Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1900)
FIGHTING FILLIPINOS. Manila, June 23. A detachment of our officers and 100 men, of I he Fourth infantry, with Captain Millar command ine, left Tagayan, on June 13, on recon noissance up the Tagayan river and were ambushed by the insurgents in a strong position. Fifty men were sent to reinforce them but could not take the position, and the troops withdrew. Our loss were seven killed ; wounded, nine men ; missing, one. A SPRING CHICKEN CO. The attraction at the Opera House Monday night, July 2d, should prove a a most powerful one. All the world loves to laugh, that is, the far greater portion of it, and laughter is to reign supreme. The play which is to be pre sented is called "A Spring Chicken," said to be one of the most amusing farcial comedies that has ever been pre sented on the American stage, and the comoany which is under the direction of Jordan and Mahara, is reported to be one of the best that has been playing together thi season. The fun of the comedy lies in a young man telling his uncle that he is married and that he has a family, thereby getting money from him when he is only a jolly good fellow who couldn't keep a dollar if he tried. The uncle turns up and the young man has to find both wife and children, which is a very difficult matter to do successfully. Of course in the end everything is straightened out and all is forgiven, but during the action of the play the fun is fast and furious. There are a number of exceptionally clever specialties introduced and the company includes Rose Sontherland, Bert Flatt, Mable Casedy, Harry Armstrong, Ed ward Kimball, Dolline Cole, Ben Mitch ell, and others. STOCK PAYS BEST. Take it up one side and down the other, stock pays best. A real bargain is now offered in a 1440 acre stock ranch 45 miles south of Heppner. Only $4 an acre. Good outside range ; 100 tons of hay thrown in and 100 acres in grow ing wheat; all under fence and will raise anything. Apply to Gazette office, Heppner. HUPPNKK MAliKKT PKICES. Wool peril) 11 to 16 Wheat per buibel 42 Flour per bbl 3 00 Oati per buihel 40 Barley per 100 lbi 60 Hay, alfalfa, per ton 8 00 (In atack at ranch) ...BOO Hay, wheat 9 00 (In stack at ranch) 7 00 Bacon per lb 12 W Jjard per lb 12 Beef, best, on foot 4 Beef, out up .7 to 15 Buttor per lb 8f to HU Kkks IB 1'otatooi, per sack 7f Chickens, per doz 4 to B Wry Hides, No. 1, per lb 1ft Hheep Pelts, per lb ...,10tll Hia Lift was Savad. Mr. J, E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately bad a wonderful delivernDoe from a frightful death. In telling of it be eays: "I was taken with typhoid fever thnt ran into pneumonia. My lungs bumme hardened. I was so weak I couldn't fVn eit op in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I beard of Dr. Kin'u's New Diioovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it and now am well and strong. I can't iy too mnob in its praise." This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50o and $100. Trial bottles free at Ooneer & Warren Drug Co. Every bottle guaranteed. RANCH WANTED. An experienced sheep man wants to buy for cash or rent a ranch and ranee of about 1000 acres, not too neur the timber. Leave word at the Gazette ollice, Heppner. No Right to UglintM. The woman who is lovely in faoe, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive most keep her health. It she is weak, sickly and all run down, the will be nervous anJ irritable. II she has constipation or kidney tronble, her impure blood will oansa pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a writohed completion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the b!oml. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvet skin, riob complexion. It will make a good looking, otiHrming woman of a run down invalip. Only 50 cents at Cooser & War ren Drug Co. HOME FOR SALE. A nice house, 6 rooms, well locatm!. lot 50x150, only if 1100. Apply at Gazot omise. SEWING. The ladies of Heppner are hereby notified that I am pretmred to do all kinds of sewing. On Maiu street, 3d uoor soum oi raiaee Hotel. Mrs. A. L, Stkki.b. Veleanio Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Buokleu's Arnioa Halve on res Iheni; also old, running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, oorns, warts, euts, bruises, burns, aside, ouapped hands, chilblains, best pile oura on earth. Drives ont pains and aohes. Only 25o a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Cooser & Warren Drug Co. H you want to buy some very low priced ranches, see George Wells, at Conser A Wsrron'sdrug