Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 01, 1898, Image 1

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    Portland Library
'Semi-Weekly Gazette
Semi-Weekly Gazette
AT $2.00 A YEAR.
NO. 636
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
Ac 2.03 per year. $1.00 for six moDths, 50 ots.
(or three monons, strictly in ad van o .
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Fob to Bice at Heppner,. Oregon,
as second-class matter.
THIS PAFKB is kept on tile at E. C. Dake's
Advertising Agency, 84 and 85 Merohant)
Exchange, Ban Francieoo, California, where oou
raote for advertising oan be made for it.
ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exohangt Build
ing, Ban Francisoo, la our authorized agent.
This pap3r is kept on file at hie office.
0. R. & N.-L0CAL CARD.
Train leave Heppner 9:80 p m. daily exoept
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Junotiou 8:30 a, m. and ar
fiva. t. HimnnAr Atfna. m
Bpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m- and arrives at ueppner jnnouou i:ou p. m
Tlmaille S-SU n. m.
Portland Exoress No. 8. from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 6110 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
.m. and arrives at f ortland u:au a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 D. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at
Omatilla 1:30 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at ileppner Junction 12.25 a. m. and at
Portland 7 :2C a.m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. B A N., Heppner, Ore.
When Goiri'
East ... . ;
Use a first-claBB line in traveling
between Minneapolis, St. raul
aDd Chicago, and the principal
towns in Central Wisconsin.
Pullman Palace Sleeping and
Chair Cars in Service.
The Dining Cars are operated in
the interests of its patrons, the
most elegant service ever inau
gurated. Meals are served a la
lo obtain nret-class service your
ticket should read via.
The Wisconsin Central
Direct connection at Chicago and
Milwaukee for all Eastern points.
For full information call on your
nearest ticket agent, or write
or Jan. A. Clock,
General Agent,
246 Stark St.,
Portland Or.
"Il""""""1111"" 1111111 iin.m.,nTiT
AVege table Preparationfor As
similating tteToodandRegula
ling the Stomachs andBoweis of
Jas. C. Pond,
Gen. Pas. Agt..
Milwaukee, wis.
ness and Rest. Contains neither
Cium.Morpliine nor Mineral.
Not Nahc otic.
Patmpkw Smi"
Jvpprn tiunt
tfwiludSuatr .
United States Officials.
P:oailent. William McKinley
Vine-President Garret A. llobart
eeorervanrof State John Sherman
baumtary of Treasury Lyman J. URge
rteoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
v ctaarAtarv of War lluaaoli . Alire;
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
P.ilinktflr.f JnnnrRl Jumna A. Mary
Attorney-General John W. Griggs
H'joruUry t Agriculture James Wilson
Mate of Orottou.
liovarnor..., W. P. Lord
eooretaryof Btate H. R. Kincald
Trtaenrer Phil. Metschan
6npt. Publio Instruction O. M. Irwin
Attornm General C. M. Idleman
u ( Q. W. MoBriile
oeunion l
S Thos H.Tongne
Congressmen i w it vit
Printer W. H. Leeds
( R. B. Bean,
i, t.-. IV A M.u.m
( C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Jadiclal Dl.trlrt.
O toR Judge Stephen .Lowell
Pro-armtinn Attorney. r. H. J. Bean
Morrow County Official.
J, ilnt Senator - A, W. Gowan
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
IGault House,
y '
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions Jcverish.
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
:., C. M. & St. P., C. 4 A , P. Ft. W. & C.,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
HATI5S QB.oo 1 12 W 13 AY
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sta.,
' CXIICA.3-0. IXjXj.
zxact copy or wrappeb,
You Have
Always Bought.
J. N. Brown
..A. (I. Bartholomew
J. K. Howardl
J.W. Morrow
K. L. ' at lock
Frank UilU.
A. C. Petteyl
J. J. rlcde
Jay W. Hhipley
B. F. Vaugluw
Tho Morgan
.'.....oilman K. J. HlOCUin, .
bounty Jnilm.
' (7ouimlMioneT.f,
J. W. Beckett.
" 'l.rk
' Tremnrar
Bchool Hup't...
Published Every Saturday '
13 Astor Place New York
Hotel jHLejDpimor
(Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.)
