Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 11, 1895, Image 1

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IIIIM.MttlllMlllll llllltllMlll(ltlM Will
5 2
Is owing to my liberality in ad-:
vertis:ng Robert Bonner. I
Advertising' brought me all 1 S
own, A. T. Stewart. 2
Z 5
Sil'l 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 III III I'll lit Ml I HI HI II I II II 1 11 13
WMW HI It ,l I.Ht l I I I II! 1 1 1 I'l I 1 41 HI I i I.I I I I ! 1 11 111 i
O F v.
Tuesdays and Fridays
A. W. PATTERSON. . Business Manager
At $2.5'. per year, $1.25 for six months, 75 ots.
tor three niouios.
Aduertis ng Rates Made Known on
Appl cation.
THIS PAPKR is kept on file st E. C. Make's
Advertising Aitenny, H4 snd 65 Merchants
ExchanKH, Han Francisco, California, where oou-
racte for advertising can be made tor it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 1:1") p. m. daily
except Sunday. Arrives at Willows Juuction
dilli n. m.
No. 10, mixed, leaves Willows Junction 6:30
p. m. Arrives at Heppner 9:00 p. m. daily except
East bound, main line arrives at Willows
Junction 8: SO a. m.
West bound, main line, leaveB billows Junc
tion 12-.IW a. m.
West bound Portland fast freight with pas
senger coach leaves Willows Junction 4:;;0p. m.
and arrives at The Dalles at 9:00 p. m. Here
passengers from the branch lay over till 3:l.ia.
tn. irnil take the fust mail west hound which ar-
rlvns at Hortlmiri 7:25 a. m. The Dalles and
Portland passenuer leaves The Dalles daily at
1:4ft d. m. and arrives Ht Portland 6:00 p.m.
Leaves Portland 8:00 a. m. daily and arrives at
The Dalles 12:1ft p. m. This connects with the
east hound way freight with passenger coach
which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. in., arriving
at Willows Junction t:as p. m.
United States OtticiHlH.
President Greyer Cleveland
Vioe-l'resident Ad ni Stevenson
ul.Hainu..rUt(.ta Uinlmrrl M. OlnRV
Secretary of Treasary John O. ("srliele
Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith
u ..r TWninl rt. I.nninnt
Siviretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert
P'ntmter-fJenoral William ... Wilson
Attor'iny-Ueneral Juilson Harnma
Seorelary or Agriculture a. oieriiu morion
8 tate of Orea-un.
Oovernor W. P. Lord
u- ........,. UhiiA H. It. Kmniiiil
T.iunf Phil. Meiselan
Knot. Pulil'io Instruction O. M. Irwin
Attorney General M- Ilimnn
1 ft. W. Melinite
Senator J. H. Mitchell
J Bineer Hermann
Congressmen w. ft. Ellis
l'nnir W. H. Leeds
( R. S. Han,
l I...l... 1 V. A. Moore.
oiomiun u'ii... l - --- .
f 0. K. Wolverton
Sixth Jodlrlnl lllstrift.
n, i ... I HtAr.hnn A T Jiwpll
Hiruuil. auuffo ..v
'nimcnting Attorney . I-awrey
Jlorrow wonniy umeiaia. l
""mint Senator... ... .'A. Yt'r"Tta
nwieiw-iumiTH, -----
..nntyJndge Jiihne Kaithly
' tVmimlssinnere J. 11. Howard
i. M. Baker. . ,
rurir J. W. Morrow
i ui ttr ( W Ifarrifurtin
" Treainrer'..'."."..'.".'!!.'..'.... Frank 'ima.ui
A.nr J. '. Willie
m u.. I t.vi Ixinl
. I u..n' ..Arnlt llHlfliuffr
' Coroner .'. . . .T. W. Ayere. J r
mtrPNica town ornoitBii.
HVOI Thus. Morgan
.:lV CI V Vnrnawnrlh. .M.
Mnlitrntlial, (Mie Pilron, T. W. Aysre, Jr.,
K. 8. Uorner, K. J. Blocum. .,.,, .
Her.ir.... .K. J. MhI ock
n I- 1 . 1 rMIHIfl
irmnuivi.,., , .
.Urehal A. A. Imliert
Piwinrt ()mirr.
t ...i at - V i. VrwdHnd
Cnn.tj.ble N. S. WheUtou
l'Rliel metre land nmrarft.
