Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1898)
, FROM FOOT TO KNEE Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony From a Terrlbla Sora-Har Story of the Case, and Her Cure. "For many years I was afflicted with a milk leg, and a few years ago It broke out In a sore and spread from my foot to my knee. I suffered great agony. It would barn and itch all the time and discharge t great deal. My health was good with the exception of this sore. I tried a great many kinds of salve, but some would Irritate the sore so that I could hardly stand the pain. I could not go near the fire without suffering Intensely. Someone sent me papers containing testimonials of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I told my husband I would like to try this med icine. He got me a bottle and I found it helped me. I kept on taking it until my limb was completely healed. I cannot praise Hood's Sarsaparilla enough for the great benefit it has been to me. It cleanses the blood of all Impurities and leaves it rich and pure." Mbs. Anna. E. Eakbn, Whittlesey, Ohio. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. Hnnri'e Pilla Me the lavoite family ,lwu a r-UI cathartic Price 250. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer tbe following clubbing rates : The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, 1.60 $3 00 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25 1 N. Y. Tribune, 1.00 2,7 5 " Inter-Ocean, fl,00 2.50 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50...... 8.25 " 8. P. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter, 50o 2.00 Leslie'! Weekly, $4.00 4.50 Sural Spirit, $2.00 8.00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00 McCall'i Magazine $1.00 1,30 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can ejet clubbing rates with any paper on earth. . . METH. EPISC. CH011UH. SKBVI0E8. Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Bunday school 10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m. 'The Bpibit and the brHe say. Come." The pastor may be foond at the parsonage ad. joining the charoh, where he will be glad to meet any wo may desire to consult niin on reliaiouB, sotial, oivio, philosophic, eduoational, or any other subjects. J. W. i'LEBHER, UinUter. 11. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m., 7 p. meeting iouowmg morning m.. class service. Epworth league, Frl- i Sunday school, 3 p. m. day. 7 d. in. kJCIt UB 1U1-BH.JLU UUI 111(3 BUSHClUUllllg Ol OUf- seives WKHiner. Pastor's residence In parsonage, next door to church. C. R. Howard, : Pastor. The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 3 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock. A Benarkable Cnrr. V. K. Bartholomew will depart on Mnnilaii t- a M 1L n at a .aa -, lor lo, r,ast wnere na win Mb. EDiTOB-Dear 8ir:-In Jastioe to take a position as traveling salesman n n.. u .- . for a large hardware firm of Cleveland, PaUoe Hots, HeDDne. ta Feb. la no. ib,s paper wishes Mr. Bartbolo- will sav sicht .ear. last fall T went tn mew sucoesa as be deseves it. Mrs. TO. 11., T17-11. a la. l : ; a Q . , i " ijib iu uuuouit oim in reirreuce uBi iuuiuuiBw ana r ay win col leave lor a foav t 4 ffiu . sorry to have Mr. and Mrs Bartholomew K, .u., , T VV ' ,De,r 0891 w,8ne8 least ray of bright light or oold wind I would almost set me crazy. Intbisoon Frank Mn1?..l.nJ U -. 1 i . 