Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1900)
The, Heppner Gazette TfffisDAY March 15, 1900 TEAVELEh'S GUIDE. T 1 1 .1 - I m. a 1 . ... point at 10 a, m. Train arrlyss dally except Saiidav from all over the world at 11:50 d. m. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek and Canyon City lea vet dally exc.ent Sunday mt 6:30a. m. ; distance to Canyon 104 ; time 24 noun. Malls cloae for traini at 9:10 a. m. DISTANCES. Heppner to Mllea Portland .... 197 Pendleton by wagon road 60 Lexington 9 lone 15 Heppner Junction on Columbia River 45 Arlington 55 The Dalles 109 Canyon City 104 Cabin Canyon 16; with mud 18 We hear the bellow oi the Bull, The wounded Lion's roar. But God deals justice out in full At the sharp tusks of the Boer; Let nations frown and races fight, No danger will we fear, We'll sit and drink from morn 'till night Milwaukee Lager Beer, Sold only at Belvedere saloon, Fbank Roberts, Prop. Here and Tf)ere Sixteen to nothing, and the Heppner football boys can do it all over again. Spring seems to be here in earnest, and Heppner gardens and lawns are being put in proper shape. Ed Day is having his fine gentlemen sheep sheared this week. J. M. Brown, of Lone Rock, was over Tuesday. Mrs. T. W. Ayers has very much im proved her former home place, now occupied by Vance Whiteis. Pap Simons' shop sends out a good many horses with improved feet these fine spring days. Henry Heppner has thrown away his crutches and gone to the mineral springs near the Cascade locks to finish caring up his rheumatism. Marshal Thornton is having some good work done along the edges of Main street. Sheepmen throughout the Heppner Hills are arranging to make the biggest lambing and heaviest shearing in the history of the country. Ceisus Keithley is in from the Hard man country, where everything is flour ishing. John Spencer has returned from a long horseback ride through the John Day region and clear to Prineville. City cows who stroll in the moonlight after Tuesday will be led into the bridal chamber of the feed stable and charged $2 for lodging and 2 bits a meal. At his sightly home place of Aoder sonville, Martin Anderson has arranged a hammock in which he can dream the happy hours away when the leaves come out on the trees he planted with his own bands.' Oliver Pearson and Mr. Lundell, Jr., of Gooseberry, were talking business to Heppner merchants Tuesday. C. M. Long, a former Butter creek rancher, is down from Walla Walla on a visit to relatives. Grand Master J. M. Hodion is ex pected to meet with the Heppner Masons on the evening of Saturday, March 17. Dealers are now displaying their sheepsbeara, and Park Oarrigues has quite a stock ot tnem on sale. John Q. Wilson came up Tuesday evening from Salem, and will remain through lambing. Miss Altha Leach has just returned from Portland with a complete stock of new millinery. Uncle Nat Webb is one of the earliest . risers at the Palace hotel, and this weather ought to bring him 110 per cent increase of lambs. Miss Altha Leach has just received a new and complete line of trimmed and street hate and eastern pattern hats, and invites the ladies to call. Friday was a big day in Heppner, and the hotels were full. At his stable Billy Gordon fed 125 horses. Asa B. Thompson was over from But ter creek this week. In his neighbor hood 1600 beef cattle are being kept fat on alfalfa hay. Tom Howard has a new permanent porch over bin store door. Win. Stewart was down Monday from his ranch on upper Skinner. Call at Slocum's Drug store and get instructions free bow to cure catarrah. T. R. Howard's store has everything in the grocery line needed by city trade. Henry Scherzinger has been appoint ed stock inspector for Morrow county, and in about two weeks will start on a tour of inspection of sheep, going first down Khea creek and on to the Colum bia, then working back. He has lived here 24 years, and knows the county thoroughly. James Leahy, who has been in the Heppner Hills for 13 years and raised quite a band of horses, intends to soon take them to Montana or some eastern market. Go to Matlock & Hart's for your vege tables, fruits, etc., always fresh. Take Slocum's Sarsaparilla for catarrah, constipation and general de bility; it has no equal. R. F. Wielesworth, brother-in-law of Commissioner J. L. Howard, arrived with his family Friday from