Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1897)
-b K f b 1 g 3 W 5? J- Vb a Q gp &3 Vft George M. Pullman, the man who taught Americans how to ride in comfort and whose oars have been symbolical of American pro gress, died of heart disease in Chicago Tuesday. b6 lotteries arouDl to the Ttrioai de partments to write on tins or that peti tion, "I oooonr." It Senator Mitchell were to be galltr of snob interference in the bestowal of federal patronage in tbis state the Oregonlan would roar like an infanated mountain lion. Mr. Cor bett is a oioe old man, bat tbe people of tble state do not "conour" in bit sena torial aspirations, although be may have paid tbe populists every oent tbe seat is worth. Pendleton Bepoblioan. Ex-Cougreseman M. 0- George de clares: "Tbe republican party of Ore- eon, if it is to win, must be united and present an unbroken front." The Port land Oregoniao admits: "This is trae; aud it can be united and present an nn broVen front only in support of tbe gold standard." Just so, but when it takes tbis attitude towards "the gold standard," as tbe Portland Oreeonian presents it, tbe party will have to give up its advooaoy of a tariff for protection, whiob will give it "an open front" that its best friends will not be able to reoognize. It is the recognition at tbis time that The Bank of England is becom ing alarmed at the outflow of gold from its coffers to this country, and variovs measures are being at tempted to stop it. But it still continues to come. The Philadelphia Record says that the Dingley law comes thun dering down the line in the Becond month of its operation, with a de ficit of three and a half mil lion dollars. What a noise there must have been in the second month of the Wilson law, when the deficit was thirteen and a half million 1 Secretary Gage will appeal from the decision of tbe board of appraisers, that the Dingley tariff did not become operative until the minute that it was signed by the president to the courts, and the question will be passed upon by the U. "S. supreme court at an early day, as there is a provision of law under which customs cases are advanced ou the docket of the supreme court. Secretary Gage had previously decided that the tariff Jaw was retroactive, and his decision will . be followed by col lectors of customs until it is re versed by the courts. If the courts uphold the decision of the board of appraisers, the government will have to refund about $300,000 to importers whose importations were entered at the custom houses on Saturday, July 24th, before the signing of the tariff act by the president. Secretary Gage holds tbe advooacy of tbe gold standard, pure that the bill became a law on the and simple, involves tbis saorifioe that day that it was signed by the presi- i,oa108i,"J!he le"der" l.the TV? dent, and that all goods entered on thepart,ig pledfled And tbi8 condi. that day were liable to the new tion confronts the republicans in Ore- duties. 1 he bill was Signed in the son Be elsewhere, and further, tbe re' afternoon, after the close of the pnblioana of Oregon have other "tales business day at the custom houses, 01 oe w"o bey cannot suppress t iu- uj However, Mr. Joe Simon and Mr uu ui uecaiuti ui iuu uuaru ui Harwy 8oott bave join6d their forces to appraisers would, if upheld, make breathe the breath of "principle" ioto all goods entered that day subject tbe grand old party in Oregon, and nn only to tne OKI duties. Treasury aeo.'y wey win suooeea, as mey are In.mlo r nnnfi,W. tW Ho. J thoroughly oonvereaot with the ''virtues" of polities, both of them having bad wide experience and most honorable connection with pnblio affairs, and each bas been beard to speak the "plain truth" of tbe other. E. O Had You Thought of It? If you have not, we desire