Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1900)
Supplement to the Heppner Gazette. m in 6 1H BgatioxiaLl JBetgifez Btallcligtg, Heppner, Oregon. We open up the season with the usual rush characteristic of this "The Fair StrW WP u0 k j 7- T7 i past, that we might be prepared for this rush and our greatly increa ed trade We narc amotnrT U J S -? months inent among which is some staple Dry Goods, Millinery and Ofc'SlZ' added several, lines no heretofore earned, prom- Nearly every article is spick span new! and the fact that every t gy tlutT F rt- possible to be given consistent with good quality and workmanship f M3rl !! H The ,Ffalr 3 8uaran'?! thfl the Price Wl11 be the lowest a single man, woman or child will ever forget us The oubKc aeneralk forU5 aT ,r exemPIlfy our motto- The Place to save money," that not returl See the following descriptive ilJTaf ' " d Penny Articles. 1 paper pins lo 1 bunch wire hair piDt o 1 stove book lo 400 good mutches lo 1 paper needles 10 1 pair shoe strings lo 1 yard baby ribbon lo 1 spool embroidery ellk lo 1 mustard epoon lo 1 penoil tablet lo 3 slate penoils c 1 lead penoil witb robber lo 1 corncob pipe lo 6 sheets good note paper c And many more thai have not apace to mention. Horse Furnishing Goods. s CURRY COMBS. Steel, 5 bars 80 Solid eteel, 8 bars 140 Solid brass, 8 bars l!)0 Holid brass, Tbe Reform Hln HALTERS Web halter, witb rope tie 2;!o Web bridle, well made and strong. 4!)o 14 quart 25o 17 quart 430 PATENT MUFFIN PANS. 8 pans in a sheet. TEA AND COFFEE POTS. 1 ql tea pot..., 2qt " ..... 1 qt ooffee pot.. 2qt 4 qt " " ... 12c 16o 100 13o 17o WASH BASIN. wt id.... 14e 3011in..., 20o 60 Wall soap dish 80 12 pans in a sheet I80 SHEET IRON BREAD PAN8. 9x14 . 10x15. 12x17 12: 14o 18o 24c 24o 49c HORSE BRUSHES. Dandy rice root, 13o, 19o and Leather bark, good quality " " better quality " all bristle 74a HARNESS SNAPS. Oermun pattern, 1 inoh eye, eaob. . Pateut spring, 1 iuob eye, eaob " " 1 " " " Swivel, niokle plate, 1 inob eye COPPER 1UVETS. All oopper, per pound 350 Glassware and Lamps. We oarry a very large assortment ot all descriptions of glassware and lamps, but owing to tbe obanges in atyles and prices, we are unable to list Ihein. One look through our stock will oonvlnoe you that this is the plaoe to buy Glass ware sod Lamps. QUEENSWAKE. Tea cups and sanoera, handled, per set of 6 LIPPED SAUCE PANS zqt 10a 4 qt 3 qt 12o RETINNED 14o B qt 15o 0 qt 180 PLANISHED COF FEE BOILERS, COPPER BOTTOM. 6 qt. 880 LIPPED STEW KETTLES. COPPER BOTTOM TEA KETTLE8. Si ui. 3 ql... 3 ql... 4qt... 6 ql... 6 at... 8 qt... 35c 24 5 at o. 0 aiaadin tea kettle, all oopper, niokle plated, flat bottomed, enameled handle, curved spout, nigniy polished $1 39 17o 20c 23o 27c 33o 38c 47o LIPPED HANDLED SAUCE PANS J14 Ql . lo- i?qt: 7 ? V 230 33o DISH PAN8. . 48c 14 qt . 63o 21 qt CUPS. 1 pint MILK PANS. 1 qt lOo 2 ot 17 3 q 20o 8 qt 27o 230 10 qt.. 17 qt.. 57o 84o , 9o 16 qt. 8 in. PIE PLATE8. 9o 9 in. PRESERVE Oil STARCH KETTLES RETINNED. No. 180 10o No. 240 2V No 200 13c' Vo. 220 18o No. 200 , No. 280. 58o Coffee onps and sauoers, handled, per set of J We have a large line of decorated semi-poroelain and common white ware. Get our prioes. Tinware. 