J.F. Moore H.it"r
A.B. Hue Iloomver
n.F. Wile..n Wl.tr
J. II. IL.hlnm Welvr
sxcnsT 80c:rnx.
it. A. K.
M u t Umngion, (r., Ihe Uet SetunUy of
-art. m.nth. All taterane ere iiiTitol In )tn.
.'i' l. a UtiL UF. Mmtl
' Adjutant. If ( imiuuil.
L U M IJ E It !
tin- n avk run halk all kimm or cm
rtn i ! LumlxFr. Uuiieeol llrppuer, al
what Is known ae Uie
Are the Highest of all High Grades.
Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price.
Do not be induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on
having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a
million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold.
211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75.
Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO.,
Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or.
h -,sr f&
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had Yon a s
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ? f cJ
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thoasands under the new M
law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it
to vou and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present fw
S your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
V" ' itA r si i artir iMnw ix Trio Hrrpni ft l niiiir.
)jWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
rtR 1.000 riET. ROCOH, -
" CLIAK, -
I 00
IT m
rr rruvKRrii i Hfcpsnt, will add!
I l au pmt l.uui Ifwt. eiMIUeoel.
The al- riinlalme ere itrl 11 M CH,
I. IIAMII.T0S. Prop.
HaiW Bant o( Mr.
nmm mmi banking business
on Fe"ftle Troie
"i" ir t x a
. jl a. jijy
fc c i noo ". . ei 3
'siii c'. .- ti' . i
1 UM j.rt m rlniM.n --3 I
tfw,tt.4t. K4ej 1 ir .t yj ,
1 I it. Vf t a- l . av
e - ivi'"r wr I . tJ
fM'liilM.mitMfwiit, rti
J - t rit'i
I el. t CVTT'kfl. r2
fc eeejeea e,tl t-
YOC CAS HI'V IJ.YU0 worth of dry foods and grocetios and then have
enough left out of llUO On lo purchase a No. 1 Crcscf lit Illcycle. This is
a first clan machliie. Why then pay llno.oo for a bicycle that will give,
no better service T
CRK4CEST "Hron her," weight 20 pounds, only I rt.
Ladles' and Heiita' roedalers all the way from 10 to 7V
"Boys' Junior," only l with pneumatic tire -a good m. iilno.
"Our Hperlal." Men s I K Udlc-s', V.
ty of Morrow, State of Oregon.
F. B. Vaneleave, 1
L. II. Vaneleave,
Defendant. J
To L. H. Vaneleave, Defendant
In the name of the State of Oresen, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit within ten days from thedHteof the service
of this summons upon you, if served within
this county; or, if served in any other county
ol this state, then within twenty days from the
date of the Bervice of this summons upon you;
and if served upon you by publication or by
personal servico without the State of Oregon,
then you are required to appear and answer on
or before the first day of the next regular term
of said court, to-wit: On or before the first Mon
day in March, 1H1(. And in case you fail to so
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take
a decree against you for the dissolution of the
marriage bonds now existing between you and
plaintiff, and for the care and custody of the
minor child born as the fruits of said marriHire,
to-wit; R. A. Vaneleave; and for such further
decree as the court mav deem just.
This summons is published by order of the
Hon. James A. Fee. Judite of the 6th Judicial
District of the State of Oregon, dated September
6th, 1H95. u. w. kf.a.
74-S6. Attorney lor riaintin.
out of tho Honorable Circuit Court of the
Sfate of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, on
the 2d day of octoDer, ihuo, in lavor or u.
Rood, Plaintiff, and against Alfred Doolittle,
Emma A. Doollttie ana comn at wcfariano
Defendants, for the sum of Two Hundred and
Five (1205.00) Dollars with interest thereon from
the 17th day of August, 1H9I, at the rate often
per cent per annum and Twenty Dollars attor
ney's fees, and the further sum of Sixteen aud
20-100 Dollars costs, and accruing costs,
I have levied upon and will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder on Saturday, the
2d day of November, 18H5, at 2 o'clock P. M. of
saw flav. at tne court nouse ooor in tieppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, all the right, title, and
interest which the said Alfred Doolittle, Emma
A. Doolittle and Collin & McKarland, Defen
dants. had on and after tho 3d day of September
iwti, in or to the louowing aescribea premises,
North-east Quarter of Section Nineteen (19) in
Township Three (3) South, of Range Twonty-
nve tHSt, w. i., in morrow county, uregon.
