. for five days, engineor-commauder
K. S. Silk was found alive and well by a
black tracker.
The average rent paid for New York
City tenements and apartment houset
built within five years amounts to $144
annually for each person living in them.
The municipa l of Copenhagen has
pened war on rats, and will pay 1
!ents for every tail. The breeding of
rats for their tails is a criminal offense.
me postmen or rpaui are unable to
read and write ns a rule, and it is a com
mon saying that who treats the postman
best gets the most leiters.
A youth of seventeen, who hanged him
self at Bristol, l'liitland. painted himself
with green from lit ail to foot just befori
the act.
before trie constant hacking tears the delicate membrane of throat and
lungs, exposing them to the ravages of deadly disease. Piso't Cure
goes straight to the seat of the trouble, stop the cough, strengthens
the lungs, and quickly relieves unhealthy conditions. Because of its
pleasant taste and freedom from dangerous ingredients H is die ideal
remedy lot children. At the first symptoms of a cou'h or cold in
the little ones you will save sorrow and suffering if you
V .J
live rylindj' Lucky.
An old fanner of the County of Dur
hnm called at a roadside public house
where be was well known. The land
lady asked him to buy a ticket for a
lottery they bad on there.
"Well," he said, "I hue naught In ma
pocket, or I might."
"Oh, that's a' reet. John," she says;
"take the ticket and pay for it any
Some, time later John called again
and the landlady asked him If he knew
who had won the lottery.
"No," be said, "who won?"
"Well, hardly durst tell you, but oor
Sam won. Wasn't he lucky?"
"Aye," said John, "be ' was lucky.
And who was second, then?" .
"I durst hardly tell you. Who "would
you think now?"- she said.
, "I couldn't say," said John.
"Well, it wa oor Sally. Wasn't she
"Aye, she was lucky," snid John,
"and who was third?" be asked.
"Well," she said, "you would never
(ruesH, and I might as well tell. I was
third. Wasn't I lucky?"
"You were," he said. "Did I ever
pay you for that ticket, missus?"
"No, John, you didn't," she said,
fawning upon him.
"Well," said John, "isn't I lucky?"
The liettor Part.
A delightful little story is told of
Prosper Meriniee, the French author.
He was once guest at a royal hunt.
when hares, pheasants and other
game were driven before the emperor
and his followers, and the servants
picked up the victims of the sport.
Among all the members of the hunt
ing party, Prosper Merimee alouo had
no trophy to display.
"How does this happen?" asked
some one.
"Where game Is so plenty, the merit
of a marksman seems to me to He In
bitting nothing. replied Merimee,
with grnve courtesy, "so I fired be
tween the birds."
A good, honest remedy fur Rheumatism,
Neuralgia and Sore Throat is Hamlin's
Wizard Oil. Nothing will so quickly
drive out all pain and inflammation.
Maklnsr Sore.
Country Cousin Are you sure I am
in the right train?
Town Relative (who has had about
enough of it) Well, I have asked sev
enteen porters and thirty-two passen
gers, and they all say, "Yes," so I
think you'd better risk it. London Tel
egraph. Only One "BROMO QUININE"
for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the
world over to Cure a Cold in One Da v. 2Tc.
The long feathers of a bird's wing are
fastened to the bone. It is this which
gives the wing the strength and surface
Therewith to heat the air.
Its Claim to Immortality.
"I don't see anything remarkable in
your poem," said the editor, banding it
"You don't?" howled the would-be con
tributor, pointing with a quivering finger
at the word "loathes" at the end of the
fourth stanza. "Did you ever see a poem
before that had a perfect rhyme for
'clothes'?" Chicago Tribune.
tnow every
thing. To heroine expert
moans to fperlallzp. WoaroFpo
claliFt8 In producing thn best flnwrr
and ycpetable seeds. Iu fiJ years we
have bepomo experts. Bow Ferry's
Seeds and ronp lhr results of our care.
For sale evcry-hon1. Read our 1909 L
cataloeueand profit by our experience.
