Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1897)
Those Dreadful Sores They Continued to Spread In Spite or Treatment but Now They are Healed -A Wonderful Work. "For many years I have been a great sufferer with varicose veins on one of my limbs. My foot and limb became dread f Lily swollen. When I stood np I could feel the blood rushing down the veins of this limb. One day I accidentally hit my foot against some object and a sore broke out which continued to spread and was exceedingly . painful. . I concluded I needed a blood purifier and I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time those dreadful sores which had caused me so much suffering, began to heal. I kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and in a short time my limb wag completely healed and the sores gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rilla, has done for me." Mbs. A. E. QlLSON, Hartland, Vermont. ? Sarsa- 3 parilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood lood'S Fllia cure all liver ills. 25 cents. Take Notice 1. ' The sum of Ave cento per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding nreBenta and donors. and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and unnucoui Biroumi meetings ior wnatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cants a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Here and There. See M. Lichtenthal for shoes. a. Elmer Gentry was a visitor to Hepp ner yesterday. Milt Powell was in from bis sbeep raooh jesterday. Banous is still on the turf doing b lit tle onrpenter business. " tf To trade A Hood heating stove, for oordwood. Cull at offioe. tt. Homer Depny returned Sunday morn ing from Walla Walla. Baths down at the Jones' barber shop, 25 oents. Or ville Jones manager, tf Miss Flossie Farueworth is reported among those sick in Heppner nt present. 0. H. Simms, owner of Hotel Heppner, oame np from Portland Sunday morning. -- Olaf JobDSon aud Nelse Bergqnest, who work for W. P. Dntton, were in Heppoer Sunday. R. F. Hvnd departed on Saturday evening for Portland to be absent a few days on business. "Oo'n jaioe" U all right but Low Til lard baa a brand of 14-year old goods that is bard to beat. 603, -if. Best aooommodation and courteous treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon. Mrs. I. N. Hughes is still on the siok list, bat her attending pbyBioian, Dr. MoSwords, reports tbat she is improving. Emanuel Sawyer, Jr., of Eight Mile, who baa been snffttriag a severe attack of pleurisy, is reported to be somewhat better. Mr. Frank Lnadell made final proof before Olerk . Morrow yerterday, with John Peterson and 0. J. Anderson as bis witnesses. This neok 0' the woods was visited by a genuine obioook on Saturday and Sunday and now tbe backbone of winter is brokeu, for a time at least. Bob Walkios was in Heppner Satur day and reports that the ohinook reached tbe Saddle a week ao, taking off most of tbe snow in tbat vioioage. Catarrh oared. A clear bead and sweet breath secured with Sbilnb's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a gnarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Conaer A Brook. z Ernest Piper has 21 toos ot rye hay for sale. This hay is la tbe stack, one balf mile east of the Forks of Sand Hollow. Reeideooe, two miles east of Lexington. 002-005. S. P. (Jarrignes this week received a ofoe new ootter direot from lbs factory and expect to treat himself and wife to soma good sleighing should sufficient snow ooms sgain Ibis winter. Oliver Snyder bas takso charge ot tbs Hotel Heppoer feed baro and will far Blab stall room, grain or bay at reason able flgaree. Will also do dray work and baulioa. 'Bos to end from t rains. tf. Bhilobs Cooanmptioo Curs cores where others fail. It is tbe UaliDg Cough Cora, aod no Lome should be without it. Peasant to take sod goes nth! to tbs spot. Sold by Couser Brook. 1 T. M.: Arrangement have beeo onm plated for building a flooring mill at Wasco. II iU b boilt by H. P. Isaeoe, of Walla Walla, aol is to bavs a capac ity of 100 barrels a dy. Wasoo donated 11,000 and lbs sits for lbs mill. Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ky.ldell's, III., suf fered fur eight years from d)Sjpis and cbronio eonatipstioe and was finally eared by using DsWitt's Lilt Is Early Risers, lbs famous littls pills for all atotnarb and liver troubles. Cooser A Brock. IN MEMORY OF THE DEAD. Annual Memorial Services of the Elks Lodge or Heppner. . Tbe first annual menforial services of the Elks for our town of Heppner were held at K. of P. ball on Suqday after noon at 2 o'olook, by Heppner lodge No. 358. A very large Dumber of citi zens and friend of the order gathered at the appointed time and the entire seating oapaoity of the large hall ot tbe EDigbts ot Pythias was taken op. Tbe opening number ou the program was a sweet and melodious organ volun tary by Mrs. D. E. Gilman, which wa followed by the impressive opening ex ercises of tbe lodge, led by the Exalted Ruler, W. E. Brock. Rev. C. R. How ard, tbe minister on tbe program for the openiug prayer, beig absent from the city, that part in the exercises was ot neoessity dispensed with, and the next number, a bymn, was rendered in beautiiul style by the ladies' quartette, Mrs. E. J. Sloeum, Mrs. P. B. McSwords, Mrs. J. D. Brown and Miss Logan. John Hornor then read Bryant's poem, "Tbanatopsis," which grandly describes tbe realities ot life aud the certainty ot death, showing how each individual goes d wu into the valley of tbe shadow alone, and closes with fitting advice to toe living, a selection appro priate and delivered in a manner well suited to tbe oocasion. The ladies' quartette then Bang, ' When the Sea Gives np Her Dead," after whiob oame tbe eulogy by G. W. Phelps. Mr. Phelpa seemed to grasp at onoe the spirit ot the services and while he would not, per haps, consider tbat bis efforts were grand, from tbe standpoint of tbe orator. yet tbey were, just the same. His lan guage was well chosen, bis delivery perfeot, aud eaoh ods present was held in rapt attention from tbe beginning to the end of tbe address- Had space aud time permitted, this paper would bavn gladly priuted Mr. Phelps' address in full, but oau only print a brief synopsis, wbioh contains some of the gems ot thought expressed, but lacks tbe finish and impressiveness giveu them iu tbe gentleman's fruitless delivery. Mr. Phelps began by referring to the floral emblem of the order, the For-get-me not, and explained tbat tbe first Sun day in December is -set apart by tbe Elks as one day iu eaoh yoar when the members of every lode are supposed to meet and pay fitting, loyiog tribute to the memory of those who had goue be fore; "tbat today on every breeze is home the anthem of onr devotion, and in every lodge of Elks brothers are weaving garlauds ot lova for tbe memory of their dead; tbat while the grim spectre has not entered tbe membership of Beppner lodge sinoe its organization, yet our sympathy and sorrows are not oonflaed within fie limits ot nny loitge room indeed ours is a tniternaliBm that does not bait on the verge ot the tomb. We miss and monrn these gulden links from tbe chain ot our glorious brotherhood, and bow our beads today in humble grief with those of onr sister lodges who have b . eu oompelled to bid farewell forever to some of those with whom they have been so pleasantly as sooiated in fraternal friendship, and yet we know tbat tbe human bear! bus been impressed sinoe time immemorial with tbe truthful words, that 'sorrow is at onoe tbe highest dignity, the most ober isbed inheritance of man.' "If we elimioate from the great paint iogs ot tbe world, or from the master pieoes ot writing, their idea of banaan en flaring and sorrow, we rob them of tboir pathos and their power; they are destroyed. "We are reminded in the passing ot another lodge year that we are one year nearer oar eternal lodge of tbe here after; IbatTime.esistless, tiruless, press, es on and forever 00, heedless whether civilization advanoes or deoliors 00 it goes in its sweep across the nniverse, bringing bere bope and distinction- there disappointment and failure; noth ing can stop. the great pendulum as it wings back and forth, measuring out the brief hoars of man's life. Tbe years glide by like bubbles npon Ibe bosom of rapid stream; man comes npon earth's gilded sing for a brief period and then moves off ioto the unknown