Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1898)
OFFICIAL sisMX-WfJ'v "THE GREAT DEBATE." Election is at hand and you should read it. FREE) with the Gazette one year. PAPER "THE GREAT DEBATE." Election is at hand and you should read it. with the Gazette one year. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 7. 1898. NO. 655 .'SEMIWEEKLY GAZhTTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON pfilSBINS COMPAM OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bu. Man. At $10) par year, tl.00 foraix mooths, SO ots. or three meatus, etrictly in advano ..- Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postoftice at Heppuer, Oregon, as secoud-class matter. IHIH PAPJSB is kept on tile at E. C. Dake'B L Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Exohangs, San Franoieoo, California, where oou raota for advertising can be made for it. L ' P. FISHER, NEW8PAPEK ADVEBTI8 . a mg agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, San Franoiitoo, Is our authorized agent. This papar is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junotion 12:03 a, m. Leaves Heppner Junction 3:30 a. m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a m Spokane Express No 4 leaves Portland at 2.-00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnotion 7 :50 p. m, and Uma illa 8:50 p. in. Portland Express No 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 610 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7.110 .m. and arrives at Portland 1:2:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner J auction 8:25 a. in. and at Umatilla 4:80 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. ra. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. H A N., Heppner, Ore. Wisconsin Central Lines GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. MILWAUKEE, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the, Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require Borne assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional ,. provision for their comfort. JAS. C. POND, ... Gen'l Passr. Agt. United States OfllnlaU. President William Mr-Kinlo Vice President Garret A. Hoba ' Secretary of State W. B. i A Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. f ..J, Secretary of Interior , Cornelius N. niS- teoretary of War Busaell i?! Secretary of Navy John ? Postmaster-General Charles Km - . - tv l.ri.,.,u Secretary f Agrioutture Ji State of Oregon. Governor Secretary of State Treasurer., mes Wilson H, W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B, & v. M. s Bt. v., v. it A., v. Ft. W. & C. and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. RATBS a.oo tBR EAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CIXICA.3-0. IIiIj. Snpt. Publio instruction. ..W. P. Lord ,.H. It. Kinaid ...Phil. Mntanhfili duo luntrucuou. .. . i": Attorney General "'"'X'S'-u? Senator i J. W. MoBride K. H. . 