to call your attention to a few ot the extensive lines of merchandise carried by... D E W RHEA & COM ANY officials are confident that Secre- ary Gage's decision was right and that it will be upheld by the su preme court. There la Nothing so Good. There is nothing just as good as Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Golds, so demand it and do not permit the dealer to sell you some The statement of Comptroller Eckels, of the United States treas ury, in regard to the business im provement throughout the coun try is very encouraging. He states substitute. He will not claim there is that "the improvement has come anything better, but in order to make rapidly and permeates all lines of more profit be may claim something else . , . , .. . ,, . to be just as good. You want Dr. King's imunnjr. ucBu nu UD N(JW Digoovery becaoee yon koow it to cultural ClasB. ine tanners nave be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to large crops and are cettiuc good do good or money refunded. For prices for them. The cattle-rais- Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all r . hannfitto hv QnlWmtml amotions of Ihroat, Chest and Lungs, . ,, . . ... there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's raise in the price of cattle. The New DiBnovery. Triel bottle free at I an ma 1 u frna mirh tho abaan a lanvo. I r ft. n it T 1 rrn I I liia imnrAvamnnr in onriAnltiirnl I nAi.ta Ami XI INK $5,000,000 Washington Gaslight rZ;33Zr , company, and also interests in a .. . ""T" "D. lUD ' FUNERAL OF A MONKEY. street railway capitalized at $12, : 1 i Bu. c.t, nei.v.r. or.. uuuviiuuuro iucaua..oul ..uij i A monkev named Jocko, which was 4 hnaa mnnnnMlina ora rami 1 ut Al i hv I I 1 V. A Kuulnnm nan. """" ff ,V,Ma ,! l, t,.U ---- the U.S. congress, John It. should , c. i m T V ' y' , ed . u UUUDULICU tUC lUDIUUaUVBi It is not a kind thing for the editors of newspapers to insinuate that just because John II. McLean, of Washington, D. C, (residing in Ohio these few months) happens want to got into the senate. Tbe leaders of the calamity par ty are overjoyed at the slight fall in wheat lately, lney are ex- WHAT OllK EXCHANUE9 HAY. and Ilev. Mr. Rounder, who has a tab ernacle there, thought him worthy of a funeral oration. 80 the little body was placed in a casket and carried sol emnly out to the place of worHhip. Rev, Mr. Rounder mounted the platform and spoke as follows, according to the Ana' conda Standard: "God Almighty gave mankind ten commandments to show him how to live right. Jocko was never given any .....Trade Leaders of Heppner They have greatly enlarged their capacity for doing business, and don't forget that they are rustling for it. "Price cuts no ice" with us. We will meet all legitimate competi tion and are doing it every day - We carry a full stock in these goods, made from Oregon wool by the Eagle Mills, of Brownsville. The prices range from $1.00 up. We also have a splendid line of quilts of several grades and can outfit you veay cheaply. ! vers Have just received a large line the past week in sizes 10x14 and 10x16. These goods are of heavy Duck. Prices, very low. Ladies' and Gents' Underwear In the above lines our stock is very complete in both heavy and light grade woolens. Come in and see our full line of fleece lined goods at $1.50 per suit. Just the thing for winter wear. Overshoes, Felts and Rubbers The biggest line in town. Now is the time to buy these goods and be prepared when the bad weather sets in. We are sure to please you. The above are but a few of the lines c irried by this house. Come in when you visit Heppner and get our prices. We will treat you right. 