Terms of sale, cash in hand, the proceeds to
be applied to the satisfaction of said judgment,
attorney's fees, costs and all costs that may
Daced at Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon.
i this second day of October, 1 M!15.
ft-84 Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
It Was So Because
Was Compelled
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
to Be.
Daniel Frisbee, once a newspaper
man, now an actor, tells the San Fran
cisco Call:
At one place called West Union, in
Iowa, we had the oddest experience I
have yet met with. We played in a hall
thirty feet underground that had for
merly been two saloons, tne stage De
ing composed of dining tables. Though
the theater was packed with people,
we might have been playing to wax
figures for all the interest they exhib
ited in the play. There was not one
laugh or sign of applause from the be
ginning to the end of the performance.
We noticed a man going up ana down
the aisles, but did not pay much atten
tion to him until he came behind the
scenes after the show and was intro
duced as the proprietor of the theater
the ex-saloonkeeper.
"Pretty nice lot of an audience," he
remarked to me with the pride of own
"Yes, quite a lady-like one," I an
swered; "very gentle and timid."
"They've got to be. I walk up and
down the aisles with a club, and if I
see anyone making a noise I throw
him out."
And that accounted for the silence.
The people stood in such awe of the sa
loonkeeper that they did not dare to
If a luckless wight smiles it never
smiles again.
ious glance at our knees, informed us
that our 'indecent exposure' had pro
duced considerable abashment among
his lady companions. Of course we re
tired at once to avert the disastrous ef
fects of a second esthetic shock, but we
wondered at the same time how it was
that a community which could connive
at social scuudals and look with equa
nimity upon the half-naked natives
working on the street should be so dis
concerted at the sight of a kneecap."
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
6i's P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. $
Jf. B.Thlt Company U controlled by nearly one thousand leading tteirt- (VjO
papert in the Vnittd State, and it guaranteed by them.
Bv virtue of an execution issued out of the
Honorable Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Morrow, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said court on the
Third Day of September, lx'.io, in favor of Lu
clnda Hales, Plaintiff, anil against J. 1). Kirk,
Mvamma kirk ami the Morrow County Land A
Trust Company, a corporation, Defendants, for
the sum of Twenty-live Hundred ($2AiKl) Dollars
(jold Coin, with Interest thereon from the Dili
dav of March. 1W2. at tho rate of ten per cent.
per annum, and one Hundred and Mnety rive
(19") Dollars attorney's fee, and the further
sum of Twenty-three and 7,"-100 (fi'l .".') Dollars
co'-ts. and accruliiK costs, I have levied upon
aud will sell at public auction on Saturday, the
lllth day of October. lHid, at 2 o'clock P. M., at
the court house door in Heppner, Morrow
county, and state of Oregon, all the right, title
end interest Men tne salil J. I). Kirk, Myainma
Kirk and the Morrow County Laud v. Trust
Cotipany, Defendants, had on or after the third
I day of Seitemler, IHVh, In or to the following
I described premises, to-wlt:
ih North Half nt vrtinnTMykalx. the
I Northwest Quarter of Section Thirty-five and
Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty-six, all
lu Township One (1) South, of Range Twenty
six fail East. W. M.
lermsol sale, cash in band, the proceeds to
lie applied to the satisfaction of said principal
sum, Interest, attorney's fees, costs, aud costs
tnat may accrue.
Dated at Heppner In the state and county
i aiorusaiii mis i nn nay oi rn-pt., in n.
li. W. II A KKI.Mi TON,
371-79 Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Notice Of Intention.
lj Hci'tcinlier mi, IxOY Notice Is hen hy given
that the follow lug named Mdlli-r has tiled no
tice of his lit.-iitltii to make II 'ml tuoof In suti,
port ol Ills claim, and thai said proof will lie
made before J. IV, Morrow, County Clerk, at
Heppner, oresoii. on .ovcmiicr. 12, i v.i,, vis:
lid. K. No. h,. lor IhesK', NWS,. NF.U HW'i
and VM sec. :s. To. I s. K K.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence uto:i and cultivation
I of. said laud, vlr i
John armlfhael, Marlon Fvsns John T.
inVMIIIau, James U-aeli, all of Ij-tliigton. or.
X7l.Ni J. f. MooKK, u.gincr.
German Emperor Was Ilaxed by the Stu
dents at Ilonn.