1 I .... ,, . - . ....... """"""ini un ueeu appumiea anion i caned on Dim at the Stine House speoiai ageni oi ice J!uitaDie Life As- He said be could oure me. I paid bis suranoeoo., or Hew lork, tbe strongest pnoe and took one or two eleotrioity iu toe wona. uasb surplus to policy treatments. I came home aod will cat. I n A .... ... I nomers 01 over 4d millioc dollars. Don't didly say from that day to this I have take insnranoe without seeing tbe new not bad one syptooa of a return of it. I plans of the Eqnitable. Insures feotb tbiok it the most remarkable oure on smb. at Bame rates. nil record and would recommend the A. 8. Kees, the ouly brother of Jacob sfflioted publio to call on tbe doctor Keen, of this county, died at Lib borne while be is here and be will do you good, in Pendleton on Wednesday morning, as I am a strong advocate and firm be His death was the result of a prolonged Haver in his method of treatment. Can spell of eiokness, Deoeased was a mem. be roferred to. I live in Athena berof the M. E. ohurob, tbe I.O. O. F. A. L. Jones, and A. O. U. W. Tbe funeral occurred ' ' June 16. 1897 yesterday at 2 p. m. Most oases oan be treated at borne af- Tha MniiiD. ni Mm. t m n j J ter OD6 Visit tO IDS doctor's offioe . ,. . i.m.jj. wdiu.ui Inquiries answered; oiroulara mis city, was among those resoned from question blanks sent free. death in tbe flames of a fire in tbe Great AH business relations with Dr. Darrin Eastern block at Sookane on Mondav 8,ly confidential night. A voung lady friend of Mrs. Howard was anions those that neriahed . .M.' Allle Hushes, NorfolV, Vs., was :.!.. . . . ,. (rightfully burned on tbe faoe and neok .u lue uruouon or ioe DUiming. pBin W8 in8ti4Dt,y relieved by UeWitfs Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red- Witoh Hazel sulve, which healed the in lisht." ever on th nia,i fr .nmthJn Jury without leaving a soar. It Is tbe new, can furnish you tbe finest cock tails in the land Manhattan, Jersey, Yermonthor Gin made by an artist in tbe business. Drop in and take the taste out of your mouth. tt and famous pile remedy. Conser & Brook. Among the Sons and Daughters of Krin Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kiuney, of Blaok Horse, gave a danie on last Monday night in honor of John Kilkenny and bride who were married in HeDoner ou Mr. and Mrs. E J. Moir have disDosed bUDday. a very pleasant time was bad of tha mn. iK:. k..oM A. oj an loose present, un luesaay nistii. - uv V. .lid UUUaDUUlU bUIU" til. . . , , , . ... i i i n " u"""r ol 'us sam ooupie, anoiner . i .uu..i, icq vo uouer, rar- d nOH whs oiven at the rfa dennsnf .Terrv uuir going to Alaska ana Mrs. uuir mosnm.on Butter creek, and on Wed going to Iowa. Heppuer is sorry to needy nigbt the rnnny friends of tbe lose thaan cxnaiiant ania f.m y"""? couple gathered at the residence . of J. Carty, Mr. Kilkenny's partner, aod niintin luil Ihn n i n a unit) ma Condon Globe: Wm. Meek went over su.i' lioors. The newly married oouple In Mnrrnorinnnt. Ki.V llW .,. '" n"W t BllOWBO tO Settle d lWn tO Whose a Who? Did you say that the old firm of,... E. W. Rks WERE JUST DIGGING FOR BUSK NESS THE SAME AS EVER? IF YOU DID YOU TOLD A FACT. HARD FACTS COUNT. Winter is fairly on and bargains in - winter goods can be had at the store of E.W. RHEAi& CO., FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, HEPPNER OREGON. bis gold mine, fifteen miles south of Heppner, that he filed on last tall. Some old miners think there is lots of tbe yel low metal in tbe bills over there. William F. Soodgrass bas sold tbe La Grande Gazette