St. Joe, Mo., to make Morrow county bis home. He brings with bira two coops of the finest Plymoth Rock chickens ever seen in this country. Mr. Wigleswonh is a practical farmer such as this county needs. A cardan ia a s Dot of beauty and use fulness, especially if planted with good fresh seeds snob as you can bay both in bulk or package at E. R. Bishop's store. Slocum's Sarsaparilla is the best blood purifier on the market, bold exoius ively by Slocum Drug Co., Heppner. Sloenm's Expectorant will cure that cough for 50 cents or money refunded Improve yonr lawns, increase your feed, by sowing good grass seed such as is sold at K. Bishop s store. T). B. Stalter and family will move out to their farm tomorrow and the boys will drive io to school in their cart. Wm. Carrol was caught in the e'e vator at Roberts & McAtee's ice bouse Friday and pretty badly pinched. It was thought that he was injured inter nally, but Dr. Hanleck found that there was nothing serious. Heppner town lots are going to ad vance in value. To wind op some bnsi ness, three choice lots near the depot can now be bought for $25 each. See George Wells, at Conser 4 Warren's drng store. Score cards on which yoo can keep tally on ll kinds of game are now kept on at tua nsppner uskbh wuuv. Vnr nnnstiDation. kidney and liver trnnhlsa. Columbian Tea has no equal Price 25 ceuta a package at Slocum Drug Co'i. H. C. Corbin has sold to Wm. Pen land his ranch in Dippingvat canyon. Permanent porch awnings have been erected in front of Mat Licbtenthal's shoe store and adjoining bricks belong ing to Henry Heppner. P. O. Borg, with his usual energy and vigor of voutb, is breaking a wild horse of his own raising, and will soon have him changed into a docile roadster. The Matlock & Hart store has been repainted, and many other parts of town are being touched up. The big pie-plate moon now beams down on all. A secret of how to keep well ; take Slocum's Sarsaparilla. Large bottle, price $1. Don't overlook Matlock & Hart for fancy groceries. Alvab Haodbv is in jail here, charged with robbing J. E. Edwards' slnepeamp. Ha was tracked to town, and Marshal Thornton arrested him Friday; Jnstioe Richardson he'd bim to the grand jury. A large crowd witnessed the riding of a bucking horse by Otto Summers Sat urday. 1 Dr. House went to Portland Saturday with Mrs. Geo. Kirk, who will have to undergo an operation in the hospital. Home-seekers are dropping into Mor row county, and find land values very reasonable. Try that New Orleans molasses, in bulk, at Matlock & Hart's. Mrs. Vf. E. Cantwell haa received news of the death of her brother, J. J. Sprinkle, at Fort Smith, Arkansas, fol lowing shortly after the death of ber father. Now select your garden and flower seeds in packages or bulk at E. R. Bishop's store. Salt mackerel and herring at Matlock & Hart's. J. E. Fdwards was in Saturday from the head of Sand Hollow, where he has 2000 acres, 400 in growing grain. Morrow county has an excellent cli mate, and thousands of acres of low priced lands, and within a year after it is discovered by homeseekers it is safe to say without stuttering that its popu lation will double. Sheep-ranch outfits, stock salt, hats and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco, candy and nuts all these are sold at T, R. Howard's store. Now is the time to get a firBt-class farm wagon at cost, Mr. Whiteis, pro prietor of The Fair, is too busy with his many other lines of goods to handle wagons so he will close out at cost three Mitchell, Lewis & Stave? Vyi wagons at cost. ' Heppner Gazette is on sale at Patter son & Son's drug store. Hominy both flake and lye at Mat lock & Hart's. WilUrd H. Herren and wife were up yesterday from their home on lower bight Mile, where their peach trees are already in bloom. Prospects there are of the very best for immense yields of fruit, lambs, calves, colts, grain, every thing. Wm. Hughes made a buggy trip this week to Pendleton, stopping off to visit Jerry Brosnan on Butter creek. The day is not distant when evary inch of land will be deeded and doubled np in price. If you want to buy a good 34 acre place at 90 an acre, call on J. W. Redington, Gazette office. R. H, Robinson, editor of the Arling ton Advocate and U. S. Commissioner, visited Heppner Sturday. Black Horse district No. 17 will open school Monday, March 19, with Miss Baroett