9 Tbe Simon-Oregonlan "push" has slated Mr. (Jeer for either oolleotor of nimtfima. onwarnnr. Mn.rtumnn nr pectantly watching quotations, in 0l,id states senator, to all of which the hope that something will con-1 Mr. Ueer bows graoefolly, and all of duce to a further depreciation of "loh goes to show tost Mr. Oeer is, in commandments, yet Jocko in his own it. vnlnn an Hit (Iiao nan anv VA faot, very much a "miaoellnnemis can- way managed to average up pretty ' " J 1. 1 M..... It 1(1.. L. t i n I . L..ll ..lit. tL. maHlrlnyl told you SO to the farmers. The I .,,,...,..... ,,J even without , any commandments. fact that an ounce of silver a year dwv.. fot i0 riDUDden of tba Uen. When Mo-e brought the ten com. BgO was equal in value to a bushel jry, superintendent of the reform of wheat, but now buys only a half ichool or oterk of the state land board, bushel, has knocked the wind out r WDich "reon ,,miscllaneous" Notice of Intention. Land Omc atTbb, Omoon, October, 8, 1H07. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE follow I nc-ilkmed Mttler hu filed notice of hit intention V make final' proof In mpport of hli claim, and that aaid proof will be made before J. W. Morrow. County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, November 19, 1897, vU: JOHN E. 1'ETEHHON, ot Oooieberry, Oregon, Homeitead No. 4081 for the 8K of See 31 Tp i 8 K ''4 K W M. He namei the following wltneaiei to prove hli contlnuoiii retlnence upon ana cuiuvauon of mill land. Tli: Frank A. Lundll, Charlei J. Anderaon, John jonnton ana Augu uanaon, allofOooMberry.Uregon. 87-98" Kegliter. Assignee's of their specious argumeuts. lilt. Oregon Mist, The Oregonian is endeavoring to BECAME of the tariff laws of create the impreeelon that lloo. U. W. the United States and Canada, U. CorWtt, now in Wa.hlngton Uiiy. is a ILLevethe big soap manufac- !TT.l turer, has come to the United the state of Oregon. It iosioaatea that btates to establish a factory, and tboee persons reoommeuded by tbs Ore he will goto Cannda with the same rod delegation are ot appointed, bat projoct for that country. Mr. ,r be,n n"J np by Senator Cor. Uver has an enormous 10,(X)0,. "Z " " " n, .u. . ., '. ' true that tbe prompt appointment of 000 soap factory at lort Sunlight, Mr. Oeer to tbe land offlo. at Oregon Kngl and, where he employs .WOO Oily was with Heoalor OorMt's acqaies persons. From this place he has oeooeifnot active support? Mr. Cor liart'tofore supplied the trade of h$tt ta nJ''J o oppose Ueer for . rri i o"iinuuir ui caiiumi ana to oe IB lavor foreign countries. The prohibit- ...,.,, M. , I . i . . , of retaining Mr. Illack. Is it poeible ive tariff agaiust foreign soaps, he ,b.t Corb,tt baa been staodiug in with says, forces htm to erect factories Miu-beil in helping to "inm Oeer in these countries. dowof' If the Oregoniao Is not ruitlakeo either as to Oorttett's lotlaenoe, or in mandmenta down from the mountain there 'was one commandment which said: 'Thou shalt not awear.' Yet, judging from what one heara at any time up and down the strc'at, swear ing with the general of mankind haa come to be considered a manly accom plishment, and the most fantastic awrarcr is the most popular man. "Mankind was commanded: 'Thou halt not kill,' yet every year murder becomes more frequent. Then there Is another commandment which man kind has revlwd o as to require only that women shall otiey it. In these fin de sliH-le daye the offense is pro nounced to be no sin ao far aa man is ooticvrncd. "Thou ehalt not covet' was another command irlven to man. Thia doea not apply to any who might desire that a pack of carda should be com- noid of nftv-two kings anil qneena. "Woddtd not help Jocko along by giving him any commends, ao he did not know how to do right, but he seemed to do better than most people you meet I nitint admit that Jocko ud to steal whenever he got a rhance. but he wa never told by any