store. Heppner Gazette only i bits for 3 mouths. A Remington breech-loading single shot gun for sale at f 12. Gazette office. Sheep-ranch outfits, stock salt, hats and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco, candy and nuts all these are sold at T. R. Howard's store. LET THE EAGLE SCREAM. All of Heppner's sister cities, towns and villages, and the people of the sur rounding country can now feel safe in planning to enjoy a lug celebration on the coming Fourth of July. Everything in the grocery line adapt ed to city trade is kept at MatofkA Hart's, including pickles lu bulk, swjt and sour. HEPPNER SHIPMENTS. That Heppner ia a very import ant shipping point may be seen from the following figures, which show shipments made by rail from here during the past year: Wool, pounds 3,245,750 Cattle, cars 220 Sheep " 175 Wheat shipped out of Mor- row county over Hepp ner Branch, bushels 200,000 WOOL. The Heppner wool market continues slow. Fully 2 million pounds is now in Heppner warehouses, and still it is rolling in by wagon, lbere are three buyers here, Messrs. Fell, Lee and Wil kinson, and b rank Johnson, who lias been sick in hospital at Boise, has writ ten R. F. Hynd that he will be here in a few days. Only a sew recent sales are reported in Heppner. J. H. Barker has sold 12,000 pounds to Geo. Fell at 12c, and Frank Fields has sold his clip to Mr, Lee. In Boston a dull market continues, with meager sales. Fine-medium and fine, scoured, is about 50 and 52c. Territory; scoured basis Montana and Dakota, fine medium and fine, 18 19c; scoured, 6355c; staple, 5657c; medium and fine, 17l8c. Utah and Wyoming, fine medium and fine, 17 18c ; scoured, 5051c ; staple, 55c. Australian, scoured basis, spot prices combing, superfine, nominal, 8287c; good, -80(3820. COAL. It was thought some years ago that the prospects were good for striking a big body of coal in Morrow county, south of Heppner. Coal was found, and some taken out, but although the Mattesou brothers werked very hard to develop their prospects, the results did not prove profitable. It seems strange that in the vast region known as the Blue mountains coal has not been found and mined. The day may be coming when it will be, for four men are now pushing work on a vein seven miles up Birch creek from Pilot Rock. They have run a 4x6 tun nel in 50 feet on a coal vein 12 inches thick. There are indications of coal oil on the water that accumulates in the tunnel at night and the odor is very discernable. SOUTHWEST OF HEPPNER. The Prineville Journal says: The recent rains have made glad the hearts of Crook county farmers by as suring them a splendid crop of grain on unirrigated lands especially in the Haystack neighborhood where the pros pects were never better. Some miscreant without fear of man or the law sot three foreBt fires on the west side of Deschutes between the Bend and Big Meadows one day last week which would have burned a large territory but for the timelv rains. Make your calculations to come to Heppner on the Glorious Fourth, and you will be g'ad you came. The day is not distant when every inch of land will be deeded and doubled up in price. If you want to buy a good 824-acre place at 85 an acre, call on J. W. Redington, Gazette office. LOAN WANTED. A man who owns 900 acres of good land and much other property wants to borrow $3000 on 2 years' timo at 8 per cent. Anybody who wants to make such a loan, Bond word to the Gazette office. If you want to buy a real cheap ranch, call on or address Geo. Wells, Ueppnei. He has some places as low as $1.25 an acre, and will mail printed description free on request. A Good ConKh Medicine II speaks well for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when druggists use it in their own families in preference to any other. "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for the past five years with com plete satisfaction to myself and custom ers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Etlen, N. Y. "I have alwayi used it id my own family, both for ordinary ooughs sud oolda and for the oongb following la grippe, and find it very efliaious." For sale by Cooser A Warren. Score cards on which you can keep tally on all kinds of games are now kept on tale at the Heppner Gazette ollice. BICYCLE BARGAIN. If you want to buy a new 50 Armada bicycle, one of the finest that is nuule, for $110, call at Gazette office. Do You Want One Hundred Dollars? Any good nmn or woman can organize a lodge ii me nnuKtfri' I'mon or me norm, 01 mnnna, Nehraaka. IVachera and Student! And the work highly remunerative and pli'HSHiit. The lead ing fraternal aooloty In the Wiwt, Pays Death, DlHability and Old Agp clnlnin, and tMuea Joint pollclt-i for man and wife, l'avi Hick and Aool dent clHtmi. I, ml get in thirty atatea. Large memlienihtp of men and women, splendid re atirve plan. If you care to make 1(K) or more In a week or two, write to the (funeral Manager, Bankera' Union of the World, Portland, Oregon, for a contract ai Local or District Manager and orgaulie a lodge. Every Day's Delay Means Your Honied Loss. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Ry. The Favorite Line to .All Points 12nst Broad, vcattbnled, up-to-date tralna between Ttiehloand Deuver, and Omaha, Chicago and Kanaaa t'ttr, making direct connection! in Chicago with all morning trains cant. Flratclau Pullman Klecpors, Library Buffet cara, between Denver and Chicago; the moat perlecl dining car aervlce In the world "a la carte": through Ant claaa Pullman alectper every day between Salt Iwke City and Chicago yia. me twine Line, reraonaliy coiuluctnl excuraiona in ordinary fuliman alceniug caia once a week from Portland and San fc'rauciaco to Omaha, Chicago, HulUlo. Boatou and New York, via. the ttrcat Malt lke Koute without change to htcago. No annoying tranaier In Chicago. Thcae cara are provided with all weekly pcrlodli ala (or free uwof our pairona. For further liilorma'lon, map, folder, etc., Call on your nearoat ticket agent, or ailiireaa A. K, C(H)HKK. (ien'l Agt. Pasa. Pept. Cortland, Ore. TO END THE WAR. Manila, June 21. Two hundred Filipinos met this morning in Manila to determine honorable and decorous methods for securing peace. The result was submitted this evening to Gen. MacArtbur, who accepted them. The leaders of the meeting will use their influ ence to induce Aguinaldo to accept this arrangement. If they are suc cessful as they hope to be, they be lieve Aguinaldo will issue orders in conjunction with the American authorities for the cessation of hostilities. The meeting, w hich is the first of the kind Bince the days of the Fili pino congress, was composed of a distinct revolutionary element Two a team threshers with all modern improvements have been purchased by Haystack citizens in anticipation of the coming large harvest. The owners have adopted the cash system and will re quire payment for threshing when it is done. tfPM FOR THE SHIPWRECKED I IN HEALTH O Who trust to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cures ninety eight per cent, of all who use it. Old forms of disease, obstinate cough, weak lungi, spitting of blood, weakness and emaciation are perfectly and permanently cured by this powerful remedy. . "My wife had hemorrhage of the lungs," writes W. A. Sanders, Esq., of Hern, Mason Co., W. Va. "She had ten hemorrhages, and the people all around here said she would never be well again. But she began to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and she soon began to gain strength and flesh. After taking ten bottles she was entirely well. If any one doubts this, thy may enclose self-addressed envelope with stamp, and I will answer." Sick persons are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free of charge. All correspondence strictly private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Rnffaln. N- v. r Everybody wants to know what The Orcgonlan has to say. 11I frn To) fl.M it f i i r rv i i DKFART TIME SCHEDULES ARRIVI Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver, 5:20 p. m, Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha, Special Kansas City, Ht. 7:45a.m. Louis, Chicago, and Kail. Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, 5:20 p. m. KxpreRS Ft. Worth, Omaha, 7:15 a. m. Kansas City, 8t via. Hunt- Louis, Chicago lngton, and East, Atlantic Walla Walla, Lewis- 5:20p.m. Express ton, Spokane, Min 7 45 a. m, noapolis, St. Paul, Via. Spo- Duluth, Milwau kaue. kee Chicago and East. 8.00 p.m. Ochan Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change. For Han Francisco Hall every 5 daya 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivkb 4:00 p.m. Kx Sunday Stkamkhs. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a.m. Wulamktte River 4:30p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, talum and v ay Landings. 7:00a.m. Willamette and 3:30p.m. ruea., Thur, Yamhill Rivers. Mon Wed. and Sat. aud Frl. Oregon City, Day ton ib Way Land ings. Snake River. Lv. Riparla Lv. Lewiston 3: 5 a. m. Riparla to Lewiston 9 a. m. dally daily Heppner Branch train No. 9 leaves Heppner in i : a. m. ino. iu arrives at o:au p. m. Daily except Sunday. Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. M. KERN AN, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. 'visit DR. JORDAN'S orcat UUSEUU OF ANATOUY 1061 MARKET ST., UN FRANCISCO, CM. ( Sunk u4 Smuk Thalarf Mt Anatomical Ifaasum Is ttaa World. Grtattrt attmcttm tn If CUU. A WoiuUrful HaMr MKor WafcMa. or any mntraet. d U!i.u,muItI7 taraa by It I Coaat. KaUbUabMl M Mra. f DR. JMDAH PHIVATI DISEASES ff II arl mtm who ar aiinVriH J IX f'uw lh. ntfacta at youthful Indl cr.Uotia or xueawn In maturar years. KarvuiiaandphyilwlUcklllVilaa uHey , LhI MMhw4 In all tucompU CKtlous; VrMtmr rlKPK, fioaorrltwok, UImI, rrr.r.r; nl I rl.Mlnf. Hy a combination of romedlea, o( arrat ruratir pow.r, th Portnr liax no arritiiatMl his trnttmpiil that It will nol only aiT'irrt linmedmla rt ll.f. but p.rmnu.nt cure. The IhK-tnr ctoe not claim to rviforai mirac!.., hut I well known to b a fair a4 9qitftr Physician and Hurgeon.prw-aixilcoat In bisapn-ialtY-Dtorsaea t Ileal. NYPHIf.Ol thnrouHhly eradicated from th ayateiu without the u ot Mrar.. fitted by an Expert. Hadlat are for Riipinrs. A quick and rorfioof cm for piio. Ma.air and Ftetalaa.fcy Dr. Jontnn'a apeclal ilnlrw tnotbotla. BVKKY M AN applrliistoaawlUnctlTS our ttrfftfci of uta complaint. ltd trill ttiturnntM n IVAlUVS ITSI St'erv CrM4 c umlrrtak. 0niiiHatl,m KKKK and atrlctlr prlrats. CHAHtik'S VKKV SSA.SOSABLK Treatment peraonailv or by letter. Write for Hook. I'HII.IMBPHT HAKKIAUi'. M.ui.Kii KHkut tA valuable boot tor men.) 0ll or wnto OR. JORDAN It CO , 1081 Market St, t. f. .--S S-S'av-aV KECENT ARRIVALS AT PALACE HOTEL Ed Ashbaugh, Eight Mile H H Emmom, Portland FC Savage " Geo Stenger " WH Mitchell " A F Green " J J Fowler ' A E Smith and wife, Butter Creek Arthur Klloup O F Thomion and son ' . E F Jarmon and wife " M L Akers, lone B F Branson and wife, Long Creek Al Porter F O Slmlson, Mountains Oscar Schaler, Wall Creek D V Beld, Weston A V Wilson, Monument C C Cochran, " C W Brown and wife, Canyon City 8 Newman " Mrs Remington " W L Gibson, Olex Pete Burton, Condon H M Yokum, Galloway PIONEER HEARD FROM. Vm. M. Douglass, one of the pioneer pathfinders of the Northwest, and who is well remembered in the Heppner Hills, is now located at Taughannock Falls, N. Y. In recently writing from there he said : "I am glad to learn of the continued good times in Eastern Oregon. The bard times did not hurt this section as they did the West. I enjoy the Heppner Gazette very much, as it is like a good letter from my old Oregon home. I send the best wishes for Heppner's prosperity." NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Ore., June 25, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following named aettler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before O. 8. Commissioner. J. W. Morrow, at Heppner, Oregon, on August 9, 1900, viz: Home stead entry No. 8647 made by JAMES D. BROWN, of Heppner, Ore., For the south 'A northeast lA and south V, northwest 4. section 11, township 8 south, range 23 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Harry Hayman, John Nolen, James M. Wilkinson and Franklin D. Cox, all of Heppner, Oregon. 80-90 W. J3AKTLKTT, JtlCglBter, NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Or., June 25, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following named aettler has Bled notice of her intention to make Anal proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County at Heppner. Oreeon. on August 11, 1900, viz: Homestead entry No. 9251, made by ALZINA MANNING, of Heppner, Ore., For the northwest K southwest M, south W southwest H and southwest southeast of section 8, township 4 soutn, range -u w h. 8he names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John H. Romjue, Robert Dexter, Joseph Potter and Jerry Phillips, all of Heppner, Oregon. 88-93 E. W. Bartlett, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Or., June 25. 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of Mb intention to commute and make final proof in support of hia claim andthat said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County at Heppner, Oregon, on August 11, 1900, viz: Homestead entry No 8161, made by HARRY H. HAYMAN, of Heppner, Ore., For lota 1 and 2 and east northwest section 31, township 2 south, range 28 E W M. He names the followiiiK witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Sarah E. Jones, James D. Brown, John B. Nolan and James M. Wilkinson all of Heppuer, Oregon. 88 93 E. W. Bahtlett, Register. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned administrators of the estate of George A. Brown, deceased, have filed in the county court ot Morrow county, Oregon, their final accounts as such administrators of said estate, and that Monday, the 2d day of July, 1900. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of said objections to said report and the settlement thereof. BENJAMIN PARKER, JOYCS B. Garratt, Administrators of the estate -of George A. Brown, deceased. 81-8 A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work Urst-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street. EMMS Our fee returned if we tail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent ability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request. t Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in The Patent Record, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors, k Send for sample copy FREE Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, - WASHINGTON, Dm C. At my ranch, 4 miles southwest of Heppner. On Saturdays at Billy Gordon's Stable, in Heppner. CROOKSTON is a dark bay, 9 years old, weighs 2000 pounds, and is ll2 hands high. His dam and sire were imported from Scotland, and his sire sold at Salem for 2500. Terms Season 10; to insure 15; .single leap 5. Good pasture at 1 a month. S. A. HUGHES, Owner. MAT HUGHES, Manager. A Ppwdor Mill Explosion Removes everything in eight; so do drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty dangerous. Don't dynamite the delicate msobinery of yonr bady with oalomel, oroton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are gentle as a summer breeze, do the work perfeotlv. Cures beadaobe, constipation. Only 25o st Oouser & Warren Drug Go. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles, Ore., May 21, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, June 29, 1900, viz: ELMER H. 8COTT, of Heppner, Oregon, Homestead entry No, 7151, for the south H southeast and sooth 4 southwest !4 section 21, township 1 south, range 28 E W M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank C. Griffin, Evan (ireg erson, Frank E Bell and Benj. F, Swaggart, all of Heppner, Oregon. 83-8 J. P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. pvEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND JL Office at The Dalles, Or., June IB. 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before Vawter crawiora, county clerk, at. tieppner, Oregon, on inursony, juiy zo, luuu, viz: MILLIE L. MILLER, formerly Millie L. Kirk, of Heppner, Ore., HomeBtead Entry No, 6391, for the west northeast hi, southeast hi northwest and northeast Si southwest hi section t), township 4 south, range 26 E W M. She names the following witnesses to prove ner continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: Silas Wright. Oscar Shafer. Henry gcnerziuger and James M. nays, all oi Heppner, Oregon. B7-94 Jay P. Lucas, Register. CONTEST NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles, Or., May 10, 1900. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Robert Warren, contestant, against timber culture entry No. 2764, made Nov. lv, i, lor nortneaBt a section so, town' ship 3 south, range 24 east, by John C i-trav. contestee, in which it Is alleged In Bubstance that deceased entryman, nor his heirs, A L. Spray, Catherine Spray and John C. Spray, since February, 1891, have wholly abandoned said tract, and failed to plant, cultivate or protect said tract, or to comply with the timber-culture laws, said parties are here by notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 28, 1900, before J. W. Morrow, U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Heppner, Ore gon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on July 7, 1900, before the register and receiver at the United States land office in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affi davit, filed May 10, 1900, set forth facts which show that alter due diligence, personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due aud proper publication. 83-8 Jay P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Or., May 21, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before J W. Mor row, Uuited States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 7, 1900, viz: Homestead entry No. 8731 of HERROD W, BERKLEY, of Heppner, Oregon, For the northeast section 28, township 3 south, range 28 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: D. Cox, Joseph W. Rector, John Nolan and JohnN. Beeler, all of hepp ner. Oregon. 