presiding as teacher. In John Natter's garden the pansies and fragrant wall-flowers are blooming and the bees are buzzing, and all nature is enjoying the spring sunshine. In his solid rock cellar blasted under the bill the thermometer stands at 45, . and things keep cool all summer. J. T. Hoskins, of Galloway, visited Heppner Saturday. It is a fact that farms can be bought in Morrow county at such low prices that their first comiog crop will pay for the land. H1LLINEBY. Lillie E. Cohn invites the ladies of H&ppner and vicinity to inspect a fine line of millinery and pattern hats, at Palace Hotel parlors. Opening 'day Monday, March 19. If you want to secure any political honors during the coming campaign, print your announcement in the Gazette. Bayle's deviled and after dinner cheese at Matlock & Halt's. If you want to buy some very low price J ranches, ee George Wells, at Conser & Warren's drug store. Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port land. The reputation of these gentle' men insures the success of the enter' prise. The diningroom is excellently managed and is unsurpassed. Have you paid your subscription to the Gazette ? A SOCIAL EVENT. Miss Eva E. Bartholomew and Ed mund E. Saliog were married yesterday at the home of the bride's parents, Judge and Mrs. A. G. Bartholomew. The home was tastefully decorated, and was thronged with guests. Mrs. Herbert Bartholomew played the wed. ding march and Rev, St. Clair perform ed the ceremony. The happy couple left early in the afternoon tor their new home at the Saling farm, where their tieighbors gave them a grand reception last evening. Among the presents weie a parlor stand, H P Devin ; vase Anna AlcBride. berry set Pearl Wells: cham ber set H E Bartholomew and wife ; sil ver gravy ladle N A Kelly and wife; bed room set A G Bartholomew and wife ; rocking chairs, E H Kellogg and wife, Jake Wells, C H Bartholomew;' pastel picture, Mrs. C. Cate and W L Saling; rose bowl W A Andrews; salad set Jas tiait and wile; silver berry spoon Laura Hughes; fugar shells, Esther Gentry and rtha Adkins; jewelry tray, salt and pepper shakers and toothpfck hold er Master Fred Bartholomew; box of cfgars Beal & Robertson ; parlor mirror C C Saling and Robt Morgan ; silver plate Ora and Maggie Adkins; silver sugar shell aud butter knife Minnie and Lillie Andrews ; silver cake stand BB Kelly ; bookcase Lena Glasscock : pic ture Walter Bartholomew; silver cake fork Mrs Fred Bartholomew; photograf case Mrs A Miller; plate and rose bowl Lulu and Grace nager; crayon Jennie Noble ; table linen Mrs A Saling; nap kins and silver cutlery E E Bartholo mew; table cloth H W Bartholomew and wife; towels Rev St Clair and wife and Mrs J L Martin; center set Sadie McCarty ; silver spoons Bessie Edwards ; salad Bet Ida Howard ; dishes Annie and Wm bmitb ; parlor lamp Prof Howard. JOAQDIN MILLER. The date bad to be ohanged, and the famous Poet of the Sierras will leoture at the Heppner opera house st 7:45 ibis evening. Be sure to go, for it will be a literary treat. Mr. Miller does not stut ter in bis speech, but he does in writing bis name. You ought to see bis signa tnre on the Palaoe hotel register. It is (bo simile of some of the Klondike trails be had to follow. He first makes a break toward the bottom of the well, then takes a tarn toward the oounty jail, then a dash toward the First National Bank, four dips toward Rawdrg ridge. and wanders off in a free-and easy to ward all paints of the oompass. But Miller is the king of Amenoan poets, and is near to nature, and when jou hear him at the opera boose tonight you will hear words of wisdom that you never bnrd before. Mr. Miller went up to see tbs grave of his old friend FraDk Maddook, this dooo, nod reoelved glad greeting from big old pioneer neighbor, O. A. Rhea, President of the First National Bank. Many Nightmares, i'he children of the Heppner Hills onme of a sturdy, self reliant raoe a people wbo have been pioneer pathfind ers ot the wilder west, and have fear lessly invaded the haunts of savages and wild beasts. Tbe obildreu ot snob, parents have not deteriorated, and few things there are that soare them. But tbeir spinal sys tems received a hard jolt last Friday when they opened up Thursday's Ore gnoian and found in it a picture of Homer. It was voted the worst soare orow ever seen here Turned