future, basge, decay and death are writtea ap on all nature; not even tbe stars of beaven oau witbstaud the ravages of time. Jost so with man. He is bers today and gone tomorrow, tie Is like the trso sient grass. In ths morning itepringetb p and Uoarwhetli; in the evening it Is cot down and witheretb. Tbe great higbwav of life is thronged. Soms srs oonntmlly falling lo tbe rsre, while others come to take their plsoes, and lbs world moves on as before, passing geuer- tion after generation into Ibal awfa shadow which do eye save that ol faiib uan penetrate. "Tbe goal toward wbioh all bomao tblogs point is tbs grave, aod sinoe time was, death bas beeo its companion, yet ws sre never prepared to weloome its omnia?, tie conquers all nature. Along Ids dark aod narrow vale which span Ibe chasm separating Ibis life fro o Ibe life beyond the grave, ws each most elk alooe; no steadying band will aid ns on oar way. Loot Out For Cancer! Few people are born entirely free from blood taint. This is often very slight or remote, and sometimes may not develop at all in one generation, but breaks out in a serious disease later. Cancer, the most dreadful of all dis eases, is often the result of some blood taint inherited from generations back. It often appears as a mere mole or in significant pimple, which later develops into an alarming condition. No one knows but that he may be subject to an Inherited impurity in the blood, nor can he tell whether or not this may some day crop out in the form of destructive cancer. It is, therefore, important that any little sore or scratch, which does not readily heal, be given prompt atten tion, or a serious condition may result. Mr. Robert Smedley, of Ocala, Fla., was the victim of a malignant cancer, which first appeared in the manner above described. He writes : "At first I paid no attention to the little blotches on my face, thinking they would soon pass away. Before long, however, they became sore, and soon began to enlarge. I applied ordinary local remedies, but they had no effect, and I then consulted a physician. When Cdwewia Tnf Ihtwela With fwrl rol C''rtW, wnni ennaiipatm fi.rr. lOo. It G C-C.feil, druK.aia refund awwry. A Href la Weewl Wlie.t fell doWS lo M OenU feeler day, tbe lowest pries sinoe Ibe first ad vaace la Ibe teily pari of Ibe si Today 60 eeos is being paid aod lbs tsarist Is la snorb Utter eoeditta Tbe doolies Is do doabt Jos to crop re- perls from Argentina sad India. Crops are maeb better ia Ibeee dmatrlew tliaa wee setiotpsted. The tisanes of the life to be Vte weave In colors ell onr own, And In lh Arid ol destiny W reap aa we have sua 11.' Our deoeaaed brothers bve nrerei os npon this looely voyaga, aod (or lliem selves have solved the mystery ot Ibe great hereafter. Tbey have departed from ns, yet the bejt part of them lives In onr hearts aod memories " Tbs speaker thee tat1 tbat it Dot his parpoeei t.) ealngig. I ,e order of r.lks e aa order, bat oalle.1 ths at lentlnn of Ihoee who bed arrayed thera elves te prejudice and ignoranee against lbs order, to the scene being enacted and explained tbat similar ones were taking place la every oiber Itxlge mom Ibrotghoal the Ui.H! States el lha boar, end Baked if such r-ltonMp ill not lend to make life brighter and biter and bring mankind nearer tbe stihlim' leaching of lbs universal brotherhood of man. lis staled Ibal II was oil Ibe pnre-ien of the order of Elks te rob tbe olmrrli i.f tbetigbitoeere fur oir anal, nor lo Use fiom the tiilil Inel lite powers duly to look f ef bis rtwej nv.rala, but It) at they w-re tangt I to rnnke Id brigb'er and bM'pier t' Ibnae arooa Itiem, lo Oirry tnuafdne an I gladneas tt hearts ie gtnm, lo float ai le the trans psrent, vain t rrt"tte eaaotnptioo of easts and meet a;o the tra,d and generous plane of universal e'pdy. rbet it Is Ctiing for os to slop in onr mad and rkl'es ehsae f plaee end power, and npno enme rxweeliHI like Ibis, e-k onraeWee, 'Wbal is Ibe ead of eiir Tbe speak tb'D said : "Te divine beteao rfeaitay tt a leek ever fransbl with aetattlr, grate an I eartee st prehension. Hneitl ncjlf of depee I ettee we are bre forward over Ibe tarrmlMl see of etie'enee, we I sow aol hithr. hti let ns take eoea.deti-.q