Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 02, 1894, Image 4

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    T. JACOi
IL Perfect Curs of
How .Mrs. Orrenf.
l.o.in; r
Sbo uif . Im; i :
oflice with sulci i ii
it's Ivt ('nine Kear
ciiniH f .-.Ltence.
': into the doctor's
il;' cai'i'liii v wrrnmed
in a fleecy shawl, s;is the Chicago ller
alil. "Doctor." she suiil hurriedly, "hp
isn't at ail well, atvl 1 would rather you
would proscrilie for him than any other
physician in the city. 1 havi-n't for
gotten h.iw you liroiihl the children of
my neighbor. Mis. Wallup. throujfh tho
measles safely, and I am afraid it is
soniothiiiir of the same kind that is
troubling the dear little fellow."
"Who is sick, Mrs. (Jreenfront?"
asked the physician, solicitously.
"My little tiyp." sire answered, un
rolling the bundle with the utmost care
and exposing to view a measly little
red-oyed poodle.
"Hut, madam," began tho doctor.
"I know you are busy, doctor, and the.
servant said you musn'tbo interrupted
but it's a serious case. 1 don't know
what is the matter with him, you see.."
"I hope no surgical operation will be
necessary. 1 could not. bear it, doctor,
to see any tiling of the kind performed
on the dear little fellow."
"Will you allow me, madam, to"
"Of course, doctor, I put him entirely
in your hands. J)o whatever you think
is best for hini. If an operation is
necessary use your utmost skill."
"Mrs. Ilreonfroiit, you must permit
me to say that 1 am not in the habit of
prescribing for dogs."
"What! Don't you know any tiling
aliotit their diseases'.'"
"I do not."
"Never had any practico whatever in
attending upon them'.' '
"Xcvei1!"- exclaimed the disgusted
"Then I couldn't think of letting you
prescribe for him," she said, decidedly
and emphatically, as she wrapped tho
animal up in the shawl with the utmost
care. "Hear little tiyp," she murmured,
caressingly, "what a narrow escape you
have had!"
And taking the bundle up in her arms
She bustled out of the ollice, leaving the
fashionable doctor of the aristocratic
avenue petrified with astonishment.
How a ., ,..,K Mlll ,;t A1(.,,
Man-lily Ititnli I'lviident.
The cashier of a South Water street
fruit house and the president of one of
the biggest banks in town hail a liuun
clal disagreement Saturday afternoon
and, according to the Chicago Tribune,
the cashier came olf victorious. The
bank is noted for itsnnbeniling business
methods. A draft for SI,, '.oil on the
notiiii wafer street lirni came to tho
bank. The ollicers demanded payment
with a certified chock before they would
turn over the bill of lading accompany
ing the draft. The cashier of the fruit
house and the president of the bank
had ll lively conversation through tho
"Our check is good at any bank in
town," said the j g man. "We can't
keep a slock of certilied checks on
"We won't, accept any thing but a
certilied check," said the president.
The young man returned to his desk
and thought. Then he hired a horso
and buggy anil drove over to another
bank, where lie drew out ,l,,'i(ii) in big
silver dollars, lie placed Ihein in a bag
and drove back to ihe store, where two
laborers carried the heavy load into the
ollice. At four o'clock the noinrv of ih.
bank appeared.
' There's your money," said the young
man, tiiiiu phnuily pointing to the. bag.
The iioiary iriod h, lift, the bug. but ho
was not sin,,,,,. ;,,! .:,(( (,r tmS(. , ,.u.t.
wheel dollars weigh over , pounds.
The bag i, ever budged. Tl otary
pleaded I,. I.c allowed to have the bag
carried over lo the bank. The young
man in.isied thai, bo must have his
draft and Ins hill ,.f lading m ,.,, lul,
tbal I In' in ccsi;,ry count ing must, be
'lone in the Mure. The notary was pro
fane, but, proljuil y didn't do ally good,
and he was diplomatic, and diplomacy
failed to work. 1 ti,,, ,,,! H, H..w
f'" '1 lo send lor three clerks to count
the money and hire an cpross wagon
to carry the hag to Ihe bank. 'riH'iTho
turned over ihe paper and the young
man locked the sate and went home to
prepare for the neaceful Sabbath day.
Men vin I line T.iiil lo Nluui- with v
cllne Vuuiiitf VfilKi'iiiii'f.
'The faith of the newspaper render it
sometimes great mid .-ibiding, but oc
casioiKilly it lends him into errors. A
few weeks ago, says t he On lignaui Mes
senger, n Loudon weekly journal, pub
lished exclusively fur Indies, contaiiiec
a letter from a lady correspondent u
serting that vaseline us a shaving cream
was superior to any snap or cream that
had ever been invented. 'This scarcely
appears likely to be. a very interest iuji
topic for the genller son, but, neverthe
less, many letters were published or
the subject, and finally it became an
established truth among bearded women
that vaseline was the very best article
with which to supplant soap, which, it
is said, "chaps" and irritates the skin.
Had this theory remained con lined
within the limits of the journal that
gave it birth no harm might have been
uone; nut unlortunately, several Amer
ican journals of repute and standing,
ever ready to grasp a progressive inno
vation, boldly announced that vaseline
was the only article w ith w hich a mini
L'ould comfortably remove his hoard.
1'erhups the renders of these papers
tried it on a very cold morning, or per
haps their razors were blunt, or perhaps
and very much more likely-the lady
who asserted that she had removed her
beard every morning for ninny years
ivith the aid of vaseline was playing u
ittlc trick on the journal with' which
ihe corresponded.
Doubtless she never suspected that
xiwerful and influential dailies in
America would proclaim her method tu
rn infallible one. And now the result is
dutt old men, middle-iiged men, mid
yout us across the Atlantic are vow ing
'cngeaneo against those who ivconv
neudeilsuch a painful experiment,
laving a sound tooth draw n is a trillc
loiiipiircd to shaving w ith vaseline ut
east, so the gentlemen across the At
uutic say.
There was never n time in the history
of our country when the demand for
inventions and improvemputs in the arts
and sciences generally was so (jreat as
dow. The conveniences of mankind in
the factory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, as well as in official
life, require continual necpssions to the
appurtenance and implimeritn of each
iD order to save labor, time anil expense.