to Franoes A. Olarke and ez-Oounty Keoorder Charles F. MoDemel. Tbe paper will hereafter be an all-borne priot, and republican in politios. Bev J. W. Flesher spent lost Sunday tiio tt jojment of true married blirs. Tiro Millions a Year. When Deonle buv. trv. and buv acr:im. it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now huvinor Onsr.n-etR Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million he- tore New Year s. It means merit proved, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All aruggists luc, -ioe, sue a box, cure guaranteed. (a in Hi v The Leader Of Course! MINOR & CO. The Pioneer Merchants of Heppner have not sold out, but on the contrary will start East About Jan. 17, '98 And will add many new lines to their stock of General Merchandise . mm We are now moving to the old Heppner & Blackman stand as our business forces ub to larger quarters. Look out for 9 OUR, NEW LINE ABOUT MARCH 1, 'US, Take Notice, The sum of five cent ier line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolution! of respect," Hats ot wedding: presents and donor. and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or ihall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices ot special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rule will be strictly adher ed to in every lnstanoe. Advertising rates reasonable and made known Upon application. Peter French's Will. A oopy of tbe will of tbe late Harney at Condon where he held quarterly oon- flied for pT()bate ; (ew , aB0 t 8ftD ferenoe for Presiding Elder Warner, Jose. Cel. By its orovisions. ill All his bo is yet. on aooonnt of sioknenn. nn- jnst dtbts will be paid in full: Cl) a reel able to attend to bis duties. ae" ln lnBi c"y' BnRre Rna SD8re 1 10 nis inree aunts; (O) me oaiauoe ot toe n.arn uiover itoot lea is a pleasant estate turned into cash as rapidly as laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, purifies consistent with prudence and good the blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy JKmeDt one ,on,r,h ' tbe P'Oeede to 1 ho riioiiial Anna In hnt nrmn k. 4 a iK.-a is- woou ii in mi co to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts Sold by Oonser k Brock. y E. W. Bbea went to Walla Walla Tuesday nignt to attend to some matters in connection with the firm of E. W. Bbea & Co. He was accompanied by Mrs. Rhea. Cure that cough with Sbilob's Oure Tbe best oongb oure. be divided nuots, viz: Margaret V. Burt. Jennie Bnrt, and Mrs. J. D. Booker, bis sister Merv A. (ireen, end bis brother Burt French, tbe remaining three fourths goes to bis only son, Harold L. French. Here and There. . Llobtentbal & Oo. for shoes. Exclusive aboe store. Handles tbe best. 83 tf Baths down at the Jones' barber sbop, 25 oents. Or ville Jones manager, tf Statements for tbe Famous Simple Aooount File printed at . tbe Gazette of fioe. tf. Gninoesse's famoos old "Dublin Btonl," Imported, at Cbrls Borcbers' tf Common and selsol ilook of tomatoes and csnned oorn st T. B. Howard's. 605-tf. "Oo'n juice" is all right but Low Til lard baa a brand of 14-year-old goods that is bard to beat. 603 -If. Heppner Candy Factory for fresh, oreams and taffies. W, H. Van Duyn Prop., with E. J. Sloe am. 6u8-t Aoy one desiring to boild either a house or barn will make money by oall- mg on tba Gssette offloe. 