28c 30o GRAVY AND 80CP STRAINERS Gravy strainers, full size, nioely made, with handle 80 Gravy strainers, enameled handle, relinoed bowl 50 PATENT ROASTING PANS. Witb looae gravy bottom, binged cover and ventilated for fowls, meats, oread, etc. I0j'xl5 inches 7o0 HJfxlS inobes 83o IJ1I8 inobes 950 STAMPED DAIRY PANS P"11 4o 1 1rt Bo 2 qurt Co " 80 6 " 10c 8 " 12o The retail stores of Portland oanoot ell you goods One Cent cheaper than we do, and in some instances will charge you more. 1 P"n 40 I pint pieoed 6c I quart retinned 70 Soup ladles 50 Cup shape deep dipper or ladle.... Bo DRINKING CUPS AND MUG8. Stamped pint onpa, 2 for 50 Flour sieve, tin rim 130 Bread boxes.. 54o, 64o and 74o Foot batbs, nioely painted 3,1a Ot vered slop pails, painted 35o Jelly oake pans, 9 in. shallow 12o NUTMEG AND VEGETABLE v GRATERS. Box nutmeg grater 2o Vegetable grater, length 11 inches 4o deep. 10c 13o WASH BOILERS. No. 8 oopper bottom, oopper rim. . 880 No. 9 " ..ji 15 "QUEEN ANNE" BRASS LAMP BURNER8. Positively tbe beat burner In Amerioa. No.lorA.... Bo No.2orB... Sol 115 12 qt 014 14 qt WASH BOARDS. Single zino 23c Heavy solid double aluminum..,. 40c Short bandied, blaok enameled. . . . Long " " " 5o 10c Solid steel "Aome" fryinir nans. cold handle, highly polished in side, 8 inobes 130 Solid steel "Acme" frvinar nana. cold handle, highly polished in side, 10J inohes 23o 12 inohs, same as above 25o Mop stick, best made 130 SCREW DRIVERS Enameled handle, large size regu lar 15o, our price 5o Better quality 90 Mrs. Pott's cold handled, niokle plated sad irons, in sets of three irons, handle and stand, regular ' price 92 50, our prioe $1 18 Mrs. Pott's sad iron handles 10 Wood towel rollers. 9c LBrge rolling pins, enameled hands 13c Rouad cboppiog bowla. .14o, 23c and 33c WATER PAILS. Wire Goods. 63o 74o EGG BEATERS. Wire, spoon shaped 3o Genuine Dover egg beater 10c If T- Y. 1 : TIN PIE PLATE. 0 iuob. 4c 10 iuob 4c Hi Diddle Diddle child's plate.!!..' 4o Colanders , I4u and 19o STAMPED WASH basins 10 inches 7C "toob .'!!.'.'.' 12o POT COVERS. Ringed aud hemmed, all sizes, 8, 9, 93. 10, 104'. 11, 11, 12 and 13 inoh, each 5o, 7o and 80 TIN MOUSE TRAPS Tiq mouse traps. 80 2 qt end dippers 1 MILK SKIMMERS. . . . . . . r mi periuraiea im witbout handle. 3o DUST PANS. No. C3 whole sheet, French japn'd )o Half covered assorted colors 15c MILK STRAINERS. (iood strHiner, medium size. . 13o large biz i5o FLARING PAILS. SOLID KITCHEN SPOONS. Retinned, 14 inobes Bo 10 inobes, bright as a new dollar, would not break it jumped on . . , 5o Everlasting, 14 inches long 10c TEA AND TABLE 8POON8. Tin tea spoona, per set of 6 4o Tin table spoons, per aet of 6 80 Niokle tea spoona, look like silver, per set of 6 ig0 Niokle table spoons, asms as above, per set of 6 30 FLOUR SIFTERS. 100 f 1. galvanized wire olothes ltna CAKE TURNERS. Tinned, with wood handle Combination, for cakes, meat vegetables 5o 80 lii" " 11 Miliar! r"" I HAMMERS. Tack. 5o Handy nouBe 9o Best steel, larse size, oarpenter 40o HATCHETS. Claw 43o Large size, best steel 6O0 24o Family brolle. double bar 6x8. . . ' 8x13.. Hunter's flour Bifters, the best made 15o Graniteware. New carload juat received. All of the following are the bast thtae- coaled ware, enamnlml nn tai ..4 warranted in every way. 10 qt 14 qt 12 q XX dairy pail 12 qt strainer pail.. 15c 20o 25c 38c 1 quart graduated measure 80 No. 8 tea kettle 89o 5c 9o TEA AND BOWL 8TRAINER8, Spout tea strainers 30 Bright wire, 15 in. strongly made. . 