Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 02, 1895, Image 1

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Is owing to my liberality in ad
vertising. Robert Bonner.
Advertising brought me all
own, A. T. Stewart.
iiiliiil.iiiiiiiiliiil'liliiii'iviil'itKiiilwiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiin miuiiii
or -v
Tuesdays and Fridays
A. W. PATTERSON, Business Manager
At $3.60 per year, $1.25 fur six months, 75 eta.
tor three mourns.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Wake's
Advertising Agency, 64 and 85 Merohants
Exohangs, Ban Francisco, California, where cou
raota or advertising can be made tor it.
Union Pagfic Railway-Local card.
No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 8:80 p. m. daily
except Sunday. Arrives at Willows Junction
6:20 p. m.
No. 10, mixed, leaves Willows Junction 7:15
S. m. Arrives at Heppner 10 p. m. daily except
East bound, main line arrives at Willows
Junction 1:46 a. m.
West bound, main line, leaves illows Junc
tion 12:15 a. m.
West bound Portland fast freight with pas
senger coach leaves Willows Junction 6:38 p. m.
and arrives at The Dalles at 12:01a m. Here
passengers from the lranch lay over till 3:15 a.
m. and take the fast mall west bound which ar
rives at Portland 7:25 a. m. The Dalles and
Portland passenger leaves The Dalles daily at
2:15 n. m. and arrives it Portland 6:30 p.m.
Leaves Portland 8:00 . m. daily and arrives at
The Dalles 12:15 p. m. inn connects witn tne
east bound wav freight with passenger conch
which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. m arriving
at willows Junction 6:58 p. m.
Reader, did you ever take Simmons
Liver Regulator, the "King of
Liver Medicines ? ' ' Everybody needs
take a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or
diseased liver that impairs digestion
and causes constipation, when the waste
that should be carried off remains in
the body and poisons the whole system.
That dull, heavy feeling is due to a
torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache,
Malaria and Indigestion are all liver
diseases. Keep the liver active by an
occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg
ulator and you'll get rid of these trou
bles, and give tone to the whole sys
tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver
Regulator is better than Pills. It
does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly
refreshes and strengthens.
livery package has the Jlo.A 7.
stamp on tlio, wrapper. J. H.
Zeiiin & Co., Philadelphia.
Might be a Good Thing. A number
of Pendleton men who are blessed with
wives, says the Tribune, baye made ar
rangements to procure what is known as
a "speoial lioense for traveling." It
reads: "This is to oertify that my bos
band may with my free and full oonsent
drink as much as he likes and enjoy the
society of any lady while away from
home. I want him to enjoy life while he
lives as he will be a long time dead."
Said license to be void unless accom
panied by the wife's bona fide signa
ture. Now such an arrangement as this
might be a good thing in Heppner, es
pecially when the husband sends the
wife and family away tor a two month's
outing at the springs, seaside or mountains.
The bloomer girl upon her wheel
' Confuses one and all ;
They l"ok an Instant in her face
And then their glances fall.
United States Officials.
President G rover Cleveland
Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson
Beoretary of Htate Richard 8. Olney
Secretary of Treasnry Jshn G. Carlisle
Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith
Secretary of War Daniel B. Ijaniont
Seoretaryof Navy ..Hilary A. Herbert
Postinaeter-General William lj. Wi'son
Attorney-General J udson Harmon
Secretary of Aarinnlture J. Sterling Morton
State of Oregon.
Governor.... ...W. P: Lord
Secretary of State H. K. Kincaid
Treasurer Phil. Metechan
Bnpt. Putilio Instruction G. M Irwin
Attorney General 0. M. Id'eman
( G. W. MoBride
wsnaior. j j, H. Mitchell
fk; ( Hinger Hermann
Congressmen i i w k. Ellis
Printer ,--JVH' Leed'
I R. B. B an.
Supreme Judges F. A. Moore,
f C. E. Wolverton
Seventh Judicial District.
Ctrenit Judge W. L. Bradshaw
Prosecuting Attorney A. A. Jayue
Morrow County Officials.
joint Bnnator... ... - A. y,ow?,,
UflpresentatWe. J-p. Bnnthhy
toonty Judge ,,.,ll.n Keithli
" Commissioners J. K. Howard
J. M. Baker. ,
" Clerk .T.W.Morrow
" Bheriff G. W. Harrington
" Treaenrer Frank William
Asor J. f. Willi.