67 tf Pbil Oobo is paying tba blgbest price for aheap pelts, beef hides green or dry, tars, etc Don't forget Pbil. 6lf Oo to tha Matlock corner and try Armstrong k Gooper'a wbiskey and oigars. If you lika tba aampla boy aome, 6tf Coma lo tba Gasetta offioa and gel a decent lot of eovelopa printed. Government envelope look cheap, and besides you cannot get your boainew eard printed tbereoo. tf Boydsr Bros, bava succeeded Willis Stewart Id tha livsry business, orxt door to Iba Qitte office, and will di a general livery aod feed business . Bigs, aaddla horses aod stall room at reason able ratea. 611-tf. Oliver Snyder baa taken charge of tha Dotal Heppoar feed baro and will far lab stall room, graio or bay at reason able Ogaree. Hpao over eight, fed at 75 eenU. Will also do dray work auJ bauliog. 'Baa to and from traloa. tt Ootdrey, tba pionaer tbtra man ot Portland in tha lios of "popular pries," baa r fitted lbs Westiogto HI. theatre, formrly kooo aa Iba "New Park." Cordrsy alwaya baa anmtbing saw, aod oar paopla. wbso below, ran apend a plMsstit aveolog at bla plaoa. if Tba llaiqasra Orand, on Morriana) strxt In tba llarqaaoa baildiog, is aoder a i ol lo I maoagiKBeot aod tba poblie will be royally aolerlaloed this wioWr. 1 Raw eompaalsa aad new faose will ap ! paar from lima to lima at this popolar. flrvt rlaM theatre of Portland, aod ia Portland oar dnlseoa sbonld Bol fall to take la aoosa at !! fit dramas Ibat .will ba pr-MotMl. tt Mrs. 8tark, Pleasant Ridge. O.. says: "After two dootors gave up my boy to die, I saved bim from cronp by nsiug One Minnte Cough Cure." It is the Relieves ornnn Quickest and most oerlain remedy for promptly. One million bottles sold last nu,8' coias ana su tnroat an J lung mn j - . nf.i. i r , ... car. su uubbb lur uuta. ouiu oy lion- ser 4 Brock. v I Wachllne Will Hani. A dwelling house, veined at 8600 aod Aooordiog to the latest reports from belonging to Mrs. Henry Means, was 51" r0:..,De .pondemned murderer, ' I I A.' onhllna tar til a,.sa u rK.a lir s destroyed by fire at Umatilla Wednesday " TZ", Z IS night. It was insured in the sum of for the gallows and all preparationsor 8350. tbe "neck tie" party are being made. It nii... p...- .- , T1!. . w.oot now likely that tbe supreme oourt w.. c.suu ,u iiuiu jiiikui I will stav the nroneeilinos anil () uiie weaoesday and made thiatfnoea nor is not expected tn interfere. More pleasant call. He reports oropi looking atatementa are looked for from Wacbline well in his viaiuitv ana ne msy mske a full confession be - i . u . : 4l - i i luro iuo cseuutiun inaes piaoe. iky, dnu, a uetuouisi minister, is holding a urotraoted meetins out at I Mrs. M. B. Ford, Buddell's. III., suf- Liberty school bouse which ia being rred 'or eB.yr 'rom dyspepsia aod nroa altnHl " 7 mr i nnritn m nainn luuni'i i.jtfia P. J. Bowerman and family tbia week Bisers, tba famous little pilla for all moved out to Wm. Mallorv's sawmill ill ill m The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good 1 v a reason wny so. many customers are peing added to the list at T.R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, Is a "joy forever." That's what you'll find at m m tf THE ART OF BREWING, Was Perfected by the Production of.... And now the entire world Knows this verfect product As the Star Brewery beer T. R. HOWARD'S Heppner, .Oregon. tf tf tf tf tf On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Waahlngton St., Portland, Or. The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are those of greatest value ln proportion to cost If you want to got your money's north ot honest goods ln IT 1 mi v . Hardware, linware, (Jonlectionery OR MACHINERY, CALL ON - THOMPSON Jfc. O. We are Increasing our stock (or (all and winter. Call and see us. R. C. WILLS' where Mr. B. will work duriog tbe oom iog year. Collector Blaokmao, accompanied by B. P. Qleasoo, deputy collector at Ha attle, arrived from Portlaod this morn ing. J do. 8. Pieroe aod J. Reiobberg, trav stomscb and Brook. liver troubles. Conser & BOOTS AND SHOES Oil la HtDDacr fur Ta Wk. I prici Mrs. Dr. Margorita Garnsey. of Port- ! 