Dr. W. Clark Robinson, of Edinburg,
was a classmate of Emperor William of
Germany at lfonn, says the Huston
Transcript. Telling of his first meet
ing with the tierman emperor he said
the other day: "It was in the fall of
'78 when I first met the emperor. He
was a student at Honn. I shall never
forget the amusing spectacle he pre
sented. You know it is the custom of
the Btudents at Honn to take a daily
plunge m the waters of the Khine,
For the new man this is a trying ordeal.
When they go down to the Hhine to
take their first swim they are repeat
edly ducked by the older students un
til they cry for mercy. I.veryoue was
on the lookout for tho prince's initial
appearance, and when he ventured into
the river he was ducked unmercifully,
nut milium would never give up,
Down again and again went the future
emperor's head, but he pluckily refused
to give up. Finally, when he had
reached the verge of total collapse, he
was pulled out of the water looking
more like a drowned rat thuu alive
man. It took us nearly twenty min
utes to bring around (iermuny's future
Uu the farm theft is continually oo
oar rin 8 little) ncciilenla to iiiho and
beast that causa delav to the farmer in
bit work. Thn duration of this delay is
a matter of importune tn the thrifty
tiller (if the anil. As a quick Mini relia
ble remedy for ailments und nliritsioni
of tho IIohIi, there in noun let tcr than
Dr. J. If. Mcl'Hti's Volonnifl Oil Lini
ment. It lute proved Its worth by in any
venrs of 1'iinatalit and siiceess'ol une.
I'l ire 250, Mo and $1 INI per hot tin.
not Weather
to a Large
Notice of Intention.
Laxd Office" at La GSisns Oaaoox.
peptellilivr l. I .
lollowlue named settler has tiled notice
I of his luteiitliMi to make final prool In support
nl hie claim, snd Ihel Mid proof will I made
refore J Morrow, roomy V lets, si Heppner,
Oregon, un So. I l'ii, U :
ltd. MI9. for I he S, h'. snd N'4 hKW sec.. 29.
IP I H. It n .. . M.
He name I lie following witnesses ti. prove his
I citiltmious resMenre iitoii aud cultivation ol.
mi. I land, tit :
M J lievlo, R J. lipid. W. II lUtrrett, W. L.
Haling, all ! Heppner, Morrow i o . .r
n, r. iij"i:v
rr lu-Kister.
-t Tit It-
MOSt Popular Republican Newspaper of the West
Ani Has the Largest Circulation.
DAILY (without Sunday) lA.oo per ytrr
DAILY (with Sunday) S.oo per ycl.
The Weekly Inter Ocean tel. 00
rtR YEAR ) V
r AN 11 OKFH r. AT T H V. HU LK. (ittfr.'IMM.
I t Oel.il.rr . Vdii a lo lel. (Urn
Unit the lolloali,!- iaMe Miller lias filed tin
llienl hi Intel. li. . ii . fii.al i,i,,l in .,
1 -ir1 of his t latm. and llial said pried III t
id ikIiiiii j n. Morrow, i onnir lers. al
Heppner, Oregon, nn Nneil.f . !', ,
Nl lo,A4 I.KAtllKlia,
IM f. Nn for the a'. Ni; a. JKij
IS a ee f, IIUS .' r, w
Ha allies Ilia ..I..H. illo.aar inpmte
I his oiiitltinoos real lriM uin and ruilliailon
of. aald unl, ill
Jamea Hhlon. inert t""y. War Grilles
o at uiilmuay, ail ol iiaoiman. ik..ii
i A r, w ie. r ,
T.H Hei.tr
A Dior of
I lav For Sale.
I ! l u lotisof er ;anl f.ay on b,f plar
I til to tie tlriis ttirt al,l.h I ailslltary
Ireaaotial.'a, lie reigM haafloti f.,f trA
ut . , e, rllll 14 It.
w tm i'i. is.i
A NrPAH 1HR trxTTt fXrSf Vt eaeaaH I he tleaes la al
rasaaMts It '-" HUM Mlaa M aifwoaa la MiaOSi ALL 1 till
TIic Weekly Inter Ocean
It hat eaHlet mt lalMwat la aaxh a4 I he taaitf.
II tos In 1I HAW I M M M I ha ay hee4 e4 Me SlaaV.
