Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1898)
' r tit OFFICIAL sitt, I YOUR MONEY'S WORTH PAPER ADVERTISING WILL PAY IF THE Semi-Weekly Gazette THE AT $2.00 A YEAR. IS YOUR MEDIUM. HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JAN. H, 1898. X & X in..... . Vfi A ilfZa Clv . . . sani a- v eas jr at-. a' r ?- -.v e . wv v . xr uhi . ri v a. ar m j a -vi asm Lfi ij"iijil' via ii NO. 6M SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. FOBLIBHSD Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY, OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $2.0) per rear. $1.00 for six months, (0 ota. (or three moncns, stiiotly in advanoe. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Kntered at the Postoflloe at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Eiohanga, Ban Franoisoo, California, where con tacts for advertising oan be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8 . ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build in i, Ban irancisoo, 1b our aathorized ageu This pap3r is kept on file at his olhce. 0. R. &'N. LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:80 p. m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:03 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junolioti 8:80 a. m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:011 a. m Spokane Express No. I leaves Portland at 3.-00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and Uma'illa 8:60 p. m. Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .m. ai d arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9jU p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:1,5 a. m. and at Umatilla 1:80 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umati'la 11:10 p. m. and arrives at heppner Junotion 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Ageut O. H 4 N., Heppner, Ore. OF7ICLAX 35IRECTOST. Baited HUte Offlolals. President William McKinley Vice-President ....Garret A. Hobart Secretary ef State John Sherman Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Boundary of War UniweU A. Alger Hecrelary ef Navy John D. Long Posunastier-frenaral James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph MoKonna Scoretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. . Governor W. P. Lord SecreUry of Stat H. K. Kinoald Treasurer. Phil. Metechan Hnpt. Pnhlie Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General ...U. M. Idleman a.. id. W. MoBride " JJ. H. Mitohell J Bina-er Hermann Congressmen Printer , ' W.K. w. W. K. Ellis W. u. Leeds (R. B. . F. A. (C. E. R. B. Bean. jnpram Judges F. A. Moore, w oiverton Sixth Judlolal District. Circuit Judge Stephen .Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow Oouatr Offltnaln. Joint .Senator - A, W, Rowan Representative. J. N. Brown lUmntyJodge A. G. Bartholomew '' Commissioners J.H.Howard J. W. Beckett. " Ulerk " Sheriff . ' Treasurer ,...J. W. Morrow ,..K. L. Matlock .. Frank Gilliam ....A. C. Petteys ... J. W, Hornor .Jay W. Shipley ...B. F. Vnogluui Surveyor..... . . School Bup't., Coroner eppkib Town ornoiRR. Mor Tho. Morgan C mncilmen Geo. Conser, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. Hlocnm, M. Lichtenthal and J. U. Simons. K oord ...W. A, Blohardsoo Trmisnrer I W. Hriggs Marshal A. A. UoberU Prerisct OffleerP. Jnstieeof ths Peaoe...... W. K. Kichardson I onstabl N. 8. WheUtone Tilted Stetrt Land Offieera. THE DAIXU, OB. J. . Moore lUis A. a Bigg. Beosiver LA OBARDC, OB. , B. F, Wilson BegUtor J. H. Kobbin Keoeivsr UAWUN8 POST, NO. SI G. A. B. Mswto at Lexington, Or., the last rUtordy of arh month. Aif veterans are taviud tn )ia. U. W. Hmith, C. . FoyOA. Adjutant, tf Commander. Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAH and SURGEON. Offirw in tb City Drag Store, near City Hotel. tf D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREQON. Offlo boom, 8 lo 10 . m., ni 13 to 2 p. m., l resldencB, W. A. Kirk'i prop erty, east of M. K chnrxb, Hoatb, auj 10 to 12, a. m , to 3 to 5 p, m , t ofttoB to tb rear ot Borg'i Jewelry ttora. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Offlr lo tbw Kirst Nelmoal Dank Saildiog. HirrvBB, t t Omood. tf W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. errict at council CMatiaiaa Sells and kiirs ral set'. rns fcrme. iters asm. NMtTaytiwtnt enl will serve you in Bay way la bis line, el rveentieble tfurae, li First National Bank OF UEITNEB C. A. ftHCA, T. A. Uni a, QIO. W. CONttft, 8. W. SPCNCCft, President Via rVaaldant CasMar Aaa't Cashier Truwti i Cfwrtl Euiki Eiosta JCXCMA.SrGJ0 Oa all parts ol tfce weH4 Bought and Sold. CoUertSo Butte all ulaW a NiiisI la li'm. BirltM aa4 aa4vl4ea rmSla, Ul.OfiO 00, TVs OaaMta will take poUhwt, ( plea, agta of baiter aa saWripimei aeoaaia. lay oae owing tbia af6ara awttU lbif araoasis la Ibis weeeef ! aaa't do it low eur te et a. East? IP YOU ARE, ' DO NOT FORGET FIR8T-G0 via. St Paul be cause the lines to that point will afford you the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central hnnnnaA : that Hue makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is - first-class m every particular. THIRD For infnrmnrinn oal! on vour neishbor and frioml t ha nearest ticket agent and ask for a ricnei reading via. tne w isconsin Central lines, or address Jas. C. Pond. or Geo. S. Batty, General A Rent, 246 Stark 8t, Portland Or. Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. H, W. Fall, PROPRIETOR 01 the Old Reliable , Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A Q., C. M. & St. P., C. (St A., P. Ft. W. & C, and the G. St. L. at P. Railroads. HATES a,oo PBR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8U., WEEKLY The MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York The Oatlook will da Id 1897, H it has been during eeoh of iti twenty-seven yeari, a History of Oar Own Times. Id its various editorial departments Tbe Oatlook gives a compact review of tbe world's progress; il follows witb care all tba important philanthropic and in dustrial movements of tbe day; baa a complete department of religions news; devotes much space to tbe interests of the borne; reviews current literature; furnishes cbeertul table-talk about man and things: and, in short, aims to give freab information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment, ' Beginning with tbe fifty fliftb volume, the paper will assume tbe regular mage tine siie, wbiob will add greatly to its convenience and attractiveness. Tbt Outlook is pobliehed every Saturday fifty-two issues a year. Tba first issue la eaob mooln is an Illustrated Magazine N amber, containing aboat twice as many pages as tbe ordinary issue?, together witb large number of pictures. Tba pries of Tba Outlook is three dollars a year Id advance, or less than a cent a day. fleod for a specimen oopy and illustrat ed prospectus to Tba Outlook, 13 Aator -r"?laoa, New Toik Cltv. TOCt lEANIW. While yoaaMci roar MbwripUoa aeid ap era eaakeoB svar brand ia fraeof eUrsw. Bnrg. T.O Reteer. Or.-H.ww, P 8 ,a left HnaUUrt ealUe, same oa left hip. Conk. A. J..Lena.(Hv-Horee. lOoa right ermal 4ari ( etUe, same aa right hi pi ear attl suoare enrp t8 left sad salit la ngbu IhlM. W M .Dalbtwav. Of.-Ctlle. R Dee rtgM il.ewwilnw4urk la eaek eari sHivsea, II LI a loft bis). Mr. Hr. branded ELV oa l-f alMMldor, oatUa aasaa oa Ufthip. bole la ngkl oar. rvwoana, L. A., Recmer, Or-OstUa, LF oa Hgn hiDi biirees wiia bar eader oa risM slMttl4ar. Jntiaa, narrr. Hipaw. Or Hovaes brudad ll J oa ISae Ufl eiUW eatle braHd J mm ngtiihia. aleeaadvlHt la Uft oaf. Jiaaga la Murrow eoaatr, JniefS. folia, lae, fV. fl-we. olreseT na lafl etiSet aaUle.oMieoa nsrntbia, Bailor balf wp la rtoM one) obi,i a loft ear onar, N i, Heotwior, tr. Ho-oaa bru W IM oa Ut Kip eaule same sod ara o4 lafl eori asyior sin aa tba rlabt toahoy. 1. W. Hrre Ur -Mnreos braodog I. eoxl Ml Wi eotila mm oa left bio, srwue over rtskl era, lame aiiw la ngM Mianf. noiwa'. wiHieior ftrania, M O oa Habt bii bona M oa W l saktor. Horaoa, H. II Or.-tl-rooi, ) os Uft bib. oa loft ebuaMot eattio fWrt.. 1. W.. IVMi.laa llr.i btwaoa O oa lof abooMori oxtle OM oa raM kit, rarboraHUam. rlordotaa Or. R.noi If ca loft ebaibw. rmm.t. M ,taleaa.llr.