11 ,hoe4 ' S land, arrived at Heppner yesterday aod Gents' nravy shoes! 1 w will be foond at tbe Palaoe hotel for two """1 ii"!?'.'; I6"1 "D" ?" ?rth- ? J? rank Uhu trul. j "Hard Cash." best shos (or boys. 1 7S weeas. Dne treats Dotn msn and women u.. .Biu..i.iiiiihua . s m and will dlssrnose yonr case without ask ing slv quea'ious, InroishiDg remedies of ber own maoofaoture. Dr. Uarnsey Mnn's slliDrs. verv fanr.v. b nwi snoM. san. can... 1 8 hfwl. bon ton, best. enng men irom umaba, are domg tba comr-s nigDiy reoommeoaea, Doio aa a Ladies' shoes, heavy town today. larf and nfliu.ifnl ulioainian r.A tk I lollies' Knsllsb KOSS ,7 m mm , TT . . . I . . . . . , i .eiiia DOOIS uuo. tf. a. Drawn oims op irom ill us- nave no heaitanoy about cooaalting ber, boro Ibis mornlDg lo attend to legal Treatment In all eases very reasonable business EvervboUv Bars Bo. t,. tt. uiHbop sna wire departed lor CascareU Camlv CaUiartic, tbe most won- Porilsod Issl evening to ba absent a few Jarful iiioJioal disooverv of the age, pleas- Mil. ailu roipiiill. MJ kin b hcuvij sml positively on kidneys, liver and bowela, das. Roots, good grades dents' gum boots Roys' gum boots Hoys and Misses rubbers Men's rubbers Rubbers (or lulls Misses' and child's high over- lies, button, very One 1 3ft I AO 1 78 i 00 1 en 1 u t M 60 175 1 AO 1 7 M n 1 75 NIW MIC! 1 1 on 1 n I v 1M 1 4ft 8 40 . 0 1 W 1 80 1 All I 2ft 1 2ft 7ft 1 00 2 4ft 2 2A 1 10 2ft aft 1 26 1 20 Bert tiimona la able lo be on tba streets agala after aeveral days of severe siok Dees. Peter Brenner made Ibis offioa a pleas- sol visit wblla ia town Wednesday. Ed Dsy was in from Bnlter areek tss- terdsy, leaving lor home today cloanslm the entire system, dlsiirl colds. cum lieailaalie, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a bog of C. C. C. to-day; IU, &', Ml cenu. Hold and guaranteed to cure by ail aruggists. My Whole Stock of Shoes In Proportion. nelson Jones was Darted V from tbe M. E. cbnrob, Houlb.ftev. C. Ii Uoward preacbiug a very impressive funeral dieoonrse. At tbe cemi-te v tbe ixm't forget to boy yonr saairrel rifles remains were laid to rest by tba branti- of P. 0. Tuomueoa Co. 17 ao fl eeremnny of the Msaooio ordir. Tha 3.O. KslthWy wsa in Iba ally from 'a""'tMOM"1 most largely at- tlardmao on Wedneedsy. tended In Iba biatory of Heppner aod b: u. i. x . . - . . " iar towards mowing ins DIL'U PS b.KU ur. goou eoap .or too caso at ,ra h)rK II,. aa ... .Lu h. o r ti n. rvi I . . " " " l.uituuuiuargvvi, ll'JU oor Dmu s. J. II. loakeeo waa ia from Eight Uils I Wsdnssdav. Tf Pllla. I U M n trw a-a as l n VaanM...M I. aaaa l I .11 rntI JOir -KKirM wO U.