Sent free on request. Address
mmi seed E,,r
$!i&2S Per Salzer's catalog page isg. E3ES!?1
Largest growers or onion ana vegetable I
seeds in tlu world. Bin cat aloe free: or, E!
send IGcin stamps and receive catalog and
looo keruels each of onions, carrots, celery,
radishes, 1500 each lettuce, rutabaga, tur
nips, 100 parsley, 100 tomatoes, 100 melons,
1:00 charming flower seeds, in all 10.000
kernels, easily worih SI.CO of any man's
money. Or, send Zoo and we will add one
pkg. of Earliest Peep O'Day Sweet Corn. ,
iGALZiR SEED CO., Box PC La Crosse. WU.
v'e want Ftock, wheat, da ry and fruit' J
farms. Having- a large Eastern corre-
tpondenee we are in a position to make J
qu;ck ales. Drop us a card if you have J
any thing or know of any firms for sale, z
420 Limber Exchange J
"Ha! Ha! It didn't hurt a bit!
Now for my Alveolar Teeth."
The cleanest.
liahtest. and
most comfortable
at the same time
cheapest in the
end because it
wears longest
3QQ Everywhere
Every garment guar
anteed waterproof
Catalog free
A man never wants to be a woman
except when a woman abuses bliu ;
then lie wituld like to be a woman, to
talk buck.
oxvc )owes; cVeawses
g system &JJccuoSVy ;
xsss8 oxxGmovcxcovuwg
abvciJl CQus)aXov
To efe beucjvixaV
Fig Syrup Co.
The 2
p n u
No. 9-09
are the
O. R. & N.
fast through trains
t.' rV
1 f. v-?
In cases like the above, all dentists throw up
their hards and say there is no hooe - save
plate or false set of tee h. but the Alveolar sys
tem solved the problem a.id now plates are not
necessary unless all the tee h ate gone.
We do dental work in all its branches, from the
simple piece of filling to the complicated and sci
entific Alveolar work. Let no one fool you into
payinjr fancy prices. Omsult us. The prices be
low are for the highest class of dental work. r
Per Tooth
Alveolar Teeth $3.50 up
Regular Gold Crown, 22k .$3.50
Regular Porcelain Crown ". . $3 50 .
Regular Gold or Enamel Fills . .$1.00
Recular Inlay fillings. Painless and Per
fect .;:..$2.50
Regular Expert Plate Work, per set $3.50 up -
Painless Extracting (free with work) 50c..
We make a careful examination of the mouth
free. If you would know more of this Alveolar
work, send for our book. "Alveolar D.jititry," a
trertise on the teeth in peneral and the new
method in particular, The book is free. Out-of-town
patients treated in the shortest possibl
t me.
Dentists of 5 to 20 years'
active practice in the city.
The ALVEOLAR Painless Dentists
fourth and Washington Streets
Lady Attendant
OFFICE HOURS 8 a. m: to 8 p. m ; Sundays 9
a. m. to 12 m. PHONE AU71.
For rvirTCIincn Pink fye, Epizootic,
Shipping Fever
and Catarrhal Fever
Sure cure and positive preventive, no matter how horses at any a?
are infected or "expoed." L.quid. (riven on the tongue; acts on th
Blood ajid G'.ands. expels the pui onous nerma from the body. Cures Dis
temper in Pops and Sheep and Cholera in Poultry. l-rrest selling liva
Stock remtdy. Cures La Grippe amor t human K-infrs and is a fine K id
Jieyremedy, 60c and $1 a bo'tle; J and f ilia dozen. Cut this cut. Keep
It. Show toyourdrusrtrist. who willpet it for you. Free Booklet. "Di.
tamper. Cau-e and Cures." Special agents wa-?ed.
"Itf HKN writing t
I V luenf in this
to advertiser pleaaa
I Egg-Phosphate
Get it from
your Grocer
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 1 Oc package colors silk, wool and cotton equally well
nd is guaranteed to give perfect results. Ask dealer, or we will send post paid at 10c a package. Write for . rte booklet
-ow to dye, bleachjand mix colers. , MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Ouincy, LVmoU.