- N.faw. )t m. bomo4 Urt mtmi.imi eoUJo, mm urn l ki. IMO la OB "Of. Wtav . W . llMaar. Ib -Hnroea. JO soft sboaldar. lolUa, O oa rtM bi rT. st 0. ftpeor. Ir. Tatf la W C oa lofi on and afcdaHni ta loft faar, eVoio.i b no. lln loft aMi4or. J A H it., I tirtrmm. ot K. W, Httm !. aneji eardiaJ t OO loft klO wb seart ta bk ojm. wTeiolor, W. , flnv lit.ibmi JW o nM mtmlA miu twiOf.nkJB a HM kip ) n. m 'at, r, m4 hnM e loft oat. (! IB Murrw and b ustiia saaisiii Going mportant Hotel Ht3ppiri3r (Formerly the GRAND CENTRAL.) ' HEPPNER, OREGON. MRS. L. SMALL, Manager. i Now Open. New Metjiods. New Manage ment. Strictly First Glass. Rates, $1.00 Per SPECIAL RATES BY 8A first-cl and from all trainB. We solicit your For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers , and villagers throughout the U. S. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity .,,, luKraup, mr euucauon, ior ine elevation 01 American manhood and true ffomftnnnnii IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and Instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states. ' , IT HA8 advised the fsrmer ss to the most approved methods of cultivating and harvesting his i n .a VP?' ?, th?. Proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money, u UAo led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and vlliairnr. .nt fnr ... . V.ii a century has held thoir confidence and IT 18 TUB. New York Weekly Tribune, And we furniah It with the GAZETTE, on year for $2.75, oaah in advance. . Address all Orders to rpTTjr " ' Write your name and address on a postal card, York City, and a sample copy of the New York A Campaign Of Education How to Get It MtiillllllH UNPARALLELED umraeta skill. Such a paper is a great popular educator. It should be In sverv borne. Ths subscription price of Leelle'a U pa nimm. Ws make ths unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi ll'eeklv one vear fnr nnlv Ci. (;n m - - - - - - - - v , "wv No such oftVr was ever made before. No snob offer will ever be made W again. Three two papers make a most acceptable Christinas or birthday 0 1 Jk a . a l -a a . .... D gut, aim win iraj Kunwn romiuUGri Ol Ut girtr $ IIOaiMM. KtDiit by p(iul fr1r or check to th u iieppner, uroiron. raAHK boo ens Rogers & Contractor Flans and Estimates All Kinds of Repair Work OFFICE HOURS-Day and Niht Hace" and Ro. or Jim will get .liriEiin (r Don't Put s-r3-v 1 iorsc : All tbsMb co be) procoreJ at Thnmpwon k Dinoa, Lower Main Street, Heppner, OrfKon. Tbose soollMMa are wall artnetno4 oltb 'iraa. Raravf, rmnk, OlllUiai sad Mb SOwtttlat and eaa aav awMvy end Umm la awaiug ! otuum oltb tr.iii, asea. Irb la ksli.s allb lh. iIwh TIIOMPSOTnT cfc BTNNS, Day and Upwards. THE WEEK OR MONTE. patronage. 587-nov.l2 BORN SEPTEMBER 18, ,; 1841. and happiness, for the improvement of their esteem. lend tt toOeo. W. Best, Tribune Olilce, New WeeklyT rlbune will be mailed to you. !U4.50 ' To be educated one must read tbe best literature. Tba best literature la expensive. Laelle'a llluatratad Weekly- PublUned at 110 fifth Avenue, New York, Is full of tbe best things Its Illustrations are superb; Its storte. charming; and Its literary departments are atltjt with mn. i. I. ROBERTS Roberts, aod UoilJors.- Given on Snort Notice. Done- Leave your orders "Any Old. Vm. o o o o o o o u Want a Riff ? You Want a Place to up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle arrtiaa, HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass witb nrine and let it stand twenty-four hoars; a sediment or settling indioates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidenoe of kid ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri nate or pain in the baok, is also convinc ing proof that the kidneys and bludder are out of order. WHAT TO 1)0. There is oomtort in the knowledse so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the crest kidnev remarlv fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the baok, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It cor rects inability to bold urine and soald- lng pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overoomea that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get ud msnv times during the night to urinate. Tbe mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp root is soon realized. It stands tbe highest for its wonderful cures ot the most distressing oases. It you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists,, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample hottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention the Heppner Gazette and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing bampton, N. Y. The