Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1898)
TO THB QITIS THB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental In ei r m a J 3t.jl. ""Arm. 31. V SVW"3 I 1M -x EI.T'8 CREAM BAT.M lis positive euro. Apply into the nostrils. It U quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Druggists or by mail : samples 10c by m&lL ELY BKOTUKHS. M Warren Su. New York Ctur. GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA Salt Lake DENVER Omaha Keepsiw anfl Get Bid. THE WOOL RECORD Tells You How to Do It. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul By a ipeoial our readers Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. (Snonn Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For. SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers Monthly from Portland to Vnknhnma and Horn Kong: via, The Northern Paoifio Hteamsbip Co. in con nection with O. R. & N. For full details oall on 0. R. A N, Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Qen.Pass. Agt. POBTLAND. OBBOOH, arrangement we offer to The Wool Record and Semi-Weekly Gazette, one year for S3. 00. The Wool Reoord is the only national wool organ and covers the wool industry from the raising of the sheep to the sell ing of the manufactured artiole. It is published weekly at New xork and the regular pnoe is fiW a year, lie market reports are fall and oomp e and its Sheep Breeders' Talks alone are worth 10 times tbe prioe of the paper. Ham pie copies on application. We heartily reoommeDd this combi nation to oar subscribers. LOCAL, BQtlB3. Signs a 11-if the (ia- beer on KNOSMOU8 PIANO BALES. NOHTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO que mm ERST? If so, be sore and see that your tioket reads via Ttie Honnwesteru Line ....THE.... OHIOAOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS II TBI Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTB EAST AND SOUTH Their Murnlfleent Track, Peerless Vestibules inning ana ninepins; i. Trains, anil Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME" hru glvon this road a national reputation. All ,ilui nf fuuMHiimtra rarrlud oil til vestlbilled tr.l,,. wllfw , ut intra chares. Hlilu votir trelalit and travel over tills famous Hue. All snoots have UukeU. W tt MEAD. T.C.. eHVAOK. Uen. AaenL Trev. T. A P. Agt. !Mm Washington St., rortlaml, nr. CHICAGO liwaum & St. Paul B'y Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock Worth its weight in gold to every farmer aod breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 2.0(1 PER YEAR. Sample copies free. Rural Spirit and Gazette both for 13.00, oasb, at this offloe. Tilden, tbe boss painter specialty. For first class zette offioe. What is Hop Gold? Beet earth. ' See ad. elsewhere. To trade A good heating stove, for oordwood. Oall at offioe. tf. Felt boots and rubber'-, and Arotio- oversboes at T. R. Howard's. 605-tf. If you watt to reach the Gazette, oall op No. 3. We want to print tbe news. Father Briody will hold Catholic ser vices next Sunday at tbe Catholic cburob One Minute Cough Cure cures quickly. That's what you want! Cocser & Brock M. M. Picken, representing Omaha and Portland firms, was in Heppner Wednesday. E. G. Noble & Co. are rustlers after business. Tbe finest saddles and har ness to be found in Heppner. See their new ad in this issue. tf. The winter in Morrow county so far is as beautiful as one oould wish, with oo oaeional rains, snows and then general thaws. The country roads are very muddy. Be not deoeivedl A cough, boarsoess or croup are not to be trilled with. A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save you much trouble. Sold by Conger & Brock. y The Oregon horse, I Don't Know, ran eeoond to Bootoh Rose In tbe five and one-half furlongs dash at Ingleside track, San Franoisoo, on Jan. 12, in tbe fast time of 1:0. Dr. C. B. Darrin arrived on last Wed nesday from Portland and will remain with us several days. Tbe Dr. baa been in Heppner before and consequently is po stranger in our midst. Karl's Clover Root Tea ia a pleasant laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, purifies the blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts, Sold by Conger k Brock. y 0. A. Minor, tbe rustling manager of the firm of Minor k Co., departed lest night for Chiotgo where he will buy nnrl Tirf large stock of merchandise for the firm uiiv4 m. rr . ;,t u v.:. A UO WMB nUUVUIUBUICU UJ UJI WILD DUU son. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, 0., says "After two dootors gave up my boy to die, I saved him from croup by using One Minute Cough Cure." It ia the quickest and most oertain remedy for coughs, colds and all throat anl lung troubles. Conser k Brook. Says the Pendleto Paper. Josef M seller Douur a Bis Basiaea. The Wiley B. Allen Co . the best known and most extensive mosio honae on tbe Paoifio coast, can be congratu lated on having as their representative the most suooeesfal and popular sales man in the northwest, says the Pendle ton paper. Walt Bartholomew sends down tbe dipping, and corroborates tbe. truth of the statement Mr. Mueller recently gave one of bis entertainments, assisted by looal talent. Walt is doing well also, having a position with Mr. Mueller. Dreadfully Nervous. Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and tor relief took your art's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength ened my whole nervous system. 1 was troubled with oonstipation, kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. 8. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by Conser & Brook. 7 at PLEASANTRIES. An impeounious old Irish woman, meet' ing a oertain lord aod bis wife witn whom she was acquainted, out carriage- driving, addressed them thus: "Sure, my lord, I bad a dream last night about you and your lady." "Well, what was it, Biddy?" "Sure, I dreamt your lordr ship gave me one pound of sugar and your ladyship a pound of tay." But my good woman, you know dreams go by the rule of contrary." "Well, then perhaps its your ladyship is going to give me sugar and your lordship tbe tay." Oh, tor a desert Isle Or cold Antartlc shore Where one could rest awhile And hear those words no more, "A hot time in the old town tonight." (An Irishman and Scotchman travel ing together, passing a gallows.) "Now, Pal, where would you be it that gallows had its due?" asked Sootty. "I'd be traveling alone be-gob," said Pat. C. J. Ashley. PRINCE BECOMES A PKifc&i. rafortanate Attachment for Princes Fa- dorm, of BnJewIr-HoUteo. Prince Max of Saxony, who haa re cently taken up hia abode in London aa a Catholic priest at the Church of St. Boniface, Union street, Y nivecnapei, ia the fourth son of Prince George, avuKe of Saxony, and nephew of the king of Saxony, eays the New York Commer cial Advertiser. When he became a priesjt he formally renounced all hi rights to the throne to which hia father is heir. Prince Max is only 26 years of age and he quitted the German army to enter a monastery a few years ago. His determination to retire from tne world and to enter the priesthood is said to be due to an unfortunate attach ment he entertained for Princess Fedora of Schleswig-Holstein. By his modesty he has become very popular among the poor in the east end. His re- nlv to the cheers raised in nis nonor - . . . , . . a. . upon the occasion ol nw nrai visit, w me ueseiienverein, ur vramu,6m.U club, attached to the mission, was: 'I come among you not as a prince, but aimrjlv aa a priest. I am a worker myself for, to my mind, no nonor is bo great as that of labor." A Clever Trick. It oerlaioly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has lame baok and weak kid neys, malaria or nervous troubles. We mean be oao oure himself right Bway by takina Eleolno Bitters. This medicine tones up tbe whole system, acts. as a stimulent to tbe liver and kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonio. It cures constipation headache, tainting spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores tbe system to its natural vigor. Try Eleotrio Bitters and be oonvinoed that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents s bottle at Sloonm Drug Co's, E. J Slo oum, manager. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TKOTJBLKS AND CONSOMPTION CAN BE CURED. Aa Eminent New Tork Chemist and scientist Hakes a Free Offer to Oar Keadera. SHE WAS THRIFTY. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O , was for thirty years needlessly tortured by phy sicians for tbe cure of eczema. He was quiokly cured by using DeWitt's Witob Hazel salve, the famous healing salve for piles and skin diseases. Conser k Rrrwik. wka BO YEARS' w Oj EXPERIENCE XmJ T,,Df. Marks wer 3 Copvriomtsj Ac. A DcaioN Anvnfiasenrilne a sketch and deaelilrtlon mev quickly ascertain our ofMnton free whether aa Invention Is probably patentable, ('.tnimunlms ttonsairUH)70,itittftntlaJ. Handbook on Patent mil free. Oldnnt avAnrf fur aeeurlna patents. I'aienu taken tlmiuvh Munn A Co. raoaiva tptrUU wiCks, without elmriia, lit tlie scientific American A handsomelr llltnrtratM weesl. I.araeat etr. en lull, in of ai, wttmutle ,iiiriml. Terms, I'l a Toari rotir m,,ntna, SL Bom tif an newaneaiers. MUNN & Co."'-"New York Branca untie, SB w Pi n asoiunion, v. v Walter Bruodage was adjudged insane Jodite Bartholomew on last Tuesday, on Tuesday night Sheriff Matlock, aooompamed by Wm. Mallory, left with Brnndage for the asylum at Salem, hallucination is that bis relatives were worrying nlm. This news will pr.'Ve a great surprise to many, though it was known to a number of bis friends that be Las not been in bis right mind tor some time. This Hallway Co. OparaUa it trains on the famous bloek yatam; Light its traina by Wotriotly through- oat; Ue tbe eeilnbrated leotrio berth read ing lamp; Rons apoftdtly equipp,! paaaetiger train avarv day and eight between Ht, Peal and Cbioago, and Omaha aod Chicago; the Chicaao. Milwaukee & St. Paul Alao operate steam-baaUj vtibal4 trains, earning lb latest prital I com tart meat ear, library burial smok ing cars, and falac drawing room lee pert. Parlor ear, tr reclining chair ear. and the very best dining chair ear me. For lowest rate to any pole! ia tb United HI ale or Canada, apply to agnt or addre 0. 1. EDDT, V tt? PIUt'T 1 S...I v. , , .. . . t " . Trav. I' Agent. I'ortlsad, Of. SPOKANE FALLS ft NORTHERN NELSON ft FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Hail Tetter, fialt-Khcum and Eczema, The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to those discuses, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain' Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally emclent for Itching piles ana favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Birthday Party. On Hinton oreek, Friday evening, Jan. 14tb, tbe friends of Miss Edna Berkley oongegarated at the home of tbe father, Mr. H. W. Berkley, to oelebrate ber 17tb birthday. An elegant supper was one of tbe important features, after whioh dancing was indulged in till broad day light. , Tbere were present: Miss Edna Berkley, Mr. and Mrs. Moffat Wilson, Mr. ud Mrs. D. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Hugh's, Mr. Jim Brown and daughters, Misse Helen and Violet Brown, Miss Medie Wilson, Misses Amy and Bertha Cox, Misses Mary end Katie Wilson, Messrs. Stephens, Holden, J. Wilson, Tom Brennan, Charley Berkley, Oeorge Moore, Ad Moore, Bill Musgrove, Jesse Berkley, Mr. T. J. Moore, J. N. Beeler, Frank Berkley and U. W. Berkley. Without Route Cbang ot Car Rocalaod and Nelson. Nelson sol Koaeland. daily rxceut flanday : Lee. Arrlra, em A. si Montana Ilii w II in A. M .. . K- and a Hi P. M A.M Nebnu Hi p. M. Dr. rady'i Condition Powder, are just whac a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the beat In use to put a iwf