body not to ideal, and with all Ma talimr he never took any more than KOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Orrn a at Ths Dau.i, Osioon, TnTtr u nrnrpv nivrx that thi iv following-named settler has filed notice of hie Intention to make final proof In airport of hli claim, and that aald proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, oreson. on Friday. November 19, 1897, r-HAKI.EUJ. ANDERSON, of Qooteberry, Ore., Homrelead No. JT'.M for ths N of See. 11 Tp 1 a at ar u U 0 I Iw " He nitmM tne lonowinf w uncus w pnTi 1.1 1. .l .. aTranb k 1. 1111(11 1. Jnhtl It III Mill IMII'lt .... V i.t.r.on km it Liinrffill nnd Andrew H. Peter ton, not uooeeotfrrj, uref on. uvvD af HO. Wt 87-98 ReKliter. Sale Of Accounts. Notes and Notice ii hereby given that the underaigned SMlgnee of the ettnte of Cox Broe., lnaolvent debtora, will on Haturday the IRth day of Oc tober, ln'.rf, at the Court houm door in Hepp- .Ln V. . . A. ' 1 1. K . nn I aid day, tell to the hlgheat bidder for caah in nana, an me nouta aim account 01 nm ln aolvent eatate. remaining unpaid on laid date. The approximate face value of aald note and account li M.Vtfl 00, and a full lni'tlon of lame can he had at the office of Eilu k Fhelpi at any time uuiore nm aaie. w. r, r ai.i., Aatlnnee of Cox Bros.. Insolvent Debtors. 79-88. In it for Business- V SUMMONS. 4". J4 Notice of Intention. Land Orru a at LaUsaudi, Oksoom. Hent. 187. VTOTICE IS HKRKBY OIVRN THAT THI l f..ii..iii..n.mMl aetllar has Bled notice of hia Intention to mak flnal proof In support of hli claim, and that aald proof will be made be fore County Clerk, Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, en Oct. Hh. Wfl.vU; COMMODORI r. BOWMAN, Hd. I. No. I.S for the NW14 BecZiTpJ N R 'ii K W M Ha name the folfowlnf wltneaM to prove hla continuous mldence upon and cultivation of aald land, via: W. H. llaon, A. i. lvla, Vt llllam Mccarty, all ot Kcho. Oregon, and at. A. Urrlgall, ol Uallowsy, Oregon. B W ' vv i ' r. . IN THK JUSTICE COURT OP THE R1XTH 1. Dint riot of Morrow County. Utate oi Oregon. I u. k. unmen, naintin, va. R.-W. Bcarden. defendant To R W. Bcarden, Defendant. In the name of the Hut of Oregon, you are I Hereby reinrea to appear netore tne unncr Ignea, s luitlre of the peace for the Dlntrlct. aloreaald, on the 17th day of November, 1NV7, at I 10 o cioca , a. m., at tne omce 01 lain juatice, lu aald dlatrict, to anawer the above named plain- till In a civil action. Tbe defendant l Uke notice that If he fail to anawer th complaint herein the plaintiff will take Judgment agalunt him for JW.Wand the coat and iliaburaement of action. Thia aummoni Ii aerved upon you In puran- anoe of an order made and entered In said court on the Mh day of October, 117. W. A. Kli-HABbaoM, Jiiatleeof th Pear. nth Ula. Morrow Co.. HUte of Oregon. J. M. HAGER. GENERAL MERCHANDISE KeglaMr. a u m, ... loreigu "Hwer t fTidoniif tie. tt'fiuit.ed to ruin us, it Itonsihlei, by dunn ing a lot of sold in on us in exchange for our wheat, corn, Hi cat, ami other product. TllEM. Is HO lon(;ir any doubt th charge that Mltohell controlled the! he wanted for bis own use. lie never that tho "money power" Of Europe h011"0 ot ,h 0ron lllon tben r..t.W4 widows and orphans, ana . . ' Miii..ii .. i n...i.