1 V. A. fO. E. Congressmen Thos H.Tongue Printer I w- jiiprnme Judges .W. H. Leeds ; K. H. Rean. Moore, , Wolverton ,fS.t Jadrelal Otatrlat. Pnao'!P .......Stephen .Lowell P Attorna.... H. J. Bean Morrow Uranty Oltliiali. i"IP' . Hnntr A. W. Gowan S WiaantaWwi J. N. Brown eoty Jndae A. G. Bartholomew (Ximmlimnnera I. li. Howard J. W. Henkntt. Clerk J. W.Morrow "' Sheriff E. L. Matlock Treuarar Frank (i ill mm ' Aaaaaaor A, C. PetUys '" Snrveyoiw J. J. Mctiee School Sup't Jay W. Shipley Uorooer a. t, vaugnan nxppNiH tows orrtniHn Wu Thos. Morgan "Unmoilmoti K. J. Hlocum, M. I.ichtenthal, J. K. Simons, J. J. Hoberta, J. W. Basmas and E. G. Sperry. H ..u.Mui W. A. Hlrhnrlon T-eas irer x...l W. Briinrs Marshal JohR HttUfftr Preeinct 0 III or. Juatinanftha Peso ...Vf. K. Kictiardson I onatable. ...N. B.Whetatons Ualted 8ttm Land OtHeers. m DALLES. OB. J. t. Unnn. Itegister A. B. Bing Kaoaivar LA OBAHOS, OB. K. W. lUrtVMt Begister J, H. lUbbiua BeoaWar XCStJCT aCHTIEt. KAWUNS POST, NO. II. e. a. b. Maataet Htppner, Or., the third Ratm-day of month. All vataraaa ar tnvltad t kaa. W. W. Smith. G W. Haa, Adintant, tf Commander. NURSERIES, R. H. WEBER, Prop. Growetand Dealer in Fruit, Shad and Ornamental Trees, Grape vine and Small Fruits. Our Trees are Grown With out Irrigation. BEND FOR CATALOGUE. WEEKLY The MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday! 13 Astor Place New.York D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREOON. Offloe boors, 8 to 10 a. ra., and 13 lo p. m., at renidence, W. A. Kirk'i prop, arty, east ot M. E. chnrch, Hoatb, aod 10 to 12, a. m , to 3 lo 6 p. m. , at offiee io the rear of Borgt jewelry store. Brown 8c Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Offloe In tbe First National Bsdi Buildiog. II ir rata, : : Obkoom. If Ellis Sc Phelps, TT0RNEYS AT LAW. All bnsln attandod U In I pmtnrt and MlsiarUiry manner. Notartaw Public and L'ollerUir. Office la Natter Bjilielng. Hsppaer, Or. D. E. GILMAN, GcncralCollcctor thit vonr old tmoksand nta In hi hami sod ft jnur moory out of llirm. Mkkr (wrlU7 ' nlla Uiua Office io J. X. Urown'. BailJios. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. counts CMAMtcat ai I 4 bur r rt'm, rnu bmiM, par latM, i r.iii ln u1 ill or., j nu in pf ear In fcls rwwoiMihl f tr. tf First National Bank OF Hr lTNKIt The Qntlook will be In 1897, aa it haa been daring euob of Hi tweoty-eeveo yean, a History of Oar Own Times. Io its various editorial departments Tbe Outlook gives a compaot review of tbe world's progress; it follows with care all tbe important philanthropic and in dostrial movemeota of tbe day; haa a complete department ot religious news; devotes mnoh space to tbe interest of tbe home; reviews onrrent literature; furnishes cheerful table-talk abont men and things: and, io short, aims to (five fresh Information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Beginning with tbe fifty fiifth volame, tbe paper will assume tbe regular maga line siEe, wbioh will add greatly to its oonvenieno aod atlractlveoes. Tbe Outlook is poblinbed every Saturday fifty-two issues a year. Tbe first issue In eaob montn is an Illustrated Magazine Nomber, oootainiog about twice as many pagee as tbe ordinary issues, together with a Urge Dumber of pictures. The priosof Tha Outlook la three dollar a year in advance, or lea thao a cant dey. Send for a specimen copy soj illustrat ed proepeotn to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor Plaoa, Nsw Toik Olt. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS 'OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. i, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA" the same: that has borne and does now bear -J' - on every the fac- simile signature of &t&ffi&&ti wrapper. This is the original "C ASTO R I A" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought - on the and has the signature of Ciat4&&&&i: wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Eetcher h President. Do Not Be Deceived Do not endanger the life of your child bjr accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it) the in gredients of which ; even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF WAR NEWS! Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed VH CIKTAUd COMPANY, TT HUH It AT STOUT, NIWVOKH OITV. Toil -A.. ABEAHAMSICK, Merchant Tailoring! Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp ner. His work is always first class and satisfac tion guaranteed. . OAL.1. AND SEE ME. ON MAY STREET- . CAPE HAITEN, Jane 3. An American auxiliary ship tried to run over tbe torpedo defences at Santiago harbor but was burned up Bnd sunk immediately. One officer, six seamen and one engineer were made prisoners. CAPE. HAITEN, June 4 The Merrimao, a collier, waa Bent iuto the narrow entrance leading to the bay of Santiago de Cuba. A sud den explosion occurred bnd the vessel sank immediately in the chan nel. There seems to be no doubt that she was purposely intended to be sunk, as no men were lost, but eight were captured by the Spanish, according to Spanish report. LONDON, J une 4 According to Heraldo, a Madrid newspaper) the bottling up of Cervera's squadron at Santiago shows that Spain has been led on the straight road tit perdition. KINGSTON, Jamaica, June 4. Information that .the Cadis squadron is in the vicinity of Cuba conns from an English source, and appears trustworthy. A Gibraltar dispatch eays that the Cadiz squadron, sailed recently, with destination unknown. OFF SANTIAGO DE CUBA, - June 4 Sampson and his fleet ate here, and have commenced ' Action with the insurgents on shore who are in full possession of the hills and mountains. WASHINGTON, June 4 The senate, has agreed to the three hundred million bonds. It has also agreed to coin $42,000,000 of silver per month out of the seigniorage in the treasury at present. CAPE HAITEN, June 4 It is repoited here that the AmericaDB destroyed the Spanish fleet at Santiago yesterday, but: the report has not been confirmed. 1 POWDER Absolutely Pure - HlKhwavraen on Wheels. A wheelman of Wes 46th street, New York, waa sttaoked, robbed and left senseless by two highwaymen mounted od bioycles in Central Tark. ; Kepeated accounts of robberies by men mounted on wheels have appeared in tbe papers in various parts ot the oountry. Those depredators of the health, diseases of tbe kidneys and bladder will likewise esoape arrest and pursue their atrocious oareer nnobeoked, unless they are ar- rested by the potent intervention of Hoetetter's 8tomoh Bitters, the finest diareotio, as well as tonio, known to modern times. It is Bt the start that disease is the more easily overcome. The use of the Bitters is followed by tbe happiest results in dyspepsia, livet com plaint and nervousness. "When you hear dem bells !" YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNEll TRANSFER GO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! WASHINGTON, D. C, June 5. Admiral Cervera sent his chief of Btaff under a flag of truce to tell of the safety of the heroes of tbe Merrimao. Money and food has been Bent them, and they are held as prisoners of war. Gonzales, a Spanish spy at Montreal, is publicly known. He ad mits to the Madrid correspondent that Cervera has mined himself