n npoian. c.nU per package, . . - Also betweao W. W. Branoio, (or so many years aaeeeeor of Umatill. county, was io Everrbody Say Bo. rnii Cathartic, the most won- deiftil medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and rofreshinst to the taste, act gently k 1,1 ne vs. liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, diBnel colds, .....a i...,.iiiin fnver. Iiahltunl constltintion and hillonsnoa. Pleaso buy and try a box i. outu Ob Women Made SS.300 wltk m Tbah- lng Machine. A woman, thrasher is a novelty that ia, outside of the echoolhouse or home. And the one in question is a genuine thrasher of the golden grain of the northwest, says the Minneapolis, jour nal. She came into one of the Minneap olis farm machinery houses the other day to make her final payment on her machine. This was startling and marked her aa a woman of business ca pacity; for the man who makes a full payment on a thrasher this season is re garded as an, exceptionally good man. That the lady in question had a business head ia further evidenced by the fact t.h.t. Brie succeeded in "working" the manager of the establishment for $2.50, the amount of her fare home. She innocently told him that to pay her bill in full would take every cent she had and she must take out enough to get home. While the manager gen tly demurred at receipting the bill in full with this discount off, she ingen iously hinted that it would cost mor than $2.50 to send a collector after the balance, and he tumbled to the situa tion as gracefully as possible. Mrs. Thrasher (or perhaps it is Miss) said that she had made $2,200 out of her ma chine and had 187 stacks of grain to finish this winter, which she proposed to do if the snow was hub deep. Consid ering the fact that many machines are being taken back on mortgages this year, no one can successfully maintain that a woman is not adapted to this new field for woman s activity. Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo onm, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable oure tor Con sumption (Pulmonary Toberoulosis), brooobial, long and chest troubles, stubborn coughs, oatarrbai affections, general deoline and weakness, toss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of hia New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New .Scibntifio Treatment' has oured thousands permanently by its timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial ot his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be olaimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and oon I sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," tiled in his Ameriosn and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of tbe world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy and oertain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. Q, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, Bnd the free medicine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage ot bis generons proposition. Please tell tbe Uootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 jr. Wm. Dent, representing tbe Oregon Fire Belief Association, ot McMinnville, Oregon, is in town looking up business.' This association is a mutual affair. The system is a success where tried. Tbe writer knows of many mutual insuranoe oompamea io the east and all have proved benefioial to members. FOR YOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart meat has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this Bbop ia now prepared to tackle anything in Bny line and will meet prices of any person under tbe sun in the line of drnggiBtt supplies, blank books, bank work county work, or any sort ot book bind ingwork that yon have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a oharity ooncern but it yon will give us a obanoe we will see that yon are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at home. , Remember that Abe Linooln said