Hnnwnp . Geo. Lord
' School Hup't Anna Halsiger
" Coroner T.W.Ayers.Jr
vnyor Thus. Morgan
CninrllmeH O. K. Farnsworth. M.
IJotitenthal, Otis Patterson, T. W.Aysrs.Jr..
8. 8. Horner, E. J. Blocnm.
Reorder .F. J. Hal ork
r..nr E. L. Frelad
Marshal A. A. lloberU
Precinct Offleer.
Jneticeof ths Feme ..E. L. Freeland
tkm.table N. . Whetstone
United States Und Officers.
J. F. Moor Register
A.8. lliggs KeoeiTer
B.F. Wilson Register
l.U. Robbins Receiver
Now is the time to get tbe Weekly
Oregonian, the greatest newspaper of
the West. With the Gazette, both strict
ly in advance, for one year, $8. No better
combination of newspapers oao be made
o the state, liesitfes we win give as a
premium an additional journal, tbe Web
foot Planter, an agricultcral paper.
Come in now and subscribe.
O. A. B.
Meets at Lexington, Or., ths last Saturday of
ach month. All veteran srs Invited in Join,
:-C. Hoon. Ubo. W.Hhith
Adjutant, tt Commander.
V dn id Lntnher. isniilesol Heppner, al
wnal is known as in
000177 SAWMIZiXi.
PER 1.000 FIKT, ROl'UH,
" " " CLIAR,
I ( ou
- 17 60
IF pruvERrn i heifner,
b OU par l.uii leet eiMIUnnal.
The abort quotations sre strictly for Cash.
Katlonai BauK m Heppner.
if you use the Petatnm I
Incubators tt Druoacri. i
Make money while I
others are wasting I
time bv old processes.
it.anddescribes every
article needed lor me
poultry business.
IS lm la I Trad9 Mark Dr. A. Owen
time during working hours or Bleep, and
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
wneci. rrciLicsi muuci.
We are Pacific Coast
Airents. Bicvcle cata
logue, mailed free, gives
fid! dMi-lnftnn ntlm etc . AOF.NTS WASTED.
Branch House, 331 8 Main St., Los Angeles.
Mr. Matthew Tells llow He Trained th
Bearded Acrobats.
Piebald horses who have learned the
multiplication tables; sportive dogs
who can play cards; pugilistic kanger
00s who can box in a most scientific
manner; mice and fleas who can draw
the chariot to which they are harnessed
these and a dozen other animal per
formances we are used to and meet
with at frequent intervals. But it must
be admitted that goats who can per
form gymnastic tricks, dance a tight
rope, leap nurcues in a circus norse
fashion, play see-saw, walk on a ball,
and feel quite at home on a rolling
barrel, are a novelty and are worth
I intimated that I should like to be
introduced to Prof. Matthews, the
trainer and owner of these wonderful
goats at the London Aquarium, and in
due course the professor was introduced
to me. I found him to be very affable,
and he was by no means dismayed
when I informed him that whatever he
told me would be taken down in writ
ing and might be used in evidence
against him.
Don't call me professor, please. I
prefer plain Mr., only professor looks
better on the bills."
"Very well, Mr. Matthews, I will re
member that. Will you tell me what
countryman you are?"
I'm an American; but 1 have trav
eled all over the world with perform'
ing animals, horses and ponies, dogs
and others, but now I keep to goats."
"Why?" I asked.
The latent nnd nnlv .nienttfln ,.i,.i "uecause I am aione. 1 nave no op'
Electric Belt made, for peneral use, producing position. Althoufc h goats are very in
irX'XJ. telligent animals they are very diffi
iiueu ram mquaiuiiy ouu power, una applied I cull. 10 mua, uuu mere urc njicuiu
tpanypartof thebody. It can be worn at any reasons airainst their Dublic aDDearance
in places of amusement. But I have
adopted a system of deodorization which
I find most effective and which is en
CUnulX'ViY . tirely my own secret."
?J'.e Til.lliK inru "Tin vnn have miip.h trouble to train
y-f yim . v"V.'. m. n
Electricity, properly applied, Is fast takin?
the place of druea for all Nervous. Rhenmnf in.
Kidney and Uriiml Troubles, and will effec!
cures In seemingly hopeleKS cases where every
other known meuiis has fulled.