MRS. L. SMALL, Manager."!
Now Open. New Methods. New Manage
ment. Strictly First Class.
LiohtMithal, J. K. Simon., J. J.
i ... m. .i.i k 14 Htmrnr.
u ; . W. A. lUhnrHnon
II John Hager
t..:u. k. s. W. K Kirhanlwn
r..iVhli " N. 8. WheUUjii.
l ilted BtatM Uo4 OrBeere.
ret rAt.l.KA. OL -
A It Utmm IUO-JlT
i a ana OL
K. W. lUrt'eli, SZlliZ
J. II. Kobhln. Becelvet
KAWLIN8 roar, NO. IL
.1 linbia. Or- the Uat fUlordaf of
ar-h month. AJi Tewreu. ore uirltod I" .
l ui u.uk L. 14. rt'yt'.
Adinlaat. If CottwamlT.
The Oatlook will be Id 1837, it bt
been daring each o( tU twenty leren
yean, History of Oar Own Times. In
its various editorial departments Tbe
Oatlook gives cotupaot review of tbt
world's progress; it follows witbcsrrl
kll lbs importsDt pbilsotbropio sod to-
dastrisl movements of ths day; baa a I
complete department of religious news;
devotes moob specs to tbe interests ot
tbe borne; reviews oarreot literature;
foroinbrs cbeortul table-talk aboot meo
and things: and, in short, aims to give
fresb Information, original obeervation,
and reasonable entortaiument.
IWgioniog with lbs fifty flifth volume, I
tbe pwr will kduidi the regular mage
tine site, wbicb will add greatly to Its
OotiteiiiVnae and atlret'llveottea. Tbe
Rates, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards.
63A first-class feed barn ran in connection,
and from all trains. We solicit your patronage.
Free 'Kus ion to
We are ready for war today . In that
event, onr first step wonld betobicokade
Havana. This would confine tbe 60,000
Spanish troop now in Cuba to the ie
limd ; would oat off all hopeot reinforce
ments from Spain. Spain wonld thus
lose its Cuban base, with no power or
opportunity to seoure an American base
wbiob could be euooeasfully held and
utilized. The Spanish ships would thug
be deprived of tbe means ct coaling, un
less by tenders acoompanyioi; tbem,
wbicb are always liable to destruction or
dispersion. We would at once seize
some minor seaport on the Cuban coast,
oommunioate with tbe insurgent forces,
biob are not less thau 40,000 strong,
supply them oannon, small arms, am
munition and military supplies of all
sorts, and, without the landing ot a
single Amerioao soldier in Cuba, the
Spanish army, which depends for ita
support entirely upon provisions im
ported from abroad, would soon be
starved into surrender.
Tbe Spanish army in Cuba todAy gets
rice, beans and Hour from Spain ; meat
from Mexico and Florida. Tbe city ot
Havana, with its 200,000 inhabitants,
gets Its milk in condensed form from tbe
United States; its eggs and vegetables
from Florida. It food imports were
slopped, the food supply of Havana
would be exhausted in a week. In
short, we should only need to blooknde
the Spaniards by sea, give tbe insurgents
all the rifles, cartridges and oannon they
need, and the Spanish army, bottled up
in Havana and the other important sea
ports, would have to choose between the
moreaaing devil ot perfectly equipped
rebel army in front and the deep Bea of
starvation behind. Tbe Spaniards would,
of oourse, try with their navy to break
oar blocede, bat this attempt would be
hopeless with our naval base of supply
at Key West, only eighty miles, and
that of the Dry Tortugas, only sixty
miles from Havana. Porto Kioo, of
oourse, would be included in our block
Oar own seaboard is safe against any
force that Spain could bring egainsl it
Spain would doubtless reeort to priva
leering, but our mercantile marine
mostly coastwise, and we should make
tbe war so short and sharp that our coin
metoe oould not suffer muob injury. Be.
aides our enormous superiority in men
and money, wa wonld bave the enor
mons advatitage of beiDg able to sit still
and wait for an attaok on ns by an as
sailant who will be obliged to orosa tba
Atlantic. There ia not tba slightest
probability that Ppola oould break oar
blockade ot ita present Cuban base,
oonld seriously threaten our Atlantic
seaboard oilies, or it jure onr coastwise
oummeroe to any considerable extent.