that when one, bought goods away from borne tbe foreigner got the money and we got the , goods. But when tbe goods were bought at home we had both money and goods. This is; good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 560-tf 'The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland ft Astoria Navigation Co. MEN !bec "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR' Leave Tbe Dalles daily (exoept Sunday) at 7:30 a. m. Leave Portland at 7 AO a. m. When you go to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down tbe Columbia; yon will enjoy it, and save , money. W. O. ALLAWAY, ' General. Agent nf C. C. C. tn-dav: 10. lift. SO cants. guaranteed to cure by all druggists. u Id and Kawlu. an,l all Kterfetial k ,ii,u. I'a iiui.m ftrfktti lit an. I t).u..t... Creek eunnart at Marees with ate dwlv. The r!i Almanac 0 EflCfctopeiia 1 Heppner on last Wdnedy Io th in terest of th Daily Morning Tribune, ot Portland, Tb Tribao popl r get ting out a splendid paper and it ia worth patronising. Thar I roouey behind it ad tb TribttB cannot balp bat sac e. Tb Otttt i plad thai Mr. I Hranolo lacoreded in getting op quit list her. Mr. Mary lilrJ, llamsbarg, Pa., says, "My child U worth to ill loos to m, yet I rould hav lost ber by oroup bad I not invested twenty fit cent In bottle of One Minut Cough Car." It corr eungb, cold nd all throat aod. long trouble. Conser k Broek. Wedding Bell. On Tuesday evening at the parsonage of tbe M. E. Charon, Sontb, occurred tb marriage ol Mr. Harry Bagley, ot Billsboro. Or., to Misa Cora Rbea, of Heppner, Rev. 0. R. Howard oftloiatiog But a few relatives aod friends of the oootraotiog parties were present. These young peopl ar well koowo and highly respeoted by all resident ot our city Mr. Bagley wat resident ot Heppoe tor om two years, while Miss Rhea I a oativ dauahUr ot Morrow oounty. Tbe youog ooa'pl departed oo th even log train tor tbeir future bom at Hill buro, aod tb bast wishes of th Gasett aod their large) number ot friend goes with them. cant cured t If you suffer from any of the ills ot men, come to tne oiaent Specialist on the Pacific Coast, f DR. JORDAN & CO.. 1 .1051 Market St Est d 1852. f" ' Young men and middle aareU men who are suffering i horn the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical veDiiity.impuieDer.ijn.i 111 n ...... in all its complications; (Spermatorrhoea, ft-roaiaiorrnGeu, Lonnrruva. wii, FreuiM-iic.r ot i i limtiiiit, etc By a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, Dut is well-known to oe a iair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his specialty IMeeaseft Of Men. K.i philia thoroughly eradicated ITOinine system wlthou t using Jlerearj. ... K VICKY MAM anplyliiir to na will re- , ceive our honest opmwn of hiscnmpmitit. A every cose vie undertake, or Jorjcit One Thousand Hollars. f rKLL. ana Btnciiy private, m ,E. Treat- T QUICK TI3VC3E3 I Set Franoisco And all point In Calif ornla, via the Ht. Bhasta route oi tne Southern Pacific Co Che great hiehwKy through California to all points t-ast and sontn. urana ocenic noute Of the Pscifio Coast. Pulhnan BnSet Hleepera. Beoond-olasa bUeepera Attached to exDreee trains, attordina- superior accommodations for seoond-olass paamngen. For rates, tickota, aleepiug car reanrvatlona, eto, . call npon or address ; tt. EOBHLKK, Manat-er, C. H. MARKHAM, Gen. F. dt P. Agt. Portland, Uregou (!nniiItation CHARGES VERY REASON ABl ment personally or by letter, bend tor cook, A h I'lillnnontiv or Blarrtairr." V (A valuable book for men.) The free. (A valuable book for men. A TIMIT DR. JOBDAI1 T Great Museum of Anatomy 4 the finest and largest Museum of us kind in the world. Coma and learn how wonderfully you are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding; new specimens. CATALO0VS t'KEB. Call or write. 