Illlll Mh ILAUhl tere
xHniCAl IV IT I w HII HI KAN. r MS seare lh bsrtH mt ha
iaMa M an NrS MtllMSi (. II SM ! IMIi Mi Of
Hi, USUl.
tit rf t fxtin r -jiiiHri ij tnicA, tm Nn ennrtcur
CI Ml or Al ( lt Of I til AIIIOHASi SMHMelN. AMI t M III f
Antfiiti to tii i rut r imu rioet.e of in a I wtlHri than anv
fAHl I AhlHI M I AH.
H H I toxf WM Ike Si ' fls el Its Wee ketk Mi raOIKS a4 I Hrralaea.
rM raaaaailMa lh k el Tke Weahly IwSee ( M tNt T UHtt KLa
irns MJic unc
-a M I
h a vs. Pop
A t? mei.. i Y. '' o .i wb
(laa.raai li.e -ttt i t a a" "o'l I
Tin; Lancasjiiju; Insuha' ck Co.
I'lTil'l!- l'lM -'."'Vi?" j! f jL,,-v-.,r-'.
a. ior.a ail al ft t. m. ami m-
j fie al (h.laii'l I 4. I.onra.
'Sinqlo Faro $7.00.
Hourui Trip $1500
Two llalilea Whlrh
Tear of Joy.
One of the wotiifii attendant out at
tho children' Minitiiriiiin on the Lin
coln park luke aliore tella a pretty
htory, aays the Miieugo Chronii-le.
"A woman who nun sirk cimutMi her-
elf to b in a lutspitul ciime up here
with her child. It m a tiny thing,
and weak that it could hunlly cry.
The mother had to be agisted iinder
the aln llT, and then we guve her n re
clining JiIhoi) from which hhe could we
the Ukr. Noon afti-r then! hlopM-(l in
front of the building an imxiMiig car-
ring ami team. The iH'i'iipiinl were
a Wiiiiinn w Ihim drrsH iudicnU'd ri hr
ml rclliii-tiiftit. a pn-t ty and clulxir
tcly tIri'Meil butiy, and tin1 iiiirix'. The
thnti came In. The inUtrewi of tin-
Imrty haw the Motiian and aMike to
her. I did not hour what was wml at
first, but a few iiinineiitM Inter I lii nrd
the rich woman wiv:
' "lloiil lie afraid. I will lcavo ou
my i hild a M'corlly ' And w ith that
the rii Ii woman pu lo-d up the tiny
child that was an wrnk, and mrrie.l it
hcnu'lf to the carriae ni ifnt In and
wa driven away. The luirw ami the
rich lat y rpuiaincd al the aaiiiiarmm
and riitrrtaiiii'd Hie kli U woiiinu. ami
when tin-oMh r ri liirin .1 the l k cliild
had on a new drc. and a loiin Ii of
swell ti.a M f.iltem-d aleiill ll
link. It Sit ail iOn t !y ilmie, aii'l
ao pretty, too, I Just went off alone
lid cried from Joy "
Meat Maslawlf of Neiltaa Mhs At I aad
la hhaklr.( lloa.
The statu of wninni. which I al
rrvly l"i low In liuwia tt-f. I cvrii
wotv In llirne jmrta"! Ai l win. h are
Milder Luv iatl ciiln.l r ! lal.ie
lady tlieff. mi; ii.l . .t an Imitation
f a lf ui leioaa lo an jr jiUi e 'if siiihw
ItieUt Ut.il srillir MM lilt r of In -
family a-eiiniioe h r. 1 1lo t n-
ll. f.r) ,,f l,e f. ally y A MiHlM H .
draw I t,e line ImM i- n t L' tii 1 f a arid
III" rstfi oie U li u of flan hivor
ilaaa li n .ii!o-'l in a .n.!. .l i.. ,
wI.hIi riil rt'lier rtnl.arrs-iiv
trtrrli fi lo Tli'Ki.ae l it.
it , w Ii e miit of Li 'f tl.i
a f i Aa o In'. rei.l thn f. r ,f
ll.e I . i,li.ry yj.r ,, f . w p...ot
Puts an End
The editor of Median's Monthly tells of
being summoned to hold an inquest
over a dead sugar maple tree. It was
supposed to have been destroyed by a
leak in the city gas main, near its roots,
but au examination convinced Mr. Mee-
han that the tree had died literally
from sunstroke.