With the blooade of Cuba maiotainsJ;
with tbe Insurgent army fully armed and
supplied with munitions of war, Spain
would surely lose Cuba within sixty days
after onr bloeksde waa oouiplele and onr
onmmanloatioDs with tbe insurgent
srmy folly secured. Oregoniao.
Introduced by Rawlins, Foraker and Frye.
Washington, Maroh 29. Kawlins, of
Utah, today Introduced a joint resolu
tion in tbe senate recognizing tbe inde
pendence ot Cuba and declaring war
against Spain.
Senator Foraker baa offered in the
senate a resolution recognizing Cu
ba's independence, Foraker spoke of
the delays caused by tbe De Lome inci
dent and the Maire incident, but de
clared tbe Cuban question would come
op whatever waa done with the Maine.
Frye Introduced a resolution regarding
oonditione in Cuba and directing tbe
president in bis discretion to take steps
to drive tbe Spanish naval and military
forces from the island. Tbe Foraker
and Frye .resolutions went to tbe com
mittee on foreign relations. Tbe Kaw
lins resolution also went to tbe foreign
relations committee.
Situation In Havana Critical.
Cbioago, Marob 29. A special to tbe
Ohroniole from Washington says: Gen
eral Lee has cabled the state depart
ment that tbe situation in Havana ii
critical. There is danger, be sayg. of
riots growing out ot tbe intense feeling
among Weylerites against Americana.
Captain Sampson, who is at Key West
and who was informed of tbe reoeipt of
tbe message ot General Lee, is in oom-
mnnioatiou with the consul-general, and
at tbe slightest sign of trouble a mes
sage from him will result in tbe dis
patch ot a man-of-war to Havana at
once. It will arrive there within four
hours. t
J! ..
Absolutely Pure
Vail Contract Let.
Washington, Maroh 29. Postmaster-
General James A. Gary today awarded
tbe oontraot for carrying tbe mails from
Juneau to Weare, Alaska, to 8. O. Bioh-
ardaon, ot 8aattle, at an annual compen
sation ot $50,000.
Early Lambs Will rJaftVr.
Not moob damage to the wbeat and
fruit interests ia feared, but there will
probably be a considerable loss ot
early lamba from tbe snow and oold
weather, says tbe Pendleton East Ore
gonian. Gbarlei Cuouingbam, at bis
ranoh three miles above Pilot Book, waa
communicated with at noon today over
tbe Blue Mountain telephone wire. Mr.
Cunningham laid: "Lambing has not
yet began at my ranoh, bat I am busy
witb aheepshearing nnder shelter. I
bear that at tbe places of other sheep
men along Birch and Butter oreeks
lambing bis aolively begun, and that 50
per oent ot tbe early crop of lambs may
be lost. Wet, snowy weatber daring tbe
day and very cold nigbta ohill the young
lambs lo death, and tome ot ths sheep
men are not prepared witb sheds. A
oontinasnoe of this unfavorable weather
may result in severe losses. Snow ia
ng oat bere today, but sinks ut onoe
into tbe ground."
Dr P B. McSWOrdS, OoUotkto published every S.turd.y
' fitly two Issue year. Tbe first Isius
PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. In each mootn ia an Illustrated Uegttiot
OfrW lo the CUy Drug Blore, near Nomber, eootamlng aboal twice m m.oy
Citv Hotel.
D.J. McFaul, M. D.
IMfiM hnnra. ft to 10 . m . Sod IS to 1
m atMideaca. W. A. Kirk'e prop-
My. east of M. K charre. ftieiti. and 10
a. m . lo 2 to & d. m.. at ottlos lo
Ibe isar of ltrg' )!' .
Brown & Redfield,
Attorneys at Law,
pages ae tbe ordinary iaaaee, together
witb large somber of picture.
Tbe pries of The Outlook U three
dollars a year lo advance, or lees than
rvnt a day.
seed for a .m.o cop7 .oj niQ.tr. t- For more than fifty-six years it has never failed MrMtio judicial
i prospectus lo Tbe Ootkwk, 13 Astor . . .... . , f . of ,b P
pua.. New Tck citv. in its weekly visits to the homes ot larmers a..oci.i.i pre...
b Fire! Stallone!
