Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 25, 1900, Image 1

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    Portland Library
Subscription price. $1.60
-s i
Leads la Prestige
Leads In CircuUtlon
Lead! In News
U the Official and Recognized Represent
ative Journal ol the County... ...
Subscription' Price, $1.50
The Paper la Published Strictly In the
Interests of Morrow County and Its
Taxpayers. - .
cssh ii w
NO. 805
The Heppner Gazette
Is published every Thursday by , .
Entered at the Poatoffice at Heppner, Oregon,
aa leoond-claai matter.
orncxi-i iiiBiaTomT
Slxto Judicial District. ,
Oircnit Judge Stephen A. Lowell
P.-ojiitioK Attorney H. J. Bean
Morrow County Official.
J itnt Senator J, W. Morrow
R .praeniitative. E. L, Freeland
O -wit? Judge A. O. Bartholomew
" OoinmiMHooen. . , ,..,.. L. Howard
J. W. Beckett. ;
' "- Clerk..,.... .....Vawter Crawford
" Sheriff i... ....A. Andrew
' " Treaanrsrvn. .... ......... M. Uohtenthal
Aaeeaeor J. i . WiUie
' iarryoT...i..i..... Julia Keithlr
" Hohool bup't Jay W. Bniple-
" O .r.Hir., Dr. E. B. Bunlook
Stock Inspector.. . Henry Scherzinger
HKPPNia towk omos. v-
Hay.r... Frank Gilliam
Gouanilrara 8- P. UarriuiVB,
J. K. Himona. J. J. Roberta, K. W Rhea, Geo.
NoMe and Thoe. Quaid.
Keoorder ..J. P. William
Treaaurer L. W. BrigR
Uarahal George Tho roton
Directors Frank Gililrm. O. E. Farnawortb,
J. M. Hager; Clerk J. J. Robert.
Precinct Officer.
UBticeof the Peace W. A. Richardson
Datable. 6. B. Gray
United State Land Officer.
Jay P fjiioaa Kegiater
Otia Patterson Beoeiver
K. W. Bartlett Register
J. O. Hwaokhamer Receiver
It is a fact that far ma -can be bought
in Morrow county at 'such low prices
that their first coming crop will pay for
the land.
C E. Redfield
Office In Flrat National Bank building.
Heppner, Oregon. ,
G. W. Phelps
Office in Natter' Building. . Heppner, Oregon.
J. W. Morrow
Office in Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or.
A. JWalloryv
It authorized to take all kind of LAND
Collections made on reasonable term.
Office at residence on Chase street.
Government land script for aale.
D. E Gilman
Put your old books and note In hi "
hands and get your money out of them
Makea a specialty of hard collection.
Office in J. N, Brown' building, Heppner, Or
Dr. M. B. Metzler
Teeth . Extracted and Filled.
Bridging a specialty
Painless Extraction. . . .
Heppner jv - - Oregon.
Gentry & Sharp ,
Tonsorial Artistsi
Your patronage tollcited. ' '
Batiafaction guaranteed..
Hot and Cold Baths
Main Street, near Palace Hotel. ' Heppner.
J. R.! SlMPNS & Son
General Blacksmiths
Horseshoeing a Specialty '
Wagon Making
and Repairing.
All work done with neatness
and dispatch.... '
Satisfaction Guaranteed;,
Upper Main Street,
Heppner, , Or.
H. W. Fall;
Of the Old Sellable
Gault House.
- rninno. ILL..
u.i.n .nd clintonSta
w' -- ,
The Kind You Have Always
in use lor over so years,
V, j sonal
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-pood'-are but :
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
, Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, r
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare ;
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups oltrla Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays. Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural lcep rj
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friends j ,x
Bears the
The Kind; You Haye Always Bought cl
In Use' For Over 30 Years
jS: Palace
.' r Bii. Hotel.
A -Leading - Eastern Oregon Hotel
r ' ' Every Modern Convenience.
Drummers' Resort. Stockmen's Headquarters.
i One of tho finest equipped Bars and Clubrooms . .