proprietors of thio paper guarantee tbe genuineness of this offer. TR1PPLE TRAGEDY IN A GYPSY CAMP. Mother and Child are Bnrned to Death The Father, Chief of the Tribe, Cats His Throat Happens Ten Miles South or McMlnnvllle. From Wednesday's Telegram. A harrowing iale of a tripnle trasedv in a gypsy camp, about ten miles south ot MoMinnviHe, was brought here last night by Frank Burroughs, a commer cial traveler. A band ot 40 gypsies, bound for Cali fornia, oamped on the scene of tbe trag edy last Saturday night, intending to proceed on their way the Monday morn ing following. Sunday forenoon, says Mr. Burroughs, a two-year-old ohild of Andrew Oetrander, tbe obief, fall into a fleroely raging Are, built ot fallen treea. Tbe soreams of the infant attracted the attention of its mother, who was only a dozen yards away. Grazed witb exoite nient at seeing ber little one being de voured by tbe flames, tbe woman thought lessly leaped into the firs in wbich both she and the,oliiid wer .burned to death in a few minutes. Oetrauder's efforts to save bis wife, who must have gone stark mad at witnessing tbe horrible fate of ber offspring, proving futile, be slashed bis throat witb a razor, bleeding to death in a short time. "I met tbe oaravan of gypsies late Monday afternoon, aa I was driving from MoMinnviHe to Lafayette," said Mr. Burroughs, "when the elder son ot Os- trander, a strapping fellow of 23 years, then tbe aoticg obief ot tbe tribe, halted me and voluntarily told me of tbe fear ful ooourrenoe of Sunday. These three lives, of oourse, count for nothing, aa tba world goes, yel it waa a pitiful trag edy, all the same. "Youog Ostrander told me that the ooroner of Yamhill county bad not been notified of tba three deaths, because Ibe tribe is governed by its own laws,' They bad tbe charred remains of tbe woman and ber child and ibe body of Ojtrandar in one ot the wagooa. Their remains will be lakeo to tbe Redwoods In San Mateo county, Cel.. where hundreds cf tba Romany have been interred lo lbs past 80 years." Dreadfally Nervosa. Genti: I was drsadfolly oervoos, and for relief took your art's Glover Root Tea. It qoleted my serves and strength ened my whole nervous system. I waa troubled with eonstipslitm, kidney and bowel tronble. Your Tea loon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. 8. A. Sweet, Hartford, Coon. Bold by Conaer t Brook, y UMIIns; Ready to Hall. Two UrppDer parties wbo will have for Alsska on tba atasmer Elder on ber nail trip, are lo tbe city bnyltg tbelr outfits, ssys the TVIi grsra. One of tbe parties ooosists of tba larger part of Ibe Matlock family, and iooludrs Willlsm F. Matlock and family, Wesley Matlook and family, Leslie Matlook, Horace Matlock and Cass Matlook. Tba party, in addition to sopplli s fur several years, will lake op atxmt 20 head of burses. Among tbe tnembora of the other party are Willard French. Charles Homlrv and hmith Uureh, wb'i will also an well equipped for Ibe rigors vl Alaaka eti- meie, Hiuitb did not o.- Ed 1 frost Iks first "1 soffored witb be adaobae and intense atleeks of neuralgia, ami became very feeble. I baaaa tukiuir ll.x.l'a H..... pari 1 1 a, though eo weak I could oal; tak email de. I featl belief from tba first and I Lava aol Lad aii.k of any eavrrlty slnaa I began nalng II." i. a, puiujo, Ulllbiirat, Yves Mug tun. flood's Tills are tba ho I family cellar lie and liver Ionic. (Jeolla, reliable, sure Pel Babeiffeame la from Mnoai.t yesterday, He was aoy,njpai,ioJ by his daughter, Madeliee, eg! IV and hi laea, Maggie fk barff. eg4 12, daagller of Jobs Boberff, wbota be is taking to Peedlaloo for lbs purpose ot placing tbeaa la tba Catholic t'booL SENATE IMMIGRATION BILU Fairbanks of Indiana Supports the Measure ina toncational Test Kadoraed It Would Have the Effect of Reducing; tbe Cndeslr- auie voniriDutions to Our Population. Washington, Jan. 12. Tho senate to day briefly discussed tbe adverse re port by the pension committee on the bill to pension General Meade's two daughters. No action was taken, and after Wolcott of Colorado announced a speeob on tbe money question for next Monday, Fairbanks addressed tbe senate on the immigration bill. Fairbanks begun by referring to the im portance of guarding and preserving the high standard of the oountry'a