Ilarnt, t t Oeeaw.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
townta CNaweiaa
ST We tt A. !).
While at r"r Mfewiriptkie ti4 ae f
ae aw rowt Iwwaa la rreenT wWa.
rW. f.O.. H n Rnraaa. f ,. Uft
klWi wit la. m am imn kip
.. J..l..-ilm.
mr. t . tMi.t aim aa
mm km 4 n!ti ia nti.
Uwlw M .(illwwr. n..-4'aula. tllm
M '! wl.fiMt la a aart a it. H U
m Ml ate.
Kit. Ilxo. thU f).- Dona bruU fl.T
a mlAm, aattia mm Mtkie, wrt
W nckl aw.
and villagers throughout the U. S.
IT II AS l.tthlfilty lalmrw! for lhrr i.rt
l.ti.tfi.-w mnA hunt liilfrMta, ltr
trllf an1 h.t". for the Imprntement of th.tr
u, fur fluc.iloM, lor Hi. .let alloa ol Aitwrfcan iii.niio.xi ana
IT HAIi.iH.t t' nfr.H, iiw-rwln a4 liitrwtlte orlr. of lh4ott.(. of th. worM, Hi.
IT MAS 1 ih. Iiiaxi .. In rhe m.l .tir..M miHlinn. of rtillvin and ti.rwllnf hi.
rm anl lh )ifr.f Urn. Ui rmtitrrt Vrm I'Ho tl, l.f.r. pwilil .inoiinl of moliry.
IT 14 At l1 In .11 m.iirri iliiln( lo lh of hunter. '! vlliiu.r., aod lor or a half
a folttfy k. bi( Ihrlr cwti8.rrnw ant ntwis.
Tbe legislature of Kentocky haa
passed ao aot, and done it over tbe veto
of Governor Bradlry to make it compul
sory for tbe asaoctaled pre.s to furnish
ilt news service to all oew.papets in tbe
commonwealth whirb desire to receive
it and will pay for it. There If a leading
dimnoralio paper ia Kentnoky which
desires to get the service, end the parti
san majority of tba legislators paasad tbia
law to help tbe paper out, although It
waa Intended at e bavk-banded stroke
at the Louisville Courier-Journal, Hen
ry Watlerson's paper, wbicb baa to
curred the hostility of the democrats
aloe It supported Palmsr for president
Id I1W. Tliia will bring no another
rxnerlmaot in Ibe
and privileges of the
A good many doubts
are felt as Ut the abllit to make the
rtw law stick. It is moie than probe
bla thai it will be decided that a voluo
leer eaoietion eanaot be oompelled to
teke le membere dieta.Wful to ill olber
memlif r.htp, or against lie r.l.bli.had
talea-lha eame principle Ihat elloee e
lodge t accept or t members, or
lure tint members who bave violated
llieir voluntary obligations. Oregon
it xn tit n.
iaeTrje-ir- York Weekly Tribune,
a:i .t4 r ml tt
Jm. Dim, HaktMM. Ir II f n i.
I-Tl aw. u ta
H I am Urn ! .i.Wi neMla W -ll J
First National Bank
or tirtrxru
C. A. Put.
T. A.mia.
S. W.trt'CIR,
Asa I Ceattie
Tfu.ii i SfifJ UX-4, It?.
-a it H.t4 v4
Bought and Sold.
nM aia ata aaaitnl
M'Kmw anaalf .
J-a. r.u. lt. rtr - W iima.
tmt ai.aai aaltM aiaa rtffcl ale.
We la naM aa4 aMil lafl aw
lafl aa aatlia Mat. a4 aj
aa ta aawa aa a. rWM
lilt W Mnatat lt - Nm. Waaila.
I, a4 I aa ak.)fcan aallta auaa
Ua, aiiia a neM af, lara attta la rM
. PeaeHa-t t
Wia fa alrfaeit I ww. eataar tw . a'tta.