; in the state in connection. ...
ITirs.t-Oia.ssa Sample Rooms.
For Business Heppner; is ne of the Leading
Towns of the West. -avl ,
For Spring and Summer Wear
9 The Pioneer Boot and Shoe Dealer of Heppner, ha
The Latest Styles , of Footwear for .
Men, Women and Children...; - V
Old Standi Main Street.
Ileppiier. Flouring Mill Co.
Has secured the serrices of a first class miller, i ;
i and keep on hand a fall supply of. ,
' Of the very best quality and guaranteed to giye satisfaction.
The mill , exchanges with
ineir patronage.
W L.
Come to Morrow
lands. Values are sure
' 11 I 1 11
ier again win . lanci sea
Bought, and which has been.
has borne the signature of
has been made under his per- .
supervision since its infancy. -
Signature of
J. W. MORROW. Proprietor. .
Strictly First-Class .
Reoalrlno So.nl.lfv
the: farmers, and solicits
HOUSTON, 'Manager.
County for low-priced
to double up. Nev-
so low as. it does now.
His Generosity Towards His . Newly , Married
v ' Niece.
A Realistic Romance of Heppner In Which a Number of
Prominent Business Men. Take a Very Con
spicuous Part.
Copyrighted by W. 8 Guthrie.
"Miss Summer Polly I I
er dare I" But the speaker
took a header, over'; ba8bfulBenp,
only to hear h sweet
"Yes, Charley."
"Can I aspire to er tothat
is." 'v.'-' v- t
Again a lapBS- iutosiletictj fol
lowed by an encouraging.,
;"Yes, Churley."
"Oh, if I might only hope to er
to--. -. , .a. ; '-.
Another failure in language. It
was seemingly a hopeless case,
and might' have been, only for a
"Charley, I have said'ves' twice,
and if you mean it, I meao ifctoo,
andrv V . tj? i I ;
And to this day that young man
will insist that he popped the
question. '
All this happened away "up
state," and it wasn't long before
there was a ' wedding. Not kniicb
longer before ' there came a letter
from Polly's Uucle Jonhua Turner,
rich, generous who wrote eflusive
ty to bis delight at her exhibitiou
of t what he; called 'grit,'! and he
proposed that if the young - people
would locate at Heppner he would
start them, up in life, as a wedding
gift, having explained that there
was no better port in the world
where they might launch their
little matrimonial canon. Of course
they accepted and were soon bid
ding their friends adieu.
A few weeks subsequent ' to the
above conversation, a travel-stained
party- at rived in Heppner. Our
friend, Uucle Josh, was in charge,
and he led. the party straightway
to the Palace Hotel. "We'll go-to
the Palace," he said, "Cause its
been the popular , place for years,
and is strictly first-plaes. Senator
J. Wi Morrow, ; the ; proprietor, is
endowed with that delightful in
tuition that makes a guest feel at
home, comfortable, and in might v
good luck. The house is one of
convenience; the apartments are
cosily furnished, and the cuisine
all that a superior cook and un
limited orders on the market can
make it. I have engnged rooms at
the Palace until your own house
is in readiness, and if you don't
agree that I've selected a mighty
fine- place, then I'm no prophet;".-
"After breakfast." continued the
old man, 1 am r ready to buy your
outfit. To expedite matters I have
ordered- a carriage- from ;. II. "A.
Thompson, our enterprising livery
man " When the handsome .car
riage, with elaborate trappings
and prancing horses, drew up ' in
front of the hotel, .., Polly k declared
it the "finest turnout she had ever
seen.'' "Yes Sir-ee," replied Unole
Josh, "the three ti's, 'Speed, Safety
and Style' is H. , A.; Thompson's
coat of arms. , So, young folks.
when you want to take u drive,
either for business or pleasure, go
to Dim lor a rig every time. His
wedding, party and funeral -equip.
ments are UDeurpahsea! it was
in this stylish turnout . that .the
rounds of the town were made. -With
these remarks, Uncle Josh
graciously presented to Charley
the deed to a cosy cottage;
"Having already provided a cage
for- the; bird,1' - said ' Uncle Josh,
"now the first thing we'll look
after will be the furnishings for it,"
Hereupon Polly declai ed that she
had heard so much about' J. "L.