This maple had been planted on the
street about twenty-five years, and was
some four feet in girth. The trunk,
however, instead of being cylindrical,
was shaped like a triangular prism, a
peculiarity owing to the fact that on
three sides of it. the inner bark and
wood had been killed, while the outer
bark continued to cover up the injury
so that the only living wood was at the
angles of the trunk. Practically no
more than one-third of the surface of
the trunk was alive, and when the ex
ceedingly warm weather came the lim
ited number of ducts were not sufficient
to supply the moisture needed to meet
the rapid transpiration from so largo a
surface of foliage, consequently tho
leaves wilted and the tree died.
Whenever tho trunk of a tree takes
on this angular form it should be ex
amined under the bark, and if the flat
tcr portions are found dead the bark
and the decaying part of the wood
should be wholly cut away and the do.
nuded part painted to check tho rot
ting. In time healthy wood may grow
over such a acar, and the life of the
tree may thus be eventually saved.
It la 1'oor In Flsbee.
Tho Colorado basin ia tho largest
in the United States, draining not less
than two hundred and twenty-five
thousand square miles, yet, according
to a paper prepared for the I'niteil
States fish commission by Messrs.
1'verman and Kuttcr. it contains but
tliirtv-two species offish of eighteen
genera. These belong to the following
five families: Cittostomidac or suckers.
eight sjM'cics; Cyprlnldao or minnows.
niiielccu; Salmouidae or trout and
whitellsh, two; l'ociliilae or ton min
nows, two; anil ('olliiliie or blobs, one.
All but seven of the sM-eieH are thus
far known only from this basin. In
comparison it la stated that eighty dif
ferent species are known from the
basin of the Itio (irande, one hundred
and forty from that of the Missouri
and one hundred and thirty from thn
Wabash luwtin.
An American Teacher Who Was Very
An Italian gentleman whom I met
while traveling disclosed a most de
praved inappreciation of the wonderful
vastness of the United States, says a
writer in Soribncr's.
He spoke English very well, for he
had been many years in London, and,
as we were enjoying the sea-coast view
between 1'isa and Via Keggio, he asked
politely whether I was not an Ameri
can from "the states." On learning
that 1 was he begged me to tell him
something of our government.
"You have a president of the country,
the whole states, is it not?" he inquired
I nodded assent.
"Va bene! If a man kills murders,
you understand who tries hnn, the
federal or state courts?"
The state courts," I replied, "unless
it is a case of treason."
If he is convicted, who can pardon
him the president, of course?" ho
asked, with calm assurance, and a slight
emphasis on the "of course.'
rso, indeed; the murderer is tried in
the state courts; ho can bo pardoned
only by the state board of pardons, if
there is one, or by the state's chief
ofiicer tho governor. Tho president
has nothing to do with it."
Well!" Hashed my companion, sar
castically, "in Italy the governor i f a
little potty province has not the par
doning power.
Sir!" I thundered, now thoroughly
angry, "Italy will go twice into tlio
petty province of Texas."
It was very naughty to get angry,
and especially with such u politely sar
castic little Italian. I know it. Itttt
who could sit still and hear the sheer,
unapproachable nay, glorious im
mensity of our country assailed without
getting angry? No one except the
audacious fop, who every now and then
annoys us with a brazen assertion that
bigness is, after all, not such a virtue.
That a Horse
One nid't when Mr. Isaac) lleocn whs
stopping with me, ) M. F. Hatch,
prominent merchant of Quartermaster,
Washington, 1 Lean! him groaning. On
uoing tn bis room I found him ulTeriiiy
from cramp oolio. Iln was in sucli
ifnliy I feared lie would din. I IikhIiI)
iriivw hiui a doee of Chamberlain a Colic
Cholfin ami Diurirhoi Kernel. Ilr
was soon relieved end I lie first word hi
tillered were, "what was thai stull yon
gave rue?" a informed him. A low dayr
HK'i were talking about his attack
and he said he was in fer without IImI
remedy imw. I have) need It in tny
family for several yeara. 1 know lis
worth and do not hnaitato lo recom
mend it to in? friend and Piisloineie,
Forfait by Moruiiii-Jolineon IrugCo.
l t.otel l.lfcimras,
It U not ali iivs easy lo recnirnlte i ,p
"gentlemen and ladic of aciilpturn."