The polilioal cbitnue in the ndiiiiiiiatra-
on government does not affect, the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, mid ready to pur-
ceive the existing denoiencie. does not
permit the affaire of government to tie.
ter him from quickly oonoeiving the
remedy to overuoiue. existing discropati
cii'H. Too great care cuiiunt lie exer
cised in choosing a competent ami skill
ful attorney to prepare aud prosecute
au application for pateut. Vuluable in
tercsls have been lust aud destroyed in
iiiDiimerable instances bv the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is tLis advioe applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, nu
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do so at, imminent risk, us the breadth i
ami strength or the patent is never emi
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get mi allowance and obtain the fee
John Uedderburn, General Manager,
1118 F street, N. W., Washington, D. C,
represeiiiing a large number of impor
tant daily mid weekly papers, ami gen
eral periodicals of the eountrv. was in-
stitutcd to protect its patrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in Ibis line of business. The said Cuu
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, ami nremire aud nrnuennte
applications generally, including me
chanical inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial atte'nion to njiettd
cases, it is also prepared to enter into
competition wilb anv firm in iranriiio
foreign patents.
Wrile for i.iKIi itclinnn and advice
John WKDomiiiriiN.
lilH F Street,
I5. O. Unit BS.j. Washington, V. C.
It, is i: -.t
VIII., of i ,
than :.ov .
thiov.'s an : v.:
Quern il: v
her reign. i'"
of threi or :
yearly. 7:: '
e.xaiupl -. v..' ,i.
Some:- v I i.l c
CUti'O. t 1 . il", .'-i
and tb'.i - , '.,
il oi t
- Uv 1
: . i l the
'.'. i, le i-,.' ,
on hiuiiii'
: ; to the
, 1 t'mt in
i..,'!y pc IV. :
.e , aimed
II sever, !y
i t:
. hit,.
Their Tai-tlcs lo Kxtrnei in" Coin f rum
A correspondent of the New York
Tribune says that the street boys of
Rome have all the curiosity, shrewd
ness and impudence of street hoys in
renernl, together with some traits pe
culiar to themselves. They have a
Ll,UmU,-ni,. ( 1, !..
hand yc-loped no little skill in extracting
r ,'il. -rs,
i ", lood
p::rt of
- ri.ter
'i .d::::ls
I , ii for
, .i.ty of
A Gentleman
Who formerly resided Id Connecticut, but
who now resides in Honolulu, writes: -For
20 years past, my wife
audi have used Ajer'g
Hair Vigor, anil we
attribute to jt the dark
hair which she and I
now have, while hun
dreds of our acquaint
ances, ten or a dozen
years younger than we,
white, or bald. When
asked howour liairlias
retained its color unit
fullness, we rem v. 'Bv
the use of Ayer's Hair
Vigor nothinir else.'"
was nearly bald, and
. . - '43 the hair
iif?': kept fall
ing out
tv. I
I n d u ced
Ayer s If air Yicor. and very soon, it not
oiuy checked any further loss of hair, but
produced an entirely new growth, which lias
remained luxuriant and glossy to this day.
I can recommend this preparation to all in
need of a genuine hair-restorer. It Is all
that it is claimed to be." Antonio Alarrun,
Bastrop, Tex.
" O-r 'll l,,M;i l';ip o
l.o.l'.oi -(,.!. WAsiIl.N(iTOX,B.O.
t ii' r
I A':,,! f.
Unlit in:
'VHHli yor
'':1 '"l" S;iilr,t- ,;isnhl,,,l in Hit, ttneof
i' ii'c.iil.-ir Ari'tyr ivv Miitci'Oi,' v.iii
' ' Imliiiii u-ir-of IMU'j ti, is-l'i nnil
'v,., iioivi alllli'il. rldanil i-i'ii',-1, ,1 ,-Mmt
y. I - . .;i:-::it,.ls nrn-H t.i M-hci i-,ti,.
af''ui"Vi' Xo """S ,ur "!' Xli
FRFE imi
I 1 1 lata and loat vital
A pnirkaga of our treat
ment for weakness and
fir-i'nv nnrvnusrlnhlllln
vitality Hut free for 12 cents
3R. WARD INSTUTUTE, 120N.9th8t.8T.lOCIS4O.
i enrert in otip painlebs tttatmrnt
. without knife. Ni loss of lime
t fnun bllsiness. Fistula. IMcem.
Hmu curea. w yearw ex.
,, Qucition Blank and Hook free. Call or write.
I!1. II, 15. BUTTS,
. 822 Pine Street. Bt. Louis, Mo.
Tim t si'f'ui
Inch Vu
coins from them. The Tribune's letter
l-rit..r enrf T cm inl. -j .ll.nnta ,,-itl, u
cabman because ho demanded a tip in
addition to his rerfulur fare. While we
were taikiiif!' a little fellow of si.-: or
seven years stepped up and said, in a
paternal, assuring tone:
"Sixty centimes is enough, sir. The
rascal is very impudent. Don't frive
him any more."
In the same breath ho asked me for a
soldo for the service rendered. 1
handed him a coin, laii'-rhing: at bin
grand airs, and he received it with a
condescendinir gesture. Then, as the
driver reached for his whip, the boy
made off. Bavin"': ''I'll .see vim later."
! walked on, and presently another
urchin was at my side.
"Yes. signer, you are quite ritfht;'this
is the road to the Vatican, tiive me a
I drove him off. hut in a few minutes
another came hounding up.
-uy lord, my lord: you are losing
your handkerchief."
That was another soldo.
Next a bootblack, hardly more than
five years old, caught sight of the for
ei, - -or.
"'lour boots, sir! your hoots!" he
f t:-i, d to ignore him. lie appealed
to inv n. i;-re:.poct.
".'Int., my lord, Mich boots!" he ex-el.-!
!m;ei. as he trotted along at my side.
"O Diomio! What nasty boots! O Manto
-Maiire di Di.i! What, boots! I really pity
you. sir. irdced! such boots! In lato!
I am sorry lor you."