-fi. UnClB ... - -1 urw r avsaiajiynr tx i of Vr. King's New Life Pills. A trial Th raporUd oo tba su k list. Tom Woolerv is no from Iona today, will aooviooe yon rf their merHa. pilla are easy in eel ion and era prt'tio- lariy (Teeiiva In tba ear of constipa tion aad strk besdsobe. For malaria Dyspepsia cored. Bbilob's Vital iasf tmotediaiely reiievea soar stomscb, eom- leg op of food distress, and la lbs great and liver tronhlea they bava been proved kidney aod liver remedy. Bold by Ooo- lovalaable. Thev ara narantMd an ha ear C ot C. y rwrfeotlV (rea from everv dalelariona snhstanos aod to be portly vegetsbls. Old fcng- I Thev do not weaksa by their so i ion. bnt Ovt s brittle of good wbtskty and a bottle of I by giving tons Ii stomscb and bowels fiod wins, I graally Invigorate tba system). Regnler And yon ran drink lo your true We, tod I win I sics '0 per bog. Hold by Hlix am Drog thins oa mine. I Jo C J. rlocnm, manager. Hew Song Is brt shall as set Ihe whiskey, hers shall I wsiet the w Inst We'll buy then frjra Ltah f perry, wbues goods are estra Ioe At tht Bl rulers Saloon, Heppner, Oregon. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, FURNISHING GOODS Men's cottoned pants, old Dries. 71c: new prtre, We. Hoys' pants, all sges, old prtoe, 60o tolKe; new pri. e. mm: n n.n s overalls, oia price, raw; new price, toe, Roy's overalls, old plire. 46; new price, IV. Men's Pants, old Dries. 12 to 14.76: hew nrlce 11 iS to 1 1 ill Men s siiiu, nia nnce,; new price, ss zj. nianseis, oio pni e, si.nt; new price, II, gi, uullis, old price II Mi; Dew prtoe, II IS, (elite' Knox SUIT hats, old DrliH.7S: new price, 12. xcuis con nam, oia price, s-i .-io to gi.7A; new price, si m si. (teiiU1 underwear, sll wool, old pries, 12.50 Dew prtoe, II Ml. o.n is eiira sues, su wool, old prlee, 11 w new price, tl 2ft. (wills' cotum underwear, fleece lined, old price. II 10; Dew price, . denu' mackintoshes, old pries, f'.SO; new price a.,,m. Todies' all wool underwear, old nrlca 12; prtoe, 11.2ft. lines' cotton underwear, old price, 50c; new price. 25c. Indies' all wool hose, eld price, 600 ; new price, o. Children's wool boss, old price, i'c; new pries, 20 cents. Duet! gloves, best buck, old price, 11.50; new price. Wo. Lined Australian goat, old price, 7Sc; new price, 40c. ueiiis' socks, per doien, old pries, 7ftc; new price, Mc, Arllllckle and I.lnn coffee. S nnlint. nM nrlnA $1.2ft; new price, II. , r i un isnies- lacket, No. S6, old prios,lZM); new price, 7 SO. Uuies' cotton hose, old Price. 10c: new Dries. Vn. 1'h That 14-Year Old Stuff, "Kohn's Best." On Tap Down at The T 1 - w - w i aS Willi V V I I I Vf t elephone Saloon IT ICS hahic ooona a a a New Stand, Git Hotel Building, LOW ODIIIVRO, Prop. IT HAS BEEN SOLD ! hest tea that aver came to Bennner. old price, ';; new price, 4ta. U. N. T, spool cotum threail, spools, old price, 2V; new price, 1 iimioIs, 2Vi. finest Una damask, old erica. naw nrlca 4ft ceii is. riant Turkey red, old price, 60c; new pries, 40 cents. Uiickeoata, old price, l,7ft; new price, $1 ft. All gnuiee ginghams, old pries, yards; Dew price, in yards. ah iraiiee calico, old pries, ie yards; new prt- , Is rsrd. Our grulee of drees goods are to large to make mention ol In this list, but will tt cut In pro portion to everything else, ('oriels, we have a big line; old price, 75c to II '; nsw price, hue to ll.Otl. lace eiirUlu. old price. II Ml; new pries, II 00. Hnlinreaiia. old uric e II. Ml la II (Ml: umm rla fl "M to l.2ft. Sins pocket books, old price, 20o; new pries, ft cents. Hhoe polish of all l rules, old price, kiie; new price, ihc. dents' cotton flannel night shirts, old pries, 7fic; new price, S.V. Nice ti.iik t,.a til A nrlca Si SO. . 