by being bottled np. SAN FRANCISCO, June 5. A force of 3,000 troops will be sent on the next expedition to Manila. , ST. PIEiillE, West Indies, June 5. A report is current here that a fleet, whose nationality id unknown, has been sighted oil the const of Ireland. Firing was lieani last night. WASHINGTON, I). J., Juue 5. Sagasta has asked the powers to intervene. They have refused. CTOCl BRAND. Whtta ra p fnnt rarmnriptti up fi-a u kaap rnar bnal la fraaof etxf. tVif. P. )., Ht.pnar, Or. Hcmw, f H i Uft wmiwI Mtua, auw on Mart kip llnh. Parry. Hwnf. )r'ttl SrnHt ii. fo"iiMi cm ii.a irt aula, Mad.llo oa mmm. Banc, alorra ronntf . Conk, A. J..In.rir- l!nrM.Blntich(hnal ar BMtk i . All). , arnaHi i jtMra C. A. MC. T. . MI. Qto. w come n, . W. SPCNCCr). Vie rrl4n a CtHI Am'I CtHIf Tns4iii I Grftnl faditij Imm. EXCHANOJ0 OB all ptrtaal tha axwH Bought and Sold. C.i r'iMM aa1 aa all aittalt raat W IM. imtflut 4 11' lift rtvS'4 rum niDi i arop at lafl awl atilil fa tithU KIT. Rmarnataa.Or.-Hufaai brarutad PLY. na l-M ahtwlilaa, aailia bum aa laftaip, but ia nam aar. Plfprwira. L. A Hacnaar. Or.-4'aiila. l.W m liah hiBi boraaa f a-ita bar asar oa riabl J.raaa, Mmtt, HafH. tr-Htwa braoHt H t oa tha Un; radla lr ll j oa rurM nip. ala afwWUl ts Uft ar, Ku la umra auania. inana.. Falls, laa. Or.-H.Maa. rtilaT oa lari atiBai aaiila. aamaoa HM alp, aalaf half wup la n-i ai aulil a ft aar Pani. M, Hajipnaa. Or. Hwaa brn41 Ibl . tat kip mtiaaaiaaaail vrfrp t0 lafl aari aaoar abt imihm ll ll. J W H '( f Itr H.rraaa banrl4 I. mn4 4 a lart rattla a tm l'l kia. ajMja aaa rM ar. Wina) alila la fltit aar Mianr. tlarar, Mai-f. r - aitia. M II aa ram dip, auraa. aa Ian aanvblaf. Mriraaa, p. M ita. Of.-fl ma, M ) naj an aanainat aatiM aaaia aa Mi atp. .!. ., I. W.. lamalaa It . h nall m M alwwMari ralltaaaaia m rbl kip. Tvm kimum. H wlaa.lf HuraM I V na fl alHWidat, P'tam, IXttat, Ix.rara bramlart imt mu4 .hi.i.l m, Wl il,.nii.lf. tangr, I. MM Hl Hm-ttm i, W . Maiaaa. Or.-H-iHat. tO aa rt afcMii4ar. laitia. if wa rWl l kip. i a,Tf . k. 0. tr, - ('ai)la W V, na I"" "a, W' t M ai aKoM'ui la fcn faa ia" am'ili-i ra. TnnM u ar 11.. . I h-rii,Ul. Uraai, Cf Mil U lfl Vy tiS flit Ik fevtb mn, BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. IT RAH faithfully latmrarl fnr thalr timaparltr atvl happlnaaa. for tha Impmvainant of Ihalr lur tl Cnir wiiinaiihimi hiialiiraa aiMt hcmia Inlvraata, iurallun, for Ilia clvvatlon of Amaru an waiihuod ul IT BAH lul. 1 at ilia urmlile, lnlrrllii (ml Imlrucllva lor Ira of tht ilolntt of tha world, tin nallon a'Mt itaira IT BAJ lha larmrr In tha imat arrovr1 mrthodi of rultlvallnf nt harraatlnf hit tn. an1 Hi' 'r" r tlinr Ui roin.-rt Ihcia Into II" lariraal ptila amount of moor. IT HAH l-1 In ail math-la iirrtaliiliii lo lha wHUrr ot Uniiura anl lliai;iT, aiil for otot a half a crnluir liaa livlil lliair r unn.ii'Uic aiin raiovtii. IT X TIIE'T New York Weekly Tribune, An4 fwrnlah It with th CAZCTTC, ypar for (2. 