popu lation and oitizensbip. The pending bill, he said, by imposing a moderate and reasonable ednoational teat nnon all immigrants over 16 years ot age, threw an additional safeguard about our popu lation and citizenship. "Prior lo 1875," be continued, "there were no restrictive laws except tbose prohibiting coolie trade. In my oninion the more drastio measures were adopted to repress tbis reprehensible traffic and convictB and women imported for im moral purposes were exoluded. Far more restrictive acts were passed aimics to reetriot the inflow of the morally and physically diseased. The preseooe of tbe restrictive acts upon the statute be oks has been beneficial, though the number wbo presented them lelvei at our ports and were excluded is compara tively Bma'l. But, doubtless, many were deterred from starting by knowledge of tbe laws in foroe. . "Beginning witb the last deoade, a obange ocourred in both tbe nationalitv and equality of our immigration. Tbose who were chiefly of the Slavonic oouo tries began to oome in, in great and in creasing numbers. Among them were many very desirable acquisitions, many from tbe better portions of Italy, Aus tria Hungary and other Eastern and Southern countries were educated and enterprising, but the larger per oent. was ill-fitted to beoome a part ot our population or to assume tbe privileges aod responsibilities of Amerioan oitizen sbip. They possessed a low order of intelligence and a degraded standard of life, and had no adequate Conception ot tbe marveloua signifioanoe ot onr instl tutions. " A rise in tbe rate of Immigration from Eastern and Southern Europe from 18 to 61 Jer cent, lo eight, years, ana a rail from Western and Northern countries from 64.5 to 86.7 per oent. in tbe same period may well lead os to pause and inquire whether the change is in ths oatioual interest. The decrease in immigration has been from countries wbiob hitherto sent os but a small per oent. ot illiterates, and tbe lnareaaa la from oonntries where tbe ignoranoe is a-restest. Thirty-nine and nine-tenths per oent. of thoss above 14 years of age onming from Austria-Oungary. Italy. Polaod aod Russia last year, could neither read nor write, while ooly 8.6 per oent. of tboae from tba United King dom, Franoe, Germany and Scandinavia were illiterate. Wbeo wa witness this inorease In the illiterate aooesaioos to oor population wa may well oall tba warning of George William Curtis: 'Let as bewsra how we wster our life blood.'" Io conclusion Fairbsnki Quoted statis tics tending to show tba exceeiive con tribution of tbe oountry'a foreign popu- Irtlon lo tba number of Inmates of alms houses, penitentiaries, losses aarlnms and reformatory inatitutlons. He inslstsd tbat tba educational teat as applied to immigrants would bare a direot effect In reducing tha number of Contributions to the foregoing objeotionable elasses. Tba gravitation ot undesirable imml. graala Into tbe large oltiea and their re inforcement of tbe slum districts waa soother bf Ibe avila lo be lo a measure overcome. Io this eonoeotion. iha paker declared Ibal a patriot lo regard for those lo whose interest we owe first allegiance requires os to sea Ihsl lbs persons who present themselves for competition In tho Industrial field shall no! b tbe degraded pauper laborers from abroad. "A low wage arale," ha sddsd,'ls ool consistent attb tha wholesome develop, mm! of tha oonntry and Its people." After Ibis speech tba Uawallaa treaty waetakeo up In eteootive session. Ileaalf I Mood Deep. (1wn Anl mrnna a tlesn skin. No hesuly without it. t ajMareta, I andy Cathar tic rleao your blixxl and k'ii it rlrafi, h) stirring op tha lary iirer and driving all iin liuntms from tha body. Itt(iu tonlay to liiiu.h piitiiilva, boil. LL.U I.ea, Lla klw.,1., and that airkly bilious ruiipiion hUkuiK ('.,r.