5c Bright wire with blaok enameled handle g,, H"J- 9c Larger 13e IS- S CHIMNEYS No. 1 and 2, each 5o f O a Reliable meobaoica' best steel saw full size Kitoben meat saw 35o 25o Hand mirr r, 4)x6, plusb back All sizes wall mirrors. 24o BRUSHES. All kinds and styles at lowest prioes. CLOTHES WRINGERS. 36 Is an iron frame, rollers 10x13, vuloanized on shafts, is a dandy, $1 49 and $2 24 37 Wood frame, none better $1 98 ond 2 74 Fully warranted. Extra rollers if wanted. LL5 lti We carry Washioc Maohines And nail lots of them too. oys Knives, 4o, 5o and 90 Men s stag and 0000a bola bandies 19o, 24o and 34- Men'e cattle knives, extra quality e,ee' 49o 24c 34o Ladies' 6 in. fine steel, gilt handle 7 ii 11 4J Wire, small siae " extra heavy , PLATED HANDLES. Twisted wire, bright and strong.. Miscellaneous Hardware. Rice boilers 08o F SHELF BRACKETS. Size 4x5 per pair. 3,4 .. 7o 5o kri-d H Four book bat racks 5o COBBLER SETS. Complete set in wooden boxes follows Iron aland for lasts, 1 each men's, boy's and woman's lasts, shoe hammer, shoe knife, peg awl and handle, wrench, sew ing and stabbing awl and handle, pack age beel and olinob Pails and direotiona. Worth its weight in gold, per aet. 89o Better ones $133 HASPS AND STAPLES. 8 Iuob, sacb... 4o 8 inob, eaoh... 5o MINOINO KNIVES. Polished double blade, enameled handle 80 If you want a Biojcle ooroe to us. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES. Iron handles, per set of 6 knivea and 6 forks, 39c and 490 Wood handles, per set, 64o, 69o, 74o, 84c, 94o and i 24 WW1 "Si. 1 ' f Utility serrated knives, per set, 1 paring knife, 1 oake and 1 bread knife BUTCHER KNIVES. Best grade at lowest prioe, 9o, 14o, l'Jo, 24o and 39 WRITING PAPER. Worth its weight in eold. com Drill ing 1 iron , 1 tz solder, 1 box of resio and ealammoniac. Do your own memling 18o CLOTHES LINES. 50 feet cotton 130 Braes pad look, 2 keys 10o Steel TEA POTS. 012 2 ql 013 3 ql 014 4 ql 25o 38o 37o COFKSl POTS. iq 8q 8 q v q 6 qt boiler.. 30o 38c 44o 49o 54o 15o Beet Laurel mills anmrnnrnUl uuta, extra oeavy wnite wove psper, 120 sheets 190 Large assortment of paper and en velopes in fanoy boxes, boxes contain 24 envelopes and 24 aoeeis ot paper, 5, 9, 14, 19 and . 24o Hoyts spring clothes pins, per doi Common " " u Pocket oork sorew Wood handled cork sorsw. 60 So SPRING BALANCES. Will weigh anything under 24 lbs. . 50 pounds or under. 15c 80 Alarm clocks, warranted to keep oorreol time, worth 1 25. Our prioe 89o It would require a whole oatalogne lo list onr entire. Ime of Tiowars and Or.n- iteware, therefore can only gi y0u these few items to show yoo wbal we are doing. We have too many Maohinw on band and as an iudiioeiueit to reduce atnok we are goiig to put these Machines on sat at. .$37 50 for the next 90 days. This is the standard Machine of tbe world and our pru: is 810 below what an agent Ubo travel through tbe county mo afford lo aell it to yoo fur, and -when you boy at home aul gtt our Kawaniee. yon klov where to Bod us if aythi. ehoold wrong. ws also handle fib Fiiir M. Ki.. men M maoufaofared bv N 11 llnmri.n. I. : t cMiiyioperateJ ami ,! l I 8,v ,ame euarautee as wnu new uouie. THG FAIR- Sewind Machine. 3 drawers, finelytinished in r. claaa in every go tique oak, fin partioular 23 74 24 98 5 drawers, aame; above. , . )BE OTHER SIOIS