Yeager, the furniture man and
funeral director, and read ' his ad
veitisement in the pioneer home
paper, the Heppner Gazette, that
she had decided, to go there; , The
result a that they were ushered
into such a bewildering display
that the girl was at first at a lossi
how to select.
But eke soon yielded to the at
tractions of a magnificent parlor
suite, a bedroom set in oak, golden
finish, that would do credit to old
Mf." Klondike himself. To this
she added an easy rocker for Uncle
Josh, and didn't forget a most con
venient and ornamental writing
desk for "Hubby'' Charles, having
come to- the conclusion that J. L.
Yeager's figures were below the
very whisper cf competition.
"A pretty good start," said the
old man. 'and now we'll go to
Gilliam t Bisbee's big hardware
and stove store where Polly's we'd better see Minor & Co. about
housewifely instincts will have foil some new duds." After Charley
play in marvels of kitchen appa-; had fitted himself in a neat suit.
i rant i .. . - . .
rams. i nere is noj an eeiaonsn-
ment in the country that carries a
more , comprehensive stock . of
household furnishings," remarked
Uncle Josh. "Every possible piece
of kitchen furniture from a tin
dipper to a cooking range is hers
in ail styles ana variety
' If Polly fails' to accomplish won
ders in the culinary art, it will not
be for want of . superior cooking
utensils, , for she . purchased .. a
Majestic range with all equipments
needed in a well regulated kitchen,
while Charley bought an elegant
Wilson parlor heater and a blue
flame oil stove, all of which Uncle
Josh paid for with delight cause
he knew Gilliam & Bisbee had
treated him right, just as they do
all of their ousiomeis.
1 "Let's see I promised,, you a
gold watch and diamond ring, too,
didn't I," queried Uncle Josh of
Polly, ."and P. ,0., Borg'e, is the
place to get good values especial
ly in diamonds, as - he told me the
other day that he had a large sup
ply on hand; bought before the
raise,, which . he sells at the old
prices.",. Entering the popular
leading jewelry store of Morrow
county the old man gallantly . ac
quitted himself of the promise and
then directed Polly's attention to
the superior stock , of silverware
oarried by the house. 'There is no
other suoh a house in town,", said
the old man, "and I will guarantee
the quality to . be the i very best
Pick out your family 'clock" while
here," he added.': "P. 0: Borg car
riea a magnificent line. Don't for
get another factl he continued, "if
ever you unfortunately need opti
cal goods, this is the place to coma
tie will test your eyeB without ex
tra charge, and say, my boy, re
member that P. 0. Borg is also an
expert dootor on sick watches.".
' "Halt!" commanded Uncle Josh,
as the party came in front of
Patterson & Son's handsome drug
store, "Walk right in." "Why
Uncle- we're not sick, and "
" Guess I know that, but I suspect
it won't be long before this young
man begins to take ' an interest in
matters of paregoric and" "U-n-o-l-e
" , "We'll go in anyway,
Polly may find some toilet ar tides
she wants." Sure enough, before
leaving she was loaded ; down with
combs, brushes, face powders and
ounces upon ounces of fine import
ed perfumes.' 1 "Don't forget," ad
ded Uncle Josh, "to come here
with your prescriptions, as Patter
son & Sou are competent pharma
cists aud up-to-date druggists,! and
use pure and reliable drugs."
While Uncle Josh was ponder
ing where to go next, Polly sud
denly asked: "Uncle, where can I
find the leading millinery estab
lishment?" "Just up the street,"
remarked Uucle Josh, "and we
will visit Mrs. L. J. Estes, who, by
the way, has on hand one cf the
completest stocks of millinery, fur
capes, dress Bkirts, silk waists - and
ladies' neck wear to be found in
the city. You can get what you
wact there, the latest styles being
her motto. M rs. Estes experience
guarantees - that when you have
purchased of her you have the
thing according to fashion and a
satisfaction that your work has
been done by a competent artist.