-Ml th?s was uttered in a ton .' of pro
found moral vonvielion. tin if he clier
ii.ii'. il for me the most disinterested
f'.i. ii;;-of l";;'rct and sympathy. Hut
t.'b.. ,'i t.'ie appeul faih.-d, he dropped be
hii... me a lew steps and changed his
".in t loo!: at that American! One can
uhv::;,'s tell an American by his dirty
boo! ,!"
'1 i'-at was too much for me. Rather
than bring disgrace upon my native
'and 1 'ave the little imp the job he
was after.
skinJ M life
A tCfl'fl
T.I. Hanimerly. a well-known business mnn
of Hillsboro, v'a., semis tliis testimony to
(lift merits of Ayer'a S:ii snp;irilhi: "Severn 1
yeiU's ajro, I hurt my leg, the injury leaving
a sore which led to erysipeliis. Mysunerings
were extreme, inv leg, troni Ihe knee to the
ankle, being a solid sore, which begun to ex
tend toother parts of the body. After trying
various remedies, I began lakinu Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, and. before I had linished the
first bottle, i experienced great relief: the
aeeoiul bottle eflueted a complete cure."
Ayer's SarsapariSHa
Frcparcd by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Cures otherSyWiSG cure you
m em h mmi wr-fm
n mi ih c.Tra mi
MadQ In fill ehvlon nnt aiwa T.i ffh font
mosD accurnto, mosc conipnct, ana most
modern. J? or salo liy all dealers in anna.
Catalogues mailed free by
Tho Marlin Firs Arms Co.,
New Haven, Conn.. P. S. A.
Papers for Bale at the Clazetto ollice ut
two-bits a Unu lred.
l:ll inn.
'J'he st.u-y of the enormous fortum
aeeiiin,',l;:i . by .Mr. CunliJi'e Lister (0111
of the "hi:'tiiii;iv peers") is one of tlir
romances of "I 'ori uiies .Made in iiusi
ness. "(,,,m;,r one !,- into a London
wai'i'liiius,', wiys (lie I'all Mall (bizette
Hi' cnnie 11,1.111 u pile of rubbish. He in
quireil what it :is ami was told that :
was wast" silk. -What do you do witr
il'.1' he u,!,l;i'il. 'Sell il, for rubbish,' he
.vas tol, I." Mr. Lister bought it us rub
bish at one-half pence n poiind mill
turn! it into .j- ilil. He discovered,
that is to say. how to use sill; waste for
the msnul',i"tmv of plush and other
such stull's, and this iliscovei-)' wus the
fiininlaliiin of his si i'iiinl fortune. His
lirst, fi.i'luiie was made by his invention
of u wool-cotubiu machine.
.Mr. Lister is an ex. 'option in one re
spect to tile eviicral rule of industrial
millionaires. lie di, not be;;in life
with only a sixpence to bless himself
with, nor was his early ti-aiuin that of
nn errand buy. (In the eonlrarv, he be
longs to an old e nmty family, and was
icsijfned (beiiii'tiie fmir.H son) for the
elini'i'h. Lis! h.iwevcr. of n.vept
int,' this role of "fool ,,f the family," he
insisted on develnpiiii; his niitural
talent, fur nnvhnnU'al invention, mid
persuaded his rather t (five him u mill
instead of a imiver lity ediu'ation. As
soon as Hie mill was built he became,
as we have described, the architect of
his own forlunes. Mr. Lister, besides
beiiifT the proprietor of the largest in
dustrial establishment in the world
owned by one man. is now one of the
laiyest lauded proprietors in the north
of Kuidaiul. In lSs.'l he purchased tho
Swinlon Hall elate of twenty-two
thousand acres, and in tssr the Kiv
aulx Abbey estate of ten thousand
acres. The conibiiu'il v;iln, .,f n......
two estates is said to be seven hundred
anil oiyuty thousand pounds sterling.
Speciineiiri nf Ouecr l:.vpri'KiilouH 1'hoiI 1j
r.A notice displavi'd in a Xorwuv hotel
is a curium specimen of "Knlish ns
she is , spohe." It reads as follow.
"Hath! iirst-elass liath. t'an anybody
(,'ot. T'ushbath. Warm and (.'old. Tub
bath and Shower-but h. At nuy time.
Kxcept Saturday. Ily two hours for
liore." This brings to mind, saysi'ham
liers' dournal, another siieeiuien of for-
eiirnors' llnii-lish. disolnved on a notic i
posted up in an art exhibition in Japan j
to liieli foreigners w ere welcomed, j
Here are a few examples of the rules: I
"Visitors is requested at the entrance '
to show tieUets for inspection. Tick- !
ctsare churned 10 sens an 2 sens, for !
the special and common respectively.
No visitor who is mud or intoxicated is j
illowi-d to enter in, if any person found '
n shall he claimed to retire. No visi- .'
,or is allowed to carry in w ith himself :
my parcel, umbrella, stick, and the like ;
find, except his purse, and is strietlv
oi'bithlcn to takt
Ore aoix.
tKe cause
Are you willing to work for the cause
of Protection in placing reliable in for
mation in the hands of your acquair .
lances ?
If you are, you should be identified
135 W. 23d St., New Your,.
Cul lliiu milieu out and send It in the Lc;;,!;,
taint; y.iui- pusiiion, and Kir. a lilpinK hand.
I'lio llliscritlilc Knil uf Two Unfortunate
lliuviiiiuu I.aitien.
The delicate llowers of true woinaii
iness may he overgrown and hidden
by the briars of itrnorauec- and dc;;i'a
latiiui. yet, they will, upon occasion,
ippear in ;,ure and undiiiiined beauty.
U was in the far-awav I runic isle ut'
Hawaii and- the sun was shining
'I'lio scene was one. of native cfrundcur.
(ireat trees towered aloft to the sky.
L' ia constrictors ana ostriches fain
holed over the landscape, uddinff an
element of animation. it was amid
,'ieli surronndin.T'i that two savage la
.lie.". wanilered aimlessly, .-ays the Cin
cinnati Commercial (iuzette.'
"I'rottv warm ilav." nleii rverl tlm nn
who wore a brass rinjj in her nose
"Awfully hot," acquieseed her com
pa lion, whose arms were. il:ioll
deli cute olive ('recti.
Thus beguilinif the time in conversa
tion, they loitered until a lion, with
big, bristling side whiskers, came in
"We." the feuuilii with tl,..
gasped, feebly, "are lost."