4' OvershlrU, old price, W, 7i, l UJ. kill), w; uew pnrw, m ram, .ic, si w, Sl.tsl, Ysrn. old Drtoa. II 00: new nrlca. Hte. Haioiif yarn, old price, I suncbe lor l'e; new price, 4 biincha lor ldlr' leather beiu, old price, ftoc to Cic; new prh-e, Vtn lo Vm. hse Ihe nicest snd Deweet supply ol (IOWf,ll III HW II , llh ' and Mlaaes eashmer overgalters, old price, vk to i ou; new price, 4ta to too. T T V bouq ! J. L Ycager a TT 4 1 A sT 4 1 llAIIIIIIIM SB. M J l A I I Bought several car loads furniture last fall, but s an gone now. New orders have replenished v the stock, however, and he Is In It yet 1 Ijovf Prices and Good Quality all count. Seo him at the old etand. Undertaking a Specialty. sXsVsM Anything you want in Gents' White and Colored Fancv Shirts and collars and cuff and ties of all kind. Everuttilno Less man Cost. Must Have Money. 1 tit fatTLawE a CiJhVRNTIOW. C. 8. Van Dnya is aver at Rompter bere lis will pot lo a bowliof alley. Us ia mnob pleaael wild tba pi ere. A. Snyd-r of Walla Walla, a kitsim sales man, is at Ihe Hotel Heppner. Uut Bunihart, of the (lalratlna Army, Is I su.,,f si the Hotel H.,nr el.e will hold eectlce el the BepUslchureb loner at 1 erlork. the rattlemcn e rcntenlton, einhrarliig Ihe I at M (rnruit. w aahiniion anl iiano. will I held el feiMlieirai on . I. 17, ll. It t the liiienllon la make the swatlug sfan.1 so. reee end a call haa tieea eneria lo sterv ratile I raiser In th Worth!. Ko,,id rai ha.e I hw named bf the O. MAM. (mm sll points In the tune siaie and the real Mnrthern rail' y 'l i ai i I " II ' war sod theorvson ehwrt I In will aMoRwse . . k, ir, iftU-i is V C i similar f-.iwil..s from p..i.ts ew thrtr Hm In h". Id Mgav a) aj . 1 I U a4 Jul i.A a4, Li i rwni.ertloa with IN II K 4 I aftlce tntf- Ul la U ave.Ui. a.aiU'd 11,9 I I sf ' J aae i r. Te if--. """M .u. Iu caille raieti.g should en.teat.rt u I- In ttg'ie. gas In U sbmiach, III "1 1 ?. 'ST. - '"I -?J"yV7 r 1 1 stw" l Ih'e wiir,. t'ommunhwie with Siwm wl MifMua, I'm H W i f ''17.lLliZ'i:: J rr neareal t. k't SMl regarding raUst and wmSm.. fc.t kate (.. e. ,,. ) it ' r"k- Ta aaly Hila I las alta HevS's awaapMiu. J A NEW FIRM E. G. Noble & Successors to Noble tl Co., Ara ia this field at th old stand with Harneea, Saddles. Whip. Spars, and an endless M of seerythlng is Ihelr Una. I. O. Kohl snd Mr, lie.,, Noble e-.inprlse Ihe New arm ke will pay ( Mils f lb old Sm as wall as tollert what I due. tt. O, NOHI,E Ss CO. Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't overlook this. Ilepalr work a specialty. HOOTS AND SHOES D as TMC PLACC TO GET THfM It OF AI. JICIIXlSIVIIVIv CO. They have anything In this Un that you mar deslr and yon ran depand on It you get a good artlcl when they guarantee Ik SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. ON Stana, Main Straat Raaalrln. a SaaalaUw L HEPFNER, OR.. Nor. 13, IfcVT. Mruri. Vorurr Brort, Uffipnfr, th. OsaTLSkts:-! wu recnUy taken with a sever cold which mad me ry hoars and rendered m unfit to attend to business. A friend of mine railed my attention to yonr Ir. harthlow'i cough syrup and I bought a bottl. oostlng is 40 cants, which relieved m st ones snd com pletely cured bis. I am subject to throat difficulty snd I bars found nothing that gavs m so much relief as this cough cur. I am Informed thai II Is icellnnt for colds, bronchitis, whooping cough snd all throat and lung trouble. 1 beg lo remain, most truly yours, OTIS f ATTERMON, Ed. GatetU. TV. A.T3RA.IIJ!VMSICK, Merchant Tailoring! Ha just necuri'tl tho service of Mr. Chas. O'Mallcy, a practical cutter of New York v City. lie guarantees atisfaction. CALIj and bee me. on may bthekt