Any sluRglnh, wealt or diseased organ may
mm muniis pe rousea to neauny activity
before It Is too lute.
Leading medical men use and recommend the
uweu uoii in tnelr practice.
Contnlnsfullest Information regarding the enre
of acute, chronio and nervous disenNes. nrlcna.
Snii hm in nrilrr In T.,,.,llah na.mnn BWIU1I.I.
and Norwegian languages, will be mnled, upon
iluuuuon, 10 any aaurcss zor 0 cents postage.
Ths Owen Electric Salt and Appliance Co.
main orrica amd onlt tactobt,
Ths Owen Elselris Gelt Cldg., 201 lo 211 Stats Street,
Tlie Largest Electrie Bell Estakliihmsnlin ths World
"Yes, it requires a lot of patience and
perseverance. 1 use just tne same
things when practicing as I do on the
stage. I find this is the only way. You
saw them all standing on tubs? Once
I thought it would be better and more
convenient if I had tin cans made.
They would be lighter and more easy
CAN BfY li'i.00 worth of dry (roods and groceiles and then have
enouich left out of f lQQ.OA to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This is
1 first-class machine. Why then pay 1100.00 for a bicycle that will give
no better service t
CRESCENT "Hoorcher," welxlit 20 pounds, only I'fl.
Ladies' and Gents' roadsters all the way from IO to 7'i.
"Boys' Junior," only I n with pneumatic tire a good machine.
"Our Special," Men's M; ladles', I A
Heppner, On-goo,
Apnlt for .
1 . II 1
MU 00 FtTorabU Tanna.
u Errs eii. tf ORF.00N
"IT- "Bi T7i TTi 3
IS 3
jlll '"' t- rr- -T
'mm- U aH( mni "- enfuw
XZZ rH vt K SMnl .U ULW, av
UuMI CVTTltQ. -f
sse s 99 "
twstwt JtMUt H' If . Hmm Vm Ljqp.
Most Popular Pcputlican Newspaper of the West
And Has the Largest Circulation.
DAILY (without Sunday) $6.00 per year
DAILY (with Sunday) ll.oo per year
The Weekly Inter Ocean tci .00
ttii YEAH ) S'lr:
At A M P4I
.rIM trll' INTTB OCCAt WP .s... M IM Haws la stl
r-f,. f,.iu.r t- m arrurlSf ALL Irlsl
llti tLtt Or Ct KWLM IJllkAltfci-
Hob .r i
yn almsjHl
I thBS.
lila otb - Is If ..
! ClU) Ikifi anil
The Weekly Inter Ocean
, 'I M -liH t) Mwt Im SHiaM M II l.anly
1 -J III MlKAkiv.iMhikf M lUk.4.
" ' II MalJIIHAKY LAlLkt ... ..,4.
tn fTKAt I V If I Pt It r-l ICA. a4 fXi. Ms fmi" la WmH of 1M
M 4 Nt aorfiittal liu.fc It al lx. tkwa 1 ML MVr
I Mil WUkLU-
Tttf? ftra OcrN i mt-t jM't r 11 c"tc'n Tir t At cnTrcut
il T H i At I l.. t.i' i ..I Ai.H . i1 At I I, i I k
Ainf.io tt ; u U itl 'i.i.u tAl kl.WtlN tilA AMT
l-A.n H I AW IMLrf I ).
H U I. :mr4 Ulilhi sni rf l nt kid I. l 4 I Hf il ut
to pack. Well, I had them made and
painted very nicely, and thought I had
achieved a frreut hiicccsh. I was very
proud of thi-in. When the curtain roue
and the trout mounted on to the bot
toms of the cans, they yielded under
their feet with the noise which tin
niuUcs, and the goaU leaped off just
if they had been shot. 1 lie people
luutflicd, thought it waa partof the per
formance. Ilut It waa no lntr'hiiifr mat
ter to me. I trit'd them over ami over
apnin, but it waa nouse. They wouldn't
aland htill, and I had to irive up the
performance that night."
"I suppose you find the ladies the
Nanny trouta more tractable thua the
bearded ifrutlnmui?
"Oh, d.-nr, no," aaid Mr. Matthewa,
with a smile. "I euti t nothing at all
with tht'in. All my performera are
Ilillipa. The Nannica are too frolic
aume. I ran uo nolliliiK whatever wltb
"How do yon train thene if(iaUT Do
you use the whip?"