(.,-lul)f for ten rents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 0c, 20c, fior. TO D1K CARPET RAO. A sJlBjale aad Kaay Way to Color Caraet Ka, so 1 bey Will kul fad. To color aeriiel rags so I hay will ool fads, one should be anra lo ! tha Pt LNaasond Lre for ooltoo. Thar a are soma twelve fas! aad spaelal colors, while for wool there are about thirty. All o( tba Diraaod Dree tliat Bra narkJ fast will mats colore tbat Jo not fade or oreck. Il ia impuaaibl to est aaUafeetn.. oolors oo both wool aod aotloa with Ibe same dye, altboogb oosaa abeso dyes was are aoia o mats oelr a faar ml,. claim tbat Ibeir draa will a..),,- kih eorto, aal wool, a trial sooo shows by rained goods lb falsity of iHhm claims. Take aolhlng bat tba original aad reliable iHemnnd Ilt.s that k... bo oae.J lo thousands f homes for tha a l twenty years. Ill POWDER Absolute! Pure ' DOUGLAS NKWS. Douglas bas one oase ot measles. Ed Dares is un from Portland viaitino bis friends here. Some of the farmers wnra hnav r.1n. ing last week but the frost stopped them, Ohas. Weatherford,- who has . been visiting relatives at Weston. home Tuesday morning. There was a magic lantern show at Filkina hall on Tuesday night. It was well attended and evervhvrlv harl a fin. time in that ''good, good old town". Dooglaa now bas a debating society . which meets every Thursday evanino .t the sohool house. The subjeot for next Thursday evening is "Resolved, Thai all men are born equal." Carl Troedsdn, who has bean air-b fn. ome time with rheumatism, bas gone to uaiirornia and will visit some one of tbat state's hot Borinss with a t being permanently cured. I wish him auooesa. Willie 8wen ,6n, wbo has been risiting relatives here sinoe last anmmar. loft n Thuraday night for his home in Sao Jose, ual. After a short visit with hom folks he will return to Eiatern Oregon to reside permanently. A.T.C. Douglas, Or., Jan. 11, 1898. Something to Know.. It may ba worth something In knn that tba very beat mediolne for restoring me urea oat nervous system to a healthy vigor ia Eleotrio Bitters. ThI uarlinina Is purely vegetable, aota by giving tone to the nerve oentrea In the stomach, gently stimulates tbe liver and kidneys, and aids these organs io throwing off impurities in tbe blood. Electrlo Bitten Improves tbe appetite, aids dIowti,.n and is pronoonoed by those who hav iriea il as tbe very best blood Bnrlfler and nerve tonio. Try II. Hold for Rn or tl. per bottle at Slooum Drug Go's, Bj. i. Hiooum, manager. KIUHT MILE ITKM. L. P. Jones' ohildreo are reaoverino? from tbe mumps. Miss Tilda lTnoi.ll UmokU I... 1. - " iuiun.iuf UO. UUUJI at Mra. A. Asbbangh's this winter O. W. Smith. Of Lexinatnn. vlaita! hia old oomradea oo Eight Mile a tew days ago. Iter, Clarke will preach at Eisht Mila Cooler sohool boose, Sunday Jao 23J, at 3 o'olook, p. m. Wa extend congratulations to Jaok Devore and his new wife and wish than a long and happy married life. Tba weather this paal week h ia taken qnlte a oaper. First it blew and "anew," and then it "f reeled" and then it "thaw." The family reunion al A. Aihhanoh'a oo New Year's dsy was a grand suooeas. Mr. a. u. Itobeils aod family and Mr. aod Mra. Htaotoo and eon were also bappy gnosis of tha oooasion. Albeit Ashbaogb and S. B. Roberta and sons were out rabbit hunting, but bad very poor suooeas. the rabbila not being out. Tbeaa parties are old hunters of Ihia plana aod tba rabbits know wbeo to bunt their boles. E. M. C. Eight Mile, Or , Jan. 8, 1WH. "As if a brink wars larina In mr atom. acb" is lbs description by dyspaptio or iiis reelings arter sating. Tbleieoneof tba commonest sreno- toms of Indigestion. It yon have it, take Shaker Digestive Cordial. Not only Ibis symptom, but all iha yniptoms of indigestion are oureU by Hbaksr Digestive Cjrdlal. 8a ajany medicine to cure this ona disorder. Only oae thai oao bo oalled successful, beoouse only ooe that acta lo a simple, natural, atd yl scieolifla wsy, Hhaker Digestive Corillal, Purely vagetahla. aod 0 inlalnina bo daegeroas iogrediante, Hhsier Digestive Cordial tones on, strengthens, and re- aloreo to health all Ibe dlgaative organs. Bold by drogglal. price 10 cents lo It 00 bottle. E-O i Ei 8auator and Mrs. W. F. Matlock and Mr. and Mrs.U. I. La Dow Uava Pandlatoo tooigbl lo board lb Elder at Portlaad for Alaska, wbere Mr. Matlock Is already locslod al rikagway, Mr. La Dow aipatts lo lake tha trail for tba gold field as sooa m practicable id Iha ipring, aod will bo accompanlej by bio wit. Tby bar said gooUb; to I'eodUtoo fnauda, who bopa tbat the laad of gold will yield lo them it ricbeat tree area. Dyapepaia cared. Kb Hub's Vital r ImoMKllaUly relievee Sour stomarb, coat log op of food dialr, and is Iha great kidney aod liver Hold by Cue aetASrxk. .