In a few minutes there never was
a happier girl than Polly for she
purchased a perfect dream of a hat
with all the style and at half the
price generally found in a city Btore.
; "Oh, say, Uncle," exclaimed Pol
ly, ''where can I go for dry goods?
This ; dress is hardly . suitable, I
must admit" . "Well,, my girl, if
you want to select from one of the
most popular establishments in the
city, I will direct you to Minor &
Co., who carry a stock of dress
goods that for variety and real
value is seldom seen outside ' the
largest metropolitan cities. They
carry all the latest weaves in fash
ionable dress goods and you are
sure to be gmaea rignt in your
selections, You will find Minor &
Co. pleasant to deal with and their
employes polite and expert, while
the prices cannot be duplicated."
It did not take Polly long to tell a
bargain when the saw one. She
got a. handsome dresa, with all
necessary trimmings, and several
other articles af "fantastio disar
ray" bo dear to the heart of every
At this point, somen hat to the
confusion of Charley, the old man
indulged in a half criticism of his
personal appearance. " x ou are
decidedly . oil style for a towns-
man." said he, "and while here.
from tne piles of fash onab e car
; mente that cover the tables of this
extensively stocked establishment,
Unole Josh declared: . "Now yon
look like a newly married man."
Before Jeavine.havincr found roods
and prices irresistible, Charley also
invested in a oomplete outfit of
No other aid so great to the housewife,
no other agent so useful and certain in
making . delicious, pure and wholesome
foods, has ever been devised.
ia 9mmmm'. -
gents'- furnishings, from the latest
style hat to a dozen shirts. Minor
& Co. are not to be undersold in
Morrow county. !
"By the way," remarked - Uncle
Josh, as 'they reached the street,
"I must run up to the First Na
tional Bank and get another check
book, v Come along with ino and
get acquainted with Geo. - Oonser
and the staff, for of course you will
do business with them .and it is
always more pleasant to be per
sonally acquainted with the people
you do business with. This bank
is as solid as the base of the uni
verse, and has a stout working
capital and a surplus of several
thousand. You will find them ever
ready to extend any accommoda
tions compatible . with business
principles." "Guess I'll open up
an account right away," replied
Charley, and he did.
After this visit, Uncle Josh sug
gested a resort to some place of
At the table the old man waxed
philosophical. "Never neglect your
larder," he said. "That important
adjunct to housekeeping controls
masouline temper. To that end
you must patronize a grocer on
whom you can depend for honest
goods. Through a long term of
years I have found the Ed It.
Bishop Co. perfectly reliable. You
will find them careful dealers, al
ways fully stocked with everv possible
thing in the line of staple and fancy
groceries fresh and first-clasi, no shelf-
worn goods there, while the prices are
down to brass tacks. . To keep peace in
the family get all your groceries of the
Ed R. Bishop Co.
"Yes, and while we are on this im
portant topic of gastronomies, we must
not foriret meat. It goes hand in hand
with groceries. Now to locate a meat
market where you can get fresh, whole
some meats and poultry , at all times,
J. 8. Kinsman is the man to supply you
with that. This is the boss meat market
and Is popular with everybody who is
particular to have the best. The reason
for this is all because J. 8. Kinsman is
very careful in the selection of stock
gets the best of everything end keeps it
fresh on cold storage. To keep your
'hubby' in a good humor, Polly, trade at
J. 8. Kinsman's market every time." ,
"Oh me 1 ob my 1" ejaculated Polly,
as they halted before a show window,
what a pnrffctlv lovely slipper."
"Yes," said Uncle Josh, "The Fair's
stock can't be equalled in style and ex
tent in this section, Go in, look it over
and get acquainted." It might have been
policy not to have extended that invi
tation, had not Uncle Josh known what
wise economy it is to trade at The Fair,
for Polly found goods and prices so se
ductive that she purchased an outfit
from a pretty slipper to a handsome
walking boot. Charley invested in
gent's fine shoes, while Uncle Josh in
dulged in a stout boot, with rubbers for
the crowd. No one needing footwear
can resist the styles and prices offered
by The Fair.