"No, I m-TiT u v the whip at all. I
carry one in my hand on the stiitfe, but
It la a mere form. The front are all
trained with the 'ltinie' a kind of
bridle. They are taught Just one trick
at the time, and their reward for cor-
rwt rxTformance la a 'f'd.' li takra
alxmt rltflitem niontha to train them
prrfectly, and thy live aliout twelve
" hat no you feed thm on
"Tbey have hay moriiiiiir and even
In?, and at midday they have a mixture,
and I always manntffl to keep them lo
good roliditiou."
"(hily one mora quralion. I! ym
have to keep tnllintr the (Toal what Ut
do lo you talk to themT'
"So. They know Just what to do,
ind they thrrmgh their perform'
aneea as a matter of course, if they are
In the rli'ht humor for It. ilut they are
regular trade unionUta. If the blaek
fellow doea hot fori Inclined to work
- If he (fieaoff lnt the corner sulk ln(f,
then 1 know I am B'nng in have
trouble-. He la on atrikr. and the oth'
rra w.iti'l work. Hat I ffenerally man
aire to tret Llm into tf'nol humor, and
thi n ail (for Well."
Then Mr. Matthew aaid food tilifht.
and hurried off to keep an eii(?(fmerit
Ui amtiaa the ptle at the eal and of
London.-Call Mail Rwlfl.
A Charitably Inclined Toons;
Makes a Good HauL
A good woman whose heart is Bet
upon raising money for charity is not
easily turned from her purpose. Such
a woman, according to the New York
Herald, was on a steamer from Liver
pool last summer. Most of her pocket
money she is represented as a million
aire's daughter is devoted to the East
Side mission, and in addition she
spends much of her leisure in crochet
ing wonderful and useless things,
which she persuades her wealthy
friends and admirers to buy at fabulous
prices for the benefit of the poor.
Un the steamer she did little else but
crochet things and then sell them ex
cept that she spent considerable time
in filling a diary. Some of the friends
whom she had inveigled into buying
fancy work fell into the trick of laugh
ing at her about her diary, and finally
entered into a little conspiracy.
L say, now, Miss Blank," said one.
'we have decided to strike. We are
not going to help your tenement-house
heathens another cent's worth unless
you sell us your diary. How much will
you take for it?"
How much will you give?" asked
the girl, after a little reflection.
The man offered five dollars. That
was too little, the young lady declared,
and finally, one thing leading to an
other, she put the precious volume ur
at auction. The gentlemen, nevei
dreaming that she could be in earnest,
piled bid upon bid, till the price stood
at sixty-five dollars.
It is yours, Mr. Jones," said the
girl; "but remember my ter,ais are spot
cash, and you must let me muKO a copy
ol it."
The laugh was on Jones, and his
companions forced him to pay the
money on the spot. Miss Blank deliv
ered the diary, and of course there was
nothing for the joker to do but to r
turn it unopened, with his compll
n Eipurlment with Chinese Plants oi
Columbia Slouch Lakes.
The carp having played havoc with
the wapatoes in the sloughs and ponds
on Sauvies island, on which the ducks,
geese and swan used to feed, Mr,
Ueedcr, of Reeder's Landing, has se
cured a lot of Chinese wapatoes, which
he will plant as an experiment, and, if
they do well, will try to introduce
them in the lakes, etc., says the Port
land Oregonian. The Chinese here
consume a great many wapatoes, and
also bring over from China many which
are of a different species, being largei
and rounder, The only iinorovemcnl
they will be on the native kind is that
they are too large for a carp to
Bwallow, while the ducks, etc., can
perhaps bite them in piocesand swallow
Several efforts have been made to
introduce plants on the island which
might attract the waterfowl and take
the place of the wapatoes and widgeon
weed, but all such attempts have
proved failures. Wild rice by the sack
has been brought irotn V isconsin and
sowed here; the needs of the wild
celery, which gives flavor to the cun-
vasbacks of the Potomac and the
Chesapeake, have been sown, and the
seeds of the "wokus," on which ducks
fatten at the Klamath lakes, have been
planted; but none of them flourished.