10R1 Market Street. San Francisco. Cat. JSAasjaVaV si In bUTln seeds "eeeeeanr la eitrsTsssses." because the cost of cultivation wasted on Inferior seeda alwava lareelv exceeds the orlainal cost of the beat and deareat seeds to be bad. Tbe beat la alweye tbe eheapeat. Pay a trine more for . FERRY'S SEEDS and oiwovt art vonr money's worth. its cents per paper eyerywn. Alwaya tne best. Seed Annual m D.M.FERRY CO., Detroit. Mien. 100 Keward 1100. Tbe readers ot tbia paper will be pleased to learn that tbere is at least one dreaded disease that soienoe bas been able to oure in all its stage, and that i catarrh Hall's Catarrh Cure la the only positive enre known to tbe medio! fraternitr. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrb Oure ia taken lntrnallv. aotins direotlj upon the blood and mucous turfaoea of the syi tem, thereby destroying the foundtioo of tbe disease, and giving tbe patient atrenoth b bnildina? ud the constitution and aeaiatioa nature In doing its work.l Tha rjronrletors have so rouoh fitb in itarnrative Dowers, that tbey offer one hundred dollars for any case tnai II reus to cure. Send for list or testimonial. Addres. F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, 70c. 0 mil I'fflIC III S TUUOl'tlll C4UH. TO Hr. Part. MI'VTijKAI'ULtll iii.rru rAIUHl H lTT K UKL.OA Th kt ine. to alt p".la la II tatted NUIe and ( abU. J r 1 h f Jr zt i EjTcyclcpeoji It iaeaey tocttob a cold andjnita ay to get rid ot il if yon oommeooe aria to as On Minut Cough Cur. Il .km. Ann.k, ewilile. hrnnehiti. nnefl .... 1.1 LI- 1 I , l . . w -u.i. oo u.. op .o- BooU M( tl tbroct ,od ,Bn troable. veoiOf. w i.seo wita . speu o. Deers ., . . . ufc .... , ... tailor wtil Io frtHit ot Yawler Craw- . M a n,. J. f. Iegrahint, father ot Cbt. Io- gi'ICK TlMKTtl. All elder ,ial t tb Keel an I tWlMt mu Answer Any Question You tmiy Ask It. Standard American Annual. fiitd' reelJeac. Frt0tl pkkd tb old lentlemea op aod aalete4 blm bom. II wa belter at last report. Tnii'soo W aanu(M IUt.r ) htm Taa Uvrratvo IH' "pIT 1 Scents I'aUi) tWr4 roelei t Mt. I'anl, Vtietveepolte, KsesM INly, Ihwaha, m. Uii eo l niti.r i keat !" ..,..,..,... ttattiat be ItimaiH la ! tl lis lata. Teait Ik kel lit Jtfj baJ Cka. T a Mrthej rasiM Neatw fo tall iafosil.e, lt eyda, asK, Uriel, 4ev, iiU osj a wnt W.O. Autwif, A. P. Canal,!, A(i M. I'. Itr. A a.. iec. I, At Tb ijiM,ur. ruj,i RcaJyJMn. !, 189$, On Alt A'rwi SimhUm. Larger, fatter, More Compete 1 han Ever. Mr. M. R.Ford, Iliidrtell', IIU (of fered fl eight year from 4jtpi aod rbmni tvioal paluio aod wm flaelly rej by sung IWttt' Lilll Early Ler. th famoo lilll tNll tor all tomat o aod livr trouble, Coar k IWocfc. K. U t Jaeub M. Km, prominent reaUleot of too. Morrow tMooty, I her lorn visit to ti btllr, A. H. Ke , bee tif tk be developed t tors luf lb wtire. Il I Mr. &a' Io teetiuo t wot from Morrow eootily lo eli(,iri Io th aprtof. Iravsllog by lean. ptrMMsilj rome )orhee o lb ma mhnm livesj I to fHhl rtsaditsiHi. Witt ytil F.aily hieer are fott lilll oilU fir Oooatipattno, bllli0oee, iol,tb a4 all Unab aod ltr Ireokle. t'.reeef k tWiick. lai4 IIU Apiee. Oo Tuesday evening Lee French and P, E. Dawioo eogaged in a row down tb Kreet, eaoh proceeding to brow aod diaflgtir tb oouolenaoc ot th other toaeooiderbtltQt. Marshal Uairer totetferel and took th participant be- for th recorder. Tb o wm poet pooi niittl WeJoeeJay forenoon whee lUcorJar Ibobardeoo beard th vidoc aod dcldd Ibat tb partle wr tqoal- lly goiliy to thsUot ot 110 apieoo, Thbof due ip aod tiled tbo ao eoaol without word. mMW JWI Usmul -e4 THE WORLD, rutittef lHAil4iH, Mow torit. lleiy llet-l-ae reloroed friHO 0 tatl I eeteial day dowo al Portland, W4ly Mnroiag. II wm roooe- He4 by Mr. V. U Ma4dk, Shim Io ttefftief lit tif boree a)4 Otvte tut tb AUaka If 4. r4M)S tsw vete Wltb rHnetta, I wMf t hMir, eore M ias teew . ta III. 1. 