upside down it made a good war-map of tbe Kopjax and flapjax of South Africa. It oatised several nightmares among tbe children, and a copy of it tanked on to a BBgebnsb op on Judge Dotton's bill has soared sway a pioneer coyote who has for years oome at midnight aud touohed off his infernal ki-yi ins ma ¬ chine jast to set all tbe town dogs bark ing at bim. Tbey are bis oonsios, but all be has for them is defiance. BUI I More Counterfeiting. The Seoret Service has unearthed an other band of counterfeiters and secured a large quantity ot bogus bills, wbiob are so cleverly exeouted that the aver age person would never snspeot them of being spurious. Things ot great value are always selected by counterfeiters for imitation, notably tbe celebrated Hob- stetter's Stomach Bitters, whloh has many imitators but no equals for indi gestion, dyspepsia, constipation, nervous ness and general debility. Tbe Bitters sets thiogs right in tbe stomach, and when the stomnob is in good order it makes good blood and plenty of it. In this manner the Bitters get at the seat ot strength and vitality, and restore vigor to tbe weak and debilitated. Be ware of counterfeits when buying. FOR SALE Beuek and Fixture of Mm. Brown's Store at Hardmai. Notice is hereby given tbat the under signed will reoeive sealed bids for tbe took and fixtures of tbe bankrupt estate of Mrs. Joyoe B. Brown, of Hardman, Oregon. Bids will be received until Tuesday, March 20th, at dooo. Eaob bid must be aeoompaoied by cbeok for ten (10) per cent of tbe amount bid. In ventory may be seen at my office. Front and Vine streets, Pcrtland, Oregon, and tbe stock aod copy of tbe inventory may also be seen on application to my agent at Hsrdmso, Morrow eoooty, Oregon. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated at Portland, Or , Mareb 8, 1900. R. L. SABIN, Trostea Estate of Mrs. Joyce B. Brown io Bankruptcy. Coyotes Most Go. While the scalp bounty law bas doubt less greatly rednoed tbe number of coyotes io tbe country, they are animals ot wonderful tenaoity, and quits a few still roam tbe ranges. In tbe sandy strstches along tbs Colombia many of tbem get their start i& life aod gradu ally work up toward tbe Heppner Hills, where tbey now reoeive a very warm reception. George E Wbiteii shot ooyote from bis buggy while driving to bis ranob north ot Lexington Monday, and several others have recently been seen in tbat vicinity. Dp Balm fork Saturday Dave Herren's bounds ran a ooyote aoross to Albert Oamin's plaoe, where it bid in the threshers' cook shed. Albert ordered it out and iosisted 00 its going, aod when 1 went the bounds finished it op. Several sheepmen are raising bounds, and as tbey ioorease the ooyotea are sore to decrease. bU'aat Laaadry. Heppner people will find it advisable and economical to have their washing done by the Heppner Steam Laundry where only reliable white labor is ein ploved. Family washing will be done at low prices agreed on by the week Wbita shins reduced to 10 certU. guarantee my work to give satisfaction. No charge unless work is satisfactory, BigaatWS Of rteitpwvuuiiy, iv avi The Fair The Place to Save Money The Fair Remember that it was The Fair that made values better and prices lower. Just Received A Large, New and Splendid Stock pf the Justly Famous THEY ARE FAST Topsy Hosiery, Quality and Finish Unsurpassed, and Prices to suit Everybody. 5 cents, 10 cents, 13 cents per pair. Silk Finish 23 cts. Lisle Thread, white soles 25 cts. Fine Lace and Silk Hose 50 cts and 90 cts. JBest&ff Made J t Hosiery. Great Sale of Piece Good Is 3Vow On Outing Flannels at 5, 7, 8, and 10 cents per yard. Muslin, bleached at 7, 8, and 9 cents per yard. Muslin, unbleached, at 6, 7, 8, and 9 cents per yard. Heavy 12-oz. Ducking, 40 inches wide, at 23 cents a yard. Call and Examine Goods. The Fair monelZ:Z The Fair Heppner, Oregon. Good Land Right in Heppner at $11. an Acre. Jim Jones authorizes me to sell 100 acres of his land on the south edge of Hepp ner, at the low price of $11 an acre. It is all good farming land, as can be seen by the good growing grain in Tom Ayers field which ad joins it on the north. This tract will cut up into the most sightly residence lots in Heppner, and several of them will front on the main Court street, as they now abut on the county road. The town has already grown past this tract. There is no