- - - - . . L m . , n . -
vS. a p. w J i . i ii-v .
fc.aas, . Wai i aar. Of - It
aa avl .tiaal ti aatiia aaa aw lafl k'.
t m , tvtaa lk aw f
aolsawaaaa fi.M Itiu.
raar a fllaaM. Rar4M.fl. -H'aalr a.
Il tiiiaiiaw,
rvaraM, miw aa k4a4 lar ih
aK4 aa Wei HMrM raa.. f (kl Hit.,
aa, it -
aa taf . la.
Anal -te furniaH It with the GAZETTE, one yeer fer
$2.76, eeeh In eevenee.
Arai. ixunu, THE GAZETTE.
I m$ Mi
m O -a I
Writ ttr aanta ar.4 iHtin. on a tLl r.M, ae4 II In'lai. W HH. Tnli'in. titer.,
imi 1 Mr. awl . eaatpl. ni( ut ll. utt Half! rtlraua will U Balla4 to rod.
rafiarUaaS a4a aa a4l aaia aa
a.4 aati'VM r-a.
tO a.
Xve Oaeaue ill a-. t P"
eiw t'' Mlk e.w.a.
Aat ae eetag UM ef.etwe a-H'U t
a, waaU le tve " 1
4, it a
a t
l . a I- la N.
eMe eiwl elaVawieyeeee s (.wletfeea flW
a Ja aa aa.
aa I W , rliia. O -lf-aa,
avalaf, I him, II as k-a-
, w O. M.ea-t. la -TaOia I' at
Mt a at . 4 a. 4 '-1 m Ml raa'.
Imii km 'i a .a kn afc--.a
raawaM, J A. H Haaa a 1
Ipn aM. m4 a-t I aa tan
Taa W , ttajraai la -
W la-aa, aaf aM aa m a
a-a aM- m aa aa
tlaaaaaw. W, , f..U-a.. w . laai
a'aaa I W aa f-.vt .In " aa a
tafW Mi Hu k.e at rfci a a.
ai m taft mm. aa la l mm4
lir. Columbia lliver and I Vil Sound Navktioo to
Laartag AMr Mlr Ikk. ruftlaed. f a Alria. Ilwean. Baeh. Oraee
l ark aal Matfofta, nat witb llweew .u.ro.ra aad rail
else el Teeei'e I'.y wHb tWerheie Kailral.
tMtaiMaalt M tl V. .taaft aa4.f aa Atw-'lal f. M lull?. ef4 e4.r
W tal r ..'! i'. -la. II T lam I Pa
Wben ymir atomanli begins lo Imoble
you, It eeads help. Tbe help it needs, ia
to digeat yoof food, end, oolil it gelt It,
too woe I bave eny peaae. rtioroaon
trouble le very dnl'a.irg, very obatl
eat, very dangerous. Many ot the
Boat deegernua diaeaaee beglo with
aim pi ledigeslnio. Ih raaerio (a that
leligiatl'm (oot-digeation, not-ooorl.b
inert) w.akens the ).l.m end allows
dieea. eerme In attack II. Tbaaelidole
ia rL.k.f Ng eetive Cordial, slr.nt llir
teg, noqriabteg, eorallv. It en tea Id
digeaime eed rn.wi tlrengtb end b.allb.
It dura tbia by straogtbealng tbe tloiw
ecb, by be'pieg It to digeat year fd
It eoerlehee yoa. Hbaker Pigeatlve
Cordial ia made of pore barba, plant
aid win, le perfectly baroilase eed will
eerialnly rare ell gaeelne tlHnerh
Iroeble. rV.I.I by drafgials, price 10
ereit to II fr pf txilile.
at to A , ft a4. at.4 -'. i a i e H, t f M
! v .--4 4i (al i T uaa'.t -v. t a f.lr at . 4 M l.f .1 I f, U
laa.a. I . a -t- ...4 r'W'.f t a . W. 'm . et.ll 1 fm
eiaSi I Rlaaal tlaaai.
fit. t.ltaat lwri. a elrali ..in. N
tawutf willi.Mtl it. I aarr,.(.eritr Calli.
lie ri.n frut Itloorl ar4 .! It eie.n, i.