No wonder the old lady in the follow
lug story, ttken from the Kvangi lil.
wits aoiiii'W hat In doubt: In t lie ' iimiiii.
no lit riaim" of Trinity church ia a large
in ii r Me tablet put up in incmnry of Die
lut.- r.iiliup l..l.iirl. It l but r !o f.
reirew;it nig I lie IiUIioII dvlu(f. Mild
.lulu!! into Die anus of an alh g-ire l
fi-iuu f i'ore. proliably inti tuled fur
the still. I of death. Vi lira li'.iin ai'i d
couple from tl,e country were l..ru
aleml t'io rlnin U, and when It,.
rrn lid Die tablet lin y puo ! Inog
Uf'.relt At last tl.e ,!. r ,,, ,v
ile. "I lull a a g aid Ilk' Ins of II.
iii.ini. !i" -iii, ion - lu re sl,e re
I'Nnlnl I ,r angi lie p. raottage !t i,tii
ly ' it a lr one of Mr lloUrt I
knew In r well, and sl.e di.lu t look 1U
Many Are of tho Opinion
May Weep.
Po horses weep? Is a question dis
cussed by the Admiralty and Horse
Guards Gazette. It tells us that there
is a.wcll-niiilienticatcd ease of a horse
weeping (luring the Crimean war. On
the advance to the heights of Alma, &
battery of urtilh-ry became extsed to
the fire of a concealed Kiistdan battery,
and in the course of u few minutes it .
was netirly ih-stroved, men und horse
killed mid wotinili'd, guns dismounted
and limbers broki'ii; a solitary horse,
which bad ii'ip.irciit ly escaped unhurt,
was observed standing with lixeil gaze
upon an object close beside him; this
turned out to be his late muster, quite
dead. The pooruiilinitl, when a trooper
was dispatched to recover him, wa
found wit h coiiiiius ti-iirs flowing front
his eyes; and it was only by main force
hat he could be dnii'ed away from
the spot, und bis uncurl lily cries to get
buck to his muster were heartrending.
Aproiersof the intense love that cnvnlry
horses have for music, a eorrcsondeiit
of the Gai'tte writes that when thn
Sixth dr;igootis recently changed their
. . a
quarter a n.nre l .iii,'ing to one or
the triHM ts wns l.i ii mi ill us to lie)
un.'il.lr lo prirteiil on I In J.iiiMii.y the
following lieu n'.iig. To day later
another ilclarhiiiciit of the Mine regi
ment, a iiupiiiiicd by th band, ar
rived. The sii k mare was In a Ioom
Ih.x. und. in.iUiu;r In r way through tha
.hopnf w I r. ui. .111:111, t'ik her place lit
the tump b .fore sic w.n ess urvil ami
brouj'ht leu li to the stable. I'.ill the ef
riteini iil 1 1 11 I proved too, 'rent, and the)
atibseiiiciit i xliiiil.ti .il pfived faint.
HaiiMrr liMiiioml trtiHn.
Thi rclimrUnlile item come from
Keiilii toiiik it I, Me. The MiiIiiicI ilm-
Hi'iti'l wiililiiig was celebrated there)
ris eiitly, and wn a uotiitile a ft. nr. Mr.
M .nun I is tn tirly one hundred and W n
veiirsnl l, and In wife is marly avoid.
I he wedding Hum h coiisistcd of pro-
essioll of ''lilennrililis. there being ft
iiiiiiiImt of l.i inn I. unl. i-11 1 ssipewliit
Wi re over oiM' I.iiiI'Ik d . 11 sold. I he
I 1 1. 11 Iri 11. gr.ni'1 In'. In n and great-
I'rnnd' loi'lf 11 J 'iie d Hi '"' march.
'I he 1 1 r. iiHii y was f I'ionid by an old-
f,l l.l'ill. d ibmee lllll t'l" gtcen.
--'Il.e Or-t Uw It.al rtrr leal fa
to men was Itw of i-l dii nee; 11 was
a c'liiiuiandiiieiit pure anl simple.
when in n.Ati lu l milling to Inquita
hf'. r or to dispute, f..r a mu ti a t
.! y 1 the .r t r i.fiire i.f a rslimisl
ml B' kii'iwli-'if'i'g a lieaeentv
la ri"f Bil l I" lie' I. if ril4lll
. ,..IH tktCTMIC MaLTft S0 AerLlANCt 5 IMftuMI TO Th tlCK
', I etrie 1 wrs.
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