1 fl, we ! saif . tWt thiok that yoor liver aeds treat- ieg tf foil ar billon. II don't. It toar iloroach. Tbat U, fear ttotniob I leallr what cause tb bilioesoee. It baa pot foot lr oot of order. He bat's lb mltr with yoor tom aeh. Hlk sWxstob roioo( lir aod tbo tbf'i trouble, Hhaker Digetliv Dor dial core tumch aod tbeo all' wIL Tbat th lo O DiltabelL Hbaaef Igeati Cardial Is oo eerl, FmoioI oo every bottl. But It' tb tap! booea4 way II aaade, th banel rbkef berb Bad tb lordiot isf obleb It' Bteed, tbat mska it o neiooa. Aay real rae of linlirfeet ad bill oM b cored wilb lew bttel ot Mbaket iMgeabv Cordial Try It. Hold by 6ro(it, pr99 Id Ctit to lift.' f-t V-ltlt. WHO SHOT LORD Two Frenchmen toutaated tot she Honor, It Keen. M. Julc Claret if. in hia weekly con- ribution to the leuding evening paper of I'aris, say a correspondent, refer ring to the Trafalgar commemoration, JiacuHNt'i the auction: "Who bnot Nelson 7" It hn fTcnerally bet-n stated n France, eov the Ikwton Herald, that the great admiral wa hit by a Pro- rncul topman, who then dewended on deck, ehoiiting, In hi rmtoi: "Al tua, Al, tun. Nelson!" M. .lules t laretie, however, has umarthtNl the "Memoire de ItoHert (iiiillemard, Sergeant rn He- traite," a Utile known Ixxik. In this he found a full rteeeription of Nelson s death, written by Ctiillenisril, the very man who fired the fatal ehot which loiil low the IlrltUh hero. C.uMh maid wa In one of the top of the Uedr.iibtobl. rurrounded by dead and dying men. Suddetilv he saw a one-anred tfi;ccr. whone lirenut waa covercnl . i1h 1ee;ra- tlona, on the quarter deck of the Kng- luih eh'p Victory, and he nml at him. not knowing that he waa the admiral. OWrviriff great rnmmnlkm on boanl tbe Victory, Cttiitlrmard left hi jst and told hie eummnmler what be had done and utii, Th'aCiuillemartl waa a native of the diatrirt near Toulon, and fititoinrd no riweinl diatinethm for hi iH-t. but aerrd on until promoted Indue time lo arrtreeof rank. Eastern Oregon State Normal School Weston, Oregon ONLY STATC SCHOOL IN EASTERN OREGON Located on the O. R. k N. Railway midway between Pendleton and Walla Walla. Stodenta admitted at all times of tbe year. First-Class Training School for Teachers. Vocal and Instrumental Muaio taogbt by oom patent instructors. A grtdo at ot tbe Bo ton Conservatory baa charge of the instrumental department. nelson? Tlie Inclines Boordinc Hall I thoroughly equipped and offer i oellent accommodation al reason a b I rate. Bend tor oalalogo. Add M. G. ROYAL. Prldnt of fooulty or P. A. WORTHING TON, Soorotary Booed of Regent, Wston, Or. m - 41 oo pI ir i f" na ii I 11 Jea4ed OO t " '1 IIU eeMel S M us: tsTT vmi io uif iit vrt"t tii n I gi io SMuuiai Avas.n ut auto, au :l 00 lHUA oaa nuu asy awisa uw i ititi f artMrOdp"1 P"l PHrjod pov aMnWtr Wn?riB S puv nckud tuA P ouonvjia ptr rtrp rtri oiw S ArfltduiA rjnj BJ Oj H Uvp rr ooieTjrib jr f oofJirp J jser po sq tri vpm til MJ prr QTHOA 3BIX T dO SA3N HHX AlIUJTf M "r-t i" F" I 5 Ia-sW aadVdSAaM NuaxsaA i nvido miM an f J0eUB VI t t! "Ajp .; q;o)L)saJ;ut; tt;t uSwm f of! o I'VI of iwnb 'inj i ioii(tA n 'n"j m "no 'nw i n llniV.UIUNlNtinallll ONY 8M1M 1M1 -iiv tindeint iivioo mini aihiim iha A Stara Tblne few Ts. A traiKSXtlott I wba b yout auuot lowts u, UiluK blhouaueaa, ski lM-adactw, Iwt reU ulliaiKH te er, llr aiHi tbouwstul utt er ii . ... . .ul be ruoaUttatMMi and alurmab IW-r Ca-eetfc"dy I .ahartle, Umi was .i..r,.,i m liver atitntiisuit awl lnW lual tnt.te ar by all druafate r.arnted Wejr or niooev ratamle.1 C. a ore a sue thin. Try t K-dyi i , euo, K.ln,,t aad bookie Irew. b our M ad. Cl. II tlbrlad, repeeeeatlog Tb O. U. HulberUaJ Cck, ot Walla Walla, wm lo lowo Wloe1y iatrodoetnt a new kind ot bealee for eooktaf oe. arffafarafff af eftoWkOW fWf I ffafaf rWtSllm BVt AprK, ;jt -od rj P avodM aoq put rt n Auri rqi fo tmtmxp fnnrv si t oo prrs Atr to esf sf I Iuiivap uvwjrnJ ijrtpw hm m n I3JT4 riwm iit io lounuiD imm Al IIU330 HH1IJI A1X33A fffl MIltlltlIOIltMIlllM.lMl With Tlic Gazette, $2.50 kt Year. Ne M. LkUeolbal A M h. It lo aaid to U an imoe ooe.