.t.rfit.a an tii ljr Htet aim niu.f an n
l,ui't lli tta ll Infill tl t
Lin.h lurtil- mm. I,ii. Iil'il. I., I.U' kl-
.nil tli. I t : l ll.'.u Ivr.,. .'4 l l laul
t..rt.--ity Ivt Uai.a'.. Ail iug
ia, faWMaM .r.rtti, M. U f
orrow Coaaly la A4vaarla la th. Mattoa
aid Wool Iadastry aad Will Head
100,000 Aaimal. lo tba Kast.
Prom Pendleton Trlbun.:
Tbe thesp end wool industry of Mor
row ooanty it now in e blgbly prosper
ous condition, ooder e proteclive tariff.
Daring Ibe leet month or two, offer a
ave been made at Ueppner of f 4 aod
f 4 20 for atralgbl awes before shearing
aod lambing, eeyt tbe Portland Oregon
Ian. There ere 300,000 sheep io Morrow
eouoly.eod 100,000 ot them will, right
after tbearing, be eold end driven east
They will briog at Ueppner 1260 lo 93
bssd, after letting go ol 10 pounds of
wool, tust 1 going to tall at Heppner
at 10 to 10 eente pound. Wool it not
consigaed Ibere oow as It oaed lo be,
but is Sold, sorted end baled oo tbe spot
Last yeat'e crop brought 8 to 13 cents.
The winter bee beee very mild eed
tbere bave beeo do .look lueses end no
oheok on tbe growth ol the wool. There
ill be baled la Morrow ooonly tbi
year H.nuo.UOO poooila. Hbsarere will
be paid 6 eente bead, aod Ibe work
ill la I ail weeks. Ilapld wnrkl
shear 1M bead e dey, end all good crews
will average loO bead a day.
Cedar tbe Cleveland edmioialralion
wool at Heppner went do we lo 8 cent.,
end very little demand at that, end
sheep dropped from Ii W to II e bead
aod no sal, end lambs want down to
75 emit. Now, lembe may be eoolreot-
ed for fall delivery at IX
Tbe Hart ing of tbe big drive from
Heppoer .eat r a usee eonalderable eot
mailoe, and all Ibe trevsllag outQtt ere
bovghl Iher, Tbe aheap are grated
along by easy etaga nolil within a day's
railroad travel of tbe Cbioago market,
end ere kept le good ooodittoe there
eed t.k.e lo eleegbter ee dsmaad require,
Jerlg W. P. Irjltoe, on of the foond
ere ol Morrow eoonly, eera tbal tbal
hoi regl.o la vary proaparoo. Nsvsr
more en, lie tirougbl lo Port I aod e few
eerlnaJs of eld ewee eed tol l tbem el
123 a bead. Tbe fritgbt freui Uepp-
ear m 2fl etnle.
There ia nothing intended ao much to
intimidate the public as a partial or uu
desrving oritioism ot publio perform
ances. Let it be home or traveling
troop there can be no exouse for the
common and prevalent predominance ot
partiality, notwithstanding the duty ot
the press to give boneat oritioism.
We oould not do anything else, even
uuder the tension of our more critioal
mind thau add a compliment to the
name ot every individual participant in
tbe mnsioale and literary wbiob eame off
Wednesday evening under tbe anspioet
ot the M. E oburob, South.
From tbe opening relection, a piano
duet, by Mrs. Herbert Bartholomew and
Mist Cora Hart, to the dosing number
by the church ohoir, in one of 0. E
Leslie's beautiful anthems entitled,
"Onward Christians," the audience was
very attentive and appreciative.
There waa in the rendition of tbe solo,
"Speak to Me," by Miss Elsie Ayera, a
responsive aweetnesa and tenderness of
voioo that well adapted it to the selec
tion. Miss Ayera 1ms a very mellow and
sweet voice with an evenness throughout
ita broad range of compass that well
qualifies it foi special attention and cul
Tbe number by tbe Ladies' Cornet
Band waa awaited witb interest, and
every band applauded for the encore, nor ,
waa quiet realored ontil tbe duloet
atraina of tbe band had resumed. In
the baod tbere wai one who aitraoted
pedal attention the tide drummer
atrange to say. Little Miaa Willa Minor
performed ber part io a most artistio
Tbe reoitationa by Miss Oattie St ho-
field! and Mrt. A. E. Dions were eecb
deaerving of praise in their renditioo,
Tbe letter's recitation, however, kept
tbe endienoe in a constant convnlsion ot
laughter while tbe reader proceeded with
never a show of mirth to the end of,
"How We Hunted e Mouse."