The June Hhc of the Columbia is a very
different thing from what any of these
plants have been accustomed to, and
covers them with several feet ef water,
juat at the time when they should be
making their growth. If soinethini
cannot be done to preserve the nutiv
plants on which the ducks, geeae, and
swan feed the next generation wilt
have no wildfowl ahootinir on the
Sauvies laland.
Near Same Place as Three Previous Hold-
Cps-H. V. Gates Also a Victim.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Absolutely pure
Philadelphia Lawj.r Who Refused te
llr.ak an Encashment.
A lawyer with his client called one
day at the office of a gentleman who in
considered to be one of the leading
men of the Philadelphia bar. The
lawyers had an important caae and he
wanted to take the legal big gun
In aa adviaer, aays the Philadtl
phia Times. He explained hia bunl
neas and aaid he and his client
would be, back In the afternoon
"I won't be here then," aaid tin
legal giant. "I have an engagement
at three o'clock, and I won't be here
after that hour." "Hut there la a Ave
thou tand dollar fee in this for you," ex
plained the younger lawyer. "Can't
help It; I won't be here. You will have
to come to-morrow."
"Ilut my client can't come to-mor
"Well, I can l break my engage
ment " aaid the senior. After aotiie
furth talk it waa agreed that a meet
ing be held that night. That after
natn, having nothing rlae to do, the
young lawyer and hia client went to a
111 game. The Urat man they saw in
aide the grounds waa the great lawyer
who waa hurrahing for the "Phi) lira
with all the vigor of his lungs. I lia
waa his Important engagement. Nead
leaa to aay the lawyer s practice, nets
him enough money each year to in a a
him independent.
Ashland, Or., June 28 Tha lone
highwayman, who has been industriously
plying his voodtion on the stage route
from Auer, Gal., to Klamath Falls, just
over the Oregon line, in a series of rob
beries, now has five hold-ups to t ia oredit
zecuted during the past three months,
having made a double-play last night,
robbing botb tbe east and west bound
The east-bnnnd stage left Ager in tbe
tfternoon at the usual time, and when tbe
I rivers were changed at Klamath hot
springs it waa 9 ;20 o'clook, and a show r
of rsiu bad fallen. One passenger was
hoard, H. V. Gates, pres dent of tbe
Heppner Light and Water oompany aud
member of the Oregon legislature from
Vfshington oounty, who was boun I for
Klamath Falls on business. Notbiuu
Happened until tbe stage bad climbed a
ug and tortuous grade, and whs nearly
i mile beyond, when, at a quarter to 1
'clock, a command came from bebiud a
i ree at the aide of tbe road to halt and
throw out tbe mail sacks. Tbe robber
lid not aak fur tbe express box, showing
hat he knew of Wells-Fargo having re
onty withdrawn their service over tbe
The driver and the passenger were or
dered oat and the passenger instructed to
cut open the mail sacks. Gates said he
had no knife, but was furnished one by
'be driver, who stood at the horses' beads
while the maker of Oregon's laws violated
them by emptying themail-bng. During
the time the robber kept iu tbe shadow
of a tree. Tbe passenger and tbe driver
then turned their pockets inside out sod
were marched 40 feet np tbe road, while
he robber remained and went through
he mail. Tbey were then ordered baok
to load up the stage.
After the robber had put oat the stage
oandle and retired under his tree, the
passenger and driver were ordered to re
main with tbe stage until tbe down stage
oame. JJaring tne Hour ana a nan inter
vening tbe robber swapped stories aud
okea with the driver and the passenger
uid remarked that Le made a poor haul
When tbe down stage oame along il
vas baited within tbtee feet of the other
stage, and the same procedure gone
through with. There were no pasaengeis
in tbe second stage. Tbe robber bad a
hAr8o close at bend, bat seeuirfd to have
no confederate, lie wore a olotb mask
and talked without any attempt to dis
guise himself. He was of medium height.
tie was careful to keep out of light,
though, it is aaid, he could have been
hot several times if the passenger or
driver bad a pistol. Only 3 wee secured
from 0te and 10 cents from the driver.
There is no doubt that all the recent
robberies, of thia stage were committed
by tbe same man, who Is certainly a
resident of that section. Tbe coiidtry
aurrouudingis wild, with settlements lar
between, and peculiarly adapted to the
escape of highwaymen, though heavily
timbered and a rocky country.