"No! nn!" exclaimed she of the green
arms. "If we say nothing we are safe."
It was a desperate alternative. It
was a test of endurance from which
even the tried hearts of the forest
daughters shrank in fear. Two min
utes elapsed. The lion sauntered with
u deliberation that froze their blood.
Three minutes of silence and anguish
had slipped into the past. The sus
pense was dreadful. Tho lion stopped
and wagged his tail meditatively. The
strain was too great. "I must" -the
woman w ith a ring in her nose ecstat
ically seized the green arm of her sis
ter of the juugle-"tell you about that
paint sale!"
"Oh, do!-
(If course, they were both eaten. Hut
that is neither here nor there. The
contention is that the delicate flowers
of true womanliness may be over
grown and hidden by the briars of ig
norance and degradation, yet they
will, upon occasion, appear in un
diinnied beauty.
' jMjr
cnnviiire the
way which if followed leads to
TToo Knar, nntnn Ir. n
nninrlulHrir turin uliua
ioio, nnu una ui't'ti um'u
t.T. l ..l- i .1
in piivtiLo piuLiiue. in ib iiu uniriea numniiL, oi
duubtiul reputation, but a jrenuine epecltic fur
a very prevaiout disease. Thousands of men, (if
all ayes, have at some time In life brought on
uervous debility and exhaustion, with oikiiiiIo
W(.:iknes8, by over bruin work, excesses, too fre
quent liMlulKenee or Indiscretion anil vicious
bitlilts.und it is to tbeie tlmt we offer u remedy'
thut will, by Its direct action upon the soat of the
diseaso, stop the drain and restore the patient to
vigorous li!aith and strontfth.
Our method of Introdiicing Prof. TIarrfB'Pnstille
treatment Is one which commendB itself to all
sensible persona for the reason that we supply it
upon their Judgment of its value. We ask of our
patrons nothing in the way of expense beyond a
postal curd and a two cent postage stamp. The
postal card to be used In sending un their full ad
dress and the postage stamp for the letter return
ing the statement of their case for which we
supply them with a question blank, to be tilled
out, and an envelope addressed to ourselves for
UNA in rornrninff it. urhnn Hllnrl
. df wnen we receive the state
I M ment on blank we prepare
mmw t-ipjiiiuuyB- Lreatmencana ror-
I i t fi a 1 1 1 '1 con q ii n , ftrji nRiia rr.
1 rtailll fiollilitV.
rl'rr"v. iiTiMiB ri' urm-
..'1J1...1, . n.ii.MMl. diiouih ncr. unnl
nVMloftrJT nt.th.id 1. Curei positively
,.. n, m.it and Uookfrt'o. Cllorwriw,
ISO N. Nlnei St., ST. LOUIS. MO.
1 1 --
.tsfflurrti oi.se sn Kos.t'j.
m$f IkJi i'rn,:.tN-.ir- s:;,.'.l linp
Wi 'i-uv it liai.'l. It mil i-aiv ll'- I'l'- 'I'
(U i-V v.l,'.l;l' ai.l l',.,',.'!...,,'.' .;-
NSJ-5 tH.il h i'1-ei " M""-. Our An.
Wl' V , .'iil.l.k.' i' i. ojiiMr.ii l.llila It
sJ? -1 V u'i'ii! 3 -SW ' "!' .
Trio Old Reliable
:v 'SAi-7- t;(.j.'-
EstahllBlieil.'.sjrenrs. Tn otimnloor female,
married or slnule, In discs ot exiiosuro,
abuses, excepseu or Improprieties. MvlI.I.
UAKNTHK1). Jionnl ami apartments
furnished wlion desired. Question, Uluelr.
aud Boot free. Call or write.
tfr iiiid'Til.ful iimclii-i-. Tri-nltiii
Tho worttfonm pml,
livl-ly 1'iri'tl IIS year
l,.,nt .-,,,,11.1. tlu I I'nrn
hy iu.ll oral (illli'u. Term. Inw. Ohi-nIIimi lllimk uui
Booklree. Cllumrlle. PR. WARD INSTITUTE.
120 N. 9th St..St.Loui.Mo
W lJifram-N Ct KKl) wilhotit tlifl U ol
Om.i.llnr, lUimk mw! Hunk fr.-t-. LV1S
write J14. H. It. KUTTH.
serine St. Be Louis, Mo,
C iWCZV ANY LADY, employed or umsmptoyorf ,
ll J A If Lt.ni can make t Inn fr r u lew htiuri Murk "cath
. rmirtry v rnminHsion. Hinnpii'a iro Afiari'Hi
H. BttiiAMIN & CO., 822 Plnebt.,St. Louis, Mo
kg"ANYLADY can et n vnl unblo Hccrct tlir.t
If-nt. in .7ilii ni. n.riiM,prRlii.lii t.tr.,i)C'!'.t'L
ivirs. v. m. AFP. DO.
Dp. Hash's Eslts & Appliances
f ? i'n(uK-.'i-'i -ill ill
bu.iunl ii'tu li.cil.calL'tl,
li:itti'ry cm
iial jlpiilianri'M, Aliilmii
Usui SiiDitnrterH. Vests.
Cnres Rliennintism, J.iver'nnd Kidnoy
wjiiiIMiniHH, iP.VNiitMiii, JM-rnrH or iniiin,
liiiKt AI:iii1imm1, Nt'rvousttosH, ScC I ml Vtiik-
im'.sh, mid nUTroiiMii in Mhh ot' I tniu1.
IJiit'Htluu lliuuk and llook irou. Cull uv
Votta-Madica Appliance Co.,
J33 Pino ytroet, - UT. LOUIS, MO.
Caveats, Trado-marks, Gesig;i Pa'.snts, Copjrights,
Ami nil l'uii'iit l.uslii.'i cfuliuitoU ftr
Inform:.. lim and advic ;ii'n tt) lavi.-ntors7itLout
lrp'. Atlitnws
M.-.ii'it;iu;: Attorney,
(.C'-Tii!:) ronii utiy ;
llir l:it" t i.r.d iini-'t
I i)l..-u;'it.i, I'.. fi-
:; I i . ..,; ;'.' - .