83-8 E. W. Bartlett, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande. Or., May 16, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ot bis claim, aud that said proof will be made before the County Clerk, Umatilla County. Oregon, at Pendleton, Oregon, on July 6, 1900, viz: Homestead entry No. 7049 of WILLIAM CHAPMAN, of Vinson, Oregon, For the west northeast lA and west ', south east hi of section 8, township 3 south, range 30EWM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles A. Frazier. of Pendle ton, Or., James Nelson and Hiram Smith, of Vinson, or., ana Levi L.. matt, ot uuroane, or, E W. Bartlett, 83-88. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Public Land Sale. (Isolated Tract.) TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN Xi pursuance of Instructions from the Com missioner of the General Land Office, under autnorlty vested in him by section 2455, United StateB revised Statutes, as amended by the act congress approved February 26, 1895. we will proceed to oiler at public sale on Saturday, the 30th clay of June, next, at tne hour ot 10 o clock a. m , at this office, the following tract of land to-wlt: southeast southeast section township 4 south, range 25 E W M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to file their claims In this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise tneir rignts win oe toreieitea. JAY. P. LUCAS, Register, 83-8 Otis Patterson, Receiver. U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Ore., May 21, 1900. The . Fine Clyde Stallion CR00KST0N, Will make the season of 1900 as follows: , THIS BAIN WAGON Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the best on earth. Gilliam k Bisbee Have just received one of the largest Btocks of Bain Wagons eve r brought to Heppner. , . Call and See them. Prices are Riglxt. Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, HacKs, Etc., Paints and Oils (the best in the world). Crockery and Glassware. JmsT Rational Jank OF HEPPNER. 0. A. KHBA.;.... ....President T. A. RHEA Vio-President Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND BOLD -Collections rnade on all points on reasonable terms. 8urplus and undivided profits 35,000. Heppner Lumber Co. R. C. Wills and C. C. Patterson ; Have organized the above Company with headquarters just North of The Fair store in Heppner, stocked with all kinds of Rough and Dressed ...LUMBER... Doors, Windows, Shingles, Screen Doors and Moulding of all Kinds. And every thine Appertaining to first-clflss Lumber Yr'. Thy will nfrr Msrota 1 deliver Inmhpr In noy point iu tbe city limits fren of clj-rgt. These gentlemen also buy nod sell real eetstp, rent houses, write insnrnrro. If yon have nny property to sell or rent, put it in ihnir Imnrls, r if you need my tbing else id their liue be sure to consult them lirnt. They will respsnd promptly to 'phone null No 7. Paints. Oils and Glass A full stock. Kodaks Supplies of all kinds. CONSER & days and Saturdays of each week. The balance of the week at Herren's ranch, 6 miles South of Town. HONEST ABE is a Dark Brown, 16 hands high, and weighs 1450 pounds. He was foaled July 23, 1890. Sired by the imported French Canadian Stallion Canada, imported in 1889 by C. Cheval aud bred by E. B&uehemiD, St Oars, Qaebec, Canada, and wbs sired by St. Lawrence Boy, dam by Richelien Girl (thoroughbred Canadian mare). Honest Abe's dam was sired by Tornado, a pure bred Cana dian stallion imported by T. Cnnnmgton, of Sacramento, Cal., in 1882, and sold to Kenady & Smith, of Woodburn, Oregon, is dam wg sired by the imported French Canadian Stallion Robin Hood, imported in 1882 by T. Cannington and sold to Kenady & Smith, of Woodburn Or., and afterward sold to JTm. Walbridge, of 7eppner, Or. Third dam by Old Mistery; fourth dam by Old Lummacks; fifth dam by Old Laplander. Terms: Single leap $5; Beason $7.50, payable at end of season, insurance $ 10, payable when mares are known to be in foal. Will not be responsible for accidents. Pasturage will be famished at $1 a month D. A. Herren. Owner. Dan Henshew, Manager' At 5 an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles south of Heppner; almost all good plow land, has running water and is under fence; will make a good home for some farmer or stock man. If not sold soon will be rented on shares to farm. It adjoins the places of Tom Quaid, D. A. Herren, Wm. Penland and Jas. Hayes. Apply to J. W. Redington, Heppner. I (. W. CONSER.... Cashier I E. L. FREELAND. .Assistant (Jasbiflr Oregon, and have their yard fully The largest and best selected stock in Morrow county. Jewelry A fine stock to select from. Stationery The very latest. WARREN. French Canadian Stallion HONEST ABE Will stand the Season at vm. Gordon's Stables on Wednes