live town on earth with Heppner's population of 1200 and Heppner's big business, where land on its edge can be bought at $1 1 an acre. This tract is all under fence. Apply to J. W. Redington, Gazette Office, Heppner. A Thousand Tongues Coald not express ths rapture of Addis E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Pbila dslpbin. Pa., when tbs found tbat Dr. Kidk'i Mew Disoovery for consumption bad ootnpletij cored her of a backlog ooogb tbat for many eart bad made life a burden. All otber remedies aod doctors ooald Bie her no belp, bat sbe ssys of tbis royal enre "it soon removed tbe pain in my chest and I ean now sleep tonodly, something I oao scarcely re member doing before. I feel like sonod iog its praises tbrnnnboot tbe nmverse." So will ever? ooe who triee Dr. Kino's New Discovery for an trouble of the thro t, obeet r laosa. Price 50a sod $1 . Trial bottles free at Conger & Warren Drng Co; every boltte guaranteed. During the great depression a few Morrow county places were taken in by loan companies which are now 1 ' 1 .1 T ll ! 1 i ...11 iL. winding up ousineas, anu j. am now auuionzeu io sea me places at very low ngures, ana give perieci wue, as iouows Tbe T. O. Cherry plaoe, NEJ 8ec. 84, T. 2 N., R. 24 E. 160 sores, located near Dooglsa poetoffice, abont 20 miles north of Heppner. Price $0. Tbe Geo. W. Thomas place, 8W 8eo. 30. T. 2 N., R. 24 E. 160 aoree, located 3 miles frutn above place. Prioe S&lO. W. W. Btookdale plaoe, 8 miles from Lilngton; 125 acres; haa all been cnlti vatsd and feooed. $175. Tbe Lige Heodm ranobee in tbe timber, 25 mllea southwest of Heppner, 480 acres; booses and stables; tnakt an offer. R B. Duran place, IS miles from Tbe Jasper Wlckbam place, HW , Osstle Bock; 160 seres; baa two wells If you take thl paper and The Weekly Oregonian you won't have to eg your news. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. !!ib Kind Yoo Have Always Bought Bears the 8ec 34, T. 2 N., R. 23 . Located near Doaglas postoffioe. Price t200. Ransom Lieaallan plaoe, 14 miles from Castle Rook and 10 miles from Oeoii's; 160 tores, most of which bas been cultl- aod small bonse and barn; S250. W. H. Benefiel place, 172 aores; 12 miles northwest of Heppner; small bouse aod bsrn ; all tillable; S225. Rsppner, Doaglas, Leilngton, Osstle vateJ ; frame boose, stable sod orchard. Rock aod Oeoii's ars all looated on the Prioe S225. I railroad, I also offer three town lots in Mt. Vernon - addition, near ine aepoi in neppner, at each. GEO. W. WELLS, Heppner, Oregon. REGISTRATION. Abot halt tbe vote's of Murrow county have registered to date as follows: Alpine 15; Cecil 10; Dairy 104; Dry Fork 34; Eight Mile 45, Gentry 45; Heppner 115; lone 111; Leo 23; Lex ington 41; Mattetoo 21; Mt Vernon 56; Pine City 17; Wells Springs 5. I Everybody wants to know whst Ths Groniaa ba to LINGCBINO LUTttm. Postmaster Veu-bQ wants owners for letters addressed as follows: Biructt, W K rittt, Dtn Quoding, Fred Jones, A C MeFerrln, Jeff Turner, A K VrlUlU,8 Couch, W M VUli, O U flobert, William Lete, Cbae Shaw, Jamea Wllklos, R J Yoang, Jerry Ask for "advertised." A recognized airthorlty-Ths Wsskly vrtonin. Henry Heppner's WAREHOUSE -HEPPNER & CO. GENERAL WAREHOUSING WOOL and GRAIN Gash Advances made on Wool and Grain H,ghcstPr,ciPa,dfor HIDES and FELTS Feed and Seed Grain always on hand Wool Sacks and Grain Bags For Sale Little's and Black Leaf Sheep Dips Come to Morrow County for low-nriced lands. Values are sure to double up. Nev er again will land sell so low as it does now. At tyo an acre 1 otter Jz4 acres 5 miles south of Heppner; almost all good plow land, has running water and is under tence; will make a good home for some farmer or stock- It not sold soon will be rented on man. shares to farm. It adjoins the places of Tom Quaid, D. A. Herren, Wm, remand and Jas. VT A 1 . T 1T T" V . nayes. ippiy to j. vv. Keamgton, uazette Office, Heppner. OUR SPRING OPENING OF- Horse and Mule Millinery Is. Now On. We hsrs t lull stmk of Harneu, Badilli-s, RrldUw, in fwt, everything In the wy of Horn Furniture, and our price are as low u such relUble foods au be sola (or anywhere. We have l enia lur ctuiping, snu uig umureuiu to in) wagon wris. NOB1VE & CO,, Main Street Heppner, Oregon. Hon W. R. Ellis haa 210 acres i miles west of Heppner at 11000. It is under feuce aod has a good spring.