"By the way." exclaimed Uncle Josh,
with a paternal air, the next thing to
look after is the lumber for those im
provementa which are absolutely neces
sary. Come with me and I'll introduce
you to Wills fc Patterson, who are the
dealers in that line bere. They carry
the most complete line ol building
There are imitation baking powders, sold cheap; by
many grocers; They are tnade from alum, a poison ( i
ousdrug, which renders the food injurious to health.
material in this end of the county
everything, from the stone sills for the '
foundation to the shingles for the roof ,
including doors and windows, mould
ing, ec. It is pleasant 'to deal with
Wills A Patterson, for their greatest aim
is to give satisfaction to every custom i
er,"and the lumber was quickly ar
ranged for.
"And as you are eoinir to keeD a '
'horse," continued the old man, "of
course you'll need harnecs. The boss '1
horse milliners of this section, to my
notion, are Noble & Co. They use only
first-class material and give personal
supervision to the minutest detail of
manutacttire- There is nothing in bar. ,
ness that cannot be had of Noble & Co.
heavy and light, hlngle and double,
plain and fancy woik, and buggy bar- ; i
nefis, They , have 'em in stock, or can t
make 'em to order, bemdes every other fn.
kind of turf goods imaginable and the t
finest lot of blankets and. lap robes yon
ever laid your eyes upon.V After a visit
to Noble & Co's harness store, Charley ,
said be thought "if a man couldn't get ,
satisfied it would be his own fault."
"Now," cried the old' gentleman,, r
"now for a picture of this crowd, in
good old country fashion, we'll go to
the photograph gallery, and M. T.
Miller will make a good one. His pic
tures ere wonderful infidelity and finish. ,
I want one' full-sized photo for my
.....j.. i I, .
Biuuy aim some Miiau ones lor my
friends. Dr. Miller has the soul of a.'
troe artist; all his work iB a labor of
love, In which he will not stop short of
perfection. As he is famous for sue
cessful enlarging, I want to give you a .,
life-size representation of 'yours truly,'
with a fine frame to enclose it." (Uncle , ,
Josh's picture may be seen at M. T.
Miller's studio any time the reader de-
sires to call.)
En route to their home the party
called at the Gazette office. "You'll
want the news every week,", remarked
Uncle Josh, "and as this Is the old re
liable pioneer paper here the old
stand-by for the pact 18 years, I'll
Upon summing up ' the wonderful '
events of the day Polly began to volu- -bly
eipreis thanks. "You have bought ','
us everything," she exclaimed.'
"Only oos thing," replied Uncle Josh "
reflectively, "but I can remedy that.' '
J. L. Yeager, the furniture man, always .
has a nice line of them and you can get '
one whenever you want it; I'll pay for
the best."!
"W-h-y," exclaimed Polly with great '
surprise, "Uncle, what cun it be?" -."Well,
it's a baby carriage, and "
But Polly had fainted. ,
How We Use Dp Oar Foret. .
It is estimated that it takes twenty-two
acres of sprnoe land to famish enough 1
wood pnlp paper to ran large mean -pnlitnn
daily just two day. The writer
who makes Ibis statement deplores the
time when, at this rate, onr forests will
entirely disappear, and paper be very
oarce and expensive. Meantime, the
art of printing continues, beoause there
are many trntbs the world ibonld know; .
among others, that Hostetter's Blotnaob -Hitter
is onre for diseases of the tom
aoh, suoh as dyspppsia, indigestion,
constipation, biliousness, insomnia and ;
nervonsoe. This famons midioine bas
been the standard remedy of the Ameri
can people for 60 years. Do not anoepl a
snbstitnte. The genuine bas Private
Rfivrnne Htnmp over the neck of bottle.,
If yon want to buy some very low
priced randies, see George Wells, at
Conner A, Warren's drug store.