78, cash In advene. Adlra-.11 Ortart U. THE GAZETTE. Writ mir nam aifl MrrM nn t'l rani, irrnl It tnflao. W ftat, THhnna Ofttra, Haw Yurt I II, aii'l a tampi roi.jr ol tha .; Tori antif I ninma Kill m maiiii ui roil. Not Bo Bod iu) He pnrtrd. A. M. Cree returned lute last week rrotn a trip to the Big oreek oountry in QrBnt county, whore be had been to in--fwtiBHte tbe reoent killin of ehnep. tta found that there i no speoinl ob jection to trail sheep going tbrongh that Motion, provided tbey are taken through on an upper trail. Io the case of "Bud" Willlnghaoi, it was learned ttiat be was requested to take this npper route and save the raw) dowu in the VBlley, whioh "Bud" refuHed to do, hence the trouble. Mr. Cree believes that lest contention on both eidre will prevent a reourrenoa ot last Mimmer'a depredations. He is well pleased with his purchase of 7,000 head of wbioh he made in this looallty, and whioh be says is the finest that be ever, secured anywhere. NEW l'UUK, June 6. Tha hospital ship.Solace, from Key West J arrived with 54 wounded and sick from the squadron off the coast cf j Cuba. CAPK 11A1TEN, June (. The American warship, MavnWer, ar rived at Mole St. Nicholas, conveying troop ships with troops and ammunition for Santiago de Cuba. WASHINGTON, June C Commander Chas. Gualey, ot the crusier, Olympin, is dead. LONDON, Jane C All English papers applaud the daring feat of IIoUuu taking the Merrimao into Santiago,completely bottling up thm Spanish squadron in that port CAPE UAITKN, Juue C AJvices from St Nicholas says that Saturday, off Jean Hobble, northwest corner of Hayti combat too It place between three panir;h and four American warships. Liuori say that five have withdrawn their steamers from here. They report that i Spanish cruiser and three torpedo boat were at Ban Juan, Porto Uico, Saturday. LONDON, June G.-A dUpatcb from Gibraltar says that the. Cadiz reserve squadron is now a week out, and bound for Cuba. This. 2a sup posed to be tbe fleet aigltl off Jean Robbl. MA DIUD, June Three Spanish cruisers and three other pro tect d viMtHt'U have boon seen off the island of Madagascar. KINOSTON, Jamaic", June 0. Thn rpport from AnUnb confirms the reported sinking f the HpauUh torido boat Terror by our jrWi oas liHltlcHhtp Oregon, which !lrod only one 13-inch shell into it CAPE II At TEN, June (. The latest ad ices from Hantirn kaya that tlin bombardment of the fottifications is continuod vigofiOHl;. WAHIIINGTON, Jane G. The naval d.partmnfe UU advicrs any that the iuaurgenta have won several victories over the. Spanish at Hnbtiago harbor, and that o0 oflicers and VPM) tw o have eo made prisoners. Ham .son is racing for a rbnngn iu (T-iri at h tiarbor and wants to come to clone quarters. If Vou Wlik to lie Well . You must fortify your system against tbe attsoka of disease. Yonr blood mnsl be kept pure, your stomach and diges live organs in order, your appetite good. Hood's Barsaporilla Is the medioine to build you np, purify and enrich your wood and give yon strength. It oreatei aa appetite and gives digestive power. Uood's Pills are the favorite family flatbartio, easy to take, easy to operate. .POLITICAL MATTKUS. Tha Lat (Juan of the Murrow County Cam pslsa I'lred oo Ul Hatnrilay. Hon. J. H. Davis, known very muoh betUr to everybody as "Oyolone" Davis, poke at loos on last Haturdsy afternoon and Id tba evening at Usppoer. At both plaoos ha bad splendid sudienoes, and proved himself lobe an ingenious speaker. His argument, however, made no votes aa bia endeavors to please bis audience with ndioule foil in the wrong quarters. Ua Is a mao of striking appearauoe aod is well worth the ' 'nickname" bestowed upon him. TUB BKl'OBMCANH. Hon. Otias. Townsend, of Ohio, ei- secretary of tbal stale, addressed a fair orowd at tba opera bonus on Hatnrday afteinoott. His arguments wrs calm aod dispassionate, and while be did not appeal to the prrjudioes of bis bearers, be "sent home" a few practlonl thonghta that oo noted. . Mr. Townsiod left ou lha sfioToixm taio, abile Mr. Davis, who spoke io tbe eyeniun. Ii-ll Hunday ortiiof fur Echo overland, from wheooa ba will depart for bis native etate.Ti'xai. Ta I'ura t'oaallimllon foraar. Tlk C'nn l umlv l utlmrllc. l"ri.r!M. If C C. C fait loeura. tlrutikiau n 'fund n'ouvi. MCKt'lAL MHK'K. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia Hiver-iiHi Puget Sound Niiviralion Co Siuatn ltimt IMX UTl.m AND OfElS WiVF. Isrint Hlrat Ik ck. I'cfllan I. f Aalona, Jlwar-i, L..UH JUaoh, (hwaa I'ark aod Nshrtta. lirrit eoiitiaotfia wilt aaw ataanara and rail fi.l, alj at Young's ly wlib KmIhiii kaila.. TUtjHrilONU Ua hniiiM ! A H, aUf, a'4 un4tf. Laatat Atita t f, M, iMMr, iff laadars Im frua4 M lall. airaat StMar, "atif taT MrH. II f II 4Wla ta ai a i A, K , H fuM.f and hlotwtai. anu, kiM. 1 r M OOtJAV WAVJ1 MANILA, Jons B. A H.nib atpat has I.m attaka1 r ioanKuts. Ovsr 1000 Hpanlanls wars ki'Ud. Tba BiM laatad 70 hours. A Ijpbor.Q slorm was raving all lbs tim. Inds an.1 rata InUrfsrad with Kpaiuab shoal trig. It didn't ,li.p lha aatiaa a mat wiib kiiltaw, li.disaltnas htm that tba . insurgents will eapiara tl eily ( I1';. "i It aeican iiof"trtiarits arrive. Tba guvaruof gaaafal liaa taanatl a daiaring ptftrlarwalxin Iwggins ! Hiaargaals I O nora ti lartns. All labsbitsnis likva Iwae mo tad lata tba walls af tba ally. WAMHINOTON, Jotia ft At rlatligbl Monday the Amariean Iroopa landa. a few mi I a aaat n Naaliagu da IMn, aodar cavrr of Haiiiiystu's gaws. Tba Ppaatab sbora bsiiariad wata tiUuerJ fi at a short bniilisr Jniil. lbs fgoa lartioti waul r.uMtce. Ilia a-il'ia tii kslta doubt fat. Tbs HAS'TUOO VK CCIU, Juoa s -t'ailaf a fUg ot tram a Hpaahaa vi a i i. I Kami' a Ii S'if g'tnlla Lira aa It a bravery of ( Marrinae'a 0rw, Tba sis a la itnpMsoaa J iu lbs Morro fortrras, ai U f ,r'rans will i" fnbr i tbal, Or. , May 21, Ih'.M. To our patrons : Tlik Is lo iufmiu you that Mr. J. J. Ilttd is not now trnr baa barn in our employ aa traveling salosmsn sinoe July 1, ir7, and wa are out rrepoiisibla for any of bis ooetraots ordapoails paid lo blm. c. I. r.iHMoe, I'MprMnr Hslm Woolao Mill store, islam and Portland. f.'i ,'iS A Narrow Cacapa. Tliaiikful words wntiati by Mr. Ala E. Mart, of (Irolon, H. I) , t.kan wiib a bad cold whiob sHIIrd on my lungs, e-'tigh sal in and dually tortul. oatsd la oonsniiiplmn. K'nir ilorlofs gave ma up aa) mg I ..., 1. 1 ht t,.(t a shut I lliiia. Kva ln)arir ap li my Ma Mir, ilxUrniiiiml if I jxnil l nut at with my fnaa la ou aartti, wuiiM mat my alMMit ours aKiva. My bualuu I wa aavissd In ga )r. King s Naj ls'oviry for 0iiniltnil-m, coughs and rotd. t gave It a trial look lo all ai,bl b,.tlU tl baa enrad ms, and thank Ood I am saved aod daw a wall aod healthy wo tnaa." Trial botilra fras at KJ.HI.i. eum's drtlg stifa. Insular a fata Slid f l.Ul suaratit-ad of ptka fi ( in UI. H -. o ll.n aa rr.iM and r-a 4tm-l la I aod n..,r1a a A. W k-ida a f , . UJi"' r.-au ' Hal 1 1 '"" '' '-'-'r t't-T A w l a-Ut atf ! J()( c T' ClrH ti liim ftiVj. M Wi m Ijj'SA tut c iu ! uwuts to Csh. ff da.aia tf lloaala With I .ra.ala. toi, fttf.tai bd BK'U i i alii aOiariW. c.ta , ion f.,,.-irr "v. ii w. lait, diu,.(i r. Iw