-.. ... dlisl with nothing on earth but the clomiuaioe tble country. jue "-" are K.,, .! .t. it:.,i is..... ... " t. v. UU Mj ' Mr. Oeet. Verl- .Mmt wi,Hher Ired Ultchles numkey lu,uo vuivm.oiiM'e, iuruuKu , tb Oregoniso's slstciueete l.a t in I . i.r..,u .,r n.,t. Not knowlnir York, Ban Francisco, New Orleans, I qocer eonolualon. UiiUboro IndepeoJ. I hlmaelf whether he was orthixloi or an.I ntlier norta. nnlil now tiava sot. not. he never wat-d any time In try- ' " "v 4 ..... . I..J. .Iu . eia ci;cuu,;o ot r,mw h Ja ., ,,,, a X; " K ... MCt'ss oi that of a vear avjo. With 1 1 t... ... i-.i.. i lie made no pretenalona U religion . .....I .wiiwvi r : , . " " ,ur" and he wssno hypocrite. Jocko wae ss. a.wvui.iNsswi.ii.v fw ro,mia.l..t.ers. Al s meeiieg of , ,(.Uy f MVl'., mt he never had mj larger inan ft year ago. i bit wr m raiem me oiner day tbe three origins! member and A. I. Wg er, the spare," were all pr eeeat aod took pari or at Urn pled to take part In the proceeding. General GotnDeoa. however, wbnm U'sgner wae sppoioied losaecetvl, is still of lbs opinioe thai t m a eummleeloner, an J Mr. Wstoer I eqnai r ooou iot or nimseir tin a TnE Oregon I'lcsa aoctali.)U eommitioBer beeaa oar Lord bas so at it meeting in taker City, elect- ordsleJ.-Oregoo Mlt r-d tht following ofTicer for the coining year: 1'rcaiJont, (3. sir to I It I sslJ tbst Mr. U. W. Corbett ie IU Binall. f.f tlie Ilakcr Citv Demo. J"J' b department. I . 1 ft a i m crati first t,re.i.l.,tit I) M "" " . t'ontn the n ,,. . , . . I eoarteey of elerks i liven en Ppttorlun- p,.u. toterneeth vsrioas mn.bum.Ii president, J. r. Mewart, oi the tl els! o Bl from ttreeoa. h is Foesil Journal; treasurer. Charlo UaiJ ! after areflly aeaaaiae em Niciell. of the JrknvUl Timeai P1 P-Uhi II le enlte aaa.l J?i ccrdary. AUml Turicr, of I'ort- l"'!'' TMJ" Lll'.f""' V m4" " i . .! 1 .. if i ' I xeeer, II. W. (wbelt.H Of (more m. mmm a wttn. inuu, uisKirian, vieorge II. Jiuurs, i thmn u BO , .-ai.i ... ... , . ti.i.i. . . .1 ' " ' wi itiriiaua; eergeant-i-rrn, A. I Orvfoe igalo any of tbe petitions W. i'atlereol), who i d0 in tht Ibis stale aad tbe essae of any of fiuit tu.ljirig law. Tho f ecuti ,h",, " ,q,U M ,a ,h v,mmill ... V 1. V Win- it "'" ".r cra.e a 16 at oi ii. w. " " " " r,uu i... ..I .. i .u,, . to take the Keeley eure; he never smoked ckrarrlU'... be never ehewed tobaetst. Jih Uo never had a Ilible to fuide him. but be never forirot ft frtrnd ami he never twtntyed friend. Hla wor.t fault was that he was ft natural rn thli f, but be was bora hal way. lie was never told by hi Orator not t steal, and if there I Heaven fur monkrj I think Jm-ko U g-nlnif to Im ttoe up to the trireme with e m vrr f.i'linir supp'T nut and lettuce, and enough Ink to swim In CITATION. N THE COUHTT JOCRT Of THE STATE hM,n lot th. fnuntv of Morrow. la Ui matter ol th eatate el K. U. Sperry, de- la Jam B. Snerry, administrator of the .t.... i..mbl aatat. anpetlna th. nam. of in v, .tvfii. ara hrretiv etwa ann ir.iuiri in .MMt In th. I ...intv Court of the aula of Ore gon, lor tne uniT m ""-. -- m,n Ihmnl al Heppner. In th Connty ol Morrow, on Toeaday in in nay 01 nimmwr, w7. at Wo'rlork In th forenoon of lhal day. . . ... . . . . .. f mm IK.M tneo ana ner. w .ww w.--, . by you ahould not tie lw a auco aomni- k ii..... th. Hon. A. U. Bartholomew, ludg of the County Court af th auta ol Oregon, lor ih. Count v ot Morrow, won n. i ui curt sOtaad, Uo Uth day ol OcUf, A. U, '""Attert: J. W. MORROW haw Clerk. Notice of Intention. Laud Orru s at Tns Daixm, Oanoow. Kept, jo, Iter;. V0T1CE IS HERKBY OIVEN THAT THE 1 lollowlng-nameil arltlcr ha flled nolle I of hi IntenUon to mak flnal proof In support I of hta claim, and that aald proof will he mad I octorej. m. Morrow, county clerk, si Heppner, I uregon, on rov. iin, iwi, vu: THOMAS J. MERRILL, Hd. F. !tn, t2M for th Hi NE4 HKU NEW See, U and HnU ha1 Hre, SS, Tp. MKAlw M. H name th following wltnmt In provl hla eontlnuoit realdene upon snd eultlvatlon I of aald land, via: Benjamin Parser, Frank ward, Keiinen Allen, Albert H. Allan, all oil Hard man, uregnit. J AS. r. MIKIKK. I Register. WILL CARRY A FULL STOCK Of e Groceries. Dry Goods, Ladies' Gents and Children's Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Etc., j- At prices as low as they can be sold in this market. X D. A. Herren Building, HEPPNER, OREGON. Notice ot Intention. CITATION. 