Is the Iboog hi Ibat il la n ell of life in live. Dor all of dealt) d te, thai ee Elks we blleve b-yn1 Ibe eifhl tf d-a'b the star of elereel bapptneee are) Shining." t He !! referred Xt ,m deeia t.f eprtiii sb J aqmaer, eddteg Ibsl ws lonl PREPARE FOR O O CHRB BY PURCHASING .ONE OF THOSE, ELEGANT SUITS OF ..... . E.W.Rhea & Co. A full and complete line of the cele brated Kuh, Nathan & Fisher goods just received from Chicago. Suits and Prices Guaran teed to Fit. An elegant line of Gent's Neckwear, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. . You can surely be suited in any of these lines. E. W. RHEA & CO., FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, HEPPNER, OREGON. Blankets! Blankets! TFBT jSLKTISSalESTrS I 1200 Pairs Now On Sale at.... Minor & Co. We Cotton Blankets 90c a pair. Cotton Blankets, Better, $1.25. also have a line of Eastern blankets called wool, at $3.00. But the Only Blanket On Earth is the PENDLETON BLANKET We are sole agents for those, having bought our entire line in June, it enables us to sell those oelebrated goods at the same prioes asked for inferior brands. Call and examine. he told nie I had cancer, I became alarmed and hastened to obtain treat ment for I knew how dangerous cancer was. "I received the best medical atten tion, but the cancer continued to grow worse until the physicians finally said that I would have to have an operation perfoimed, as that was the only hope for me. This I re fused to submit to, as I knew cancer was a blood disease, and my common sense told me that it was folly to expect an operation to cure a blood disease. "Knowing S. S. S. to be a good blood remedy I decided to try it, and the first bottle produced an improvement. I continued the medicine, and in four months the last scab dropped off. Ten years have elapsed, and not a sign of tne disease baa returned." The alarminjr. Increase in the number of deatha which occur as the result of a surgical operation is attracting general attention, and a strong sentiment against sncn met nods ot treatment is fast de veloping among the most intelligent classes. It seems that in almost every case where the doctors' treatment is unsuccessful, the learned physicians de cide at once that an operation must be performed, and the keen blade o' the surgeon is recklessly resorted to. The many caustic plasters which are applied to remove cancers a re more pain ful than death, and the danger of a sur gical operation ia as great as the disease itself. No plaater or surgical oper ation can cure cancer, because it is a blood disease ; the destructive cancer cells are in the blood, and cannot be cut out, or removed by local treatment As the disease must be forced from the blood, it is only reasonable to rely npon a real Diooa remedy lor a cure, one which goes direct to the csuse of the trouble and removea it. S. S. S. (Swift's Specific) is the onlv known cure for cancer aud other obsti nate and deep-seated blood diseasessucb as bcrofula, Eczema, Catarrh, Rheuma tism and Contagioua Blood Toison. It is Purely VegetableJ and is the only blood remedy guaran teed tocoutain not a particle of mercury, poiata or other mineral, which means so much to all who know tbe disastrous effects of these droits. Books oa Cancer and Blood Disease will be mailed free to all who address Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. In it for Business- .WMtfte. J. M. HAGER. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! BUT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES to suit tbe times. Ton want fresh groceries and supplies ; yon want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yon oan find what you want at T. It. Howard' MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED I T. Ie Howard Main Street. Heppner, Oregon. e WILL CARRY A FULL STOCK OF Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladles', Gents' and Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Etc., At prices as low as they can be sold in this market. THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP GODD Jlnd now the entire world Knows this verfect nrodact As the Star lireweri beer D. A. Herren Building, HEPPNER, OREGON. K !sV? "snorttoec Vacfoocoet nocGccVooc jocV'Doc-VGccVDef On draught at all popular saloons forward lo tbeir rssurreetino with Cer tainty; that ii is jil so with ths rnr- reolioo ot life. Tbat we would die in ibe agony of our grief at tlroe it Hope did not bsateo on eogrls' wings to hisper messages of consolation aud to tall of ths daeoiog of a brighter day. "All E'ss beliefs Id the immortality tit the soul, bs said. 