.miTOti lia coiii"',.".t.t!on of
.; r.i.i.l n;-u-p : -rs in the
T"?s p M'li'iso i;" proirct.
t'S .. -i.iiL I U'.lSi l UpillOUl
:it , u;4cl) papcl
ut .'tiii;'iirsi;iii'tl.i' ri'sponai.
i' tt.e Hi .:sn C'uiins Conipunv.
Every patriotic citizen should give his
personal effort and influence to increase
tlie circulation of his home paper which
tenches tho American policy of Protec
tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect
in everjr way possible. After the home
paper is taltcn care of, why not sub.
scribe for the American Economist,
published by the American Protective
TarilVLcague ? Olio of its correspon
dents says : "No true American can
gel along without it. I consider it the
greatest and truest political teacher in
the United States."
Soiul postal card request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F.Wake,
man, General Secretary, 135 West 23d
St., Now York.
in with himself .1.
r the same kind of beasts. Visitor is 1 Mi"n HutT-rititr from tl.r mt or luiii
equested to take jfooil care of himself "onhlei, take only sncli medicine a ,
roni thievelv." h beeu proved worthy ef c-ontideuoe
An Kntflishmiin in lloulovne saw dis- h'"'h " '''T"''iy Ayer'sCherry Pectoral;
laved in n shop window' this notice ".T1 f',T ,sn,i,itJ" C"llU B"1 iuva1"-IC'!t:-vr,;II)rinkl','r
Sold Here." ? 'J? ,' !i" , V""" of Pultnanary com-
plaints. Sold by druggists. prioe i,
A Ileuf Mute Club.
Paris lias a number of verv n . mii..
j 1 .........
cuius ill me present time, more per
haps than any other city. Its deaf
unite club lias been frequently spoken
ot by tourists. It is exactly what it
professes to be. an association of deaf
and dumb men, all of them compara
tively wealthy. It is usual for a man
thus atllioted and who is in a position
to retain a start' of domestics, to retain
these as interpreters, but in this club
there is no pandering to modern ideas,
and no servant is enquired unless ha or
'she has lust the power to either speak
or hear. As a result the establishment
is as silent as the tomb and is an ex
ceedingly unpleasant place for an or
dinary human beiiiff to wander into.
To (jet over the apparent dirtioulty of
communication between different parts
of the house, a series of electric ap
paratus is used to call domestics, but
instead of the usual bell there is an ar
rangement whereby the party called
tfets a slight shock.
Money on call is not to be had; that
is, not on one call. It takes many
and then you don't always get it
Martha's Vineyard Herald."
Thk largest expense of married life
is frequently caused by the little ones
Lowell Courier.
A max doesn't like a compromise,
hough he is willing to -treat" with
Ins fellows. Plain Dealer.
It is noticeable that the man who
thinks he is a whole show bv himself
seldom draws a erowd.-Milwaukce
THLflr, Dos ta ere thprnon nnil nlomr
Pispimrr wttli the eight days treatment
XilLfUUit wo send full rllronf Inim fur
until, juu treiiunL'iiiim ikj way mierieres witn
,. u Hnvuuou iu uunuroa, HUU UilUEOB uu
pain or inconvenience in nny way.
We are bo positive that ttwlll ptve perfect satis
faction that we leave the matter of seudinn orders
entirely with thone uslnRtbe free trial treatment.
Having siitiwlled those sending for trial packages
of our ability to benefit their noma! condition wo
feel that they ore more largely interested thnn
ourselves In continuing the use of the Pastilles.
Even then we do not attempt to rob them by d e
mandtng high prices. On the contrary, we make
the prices as low as possible, and the same to all.
They are as follows: 13 for one month; $6 for
two months; $7 for three months.
These prices secure
the dclivory of the
Pastilles by mail. If
dOBlred by express we
leave the patient to
pay the charges. For
over ten years we
l . . , j nave operated our
business upon this plan with satisfactory results.
nutwnn )i-Btnia neemng treatment lor any
Of the secret ills which eome to mankind through
a violation of nature's laws to send us their ad'
dren8 on postal card or by letter and allow us to
convince them that PROF. HA It KIN' SOI
t'BI.E Mi:iH A'l KI PASTILLES have
merit and are what they need.
All communications confidential and should be
addressed to
The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
" 69Beel!man8t,', NEW YORK CITY, N Y,
. i'oot-l'rinls mi the Path to lirallli.
Everyone ncedinj,' a doctor's advice
Bhould read one of Dr. Foolc's ?imc
pamphlets on "Old Eyes," 'Crcni,"
.'Hupture," "Phiniosifl," "Viiricocele,"
Disease of men, Disease of Women, i.nd
learn the best means of seli-ciue. M
Hill Pub. Co., P.!9 East ffilh St.. New
imp. . .in oi . .numCMWim
C f ft00,S"lrlh o! i"vey Music tor Forty -
IS.. VIU ;. wiiwwinK or too pnRra
latpst. brightest, liveliest and most popular
5 selections, bth vocal anj Instrumental, 3
Z cludinn four larue size Portraits. S
ZZ CM!!?LTA' "e Spanish Dancer; 3
PADEHEWSKI, the Great Pianist, -
Broadway Theatre Bldjr., New YorkClty. 13
SSlll ,,.,N,ySSERS WANTED. 2
.n!iY3 TtELIABLE and porteotly SAFE. Tr.
vZitrS blT 'iiou lands or womin all over lli
DrnotiiJ ? ?S" th0 "L? EOOTOI1S prlvato mill
win' . year", and not a .Ina-li bad result.
SZ5S?& KaS5-
M. VAZD IHSTIUIE, 120 . Hlath Bt.,' St, Louis, Ha
9X Tnnl IT I A .
positive cure. Question Blann and Bool
iree. tian or write.
C2 Pine Street, . . ST. LOUIS, MO
j A Sugar Hoarder.
A man living in Burke, Vt., has saved
, all the maple sugar he has made in the
last fifty years, having now on hand a
considerable quantity of the boiling of
1S4D and his entire crop of every year
since, the whole aggregating 10,000
pounds. It is all stirred sugar and has
kept perfectly. Xobody knows why he
li.mr.1 Hi .i,n. n.l 1... ... . . I
..x........ ... e.u&u. nun no uuera no ex
pi ana t ion. j
Produce $2 50 and net the Gnzett for i
oneyenr. Nioe family paper, and bul
ly to pnper eabim. 1
UH. 11. B. UUTTS, &a I'm, blreel, m. llo";, ko.