1 THE COI'MTV COf RT OP THE STATE 1 of On-on. for Morrow Count. In the of th tat. and guardlanahip of Wlnnttn-d illlllam. An her M. Ollllam ami iMter R OIHIrm. minora tl appearing to th ro'irl from th afndavlt and petition of Aunt iMIIIam. guaMian ot the atone initial mlimra. that It la tierraaary, and would b heneHi lal to aald minor, and their eatat and all peraona Int.rrated Is.reln. to aell in in manner pmviiieii ry law th following I drw-rllml Ml eatata, ami all lalereal of aald minora therein, Ull Th eaat ballot thai north Mat quarter, ami the eaat hall of th, I uiim-eaai auarter ot em-lion It. Inwriihln 4. aouth ul rang. V eaat W . M. It I, thenlor I herehy onlrrtvt that th. IMit of kin of aald mlmm and all peraoo lntert In aaid eatata. aopaar hrtor thia nwrl at th Countr Court I room In Heppner, Movmw onuntT. Untn. na I Mnn.lay th. l.l Aay iw Bovemher, IujI at th I hor ol 10 o rlora a. m , and th.a an.) there fAND OrrlCK AT TH BlUMimiww. ahnw raiia If any !, why lirena ahnuld t apt II. IK. K"lc Is '" h grante.1 th aal. of th. ihm. da. Timber Culture, Final Proof. t'sivsB stiTs 1.4 a e Prtii s, nMi. tbl..Ui M taM CTIlK HkHgY Wl Ri THAT HtMMV f loll., o4 Hardman, treoo, ha Sled kotlr ol ntnUa a mat Sn.l hetoea J W. Mutma, t iimt t t.r, al hu .- la liM"f. Ittrnn. va Wattlat Ik ftth t4 hotenitf. wrr, on Umber emtare ar.MI i.iioa h.i 1111, for a, h w, 4 lot 1 ,l i of rt .ifi l, wT, on timber eiiitar nahip pta, t south rattf tdala t R.l. I.l L 1 hui, Weai.y W S'a.n.a, aadilll Ie4 i', U al r ight Mil. or n jaa r. M'Miat. SB M rUixur. OIIH THt atWoHTHY AMI ACTIVE that th lol lowing nameo "! umm nm im. of hi Intaetioa to aiak Snal proof la support of hla rial m, and that aald pr..! will U atad briar J W . Wtwenw.Counly t lark.St Happo, tmroll. OB October r, IWJ. U; MART OIJH. M l R v lof IBS iH wet. JB, I t "m nana Ue tollowlns wltnetae wi ptnv kliwntlBiNiifl'leoe.apn a4 fnltl.allon nl. aald laad. VI. Jacob I. Vnang, aljr. Hrannaa. both ol fwvldenw, Orerin, lo rUrg m.ra aod ErS a.rf.lmra. both s4 U.-abwry, ttregow. T- JAa.f.Mo"R RegtMar. Notice of Intention. L B wrta a f Tss Pausa. a-Ajr , arr, VOTICB ta SIERSIlT t"T tHB i billow ins ! tle ,,J "M,"m hi lntolla ' tB'Mpl-xtiw hurl.!. a4 that H pnl will b mad. b t,,ra I w Morraw toaaty Clark, al Meppwer. Urawaa. aa h. t. I'. U ERASE A. imillU, Md E v rm bw the 9l , ti Tp t R - . . . H.MHH4IM ,01 low "if l"" - h mtio..Mw . .. . .1 . . . " : , bta maumxiw eaat-tMe -. ao4 e.paMM rSaMloa al-ly. R.I.,. Aad-ewaw, 25?l7 r-. ki, .IWI .ia.a,l .a..l.i4 j leWrww. sl t ,r,V.. ,, . lb iHMatatws Ausiai. lata, V lhra I ' Mmi, HtgiMat. arrlbed rwal ..!. It I futher ordrfad that a I rty or ini. oflxr b puhliahad anra wk t. foe lour eurrweetre lab bebire aald day ap- poiniaa. in in. neppn., MtMta. aeaaivtwr I ot general rlnnUHoB. and pupbllahed st Heppner. Morrow raiuiily, On-eon, . A. U. PAHI HIMIMF' County iadga. A YtABe FIRICMOC . 1" O-veiosiTe AVe, ' AeeeaaawAlaaBaH,,, Eastern Oregon State Normal School, ' Weston, Oregon. Wiy wTATf SCHOOL IN aiian unibOPt. Lt-4 ee the O. It it. lUiUs, S..r"'.- b', reodletoe eed V a le Walla. Btedeote sJatlltad si all times ol tbe tear. First-Class Traininrj School for Teachers. Voeal and loalrnBMetal U oeie taaiht f laetrwetore. A trade, ate of lb IVielosi Ooaaeey atory bs ebarVe e( tbe laetrtitaeetej depwt- BIM.L Tlio larfiilloH'UofirtHiiir IIcill raiee. Kad rot tsialcfoe. A.s-sese M OYAL, rSwsieewl ef reewltv ee P A -wnarruia. TON. ftweeeter, lH ef Re.ewJ.t.!!.. i'rINQ 1 " a eea mf 8CIEKTIFI0 AMERICAN, If.!-. IBWMta ' - - KM t arawra mm tAJZl m MUNN A CO., 1 aUsaSwWB, , f atlA. AT Til It '8 Ue. rSaae, free. fS.SO Ue Cy Mel beaiisf 9dm CiU4tttt, Meieei