Id tbe presentation ot the "Protector
at noma" by W. C end P. M. Howerd
and Missct Elsie Ayert end Bessie
E.tes, there waa equal laughter ia lie
perplexity end pleasure io ita barmonio
arrangement. Tbe euoore waa responded
lo with "Call John."
Every one er joyed the male quartette
selection ot tbe "Tale Medley," Bang by
Prof. M. L. Akers, W. 0. and P. M.
Howard and M. B. Galloway. Tbe re
sponse to the enthusiasm of tbe endienoe
wet with a composition from the pen ot
Prof. Akera, "The Song of tbe Pine."
end a vary creditable composition it ia.
Tbe protector ia an accomplished student
io tbe theory of uiuiio. Ilia solo ot
"Amelia" waa aung very oioely and the
eloeing B. flat wee taken witb grace end
Tbe groea proceed, of tbe c mcerl wi re
940.60, end after dodoottng ripens,
tbere wai remaining Ibe neat aum ot
l'JK.60, and It it believed tbal not one
who etteniJsd begrudged the Investment.
E W. Rhea k Co. positively guarantee
to meet any price on wool bags, Tliey
will not bt undersold and their custo
mers may depend oo tbia proposition, ae
tbey ere io it lo eley to the finish. 28-tf
Breweries Cloee4.
Dy order from tbe toveromset ell
brwrie in Alek bave ben eloeed.
Thleie a bard blow on W. F. Matlock,
who rroenlly went op Ibere aod ee
tebllabed a big brewery at Hkagway, and
bee just got the eame lo operation, lie
bee e ipso Jed a large amount ot money,
and wat ia a poaitioo lo make big re
turns wben the government orler col
bim off.-Eugene lteglster.
Mat e f easelfe UeLy
If yon ere oslog Ibe eomoinn brand
ot lye too are paying tor a large pereaet-
ee f ry tii mo a tall witb wbicb II le
ednliefei.d le natty tuianee le (he rt
tM.t of one half. WheQ too, buy Had
Heal Later l'uleeb g.t ebaoloUly
per tatttke, gr seal a led like auger aal
91114 la large emiM tut (en. a-90
ttitaeal Taw Vtowal With I'aaearel.
f'amtV ('athartlf ciira nrnalliMllta f.tra.av.
too. 11 C (J.U.fatL driwriiaia n fund bhhwi.
Io Ih wey of ireoijl memoir of lb
civil wer, there bee beeo Bottling more
Interesting poblished than Cbarlr A.
Io't rmialMeor," end murh Ibe
moat ltiUre.il tig of the. the far It the
peper In MeClore'e Mag.tine for April,
giving Mr. Pane's rAol!erltotia of Liocoln
and hi cabinet. living in Ibe rlo.e.l
official and social relations wilb Lincoln
end the meinbere of Ibe eablnel fur a
eoeaiiiereble lire. Mr. D.ne't opporta-
Bine ror aoowing tbem ware parfaet:
eed be be eat forth ble Impreatioee of
litem wllti tbal per f eot fraekneae eed
that tort tana of the eentrel character
let In wtilob make ble porlraltar to reel
eed deflBile. Tbe portrait from photo
graph ia th to vara meat civil wer tol
ler! loo add to Ibe lol.re.t of the paper.
Bf.rvtaaa'y Bar Ba.
faaxareta ren.tv ralriartlc, lb reoat wee
etfn m iIhwI tl.aoterrff Ui are, pee-
ant and latr-aliin to Ik laaia, l fatiuy
B'l l (...., IWi'ly on kl.luen. liver and Imwela,
cuati. n tl iil.r aiaifwi. dlil rolila,
cm liaiUane, lev r, hahltii.il i'ii.ilplioe
en I blbi'iena. I '!- b- T ami Iff a ta-a
at U. C, C. tixl.vi l, s vmrt. Uwiaeew
lawteteed M curt kf mi era g 41