- l.-tuial Rewards for Those Whose
Answers are Correct
"i.'re.l a priBnn where n eonfinee
i - I'liniiiil Oil inaking a miiient to tn
''"' fri'm-ni-e nf the doomed man, thr
- . ... i ! i . . , -i 1 Him I,,,,,,. iJUt iiativ were -rmjt,
- " " pii,r,ier u, visiti.r taid : "Ilri.ihen
i i"e I iiHii,',l)ut thataian'a (the priaoueraj
r niken in the pri.oner. Now, what re-
While you keop yunr Biilificrii.tioii pniil up yi'i.
oan keop your bran J iu fl-oo of oiiKi'Ke.
Allyri. T. J.. lone, Or. Ilorsin (!(( Jf
Blmulilnr; cattle hhiiih on left hip, mnlr hit on
rnrht ear, and upper bit on the left; riiiitro, Mor
row county.
Armstroriir J. C, AlpiiiO.Or.-Twitli bar un
der i I on left uhoDldor of hurei-B; cuttle Biiuie
on lefl hip.
All,',,.,,, n I,':.... n.i :i ...
I, i ','. " nine, irr.-t nttlo brniirl,
U L) on left hip mid horoee sinun hraml on nlit
mx.uiuui. .miifc-j, H.IKI1L 1I11IO.
Ailkina, J. J Hcppnor, Or. iim-Mia, JA oori
neoted on lett bank: cattle, mmioon left liip.
llnrlliolimiew, A. (i Alpmo, Or.- Horses
M.n.iueu , ii oi. eiuiei-Bnoinuer. ItaiiKoin M(r
row county
oieaKman, ooo., Jlnnlinnn, Or.-JInrees, a finK
...... . ,.,.,u., iniiin "nine on riKht Ktiinililor.
.j u . iVr " -pr. ldltle biand-
cd H on left Jiip and tlntrli: split in raicli ear.
v. ' . i ' V. i ' 1 ;:" B,'rry oreiton-llnraos
riKht Btoe? l "luo s"mo ""
llnrL-,. M Ml O I ,
MA Y ..,; ';.l i f. Ki WBelt' l;r--"i cuttle,
tier half crop oil riKht. it ore ,m ,e bS
letft shoulder. Kuaue in Graat "L jiorn,w
Ilrnamon Tni.-,. I ,T
on riKh shoulder; o-attle It ,,B 1,. si o
Left ear half crop snd riKl,t ear upper lpa. '
r-il", o"' i m':Htlt"'m, Or. -Horses, J R
right thiKb; cattle, same on rinbt hip: 8plit hi
eaeli ear. k 11 111
riKl.tstine; cullle same on riKhthip; n,,
row county. '
Hrnwii .T O. l-ln.,r.n it
"yorit,o,,,ti,eleaBl,uilier:'',t;,it""r,e,,i, Z
Uoyer, W. G lleppner, Or.-llorees 1.,.,
brand on risht hiu cattle, samu ulil. ... I:.
each ear. ' 1
inr,' P O ttn.. n ,r
- . ..Bi.pnui, v.r. norsea, f jj on left
ebiralilur: cattle, oiimo on loft hip.
o i wiub, vv . J ., toi.Or-Cattle, Jit connected
mi,hniB"it,.i':",P",! lBft- e"r ""d two split", in,
D w Vth' nZeX VZC J) "'I .hor8fi? "mo" stifle
and ,TS ,Z - tshoulder
left Bhoi, n, " " "".Wl?"?. " Van; "n
rnnKein OranUouiry TOr. All
Cliirlr Wm II I T
rted.;0 m-uZ:' ffl
hui. UaiiKe i nrmw m,i n Ii. . " 'W
ctn i'l,,.u o ;7 "11.1-iihi uimntieB.
h i : ; i.v ,f" 111 "t or. uom
HanKe Marrow andTiaUlla cXit.eT r,ght
i. :;lm or.-Ubi, oroS9
(,imk A .1 lfi j .
leftBUHe'."- " "'liB,'Or. .Hon,mm
(,ox Ed. 8., Hnrdman, Or. (Vitle ('0,10,
l ll, center; borsoB. t!K on left 'lip ' C with
,.., ... munsment, Urant Co Or
under slope bolh ears and dwp mttrk
- , nBH "iV-' il"r,im,Bn.' Or'-HorBes branded
..on riKbt hip. i:attlebra...de,lthesn1 0
h; ? f I''l?br 2"W hranded with three
tineil fork on left 8t tie. fettle sa'ne nn hTfi i 1
. DouBlasB, W M .. (ialloWsVbr.- Vujt 11 fit'
unBetrhip?WU'1UW-f0rk i0 eBdl "ok'S
Bouglaa, O. T., Boar-las, ()r-JIrFna TT1 n
the K ,tBt,He; cattle eanie on righVh p T U
Klliort VV .,.,1. 11
riKlit Bhouldel " arMmt Ur' Ui"d on
Hale. Mlllim, api. Or.- II, in.es i,,...,,.
-O- (circle will, painliel I,-, lis) ,.f, sli,, ,
fnttli'Biuue mi lefl hip nlmi lnrKe eircle i, 1 T;
side. ' '
n-.lt l.'.l 1.. T..I... T.... I.- ,. ..
nflt- , nun. I'niwiii.a-'ini i'i.j..ir, , umio li, lnr. ,
and hip; biirBCB aiuue on nulit Blinliliii r. I ., ,!
...1. i I.IKIlt L'.llllllV. "Kill.