'That exist no oo earib is but a transitory etage of hf, leading- apesril sml on ear J to a higher. nobler, eternal siiaienne bereacter. ' Irs eloamg words were, "There is tiodeet ti the stars (q down M aliice qpun a fairer shore. Let me with ths poet esjr, Hn I mr lauwlin- Mr teas and lha lout tar tuie. Uf Mra takau awl In mr heart emm laia lark SI IlKlHg, t . 1 1. ... .1 a . k. t . . 1 hat iiihIoou. SIihImI ami eru The edJreae ot Mr. fhelps was fol- lowed by sb nrgso folonlerr by Mrs. i. I) UrowD, wbo sewme eUee lo seleel til Ibe spprnpriale pteee for the oe ruion. Th eloalog erem nte by the loilg were llieu pronohDOf !, and lb aa lleoee wfe diartilwed h) IQ ng ia slneiug lli dotology. ttarriog a very few diaappoidlnteuta which apparently aonoyel an one einpl tbe Klka, who were very soiry Ibsl o r two bQiutiers of the l-f.if n bel lo I oiiiitte.1. eeerytblef beeao-J io a rf pftnt ami !t'rie mbnr, ao l an itoolil nxi.r who eitenl4 Bow hate a ittfTerettt l-e in iwar ts lha iia of Kika. The ,.r onilonhledly leaebe lhne irlnripl swtirhj are eiiMoloing an 4 nt. lifting o mankind. ael lb O-sette Is fretik In say I'lal II tieliefea I jal mm h nnlxtr erl'i. Ion ha) tteva eaal nteie the or ler wliinti will la the (uiure be with hell. HKI'I'NKR, OR., MoT. l'i, WT. Mrun. Coiurr & Itruck, lltifntr, (tr. (khtlimin: I was recently taken with a severe cold which mule ma very hoars ami rendered me unlit to attend to business. A friend ol mine called my attention to your Dr. Barthlow's coiiKh syrup and I boiia-lit s bottle, coating me .VI cents, which relieved me at once end com pletely cuit'd me. I am suhjitct to throat difficulty and I haYa found nothing, that gave me so much relief as this cough cure. I am Informed that It Is excellent for colds, bronchitis, whooping cough and all throat and lung trouble. I beg lo remain, most truly yours, OTIri CATTKKHUN, Ed. Gazette. STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. The Best Bargains- ARE NOT THE GOODS BOUGHT FOR THE LEAST MONEY But are those of greatest value In proportion to cost If you want to get your niuuey worth of holiest goods In J A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinawarc & Qucenswarc At Gilliam & Bisbee's Andbyth way l'T hav anything ymt raa call for In the Una of II aula art, eivvrw aud line ale. 0 WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. sOrsAAArii Am lftWk1A ma H II I' 'A Wl VVVIIVUI IIHIUIIUI U I 111 II Ul Ul I 1 OR MACHINERY, CALL ON- TTHOMI?OIC W are Increasing our stock for fall and winter. Call and se Confectionery That 14-Ycar Old Stuff, 'Cohen's Best," On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon e e e it Is Of- MM " WJJb VST r-a"iras. Saa 4. 1 I ' jr . . y t -w i The Ileal Halve lo the wnrl-l fr I'ei. v J i- -c j"i , I - ' 1 J' ' ftraiaww, Korea, tl-rre. H,H Itheem. W ' V I sfA f t Prft Q,,lbU.....(Vr... all Mat. (t Wffti .'! t i t j ! j V. XTT "f tH.ns.aof KMislf rri TiUs ut U A .WAllMnH' 'V 'yj ) 414 4 wtfxi n te ,rWMnPM n Prnmanip'' ' . '.iW,.',;, Oimhill M tasrteet aii.(.elh,a r ftssst MeeW. ' tt If WftS'I , j ' ; V K.jV' ' OI" mahio ooorssw see Mew HtsnJ, City Hotel Bnllliog, LOW irvTvII. Prop. J. L YEAGER, Iloppner's Leading Furniture Dealer I Jfd Room Stiitcn from f 11.00 up. , , ; (JohI, Droir-L uf'H, I'-'.L'.") r r -f fleautliul Line ol Gliristinas Goods now Open. Yve ar Ialte4 to call ei1 Inspect my SU k HOOTS AND SHOES'.., D I'rlcw 33 eer,t pmf CVeeer Prel. Tik-t a.-aet I i il .'' ' M II U W. C. U I Ml , Uln. "M I1 I r;. Tho GAZETTE, $q.oo A Year for CASH. THE LACK TO OIT THIM II AT ivr. MciiraXTiiivr It ka anything la this line that yon mar detr ami ynn raa dapend oa II yoe gel a gil artM la ben Mat guaraiilee IU SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Olsl fiteee", Male) Street FteMlrlaa a Seol.le