Amateur detectives have worked on the
case sometime, bill so far have teen on
able to obtain strong enough evidence to
eonneot the man whom they suspect with
The stage route from Ager to Kts nath
Falls ie 66 miles long and pa. sea through
a country that has been the scene of many
murders and robberies in the past. A
e-riee of rohberiee several years ago re-
lilted In Wvlle Fargo withdrawing their
express business from it. They re-established
the service to Klamath Falla
again, bat repeated robberies daring the
past few months resulted in their with
drawal again and the last express went
over the road Jane 15. Officers of the
oompany say they will never do business
oyer it again.
The story of this hold-op was heard
with considerable interest in Heppner
wbere everyone knows H. V. Gates.
However, there were seversl different
theories presented Some thought it
probably true, others thought it another,
one of Gates' Klamath Falls stories, sim
ilar to tbe frog and snake story, which
made bim famous, and bad the driver
lot the S3 Hnd Gates 10 cents, there are
Htill some ofiers who might have thought
bim one of the robbers' pals. Bat we
will give Mr. Gates tbe benefit of the
doubt, and congratulate bim on getting
away with his life and nc t losing more
than he did.
A ftaateaee af the feerase.
In a very Interesting article, "The
Wives of KiniiH ut Malesmen," In th
Woman at Home, we read of a romanc
connected with the nmrrlugn of tl
rireM-nt Itiaroiila icl mercltlotieui of
halUliory, A judge 'e daughter was n
cottniilered a ailfliclent mated f.,r the
aon of a triar'iuia. 1 he late Iord Snlia
bury trl-d to prevent the match, but Be
hia aon, then I -on I Lobert Cecil, wa
peraikUht, lie ao far relented B to
make trma. Theoe were that Ird
llobert should undertake not to see or
citiimtini'aie with MUa Aldrrwm for
an entlr year. 1 he young lover st.l j
the t't, and at the elm of the year he
obtained hia father' roniwrit; but the
marriuia, white rvinliftulng tile allow
arw of ais hundred pound a year, de
clined to ricrrBM IL N run tlw
alorr; and It has tweu aaid that the lie
riiy of Uuiiig eoiutUitug for hi ou
euptna-t Bav have aaateUal Ui iUm,l4l
tlm rwL1 e tJi
Whooping Cough.
There is no danger from this disease
when Chamberlain's Oougb Remedy is
freely given It liquefies tbe tough mu
cin and aids its expeotorstion . It also
lessens tbe severity end frequency ol
paroxysms of coughing, aud insures a
speedy reoovery. There is not the least
danger in giving the remedy to children
babies, aa it oontains no injurious
suba'ance- For
gun Drug Co,
sale by Blooum-Jobn-
John Will Now Rapidly Fall In with the
Latest Industrial Methods.
The Chinese have a grand old litera
ture and philosophic books by the side
of which Plato and the Memora
bilia of Socrates seem mere bro
chures. The Chiuese are essentially a
literary and aesthetic people, although
they, too, can boast of many campaigns
and architectural monuments. Their
public buildings in brick are few, but
those in mud still fill us with admira
tion. Their tradit ions are wholly op
posed to ours. Their truditions are
very old, very theoretical.
llurharoiiH traditions, grown up in
the rough practice of life, are more
easily displaced than those which
have their roots imbedded in an ancient
but ever green philosophical literature.
Hut when the public examinations, on
which succesM in life depends, shall
cease, no matter by what blow, to con
fine themselves to Chinese classics
ulone, then gentleman John will be
come as luborloua, docile and enterpris
tig in modern war and finance and
policy, and military and Industrie
methods and training, as humble coolie
Jill in already is in hliopkcepiug in San
Francisco and Australia and the
Straits. Then we shall have to look
Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney
Balm is an nnfalMng remedy for all dis
eases of the Liver, Kidneys or Urinary
Orgsne. Tt is a certain out forDronv,
Dl alleles, liright's Dieeaaa, Gravel. Kid
nev Weakness, Incontinence of Urine.
Red Wetting (n Children, Uilionneas,
Liver Complaint and Female Tmnblei.
A trial of thia great remedv will con
vince vnn of He potenov. Price 1.00
per bottle.
Flaring Oolf Requires llralna.
A distinguished profeaaor waa one
day playing golf, ami hi skill and luck
were ao poor that he lost his temper,
and, turning to one of the college gar
deners, exclaimed: "How la It that I, a
man acquainted with all the arte and
sciences and the'drad and living lan
guages, cannot play this confounded
game of golf?" "Well, air," aaid the
man, politely, "it's juat this: You may
know a great deal about email affairs
aud have a lot of book-learning, but It
lakea a man with a bead to ptav golf."