Ilowanl, J 1., ' alloway. Or.-Hon.eB, (,..
wllh bar above it) im ripht hiiuiderT cittu
mime on loll side. Huiiko 111 Morrow aud II,,
lilli, e.tiii.fii'w. lt,M-
I HiiKbea, Mat, lleppner, Or. Horna ,, i.i
bi art uti tho letl Bliuulder. ItaUKe Morrow f
llunsaker, H A. WaKlinr, dr. tlurwa, V m, L
Bhi.iililerioa.lle. Hon left hip. ' ""
llnnliiily, Albert, Nye, Oreiion- llors.'s A H
ciinneclwi. on lefl Bhmilder! faille on the'le?.
hlli.oiiip oil lefl eer,
Iliiuipbre.vH, J Al. Jiarduiau, Or. HoraeB II
lef. Hank ' 0,1
HnyoB. J. M Uoiipnor. Or. IlorBea, wineahu.
on h'ft shouldor oaltle. same on riKht hip.
liuHton, Lulber. J'aKht Aide, Or. Jur8tt ii
theteft BliotildiTimd heart ou the left stitle fat
lie name on left hip. Itauire in- IVIiirriiw ooin.i
Ivy, Alfrml. Lour Creek, Orf8tle 1 !'
rit lil hip, crop oft left ear aud bil in riKht, Hui ,,
mime brand on left Bhoulder UaiiKe n tirani
d.inis, Harry, lleppner, Or-Horsea hriuidwl
H ,1 on the left shoulder: oattle banuded J ,,11
riulit hip, also iiudei bit in left ear. iiaime 11
Morrow ceuiily. " lu
J tin kin. tt. HI., lleppner, Or ItoiBen, horse,
shoe J on left shouldor. Cuttle, the aiima
banire on KiKht Mile. llns'
Johnaon. 1'elii, Lena, Or. Horses, ciroleToii
left Btitle; catlle, B.iine on ribt hip, under half
orep in rnrht and split in left, ear
Jenkins, I) W.,Mt. Venion.Or, J on horse.
left Bh.ml.ler; .. cattle, J on left hip and,
Binooth cropB on both earn. Itangoin Foi Za
Hearvalti.iH aim
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Ilornea hr,l j
KNV on left hip. cattle same ad "rZ ,Tth
ear; miller slutiennthe rltflit rt
hirk, J.T., lleppner. Or.-Horse 8 nn Bf,
Bln.nliler; cattle, till on left hip.
Kirk, J (), Heppner. Or. llorsos. 17 ,)n io,.
tlKiiki.'nltle 17 on riht Bide.
Kirk. Jesae lleppner, Or ; burse 11 ...
sliculder; catlle Biune on light Bide, uuderbit ,,
riK'it oar. 11 a
Kuinberland.W.G.. Itluttnt Vernon Or -I 1 ,
entile on nnhl and lefl . eideB, swallow fm'kin I.S
ear and under ciop in riKlit ear. HorBosl,,.,
brand on left shoulder. HanKe in Ore!
Lofton, Htephen, Fox, Or. H L im u 1 v'
on cattle, crop uiiil split on riKht ear. 1
Jiant, " lBft "h"UWor' Uau S
liii't'iillen, John W., I.ei rr--. Or -11...
hip, wm tie over nnht .,, throe .lit. jiV
il.!,','!',?'' 'iii"rK,!- ,1""l"(,r' "r.-Ilorses bramM
-o'r.l,;:;;s;:o,d(erraBtl'"oa "
Jliiikhnn. A. M., lleppner. Or Paulo l.
J;-;!' o'si'B M on left hill. liBllltUi
Jiinor, Oscar, rteppner nr. Cattle M ti
riKht hip; li.iiwt M on left shoulder. ' "
ivinirain M. N., lleppnor, Or. l,ww
,, -., p. -i,,... cauie BHlneon lefl hip.
bar over 0,1 i ia, shiMiii' r. '
Mm-,.,,,, 'i'i,.. 11 ;,. ..
i&tiiti -,srcK.Tt
Jh'Claren, ) (i., Ilrownsville, Or,-ll,.BB
I ir..r,,,ue,',,'l, ,,l,,,,,l,lor: cattle. M'don "n '
Mc( any. David 11. Koho Or. Horses branded
Al.-dii r, l- rnnk, F.. Valley, Or.-Miiln s1(,e
iv 1 l,.,.-ei'k on cattle on ribs and under in
eacli ear; horses Hame brand on left etitle.
wi'!'!,'!!''''!' ' ;''"":i;..n.Or.-Un jliir'ae-.
wi.li i.ilf . ..vie under on lefl alioul,ler;or, , ,
IVi al.Androw. Lone ilock.Or.-Hoi-Bi'B A N ,.,,
Oliver, Jeeph, Canyon City, Or. -A Son ealtu
Olll.IV l..rr 1 ...I ... ,
slii.u. ii'i. '.iKioii. ur.-r o on lefl
O n. .,,, ll...!.:.. ..
Ll' ,A;,i"o; I, " ,Jj '"""a oattle, 0
and wnrtleonnose: Itun ' ZiZ.S."1"19
1 .'arson, o nvo, JSiKht Mile. ( Ir.-Homes ii'uar
Z W'Si'Sili '-ul'lerndo,n"i:;fi
h it shoulder. ' """""""' -Uo.BoBll'oo
1 il'i-r. l ino t, Lexi.iKi,,,,. Ov.- Hc-i-b brand-
Hi (L h, cotmeiilei I in ,.,'1 ..I ,.1 ... .
a nie mi i-i.-lii 1,1, . u ...... "" "T" l"J
J'n, or. .1 .' I ... I ......... .''"' ' ei.uniy.
riKht ""' U,!t "'"'"m' Hi:'' i" E
I'nwell. John T.. nayvillo.Or-llnrnes .H' e,m
en hi ; iwo if;;"1'1,"'',, t;,"ile 51
... w "l,ll,r half ri-opB, one n each our
"l i'd'AnT;'"""!! 1;'''K. rrit'S,umy.e'lr'
lel'li'SL'.""8' JJulJ'r' -- i' h on
riKh, shoulder. lU7ri(JS5. D AN ""
left Hiiouin;;; " r on
" er. nane ia M
Rush Bros., tip
M )
,m,Z r&i'm''' '-"'. brauderj X
crop oil left eaCToiE:
i'7",W w' , .".''i'.i.'iMK couutiea. g "
left si , I ",r.-l oi-.es 11
riKht ear.umlerbu'.n; eft ',,1 "till?,
WC lAI'U I.lllt.fl it - , ..11
tillaandMowc;!;'' UmU
b,3::y'A ,..''fiW. r.-Horse.
niicle over i,r .1 B ... "l"UIler. vuut jnartel
Jil;");3.1!!""' conneete,
and or. ,i, ,,f: ,' .i.i ... , p oattle oil riclit hip
v.....ii,iu uii win coum.ee.
lef 'shooider'' ,1,l,"p'"",r' "r.-Horsies. JO ol
leu shoulder, tattle, nun riKhthip.
K,,ii.t-,.UU r ii, 4-.
branded 31 ' on ief ' si,. . "HIT??- Or.-Hor-e.
County. , lanye lu morrow
o.lilfeonhl''',;?,e,' Of-HoMes branded 3 A
Swiikk an u ' k"tU. BH""' "n luft "V
with it I, :,. L J -.'...te"". Or.-Horsee
SKT on. bind le. ftauKe iu Moirow
Odhamand Imatilla counties. iorow.
im left ,,,,,'id;,': .. , na- "r Horses brande.' a
JS on left Bhoulderrcattle the 'L0r"0S,br''nded
waddle Haiuro in tlie same, also nose
H ephens V A h "T ""d Uam counties.
riKhtPstX;'catUe'hor& L0"n i'"?8, s-!
Stevenson, WrB A I Hn n H'e ngllt 81de
lett h,uycnm n-VVner',0r--t;'ll VV C on
BhoulderT ' u",rpnB8'Ur--'Uor. Con left
le.t r,ruLrVlH3.Mcrattir--SmaI1 1
with BplitiJ'bmh ears Bam0 on left hi'
HfeM Of-Hor branctod
Vandei',,,,,,1 ii '"""titlo; Bheep same brand.
nected oh riKhtl,'.mi7a' Ul';rtlHr8" Hv c.
on riKht shoulder joatUe. same on riKht
V. L.
ii a - ii
tlesame -nta hiinMSSi
Heek, Jackson, Heppner. ()r.HUU
JZ"..': cattle S on
oFleft. " "'8 m n'" crop
rih a hn,. lST r-ttle, LF n I
Bhoulder. u"r uuaur "Kht
. Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses
riKht Bl.oulde, ; cat,e.V on riKht h p ,,r thiKh
WF if,1,' t"e"rK''' Vew. Or.-Callle branded
i, b,ir otOT t. on eft side; croo oft left
ear, Horses, same brand on left hi?, P left
.houHl.,rHe"rJ'' How'' Or.-UAi on left
Irilrisl I'nliliahim: Conin.inv will !.,. ..-.n -
...!' I'r"'m, "'"''"is the lirst currert an
3"' 250: 4,' : 5,h,
i ..ver p ,011 other rrwanln, cnnnsiinn of ni&nus
l'-'-;i Hi'i.iling the lu eorrrpt mm, will b
'"' l"nn. to Uie nut to the la.ii a bi-auti
-.ai.i, '.. wiuatte," (iilm.n.l,- .- . . .
:'':r. "'.u".?:r.".' V".''"hi ."'"l-'.'tiea, m .l r marks, crop oft ril r ,M , nnV?a k !-",";!
'hs. i omi"' ad"Mor;;
ue.iii,, r imer, r.cno, Or.-Hores bri-niled H
B. with a uuarter ciri'le over it, on left slide
Kangeui Morrow and Umatillacounties.
Hnye.(ieo.,lJena,Or, Ilran.tJH connected
with quarter circ - over it, on left !,ider
If ialt A. H HidKe, Or.-CatUe. ruund- op
with quarter circle under it on the nit I ,,
hanie in Morrow and Umatilla counties n "'"'
n iViii . ",;'. ur Cattle, two !,
- i. i-
" im,,-., imim of the day. 13
', 1 'Vi''1;:",'1 "' " in iMi'i'l
- 1,1 , 'I'' '"""""'' .'.".. r,,m,,
'Ik ti l.i. ,1, .1, ....-,, , nni
' , "' "'. .'" ,nari-r Ui
'- .'n. mil wm. ilie 1.1,, ,IIW.
I 1 i H". Re nn
" iii-t is ill 1,1,1 eMl,li,h, ,1 trnctrri
a'"".." ti'ireil I,, i, ',,""
..-'..il Im mined list ol l,n.
r.AI Wra,- HePpor. 0r. H..
cr.ipottiefrearand ri-h1-.8 hiP
Wllsim .l..l,n n A ,'-"eeu.
" " .'u.il.. o-
. " arreu. w li, Caleb, Or Cattle W '.v.
circle over it, on ln atUe.W with quarter
Horses 8,,rne brand o" left shSnlrt1" 'if1" ""'
Grant comity. ' shualaer, Kaune in
8 W'&eKniSS0'- C8,tle b-"led
and split in left P' qUa oroD riBht ear
ace':sp1adne',ePeP,r si ZT11
Cattle branded Batne on bifi 2 "I6 ielt hi
Wells, A. tt., Heppner Or "u" a'"1 lBfl hll'-ehoukier-
cat! "E ' 0r'ilor6ea, a-0 on eft
th'pehtL' feKoYl0'' h
bit n bolh u"" JM.1 BtHiDlder; 7 on sheen
Simmies. " 1,1 Unut 'id ilalhuei
WlHulwurt .Tl t, .
n;r r:;"u.' "qppner, or.-Ho.
iv,t , 11 8"o,Uder. ' "
1 . 1. 1
Jnflte P'aad. Or.-Cattl. w .
cle over three bars f ' r'-Qnarter oir-
! horse,. llaSirZX,luuh,P' l""h 0tt,Uo
V ilh.inia, J 0. Lone Creek- ri. li
ter circle over il,;rv.5 Lreo,k- 'r-Horsea. nutr
ol slit in ear. KSS
V.en, A A., Heppner. Or.-H.,. , . .
.......... ..Kuiiiiuu. ur i attle.twiilit.:. vu isnouiuer: Cattle . .. " 0 , .loiiiinBa a
me ii irn-Ti pint,,, n,.M r "'J-"t v ', i r-,r ""u -P'u in left. . walker KliMlwk .1. ...... .. "
' " HiKer s cuttle. nrr .... r il' C v' . uel " W
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