J Only GOc. Read This All Through.
P i 1 1 ss i WMt Mrta T,eo1tt ItI ferfoet f. items i
Pm m rw.aik- 1U. f , .( l- V- r h, , v tv.fi tvL.
"' lm; JrJTi::; ozv.au. Chtn
Lax ft Le.
James Payn telle this etrry nf the
"American plan" f dueling, wherein j
tbe twodaelista, with one eecond, meet I
within doors and draw lota for whoj
shall shoot him. If: A and II having '
had a "lir-uliy," A was the unlucky )
man. and retire-1 for the purjxe of,
arlf drtructtfi Into th neat apart-1
ffieht. II and the ammd.tlb very much
moved by the traced "f the situation,
remained In liatrning attitude. At
last the pis'ol shot waa hard, they
ahuWered wi'h nolii and retnorae.
when suddenly in ruli-d (he atpfed
d'at tnii, Uhhi.jMi'. i ariiaiuugi
"!, j : I
fir Im'IImi. MlMta M biilrn etifero lllu.0.0,.1.
Va-lil'-n Nirtxa ll, llh rvl lleeuiy Fete V Wik
iK-SUtifllllV sll.et hlltVe-llotiS M.iflr. ttilli1r.il .
) e. -ra'l il I'sfe. If .cilcel. useful ent eeiHimicel
ItlhU of .11 sllvls Ife-emlnenlW the Vohloll Jiwm.l
f..r the 1 1 h. .it. A talaskls, tlssa htaseksil asset let
eait lot. a ssr.
Til Ci!i.rtie. McCiIl Btzir Piltirti
ClteklUeef levtr rka Tears.
Ta Stsf ttilas v eennnt aff'iH aiwrth.. eepee. Te
eeno.it (! 1 in be wlUxnil M Tee W rnia
will klutllfH'l M front art f l.i S,a kunlfwl l.m-e
so emis lo i' ami.. n.w w mu . urer ut mi
stork !nt. gtoves. ehtUregl eVrtlilng. eta., eta." Ike as; to begin r-ei ewaf .
A fll'll aiPFflAITV f eH amtilll we I'll Vne bow lo e B enoit.IHe end fnr fea
" . " ' " " aisau ..u.i u. i.ii -..ie. J h..r e it.
m U1..1. u. f t il, Aii lie m.lerial, ctimi lo Ihe e,,i,.le.t Imie ertk ie IHmeiln Jttmt
A .., . n. It, et4.,sU. tiue aaeaulle WurUi ait Uaiee tbe trv,t4 lae eulewliiUwa
m a.
e . . e
A ' ' " N anv f.et of the f,,l)..wl timnAmrA tmnkt. Imtn4 In .'-! r M. sew
larva - w. ail ernt (reel of Hi. txlKwe .b4 S't s'eei. of . . miiJ
elf m h In a a. rt-lnr.. I'M In enr rt f l'.e I nil I . an.,1.
If r'i e-'ii I t um. Ie.nl. tint an. st.mie f. s aw t't si r.tl-.e M .met bf
iin l.ni unce Mm fitt ai,. a e-ii-rihee i .a w.1 lle batters any lliae. atenliua
ti.a n imUr. ut tae les to weal. Due I asil'tU IU luu lata.
I T.a V.iioe Me -Wnt4 rne
. I .'.,., in. hntM - m- A . .
t i , in . m.m m a sio
.t.. u iii.i. - 4., ai r
lm v,. fta.i,. . 1 k,..M. bt
W t '.a. ir - li Merv-ji
it A M-t ,l.,.i - u.-,'.. ie..
ft it w . i . ..... i I m li Jm4
tu4n - -Il .'l'HI.,
L A4 itm. Hit MwCAIL CO.,
c 4tva a m
sX feesiM iBtaff I tHI h f -V
it a '! tm i tmm '
I Mi I ti l l M - 1
m Mia, Will ctt WM-i - -' A eaevts
n Ha m tn f tm M ftlAf.
tl f - "l
I. at'" I tei -
?) at i I I fiJ
$f UW - A $ lrBa
44 tatt Mth St., Stw York.